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This is all pretty basic stuff. If you want to "master" the game, and I'm by no means close to that, there are many more mechanics you need to pay attention to, such as party composition and all the different buffs and debuffs and what they actually do. Read everything carefully, or you'll be like me and not understand what the "marked" status does until 10hrs into the game. Learn what the heroes are really good at and fill their deck accordingly. Some examples - Dr. Strange has only a few good offensive skills, he shines at buffing others. Captain Marvel is a mixture of offense and tanking, she can build up a lot of block and taunt enemies and has access to counter, which is amazing. The same is true for Captain America and Wolverine. Iron Man and Nico have superb offenses and fantastic buffs, they're some of the best all around. Spidey has his "Opportunist" skill which allows him to perform environmental attacks for free, which is amazing, it doesn't cost card plays and they do tons of damage if you're lucky with enemy placement. Build some heroism with quick attacks, use Opportunist, and you can sometimes clear encounters in a single round by blasting every single environmental attack on the map.


Ironically, one of Strange's strengths is having a much higher damage Quick attack than most other characters. While most of his damage isn't great, Winds is surprisingly good at chipping enemies while picking off minions and eventually in finishing off wounded real enemies for free. In general, yeah, learning to take cues from the tools each character has instead of forcing them down a specific path is a big deal.


ChatGPT content.


Hardly a guide


Saved. Just bought the game. Probably gonna start it tomorrow


*Opens a guide about a videogame* *The guide tells you to look up on guides in youtube* Idk man when I worked in the editorial industry I had some quality standard