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Window sticker talks about owing veterans everything, but those in wheelchairs or mobility scooters who might need a paved sidewalk apparently don't count. If that grass is wet, they can get stuck in mud trying to go around it. Classy.


As an able-bodied person, I make it a point to walk over the top of vehicles that block sidewalks.


>We owe veterans everything Said by someone who probably proudly votes for the party that is constantly trying to lower veterans benefits. It's a wild disconnect to have.


it’s a jeep thing.


They wouldn’t understand


Indeed. You see, the jeep is designed to be _offroad_. However, the passengers are not. This is actually really the only right way to park your jeep. Wheels offroad, shoes on-road.


It's pretty clear that this person is a blithering idiot who only thinks of herself.


how do you know it's a girl?


Wrangler, stickers, white car… yup it probably a blonde bitch


I just kinda figured that a man wouldn’t name his vehicle “White Fox”.


Also a Jeep Thing.


It’s actually somebody there before the game starts, loading equipment or coolers onto the diamond, probably someone not getting paid and volunteering their time from the looks of the diamond. I’ve seen this exact move my entire life, he’s parked beside an opening in the fence. You can see in the stands no one is there yet, like not one. I used to work for my city, I cut ball diamonds, I called my boss because I thought they weren’t allowed to be doing this, but they in fact were. It’s a temporary loading zone. It’s fine. Yeah I know you all love to hate the patriotic or religious decals (I’m Canadian) but this isn’t what you think it is or want it to be.


Okay so drop the stuff off and then move the car after? Or pull forward further so you're not blocking the sidewalk? So no, it's not "fine." Be better.


They could be dropping the stuff off or be on their way back to move it, or going to grab something to load into the jeep…it’s a picture not a 5 minute long video, right?


They could have pulled a few feet further to not block the walkway or they could have parked right next to the entrance on the grass. This is not a convenient spot for unloading.


Driver wanted all passengers to get off and land on concrete


Probably trying to show off the car’s “offroad” capabilities since grocery shopping is the only other trip the car ever makes.


Completely unrelated - AutoZone sells valve stem pullers for under $20.


That’s about as far off road as most jeeps go.


Jeep people are weird. I knew this one lady who quite seriously took it as an offense if another Jeep driver didn’t wave at her. They have this weird sense of community and, frankly, superiority that I don’t think I’ll ever see understand.


drivers are given keys for a reason


AKA, Key his car


It’s a Jeep. Steal his spare! Nice and open for the pickings.


I think the driver embarrassed themselves enough on their own. No need to scratch the paint.




Yup, guys probably just loading coolers out of it for the team, there’s an opening in the fence right there, not a single soul is in the stands yet… he’s clearly prepping for the game and just loading there temporarily, guaranteed. When I worked for the city I had to cut baseball diamonds, I saw this exact move all the time, and once I called my boss about it and he said they’re allowed to do it for loading purposes, just like us city workers are allowed to drive on a field in order to load a truck up with cut brush instead of dragging the load of brush to the truck.


That's probably exactly what it is. The least respectable thing you can do imo tho is to key someones car, as opposed to, idk, talking to them directly. And then act tough about it.


It’s cowardly and pathetic and would love to see them shit their pants getting caught in the act. Probably too afraid to even do that when no ones looking so they’ll just fantasize about it before taking a little picture and use it to harvest internet points.


As someone who has had their car vandalized, I think you should go to a place where the sun doesn't shine for a very long time.


What happened for your car to get vandalized?


Those doors come off to make a pass through!


You think he put it in 4wd when he left the pavement?


If you take a BB and put it in the tire cap and screw it back on you can let all the air out of a tire without actually cutting it


Sounds like a potential lawsuit and jail time. I would not do this.


There would be virtually no way to prove it was you unless they had evidence. Also they’d be in more trouble for the park job than you deflating their tires. One costs around a dollar to refill. The driver is parked on city property illegally blocking pedestrians. You’d have to oust yourself for a crime just to go after someone letting the air out of your tires, which doesn’t do lasting damage


Removing air from their tires is more douchey than the douche that parked there. Don’t one up their douche-bagness


It really isn’t


They're obviously stuck on their off roading expedition. Lowering air pressure to 7-10psi will help them get more traction.


They also work really good on the interstate when someone is following too closely. Just grab a handful and let them go slowly, over time and the faster y'all go you'll put a bunch of tiny holes in the radiator of the car behind you


Well damn, gonna make me go find out what a barrel of BBs would cost shipping from Alibaba.


slash his 🛞


# RedditMoment


A little extreme eh? Maybe call a tow truck?


Good idea, slash the tires and then get it towed


Nah that get the cops involved if the donut shop is closed. Put nails under his tires. So when he pulls out pop, pop, pop, pop. Maybe not immediately but they will be flat soon.


The Whitefox goes where God takes him.


Dealership told them it’s an off road…


# It's OK, walk around it. They putt offroad capabilities for a reason


I’m not paying for parking, what are you talking about Willis?!


But, how else will you know he has a off road jeep?


It’s a jeep. And they’re pretending it’s “off road”.


I feel that “jeep driver” is probably ancient Prussian for douche bag.


That's how you get your doors kicked in


And you had it towed right?!?!?


"I paid for an off-road vehicle. I'm gonna use my off-road vehicle."


Was it a lot of open parking at the time it was parked? Or did it arrive to a full parking lot, with loads of other cars around, and then the rest left?


I got there after the game started and there was still open parking.


"Heroic Jeep owner uses off-road capabilities to block public sidewalk."


Stickers confirmed the type of asshole that would do this.


You wouldn't understand, it's a Jeep thing.


its a jeep thing you wouldn't understand


Jeep drivers innit? Happy cake day!! https://preview.redd.it/gmedkggxs9mc1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b19f9cd78a998562c7816f360242484a253f6e3b


My brother referred to the hazard lights as the “park-anywhere-innator” and I thought that was really funny. Someone tell this guy to use that strategy maybe?


Its a Jeep thing


https://preview.redd.it/wdv7cfvjw4mc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8d8052620ce3f2bf68682d9e66b32b7170dc3d6 Stickers check out.


That's the most "offroad" most Jeeps ever see


There are reasons I keep a pair of 8" end cut plyers in my wheelchair side pocket. I have never used them on valve stems, though. Ever. I swear.


It’s a baseball game. I absolutely guarantee this guy is some sort of team admin, parked up there beside an opening in the fence to lug several coolers or equipment for the players onto the diamond instead of carrying it the whole way, this isn’t a parking a spot, it’s a temporary loading area. I find it so pathetic people when people take pictures like this. The stands are empty, nobody is there yet, he’s prepping for the game probably volunteering for his kids team just for some pathetic Reddit person to take a picture of it to harvest internet points with because they knew the patriotic decals were just chefs kiss for this audience. And of course the TOP comment is about keying the car, says so much about the people here LMAO. Absolutely pathetic.


It was my daughter's flag football game that had already started on the other side of the diamonds. They weren't unloading anything. There were 3 spots right next to this and they decided to block the walkway instead of going into the actual parking lot. It's crazy how you can make up an entire scenario just to defend someone whose stickers align with your political beliefs.


You just did that yourself, because I’m Canadian and not even conservative… my grandparents and father were born in Ecuador lmao. I use to cut baseball diamonds and saw this exact move many many times. Always someone’s dad just loading shit out of the trucks, which was allowed before games. I don’t care about his political beliefs or stickers. I dont understand what you’re saying about 3 spots right next to that and think there’s probably some reason for the jeep to be parked there other than laziness, that’s its


It’s sad that I had to scroll all the way to the bottom to find someone with a reasonable comment. People suck


I'm guessing they were getting close to the gate to unload something. Not defending them totally, but might explain why they are parked in that spot. Also the whole "respect veterans" motif is so 2010's, we get it, you signed up to fight other people's wars, get over it.


You're very confident that the owner of this Jeep has the discipline to not be laughed out of a recruiting office. He didn't sign up for shit.


The games had already started and if they were unloading something they could have parked right next to the entrance and wouldn't have been blocking anything. This was right next to 3 parking spots outside of the actual parking lot that were all taken.


What the fuck....caring for veterans is not a 2010s fad. The fuck is wrong with you


It's okay, just walk over it, not around it.


1) you know they have a gun in the vehicle if you ever wanted to start a life of crime. 2) being the only non vet in my maternal and paternal family- they'd all laugh at this asshat and probably do something to their vehicle. Fucking jingoistic garbage.


Wow they're offroading! They must feel awesome about really using their vehicle as intended.


Just climb over it


Without even zooming in on the stickers already knew what type of douchebag this was going to be


Hopefully you gave them what they were begging for?


Bro teleported