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We're def very spoiled with Gary Keith and Ron. I'm not sure how other teams manage


I hate Philly but Kruk is hysterical.


ESPN makes me even more grateful for the boys at SNY


I would be watching 10% of the games I do now if it weren’t for Ron Keith Gary and Steve


We know


Without messing with my tv, I somehow managed to have the mlb app audio of the Mets feed be slightly ahead of the game.


If it's far enough ahead and you're fast enough, you could make a killing on prop bets. /s


Does Perez talk at a different frequency than humans? Cone is worthless just like on Spankee telecasts


Perez might be the worst broadcaster ever.


He sounds like he's gargling or has a bone in his throat


And to think Perez was almost made manager before Beltran


I absolutely HATE ESPN coverage. Overproduced, horrible commentary and always seemingly anti Mets. I sometimes will skip games when I know they will be covering it.


I remember listening to Bob Costas in the postseason I think last year. I always liked him, I mean he’s legendary, but his producers were in his ear feeding him these bullshit stats to the viewers. The problem is that the producers think that everyone cares about all these jerky stats and they ruin a good game by squeezing in every useless statistic that they could think of. Ok the first 2-3 innings the Mets were tattooing the ball, ok so then mention it but stop droning on and on. Also, I was curious how far Vientos’ HR went but that is something that has always interested fans. Notice when they start mentioning that on SNY that Keith shuts them down? That’s because he gets it and he knows that nobody cares.


I would upvote this 1,000 times if I could.


This never gets old. [Joe Benigno FLUMP](https://youtu.be/TjyKP9C7SI0?si=9WinRPElsDssXofw)


They have this “let’s make everyone happy by being incredibly bland” vibe.


The Disney Way


The Disneyfication of sports


What ESPN should do is rotate the teams play by play commentators and have 1 of each of the team’s color commentators. The lack of enthusiasm yesterday was shit. Sevy threw a gem, Lindor had a great catch but you couldn’t tell cause yesterdays team seem bored


Always thought it would be great if they did something like that. They could have their own play by play guy and then Ron and the equivalent from the opposing team. Each could give some local perspective on things. With the way national games usually are I always feel like it’s a dumbed down version and many times they try to awkwardly squeeze in some reference like grimace and omg last night from Alonso.


Oddly enough that was the best ESPN SNB broadcast of the year so far since they had Jon Sciambi doing the PxP instead of Karl Ravech, who has no business calling MLB games. I don't mind Coney most of the time there since he is better than the other 2 usual boothmates. Eduardo Perez has always been and remains just awful. He always sounds like he is angry or upset about something. He has no business being there but I presume he checks a box for ESPN. It's shocking how far ESPN has fallen in their MLB coverage.


I really don't care whether if they suck or not. As long as we win.


I watch my non- SNY Mets games on mute, with Greatful Dead music playing


I don’t listen to BT & Sal anymore but the last thing I heard BT say was that C.J. Mosley was and I’m paraphrasing here but that he was no good. I rather listed to David Cone than those two idiots.


Everything about that station sucks period. If I have to put up with that torture watching Met game it’s sound off.


I will say tho the picture quality of the broadcast is great tho.


I have it muted listening to dave matthews, because he's at the game... also edibles, so there's that! LFGM!


Hopefully your not wearing a schmedium DM shirt


Very well played


When DMB's in Chicago no kayaker is safe.


Lets be honest. Theyre better than Apple TVs crew.


That is not a high bar to clear.


At least 3 mistakes made in the first 4 innings. The one I remember best was when they said that DJ Stewart was good last year and hit 11 home runs in eleven hundred sixty at bats. No correction, there never is


I always feel like they have a biased against the Mets. It seems whenever the Mets do something good during the game, they have such a lack of enthusiasm announcing what happened.


Cone head was a better Pitcher than he is a Broadcaster! I’d rather hear Keith sigh and say Fanny anytime!


I don’t watch enough ESPN to know who these guys are, I did pick up that one of them was David Cone, but the one guy that sounds like his nose and sinuses are clogged with Play-Doh needs to just stop talking. Just listening to him makes me want to irrigate my sinuses. ESPN should offer synchronized radio broadcasts so I could at least listen to announcers who like the team.


Cone was the only one that had anything good to say the other dopes hate the Mets


I want sounds of the game and no broadcasting analysis ever. Ok, only if Keith or Ron or Gary have something to say.


Not only baseball


FWIW it’s still better than Apple’s crew.


Oh yeah, no argument here


You mean, they don't toss a good salad?


Wow that's quite the bold statement , what do you suggest the solution is for the situation ?


I'm watching without the sound.


Listening to radio?