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This is common in an office. While you’re gone they switch out the broken chair, monitor, etc with yours. I visited an office where my colleague is on maternity leave, sat in her chair and almost fell out. It was broken and hanging on by one screw.




A friend of mines dad was an army supply sgt during the Vietnam war. He told me that sometimes a chopper went down hard and would be essentially irrecoverable. When that happened, all the supply sgts would submit their lists of equipment "lost" on "that" chopper. By the time all the lists were collected, they would represent something like 20,000+ lbs of gear. For referecne, the Huey chopper can lift around 5000lbs max. "No wonder the chopper crashed, it was 12X overloaded" was the joke but no one ever complained about the obvious ass covering / theft that was going on.


That's called "procurement"


It's called a "tactical acquisition"


funny cuz true


My Grandpa said that they refurbished all the Jeeps and trucks on the ship back after WWII to just push them overboard. I think it might have been something to keep the returning troops busy, make more room, and don't come back with too much inventory.


During World War 2 my grandpa was written up for rebuilding an airplane and flying it around the airfield. He was a mechanic by trade and there was no shortage of aircraft that couldn't be flown. He was told if that plane went off the ground he would be court-martialed. He also built a "sub" to sneak onto boats during the night, steal food, and return to the guys in his unit so they didn't have to eat C-rations and could get some of the officers mess. He never got caught for that. I miss his stories :(


No. He did serve as an honor guard at the Nuremberg Trials and was nominated for two purple hearts. He declined the purple heart. He said his papers were lost. When he died, our local Funeral Home history buff found his "lost" discharge papers. They were original. I was the first to his Visitation and Brother Bob called me into his office and asked if I had ever seen my Grandpa's discharge papers. I said "No. GP said he lost them long ago." Bob handed me some ancient looking papers and said he never lost them. I don't know why he hid those papers from me. GP never lied. He didn't even exaggerate. I thought those tales were a little over the top at times, but they were true. GP was a highly decorated soldier. My Dad never knew it. They did a 21 gun salute and gave us the flag and seven spent cartridges. Perhaps the most memorable day of my life. And they all did it with cal 30 M1 Garand. Grandpa said it was very heavy, but it packed a whallop. He killed more one night by hand than he did by artillery. That night at the plantation. He snuck up and put his arm around their mouth so they wouldn't make a sound. I asked how many he killed. He didn't want to answer the question, but said he piled them up in the morning. I looked it up years ago and sure enough he was part of the 23 man squad or whatever they call them took on 300 Germans. It wasn't that hard of a fight since the Germans were coming over the berm or trying to sneak through the orchard where he found them. He also told me about shelling a town before they ever got to see it and he remembered the bath tub hanging from a corner. I saw that in an old book from Middle School and it was ratty. People way back then didn't want the younger ones to know what war is. Grandpa was a hero and enlisted to protect his country. I wish he would have instilled that into my Dad. He was one of the company that was assaulted and prevailed at a plantation. Didn't have to fire a shot all night.


At first, I thought you were being sarcastic, but after my GP's stories, you are 100% correct. He was just a southern boy that knew how to hunt, but all the rations were crap and they were warned that that they would get into trouble if they strayed away from camp, they never bitched one bit when he'd bring a couple of deer back every once in a while.


They did cool shit like that back then. GP said the best hunting in the world was in Germany and the women didn't really care because their men weren't coming home. I asked my GP why he declined all the recommendations for promotion and he said he didn't want to be responsible for anyone under him for their deaths.


Ah yes. Brian was our scape goat for a good 6-9 months when he got fired. He stole company property and was definitely high on meth and codeine everyday so my boss more than willing to accept he fucked everything up even months after he left.


Fuckin’ Brian


He was the *worst!*


Wait, Brian got fired? He still owes me money...scumbag.


He keeps stealing from the walmart to try to pay you back but the money just keeps going....somewhere.


I can't stay mad at Brian. He helped me move that one time...


But did you ever see your Sony Walkman™ again after that?


No, but that bathroom has never looked cleaner.


Yeah, Brian was such a douche.


Ha, my husband's name is also Brian and I blame everything on him.


I, too, blame everything on your husband Brian.


Thank you! Keep up the good work!


So now I know who to blame for everything bad in my life. Thanks, Brian! And fuck you! 🤣


yeah, fuck that guy.


Brian, top marks for not tryin'.


So kind of you to bless us with your effortlessness


We're grateful and so strangely comforted


(Brainstorm's insane drum fill)


You always have the guy that’s gone be the scapegoat, sorry Tim but I ain’t telling the boss man that I fucked up when you’ve already quit, ain’t no sense in both of us being unemployed


Thank you Brian and Tim, for all that you don't know you've done.


Brian ran over my infant son


Brian turned me into a newt…. I got better…


When I left my old job I told them they have at least two months worth of blaming any problems on me and I made sure my friends got all the good stuff from my desk.


Sounds like leaving work release


My father had the reverse happen when he was let go form a financial ferm, the whole work structure fell apart because he was the only one actually doing the work, they tried to rehire him for basically 1k more and he refused


The karmic circle in action


I love it when stuff like this happens. May his former employer lose as much as they deserve.


This. When someone leaves my workplace, they are the scapegoats for all the failures on which department they were on. I guess it easy to blame someone that cannot defend themselves.


I hate that so much... Every thing that wasnt done the past few months or has some errors was our ex-coworker's fault. That woman was very good at her job and everyone knew it so who are they trying to fool? Oddly it just works because she isnt there to defend herself and now the word on the office changed to "she wasnt so great after all!


I left a job and they had a friend call me asking for missing materials. I didn't have them but I don't think they believed me.


Name checks out


In my office, if the cubicle looks unused, equipment is up for grabs. Even though the facilities people will fix or replace it within the week with no questions asked, no one wants to look them up...


Grave robbing


Well, maternity leave, so cradle snatching


I work in IT and can confirm that if a desk isn't in use and has good monitors, keyboards, and mice, it gets taken and the crappy stuff gets dumped there. I have gotten a few tickets saying I just got back and my screens aren't working or don't match, only to have someone say, oh yeah, I swapped equipment.


They'll also steal the new guy's stuff if you set it up earlier than the day he starts.


I just went on two weeks leave. Everyone knew with a few weeks in advance as it was announced repeatedly during planning meetings. I come back and find out that my boss was "reassigned" my equipment 9 am the first fucking day I was away. Who did he give my stuff to: The new person who he knew was starting for at least 3 weeks. So he not only CBA to organise equipment for the new person but has the balls to tell me to fill out an equipment request when I asked where my stuff was. Fucker.


Well when you need a monitor today, not in a week, you swap one from the unused desk and request facilities come and replace it! At least that would be the ethical way to handle it.


No, the most ethical way is to call facilities to do the swap for you, so they can track it in their inventory system.


That is assuming they track equipment to a desk. My current workplace does this and would be very upset if I started swapping things without letting them know. Other places I've worked did not track equipment down to the desk or person.


No, it's called stop being lazy and call your IT department.


If they take a week to replace a monitor, which is a work stoppage, you do what you gotta do.


In any IT department I have worked in, we ALWAYS have spare monitors. Never has a monitor issue took a week. If it did, they need an entire IT change. I could chuck a monstrous amount of 20 inch monitors at you more than you could imagine. There is a reason IT has a back inventory


Worked one place they cut out back inventory to cut costs “why do we need to have stock, just get what we need when we need it”. Then “why is this person waiting so long for a monitor?!”


This is an org I would hate to work IT. Imagine all the other ways they would force the department to cut costs.


This has been the unofficial policy at every office I’ve worked. It’s not malicious.


> It’s not malicious but it \*is\* mildly infuriating ;)


Because you were gonna strategically transport equipment to another location, but someone else got to it first?


I stole my future sales manager chair bc the desk was empty for a month. She laughed it off once I told her that her shitty chair was because of me.


What kind of places do you guys work??? When I was on mat leave, my coworkers dusted my knickknacks every week and left me a sign on my computer that they all signed welcoming me back. Your offices are allowing y’all to just touch and move other people’s belongings??


> Your offices are allowing y’all to just touch and move other people’s belonging No, the coworkers just do it.


Yeah worse case scenario is your chair might get switched out while you’re gone, but everything else is left alone.


Computer, phone desk and chair belong to the company, your personal belongings should be left alone


Right? Like my coworkers give out Christmas gifts throw farewell parties etc


Right?!? My office has desks set aside for temps, interns, part-timers, diff location visitors, etc. No one else’s desks get touched! So rude for OP to deal with coming back :-(


Seriously. I worked in a call center for five years and, if you had an assigned desk, the only thing that might be messed with is your chair or maybe your screens. Computer itself, personal belongings, file cabinets, all of that was considered sacred and you absolutely were not allowed to touch them under any circumstances.


Hell, I had someone try this shit on me when I took a week of vacation. Found my chair, took it back and left them without a chair. They even had the nerve to come back and ask why I took "their chair".


if their IT is worth anything they have each person sign out their equipment per the SN and can track who this belongs to if it was switched out. can track down who owned what mouse where i am.


This would be WONDERFUL but I've never seen it happen I honestly don't know what the shit the IT departments at my old jobs did. I usually had to do everything myself until it had to do with a wire plugged into a router/switch.. then they'd poke for a minute and go back to sitting around


I guess they liked the yuri on ice mouse pad enough to keep using it?


Godamn they do. That's a sick mousepad!


I had almost the same thing happen. The IT guy just assumed the cubicle was empty and gave away my screens without checking with anyone. My boss was pissed when they noticed them missing so they scrambled to get me new ones the morning I came back.


I am in IT. Being the weirdo I am, I physically inventory everything with a serial number. Mind, over the network, not manually. That includes monitors if they use a Displayport or HDMI cable. You could imagine the look on someone's face when they report a swiped monitor, and I tell them to talk to supervisor about monitor serial number XYZ123. Here's the powershell: function Decode { If ($args\[0\] -is \[System.Array\]) { \[System.Text.Encoding\]::ASCII.GetString($args\[0\]) } Else { "Not Found" } } ForEach ($Monitor in Get-WmiObject WmiMonitorID -Namespace root\\wmi) { $Manufacturer = Decode $Monitor.ManufacturerName -notmatch 0 $Name = Decode $Monitor.UserFriendlyName -notmatch 0 $Serial = Decode $Monitor.SerialNumberID -notmatch 0 $hostname = $env:computername $user = (Get-WmiObject -Class win32\_process | Where-Object name -Match explorer).getowner().user echo "$hostname,$user,$Manufacturer,$Name,$Serial" }


Dude there's no way they pay you enough, my work's IT can't even install a printer. You better be making at least 100K. Edit: When I posted jokingly that "IT" guys can't handle a printer, I wasn't ready for an hour of constant groveling about it not being their fault. Come the fuck on guys.


Oh no. Power shell is easy. Printers make rocket science look like a 1 piece puzzle.


After many years in service provider IT, software development for scientific computing, and several advanced degrees in computer science, I agree wholeheartedly that printers are The Worst. They are from the devil.


And they’re designed to be that way!


Printers are meant to be filled with tannerite and shot.


I have never been subject to a bigger lie than “the new printer is plug and play! No install needed! Just select it from the drop down menu and click print!” It was not plug and play. It was not in the drop down menu. Had to dig through the menus to find its IP address and install not one not two but three drivers. Printers are evil.


My old printer at home refused to work no matter what I tried so I kind of gave up on it. One day I had to unplug the TV (in another room) and boom, the printer started printing everything it had on queue.


No one can install a printer except for a printer. Only when it is ready will it work. And then you can expect that it will only work when it wishes to do so. The best solution is to simply never print anything. It's just not worth it.


My roommate's printer says it's connected to computer B through a wired connection. Even though it's actually connected via WiFi to computer A... with only the power cable plugged in. But it works like a charm. We don't understand the black magic, just that it chose to spare us.


Whoever invents a printer that just works will be the richest person on Earth. Or killed by Big Printer


I just imagine a gang of printers with baseball bats outside their home, waiting.


Printers will work well when their machine spirits are soothed with the correct paper sizes, proper and correct cleansing of rollers and moving parts, the correct application of lubricating oils and ritual incenses, and updates to the holy firmware. When you tend to the well-being of your printer's spirit, be sure not to use parts that are aftermarket as this is Heresy! Finally, make sure you incant the correct sanctified binharic prayers to the Omnissiah as you service the machine.


Thanks for the reminder, I need to order more prayer scrolls. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9gIMZ0WyY88](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9gIMZ0WyY88) Most sane IT worker.


The truth no generalist IT professional wants to hear: Printers are not difficult, they are just complex. They require an ability to simultaneously think in the physical and digital realms of troubleshooting, and most tech professionals are unwilling to admit that a device is too complicated for them to manage.


That doesn't explain why the printer at my last job chose a random scaling every single time it printed, and you had to make sure to manually set it every time on the print setup screen. There was demons in that thing, I swear


Here take my fake gold. 🥇


And since printnightmare, no-one CAN install printers


Fuck printers


I would link the scene from Office Space but I'm not savvy LOL


The printer is the final boss of IT I’ve had an easier time setting up a fully functioning network than configuring a single printer and I’m not even jokibg


Printers are designed to be awful to work with. That way, you have to enter a contract with The Printer Devil himself.


This is more than depressing given the general attitude the IT community has towards printer specialists.


Out of all examples you choose printers which are genuinely difficult sometimes lol.


Printers are definitely more difficult then most of powershell.


We actually assign our monitors to the person assigned to the desk or station by their employee number in our inventory system. I have found a couple "missing" items this way by finding which PC the monitor is currently attached to Our company had a lot of monitors for new hires and managers would just choose to steal someone else's rather than go through the request system


Your boss might have been pissed because you were not able to work from the first minute you came back 🫠


I mean. Isn’t that the point? Plus Bosses have bosses too in office settings. That could easily come down on them


I mean, yeah, but they could’ve just let you sort out your shit from the start and started working themselves. It’s all about perspective.


Nah. He was just glad to have me back. He thought for sure I was going to give notice and be a stay at home mom.


What is really mildly infuriating is the scrolling description text on mobile. I JUST WANNA READ IT, STOP SCROLLING.


If you click the photo you should be able to read all of the text at once


The “…” at the end made me think it was continued 🤦‍♂️. Didn’t realize it was the actual end of the sentence.


lmao I did this too


Yeah. fuck u/spez


I miss Apollo


Use old.reddit.com Also use Firefox mobile w/ "ublock origin" and "dark reader" add-ons. While you're at it go to device settings and change your DNS to (without the <> symbols). Big QOL upgrade with those few simple steps. Probably many others you could do too but that's a good start.


Why do people end their sentences with…


With what?


Bro it’s right there. It’s …


What is it?


I work in IT. Many times did I have to replace the items of people when they got back from Vacation or other leave. Some don't want to report the broken items. Usually it's the ones that are the repeat offenders that do this one, knowing they are getting the hand me downs I would set aside for them.


That's exactly why I have a tracker with all my Serial Numbers in my office. I check them before and after vacation every time. I also worked in Logistics for a while so


Yeah. We had asset tags on the major stuff, including monitors at one place I worked. But when stuff like this happened and I knew I didn't have the right asset, I wasn't allowed to confront the person who did swap it. Because we couldn't prove they were the person that did the swapping.


That's ridiculous. At that point I would switch it back and tell that person to figure it out. If I signed for specific items, I am maintaining those items. Specifically by serial numbers.


They didn't sign for it at the time. We just used it for tracking purposes. And the higher ups are the ones who told me not to do anything about it. When it happened. Which brought up the questions of why bother having asset tags on the monitors in the first place?


I also was downgraded from my private office during maternity leave. Which was dumb, because then I had to find a private space to pump, which was usually my old office since it was vacant.


That’s even worse! The private place I pump is a touchdown office and they locked it and only I have a key. So no one can work in there anyway!


At least you get the chance to pump. I have a friend who is a school teacher. She was allowed to pump if she wanted, but when would she have to do it? She gets 20 minutes for lunch and barely has time to eat. Other than that, she has one teaching period each day to prepare, and she uses that to prepare. She had no time to pump and had to give up breast feeding upon returning to work.


My boss gave me an rv bathroom turned xray developer room. To be used while he was driving from housecall to housecall. I decided to just dry up.


I got a supply closet without a lock on it and a metal folding chair. I tried so hard to pump and keep my supply and lost it because I was only allowed to pump at lunch or on break, and we rarely got breaks.


Pretty sure that’s illegal.


It's also the reality of teaching... When I was teaching I didn't have time to go to the bathroom other than during lunch and finally at the end of the day. No one is *stopping* you from stepping away, but when you have a classroom full of little humans in front of you and you're the only adult in the room, how are you meant to?


My coworker was telling me his teacher wife was trying to pump during one of her free periods (high school). Locked the door and everything, some kid wanted in for some reason and got the janitor to unlock it. Whoops….


If no one is using the office why not just move back in there? I guess you could always feign ignorance if it backfires. Or just ask your boss about what happened.


Why would they move you out of your office just to make it vacant? That’s the dumbest thing I’ve heard all month. Punishing you for being pregnant? I was an intern before and even I got an office in an office with cubicles, because the office was vacant. No classist or discriminatory nonsense. They gave it to me because it was free, and that’s end of story


I would have moved back in at that point; moving you out only to leave the space vacant sounds malicious af.


Same. Was out on maternity leave and when I returned a bunch of stuff from my office (that I had purchased myself) was all missing. People just came in and took what they wanted.


Did you get your stuff back


Oh ofc not. “No one knew where the stuff went” - although I did find some things that my coworkers were using. And when I pointed out it was mine (with my name on it or proof of my purchase on Amazon) they’d be shocked. Like how did that get there?!? 😮


I would never buy stuff to leave in an office, if I bought it, it’s coming home with me everyday. And if they pulled that one of being shocked when they clearly took it, after sometime their stuff would start disappearing and never showing up again 🤣


I'm surprised that none of them claimed that they also purchased it on Amazon


This is really shocking and upsetting to read.


But hey, now you get to redecorate your space while on their payroll


Real nice coworkers ya got there, giving you their broken shit.


Someone was mad you were gone. Edit: didn’t see the crack; I have now been educated and removed the suggestion.


Unplugging and plugging back in fixes cracked screens?


Shit. Didn’t see the crack. Just the vertical lines. All the monitors we have at work have someone similar happen from the plugs. My bad.


Have you asked HR? I would start there. That’s uncool.


> Dear HR person, > > I returned from maternity leave today to find I appear to have been demoted in my absence. > > Is loss of privileges standard policy for having a baby while working for this company? > > Sincerely, > > lawsuit waiting to happen ~ OP probably Editing this post because a parade of numbskulls appear to be taking this as serious advice despite the way it was signed and it being on a light-hearted subreddit. It isn't. Chill out guys.


Okay this is brilliant. Love the wording here


To make it abundantly clear: I know next to nothing about employment law in any jurisdiction. I just hope that any tribunal would look poorly on something that looks like a punishment.


You should check the sub AskHR


More like an employment law related subreddit. They might be able to get something out of this.


Yeah, definitely don’t do this lol. Being a dick as a result of what’s likely a simple mistake is a great way to piss off your employer and make you seem like an asshole.


Dear OP, All office space, including equipment and furnishings, are considered company property. Allocations are made based entirely upon present need. By the way, please come to my office to discuss a performance improvement plan. Sincerely, Someone here to protect the company, not you


Seriously lol. As a member of IT, if I had a ticket on a site for a monitor and there was a workstation nobody was using for the foreseeable future, you bet your ass I’m pulling those monitors. It’ll just be another easy ticket whenever the other user shows back up. Nothing against the user personally, but you’re correct, all the equipment belongs to the company and will be used wherever it’s needed when it’s needed.


We call it "maintaining operational readiness" in the employee handbook. Basically it means all company property *does not belong to a worker* and we reserve the right to make it as useful as possible at any time. If we need to use our own unused shit to keep us making money, that's what we're going to do.


I don't know... the equipment, sure. A move from an office to a cubicle while on maternity or any sort of disability leave could be construed as a demotion. This might open the company up to some sort of legal scrutiny.


This is specifically the sort of thing that *cannot* be construed as a demotion, though. Changes in responsibility or job duties? You bet. But unless they can make a case that *everyone* at their job grade and seniority is normally entitled to an office over a cubicle, she’s kinda SOL here, and opening with insinuations about lawsuits is a great way to get PIP’d, which can make it basically impossible to build a wrongful termination case.




Lmaoo classic Reddit lawsuits


Ah yes, the opportune looters. After an emergency leave I came back short both an appendix and a laptop power supply. Bastards.


Sounds like a trip to HR. "I didn't realize that having a baby would devalue me to the company and I'd be removed from my office."


First time in America?


I was having seizures so worked remote for a bit and came back to everything stolen from my desk. And it sucked some of them were collections from our work together and even sweaters from the office were stolen Edit: wanted to add note personal sweaters, but like sweaters our office had made for everyone


Go to HR. Sit back and don’t move until your system is up and running. I’ve had a number of employees that went on maternity leave. They’re desks were left untouched. The day before their return, I would dust, clean, disinfect desks, drawers, and chairs.The day of they’re return, they’d find welcome back balloons and treats baskets. Time will be scheduled to review any updates to processes, etc. and a co-worker to assist in the adjustment of returning to the workplace. Where do you work? This is disrespectful.


Who punched your monitor?


If the company is any good that monitor is already registered to the person who broke it and switching it does nothing


I would just take my stuff with me when leaving for maternity leave tbh. On the other hand I kinda get why they switched some stuff around when you were gone. Why not take something that would be unused for a year or longer


Some of y'all got some fucked up coworkers. We'd have a basket of goodies waiting in her old office for her.


Seriously, the fuck do these people work? I wouldn't ever be concerned about someone taking stuff from my open cubical, much less an office. Guess working for the government has a perk of being around people who tend to be a bit less selfish.


it is the way of the office it's crazy how soon people stop caring about you when your relationship isn't being artificially reinforced daily


That sucks. Go in early tomorrow and switch everything back to your office.


It's obviously not her office anymore


When I was working remote during covid I lost my office well. Came back to find out id be in a little depression cube going forward


Regardless of how common/uncommon this is… it sucks, and I’m sorry this was part of your transition back to work. It’s already a big lift to just figure out the logistics of your new working parent life, and this just makes it 100x harder to get in the groove of your new routine. I hope in the future you have a workplace where you feel embraced through these challenging times (and sometimes exciting times! Room for multiple feelings!).


Trying to get IT to replace our equipment is like pulling teeth. So if a desk becomes open, the equipment becomes first come, first serve.


Had the same thing happen to me when I went on vacation for 2 weeks except EVERYTHING in my cubicle was gone, ever personal item shoved in a cabinet, whit board erased, monitors gone the lot


Could be some insensitive jerk busted their monitor and decided they would swap it with yours. We had asset inventory tags on our company equipment. The monitors were identical but the one left behind for the new mom had a broken stand. IT was contacted about the broken monitor, that’s when they found out the asset tag didn’t match what was assigned to her. Because of this, IT initiated a full asset inventory for a company of 300+ employees. We eventually found the swapped monitor on the guys desk. He was profusely apologetic but IT, for the number of hours the audit took, were not having it. He was reported to HR, not sure what reason was given but ultimately lost his job. Yeah, it was a fun time for all. Hopefully you will get something better than what was taken from you, and whoever did this gets the old heave-ho with a size 14 steel toe boot up their ass.


Shit, I am really sorry to see this... My manager is out on maternity leave and the only thing we have been doing to her desk is leaving a ton of sticky notes on it saying that we miss her and folded up stickies in the shapes of origami animals.


I dunno about you but when I’ve gone on may leave it’s been for 12+ months and I packed up my own desk and took everything home, which is super common here. I don’t understand why you didn’t pack your things away to take with you, unless you were on mat leave for like 2 weeks


Shit, I do that when I go on vacation for more than few days. I assume that someone will be at my desk at some point while I'm gone, and also make the assumption they will go through everything because people are nosy fucks.


If this person is American I’m guessing they were gone for just under a month. Edit op said 12 weeks


So if you were on FMLA, technically the only thing they have to do is hold your job.


It’s a sign to avoid that place… my lord my eyes would be twitching. Hahah


I don’t even have a desk to go back to. They’d already given mine to my replacement the day before I left! There isn’t even any room to sit another person with my team so I don’t know what’s going to happen when I go back in a few months


I was a carpenter in a building with hundreds of other carpenters. Sometimes at lunchtime I had to put a sign with my name on my ladder and hope it would be there after lunch. People are always taking my ladder. There were dozens of ladders available but it was easier for them to take mine instead of walking over to the carts where they are stored.


this is the same reason we stopped letting sites have "spare" equipment because instead of replacing things that break you end up with a full workstation of literally just broken parts and then on top of that when the last thing breaks you get the "urgent" my thing broke but we can't find the spares.


That’s a bit more than *mildly* infuriating, imho. Sorry, OP.


This happened to me once when I went to work overseas for a few weeks. Office team decided since I was actually a field team guy they could give my office to a full time office new hire. They did email me that they'd like to move me to a smaller office down the hall with no window.....I agreed since I wasn't full time in the office. Came back to find they not only gave away my office but also all my computer stuff, and all my personal stuff. Whatever wasn't taken by the handy man company that moved me was thrown away. On top of that they moved me from the windowless office for another new hire and put all my files and binders is a cube in the hallway before i returned from my work trip. In that cube was all the leftover crappy computer stuff. I guess they figured since I agreed to the first office move they could do whatever the fuck they felt like. I freaked out and someone offered to replace my personal stuff...Yeah Dave, you're going to replace the cool rock I found in Portugal? The beaded curtain wall hanging handed down from one of the pioneers of the industry who mentored me? All the pens I collected from hotels on my work travel? The only solace was that my division head told me to shopping and get whatever I wanted for computer gear. So I did end up with all new high end docks, monitors, speakers, headphones, etc., and a really nice chair, way better than IT or facilities provided.


Every morning I go into work and my coworker is sitting at my desk, having pushed all my stuff to the side into a disorganized pile and using the paperwork program to do his billing when there is a perfectly acceptable computer in the break room for this and he has a laptop in his truck for this as well. He fills my trash can with half empty coffee cups and steals my pens. This kind of thing goes on all the time in an office unfortunately


It’s time to start looking for better jobs.


You can tell the good companies with good leaders from the random-collection-of-overpaid-derelicts by how they treat you in situations like this.


It’s pretty hard to do any of the stuff mentioned without breaking FMLA laws. I’d go through HR and request your old workspace and equipment back. I work in employment law, feel free to DM.


I know everyone’s talking about office politics, but just fucking leave. The least they could do is make it possible to do your job and give you your office back. You’ve had a baby, coming back to work is so hard. My hormones were still crazy when I went back to work, I was leaking milk , I had lost a lot of confidence and I felt socially inept. I left the place I worked while pregnant because they were not at all considerate, despite only 4 of us working there. I moved to a female run business where I was supported in having milk breaks, working fewer hours etc Hope you’re ok, I would have cried.


WeLcOmE bAcK!


Stop hitting the monitor.


Highly infuriating


That sucks!! Microwave some rotten fish now as a thank you


This is so fucked. I'm sorry.


Honestly, my first instinct was thinking that returning to work was too much and you punched through your monitor lol


So long for my dedication and thanks for all the fishy shit.


This JUST happened to me! Came back from two weeks leave to find our shared office EMPTY! Wondered the offices until I eventually found a colleague in our new office. Turns out the new area manager wanted our office as a meeting room because they didn't like theirs... We've gone from a well lit, good sized office with AC, to a tiny room with poor light, broken blinds (sun glare is now an issue), and no AC. Not to mention that they "lost", stole or damaged a lot of my equipment and possessions during the move. Luckily my colleagues were present during the move and salvaged my belongings for me. We have also had to downsize all of our desks and furniture (required for our job) to fit into this new office. Its very cramped and people are treating it like a walk through as there is access to other amenities through the rear door.


I one time worked at this company that grew way to fast for its own good. It was during the pandemic and we did Corona tests for the government. I would leave on Monday 5 pm, and would come back on Tuesday 8 am, only to find that my chair was gone, my second monitor was gone and my PC. I asked some manager that did the evening shift and they told me that: his people needed them more. I asked where my computer was now, but he couldn't tell me as the stuff has been going around. I think he forgot what my role within the company was. I did all the administration that would collect and compute all the work 70 of our locations and send it to the government so they would pay. By allowing my computer to be shared and dismantled, we missed the deadline of handing in all the info the government needed. I got the blame. We were talking about at least 50.000 euro we didn't get payed out. At least. Could easily have been 300.000. Left the company a week later.