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Because “look, no hands!” ![gif](giphy|pCt1CBOZJ3aMw)


I’ve mastered the ability to piss without touching or “spilling” in my own home. Granted, I never wear clothes in my place, so it easier 😂


I hate that I'm laughing at this. 😄


Pressure or partly restricted exit causing an odd trajectory. Drunkenness, care factor or a straight up miss. Any respectable man would clean up after themselves.


I went into a stall after a guy who didn't flush. Not a single drop in the toilet. All of it was on the seat and floor. I was ready to beat the guy.


How did you not see the soaked floor? Piss usually comes out in over a quart, and stall walls are ubiquitously taller than crew cut socks for some reason. Not even getting to your sense of smell, HOW DID YOU NOT SEE?!


Bigger question. Why won't they wipe it off?




Splash back. Even hitting porcelain has consequences. Lifting up the seat should be their first move. If you force them to leave down. Even a urinal would get dirty. Who would sit in that? (Rhetorical) As for cleaning. That is more of a chore and domestic thing. Both ways. Only responsible people clean up after themselves. Do not frame it as gender. I have cleaned women's bathrooms. Hitting the toilet is one thing. People hold it in differently and when have to go no control. Not cleaning when missing toilet completely is lazy. Depends on the mess and person. Do not get me started on feces let alone that tiktok trend.


I grew up with two older sisters and a mom. One bathroom. You can bet I was trained to lift the seat before I peed, wipe up any misses and put the seat back down when done! One time, late at night, I didn't put the seat down. My sister woke up and went to sit and landed in the cold water in the toilet! I can still hear her screams! And I still get reminded 40 years later!


My mother is has 4 boys including me, 5 with my dad. When I was about 10-11, she basically gave us an ultimatum. ‘Sit to pee or clean the bathoom.’ We’ve all sat to pee since then.


It’s the most comfortable way in your own domain


And you can get the crossword done in peace.


Crosswords? Sounds too low stakes, do your taxes on that throne


Two words: Dual Stream


Hey, I hit the toilet every time. I just hit other stuff too.


I can't believe most guys haven't found the art of sitting down pissing. Especially once you pissed with shorts! One of the toughest looking guys of our friendgroup from back in the day once told me this secret. It was a surprise but never looked back


I don’t like sitting down to piss because sometimes a little shit slips out by surprise. I don’t like surprises.


Most people aren't eager to sit on a public toilet


I have a simple rule even when drunk. Point then shoot. Don't just fire from the hip!




This is truly majorly infuriating. It's one of my pet peeves. Some women hover over the seat instead of just wiping the seat to sit and covering it with a couple strips of toilet paper or using a seat cover. Then they piss all over the seat, dribble on the floor. If I have pants on I have to pull them up and accept that the bottom of my shoes are standing in a puddle of God knows how many nasty women's urine. I've tried to go into a bathroom stall after someone did that. Yellow piss everywhere. Stinks. Why is it that a full grown woman pisses like a blind 5 year old boy? Maybe they think other women are nasty for actually sitting. Yet they're the one pissing everywhere for someone else to deal with.


Damn never experienced with women


Yup. When it comes to the ladies room, we have some of the same issues as men but then some even grosser ones.


Shouldn’t encourage hitting AT ALL


So, You've never heard of the helicopter technique?


Even with perfect aim, you can't prevent side splatter. It's why there are urinals. It makes the rim and the floor and the walls sticky if you're diabetic, even worse on Jardiance. At home you can go years without mopping the walls if you use a funnel or sit down like 30%-40% of German men do.


What are they paying you for?


Not everyone is shooting from point blank, okay? I'm concerned for the *women* who still hit the seat.


>They ain’t paying me to be the janitor. Sounds like the problem of the person they’re paying to be the janitor. They a friend of yours?


I can’t stand when dudes don’t lift the seat up. Like how Fkn lazy are ya.


I just don’t wanna put my hands on it, since the last 12 people just peed all over it.


Do you not use your feet to open or you don’t want piss all over your shoes either?


Nobody told them that standing was not the correct use case with this receptical.


It’s a guy thing


Well …. You complain about boobs being all over the place … imagine that you have something that protrudes from your pelvis, is hard when you wake up, soft most of the time, that also when you try to pee, has a mind of its own…. It never stays in one direction… I’ll lend you mine to give it a shot


Sometimes you forget to draw your foreskin back and it hits the edge of your skin, but even then sometimes your jap is like stuck together a bit and the build up pressure makes piss explode everywhere upon its exit. However if this happens one must clean up still though


Bullet richochet


As a woman it requires a great deal of effort to aim accurately. Sometimes i need to turn around and not face the toilet, but otherwise i tend to miss the bowl quite a bit.


To distracted by the peep hole to the ladies' room.


Guys miss, it’s not like there is a fun sight on it. But another question is, how do women miss. They sit down.


Some hover pee. They think they’re going to get some flesh eating virus if their tush touches a public toilet. Meanwhile everything is made with microban. Also if they are that concerned, carry hand sanitizer and wipe the seat.


I mean women statistically are more likely to catch those sorts of diseases. I feel Like seat covers should be standardised


I think guys can't stop looking at their phones for long enough sometimes.


Real men sit down to piss.


I just sit my ass down and don’t worry about it.


Sometimes I sneeze when I pee. My auto aim malfunctions when this happens and only god knows where the pee is gonna go. Other than that I usually do a good job.


I know this might be weird but do you also get a spasm when you’ve nearly finished or have , so the residue you are meant is shake just goes all over or is it just me?


Because they are lowlife grubs. Primitive beings that expect the rest of the world to clean up after them.