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This is way more than mildly infuriating


Definitely Medium Infuriating


Fellow salsa enjoyer.


I hate this comment, well done


This is straight up picante infuriating


It's godawful but unless it happened on purpose I'd say it's a better fit for the "well that sucks" subreddit the auto moderator won't let me link to.


Not a "well that sucks" moment, this right here is when the well unsucks its contents


You need to call the health department and the dangerous spill department and the environmental department for your area.


OPs front yard is now a health risk


It's known in the state of California to case cancer


Literally everything is known in the state of California to cause cancer lol


The state of California is known to cause cancer in the state of California.


In Soviet Motherland, cancer is known to cause California.


How are Californians even still alive at this point


They move to other states before the cancer hits


The other states know. they just don't tell you.


Call the EPA immediately


So I called the water company and DEQ. Water said no way it penetrates their pipes so not worried. DEQ said no violation but they will send someone out within 5 business days to make sure it was cleaned properly and won’t talk to the responsible party unless they do find an issue.


Now that is mildly infuriating. I’m sorry this happened.


5 days!! That will be burnt pooh by then and dried to you driveway. Ick. Im so sorry


>cleaned properly How is that even possible? Concrete is pretty porous.


That's some shitty luck!


Why did it take 8 comments from the top to find this comment? This isn’t an oopsie daisy, it’s a hazardous waste spill.


Because if redditors have to decide between poop jokes and actual answers or advice, well…you know. We’re just a bunch of shitheads.


What the heck come after 6? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r_Ua8iOR0g8


7 did, when it was done with 9.


Tbf one of the other commenters DID come up with the genius comedic concept of making a portmanteau of “shit” and “situation”, which is blatantly more important than any risk of environmental damage or hazardous waste


Well dang that's one dreadful sitshitation, partner 🤠


A scatastrophe, really.


Most people probably wouldn't know out of top of their heads how to deal with this situation. And this is a meme sub.


Because every dip shit on reddit thinks they're a comedic genius and people up vote them.


Gotta agree here, most of the time I just scroll paste all the humor and eye roll, it's the same thing repeated ad nauseam or short quippy nothing burgers and puns. Can appreciate some good quality satire and other more descriptive types of humor on more serious topics, but most of the humor here strikes me as too overt and on the nose, it reminds me more of the type of humor someone would use when they know fuck all about the topic but want attention regardless.


> they know fuck all about the topic but want attention regardless. 99.999% of reddit comments


Hilarious how your comment is hidden but the fuckin truth lmao. I'm done with the internet. It's time to stop putting in good input and let this re re shit disintegrate.


Meet up at the pub later?


Always down for a good brew


It's just a web forum, my guy, not an emergency service.


Yes x 1000. I don't think people know how serious this is. It's considered an environmental spill and if you decide to sell your home one day, it has to be disclosed to the buyer. I'd be on the phone with a lawyer within minutes of this spill.


Yep, I had a plumber/heating company (without proper certification) remove an oil tank from my basement 10ish years ago and spill sludge all over my concrete slab in my basement. I called the state environmental agency with a "hey what happens in theory if this happened?" question as a means to pressure the plumber/heater to provide their insurance info. just calling opened a case, and the environmental agency had to come out, dig up the entire slab, take soil samples, and than remove the affected soil. Whole process cost another 10k and I had a full report documenting what happened and if I ever sell, has to be disclosed.


Cost you an extra 10k? I would be pissed


I presume that's what the insurance information was for, forwarding them the bill.


yea, they were being super shady and wouldnt give me their insurance info, i later found out most places sub contract oil tank removal out because of all of the certifications and standards they have to follow. We ended up getting an attorney, and were told we could go after them but it would take years and since we only paid half of the 15k estimate to just call it a day. In the end I still paid more then 15k, as I had pay for the testing, soil removal and new concrete slab in addition to having the new furnace repiped because they fucked that part up too. I was pissed but the work had to get done cuz literally the house was under a full remodel and work stopped because of the oil fumes in the air. The fuckers initially tried cleaning it up with soap and cat litter. My general contractor called me (I was living in another state at the time) and said I gotta get my guys out the fumes are too strong.


... 15k is enough for me to press the fucker for years. Then again I go to war with creditors that want measly little debts from me like when my ISP wouldnt pro-rate my last month. I'm making it so they spend much more than the $50 they are trying to collect.


> 15k estimate They estimated 15k to take out a residential oil tank? Shit, I'm in the wrong business. Yes, I understand carrying insurance, labor, turning a profit, and disposal, etc... that's still a heck of a lot of money for drain tank, cut in half, use kitty litter/oilzorb to absorb residual oil from inside tank. carry out, scrap the metal, sell/use leftover oil. Source: I removed my own oil tank from the basement.


Yup excellent point.


The septic company needs to call the health department and start the proper HAZMAT channels.


Yeah but they won't


You forgot the most important one call the head department of departments


Absolutely this one. ☝️


I use these trucks in my waste water plant. They have small "windows" you can see the level. This was a very poor operator of his truck. I've never had this happen and I've used these style trucks numerous times.


Uhhh even grease is gunna fuuuck your shit up. Definitely start blowing up the local EPA as they’ll have a field day with this.


Situation like  this is where you get an attorney involved


Big fucking time, surprised it's taken this many comments to see the suggestion. A lawyer would've been my very first call, not the EPA or whoever the hell. This is a serious, serious fuck up that has long-term environmental and medical risks associated with it.


Absolutely they need a lawyer literally immediately




They took a water hose to it, and used my shop broom. Now I need a new broom.


wtf? They hosed it where? Your grass? The EPA or any city health department would tear them a new one. That waste is hazardous to human health. If they put that crap in the grass they need to come back and dig it all up and replace it.


Some in my grass and neighbors across the street, most into the grass at the end that belongs to the county. I am calling the water company in the morning because I know the water line runs through that area.


Human waste is hazardous and can contain very nasty stuff. That’s why hazardous spills need to be cleaned up not washed away. Call your health department as well if you want them to get involved.


I can't believe these guys thought washing a hazardous spill into the grass so it can soak into the water table and any nearby homes using well water is fine.


They don't think it's ok, they know it's a huge fuckup and they thought if they didn't mention the level of oops that this is, they wouldn't have to deal it.


"Bob, hate to tell you this but we have about 30,000 tons of liquid rhino shit flooding your whole estate..." "How big of a problem is this going to be?" "... Honestly, not that big of a deal."


We already hosed it down good as new for ya! 🫡


Yeah, they have to have liability insurance to cover this. They're avoiding reporting it because it is an environmental violation.


The leach field for the septic tank is already just under the grass. If sewage could get into the water table just by soaking into the grass- it would already be doing that from the leach field. It's still hazardous spill though and needs to be cleaned up properly.


The water coming out your leech field is just nasty water that has had the material filtered out from thr ground. This spill just has all the poo all over the place to rot. Good luck with the smell too as the day warms up. Flys.


if its human waste and grease, id be at a minimum demanding they remove the grass and top layer of soil and replace it now that they have just washed it all into the lawn. edit: with grease and any other animal matter its going to cause maggots and stuff to start infesting the lawn.


It is human waste, unless they decided to disinfect their tank before pumping the grease trap (I doubt it)


Washing it away like dog shit in the back yard XD


Don’t wear your shoes in the house


Honestly you need to call someone at the county who can get the proper authorities like the EPA to come out and assess the issue.


I like that idea.


Also, all that grass is probably going to die. Get them to replace it and any plants that bite it too.


EPA gets involved, feet of dirt are about to be dug out and replaced if the place has insurance. This is going to be a ginormous cost.




Definitely call the EPA. They do NOT fuck around with this kind of thing. I wouldn't even walk in your driveway until they've been out and can advise you further, or, at the very least, take off your shoes and place them in a plastic bag when you enter the house. All kinds of diseases, parasites, and more. I'm sorry, this totally sucks.


Not the federal EPA. Just the *local* city/county health or environmental dept. If OP is rural and there isn't one, call state.


You should also file a claim with their insurance company. They should have pollution insurance to cover something like this happening.


At this point its not an idea, you should literally call them just for your own health and safety, this is not some "oh shit, we fucked up and its just an accident" this is straight up "oh shit we need to fix this asap" and they did the worst thing possible.


What state are you in? Some states have their own waste water environmental compliance agency. Sauce: am environmental scientist.


Its not an "idea to like" - its the first damn thing you should have done and taken video and pictures of everything.




Don't call the fed EPA, they only respond to things like big industrial spills. But, definitely *call local city or county health dept*. The proper cleanup method would've been to collect the poop spill, clean the area (while collecting the water), then something to clean & sanitize. Not only is this a threat to the environment and your health - it's gonna have a powerful shit smell, even worse if the weather is hot and/or humid. *Source*: Used to work in environmental response, which occasionally included wastewater (poo & pee) water spills/overflows.


OP, *please* listen to this person. They clearly know what they are talking about.


You totally missed the opportunity to say "They know their shit."


I mean, anyone can call the EPA…


That’s crazy that was their solution. A couple of years ago I was at the airport waiting to board a commuter flight that had just arrived from another city. When they hooked up the hose to the fuselage that sucks out the lavatory waste between flights, it malfunctioned. The waste spilled out all over the tarmac. The flight was delayed for two hours and they described it as a biohazard event. I’m sure airport protocol is stricter than non-airport, but still — fire trucks had to come and do whatever it is they do in that situation. I’m guessing they weren’t allowed to just hose it into the grass.


Are they fucking stupid? So they made it your problem, the neighbors problem, and the county’s problem? I mean, I’m glad they didn’t leave all the shit just on your property, but it’s pretty fucked up to hose it down to the neighbors..


find a lawyer asap, you have a solid case here.


I mean it seems pretty liquid but your point still stands.


[Time to bring in the crust buster to mix up a poop smoothie](https://youtube.com/shorts/R3gtEo91yB8?si=p4la_tINXcbNZeaR) 👹


The water line is a closed line. No sewage can get in it unless you have a break somewhere.


Well poop :(


Hello Night soil!


We’ve had a small sewage spill before. The rule here is to report it, hose it down and spread lime. It’s gross but not the major environmental disaster you think it is. Heck, you can land apply the stuff in most states once it’s treated with lime.


So we've got some lime, and there's probably corn... it's Satan's elote!


You know, you did not have to write that. Now I'm trying not to imagine what the mayo and cheese would be.


Yea I know it’s not a disaster because it’s small and limited. Problem is we don’t know what else was in there. The health department will decide if it needs to be cleaned or it’s fine with treatment. Depends on local/state regulations as well.


Why lime?


They might be telling the truth. Grease traps and old trapped & wet food smells a lot like shit. We thought we had a sewer leak in our house, but it ended up a pipe from the kitchen to the sewer deteriorated and was leaking everywhere. It smelt so bad and we were convinced it was sewage. Nope just old rotting food and grease.


Still shouldn’t just be sweeping it into the grass though


You need a new driveway


Restaurant worker here, grease traps are absolutely horrid. Some of the worst smells I've ever experienced in my life


Rancid. Doesnt grease and fat go rancid? Thsts the word right?


Yes, and yes.


I used to work in environmental response. Of all the horrible smells I encountered at that job - A grease trap + wastewater overflow from a fried chicken restaurant was the worst. I had to run outside for fresh air and barely avoided puking.


People talk about getting KP (Kitchen Patrol) in the military. But if you were *really* on someone's special list, you got to clean the grease trap. Holy. Fucking. Shit.


When I worked at a bakery, whenever somebody turned up late to work without a valid reason, they had to clean the grease trap. Thankfully I never had to do it, but I've been present for it and URGHHHH omg. Nothing comes close to that stench.


Smelling a grease trap was the first time I felt like a smell was dealing me real psychological damage just by experiencing it. Impossible to understand how bad it is until you've smelled it for yourself.


I once found a very rotted fin whale. It smelled so bad it didn't make me gag, it just made me dizzy. Like my brain was overwhelmed by the smell entirely.


Liquid waste worker here. I agree 100%. Sewerage is gross, but I can tolerate it. Grease traps are absolutely horrible. I hate emptying them and I also hate unblocking them.


I worked as a kitchen porter, it was a temp job for a little extra money. My brother worked as a chef a little before I joined. He told me grease traps smell horrible. I didn't believe him... until I had to empty it... fucking vile.


It's almost worse that it was a grease trap. Grease is going to STAY. Poop would at least wash away and break down into the soil. Grease will not.


What a horrible shituation.


A shitty shituation.


That’s a crappy joke.


It’s Total Fecall


That's a crappy punch line


No shit


No shirt


No service


I hope op has shoes on tho.


If not, that would be shitty.


Don't be so anal


I read this in Sean Connery‘s voice.


How do you like your driveway, Trebek?


And that’s just from your mother!


We only sewage sucked yah mother trabek


How could you not?


You can get a lot of parasites/ other nasty things just from walking in your driveways and walking in your house there are things that love to live in poop and take their chance to crawl their way into your body and wreck havoc Edit: jeez 1k upvotes thanks, hope OP got everything done he could about it. Re-edit: Oh man 2k I’ve never had this much attention, anyways only reason I say this is because I remember watching some stuff about this lady walking barefoot on some ground that had some parasite I don’t remember the details but from her walking barefoot she contracted some worm type parasite that loves to live in feces. I don’t remember if she had a open wound on the bottom or anything just remember a show on either animal planet or history network some time ago when I was in my late teens


That part makes me super nervous. My daughter walked outside without shoes on to see what I was doing. I don’t think she walked where any of it was but I immediately made her go back inside and take a route away from the mess.


It’s all fun and games until you have to explain to cps how your daughter contracted hepatitis B.


Hepatitis B does not spread this way. Only A end E does.


If it's a vowel, it's from the bowels!


If it’s a C, it’s from the pp!


please tell me these are true. lie to me if you have to.


prepare for trouble and make it double, truth has been spoken


Oh yeah, but his comment is still technically correct.


You would probably be fine, but certainly avoid the area for now. Standard procedure would be to remove the top 6 in of topsoil where it was heaviest concentrated. Whatever regulatory body exists in your country will send somebody out to take some samples and determine the scope of the problem. If it's in the US, you should have your ducks in a row, because they're not going to do that for free, so you'll need to pair it nicely with a lawsuit If the pictured company isn't willing to pick the bill up right away. With that said, the fines for something like this happening are colossal. The company may be willing to work with you to get it fixed and compensated for themselves. And I don't mean brooming it off into your grass, lol. You should find someone in charge to talk to at that company who will understand the scope of this fuckup and deal with it maturely.


Dude you have GOT to call the health department. you need a hazmat crew to professionally clean that up. The septic people are supposed to have insurance for this stuff.


Environmental violations can be reported to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) by calling the National Response Center at 1-800-424-8802 for emergencies and other sudden threats to public health. This includes: Oil and/or chemical spills, Radiation emergencies, and Biological discharges.


Not the federal EPA. Just the *local* city/county health or environmental dept. If OP is rural and there isn't one, call state. The federal NRC is for spills that are required by federal law to be reported.


You can totally call the EPA for something like this. Do you think they would tell someone who had 400+ gallons of raw sewage dumped on their driveway to fuck off? *No one* would get in trouble with the EPA if they called the emergency line about something they view as an emergency. Worst case they would just point the caller to the right Federal, State, or Local agency.


Well shit


I see what you did there.


I smell it


Yea… this situation clearly stinks


Shit right?


From a well


Shit happens, it's life


Well, look at the bright side. I don't know what that is, but you should try to find one.


At least *he* doesn't need to hose down the driveway. He's been putting it off for months. God work in mysterious ways.


Coz I'm Mr. shiteside


Assholes it’s their responsibility to clean it up


If they don’t you can probably sue them, especially if you got infected by something


I work on these types of scopes of work and negotiations occasionally. The real issue is just the time and layers of tape it can take. You gotta get an attorney. They gotta get an attorney. Your attorneys need to create and agree on a scope of work and schedule/payment with a licensed site remedial professional. Then pending how big or if there is anything deeper than what people here are suggesting. The state level environmental department will need to be involved. Plus any town/county...etc. This is pretty small in the scheme of things. And if neighbors have wells they will move fast. But this could seriously displace neighbors and the OP of it ends up taking a bit. That company is fucked. This could easily be enough to put them under


So Im gonna be real with you chief. I cannot find a silver lining in this one. I will keep your nostrils in my thoughts and prayers and also repeatedly remember this post because I never realized this could happen so now naturally I am convinced I am going to get shit dumped on me at any second


This is not mildly infuriating, it’s a absolute disaster and a real health risk.




Shitter was full.






Amazing movie


I’d call the health department we use to pump out the funeral homes used embalming fluid then go do homes after.


TIL that^




Grease traps smell fucking horrible, also it looks like they pumped more than 1 well & a few grease traps imo


Actually looks about right for 1 well depending on the location. Some of those are massive as shit.


Man, wait til it gets hot and humid out…


The outside in the photo looks like it's taken from the gulf coast, so it likely already is. Poor OP :x


That stinks.


They did not seem to have done a good job, were they just going through the motions?


I didn’t see how it happened. Guess a glass part used to see how full the tank is broke when they accidentally hit it with one of the hoses.


Satisfaction guaranteed or your merchandise refunded…


Even if "Only Grease traps" is true, it is massively underselling how nasty that is.


If you have neighbors, they hate you right now. Even though it’s not your fault


I’m me and I hate me right now


It’s not your fault. Also nice username. Love your loin tonight and forget about the situation


Well ain't that some shit.


Forever unclean. I'd have them jackhammer out the whole damn thing, dig down 6', fill the hole with old tires, and light them on fire.


Is this a shitpost?


I mean… manure is great for grass, yeah?




![gif](giphy|9k9kBVhVXNRe3cUVu3) Also.


Hotwheels made a car for that https://preview.redd.it/0zx5eb5n7p0d1.png?width=1323&format=png&auto=webp&s=e8615c343a3a79d40731355ad28ba1df0a313edd


No wayyyyyy!!!!!


Actually this is one of the reasons why you shouldn’t leave your dogs shit on the grass; omnivorous and carnivorous waste can introduce bacteria and parasites into the environment and isn’t beneficial for plant growth (unlike cow or horse poop)


Yeah, I haven't ever owned a dog but I have a horse and the difference of the grass after a dog shits on it vs a horse is literally night and day


I’ve worked at a vet clinic and a shelter before; if we ever forgot to pick up a piece of shit out in the dog yard, the grass underneath would die and the shit immediately starts to mold. It’s awful, lol.




# MMMMMMM! Smells like money 👹


Just grease traps?? You mean the most fowl smelling hell on earth? That's like saying I stubbed my toe but all I hit it on was a running chainsaw.


Mild? **MILD??** Brother I would have been absolutely losing my shit over this loss of shit. Call the EPA.


Truck diarrhea.


They owe you big time if that’s actually shit. They need to pay for the cleaning. Your wall and stuff is going to smell like shit forever if they don’t


Holy crap!


I see 🌽 kernels




You are gonna have some green green grass.. I would feed your mower steroids!


*You are gonna have* *Some green green grass.. I would feed* *Your mower steroids!* \- undertow29 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")