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At least she used a knife šŸ˜…


https://preview.redd.it/iz3ftomo84uc1.png?width=190&format=png&auto=webp&s=da162445a4c82c1fc6e3b4f4ddd516df1397905a OP's reaction after assessing the situation lmao


That Cookie Monster donut looks tasty


I would obliterate that cookie monster donut


His mouth do look kinda soft






Not that kind of obliteration


Not with that attitude






Om nom onom




cookie monster needs to shave


Cookie Monster hit a rough patch.




Heā€™s so pretty.


In all SERIOUSNESS, WHAT does this woman HAVE against EYED DONUT! Like is she being tastist against eyed food!?!?! That ainā€™t right in todayā€™s society! All eyed food must be tasted in equal proportion to non-eyed food! OP needs to sue this is a clear violation of the rights of eyed food. Clearly thereā€™s something going on here and it needs exposed. Tune in tonight for surprising interview with a special interview on the 6:00 news!


Might as well cut them all into bite size pieces now


That is actually a very good idea! I mean not for this scenario where everyone chose their favorite flavor before ordering, but for a random mix, Iā€™d love to try a bite of each!


When we order special donuts like this for work we actually do that. We also grab like just a thing of regular glazed or chocolate ice that everyone can have their own. I will be honest it came out mainly I will be honest the idea came from the fact that most of the specialty donuts after a couple of bites you don't want a whole one. This way you get a taste of the extra sweet one and then have a regular donut


Yeah theres a pricy cookie place near me and this usually what people do when they order from there, the cookies are good but we're talking 5-10 dollars for a singular regular sized cookie so people usually cut the cookies instead of getting multiples of the same ones


Crumbl? When we get them I cut them in 1/4 so nobody grabs a whole cookie, takes 2 bites and throws it away, because people do that shit and it makes me angrier than it should.


Nah, I think your anger is justified.


I definitely second this! Especially with the way the economy is right now. Shits expensive.


Oh is that what happened? They all ordered the specific donut they wanted? If thatā€™s the case itā€™s a dick move. But otherwise a piece of a few donuts sounds so much better than one whole donut.


For reals, big brain move if everyone involved could agree to it beforehand.


Right lol. It would have been even worse if sheā€™d taken a bite out of each lol šŸ˜‚


Dang man, I brushed my teeth this morning theyre clean, I promise!


Yeah, I was gonna say... Like at least they're still edible.


And left it and the fork in the box. Thanks!




Now i really want king cake... thanks!


Ignorant person here: What is king cake?


Tradition in catholic communities during carnival (epiphany til the beginning of lent), mostly eaten in Louisiana. You bring a king cake to share during that season (and that season only) and whoever cuts a slice with a plastic baby (representing 8pound, 6oz baby Jesus Christ) has to buy the next king cake and the vicious cycle continues til the end of Mardi Gras/beginning of lent. Itā€™s dusted in purple gold and green sprinkles (the colors of Mardi Gras season) and they all have different fillings (cinnamon, cream cheese, praline, other things; thereā€™s also plain with just icing and sprinkles which is a crowd favorite)


Thanks, stranger!


Wow thanks for the info! I grew up Catholic in the north east and had no idea of this tradition. Sounds like fun. Just one question - the plastic baby, is that a real plastic baby? Like stuffed inside the cake somewhere?


Nah, thatā€™s sensible. She expected it to be a sharing/sampling type situation (instead of everyone takes one), so other people will need to cut the remaining donuts. She did not put the fork to her mouth, it was just used while cutting.


https://preview.redd.it/jmoatpgg94uc1.jpeg?width=579&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f271474498684c42e8bc001286349d1811fa49f It appears she tried to take the equivalent of one doughnut by doing this. According to my calculations doing the best I could without rounded-edges on the triangles, and JUST on the doughnuts, not the fritter, what she took was actually *over* the amount of what would have been the average doughnut in the box. You have my permission to submit this as evidence to management.


Op commented and said each person ordered a specific doughnut so sheā€™s a very bad bad person. Burn her!!!


I think OP should have included that in the text of the post, as that drastically changes the context of the action.


Yeah I was initially thinking if they just ordered a random selection of donuts for the office, whatā€™s wrong with taking a little sample of them equivalent to one whole donut? Itā€™s like tapas. But this is totally unacceptable.


In the office I worked at people would usually cut all the doughnuts in half and either just eat half a doughnut or eat two doughnut halves. Occasionally someone would eat like 4 quarters, so this makes sense without OP's additional context.


yeah, minus the OP "we each chose one", i'm honestly down with the sampler approach (though i would have fully cut the other donuts down so that others may follow my lead) like, variety is good


I think I would have asked first though if I didn't pay for them. Sure it's fine if everyone agrees to a sampler approach.


as with most things, consent is key


Yeah i like the sampler style too. Also perfect for people who just want a bite or two. But it has to be set up by the group first, which I guess is not the case here


If OP didn't submit the full and complete information at the start, they cannot expect an accurate judgement.




Oh, that should have been the title. "We each ordered a specific doughnut, look what she did" Edit: Stop upvoting me, this is literally a formulaic youtube thumbnail text. You could have come up with it in 20 seconds with that info.


Title is now my own mildlyinfuriating


Seriously, op even put in a caption below the picture but decided to comment all the actual details?


Name checks out


Off with her head!!!


But just a small chunk off, and then a small chunk from her 4 next of kin




I laughed out loud at this


I donā€™t think itā€™s true, though. These are from a shop called Hurtā€™s Donuts. Last weekend we ordered a mixed dozen, and it looked like this exact collection of donuts. I think itā€™s a standard collection. Thatā€™s not to say that they didnā€™t decide prior to ordering this standard mixed dozen ago was getting which donā€™t. But itā€™s not like OP walked around with a full menu of all the available donuts at this shop, then compiled a custom mixed dozen for his colleagues. Still a dick move by whoever samples each, though.


This is the Hurtā€™s specialty dozen that you canā€™t customize! So no way these were individual orders.


Yeah it would be ridiculously annoying just at all -- a donut is already conveniently a single serving, if you don't want to eat a whole donut at once, save your other half. But when everyone put in a specific order?? this is unforgiveable, so far as co-worker transgressions. :D


These are the hard hitting cases that HR lives for & you just blew the lid off the whole scam! Who knows how deep the doughnut-hole goes!


Plot twist, she is HR.


I love that you put this together visually šŸ˜€


Same I was very pleasantly surprised


There's a second picture. 1.3 donuts


You missed 1/6 of a dinner plate-sized apple fritter lmao


The apple fritter is always the best choice.


But the fritters each have a sample taken out. Why would one take one from each? Something is not adding up here. I think there is more than one person sampling. OP is leaving out some details.


"Maybe this fritter is something different / better than the other. Can't assume."


Yeah, I suspect that one sub-unit of the office took orders for individual donuts, but the one who bought it left it in a place that made others in the office think that it was for everyone to share. Possibly itā€™s like 3 others who saw the donuts and each took 2 little pieces each.


Either that or OP made up that everyone ordered their own when they found out that this is a normal thing people do in office settings. Cuz itā€™s kinda weird that everyone happened to ask for a different doughnut.Ā 


this really hammered it in for me on how ridiculous this person isā€¦ā€¦. like, REALLY? HAD to sample what makes MORE than a WHOLE OTHER donut??? AND FOR WHAT??? COME ON BRO




*abruptly hits her across the face with a baking tray Lois: ā€œThat was the right thing to do, Peterā€




Louise Beecher Lois Griffin




Bob belcher Boob hill


Dang it booby!


Oh my god they killed Booby!




Thereā€™s an older woman at my work who does it. It gets so annoying but sheā€™s a sweetheart otherwise so I just completely ignore her when she starts.


I hate how often some of my middle aged coworkers say this. But also they lived through 90ā€™s and early 2000s diet culture so I forgive them somewhat I wouldnā€™t forgive this donut cutting behavior though


Going forward, anytime she has food at work, you absolutely must ask her for a "sample".


She didn't ask and neither should you. Keep that plastic knife handy


I'd make a belt holster for the knife so anytime I saw her eating something I would be ready to pounce.






Omg this reminds me of my favorite bit from Jeff Arcuri. He said one time a coworker had a jar of candies and he'd always do a drive by and take some candy, once in a while he'd give her a hard time about not having the kind he wanted. This went on for a long time until one day he gets called up to HR and turns out it was just her personal bowl of treats. šŸ˜‚


One of the few times where taking a bite out of your coworkers lunch the morally correct thing to do.


Dear *insert name*, We pre-ordered specific donuts so when you sampled 5 different donuts, you wrecked 5 peopleā€™s orders. Here is the list of donuts that were selected so you can replace them. Feel free to also buy yourself your favourite donut and we promise not to cut a portion out of it because that would be rude.




Does no one walk over to people like this and go "Yo Karen, the heck? This was my caramel donut. Not cool, that was super rude." A little harmless public shame goes a long way with shitheads like this. Some people just honestly *are* that stupid and need to be told such.


Public shaming is a great way to call attention to an issue or a troublemaker in the midst. Very few can endure being publicly shamed, most tend to have the decency of feeling embarassed and never again doing it.Only the few rare ones that are shameless enough to not care and keep doing it.


I had a coworker who would microwave fish in our breakroom. she was a personal trainer at the gym I worked at. The first time I said nothing. The second time I complained with my other coworkers. The third time I called her out in front of our coworkers and one of her clients. she tried to defend herself but everyone else all around her knew that microwaving fish in a break room is a no-no. she never did it again.


>Some people just honestly *are* that stupid Exactly. I have tried to explain to numerous coworkers that what they did was wrong. It's a lot cause. Either they don't understand or don't care because they keep doing it without shame.


Whatā€™s even better is everyone got to choose which one they wanted from the menu online yet she still went ahead and ā€œSampled,ā€ them. Which meant other people only got what she decided to leave behind. At least itā€™s something, I guess. Mines the half eaten Carmel delight in the corner there.


I was going to say, it's a bit of an overstep but at least she used the knife. But if there was a preselection from a menu, GTFO with this. She seems like a habitual line stepper


Stealing literally everyone else's food at once is pretty far over the line. It wasn't first come first serve communal food, it was a group order. If she helped herself to a sample of each person's sandwich in a group order, people would be rightfully upset. They should be just as upset here, it's the same thing, even if it's a small unhealthy treat. Hell, just by her getting her entire fill off others, and leaving relative scraps, where she's had clearly more than one donuts worth and everyone gets less than one, that's some fucked shit.


Grounds for termination


They definitely should all be mad at her. This is one of those situations where the majority of the people involved are gonna have benefit of the doubt in their mind, like she didnā€™t realize it was a specific order, or itā€™s a small thing and she probably doesnā€™t realize how rude it seemed to all of usā€¦. No! She does know! She knows whatā€™s going on, she just THINKS she can get away with it as if thereā€™s no issue! Cause everyone will be polite and let her do it. Show her that isnā€™t true so that she doesnā€™t do it again!


What infuriates me is they do this and act dumb like I'm sorry, I didn't know, yet it's almost always premeditated. They are just trying to see how far they can push it before they get push back and someone calls them out on it. They always play the stupid card like when someone double parks but they put their blinkers on. It means you knew it was inconveniencing others yet you still did it and pointed it out.


And almost every time you become the bad guy or the rude person for *pointing out the rude thing they did*


Like no sir, you're not turning this around on me. *You* started it.


> They are just trying to see how far they can push it before they get push back and someone calls them out on it. Then they will act all offended and butthurt that they are being picked on.


Some people have no shame


Yeah, this went from 'eh' to 'HOW DARE SHE!?' with the disclosure of pre-selection


Her: *I never just did things just to do them, come on.Ā I mean, what am I gonna do?Ā Just all of a sudden take a slice out of every donut, like it's something to do?* *Come on, I got a little more sense than that...*


*Two seconds later* ā€œā€¦.Yeah, I remember taking a slice out of every donutā€¦.ā€


"a bit of an overstep", bruh what? it's fucking psychotic


Habitual line stepperā€¦f your donuts!


>Whatā€™s even better is everyone got to choose which one they wanted from the menu online yet she still went ahead and ā€œSampled,ā€ them.Ā  You buried the lede! I didn't see an issue with this honestly at first. People at my job sometimes cut a pc of a donut to have a bite. Whatever. It's 1st come 1st serve. But someone actually made specific orders? That's fcked up


Yeah, I was about to say I donā€™t think itā€™s really that big of a deal if itā€™s a free for all. But now knowing that they were individually pickedā€¦thatā€™s evil.


I get taking small slices for samples, but one person taking a sample of every single one before theyā€™re even in the room is pretty extreme. Unless thereā€™s like 4 people in the entire office, thatā€™s a psycho move.


Had a roommate who watched another roommate make a cake for a third roommate's graduation party, and then the cake was put in the fridge where it was stored for cooling. First roomie asked if she could have a slice then and there, before dinner. Was told no, that it was a gift for someone and would be served later, after dinner, at the party. Hours go by, the dinner was a success, but we go to bring out the cake, and discover first roomie had taken her hand, scooped out a giant five-inch chunk from the center of the cake with her fingers, and left the cake in the fridge. She was evicted.


That is psychopath behavior what the hell


What the actual fuck. That person needs to be on a watch list


Please tell me you cut around the hole she dug out to separate your slices, then left that part on her pillow.


only 5 of them, so a little more than 1 donut's worth, but these were one-to-a-person custom orders, apparently, so even that slight amount transgression stacks on top of taking a piece of 5 separate peoples' donuts which they presumably expected to get whole.


This. Lady basically had an entire donut already from all the samples she took. What if several other people did this?


Imagine if you're the person who ordered the "interesting" flavor that everyone else was intrigued with but too chicken to order themselves...and you find your entire donut was picked apart.


This person has an extremely unhealthy relationship with food


I know she now has an unhealthy relationship with her colleagues. Rude !!!


Don't we all? I can't stop getting boners while eating mangos.


The trick is to put the mango in your mouth, not grind it against your crotch.


This made me laugh so hard my cat almost got up off my lap.


Yeah. Nobody wants food thats been picked at. Its rude.


Glad everyone's of the same mind, Heretic to be drawn and quartered


*Heretic to be drawn and **sampled**


I would have got everyone else together and made a big fuss presenting all of the sampled donuts to her loudly and publicly. "Here! These are yours now." Then all shun her for weeks if not months. Shun!


Yeah we do this at work so more people can try different flavours/we don't have to commit to eating a whole donut, but if everyone ordered individually, HELL NO


Even if it's a free for all and not specifically ordered, I think it's wrong to cut up pieces of several donuts just to sample. If someone doesn't want to eat a whole donut, sure, cut a section of one donut. But mangling all the donuts so others can't even take a whole donut is wrong.


Yeah, that's definitely only okay when the motivation for getting doughnuts is for everybody to have fun sampling all the different kinds of doughnuts.


Na, that ain't how it rolls cuh! Ypu pick your donut and deal with it. You don't like it? Too bad! This is donut roulette bitch! And you die if you have allergies and pick the wrong one.


This changes everything!!


I was gonna say the same thing. At my job, we often cut small pieces of cookies/donuts when they are fancy like this, but they are never specifically ordered by anyone and are just a random gift. The fact these are peopleā€™s orders make this behavior just down right evil lol


Is that how you spell "lede"? I've been so wrong for so long.


Same!! That's like someone getting into your chipotle bowl to see if they like chipotle. B****!!!!!!! Don't touch MY food. šŸ˜‚


Yup, OP needs to retell the story correctly. I was on board of cutting the doughnuts in 4 so that more ppl could sample them allā€¦ but damn u select something specifically for u and then someone else takes ur stuff, thats messed up.


It seems weird though that every person chose a different donut. Usually you get some doubles


This looks like Hurt's donuts a shop known for having wacky flavors. Definitely not surprised that there weren't doubles.


That happened where I used to work, and the dizzy bitch had my lunch bag, with my full name on it. She opened and unwrapped my sub and was taking my tomatoes and cheese off of MY sub! As I walked up to get my lunch, three other women were yelling at this woman, showing her my name-it was not even what she ordered, FFS. She then just left my food, open and apart, and grabbed her own GD salad. Last time I ordered in that office. Clearly, this was not a one-and-done act.


She did it before and just got upset that she got caught. I would have had her replace it entirely on her dime. I couldn't eat that after she picked it apart with her dirty hands


Yeah, where I am working, if we order in food everyone, and everyone has their own order, nobody gets to touch the food other than the coordinators. We individually hand out the food to the person who ordered it directly so we make sure they get what they ordered.


Meanwhile she's like "Why's all this bread around my salad? They even spelled my name wrong!" >:(




Thereā€™s legitimately something wrong with people who do shit like this. Like who the fuck do you think you are taking someone elseā€™s lunch when you have your own RIGHT next to it?? Itā€™s so brazen and antisocial.




>everyone got to choose which one they wanted from the menu online like others said, this is an incredibly important detail lol my next question tho, did she know that? was she aware these were actually accounted for by other people or is she just a literal demon?


I mean I would assume so if everyone got to choose, she likely did too but chose to sample instead.


Seems weird that everyone just happened to order a different doughnutā€¦


[Because this exact arrangement is a menu item at a doughnut shop](https://i.imgur.com/PRLqs7c.jpeg)


Oh helllll no. She would owe me a new and untouched donut.


This makes it criminal


Start "sampling" her lunches


Did someone call her out?


I'd have called this demon out instantly.Ā 


This is the most mildly infuriating thing about the post. OP posts a picture, gives one comment, ghosts, and doesnā€™t tell the story. Everything is fake


Naw dude she took a HUGE chunk out of yours. Thats warmongering if I ever saw it


**That's the most important part!** I was fine with someone taking a legit 1/4 on 4 donuts. They could be shared like cakes **if everyone agreed**. With my gf, we like to order 2 different pizzas and 50/50 each one and get to try both evenly. Now when people pick from a menu and someone eats part of your order, without asking, and without a fair replacement deal, that's just theft. She owes you this full, untarnished, donut.


Wait, everyone ordered their own donut but everyone chose completely different and very distinct donuts? This looks very much like a sampler box.


So why does it look like a standard [Hurts Dozen](https://imgur.com/PRLqs7c) arrangement? Seems more likely to me that they ordered one of those for the whole office, and OP is just trying to make drama for karma.


You're so full of shit, and thousands of NPC's upvote this chicanery.


What did HR say?


I mean did you all happen to order the standard ā€œdirty dozenā€ variety pack from Hurts?


Thatā€™s one of the standard sampler/party packs though. Are you telling us everyone went online, looked at the menu, and each person chose a completely different donut? No one chose the same?


What a monster! For real, who does that? (I want that apple fritter!!!)


At least CookieBeard was spared.


Thereā€™s a woman at my job who does this *every. Single. Time*. We get doughnuts. Itā€™s so grossā€¦ I talked to some coworkers about it and they seem to think itā€™s a generational thing because theyā€™ve seen other people around her age (early 60s) doing the same thing at other jobs. Iā€™ve never encountered this before the lady at my job and i just think itā€™s really fucking weird and gross


61 here, and no the fuk we donā€™t, sheā€™s just gross.


And not one of you has said anything about it? No wonder she keeps doing it.


If sheā€™s going to do that she should have gone the whole way and cut them all up for everyone to have a taste of everything. Doing it this way is pretty selfish. Even the way I suggested ins selfish if you donā€™t ask first.


You gotta name and shame them in the office. At a minimum email to entire floor noting this isnā€™t tolerated


This is something George Constanza would do to try and get fired.




Reminds me of Michael Scott's C-shaped donuts he prepared to welcome Charles.


Cookie Monster has seen some things no donut should ever have


Itā€™s practice at my work to cut up the fancy donuts so everyone can try multiple flavors.




Okay, if thatā€™s true this is outrageous. If thatā€™s not true, idk why anyone would care much


As long as everybody does it, Iā€™d be fine sampling 4 different kinds but not at someone elseā€™s expense


OP made a comment clarifying that they had all gone through the menu online and specifically ordered which flavour they wanted to taste. I didnā€™t see a problem with it either until that was bought. So co-worker is a major POS


Yeah, Iā€™m confused? Iā€™ve worked at many different jobs and they all do this. We share the flavors. Cut it with a knife so youā€™re not touching the entire donut, and eat your piece? Unless each flavor was specifically for each person that they picked out ???


OP just commented above that each donut was a specific order for each person in the office. so she is def in the wrong here bc that means she ALSO had her own donut, and still decided to eat almost half of everyone elseā€™s. some of them she took a pretty decent chunk from, iā€™d be pissed if one of them was supposed to be mine


Ohh ok I didnā€™t see that as thereā€™s a lot of comments lol


This is a perfect example of office snob culture. Seen this happen a bunch. Everyone knows that person. 40-60 yrs old, dresses and acts way younger than they are, still acts like an old Karen, acts like the team lead but wants all the authority but no responsibility, gossips but don't like drama, tries extra hard to be cool but no one likes them. We even left post-its on the top of the box to not cut the pastries and take a whole one. She left wrote back on it, "sorry, not sorry!" With a smiley face. Asked why we started buying all the same flavor in a leadership meeting. I did the honors of explaining how weird and unsanitary it was for someone to slice the pastries up and lots of people complained so we went to 1 flavor. You could see her die inside when I responded with "sorry, not sorry, whoever it was should have read the multiple post its and had some respect for their coworkers"


It's filling me with so much glee that you called her out in front of everyone, people like that thrive because everyone is too polite to check them on their shitty and entitled behavior.


I did it without even saying her name is what made it so perfect. Everyone knew it was her and they all had huge smiles. Im really surprised they were able to hold it together


After careful examination she ended up eating ~1.15 donutsā€¦ that bitch!


Are these Hurtz donuts?


My question is: who raised these people? Like who taught you that that is acceptable behaviour?


Fuck that bitch


When I was working in an office pre-pandemic, we used to do this so that everyone could try a little of something. I'd prefer this over someone taking a whole entire donut? ETA: I commented this before OP commented that they all picked their donuts out beforehand. In that case, I agree and would say that's more than mildly infuriating!


I never liked this because I picture them putting their fingers on the part of the donut theyā€™re leaving behind when they cut it


Yep, I would never trust someone who does shit like this, to do it properly. Honestly I probably wouldn't mind if it was like me and family -- like sometimes a finger has touched, say, a piece of cake when it's about to fall off the serving thing before reaching the plate, to prevent disaster; and we're all like "meh, whatever". But we also saw that person wash their hands before serving and observed they haven't been licking them or anything, either. Some random co-worker? Heck no.


We do this in my office still. Youā€™re welcome to grab a whole one, or use tongs and a knife to cut a piece off. Some people donā€™t want a whole donut. Some people want to try different options. No one gets mad if you take a whole one. No one gets mad if you take part. We only get upset if you put your filthy grubby fingers on it and leave your germs behind. However, with people picking out specific pastry options for an order, doing this is heresy.


Believe it or not straight to jail


I cannot believe a full grown adult would pull some childish shit like this