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Mud flaps are mandatory on commecial vehicles in many areas for a reason.


My friend has mud flaps on his fiesta 


If they don’t have mud flaps, are required to have them in that area & crack a windshield I doubt that “disclaimer” holds up in court. Simply putting a sign up doesn’t absolve them of their responsibility.


Those disclaimers are only there to try and trick people into not bothering to try. It is not in any shape a true statement. Just cause I spray paint "not responsible for vehicular manslaughter" doesn't mean I can go driving through crowds.


Motherfucker.... Could you have posted that a little sooner like before I sprayed that on my car?


Have you tried?


"Sir, do you have your vehicular manslaughter license on your person?"




I am the Parks director, and this is a Park.


"sir, it just says 'I'm allowed to do this.'


I see your only authorized for three tags... woah, this is expired, go get it renewed right away. We can't have people ran over by the irresponsible. Have a nice day.


Same goes for many of the 'warranty void if tampered' stickers. In the EU, they simply don't hold up unless they can prove the device was destroyed by the customer internally on purpose, but cracking it open to take a look is perfectly fine.


They also mean nothing in the US. They have to prove your disassembly is the cause of the failure.


came to say exactly this! Just because you put it on your vehicle doesn’t mean that it holds up in a court of law.


Naw. There goes my idea for a "not responsible for cutting you off without indicating" sticker.


You just need BMW badges.


In fact it condemns them. They clearly know the risk they pose and have likely had this issue before and still not taken the appropriate action.


So you’re telling me my “not responsible for murder,” forehead tattoo wouldn’t help me in court?


That’s what’s up.


Mud flap party!!


My purple Ford Aspire was hot shit with the mudflaps and no fear decal across the windshield...


And "Fear This" on the back window.


And it wouldn't have been inappropriate since that car was partially a Kia powered by the same motor as a Mazda 323.




And these words don't change that fact.


If you write it, it's law :P


Everyone who reads this owes me $1,000. 






Please provide your banking information so I can deposit it right away.


I don’t think the warning is in reference to rocks flying off the tires… 🤦‍♂️


You are correct. Refers to the load, which if properly tarped does in fact indemnify them from liability for you following 5’ off their bumper. (Part time dump truck driver here). Also rocks kicked up of the road are nobody's ’fault’ at all and even less likely to result in a judgement against the hauler.


This is why I never follow big trucks hauling stuff.


When driving, I always follow a personal rule of “if it is capable of falling, it will fall”


Aw yes , the law of Final Destination.


Recently moved to the desert. Within a month I had a cracked windshield. 2 months later, another rock cracks it again. It's all these goddamn raised trucks out here. Not a single goddamn one has mudflaps or their headlights angled proper.


If you think that's bad look at the tires on the left.


It's usually stone coming off of the truck bed..


The other day I saw a truck even had chains behind his mud flaps, I guessing to prevent big rocks or larger shit from getting kicked back at people.


What about the lri tire well bekow 2/32.


They are hauling loose gravel. But i didnt think about that part. Its probably a mixture of both though. Either way notmally it should day stay 100 ft from vehicle because it is carry xyz


Rocks off the tires likely wouldn't be covered. Any vehicle could pitch one randomly off the street at speed. It's when it comes out of the box that they are liable.




In Belgium (Europe) every tire needs to have a mudflap. If not thats a 300€ fine for each missing mudflap. (Talking about trucks)


Yeah it just makes sense. Too many douchebags in the states drive lifted trucks with big tires and no mudflaps and they just fling shit at people's cars all the time.


Surprised he hasn't been stopped and fined by DOT yet. When they stop him and his daily log says there's no problem with the truck he will get a nice big fine he will have to pay


So every car kicks up rocks. This is not unknown. However, every car has a wheel well to stop most road debris. Larger vehicles like this that have what we would call "open wheels" are required to have mud flaps. Because the tires are 100% going to pick something up and throw it behind the wheel. This of course doesn't make it impossible. It will still happen. However, not having the mud flap means there is a 100% chance this truck will throw something into someones windshield.


I recently left commercial truck repair. No flaps is definitely in violation, they are for sure liable regardless of where the debris comes from. DOT requires the flaps bc these are very distinct from just "any vehicle," with 3' tall tires, non shrouded with body work.


Honestly, even with them, you can still get bad rock chips. Don't ask me how i know


Yes they are


That's why gravel trucks on freeways have covers. Cause they're responsible for their cargo not hitting other vehicles. Just like everyone else.


Yeah I bet you that sign still stops most people from calling though. If you can convince people a law doesn't exist. Then it doesn't for those people


Its meant to stop people from following too close tho.


I've seen trucks like this, but they have an orange sign that says do not follow. That would make more sense than "don't blame me If my cargo breaks your windshield"


Trucks in my area will have signs that say to stay 300 feet back and the not responsible for broken windshield signs. I wonder if the distance warning actually makes them not liable to broken windshields.


Unless the sign can be read more than 300ft away, I’m going with no. Also I’ve had rocks come off a truck and hit my car and I’m not even directly behind them. I was on the lane on the left trying to pass them so a rock wouldn’t come out and hit me. So does this mean this sign should apply to all traffic behind the truck regardless of the lane? That’s not reasonable and a court wouldn’t uphold it.


I love it when you're traveling down a highway at speed and one of these knuckleheads with a "stay back 300' " sign decides to cut you off. Like what the hell? If I'm supposed to stay back 300', why should you be allowed to encroach that space?? 


No no. Haven’t you heard? Cars are the only ones who cut trucks off, trucks never do anything unsafe on the roads like that…


Technically they are still liable… some companies especially municipalities are really good about paying for damage… others are not… try proving that the actual tock that cracked your window was one that came from that particular truck… nearly impossible


I think the do not follow means don't follow them into a construction area


I think it means please don’t follow me home and harass my family


No I think it means that truck started a second Instagram account, and it doesn't want you following that one.


And that’s why people don’t discuss pay


It's amazing to me that people think a sign alleviates any legal liability. Like, no one would believe me putting a sign on my car that said "not responsible for any crashes caused by this vehicle," would have any legal standing


It's like when a sovereign citizen hands a cop a pamphlet saying the laws conveniently don't apply to them for some bs reason.


Police cannot stop my freedom to travel! I am not driving, I am traveling! I can travel drunk! : takes sip of vodka :


"I do not give Facebook of any other entity permission to use" I laugh at that shit everytime. You already did, when you agreed to the terms and conditions of your account Karen.


My boomer dad is one of the good ones and usually doesn't fall for this shit but he reposted one of these the other day. I was actually worried his account got hacked so I asked him about it. He was kind of embarrassed. Didn't stop me and my sisters from teasing him about it.


Yes but people think that sign is backed by some legal thing. A lot of people really do not get laws, especially when it gets more and more obscure


It's not for that, just like those warranty void stickers that aren't enforceable really anywhere, if you can convince people the law isn't on their side, it doesn't matter what the law says, because people won't bother trying to go against it in the first place


There are big signs coming into town and heading out to the dump here saying all loads must be covered. You also pay more at the dump if it isn't tarped. I think someone on the city council is sick of shit spilling everywhere!


I see them conveniently not using those covers with full loads too.


They quite literally are. These decals are company installed to try to deter honest people from seeking compensation for their lack of basic accountability. If you **EVER** get **ANY** damage to your vehicle from a truck labeled like this **FIRST AND FORMOST** call the company, explain the damage what you saw leave the truck and that you have a dash cam (even if you dont) **GUARANTEE** the company will pay you an immediate settlement to the course of what damage happened. These decals are not a binding clause you signed to have to drive behind this truck.


Got my windshield busted by one of these trucks last summer. Didn't have that sign on the back. Called the cops and they sent an officer out to their office. Yard dispatcher claimed that the truck in question was on the way back to the yard, and they only come back empty, so they didn't do anything wrong. Cop basically said it was my word against theirs.


Who cares what a cop says. Insurance or Small claims


Correct. Just because the cops found no criminal matter to be present doesn't excuse the possible civil matter regarding the windscreen.  The police report is a formality to support the lodgement of a civil case to recover the cost of the windscreen. Your insurance are lawyers on retainer for you, and who are there to go in to bat for you if they think there is a fair chance at winning the civil case.


Bet you have a dash cam now 😂


That's why you should have a dash cam. Also you should've filled a claim with your insurance with the details. Guarantee your insurance would have better ability to get money from the truck company than you would.


I had a dude who didn't have a tarp. Unfortunately I'd just gotten the windshield replaced due to ironically rocks hitting it a week prior from another truck but that was from one flying out from under the wheel so it was eh, anyway I hadn't replaced the sticky stuff on my dash cam yet so didn't have it back up and running. Dude hit a bump and several new smacks into the new windshield and my hood, I was six car lengths away on highway about to pass him when it happened. I got him to pull off. No company names, no tags on back of trailer, nothing to indicate who he worked for or anything just a open air trailer of rocks. I told him what happened and he told the name of the company he claimed he worked for (ironically they don't exist) and refused to give me insurance information nor wait for highway patrol to show up for a report. Couldn't give them any info either as I didn't get his truck plates because I never managed to get close enough to see them. Wasn't expecting him to get up and go once I said I wanted a police report. Dude basically did a hit and run from what the officer said, said if I had my dash cam, they could have attempted to have him arrested at next truck stop for it but is what it is.


So like…if someone (certainly not me) sees one of these guy and don’t get damage, you’re saying the company would still pay out without checking the evidence?


Actually, more than likely not, yes. But you're also putting yourself in a situation of breaking felonies. Do what you will.


Hmmm. $200 for a felony….decisions decisions. Yeah probably best not to. For that other guy. Who was considering it.


What are you in for? Busted windshield... 😂


Not even wheel flaps. What an idiot. Must be a private owner/operator.


I wear a sign that says "I'm not responsible for anything I steal from you." There's a sign on my car that says "I'm not responsible for speeding or accidents." I have a tattoo on my dick that says "I'm not responsible for getting you pregnant."


Yes indeed they are. No dumbass sign can change that.


I bet the sign stops a lot of people from trying to get money from them though. It’s awful of them, don’t get me wrong, but I bet it works more than it should.


I imagine it's mostly meant to stop impatient drivers from tailgating so close that they can't see them


Nah they took their mudflaps off. They trying to damage windshields on purpose.


But my bumper sticker says, “Not responsible for accidents.” Won’t that make me exempt?


Sure does! My “Tax Exempt” bumper sticker works too!


Everyone knows it needs to start with “I do hereby declare” or it won’t be legal


Not true in my state, whatever they claim. Probably that statement gets some to back off though, reducing the damage.


That’s probably the idea.


>Probably that statement gets some to back off though, reducing the damage. That's probably the point. Like those 'if you can read this you're too close' signs.






Driver side, inside tire looks like it’s ready to blow . They must have only had enough for Three tires


"Driver not responsible for tires"


No mudflaps. Radial wire showing. This weird sign painted on the back. These people have been a part of some nasty bullshit over the years.


No plate


LoL that's not how it works. No mud flaps? Load not covered? They are 100% responsible.


They are responsible Despite that, i always stay way back from these types of trucks. Even when they take precautions you can end up with a cracked windshield. I'm hoping this sign is there to deter tailgaters


Obviously that text is BS, but if its intent is to make drivers switch lanes to avoid being behind the truck it probably DOES decrease liability that way.


It should say, not responsible for road objects. In my state a road object is anything that has come in contact with the road. If a rock falls off their truck and directly hits your car then technically they have to pay(if you can prove that's what happened). If a rock falls off their truck, hits the ground, and then bounces into your windshield; it's a road object and not their responsibility. I know a lot of people won't like what I just said, but as they say, "thems the rules"


Yep. My mower kicked up a rock and broke a guys car window as he was driving by once. I immediately offered to pay to fix it but he wouldn’t talk to me and decided to call 911 instead. Cop said I wasn’t liable. I never would’ve known that if that guy didn’t call the cops. I still gave the guy my info and told him to get a quote and call me and I’d cover it, but I never heard from him.


Hmm, pretty sure cop was wrong. A big tractor mower was mowing beside a field and flung a bunch of rocks toward my car damaging it. It was not a lot but an officer was called for a damage report. Farmer ended up paying me $250 after some body work quotes. Cops are not attorneys, they didnt study law. Dont take their word for it.


Laws also very from state to state. Your laws could be different from theirs.


Man, I’d understand if it was because he wanted a paper trail but he had no right to call 911 over that and waste important resources.


You couldn’t even begin to imagine what people call 911 for.


Yeah it was a bit of an overreaction. I didn’t see it happen so he yelled to get my attention and then refused to speak to me until the cops showed up and then would only have the cop relay messages. And then didn’t even take me up on my offer to pay for it, which I didn’t have to do. I half expected him to come back with a lawsuit. People are weird.


You do if you want to go through your insurance and have it paid for and worked at in a real shop. You’re supposed to call the cops for auto incidents because of the paper trail yes, even if they say they can’t do anything. Most companies will ask you if you filed a report and it makes a difference


yea, if it is kicked up by the tires then it is for you to sort out with your insurance. But if it falls off the truck, then it is their fault.


I do know that in my area the fines for having loose soil or rocks on a commercial vehicle are steep as fuck. Our truckers clean their crap off and I see brooms getting busted out before they hit the roads. Still eat a lot of gravel to the windshield, though.


In Texas all the time there are commercial dump trucks on the road with no or poor covers spewing shit everywhere. Pisses me off to no end.


What state is this? Sounds bogus.


*not legally binding.


This has as much legal weight as DNR tattoos - none. Cover that shit.


You can not indemnify yourself from negligence just by posting a sign.


So you’re saying it was a bad idea for me to put a sticker on my hood that says “Not responsible for dead and injured pedestrians”? Because I really thought I found a loophole that would let me avoid traffic by driving on the sidewalk.


Dumbasses need to stay back and not ride the bumper of a dump truck then cry when they get hit with a rock. Use common fucking sense people.


responsible for many


the fact that they wrote that does not mean anything, they can still get sued


*The fact that they wrote* *That does not mean anything,* *They can still get sued* \- jk599 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


good bot


That’s kinda fucked. I one night was taking my cousin home driving on the freeway. I was in the fast lane and there was one of these trucks in the lane next to me. Well it had a bunch of scrap metal and no cover. One large piece flew out hit the hood of my car just right and my hood broke off the latch and hit the windshield. Somehow got onto the shoulder okay and safe but fucked up nonetheless.


Fun fact, this text literally means nothing. For two key reasons. 1. If the truck is leaking gravel/rocks/anything then it is their fault for not securing the load properly. This can be from the back gate or from bumps and it coming over the top. 100% their fault no matter how close you are. 2. Mud Flaps are mandatory for vehicles with open wheels like this. Which is both dump trucks and big rigs. (and other types of course.) So if a rock is kicked up from the tires while you are behind this fella, once again it is their fault. Mind you it doesn't matter what kind of debris hits your car from this vehicle. These disclaimers on the back of these trucks are specifically designed to discourage you from making a complaint when it happens. It has ZERO legal standing and in no way stands up in court. While I am no lawyer, I can in fact give you this legal advice. Should one of these trucks have one of these two above be true, you are 100% within your right to have them replace/fix whatever damage was caused by their vehicle.


They do this because no one listened to the “stay back 250ft”.


Fun fact, just because you have a sticker that says you’re not responsible for something, doesn’t make it true. That truck is still responsible for any broken windshields it causes.


I interpret that as "don't drive so close behind."


Don't get so damn close and it's not a problem.


Never trust a truck with pierced nipple chains…


Yes they are. I’m going to put a bumper sticker on my front windshield that reads “Not liable for your sudden stops and me tailgating”


Umm DOT regulations state you need mudflaps so yes you would be responsible for the broken windshields and the fines you would get for operating a class 8 truck with faulty equipment. Edit: your tarp is also suppose to be in working order and being used with loads like gravel.


It’s called securing your load.


saying it’s sterile doesn’t make it so!


They put this shit there to make you not want to make a deal of it. It's totally their responsibility if they're dropping shit on the road.


Why are you hiding his ass?


Putting a sticker on your truck doesn’t change that they are responsible for. I’m sure it deters people from holding them responsible.


Commercial vehicles are always responsible for their loads. Those “notices” are complete BS.


Haha yes you are!


Just put a sign on your car that says “I don’t care what your sign says, if you break my windshield you owe me $5,000”. Problem solved.


Just because you say that doesn't make it true


I'm not sure that's a legally binding contract


Oh, I am sorry officer. If you read the sign I made, I’m not actually responsible for my own actions.


Yeah, actually they are. Especially if the top of the bed isn't covered properly, etc.


May not hold up in court but a great way to get people to back off.


*laughs in “that’s not how that works”*


Actually they are. Putting a sign on the back of a vehicle does not absolve someone from being liable for an unsecured load. You could take them to court and you would win if you had it on dashcam.


Yes, they absolutely are if whatever broke the windshield came off the truck. If it was a rock tossed by a tire, then no, they are not if they have proper flaps. This can vary by state as well.


They certainly are if they are running with no mudflaps like this jackass.


So if I put up a sign that says not responsible for broken bodies and I run you over? Does that mean i'm not responsible? Hmm this law stuff sure is complicated


No tarp or mudflaps. That’s infuriating.


No license plate. They really believe that…. Suuure.


Some places (like Missouri) only issue a front plate for trucks.


If this worked I'd just wear a sign around my neck that said "Not responsible for any crimes I commit"


Magic words!


Then put your tarp up asshole


Oh yes you are…..


They can say that all they want, but if the shit came off their truck, they absolutely are. You might need a vid of rocks coming out of the box though.


I can put the same sign on the back of my car and dump a bucket of golf balls out the windows. I will still be held responsible. These signs infuriate me. Secure your load!




It doesn’t matter how careful I am, they ALWAYS hit me. They don’t secure the shit worth a damn. If you have to put a disclaimer on your truck, it shouldn’t be on the road. It’s a danger to other drivers. I can’t afford to replace a windshield.


Yep, that’s not how it works. They are hoping you don’t know that though.


Legally, he is.


With a tire so bald the wires are sticking out too


Although I think it's BS and they should be responsible for the load or kicking up rocks like everyone else... That's why you should be smart and not follow them, let alone that close. If you can't see their mirrors, they can't see you. Just saying.


I’m not a lawyer, but i don’t believe that’s how that works.


A couple of years ago, I merged onto the freeway behind a gravel truck leaking gravel. I was a really good distance back but still got multiple dings and cracks in my windshield. I called 911 mainly because of the loose gravel on the freeway. Cars (including me) were trying to get the drivers attention to no avail. I snapped a pic of the company logo. Got home, found out on the state’s website who the company was insured with, filed a claim with them, then an online police report. A few weeks later, the insurance company sent me a check for a new windshield.


The company *is* responsible for damage caused, but what’s the bet that people leave a bigger gap, reducing the overall number of incidents?


You can't walk around throwing sand in people's eyes whilst wearing a shirt that says "not responsible for eye injuries" and assume that covers you in the eyes of the law.


Man found a loophole in the law, by stating he's not responsible. 10/10


Yes you bloody well are!


Without your mudflaps you fucking are...


If something falls off that truck, that sign means nothing. BUT... How about keeping a reasonable distance between you and the truck?


Yes you are, anything that falls of your truck is your responsibility


Sorry the law here says exactly the opposite...


How not to look like a reputable company: No visible license plate, no mud flaps, and a factually incorrect warning.


Those rock/pebble trucks really piss me off. Things just flying out everywhere


It’s good idea! My car will be like : "No responsibilities for ANY accidents/incidents caused" specially for hit bicyclists.


Yes they are.


It’s true because it’s on a sign!


It's cute people think they can just put something in writing and be absolved of all consequence. That's not how it works.


They are though. Those signs mean nothing


You should be held responsible for cropping your image. [https://i.imgur.com/JDTIprn.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/JDTIprn.jpg)


Odd it has no plates.


Lol yeah they are. That sign means dick to a judge


I wonder if they ever happen upon a Paulie Walnuts type: “Not responsible for damage, read the sign.” [Pulls out a .45] “here’s a sign for you. You fix that fucking windshield, or I’m going to put one in your bracciole, capische?”


He is though. And it doesn’t matter where it comes from, given his lack of the required mud flaps.


I could be wrong but I’m pretty sure this is supposed to be funny, not a real, serious statement. It’s like welding a wrench on the very edge of the back of your work truck, cept this fella put not responsible for broken windshields. Don’t get too focused on the real words. What it’s actually saying is: “STAY THE FUCK OFF MY ASS!” 😆


Left rear inside tire has left the chat


Get the vehicle info, lic plate and truck number and play, wanna bet? I did, state of Indiana agreed. New windshield, he admitted he hadn’t covered his load, add a fine too.


This would be an easy lawsuit victory should they break someone’s windshield since they don’t have any mudflaps.


It's a lie. They are responsible for broken anything if it's causes by their vehicle.


A sign doesn’t absolve them of legal responsibility, same with trespassing and shoot on sight signs


State Trooper Here, ok i am not i just wanted to pose on that looking at the pic above try it, it feels good, like Insurance Investigator here... anyway i have replaced windshields because the rock hits you and it begins. not there and now which makes Not Responsible true for the driver, its the company lawyer... so you might not see it for a couple days, then it takes a week to grow an inch and then one cold day you forgot and put on your defrost... on the other side we ran a shitload of service trucks and we used to get bullshit from Chicago folks saying we ruining their car... so installed GPS trackers and most claims were no where near our truck, just folks fishing like they do for a "bus accident" so yeah been on both sides, let me exit with INTERPOL Captain here...


Black out the “NOT” and tell them they are responsible.


We will see what a judge says he's responsible for. I have a sticker on my back glass. "Not responsible for speeding and hitting pedestrians" isn't it nice how we can be absolved of responsibility?


Fun fact, if you put a sign out saying that your not legally responsible for something that you would be legally responsible for, it not only doesn't absolve you of being responsible, it can be used as an admission of guilt in a court.