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Weird message, but I guess at the very least there's some level of transparency. I've seen some horror stories on here (and know people personally) who've been tagged along by bosses falsely promising to make things right when they knew they wouldn't be able to.


I've worked for one of those bosses. To his credit he wasn't so much lying as he was optimistically wrong. He had the idea that everything would work out eventually and he'd make everyone whole. Seeing it personally, it was desperation induced stupidity.


I worked for a local ISP a couple decades back that eventually went under. I ended up being the last paid employee and the owner was paying me out of his personal bank account--and telling me to cash the check asap. Never got my final paycheck but that was partly on me as the writing had been on the wall for some time in bright neon letters, but I have a stupidly detrimental sense of company loyalty. Anyways, I can sympathize with OP's boss a little (at least up to where she goes all religious), because if you own a business it's kind of like your kid and you want to do whatever you can to make it succeed, even if it means using your personal money in an attempt to keep it going. Many small businesses fail, and many business owners personally go broke as a result. It sucks OP may not get paid but yeah, at least their boss was honest and didn't string them out.


Mannnn, I remember local ISPs....


They're coming back in Australia. Our government spent big on rolling out a "National Broadband Network" (Fibre) across the place (well mostly, except they kinda didn't but that's a different issue). Now that it's all done, they basically own it all and everyone pays the same price for wholesale from the government. Now the little guys are making a comeback. It's kinda nice because they often are more competitive and the service level is the same, since the government controls it all. The big guys just have trash customer service since they outsource it all overseas, so people don't use them as much. Big win win for now. Until they inevitable sell off the NBN Co to private investors and they fuck everything... as happened with our national Telco about 30 years ago.


Capitalism fosters competition! Competition drives innovation! Innovation drives success! Success means you can eliminate the competition.. wait a minute


Eliminating the competition can never wait. Back to it.


Yes boss, sorry boss


Ashland, Oregon still has local ISPs because the city paid for and owns a fiber optic network that covers the whole city since like the 1990s and so you can get really fast internet for a lot less than other places.


We've all been loyal to a fault.


Like Scott's Tots.


Lmao! Watching this episode right now.


Hey Mr Scott whatchu gonna do whatchu gonna do make our dreams come true 


Call me cynical but it seems like they’re mentioning religion so that they can judge OPs response and justify it to themselves. If OP demands their due payment asap and doesn’t want to work for no pay (who would) the employer will almost certainly take it as an attack against their religion based on how they are texting. In their mind, mentioning their faith is putting social pressure on OP to conform to their belief system simply because it benefits them. Mentioning religion in this context is subtle manipulation to me.


What's worse is Jesus in the biblical text preaches about paying debts. Ya know the whole render unto Cesar, spiel.


Well, if it was paid immediately it wouldn’t be debt.


Salary and Wages are typically paid in arrears and are debt from the get go.


This is correct. She is using her faith as a shield so that OP don't take legal action. I'll pay as soon as God gives it to me? Instead, if I were OP I'd let her realize the fear of God if she don't pay that invoice this week.


The term “virtue signaling” fits here


Fancy name. Ok. I just call it hypocrisy.


Why do some people just try as hard as possible to assume the worst of everyone


Because if it walks like a duck..


![gif](giphy|byYvc9meProt2|downsized) Nope. Some people genuinely talk like this. I’d guess Nigerian, Filipino maybe? Companies run out of money. The owner is at least being up front about that, could be a little clearer about their plan.


Yeah nah. All that blessings from heaven BS? I bet they still pay their tithe. Prosperity gospel red flags a plenty. Bail. Look for another job.


God helps those who help themselves: https://i.redd.it/ct9yjbmytx0d1.gif


These super Christian nuts always frame it as 'planting god's seeds' and 'harvesting his bounty.'


YESSSS!!!!! THIS 100%%% Every single asshole I know who spouts this crap Tithes out their damn ass, and often, *TITHES EXTRA* in times of poverty! Because The Church is a Crook who Lies to the people, telling them the more they give, the more they *will* receive. People believe it with their whole being. So they give their last penny to the lying bastard at the pulpit. Believing god will turn it into gold. And they go to the shelters *still* believing it.


and that's why this is only r/mildlyinfuriating ... god this sub has gone off the rockers


Stop working for free immediately until you are paid. Also start looking for another job.


So don't wait for a blessing to pour out?


Never, people have bills to pay.


But but but they are blessings from heaven


Only if that blessing is unlimited pasta.




And unlimited breadsticks and salad.


Come my child. When you are here, you are family.


My real family. My pretend family, the one that gave me life, never let me have unlimited bread. Very rude of them. Chosen family is much better. They giveth carbs.


Massively underrated comment


Him can’t pay the bills.


Praise him!


Blessings are nice and all, but rarely do they pay out in cash.


Let us all pray for OP.


Perfect comment.


>Stop working for free immediately until you are paid. I'd recommend that for 99.5% of work scenarios but this might not be one of them just because the boss is being honest and OP hasn't had this problem before. But I'd be hard pressed to tell OP (or anyone) to work for free. >Also start looking for another job. For sure. This isn't a good sign of a healthy business.


And miss out on the harvest? No way!


"I'm sorry to hear that. When you can pay your debt to me for work already done, we can discuss the future of my work for your company." Then at the very least, register with a temp agency, while finding a FT job.


Also, “the bank of Me charges 1000% compounding interest daily. If you do not have my paycheck paid in full by noon tomorrow, interest will start accruing. Thank you, and god bless.”


You’re joking but the[FLSA](https://www.dol.gov/general/topic/wages/backpay) law in America does say that backpay does accrue interest.


You only compound daily? Generous. I'd compound continuously.


The first half had me thinking, "that sucks, but at least she's being straight with you." ... And then there was that second half. 


Well can God make the payment or how does this work 


ask god to venmo my blessings while you're at it


You have to wait for his harvest


Should've stopped at the first half...


Second half is her being straight about the fact that it's going to take an absolute fucking miracle for her to be able to pay you


I did a double-take when I got midway through.


Isn‘t this planting the seed and expecting God to cultivate it exactly what these Television *Priests* in the US say to scam their followers out of their money? Sorta like „give me all your money and you‘ll get it back 10 times from God“


I dunno how *most* do it but I know **Mega Grifter Jimmy Swaggart** will tell you “God” is calling you to action. Calling you to action for what? To be a good person? To do good deeds? To love your neighbour and show compassion and kindness to your enemies alike? No. Nooo no no nothing so foolish and silly like that. “God” is calling you to action, of course, to buy his 50th shitty fucking book. Wild that he does shit like this on the regular but even wilder perhaps is the sheer amount of people that eat it right up.


I only read the start and agreed with your first statement but had to go back after reading your second statement. Wow.


Damn… I guess it’s time for vaykay until you get paid


That's gonna be an awfully long vaykay


Is that really even vacation if you’re not paid while off? Sounds like funemployment.


What do you do that at 9:57pm you’re saying good morning and logging in for the day (and somehow seems connected to real estate listings)?


Lying lol


also why is the payment being made via invoice, wouldn't this suggest that this is some kind of freelancing and not an employee - at least it would where I'm from still a batshit msg tho


Need this answer!!


Likely a virtual assistant to a real estate agent halfway across the world


Yeah good point .. I also want to know!


Working night shifts from asia :) catering to US client as a fully remote employee


"I believe God will open the windoes of heaven and pour out a blessing." Wtf that is one of the dumbest things I've ever heard


"I need money not rain."


Every subsequent sentence is the new dumbest thing I've ever heard


Man this is so quintessential American-Christian to expect divine intervention to fix your finances.


OP is certainly working for my old coworker who would absolutely say exactly this in exactly this kind of situation. (No, really, I'm not convinced they're not)


The second half screams Kenneth Copeland (I refuse to look up if I spelt that shit stain's name right he can blow me like covid) "seed faith"


This is 100% some prosperity gospel shit. It seems like a lot of the people commenting here aren't familiar with that. She isn't saying that she's been *praying* for God to give her money. All that stuff about "pouring into the agents (of God)" and "seeds have been planted that I'm waiting for God to cultivate" is her way of saying that she has no money because she gave it all to some televangelist who said God would miraculously provide her with 10x as much money as she donated (or 100x or 1000x or whatever the current sales pitch is these days).


Yes, this is absolutley what they're referring to. OP - your boss took your paycheck and gave it to a church with the promise that "god" would give her phat returns.


it's like those Instagram scammers


"whoops, it looks like my PC will be updating until further notice". She at least seems super sweet about it, but omg how can she possibly have been continuing to ask you to work when she knew she had no money. That is rough!!


I mean, why would you need to make an excuse? you are not paid, you can stop working...


I see no sweet...manipulative to me. 


Seriously -- that gawd nonsense is super manipulative. "I am a deadbeat who can't pay you, but hey, I prayed to my sky fairy to rain down blessings upon us so that we can harvest them just as soon as possible!" My other thought was mental illness.


Tell her to ask God to help her open up her checkbook.


“I believe God will open the windows of hea-“ Shut the fuck up.


I agree with people saying to start looking for another job But i'm gonna say that with my personal experiences, that's a way more honest, trasparent and kind message that i ever gotten so kuddos to that too


Yeah, you can tell that a lot of people commenting in this thread are completely out of touch with reality. Yeah the religious stuff is not my cup of tea but hell, at least she’s being straight. But the neckbeards in this thread can’t see that sometimes business owners face hardships too. I still agree that nobody should work for free. But it is ok to admire this person’s honesty.


1. admire their honesty? it is the bare fucking minimum to tell people that you can not pay them. i understand that many cant even be bothered to that but just because there are even worse buisness owners, it doesnt make it some huge praise worthy feat that this one was honest 2. there is no way she did not at least suspect she might not be able to pay OP earlier. she is already 3 days late with the pay. i hope OP can afford not to be paid for a while but many, many working people can not and she should have been honest a lot sooner. 3. the religious stuff is super unprofessional plus it sounds like she is waiting for god to pay her workers


Fr, would they rather she just string it along for weeks and weeks? Hell nah.


My last boss started sending out mass texts to all of us saying our paychecks will be late again due to “bank issues”. It went on for a few months and then she had the nerve to chew my ass out when I told her my bank account got over drafted 6 times because my bills were on autopay.


This all seemed very reasonable until the rapture happened to the last 40% of the message.


Contact the labor department. She could end up being fined in addition to owing you late fees.


He's a contract employee, obviously. She said invoice, not paycheck.


Why not the DA’s office? This sounds like failure to declare insolvency in due time. Isn’t that a criminal offence in the US?


Anyone else wondering why the heart emoji to your employer?


So it's not just me😂i was looking for this comment🤔🤔🤔


Stop working for Kenneth Copeland


"I can't pay you. I can't do anything about it because I'm terribly irresponsible, but I'm hoping my sky fairy comes through soon, god bless" Edited because my original response started with "sorry" while the employer never even apologized 😂


Real easy to blame your imaginary friend in the sky for your fortunes *and* your failures.


Sorry but whats wrong with American christians? Like here in Germany, people talking like this would be seen as crazy religious. Also isn’t this whole thing about planting the seed and making God cultivate it for you the same things these crazy preachers tell their followers so they can scam them for their money? I might know where your paycheck was spent. Honestly I still don’t get how you can be this religious expecting divine intervention on your financials…


They’re seen as crazy religious here in the US, too. That being said, it is not uncommon.


When your boss starts talking about god, you should start talking about lawyers


Atleast she is polite you can leave without having to hear your boss cursing the hell out... My friend had a boss who wouldn't pay him for 2 months and he was stuck there cause he downright said if you leave I ain't paying you...


First half: ‘Ok, sucks but reasonable.’ Second half: ‘Ah yes, just let me call the mortgage company and settle all my bills with ‘Gods Blessings’. I’m sure they’ll be willing to take that as payment.’


Tbh to me that long ass paragraph would mean I'm never getting paid back


Tell her you will be doing gig work to pay your, rent, bills and pit food on the table, until your employer is able to pay you in full. If she asks you to submit any work products that are in progress but not delivered to her or one of her customers just tell her she will need to pay you in advance for you to do anything else. Don’t waste time even communicating with her again until you get paid for previous and current hours worked.


televangelists truly managed to convince american christians that God is nothing but a golden eggs laying goose. fucking hell, that is tragic but hillarious.


I’ve been burned too many times (3) by “low cash flow”. It’s a hard decision to make but promises of making good on late paycheques don’t pay bills, put food in your tummy or keep a roof over your head.


It's good that they offer the transparency about it, but generally it is pretty hard to get out of a situations like this where you don't pay wages if you don't take immediate action (as a bisness owner) and ask for help. The fact that they are expecting God to fix this means that there is a big chance they are not trying anything else. To me this is a major red flag and I would quit. It's all fun and games until you lose your hose or something. Then again they are talking about an invoice and OP is talking about being employed? There is a difference between the two. If you are indeed sending invoices and working for yourself I would give this person a shot. Do focus on your other clients, but keep them in mind. Especially with your working relationship of three years.


Am I the only one weirded out by a red heart emoji to your employer in your morning greeting text for a presumably tech and pc/cellphone based job?


Furiously copypastaing this message to forward to my utilities and credit card companies trying to get me to pay their bills. I’ve planted the fucking seed, what more could you want from me right now? I don’t dictate His cultivating timeline.


I worked for a small liquor store one time that did this to me. It took me 2 months to get a check for one day of work. After my one shift, the liquor store was robbed and they caused a lot of damage. It was a small business and he literally just could not spare it. Don’t work for free. Find a new job ASAP. If I would have been working there the entire few weeks he’d been open, he wouldn’t have been able to pay me at all. Don’t take chances. Find something better asap.


Transparency means you can now seek work elsewhere. Assume whatever you're owed will never arrive.


Her waiting for the seeds she planted to cultivate and make God pour manna from Heaven just for her has less odds of winning the PowerBall lottery. I'd reply, "oh, you may wait until the end of days for the heavens open and provide you with an abundance of gold for everyone. That is up to you. For me, Im not a gambler. You owe me tp pay my invoice. Pay it immediately for the services rendered to you immediately, or I will sue you in court and report you to the real estate board, and you will lose your license. Put my invoice as a priority over the lunch you will buy today. You have one week before I file. Thank you." She will pay. Now, if in 2 weeks, the Heavens open up and fills her driveway with gold coins, you'll have to practice your begging and groveling. Don't forget to remind her that you prayed for her sorry ass every night. Lol Or just go have a beer.


This is savage. I love it.


She's asking you to consider if you have faith in whatever business they're running, but the syntax is all religious. Depending on how they generally behave you can make the decision on whether that's horse shit or not.


That’s awesome, just let the utility companies and supermarket know that god will be covering your costs this month 👍🏼🤨


When you're relying on god to make a profit so you get paid you might want to start looking elsewhere....


Religious people are fucking weirdos. God won’t do shit. Lie down in bed and wait until “god” does something to change your life. Pathetic mentality from people who can’t accept responsibility.


Find a new job asap and put a lein on the business for unpaid wages.


First half: well not great, obviously, but at least they're somewhat transparent about it and offering you to not work unpaid for the time being. Second half: the. Fuck....?!


Stop sending hearts to your employer for a start.


When they start talking about the sky fairy you know you’re not seeing that money


Well, apparently, she can't manage money. Hopefully, she's a better human than this normally. Sorry for OP, this royally sucks.


God's not exactly all powerful of he can't pay the bills. Maybe she needs a different God.


“Thank you for your continued employment; However due to you being unable to pay me I unfortunately will have to quit. Thank you.”


"Hope the sky fairy sends someone on your path who likes to work for free"


Damn Oppenheimer group hurting bad rn


When employers start talking about God instead of talking about how much digits are going into my account it's time to leave. God isn't paying my inflated food, housing, gas and energy bills.


Well. She admits it. Nothing a lot of employers are capable of.


stop working


Sounds like the episode of Father Ted where they leave a notepad and pencil out overnight hoping God will right down the answer to their issue


Tell her God told you to pay you.


I guess she took "hope is not a strategy" to the next level and tried pouring blessing as a strategy.


Ugh, I'm Muslim and so many people use the "if God wishes" excuse. I hate it so much. 


1. Very good of them to be open and up-front, that has to be respected. Although they have obviously fucked up financially and that's not your fault and shouldn't be, so I hope you get paid 2. Fuck if you're going to be transparent dont say you're trusting in God to come through for you. If God gave me the money I asked for ud be a trillionaire


If we learned anything from the bubonic plague, It's that no matter what, people think God will do literally anything. (In this case, give out free money)


…who logs in for the day and says good morning at 10pm?


Lol waiting on magical sky man to pay you back wtf


God has given me a blessing to seek payment from you anyway, and in the meantime god told me with his blessing to stop working until due payment is made. See the reply when you throw god in their face.


Ah classic! For someone with such a firm belief of god providing for them I wonder if they have tried “thoughts and prayers” It’s not that he doesn’t care… He probably doesn’t know she needs him


Always great to base your financial stability on the belief in god!


I’ll gladly pay you tomorrow for a hamburger today


Stop working and get unemployment. Continue if you want once you get paid.


The first half was off to a good start, showing transparency and an understanding of not wanting to work. Then they went all god botherer and the ick set in. Like, I’m all for being religious and having faith or whatever, if it helps you in your life. But don’t lean on that shit as if it’s some repayment for you being a good person. Own your choices!


Depending on relations history I would probably be like "fair"


Is your pay cheque in line before or after the 10% tithe this person gives to the church? If they are not tithing, then they can't expect their cup to runneth over. In fact, even if they are tithing but not with the correct motivation (greed) it won't work either. In summary, you aren't getting paid anytime soon.


I dislike people that use religion as a crutch/mask to justify poor treatment of others.


There’s windows in heaven? Since when?


I'd take time until they could pay Until the started the God rant. I'd be handing in my 2 weeks. No money and you wanna start thinking God can help in this time? Nah, go make some sales and make money God isn't paying my rent.


Last time I let god cultivate my garden I ended up with root rot.


"Good morning" at 9:57pm? Me thinks this is rage-bait...


Did you give permission for their seed to be planted in you?


Well, she's being upfront about it with you, so that's decent. Not sure why everyone's getting so bent out of shape on the religious parts. It's weird for sure, but it basically translates too "we're hoping something comes through". Yeah, just don't do any additional work until you're guaranteed compensation.


Are you working for an unsuccessful cult leader? Because that's what this reads like.


kinda weird, but... welcome to real estate.


She has no funds to pay what you worked so you don't have any time to sell her, time to file with the your employment office for stolen wages and file for unemployment.


At least she’s honest. Get another job tho.


I think you should be grateful, (let the downvotes begin) but I will explain why: 1. She is honest and upfront 2. She lets you decide if you want to continue 3. She is sacrificing het stuff/house maybe to be able to pay 4. She tells you she still is planning to pay you 5. She is not complaining about you being late I think you are mildly infuriating but she is going bankrupt. I think she is in much more trouble than you but you post this publicly on Reddit. Mind you, there are a lot of employers who say nothing and after three months of not paying they disappear. People can be very nasty and take huge advantage of others. This one doesn't seem so.


Why is this infuriating? As you said, she is your long term employer. Of course you trust her enough to stay with her for long term. In case she’s having a financial trouble and she is so transparent about it, it clearly shows that her intention ain’t bad. I don’t ask you to work for free, but just in case you enjoy the work that you do and a mild delay in payment doesn’t bother your personal finances, why not show some empathy and support towards the one who has been keeping you afloat for so long? If kindness and honesty equals infuriating, I don’t know what the market is turning into.


The first half was fantastic. If I was in that situation I imagine I'd word it exactly the same. It shows integrity and maturity. .......and then she starts in with this, "I'll pay you once the fairy magic kicks in" mental illness.


"aww shucks. Looks like the update won't be finished until I get paid for my work....."


It’s cool. Waiting for God’s check to clear.


I would just report it to DOL and move on to a new job


Jesus Blessings instead of currency. That's a new one. They could have at least blessed you in person or over the phone. SMS blessings are the worst.


Report them to the labor union !


They may have let a little too much religion come out, but honestly they have my respect since they were honest with you and didn't try to hide it.


It’s okay guys, God will open the windows of heaven.


Well, God isn’t doing a very good job of helping you play your rent. Suppose all windows of harvest have been foreclosed on. Might be best to look for a new job.


"I called my bank and they don't accept thoughts and prayers as a form of payment so I'm outie!"


Ghost that place


2nd part would have me never work for them again.


If only they had stopped at, "transparent". We would be having an entirely different conversation.


I’ve encountered a few employers who have had this happen and they all become religious fetishists and I think it’s because they are hoping for divine intervention to save their business.


Tell her to keep her religious bs out of her workplace unless her sky friend decides to waddle to the bank and make a transaction himself


You'll have about as much luck praying for a paycheque as you would trusting this person to pay you. I'd quit now and look for a new employer if I were you.


" no work 'till i'm payed , god says so"


> 'till i'm *paid* , god FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I believe God wants you to be paid so you can get groceries and pay your bills. Never work for free. Her business isn't a charity, and neither is your labor.


My old boss wouldn’t say anything and give us checks and then whoever deposited last would usually bounce.


What the heck, just wow+


So many comments hating on her mentioning GOD in her text. Many people lean towards a religion of some sort when on hard times. Sadly that's the only time they seem to rely on faith but that's a whole story of it's own. The economy is rough right now. A lot of people think business owners have the money when most of the time they are living paycheck to paycheck just like their employees. Being a small business... A "good" small business owner is like growing up in a poor family having a hard time putting food on the table.. Parents (the owner) let's their kids (employees) eat before them so they grow up big and strong. Eventually the kids start bringing food back so the parents can eat as well. There is nothing wrong with being loyal to a business. As long as the business is loyal to you as well. Thousands and thousands of small business owners out there have great big heart's. Yes there is rotten ones just like rotten employees. We're all humans and humans can suck. I hope it works out for both owner and employee in this posting.


If it is genuine, then great the person is being honest with employee and themself and trying to be positive. The problem is that there are far too many geedy liars on this planet, so even if it is honest from the heart, it won't matter. Trust is something in short supply, and opinions are way too abundant. I think if you look at this at face value, it is easy to believe the employer is being honest.


Where I'm from, that is called trading while insolvent and it is a crime.


I mean, sucks to lose a job, but at least she let you know what's going on and told you straight away (3 days late isn't too long comparatively speaking).


The moment people start using the lord's name in vain is the moment you bounce.


This reads like an MLM. Please don't let it be an MLM.


”Okay let me know when you can pay me so i can get back to work!”


Ah yes cuz magical spirit daddy in the sky is gonna do all the world for her 🙄


So they're waiting on funds to clear from god, good luck with that.


So I'm guessing based on her text that you are working for a Realtor. As someone that has had hundreds of real estate agencies as clients over the years, I can tell you that some of them will go through dry spells. My best advice is to try to get more than one client so you have redundancy. Have her write you a testimonial for your business online, and a reference. We have had clients go several months without paying at times.


In Germany you could force the employer into insolvency proceedings because salaries of employees are especially protected. Dunno if that would actually help but it’s a nice point of pressure


So basically - 'I'm penniless but God provides so peace out y'all!'


Well, until God sheds His cornucopia on you, I’ll be working on someone else’s account who can pay their bills…. Here’s my invoice. When God gifts you enough to pay it, I’d be happy to do more work for Him.

