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I had to re-read the title 4 times because I thought I misunderstood but no, it is just that insane. Banning a form of transportation that doesn't polute the environment.... To have cleaner air.


The hashtag on the banner says “breathe with us”.


Maybe they think that by having more parking spots more cars will be parked instead of on the roads? Lmao


man i hate it when i have to drive around for 2 hours because i can't find a parking spot in front of my house


Unfortunately, this is the case in a lot of places. If someone can’t afford/find an expensive parking spot (think $800+/month), and need a car for work, they will end up spending hours looking for a parking spot where they live, and waste fuel in doing so.


Just nonsense that people spend hours!


Right? Also would love to see some of these $800/month parking spots. It would be cheaper to taxi every day


In a lot of cities, parking is usually several hundred per month. In the same cities, traveling 5 miles one way during rush hour in an Uber could cost more than $60 ($2,400 per month assuming you work 5 days a week). I hate living in a city.


That’s when I walk or take a bicycle


The least space efficient mode of transport in a high density city \_should\_ be the most expensive, no?


If you bike that same distance it will only cost you your belly rolls.


I have the problem that there are so few parking lots that the spots nearest to the stores are always occupied and i have to sit in my running car for 30 minutes just to get an available close spot😮‍💨😮‍💨😔🙏


When I can’t find a spot right in front of my building I just drive in circles all night burning fuel lol


This is why democracy is not very good. It is an innately neutral tool that is only as good as the general populace


Democracy only works out well if the majority are willing to tolerate the minority and if different issues are not treated as proxies for each other.


They are speaking about parking complexes and not spaces on said boulevards. From my understanding it's: get your fucking wheels off our green space.


Ah yes "breath poisoned gas with us"


LMAO so funny


As if lycra shorts aren't a more offensive form of pollution!!


I worked for this ass you're gonna look at it and LIKE IT


This is the future the woke left mob wants!


Ok, I'm not crazy


If they think the same as morons in my country, the line of thought is: if the streets are wide, cars go vroom and gone; if there's a cycle lane, cars go slow and thus pollute longer. Basically "one more lane bro".


i remember a few months ago climate protestors threw oil on patrons of an electric car convention. they've lost the thread and their ask is impossible.




lol, couple of things: It wasn’t all of the country, idiots exist everywhere (oh boy do they!). Also, that isn’t how you spell Bulgarians 😐


Using public space such as it does not benefits only the minority living next to where they work in favor of the great majority that need to use the car. Sounds good. Bike&Bus (on longer routes) are good only for students and retiree that can afford wasting time.


You dropped your \s


He was just joking right…. right?


Yeah, surely they were joking. I mean, if you are that braindead to actually think that way, you wouldn't be able to write that post.


no. nobody needs this shit. stop forcing it onto other people. r\fuckthes


The only thing forced onto others is car dependency


If you hate living that's cool but dont take the planet down with you.


If you're trying to reduce emissions, you can't do it by increasing them.


idk why you are saying this to me, but if you just wanted to get it off your heart and needed someone that listens to you on a daily basis, im not here for you. im here for the dumbqss who forces "ToNeTAgS" onto other peoples posts/comments


Were you protesting as well?




But how does it affect the f*cking air quality for the better? Nobody cares about how some seniors and adults don't have time to ride a bike because that's not what the post is about.


I agree with the sentiment if you are talking about in the US. In my city it would take an hour to get to my college by bus. But it’s only a 15 minute drive. Of course I’m not going to take the bus in this situation. Who has an extra 90 minutes a day? Plus our public transportation can be disgusting and unsafe. But in countries that have good public transportation things are different. I’ve ridden the metro in multiple cities around the world. And most of the time it is clean, safe, and fast. If other developed countries can figure it out so can we. We have to stop believing we all need to have our own stuff. Sometimes it’s good to share.


So you disagree with the sentiment lmao


No way this isn’t astroturfing. They can’t be this stupid by themselves.


Oh yes, they can.


Sadly I’ve seen that level of idiocy in person. Next we’ll see people watering their lawns with gatoraid like the great prophesy forewarned. Note: I’m referencing Idiocracy if you don’t get it. A good watch and disturbingly prophetic.


It's got electrolytes!


Its what plants crave!


What are electrolytes?


Brawndo has them! It's what plants crave.


An Incompetent doctor in Central America just said that.


Not yet, but there are people watering their asphalt driveways at this very moment.


It’s what plants crave!


Seen it too. In Ev industry was listening in on debate on installing chargers in a town. Group was arguing ev chargers = bad because it would put more cars on the road and take up parking spaces for gas cars. These specific spaces were far away from the buildings that don’t get used.


Wow. Thats a lot of stupidity. Let’s see if I caught them all… 1) how is encouraging people to switch to electric adding cars? You’d be trading one for the other, not adding. 2) They’ll take up parking spots…uh, no, they’d still be parking. And if that’s an issue, maybe address the morons that can’t park without using 3-4 spaces. 3) the spots are far away, therefore less likely to be used anyway. Did I miss any?


I can't wait till I can get a law degree at costco


Like small businesses who are losing their minds about the idea of building a sidewalk or bike lane in front of their store, claiming they will LOSE BUSINESS if people can pass their store at a leisurely pace instead of 50 mph, and not needing to consider parking availability and waste time on it before stopping in for a looksee.


I just want to know how they can be so confident in their cause to protest against bicycles for cleaner air. Like how did they not think for like 1 minute and be like "this is dumb guys". Cause it is. It's dumb.


I've seen it all too often. People are just really easy to convince to go against their own best interests by a little marketing. It's why the poor tend to vote republican. It's all leopards ate my face (but I can't link the sub). In my area, they convinced the voters that they should vote for a huge property tax hike. Now that a few years have passed, guess what? Our property taxes went up a lot. Those same people who voted for it are the most vocal about how upset they are by it. But next time there's elections those same idiots will vote based on what the commercials tell them to do again.


OP is lying for karma. They're not asking for better air quality. "Breathe with us" is their stupid metaphor for "I want more space to breathe", as in they want more parking so that finding a spot is easier. Also, nobody in Bulgaria supports them. Every post with this hashtag is making fun of them. It's only these three people in the photo that are behind this. And they're protesting a specific (positive) change to one of the streets in Sofia, that is happening regardless.


There were protests against the changes and the bike lane in particular


I guess technically astroturf would make it greener


Astroturfing. Not that's a word I haven't heard in a while.


I mean, its Bulgaria


As a Bulgarian intentionally living outside Bulgaria, Im not surprised


As a Bulgarian living outside of Bulgaria you have 0 right to say how the country is run.


Really missing the point.


Bulgaria is not a stupid country


So, no brain drain?


Well.... As a Bulgarian living abroad with a college degree and almost no family left in Bulgaria.... I can't argue with this point lol


counterpoint: the 2nd Balkan war


I regret saying anything, I've been disproven summarily


Yes, we are (not me though)


If they weren't, companies wouldn't choose them to astroturf


Wait what? I had to read the title at least three times, to make sure I understood it. Surely this can't be right?


Yep, paradox at its finest.


Can you provide any context that might help us understand how they got to that answer?


Yeah. The political party that has been running Sofia for the past 20 years just lost the recent mayor election. Thus, they do their best to sabotage the new mayor by all kind of nonsense like that.


I presume the 'logic' is that by having less space for cyclists you have more space for cars so cars won't be stuck in traffic as long idling and don't have to drive around looking for spaces to park if you create more. All total bollocks, mind.


Fuck them pedestrians, give me cars and parking lots ! /s Yeah, everyone want free and convenient parking space and then turns around and complains there aren't parks or playgrounds. Well fuckwits, you can't have both walkable city and parking lots everywhere.


You can't have both your dick in the ass and the soul in heaven


hold on anal sends you to hell!? wtf god!?


feels like god hates anything that’s fun


This reminds me of a conversation my son had with a classmate in 5th grade. The girl was smugly explaining that bicycles were bad for the environment because they kept people from driving cars.  Cars were apparently good for the environment because they generated carbon monoxide, which is "what plants need to breathe." Maybe she was Bulgarian?


Monoxide :D


>The girl was smugly explaining that bicycles were bad for the environment because they kept people from driving cars.  Cars were apparently good for the environment because they generated carbon monoxide, which is "what plants need to breathe." >Maybe she was Bulgarian? Haha, Bulgarian chauvinist activists are dumb so "Bulgarian in general = synonim for soopid"


More like "she shares an unusually bizarre worldview that so far I have only seen shared with this one specific group of protesters." But hey, sure, since you're obviously on the lookout for something to be offended by, by all means pretend I made a blanket statement about all Bulgarians.  Nothing like a good strawman to stoke that self-righteous outrage!


If cars generated carbon monoxide, we would have big problems.


Spoiler: they do, and we do.


Yeah, but I mean if they generated as much of it as they do CO2


Internal combustion gasoline engines produce extremely high carbon monoxide concentrations. Even a properly tuned gasoline engine, will produce more than 30,000 parts per million (ppm) of CO in the exhaust stream before the catalytic converter. New cars should have CO levels under 100 ppm if the catalytic converter is working properly. Cars with fuel injection should have CO levels under 1000 ppm. Cars with carburettors typically have CO levels of around 30,000 ppm. What the catalytic converter is doing is adding some oxygen to the CO and turning it into CO2, which on average is around 4,200 ppm.


I didn't realize carbureted engines produced so much CO. That's why we're in such a shitty situation, I guess, after a hundred years of that.


I didn't realized it either until I read your comment and decided to search it myself. I'm aghast on the amount of pollutants older cars produced for ¾ of a century. No wonder cities like Mexico City and Beijing are basically breathing their own exhaust gases from decades ago.


You could live in the middle of Antarctica and still breathe in those toxic gasses. That's the entire joy of pollution! *it goes everywhere* Same goes for plastics, they've been found on the poles, in the deep sea. We would be lucky if we manage to save enough of nature to not go down with it eventually.


Oh! Have you heard about another lovely byproduct of cars called "tire dust"? Well, let me tell you that the fine dust from car tires ends up in your airflow and that is not good for your wellbeing. Long-term exposure to fine dust leads to lung complaints, heart complaints and has also been linked to diseases such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. In addition to fine dust, tire wear also releases microplastic into the air. And that's half of it!


I like your optimism. This truly sounds amazing. All the things humans are capable of when they work together! ❤️ There's also this little thing called "PFAS", we usually see it as one big thing, but no! It's about 6 million different kind of substances that *never* fully break down, most of which we haven't got the slightest idea what it might do to our health or that of animals and plants. The ones we did research however show great promise of causing cancer, high cholesterol, underdevelopment in fetuses and children and reduced response to vaccines. And since these chemicals *never* leave the system they accumulate to cause bigger and bigger problems in the future! What's not to love? We humans are the best thing that ever happened to this planet. I'm so happy we are above and beyond science. We have it all figured out, nothing's gonna stop us now!


how? how did they come up with that idea?


What’s more interesting is that from what it appears on social media, majority of people agree with it.


Because they are braindead


Chauvinists, basically wanna be american neckbeards. They spill all sort of nonesense like: -Global warning dosen't exist. The Car and Oil industries are beneficial for this planet, Greta is just #### like most women", -"We should have guns for home defence even tough I in particiluar will commit 7 accounts of murder with malicious intent the very first second I get my hands on one", -Taxes are proof that this world is still communist a $h!t hole, just look at how they ruined America!" -"F you! Democracy and Freedom mean that I can do whatever I please without facing any consiquences for it". -"It's immigtants and minorities that have ruined this country, we should remove them!"


Bulgarian logic.


Their reasoning is that by adding a bus lane and bike lane, making the boulevard narrower, and removing parking spaces (50 out of 3000 for the area) they will be stuck in traffic and create empty traffic looking for a parking spot.


More people's transportation needs being addressed by more efficient buses and bike infrastructure = fewer cars needed = fewer spaces needed =/= traffic somehow


i am losing braincells.


RFK Jr, is that you?


That worm deserved better than to die of starvation in a scary place


I don't believe people can be this stupid...


Well they are Bulgarians so don't be too surprised As someone who lives in the country I see dumb shit like that daily Like today someone used the word gender as an insult towards me cuz I bleached my hair


When I read this post 2 times, I thought that this is something normal and OP is stupid. But after looking at the description for the 3rd and 4th time... There's nothing more to say than "whaaat?"


Somebody explain the logic behind their thinking to me please


car based infrastructure>public transport


-"Forcing me to adapt like the rest of society is communism! It isn't my tiny little punny SUV and broken down BMV from 2001 that polutes the enviroment, it's the other people with tthe exact same SUV! Global Warming and Polution are a scam anyway, it's completly normal to have 35C schorching heat in 25th Decembry! This country with it's laws exist to serve ME alone! Said laws are dumb and entirely optiomal when they aren't convinient for me. Violation of said laws is the reason why Bulgaria is rightfully dying when I am the victim!"


The thought I've got is: Bike paths need space. People do not want this problem to be solved by reducing the area of green areas of the city. Plus, they believe that bike paths are generally useless, so they think that green zones should be expanded at the expense of bike infrastructure.


Kinda, those a-holes are an enigma that fundamentally can't ever have ""enough"" parking spaces no matter what, so they will just semi-illegaly shove their cars in every single green space, flower garden, kid's playground and pedestrian boulevard their eyes can see with force if needed be. Last year they ware protesting against newer Kid's Playgrounds cuz "MuH PaRkInG sChPcAsE"- no one listened to them, newer playgrounds ware build, and those mfrs just kept on parking ON THE DAMN PLAYGROUNDS without a single care in the world. "Biking lanes" means that all $h!tty pedestrian boulevards get re-painted with biking lanes, which by law transltes to them being sued if they keep on trying to be smart asses on that one hyperspecific thing. They know that can't get under the radar with this one like last time, so that's why they are being upset.


I'm a supervillain. On my vomit-stained cape is a giant hammer and sickle, yelling that You, the Audience, are stupid viewers!!  YEEEAARGH! You know that I'm the bad guy because I want an island fortress only accessible by giant pirate airship. And what kind of asshole parks his airship in a National Sky Whale Sanctuary?  My dear Vince McMahon, I am the stereotype, I am the Patsy. Look at that picture used for the story.  The woman was a deliberate choice. You know what I'm wondering? In addition to what awesome 80s eastern bloc punk tapes are still being rocked out to and traded in cars across Bulgaria, I'm wondering what modern podcasts they listen to on in-dash entertainment systems and Air Buds. What market should I target there Oops, there I go monologuing again. But the picture also isn't a stereotype.  Solid boots and utilitarian clothes are what I'm picking and preserving right now because they last and I don't have money.  And for many people a car is just more effective.  I wish I had one to just chill out in away from the noise sometimes. It's a blessing for each individual, it's a suboptimal choice, but many take for granted that brief moment in a workplace parking lot before you go in to work.


remove the cycling lanes and build parking spaces, will do amazing things, imagine the big beautiful road based infrastructure Bulgaria could have. remove the trains, remove the buses, makes the sidewalks rare and make it a country where you need a car, your own personal room where ever you go. what could be better! car based infrastructure yeah!


Look who's protesting. Some old hag that hasn't been in a good mood since 1953' and some loser that looks like a Reddit mod. Why does society waste it's time focusing these despicable members of society.


Bulgaria mentioned 🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬


One more lane will solve the traffic problem.-car people


Can you share what's their twisted rationale? How is eliminating cycles going to be better for the air?


Just remember, these people are the ones who vote.


One more lane, bro. One more lane.


For all the people in the comments saying how stupid these protesters are - don't worry, it gets even better. When I was there in person the other day to see what all the fuss was about, one of the main talking points of one of the guys with loudspeakers was that the traffic jam that was present at the time was due to all those new bus and bike lanes. "Pretty default talking point", you may think to yourself, but not until you realize that these morons were the ones blocking the road to protest, thus slowing down the cars and buses. When I returned a couple hours later when the protesters had dispersed, the traffic was running perfectly.


Normal car-brain behavior


Average car-centric mental gymnastics


That's American levels of stupid.


look who doesn't have lead in there organ systems protecting them from radiation


We probably have it worse in America especially in major cities. No greenery to be seen anywhere and very few bike or bus lanes.


Sofia is actually one of the greenest cities in Europe.


Which must mean these particular Bulgarians must be extra dumb.


The biggest cause of pollution in cities is cars doing laps looking for a parking space and cars in traffic stuck behind a cyclist. /s


Did some conservatives move there recently or something? Their logic is counterproductive.


just as I was starting to lose my bulgarian xenophobia


This just in - idiots breathe polluted air


This brainrot didn't print those posters, some shithead is sponsoring this


Collective IQ on the picture is at room temperature numbers.


Duh the farts I rip while cycling definitely makes air quality worse. I see their point


The photo doesn't say it all. The protest is for a specific part of a street, not the entire city. The people living there will have even less parking spots than now. And about the bike lanes - there were already biking lanes there, they just moved them on the street. So the people protest against this change, actually.


Yeah, there was a bike lane on the sidewalk, so there was no space for pedestrians. Now we have a bike lane and a sidewalk, the way it is supposed to be.




The title gave me an aneurism. How the fuck can you demand better air, removal of cycle paths, and the building of parking spaces simultaneously?! Are they utter morons???


there is stupid people everywhere.


They're a little confused, but they got the spirit.


That's not how this works, thats not how it work at all


They mist be maga republicans


Natural selection needs to take place


Read poster first, yup, completely insane individuals.


I live in Bulgaria and the cycling lanes are often not on the roads. They are on the pavements and used by electric vehicles as well as bicycles. They are pretty hazardous. People may want rid of these lanes because of how they have been implemented. There are a lot of cyclists and i do it myself here. Cycle lanes can also not stay on one side. It's like the painter was a little drunk and forgot his left from his right.


How much of a protest is it, when there are two people there? More like an opinion.


Few days after that, there was an actual protest.


But if I can’t find a parking spot it means I would have to ride public transportation like the poors! /s


Standard for most cities trying to break car dominance


By removing cycling lanes?


No the resistance to any change. Alongside nonsensical suggestions to anything that is changed


Do you guys not have schools?


This is more of a “facepalm” situation






I used to live in Bulgaria and I swear I didn't see one bicycle. Pretty much every household had a car or converted rotivator




Wait .... Did I read that right or have a stroke 🤔🤣


Sure! It is the bikers flatulence that's causing the air quality issue, not any car exhaust. Anyone with a graduation from TikTok University of Chience knows it!


They do not understand the assignment.


I don’t think they thought it through


This is some US Republican shit logic, right here.


... Are they stupid?


This is why true democracies cannot work. People are just generally too stupid to make important decisions.


I like that idea and we should do this in UK and remove the ULEZ zones


I feel smarter now


Do they want more parking spaces at pubic transport stations? 


Just take a picture of them and then give them what they want, then show them the picture when they get angry


The people protesting, seems to have adopted the mindset of those in power in my country, for better or worse.


That's asinine.... and they have cars on their posters... so cars are more green than bicycles???


So.. what's their goal? I assume they want to remove a bike lane and make a bike road instead??? Otherwise it would make no sense


This was like a decade ago, but when I went to Sofia, I was really struck by how there were lots of people cycling in the big parks, but almost nobody outside of them. That's true for a lot of places, but especially Sofia.


What to say welcome to Bulgaria


They have the right idea. Just the wrong idea


This smells like BS


Cyclists act like entitled douchebags, until that changes I couldn't care less about them.


Don't know man having %80 of the road to be exclusive to you while also parking your car in the remaining %20 sounds quite entitled too.


This might not make sense from a Western perspective, but looking at it from a Bulgarian perspective, They don't have that many cyclists if any at all (compared to other places). They received huge amounts of grants from the European Union to make the city more ecological and put in cycle lanes. Now they wanted the grants so they could spend a fraction on the cycle lanes, The problem is there are no cyclists and a cycle lane which would make Amsterdam jealous. Where before there were no traffic jams and ample parking. Can't speak for this specific location but this has been widespread for over a decade in Bulgaria.


>cycle lane which would make Amsterdam jealous I call bullshit. Show me just one place in Bulgaria with good cycling network and low bike ridership.


Sofia Bulgaria, is the prime example, of course, this won't be done in the middle of nowhere. I'm also talking about cycle lanes, actually connecting them to create a network would be too much. They just want to rob the EU grants and put money in their own pockets and as such you have these ridiculous stretches of cycle lanes. When I was living there, I never saw anyone cycle except for some ex-pats LOL. But I should have known that this type of reaction should come because it is central Europe right ;)


> I'm also talking about cycle lanes, actually connecting them to create a network would be too much. Soooo they are in a quite useless state right now, being unusable for relying on actually getting from point A to point B? >They just want to rob the EU grants and put money in their own pockets and as such you have these ridiculous stretches of cycle lanes. And it is completely impossible that they want to actually make cycling a feasible alternative to driving? >When I was living there, I never saw anyone cycle except for some ex-pats LOL. Well no shit if there is no network of biking lanes >But I should have known that this type of reaction should come because it is central Europe right ;) And the racism card, thanks. I very much appreciate being called a racist /s


We need more parking spaces not bike lanes