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Meanwhile, Dualshock 2s are still going strong.


Still using my dualshock 3.


Same here. I have a ”new” PS2 though, an original in the condition of a new one. 👀 Bought it year or so back. Also, I’ve taken TWO PS5 controllers back on the warranty and am now pissed that the warranty receipt literally wipes itself (have it hanging on my home office’s wall, almost all gone) over time… 😤


My first DualShock still going


Sounds like you've been quite unlucky, personally I'm still using my initial PS5 controller that I got 3 years ago, but it's all anecdotal without proper sample size. How much have you been using them?


Apparently, the ones that have models ending in a "1" have issues. Mine is very subtle to the point games do not notice on my pc. I only saw it after looking at input values. It is a 0.3 drift on the x axis and around a .1 on the y


Mine’s lasted for the three years I’ve had it as well, and I’ve put in 2000 hours of Souls games alone in that time. Some parts are not produced the same as others, but also some people, knowingly or not, are simply harder on the controller than they need to be.


I've heard stories about the horrors of stick drift in the Switch but my first joycon from like 5 years ago is still chugging along perfectly. Luck is a hell of a thing.


I think some people push too hard. I've also never had this problem on any controller from any device. I do still live in fear though.


Also it's more noticeable in certain games that need more precise movements. I've had controllers with stick drift before that I didn't even notice until I started playing a certain game.


I've used mine for well over a thousand hours, no stick drift. A couple sticky buttons tho🕊️ although I think those are fixable


Seems to be hit or miss with each batch.


[this](https://youtu.be/djIvRoclr_E?si=VmmVW2TGdKCLVckO) works like a charm.


Yea I’m gonna crack them open on Sunday evening and see what I can fix or further destroy


I'd recommend getting gulikit or similar electromagnetic sticks, those are just as good as normal ones but the technology inside them prevents stick drift from ever happening. And they are pretty cheap too


Hyperlinks are a nice blue.


These videos are so soothing.


They are my favorite electronics repair channel.


I've done this and have broken 2 controllers. The only tricky part is the fragile floppy connector things. I'll never dare take another controller apart


You can try 'fixing' them by squirting some contact fluid in them or better yet, opening them up and apply it more accuratly or clean them if needed. (google it) If that doesnt work, and you're half interested in that sorta thing i'd recommend picking up a soldering iron, some tin and a tin pump and order some replacement analog sticks from aliexpress or the likes. controllers are expensive and I've saved my old 360 controller 3 times now in the last 10 or so years. Youtube has plenty of vids explaining the process, it looks intimidating but its not super hard even for a newb imo. I think you can save all 3 for less then the price of a new one


Ive done all the regular suggestions short of opening them up. I’m gonna set aside a Sunday and crack em all open and try and fix them. Just haven’t had the time. And the free time I have had, I’ve wanted to play video games 😂


Yeah, definitely try it. I've seen this issue fixed on other controllers very easily.


Once you e done it once it’s really only takes a few minutes to do again. Super simple it’s just intimidating.


Hey in case you didn't know you can buy a controller from GameStop and add the warranty and then anytime it goes out during the year or if you just want a new one you can go do it for free but if you pay the $15 again you can keep doing it indefinitely. I didn't know about it until my buddy started managing one but it's actually a great freaking deal. My PS5 controllers go out about once a year and it's only 15 bucks. It's the same with other types of controllers as well.


How many hours a day/week?


I’d say I’m a solid 6-10 hrs a week regularly on the ps5. That fluctuates depending on what game I’m playing. I have a pc too, so sometimes I’ll go a month without touching the ps5. Other times, like when FF7 rebirth came out, I’m glued to it.


“Why are you going left? Stop running away..no dont! …..and now we’re in the river. Are you happy?” - me to my dumb ass player every time my stick shifts and he starts running around like a lil lost lamb


Swear. The red one has a right stick drift and the blue one has a left stick drift. So I’ve been switching up controllers depending on the game I’m playing and what the analog needs are.


I've recently had 2 with stick drift, it sucks. Don't remember it being such an issue in previous gens.


I just wish that Hall Effect sticks becomes more of the norm. The only controller I had drift was a very old Gamecube controller, and my JoyCons. The oldest controller I've been using is a wired X360 controller I got since...2007-2008, no drift. Knock on wood. Though I have been using a Halo 5 XB1 controller as of late. My Elite 2 on my One X is still truckin' along after...three-four plus years? Still, knock on wood.


I got drift pretty bad on one of my xbone controllers but my 360 joints are still going strong as well.


Knock off x360 USB wired, had good reviews, abused for 4 years, no drift. 4 x360 originals in the "parts" box, all stick drift...


Stick drift is a warranty case. So buy them on amazon. With extended varanty you have 2 years. I just sent back my 5th or 6th swich controller and just got a new one. Never paid for any of them


Or you can buy a kit with hall effect replacement sticks (at least for the switch) that will make so you never have stick drift again.


Nintendo fixes switch joy cons for free regardless of age.




We've got 5 controllers. 3 of them have stick drift. We've only had the ps5 for a year and a half. My controls for my ps3 still work great, but these new models are crap.


Yup . Lliterally on the cusp of buying my kid his third in as many years due to the same issue. The dual sense is a great controller, but one thing it is not is robust.


Just replace the sticks with hall effect sticks. Those don't wear down like the original ones


These come with a one year warranty in the US and Two years in the UK. Ive sent 3 different controller at this point takes like 3 weeks to get it back.


I've always just taken mine apart to fix it. Had the same controller for a good 4 years now 0 issues besides it needs a little cleaning


I have the same problem. 3 controllers all fucking drift


We go through controllers about every 6 or so months, too. Cue “things aren’t made the way they used to be,” rant.


I have my Xbox S now for about 7 months and still don’t have stick drift. I have my ps4 now for almost 8 years (I think) and also no stick drift idk why so many people have a problem with stick drift. How does that even happen.


I've never had stick drift, been on consoles since 1991


Nice so what was your first console? If I’m allowed to ask


NES - no stick drift on even one controller.


Sega Megadrive (genesis to the Americans) I was 5 🤣


We have 5 people in the household using controllers every day. It’s probably getting a lot more than average use, tbf.


I have three controllers bought at launch. Not one issue. Kids, and me,  3 users daily. Have never had an issue with a playstation controller, have had each gen roughly 8 years. I dont get what people are doing to their controllers.




If you're good with tech hardware repair, you should look into replacing the joysticks with hall effect ones. Those won't drift at all and it's cheaper than buying new controllers


I’m buying one every 6 or so months.


Why would they design the sticks to not break after awhile knowing that if they do you won’t spend more $ by buying more controllers?


Yo if you ever want to sell one for cheap let me know 😉


I don’t know about ps controls but Xbox controllers have like 2 cents sensors that are designed not to last long so you have to buy a new one


My $250 Xbox controller had stick drift after about a year ☹️


My first controller lasted about 6 months. 2nd one better last longer than that for $75


There is a one year warranty. Im about to pick up my second replacement from where i bought it.


I am literally about to head out to get my warranty replacement for my blue one.


2 out of 4 of my Ps5 controllers have stick drift. Very annoying, the quality is absolutely horrible


Buy new one with warranty from Best Buy. I don’t usually buy extended warranty but for controller they just swap out for new one




I feel like they make them with the intention of them getting stick drift so you have to get another one


I've still never had stick drift with the Xbox controllers.


Meanwhile, the PS2 controller i’ve had for over a decade: ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)


Shows you what I know, I don't even know what stick drift IS. Sounds bad tho. So... sorry to hear.


Stick gets stuck in one direction without user input. So you may want to move your character to the right, but the stick pulls your character to the left. Lookin at you, Sackboy…


The potentiometers that measure the sticks position wear out and report an innacurate position


It’s the epitome of annoying first world gamer problems.


Honestly what the hell are people doing to controllers? Mine is 1.5 years old now and nothing wrong


Incredibly easy to fix ps controllers nowadays though, they don't require soldering most of the time, just buy new sticks and switch out the potentiometers.


You don't even need to do that. Pop the controller open, pop the side of the analog open, and clean the contacts. There is no need to buy another controller.


I’ve had to buy so many ps5 controllers and your only telling me that now?


wtf I’ve had 2 in almost 5 years I think


I have 6 controllers. No stick drift on any of them


I had one of 2 PS4 controllers that had issues pretty quickly. I should have returned it and got another one but we hardly ever used it. PS5 controllers have both been good since I got it over a year ago. Now the switch joycons on the other hand ...


My OG ps5 controller doesn’t have stick drift but the L1 button just went out 🙃


Bummer. Solidarity in busted controllers ✊🏽


Tell me about it. I bought a brand new controller for my Xbox. Had a stick drift right out the box. 😒


Did you happen to buy it directly from Xbox or Microsoft store because me and my buddy found out some of the controllers you buy on Amazon Amazon Amazon have been “refurbished” third-party, and they’re selling them as new


Open it up, then clean the stick sensors properly with alcohol. They will get clogged up with dust etc


Sounds easy. But its not really. I've taken apart a few and they're never the same again. Either I break the mic lead or something else. Personally I prefer just to by a new one and keep my trash ones for rougher games.


There's quite some YouTube tutorials you can watch to make sure you don't break anything. I've actually replaced my sensors as well and it worked great. I've had my original controller since launch day and it still works fine


across two platforms. I have about 10 Xbox controllers. only ever had issues with one.


I went through 6 XBOX controllers in 2 years. I finally went PC and don’t miss cheap controllers.


I'd have not bought the same brand three times in a row.


Ps2 controllers never did


The new ps5 controllers allow you to change out the stick module pretty easily


Which one? Cause all of the repair guides I’m looking at for these involve a fair amount of desoldering and doesn’t seem for the faint of heart at all.


I don’t want to jinx it but I don’t play games that has the push L3 to run. I wonder if that effects it.


It’s a different drift for each one. The white one drifts up on the left stick. The blue one drifts left on the left stick. The red one drifts left on the right stick. I thought it might be me being too hard on them when playing specific games (looking at you, madden) but this never happened to me on ps4 or ps3


Just blast it with compressed air...


I’m well past that but thank you. Didn’t work for any of them.


I had to replace one within the first 2 years of buying the system. Luckily I heard about the stuck drift before I made the purchase and decided to get a warranty. Only warranty I've bought and it payed off.


I’m on my 3rd controller for my ps5 in a year and a half for the same issue.


Why do your controllers look shiny? Look super worn. Not discounting the stick drift.


Probably direct sunlight reflecting from the windows to the right. The white one is a little over 2 years old. The blue one is about 13-14 months. The red one is about 6 months.


The one I got with the console has stick drift (but only in games, never in any other app or on the Home Screen). The second one I got has been fine since I got the console two years or so ago


When I worked at EB Games we probably took back 10 DS5's a week due to stick drift honestly! If you live in a country like Australia with strong consumer protections and express warranties, you can take them back with proof of purchase usually within a year and get it replaced for free. If you live in the US you're kind of shit out of luck, though.


It’s really amazing to me how many people have controllers fail. I’m still using my Series 1 Xbox Elite controller that I got when they just came out, in 2015! I still use it regularly and only within the last couple months have I noticed stick drift on the right stick. I was able to stop it by adjusting the deadzone just slightly in the main game I play, Destiny 2. Sorry you’ve been having a bad experience, it’s such a bummer to burn through electronics that should (in theory) last years.


People are just really rough with their controllers. They cram the sticks around like they're trying to push through the gate. 99% of controller damage issues disappear if we just relax and play mindfully.


Holy shit those are the exactly three controllers I've bought in the past 2 years! Mine keep breaking cause I accidently step on them tho.


Average Controller Experience


I think i got 4 last year. Splurged and got the dualsense edge so now if i get drift i cana djust deadzones or just buy a new stick insert.


how do u manage to get stickdrift in the first place


I sold my PS4 and vowed to never buy a PS again because the controllers kept breaking. Not surprised.


I've never had an issue with any of my PlayStation controllers ever. Maybe you're a little rough with them?


I have 3 - 1 with HORRIBLE stick drift and the other 2 work, the one with drift, is my newest one.


Same, I solved with the dualsense edge.


instead of buying new ones just give them to someone to repair. you pay less than for 1 controller and got 3 fixed


My white one got it so I bought the red colored one. It lasted a year and the down on the D pad stopped working (fell off couch)…returned it and got my money back and spent it on a pro controller. Fingers crossed


Went through the same thing. I’d recommend the dualsense edge where you can just switch out the sticks. The $199 price tag kinda sucks but so does buying multiple controllers in a year.


Playstation is the worst for this. However I find it depends on what games I play. Monster Hunter made me burn through: * A 2 year old ps4 controller i still havent replaced because I was so disappointed at how quickly it became unusable * A 6 year old Xbox One controller that I replaced with a current Xbox controller, which still works great today * Two four-year-old joycons that i had to replace because the switch is my most used console I decided that for my steamdeck, i wanted gyro, but instead of getting a playstation controller or using the buggy switch pro controller, i got an 8bitdo Ultimate. The sticks are hall effect so it's going to last much longer.


I had the same issue here. Ended up having to replace the stick altogether. Thankfully I knew how to solder and thankfully the parts were cheap.


I’ve been lucky with mine. I haven’t had any issues at all with my controllers and use them regularly. There’s some fixes you should try on YT, good luck man!


GuliKit KingKong pro 2 wireless, or a gamesir controller both use hall-effect sticks that don’t drift.


At that point you may as well pick up a cheap soldering kit and make an attempt to repair them yourself. Tronic fix has some amazing videos to teach you how to repair your own stuff. It can be intimidating and a little tedious but it's also a fun and rewarding hobby.


Oh shit we have the same 3 controllers! I haven’t had any stick drift problems however, only issue is that the pad for my left thumbstick on my white controller tore off. Maybe how you store them could be an issue?


bro same i have 3 with stick drift. i have a large family so we now have 6 controllers


At that point, just buy the PS5 pro controller, you can swap out the joysticks for $20.


Stop playing games and go outside


2 controllers since release zero stick drift


Omg my husband and I go through controllers for the Xbox just as fast, if not faster, for stick drift as well. We never had this problem before, idk why it’s so bad now. His controllers go faster than mine cause he plays more, but we’ve been through 4-5 or more in the past 2-3 years. So expensive!


have you tried adjusting the dead zones to counteract the stick drift on the game you play?


Yes. Some games I can do it and it’s great. Other games not so much. I mentioned in another comment that the drift on the blue one is left on the left stick, and the drift on the red one is left on the right stick. So I’ll alternate controllers depending on the game I’m playing and whether or not I need camera controls.


I’m still using the same controls I have had since launch with no issue. Do people really have a lot of problems with them ?


I thought it was me but I feel like I know enough people that are dealing with the same issue that anecdotally it feels like a bigger thing


I would say that PS5 controllers are quite a gamble. I've been using the same controller that came with my Launch Edition PS5 with no problems whatsoever.


I’ve had my same controller for like 4 years now. No issues except charging port is loose.


the dualsense edge allows you to change the sticks tbh im convinced next gen that's going to be the norm for controllers


Why don't you just replace the stick instead of the whole controller?


I am now. The first time it was “well I need another controller anyway” The second time it was “well the blue one failed two weeks past the warranty. Maybe it’s a fluke”. This time it’s “I’m replacing the sticks with hall effect sticks.” Borrowing a desolder vacuum from a friend this weekend and going to town on these bad boys.


Currently on my 4th one? My first one broke within two weeks of getting the ps5 (first release) the other two broke but they were under warranty and my black one is still going for a year strong. Hopefully I ain’t jinxing myself


Ps5 for virgins only sigma Xbox from now on Mr buckaroo


The white one has dirty as hell sticks. Solution is to clean it. The blue one is also dirty... Brother, are you just unclean when you're gaming or have you never given your controllers a proper bath? Don't make your gaming devices take after you. TAKE CARE OF THEM.


I've had mine for a few years now and I use them regularly and none of them have stick drift and I often use a rubber band to keep from kicked from my gta online lobby


Happened to my new Xbox series x controller after like a year or less….just buy the cheap wired ones so when they break, it was only $25


I've bought at least 20 controllers for my husband in th last year


I may be mistaken, I'm not a gamer, but I believe that these joysticks basically just have 2 dimensional variable ohmic resistance. The center position is calibrated, and over time, if the Resistance goes out of whack, the controller thinks it's being depressed in a direction. Is there a way to recalibrate these joysticks?


I don’t know enough about measuring ohmic resistance to answer you correctly. But the two sticks each have two potentiometers that measure the axis movements. Most times, the stick drift failure has to do with one of those meters getting dirty. There’s ways to set dead zones in certain games but there isn’t a way to calibrate system wide. I’m gonna crack one open and see if I can clean the potentiometers with some iso 90. I’ve tried canned air every possible way I can but no dice.


I still have the original 2 from the box and no issues at all. There is a fix to reset and calibrate them if you look it up. It hasn't happened to me on the PS5 but it worked for my old PS4. As another response mentioned, buy some isopropyl alcohol spray and work it into the connectors, small amounts at a time so you don't flood it. Then calibrate the sticks again


It’s crazy because I still have the DualShock that came with my ps4 and it’s a beast. Both my ps5 controllers get shit if they a tiny bit of dust or anything on them or for no reason sometimes


My PS5 controller stopped charging after about a year and a half.


Still using the controller I got with the PS5 here. No issues at all. I am worried about stick drift on my portal though


I feel your pain, I have the same problems. Even with the scuf controllers. Bought a dualsense edge this time just for the replaceable sticks. $20 for the replacement stick module and a two minute install.


Its because you got strong thumbs my guy. Enter some thumb war comps. Lots of good competition that you could easily win.


Planned obsolescence.


Yuuuuppp that’s why I bought the dualsense edge controller. Hate to say that I did but fuck it even after two controllers in a matter of a year breaking I caved and bought the edge. So far so good…


Always thought stick drift was just a switch thing, you know consoles with not a lot of effort put into the actual controller. I’ve had my Xbox for about 8 years, two controllers. Didn’t even break the first one, just got tired of wear and tear.


Weird. I’ve had the same controller for 3 years


Oh I know bro! Hey just in case you didn't know if you buy One from GameStop and you add the warranty if it goes out or you just decide you want too you can go get a new one. It's free but I always pay the price of the warranty so I can keep doing it. A buddy of mine is the manager of a GameStop and he's the one that told me about it I probably wouldn't even know it was that easy to do. I think it's like 15 bucks. My bad if you already knew about the warranty but I hate to see someone spending that much on controllers.


get something a like a hall effect analog stick controller, those will take years before they get drift because there isn't parts scraping against each other inside.


lol same


I never understand why consoles still don't have settings to edit deadzones to stop stick drift. Well I do. Money.


$20 on Amazon


If only they would start using hall effect sticks Not that it will ever happen because they would sell less replacement controllers and the owners care more about their own yachts than users


Damn, that sucks. I have a PS5 and PS4 controller from launch and both are totally fine. At least the PS4 was when I last used it.


Literally the same for me


Meanwhile I’ve has the two from when I bought my console and they’re still perfect


I have 6 ps5 controllers - owned my PS5 since launch - 0 drift on any controller


I think you’re just too rough on your controllers


I never buy colored controllers. I know it’s anecdotal, but the black ones seem to last far longer.


Just play PC, this isn't 1992 anymore


I've had the same xbox controller for at least 2 years now and it never gave me any problems. The Nintendo switch joycons on the other hand lasted less than a year. And it's a switch lite.


Shit I’ve had my One S controller for like 7 years. Works flawlessly, except I effed the micro-usb port.


I think it's the dualsense controller. I hadn't used mine in quite a while or even used it that much, and even that one has started to stickdrift...


I got mad when min3 had stick drift, so I took apart the controller to see KFC sweet and sour sauce under the stick, and it was soaked with it. I remember a year ago that my brother "accidentally" spilt the sauce on and in the buttons of the controller, took me an hour to clean, and the fact that it wasn't an accident is that he didn't clean it cause he was still sitting there and eating away


Buy a hall-effect sticks and install them.


Thats why these companies make millions, selling products that eventually get defects so you can buy and repeat the process again


wanna add that this is not exceptable at all, but if ur sick of dealing with it, i HIGHLY recommend the dualsense edge. it is expensive but worth it. i had 4 controllers that got ruined by Stick Drift, and i saw the edge came out and got it. have had it since day 1 with 0 stick drift, and even when it comes assuming it does, it's cheap to fix as u just buy new sticks for ~15 bucks. so essentially, u get a really expensive and high-quality controller and a cheaper alternative in the long run than rebuying controllers every time. something to look into just sucks the edge is 150-200ish bucks, but it's definitely worth it in my opinion


king kong whatever controller, not sure of their name and compatibility but they use magnets and shit so they should last longer


Meanwhile, my original PS5 controller from my launch day PS5 is working just fine.


Mine for some reason the touch pad is bugged constantly presses rapidly on its own. I played Ff7. Rebirth and a menus pops up or in battle to screen that show enemies weakness keeps spamming. Stick drift as well but sometimes I goes away. L2 is really lose for no reason. And the battery in one of them last 40 mins if I’m lucky.


Send it back to sony. I sent mine back, got a new one which also got stick drift so I sent that back and got another one. Don't just accept it, I think the warranty is 2 years from when you get the controller.


You're doing something wrong man, I have 2, 1 is well over 3 years old or smt and other about 1,5 years and both work fine


Take better care of your stuff


Stick drift isn't super hard to fix if you're willing to take the controllers apart.


My first two got drift within about six months, I have been using my third for nearly a year and a half at this point and have no issues so far.


4 years, 1 controller and still going strong. Wtf have you been doing with your poor controllers?


This needs to be a class action lawsuit.


What in the fuck do you do to the poor things? My controller has no drift and its the original that came with the ps5 during ps5 launch


Companies think money over quality.


get the gulikit kingkong 2 pro


Yeah the PS5 and Series X controllers are just terribly made, already had problems not soon after getting the console brand new (don't even really play PS5 that much and for Xbox it was my secondary controller) Despite being wired and having noisy buttons, I've been using Razer for years and never had any problems.


The one that came with my console got stuff within a few months. My second one hasn’t had any issues yet but it does seem to be a problem with how the controllers are made


Why won't these things charge battery from pc, or are they supose to.


Designed to fail, just take it apart to see how they made it to break.


Both my ps4 controllers have stick drift just on the right. I have tried fixing it many times by replacing the analog sensors from older controllers but it only helps for a week before its back to drifting.


So… if you’re too rough with it… they call it ‘stick drift’ huh… I wonder if I have that 🤔


That sucks. Lucky mine have held up so far.