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In his defense he thought you wouldn’t notice


Then way is he driving if he’s blind 🤣


Uhhh, a cane out the window to feel ahead?? Duh.


Ace Ventura style is much more practical


I had to call 911 on a very intoxicated driver on I5 once. Dude was all over the place, and would go from 85 to 40 randomly. I told the operator the guy was driving like Ace Ventura, and she said “his windshield is smashed in?” And I said, “no, he’s just got his head stuck on the window yelling at everyone, I think he might clip his head in a semi!”


You know, I’ve heard some blind people can use echolocation instead of a cane. Perhaps he just sticks his head out the window and clicks his tongue like mad.


Like a.... Submarine, Mr. Wayne. Like a submarine.


Or a dolphin.


Are some people bats?


Imagine an old man driving a car with his head out the window, screaming constantly so that he knows where he is going.


I’m pretty sure that old man lives around the corner from me.


Those clicks are from the terrified seeing eye dog trying to keep up with the car or get free of the leash


Reminds me of [this gem](https://youtu.be/16k-yhcRNk8?si=6ou7wsuwuQfSHjtg)


Long curb feelers all over making a porcupine car for blind people would be cool. Stupid but cool.


Fuck it, he’s committed now. Let’s see what he got. Then decide lol


Seriously! Who knows, maybe dad did a ton of metal painting back in the day. My super obscure hobby led me to learn all the details on prepping, sanding, priming, and painting evenly. Let him finish, THEN get it redone if it's not good.


Pairing miniatures?


You’re on Reddit, of course it’s miniature painting


The car will come back Smurf blue with egg eyes.


Dead 😂


I had a used car painted by a shop named “Earl Scheib”. Drove down to the next town to get a pizza and all of a sudden something flew over my windshield. Pulled over and realized that all the paint on the hood flew off. They had painted over all the dirt! Very professional.


It's been a long time since I'd heard of Earl Scheib! Some friends of mine got their cars painted there, as long as you did all the prep yourself, it worked out well. If not, well, they painted right over the dirt...


Ah, the Earl Scheib special! That takes me back to my student days!


*"We'll paint any car for just $99.95!"*


"I'll paint any car any color for $69.99 (now days probably $269.99)". I've had a couple of cars painted there: hoods, doors, fenders, rims, wheels, headlights, windshield wipers, etc. Generally a pretty decent job if you didn't mind cleaning up the overspray.


Judging from his sanding patterns, dad was trying to be nice but didn’t watch any tutorials before yoloing into this project


I can tell you now, no matter how shoddy the end result will be, his dad will stand by it and say "what are you on about? It looks fine!".


This is the main problem I face when he does these things. If I was to let him finish and told him I didn't like it, I would face emotional backlash like nothing else. It's really the main reason I didn't want him to do it in the first place. It's a lot more emotionally taxing than just paying for it to be done correctly the first time.


My dad decided to “help me out” by painting my faded paint for me and got overspray all over the headlights. After I have explicitly told him in the past to not do things without asking. Dads just living in their own world.


Who the hell paints ANYTHING without painter's tape???? An idiot. That's who. "Gee I sure hope I don't get paint anywhere I don't want it. If only there was some cheap solution for that, that only took a few extra minutes to apply. Unfortunately no such thing exists. Oh well. Guess I'll just put on my blindfold and get started. Wish me luck!" Good grief.


Well you see the dad isn't really a painter


my only suggestion would be for you to make him pay the bill for the repaint since he decided to, in a way, vandalize your car


If that's something you could do, it sounds like your dad is more reasonable than mine lol


Unless it's impeccable. Then he'll stand there and say "I could have done better"


This dad is far too sure of himself to think it is nothing but fantastic work. $20 says he’s at Home Depot right now buying two cans of black Rustoleum.


Dude. That's dry sanded with no masking. This guy has no idea what he's doing and it can only get worse.


You wouldn't wet sand when preparing the surface for paint... You and the other 67 upvotes have no idea either. 😂


this is the American spirit you love to see out in the wilderness ; good for you lad. Stay away from my VW😂


Right my bug is hiding right now making sure I don’t get any ideas from this dude when I’m up late one night.


Judging by the hood still being attached to the car and grill, engine block and windshield being completely exposed, I’m gunna say this guy has no idea what he’s doing.


No kidding, it needed to be fixed anyway, he's not going to make it any worse.


Sure the sanding isn't problem unless completely butchered job(not case here), but if he paints it badly then it's going to cost you a pretty penny to fix it professionally. having to re-sand-down bad paint that is not cured (takes weeks) is going to cost you double the price.


No, now *he* needs to get the entire hood repainted.


Yea for real liek your dad is a grown ass man make him take responsibility for what he did and make him get it professionally done dont let him try and do it himself. If you can even do that


I'd let him attempt and if (when) he screws it up, make him pay for a redo


Way too risky. He didn't dismantle the hood nor did he bother to mask the other parts. He's got no equipment, not even a remotely dust free room. Chance is very likely that he'll paint headlights and chrome as well and get dirt in the paint. No way he can paint a part that big in an even and consistent finish. After that he will most likely call it "a decent job" and that op is irrational and ungrateful to demand a redo.


Man that was So accurate I feel like you’ve been there before


Boomers gonna boom


Boomboozle even


Time travel be real.


He’s going to use regular enamel spray paint like every other “fixer upper” dad.


So accurate. It exactly sounds like my father after countless botched attempts at DIY, which ended up costing dearly


Yeah... I'm a diy guy (and a legit journeyman tradesperson in two trades and well equipped in others) and there are just some jobs you cannot do because you don't have the tools and they're too expensive to buy into. This puts some jobs out of reach unless you invest in them as a hobby. All good tradesmen know this. You don't approach jobs if you don't have the tools to do them properly. Now so often you don't need the latest and greatest and can invest sweat and time, but other times, you need a planer, or a table saw, or a paint sprayer, or a welder, etc etc and its not negotiable.


Been there, done that with drunks. Once you tell them how shitty they did, they’ll stand by their work and refuse to do it all over again. Now you’re not talking to them anymore and now you have to pay twice as much to get it done professionally because they have to work harder to go through the bondo the dude added to fill in the rust spots and get it to where it’s suitable for prep again.


Depends on who ops dad is. You don't know he's drunk, could just be a dumbass


Let’s be fair here. Dumbass or not, there are exactly zero totally well-adjusted sober fathers who have zero experience with bodywork who would say “hey you should get those rust spots taken care of, it’ll get worse. I can give it a shot” and after his kid says “no thanks” l Dad—again, of supposedly sound, sober mind—decides to do it anyway and doesn’t do the greatest job, either.


Sounds like a tonne of Mediterranean fathers I know, zero alcohol required they just think they can do everything.


That’s pretty hilarious, “drunk dad? Or Mediterranean dad?” 1. Yells at kids during dinner. 2. Throws plates during argument. 3. Watches television really loud, while wearing sleeveless undershirt. 4. Yells at television during sports. 5. Tries to fix family members’ car, may or may not have any capability to do so, insists on trying either way.


well shit...


TIL Scotland is located in the Mediterranean


No, Scotland is drunk.


Yeah I agreed, then I really thought about it and all those guys (that I know anyway) are buzzed of something 24/7. They just manage it better. Functional. Still do dumb shit like this.


You make a really valid and insightful point. Trying to reason with OP’s dad like a normal person would be acting in willful ignorance of the recent events leading up to this point.


You're an optimist, aren't you? There are plenty of people out there that are just like that, no alcohol required :(((


If you are going to do this, remove the hood from the vehicle so he doesn't get overspray on the rest of the panels and ruin them too. Your best bet might be to call local junkyards for a replacement hood. It's probably much cheaper than having this one fixed. I'd do this sooner than later so you don't come home to this being "fixed" without your help.


Yeah now your vehicle is covered in overspray and the whole thing needs to be repainted, but dad will say he can fix it.


I’m a dad. I have paint experience. But I would NOT have done this to one of my kid’s cars if they didn’t want me to. Us dad’s usually cover for each other, but in this case, you have every right to ask your dad to pay for that to be repainted correctly. 🤦‍♂️ Sorry this happened to you!!!


I hear he knows a guy that will do it for free


If he has the mindset to do something like this without the consent of his son I guarentee hes going to be the type of person to not pay for getting the car repainted.


Looks like he got the plastic trim and the quarter panels on each side of the hood. I'm not even sure you can paint that plastic.


Majority oem plastic paints, interior, exterior, all paints are handled by SEM. They can make it a very extensive mixture or they can put it in a rattle can. Either way yes everything can be painted in reality.


This fits under extremely infuriating


Right?! Who takes someone else's property, especially a major purchase such as a car and does this? OP says he has no training either I really hope he actually pays for it to be properly repaired and doesn't try to talk OP into letting him finish. He atleast owes OP that


My father-in-law, that’s who. Buddy has no boundaries, thinks he is an engineer, thinks he is a financial wizard, but is prone to being offended and has a terrible temper. Maintaining a relationship with him so that my kids can spend time with their grandparents requires a balancing act of giving him projects where his incompetence won’t be too damaging. His poor wife had to run that game for fifty years and their house literally sold for 10% less than similar recently sold houses because his DIY projects devalued the damn house.


I’m going through this with someone. Mind sharing some examples of the DIY projects you mentioned?


Gardening. He can reposition plants in flower beds until the cows come home. Garage storage solutions. He built frigging terrible shelves but they’re in the garage so who gives a shit. An office in his new condo where he sets up the smart lights and a stereo system. It’s a constant puzzle for him that he is always tweaking and is always “just right.” Cooking a “signature dish” at family gatherings. It’s a point of pride and he spends all day focused on it. Pick something with a marinade for a day. That’s two days of keeping him occupied.


>My father-in-law, that’s who. Buddy has no boundaries, thinks he is an engineer, thinks he is a financial wizard, but is prone to being offended and has a terrible temper. Unfortunately you just described my dad. Funny thing is when I make a financial mistakes, usually small like forgetting a purchase I made, I get a "now you know why I track every penny". I ended up learning that's about all he does, he doesn't actually plan or budget much. He just tracks purchases and it shows.


I haven't read any of OP's comments yet but I'm curious if OP is on the title or not. If they are, then they need to get on dad about it, force him to pay for the respray. If they aren't, then they need to tell dad how bad it looks every single day. Dad is a dick for doing this hands down.


99% of posts in this sub are extremely infuriating, the people that post here are just the meekest bunch you can find.


People really be like "just found out my neighbours have been feeding my dog broken glass, this is going on r/mildlyinfuriating"


If you browse new you can see all the mild posts. It's the posts that get big upvotes that are real rage bait.


is he stupid ?


Haha, or a drunk? Source: Am/was a drunk.




All of the above


stupid drunk ass tweaker


Show the man some respect, he's obviously a tweaking ass drunk.


Tweaker wouldn't have done such a half assed job. He'd still be in the garage sanding all the way through it.


That thing would be dismantled and he’d be playing with the alternator in some bushes down the street


Drunk tweaker seems about right. Might as well have him sand the rest of the front end too


Are runnin this here town.


And he is blue collar


Or just wants validation from op and wants to hear “you were right dad, i was wrong and i thank you my hero”


Drugs of some sort was my bet, alcohol could make sense lol.


Is there a lore reason?


More like he went to home depot to buy caulk, saw sander were on sale. Bought it. came home, first thing he saw was the car. And was like "slaps car" this bad boy is a great sanding project. source: my dad did this but instead of car it was my mom's dresser. It is a very home depot dad thing to do.


As somebody who uses sanders and sandpaper everyday; this was done by hand. 100%, there's no swirls or pitter patter tracks from either an orbital sander or a flat 1/4sheet sander. In short OPs dad is a dumbass.


I didn't say he powered on the sander


Touche. Every machine is a smoke machine if you use it wrong enough


*electric toothbrush starts giving off large amounts of smoke*


*Smoke machine starts smoking* ah crap


I'm a DIY woodworker and have made several pieces of nice furniture, the instant I hear "can you refinish...." it's an instant "no" from me. In most cases it'd be easier for me to start from scratch than to try and refinish an old dresser. I think the only exception to that rule is a piece that is solid wood and just needs a fresh coat of oil.


He's fucking stupid


Get back to the Alsume or man will get you


Is there a lore reason why OP’s dad broke his son’s boundaries?


"they'll never see the scratch now"


I love this meme 😭


Why? It's so bad. Are you Stupid?


You think people actually don’t like this meme? Are you stupid?


First, well you need to set boundaries with your dad. Second, he was not wrong by sanding the entire hood. If you had multiple spots or rust, a good company would do the same, check the hood for loose paint and underneath rust. Also, this way they take of the hood and paint it in the cabine, which is cheaper and higher quality then painting it on the car and having to tape the car down.


I was starting to wonder too since so many were totally basing this. I thought most professional repairs would involve sanding it all down first


Why doesn’t he call the justice league?


who the fuck just randomly sands the hood of someone elses car


It was not random, he been planning it for a week 😅


premediated sanding open and shut case book em


Bake him away toys!


Me, age 6, washing my dads car with a scourer as a nice surprise for him


Saw a guy get a dent out with a mallet. Cousin tried a hammer.


Parents have trouble accepting the new boundaries that come with the transition from childhood to adulthood. They are used to doing things for their kid and you have to give them some guidance for a little while. Mom will make you feel like you're being hounded by a debt collector for a while and I'll tell you more about their first visit to your new place. Pretend that John Schnatter invited you to tour his home. I imagine that you would be respectful, walk behind him, and look at which rooms he gave you permission to look at and that you wouldn't stray too far. If you're lucky, then he'll show you his car collection. Now contrast that to my parents behavior when I invited them over to come and see my very first apartment. Without asking me, they began opening all my cabinets and even my refrigerator. My mom judged me for the 6 pack of Mike's Hard Lemonades inside and meanwhile, dad found some minor repairs that needed to be done and he's started on fixing the first one rather than informing me that I might want to call maintenance like he would have done at John's house.


> Parents have trouble accepting the new boundaries that come with the transition from childhood to adulthood. Sure yeah, but it shouldn't be your job to teach your parents to treat you as an adult. The parents have agency here and should prepare for the transition themselves.


That's a lot of "should's" in there. Should they? Yes. Do they? No. Will they? Also no. In the end, you can either suffer on those "should's", or act based on reality and actually solve the problem.


Is your dad a meth head? Cause that’s some meth head shit right there.


My first thought


Reminds me of something my college roommate would do when he’s bouncing off his ass on adderall


Or dementia. Something in the brain ain’t working right.


Sorry op, your dad has alzheimers.


Or he consumes too much meth.


Unlike me who consumes just the right amount of meth.


I'm still getting over that he did this by hand. I cannot fathomn the mind that did this. It's either intoxication or he's a very determined moron. And everybody can be a moron.




I dunno, I work with tradesmen here and there. Some of the shit they think they can do boggles my mind. Granted, they may be meth heads, but some dudes legitmately think they can do anything with a pack of cold ones and some duct tape.


I think you underestimate the power of duct tape. With enough of it anything is possible, and the beer can only help.


You ARE supposed to sand down the car before repainting. Honestly the worst part is that he said no and they did it anyways. Rough grit sand - you want imperfections for the paint to stick. If you don't then the old paint will still flake off since it is old and probably damages from the first part flaking off and rusting.


This guy paints


Its like putting tape over the corner of a stickynote. Even if you paint over it, if you pull up the stickynote then it will pull up the perfectly good tape. It acts like a loose thread that makes everything else weaker. Either fix it properly or expect it to be an issue in a few years or less. If you get it done at some place cheap or who takes you for a sucker then they will just paint over the rust or do a spot job on rust (RUST!) and after a year or so the warranty will be expired and you probably wont even bother to contest it.


There is a major difference between someone in an auto shop sanding a part of a car, and an asshole who did it in a garage even after the owner of the car told him not to.


I think the real problem everyone is having is op saying his father stole the keys and did this secretly. The stealing and dishonesty is the problem, not his charmingly amateur attempt at doing it


You gotta love an “I can fix that” dad. My dad doesn’t go to these extremes but he tries to repair things that are easier to replace or should be handled by somebody with complete knowledge and just the little bit of one of his neighbors. It’d be a feat to finesse an entire new car of this situation but you could get the bill covered for the professional repair that’s most likely to come.


that’s me. i replaced my family’s thermostat and front door lock for smart ones, installed the sonos system, managed to DIY a cabinet wall in our camper, avoiding charging our contractor, i replaced our cold water filter. anything else i can figure out and reasonably do and in a timely manner i’ll do. but if i know it’s out of my realm, i leave it to those who have the proper training safety and knowledge.




Yeah, me fucking up is free, may as well give it a go




Same. Difference is my dad actually can work on vehicles. I mean, look at this thing! It used to be a Jeep JKU, and he did it basically all custom https://youtu.be/CbBV8VUsPKI?feature=shared


Yo that's fucking amazing


Crawling is like the only motor related activity I don't understand. I can walk up that hill quicker. More power to em, but I just don't get it ha


Me neither, but does It luck fun as hell


>used to be a Jeep Original parts: 50% of the floor pan


I will never stop being grateful that my father is one of those rare breeds that are actually good at all the handy skills they need to accomplish whatever their current craftsman esque goal is. They’re not perfect of course, but they’re pretty freaking good at a lot of things, and it’s genuinely impressive to see how multitalented they are in action. On the flip side, I’m living in a house that used to be owned by a self proclaimed handyman, and uh… a handyman they were NOT. Three rooms on one breaker, and one room on three breakers level of bad. “paint on dirty walls that flakes off in sheets”, “0.5 inch screws to hold door hinges in”, or “every door has a hinge kicked in due to anger management issues of the previous owner” (likely made easier due to the insecure screws) are some prime examples.


That's my dad. He's the "do it yourself so you can save money" type of person. When I was younger he tried to help me out with changing my brakes so I could save money and pass inspection. The caliper slipped out of his hands and he twisted the brake lines when he picked back up and placed on the pads. We didn't notice until I went for state inspection. Paid $250 to get my brake lines untwisted so it will pass. He meant well.


In his defense, if you were going to get that hood repaired properly, the prepper would do pretty much the same thing. No professional painter would/should just spray color on the defects. Dad looks to have scuffed up the majority and took the really bad spots to bare metal. Little glaze on the rock chips in front and primer and quick buzz with some 600 and its ready for paint. He potentially made someone's job easier. But if you really weren't planning on getting it fixed properly, then yeah, dad just fucked up your hood.


Yeah seriously, dad basically got step 1 done for the paint guy


The entire point of this post is that it was done without OPs permission


And the entire point of this guy's comment is that the dad's first step is *surprisingly* what the painter at the body shop is going to do as well If he's defending the dad, I'll take it back, but I'm pretty sure he's just pointing out how the paint process works on the vehicle.


Some places might use a different method though. very few people that work in places like this enjoy when the customer "helps out" as normally it adds extra, sometimes irreparable, damage.


Outside of just doing spot touchup with a paint pen or touch up brush, this is how it's done at any reputable shop. Especially if you want it to last. Dad was probably going to rattlecan paint that, though. Bummer he has forced their hand to do it almost immediately. Bare metal with rust super fast.


You're missing the part where OP said "no" to his dad. Imagine you walk out into your driveway, and there I am, sanding your car's hood... And I'm sure instead of agreeing with me that this is the first step of a free paint job, you'd rather give me a well-deserved punch in the face.


Does your dad do meth by any chance? This seems like a very methy thing to do.


Lmao this is like the third or fourth meth comment i have read and it hasn’t gotten old


People who know, know. Meth was my first thought as well.


Why would this be meth? Like what are the actual signs?




Sand the hood of his car.


I don't know why, but this is my favorite comment.


Hey how come you haven’t answered any of the questions about your post?


Sand "I'M AN ASSHOLE" on his hood.


Hey op I'm a trained and professional body shop worker who has been doing it for about 6 years now he is actually doing it right. When it comes to a paint job, sanding is the hardest and most overlooked part, but it is the most important and he's doing the sanding right, now he just needs to prime the bare metal spots and block them after they dry then it's on to cleaning and tacking then spraying. I said all of that to say this, help him and learn some basic stuff it's way more useful than you would think and it's way easier than anyone expects help him take off that hood so there's no over spray or taping to do then after it's painted it's a 3 person job to set it back on one up front 2 in the back should be 4 either 10mm or 13mm bolts that hold it on. If you actually do want to help him pm me I'll tell you step by step every thing you need to do because hoods are easy I'd trust highscoolers to take off and put on hoods shoot even paint them because it's laying flat, unless you hang it, the paint probably wouldn't run.


Wait… what?


This is why customers aren't allowed in the shop, they have no idea what they are looking at. A lot of you would be terrified if you saw what your car looked like in process at the body shop, if this bothers you. Give the man a chance to finish the FREE repair before you shit all over him. He clearly is no stranger to auto repair, looks like a he's recharging ACs and changing every conceivable fluid in a vehicle, judging by the shelf behind the car. There is even a can of B12 chem tool, he's not a moron. Let him finish sanding, make a few trips to the parts store and harbor freight and see how it comes out. Maybe he will surprise you and you just got your hood fixed for free. Plenty of people are painting their own cars without training, it just takes some time and attention to detail. If it looks like crap then proceed as planned and bring it to a body shop. Either way the body shop is going to have to sand it to remove the clear and take the rust down to clean metal. Hell, encourage him a little bit and he might surprise you, he's clearly motivated to help.


You would be surprised how much a couple rattle cans from autozone and 2k clear (spraymax gloss) can do to really freshen it up. I mean, sure, having proper HPLV guns, strainers, color matched paint, blend coats, DA polishers, a paint booth, etc. all help, but you can easily get 85% of the way there without a lot more than a couple rattle cans and a dry environment.


You're completely missing the point. OP didn't want him to. Besides, it's unlikely that an amateur is going to properly paint such a huge area, at least without the right tools. The paint will be uneven, have drip noses and probably a bunch of dust baked in.


He is in the middle of a job, let him finish 😬


*Let him cook!*


Your dad is cooked


Or a cooker.


Enter Sanddad Watch out if hes going to make you a sandwich!


And on this weeks episode of “Reddit/ am I the asshole?”- Am I the asshole for fixing the hood of my kid’s car? I buffed out the rust but for some reason they were very angry about it. 😂😂


Some people are not understanding that the issue is not the car, it's the fact that the dad was told no and to leave it alone then chose to go behind Op's back and do it anyway. That does not make Op ungrateful. Edit: People might not be able to see the caption on the picture. It says Op told their dad to leave it alone but he stole the keys and took it to sand down himself anyway after being told no. He does not have the proper equipment or any experience doing this kind of job.


...it just makes no sense lol what was he thinking


“I’m going to sand that fucken car whether he likes it or not”, apparently.


You are supposed to sand before you paint a car. Removing the old paint from the same area prevents a problem popping up soon after with the old paint now peeling and damaging even the new paint. You can just touch something up but they will still sand it unless they are terrible at repairs. Also you want a rough surface for it to stick.


You mean your DAD has to pay to get your entire hood repainted.


Old timers did this stuff to their cars in an afternoon hanging out with their friends. He could probably paint it and then swap in a V8 next month.


Let him cook


Damn he did you dirty.


Did you thank him that shit is time consuming


“That’ll buff out.” I had to say this, it’s required by law.


Show us the after picture when he's painted it.


I have a dad like this that acted this way right up to a week after I moved out but hadn't come to get my very expensive, very rare desk. I came home and the desk was in my hall. The top cabinets roof plank buckled. It has a design where pieces are screwed together which you cannot gain access to unscrew. I called him because I had told him I'd be home that very weekend to get it. He said that he was trying to make it easier to move but the damn thing won't come apart. I still have this desk. The cabinet doors never shut right. I'm still somewhat annoyed. It's been 17 years. Lol


Time to buy a sick carbon hood. +30hp


Correction: now he has to pay for you to get the entire hood repainted.


You mean **your dad** has to get the entire hood repainted or at least pay for it.


It’s funny seeing everyone in here freak out about this, what OPs dad did is a normal part of automotive body work. If he can get it smooth around 400 grit and lay down some 2K primer, block that out, then he’s well on his way to laying base/clear you can get from a jobber. And before the “acktually” guys come in here and try to tell me something, I actually do paint and body.


Wouldn’t they charge him for painting the whole hood anyway? You can’t just paint the rust spots.


Funny how this is a correct statement but they're angry at you


Well, OP did say that their father has neither the tools, nor the experience, so I can understand the frustration. And you know that painting a large panel like can be challenging, especially in black. It takes a bit to learn overlap, pressure, distance, and how to hold the gun. Then, 2K clear is its own challenge (although I do love shooting clear).


What part of "my dad stole my keys" and "I told him no" did you not understand? It wouldn't matter if he was a trained professional or not. Also, you can clearly see where he scratched other parts of the car with sand paper, so he clearly isnt a pro


It may be time to find a new dad. You may need to enlist your mom's help.


Just the hood? You might need to spray neighbouring panels to match too.


Everyone is saying dad is a meth head. I don't have a degree in meth, why is this a meth thing?

