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Straight to jail.


When my ex husband and I had our first Thanksgiving as a couple, I made a pumpkin pie from scratch just for us. I was so proud of it. I took it out the oven to cool and covered it with a dish towel before leaving for work. I came home late and found out that motherfucker cut a SQUARE out of the MIDDLE OF THE PIE. I was so angry, I never made pumpkin pie again.


What kind of animal does that??


It was the first time I ever seriously questioned our relationship.


I could see mine doing that to fuck with me. But not like... Because he wanted the middle. And not if I was proud and invested in my work.


My bf would do it, but he’d at least ask first. And almost definitely not before I got a slice of the fucking thing. He’d suffer a weird angle taken out and an awkward “do you mind if I cut this super fucking weird” *and* deal with my 100 WHYs


Your bf sounds like me, sometimes I have weird food aversions too, for whatever reason if I eat a sandwich if I eat the meat first and the bread last it tastes better, perhaps the crust throws off the taste a lot for him. But I also ask/explain it before doing it.


But if the crust is the issue you can always just cut a normal slice and take the crust off of that instead of making every other slice fucked up from then-on.


But then you’re losing the full slice of pie ratio or there is knowledge that the crust was there. Weird eating habits usually only make sense to the person who has them.


Its not like it even makes any sense, its not a brownie where the middle is the best part, its pumpkin pie. Its fairly consistent in texture and a regular slice gets you plenty of filling and extra crust.


>its not a brownie where the middle is the best part You. You can share my brownies. All your edges are belong to me. You may have all the middles.


My favourite part of the brownie is the edges!


i know damn well you didn't just say the middle of a brownie is the best part


Let’s pretend you didn’t just say the middle of the brownie is the best…


Shh don’t argue with them. I worked out a deal with a coworker who didn’t like frosting.


I know, right? I know a couple of somebodys who don’t like chocolate!


Both these guys need an hour with their noses in the corner and then sent to bed without dinner.


Did you ask him why the middle and not just a normal slice


Has to be a dislike for the crust.


So you mention that before the pie is cooked - it's easy enough to just bake up some of the filling separately.


Or just don't eat the crust.


And with good reason. That was extremely callous and disrespectful of him. For his transgression you could have sold him on the black market.


I 100% agree with this comment!


A child


My exact first thought. Uncivilized swine.


The same kind of person that would eat the inside of an Oreo cookie and put it back in the pack.


My daughter’s first pumpkin pie brought out the villain in her too. My dad gave her a small piece and walked away for a minute after she was done eating it. He came back to a bunch of tiny baby spoon scoops taken out all over the pie. At first she tried to say it wasn’t her but then exclaimed it was just so good and she wanted to try more haha. She was only a year old tho. Crazy a grown person would find something so inconsiderate acceptable.


This is so cute 😂


Was that how he became your ex?


How I unmet your mother


No. We were 21 at the time and had just moved out of our parents' houses. That came about 7 years later.


From the anger, I think he was going to be your ex even before the pie.


They went 7 years after that tho. I don’t think pie was the reason buddy


Correct. But looking back, this may have been the beginning of his habit for not taking things that hurt me seriously enough.


Devil is in the details


I know EXACTLY how you feel


Not the reason perhaps, but it was a telling symptom that accurately predicted the future.


He thought it was hilarious. I thought it was incredibly selfish. However, I didn't go off on him. I asked him if he liked it. He said it was delicious. I said "I'm happy you enjoyed it honey." and never said another word about it. I didn't eat any of the leftover pie either.


Oh geez. I totally get where you are coming from. My fiance took eating all of my lasagna as a challenge when I told him once that I've never seen anyone not full after 2 slices. Idiot. I stopped him just over halfway through the 9x13 pan and told him not eat my dinner for the week. We were in college, and the ingredients were not cheap. He understood after I asked why he did it, he explained he thought it was a challenge, and I said it was a joke. Communication for the win although RIP my poor lasagna. There was enough backstock in my pantry to cover me, but I was not happy eating spaghetti and frozen veggies instead of my filling and delicious lasagna. Thankfully, he now asks if food has a purpose or if I just made it to eat freely, and our budget together is more forgiving than my college one was lol. He was just a stubborn bone head when it came to challenges back then. Such a dork.


Oof, that reminds me of the post or advice column letter where the bf actually took the entire leftover lasagna to his parents' house without asking and *they* ate it all. It was also supposed to be several days of lunches. Not only did that jackass not apologize he also refused to reimburse her or ask his iirc well-off parents to reimburse her.


Geez, what a bum. We would totally have had an issue if that was how he acted. Thankfully, he is wonderful and totally understood after we talked. I didn't need reimbursement because I kept a small stock of long term food to cover odd days, but he offered to help if I needed it since he messed up my meal plans.


Excellent! Good reaction!


Some people just have no fucking idea how to eat food properly. I don't care if you hate crust, you fucking just cut a normal pie slice. I had a roommate once that used to just TEAR every cereal box open because it was impossible to not act like an angry gorilla when he wanted cereal. I learned early on that that is apparently my biggest pet peeve, improperly opened cereal boxes. I also learned that I needed to open every box of cereal immediately myself to avoid it from happening.


>TEAR every cereal box open because it was impossible to not act like an angry gorilla Raised by wolves, I swear 😳


He also used to sleep walk, eat peanut butter by the spoonful, and the leave spoons all over the apartment. It was wildly gross. I never thought I'd hate the smell of peanut butter, but when it's been sitting out for days, it's quite bad.


Dude needs a sleep study stat lol


Yeah he was action packed with issues.


My ex put ketchup in the chicken soup I made from scratch because "it needs to be red". Yeah, frozen pizza has red sauce enjoy that.


Chicken soup isn't red though? Wtf?


Yeah...I dunno...


Chicken soup must be yellowish or almost clear. I know few monster who put ketchup in every food, EVERY FOOD. Childhood friend used to do that too. Soups, solid foods and fucking porridge too😂 That's borderline mental thing to do, it's been almost 20 years and I don't forget that. He said "Mom, bring the ketchup in the table it's not here" we were having sleepover. As a kid I was laughing at him and he thinks it's normal or what everyone does, got confused bc I laughed at him. Haven't seen him in years, I wonder if he still enjoys his foods with ketchup. Country I live in, English isn't main language so I had to translate this best I could.


What type of POS does something like that?!?!


Obviously, it was threatening as a pastry, and he cut out its heart and ate it in a show of dominance for his mistress.


Was he high when he did this? That’s a big mindless munchie move right there lol


He was absolutely high. Lol


Lmaooooo has he made amends for his high crime?


Gotta take him to high court, first.


This is important context for your post, changes your husband sounding like a psycho child to just a high ass mf


Thats a paddlin


He needs to be fitted for one of those silence of the lambs face masks!


Leave the toilet seat up? Believe it or not, straight to jail.


Were Gummy’s involved


This, but unironically.


You are on Reddit, so you know what to do with him right?


My lawyer is drawing the papers up as we speak.



In true Reddit form, don't forget to follow through with the second part - hitting the gym.


OP should peg him for dominance? Or is that more 4chan?


You can peg me for dominance if it makes you feel better 👉🏻👈🏻


Now this is bottom Reddit


Happy Cake Day! I’m not into pegging but here’s a slice to assuage your disappointment. 🍰




op married to a cartmann, let that sink in


We all know one of these savages. One of my sisters would pick all the meat out of the leftover stir-fry/fried rice, but always denied it. Then when my Mum would say it went bad because she didn't help finish it, she'd say it's because there's no meat left in it.




So glad I'm not the only one who thought of this


So inconsiderate


I'm skeptical it happened as described....


I think the banana bread tried to eat the husband’s top first, and this was just self defense


I agree


Why? I guess it's not really possible to verify this one way or another, but OP's story sound believable: >I agree, some people are taking this too seriously. He did this right before bed and I can almost guarantee he was very high and didn't know there would be repercussions. Haha


I was going to ask if he was high 😂


Wtf, who does this?


People who are inconsiderate pricks.


The people who are telling you to relax and stuff are definitely the types of people who do this shit.


Fuck this pisses me off so much. When I was moving out for college, I told my dad to make sure he shuts the doors so our cat doesn't run out, since my dad tends to leave the door open when he works on his projects. I was always there to make sure the cat doesn't run out. I told him multiple times to drill it into his head because I know him. Well my mom and sister kept telling me to "relax" and "don't be dramatic". 2 weeks after I moved out, our cat is missing because my dad left the door open. At least he went searching for her and put up flyers. But 6 years later and we still never found her. I assume she's dead by now. She would be 11 this year. I hope she's still out there alive though. I was right, and I really wished they apologized to me for calling me dramatic. I really don't care about being right, it's just they ignored me and acted like I was crazy.. I love my family but that's something I can't really let go still.


I know exactly what you mean, it's the worst when someone tells you to "calm down" or to "stop overreacting" it just pisses me off more. If anything they're under reacting. Like it isn't my fault they're incompetent in some aspect, I shouldn't have to change because you're doing something wrong or bad. My point is that if they just didn't do stupid mindless shit, I wouldn't be overreacting in the first place.


What makes things truly worse is that they still haven't apologized to you yet. I wouldn't let it go either.




Funny you say that cause my 4yr old did this to my fresh bread loaf. He plucked a chunk out of the bread, said look mommy a piece of bread, rolled it into a ball and ate it. Me, being 7m pregnant, did quite register what he did until like 5mins after the whole thing and was like wait what? You little brat lol. OP's husband is a monster though, that poor loaf.


People who are high?


Dude, I’m a remote worker and am high ALL OF MY WAKING LIFE and I don’t do this.


Right? High 24/7 and there is no fucking way I would do this. Animal behaviour


High functioning alcoholic acts differently than someone who just got shit faced. Same goes for stones.


Even when I first started using weed drugs I would never have done something like this because I'm not an asshole.


Weed drugs?


It's a meme from like 15 years ago. you can google "say no to weed drugs reddit" and it should pull up the meme. ( Can't link other subreddits here. )


\*Immature assholes that are high ​ I'm a stoner, i get munchies bad a lot too. I may eat the entire banana bread and my wife will be like "did you really eat the entire thing, thanks for saving me a piece?", and i'll say sorry darling I was stoned and munching bad and she'll laugh it off. ​ I'm not going to peck at it like a chicken. That's just an asshole selfish move cause you didn't just eat it, you ruined it for anyone else.


I am super baked right now (high) and I would at least cut the bread in half and put some peanut butter / Nutella on it. Maybe some whipped cream Man was more likely probably drunk the way it has chaotically ripped off chunks and the bottom corner is just bitten face full into


Nah I’m a stoner and I wouldn’t do something this barbaric.


This is the work of a person who is either single or trying to be.


Is your husband a fucking 4 year old?


I wonder what other crap he does. This isn't normal behavior for an adult with any sense.


He eats the skin off of her KFC chicken.


That's divorce court material, right there.




That episode was one of my favorites back when I watched that show




I can still see Kenny crying softly over this.


When I was a kid I used to eat the marshmallows out of the lucky charms… But I was like under 10. Yet I regret nothing because I was the only one who ate them.


I can’t picture a grown man doing that. Ick.


I’ve seen people eat the tops off of muffins and leave the rest behind when there’s community office donuts. I’ve seen people eat the tip (aka first bite) of a pizza slice and leave the rest behind during office pizza lunches It’s only men who do this shit


My wife will grab a piece of pizza and pick toppings off the remaining pieces and eat them. Also criminal behavior.




Reason for divorce right there


I 100% agree! Where’s OPs half of the top?!?! 🤯


Don’t be *plantain* doubts in her head now!


Serial killer behavior


Naw, that’s push you down to save themselves from a serial killer behaviour.


Exactly what that is!


You're legally allowed to punch him once in the face.


I will make him aware of this promptly.


“Honey, what’s this?”


Order pizza and scrape all the toppings off into a bowl and eat it in front of him.


Or punch him in the nuts


The banana nuts


That's *bananas*... what is he, *nuts*??


Nah. He’s quite a-peel-ing.


We all hate him. Don’t be the odd nut out.


Bad upbringing. He’s obviously inbread…


Your Bread jokes are bad, but that’s the YEAST of our concerns


I appreciate you.


Angry upvote




And this,my friends,is why I love reddit


Anyone else instantly think of the Seinfield "Muffin Top" episode when they saw this post? [https://youtu.be/YYkj2yYaGtU?si=kfth3jUhKfzm6ZpO&t=42](https://youtu.be/YYkj2yYaGtU?si=kfth3jUhKfzm6ZpO&t=42)


Top of the muffin to ya!


No, no, it's "top of the muffin TO YOU!"


The only reason I came to the comments, to find someone mention it.


Lmao I just commented above that Elaine and Mr.Lippman were able to start a business that sold just muffin tops.




I would never get over this. This would greatly effect me.


Yeah, because I would bring this up in an argument like 5 years later.


Unless he did this to be funny then we're not kidding when we say that he's an inconsiderate ass. Hell, there was a whole Seinfeld episode about how even the homeless wouldn't take the "stumps" of muffins because everyone wants the tops of baked goods.


I’ll never understand how people that do things like this genuinely think it’s okay or fine. It blows my mind.


Some people are selfish assholes, and some people find it entertaining enough to marry them. Strange world.


Also this isn't like some of those bland ass cupcakes where the cake portion is dense and flavorless so you just eat the top with the frosting or whatever. Banana bread is delicious and moist all the way through which is why you slice it like bread and eat it


Make sure you get the house in the divorce. 😡 (😁)


How do men like this even get a wife in the first place....? Lol


By finding women with zero self esteem who will tolerate anything


I asked my wife if she would put up with that and she said if I ever started doing shit like that she would have me whacked.


This is not first-date behavior. This is "five years and 2 kids" behavior. He has her trapped




This would make me so angry. I absolutely couldn't be with someone this inconsiderate. If it was his banana bread and his alone, then sure, eat it the way you want! But if this banana bread was intended for everyone to share, this is a dick move of epic proportions and incredibly selfish.


Yes this. I would be pissed bc he ruined it for everyone else just so he could have it


Unless proven otherwise, I really choose to believe this loaf of banana bread wasn't intended to be shared with OP. Like, if it was, I feel like the title should've been "This is the banana nut bread my husband left for me" or something like that


The definition of a man-child


I believe you married a raccoon.


Literally so inconsiderate. Careless. If that shit happened to me best believe I’d be pissed and making it loud and clear.


I’d do that too, but only if I wasn’t sharing it with anyone.


I do this to myself too and then hate myself after. Mostly with cherry Madeira cake where I pick out all the cherries. I don’t know why I don’t just buy a jar of glacé cherries. Somehow it doesn’t taste the same But I’d no way do that to food that was intended to be shared


Cube the remainders out and make a banana nut bread and butter pudding. Add some nut before baking. Halfway to completion, egg wash the pudding again and sprinkle some crushed sugar cubes. Once done, cool off for 15 minutes and enjoy in front of spouse. Just be sure to not let the twat have any except for the smells.


This story had the ending I was hoping for.


Throw the whole husband away.


Intrusive thoughts win again.


Right away jail


Imagine the other things he is capable of.


This is almost as bad as the episode of South Park where Cartman eats all the skin on the KFC


This just makes me think: what other sick things is this person capable of?


You have a banana right there. Half way to making things better again.


Now I just need more nuts.


Your husband has some. Maybe


Not for long.


Buy another, slice the top, and eat it in front of him. Make sure to keep eye contact at all time. 👍


Legit came here to say this, but I see you've already done so. Bravo. 👏 👏 👏 👏


“I took the top off” -Gunna


No jury of your peers would convict.


Dude is the type to eat all the skin off of the KFC, complete douche move.


You married a goat?


Oh I’m so sorry to hear you just became a widow. Let us know what prison you’re in and maybe we can all chip in and put some money on your books. Honestly in my opinion you were completely justified doing what you did.


How stoned was he?


At least two blunts in. Lol


It’s the best part Tbf




Well yeah that’s the only good part - your husband, probably (def not me)


It looks like chickens got to it


You spelled ex-husband wrong


Sometimes people just be stoned 😂


Yup. I'm not actually mad at all. Lol


Did he have the munchies?


That's not an excuse to be an asshole


He did. Lol.


Guys... I don't know how to edit this post. I'm not really mad. Lol. He was two blunts deep before bed and just dug in. It's just a loaf from Bob Evans. And the bottom is just as good as the top. There will be no divorce!


Show him this thread, he will never touch your banana bread again!! Lol


Is your husband actually 3 toddlers in a trench coat? This is terrible.


Was he high?


Very. Lol


is he nuts?