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What are they exactly? Are they “migraine glasses”?


The reputable ones like through Zenni are an FL-41 rated type of bluelight blocking lense that essentially blocks all wavelengths of blue light which is known to cause eyestrain and other issues. Since people with migraines are normally incredibly photosensitive and are known to be extra sensitive to bluelight this is a great tool to help prevent and/or reduce the severity of migraines in some people. I know it seems silly and literally looking at the world through rose colored glasses but many people including myself have found them very helpful. My job involves sitting under lights staring at a computer all day, these help me on bad days.


It is kinda funny that I can joke "why yes do look at the world through rose colored glasses"


They look great!! I love mine (Zenni too), I also felt eye fatigue reduce as soon as I put them on. Wishing you and your daughter all the best in recovering from the hospital stay.


I hope your daughter is doing alright. Thank you for posting, I’ve seen something similar to these but they were pink and I couldn’t bring myself to do it lol but I actually really like these!


I just ordered some as well. I have blue light blocker glasses but I spend my whole day under flurescents on a computer so I thought the FL-41s might be worth a try. I've had a status migraine for 3 weeks so getting pretty desperate for any relief.


Be prepared for the “what’s up with the sunglasses indoors?” comments hahah! I absolutely love my FL41s from Theraspecs. I wear them the entire work day. I only take them off for lunch or when I go to the bathroom, just because I like to give my ears a break. The only other time you’ll ever catch me looking at a computer screen without them is when I’m doing very color-oriented graphic design. I’m currently in a flare up and there’s pretty much nothing that will prevent my migraines, but when I’m closer to my baseline my FL41s definitely help prevent/lessen some. I definitely recommend these to anyone who has migraines triggered by fluorescent lighting or screens.


I love to draw , it's my own type of therapy and I definitely know I'll need to not wear them when drawing. Totally messes with color theory