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Get a friend to park behind them like that and then go away on vacation together for a week.


The red car doesn’t care, they will likely keep bumping to get out. Granted if there is limited space, and if the OP car has a lot of space in the front, I seen people do this so the car behind the red car can gets out.


Yea, I’d like to see what the space looks behind red car and in front of white car before I say this person is a complete asshole


The cars are touching. There’s no amount of space that would make that acceptable


The space behind the red vehicle is irrelevant. I drive a much larger vehicle; I would never park touching bumpers like that. I agree red car driver might not be a complete asshole, they may just be incompetent at parking.


How do you know it’s an Asian female? That’s wacist.


The space behind the car is relevant in that if there is a ton of space then they could’ve easily backed up some


https://preview.redd.it/0qqxssu8lh1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28d881b91ea8ec883c735401b965652d22b5b12b Here ya go


lol it’s small but if they’re car is that big and the space small. DONT PARK THERE! Walk. Fuck. Like park a street over and move it later! Shit man I would never do that - I might get into the spot if I could safely but I’d also make sure there was equal space on both sides. If I’m gonna be that lazy to not walk it, I best be ok with an inconvenience in getting out


Sounds fun but in reality when they get back from vacation they will probably find there own car or cars smashed up in some way so it's a bad idea tbh.


Borrow some Cybertrucks from 'Influencers' to do it with, that way there is no real loss.




This is not the flex you think it is. All red has to do is summon a nearby Swedish construction crew while enjoying some cool, refreshing Mentos and they are on their way.


That’s some mighty passive aggressive parking!


Nothing passive about that, they bumpin uglies


Great, now OP's going to have to rehome a litter of toy cars in a few months.


Fleet of cars


Bumper-in uglies


Happy cake day!


Thank you!


I wouldn't call shoving their nose right up your ass "passive"


No, I'd call that the 3rd date






Yup, nice hitch through his grill will make him reassess his parking


That would do it! Especially if the didn’t see it!!!


U-Haul can help you out for cheap.


Add some truck nuts…


Hahaha Yesssss also, just fucking throw some damn nails behind your car and call it a day.


You knock and say, “hi, your car is physically in contact with mine and I’d like to ensure there are no damages. We can exchange insurance info either before or after that happens.” No matter what you say, do not frame anything as a question. They are already at fault if they parked after you were parked and you already have photo evidence of their car in contact with yours.


What if they denied it and were a bitch about it? What's the next action?


Call the police and file a report…


The police in my jurisdiction: we don’t take reports for shit like this, don’t waste our time


It's not in your jurisdiction until it happens to you. Am I right? If I parked like this on a police cruiser, I'd get a ticket, minimum. And frankly? I'd deserve the ticket.


I’ve literally gotten into minor car accidents where the cops refused to come take reports. Of course if you personally inconvenience a cop the story will be different, but in many places in the country they’re not going to respond for this.


Well thank god we don’t all live in Baltimore…


The BPD is fucking terrible


Like they don’t get paid the same hourly wage either way. I guess they’d rather be doing paperwork for taser deployments.


How are they going to deny hitting your car when you have a photo of them touching? The force of impact does not define two cars hitting each other, the touching does. If they want to escalate, offer to get the cops involved.


>How are they going to deny hitting your car when you have a photo of them touching? "I was parked there before, *you* hit *me*!"


My car’s app keeps data of when and where I parked. Find businesses or houses with cameras pointed your way. Lots of people (or cars) have cameras that record even after the car is off. Everything we do is tracked these days.


Yeah, a cop will for sure check local businesses' security footage, conduct an audit of the car's internal memory, and gather some corroborating witness statements for... *checks notes* two stationary cars touching with no evidence of damage? /s, obviously.


Well, some people are being a bitch about it. So probably they'll deny it and say, 'well it seems ok to me'. You know the' typical asshole stuff.'


“It doesn’t seem fine to me, so we can just let the cops and insurance handle this.” There is no reason to play their games. Ever.


They literally make "bumper guards" and I've witnessed countless idiots bumping back and forth until they fit in NYC. Some areas that's like expected. As crazy as that may sound. If it fits, it parks. Even if you gotta Austin Powers it in.


What if they denied it and doubled-down saying YOU backed up on THEIR car?!


Yeah that would probably fix the entire issue, honestly… “Hi, I notice you always park right up against my back bumper… I just thought it would be a good idea to go ahead and exchange insurance information, in case there are ever any damages …” 😁


Dont knock. Just do it. And act surprised thats their Car. Call insurence send them Pictures ask them how to act. Easy. I Always think of stuff Like that as rage bait


This looks like Queens. They don’t give a fuck there.


Lol I bet. I used to live in Denver and was so happy to drive a beater because wow did I acquire some damage!! My friend had parts of his car just straight up taken…like they popped the wheel guards out and stole them. Cities are brutal


I’m guessing this is Queens or definitely NYC if not. Every street is lined by cars, bumper to bumper. I would never live in a place with that shit, but if I did, I would expect it to happen and choose my car accordingly.


I keep my trailer hitch ball installed any time we drive into NYC because brooklyn is full of animals.


Start by asking for their insurance


they didn't park behind you, they hit you and stopped, i would first make sure no damages, if so get their insurance, don't let them just offer you money.


>don't let them just offer you money. why not?


While probably not likely here, sometimes it can damage the frame or sensors/cameras if your vehicle has those.


caust there could be lots of underlying damages, absorbers, brackets retainers guide's etc, and they can range from 10- for 200 bucks each


I am not an expert in law, but I think I've heard of this situation. If the owner accepts the money, the driver may be considered free of liability and will not have to pay up if the car is found to be damaged and in need of repairs.


this happens to a lot of people. lets say someone taps u but there is no damage, so both parties decide its no big deal and don't contact their insurance. the person that hit u can then report it to their insurance and play if off like u hit them and run, essentially screwing u over. ive heard a few stories like this. i'd imagine they could do the same and profit even if they throw u a bit of cash.




Print this photo, attach it to their car, with the caption "I think your car is into sniffing ass"


I printed an attached a photo and said “good morning! Please be mindful of your parking.”


"...eating ass."


*sniff sniff* seems enjoyable… *rapid tongue lp noises in grind*


No, no, he didn't slam you, he didn't bump you, he didn't nudge you... he *rubbed* you. And rubbin, son, is racin'.


I can't believe I had to scroll this far for this. My first thought was, "rubbin' is racin'."


Well, it is a 34 year old movie.


It just came out a few years back.... oh wait....


Often in my city when this happens it’s because the street parking is bookended by driveways. If one car is too far to the centre they end up real close when a second parks. Super annoying if that isn’t the case here.


If it is touching that is NOT parking...




One of the reasons I started leaving my tow hitch in😂 people tend to give you some extra room


I had a high school kid hit my hitch with his brand new car. Didn’t do a damn thing to my vehicle but caused damage to his. I looked at my vehicle and asked if he needed the police for a report. He didn’t want to so i let him deal with it on his own. Probably got an ass chewing at home


This is the way


Parents shouldn’t have gotten him a brand new car to start with.


I pull a boat or a trailer at least once a week so I leave mine on, as well. I ran outside to grab something in the dark the other night and banged my shin. Golf ball sized knot! My son is a diesel mechanic, he calls it the "bitch hitch".


My sister f*cked up her car by rear-ending a truck with a hitch going 5 miles an hour in freeway traffic. I’m doubly likely to keep a safe driving distance between me and the car ahead now.


I don’t even have anything to tow. It came with the car and I leave it on for instants exactly like this 😂


If you are in the US - Depending on the state it is illegal to have your hitch without anything attached, so would be the at fault driver.


The parking lot at my job has 2 spots that form the shape of an L. This giant ass truck with a hitch was in one spot, I was in the other. I didn't see the hitch and the truck was so big that the hitch stuck out of the spot. I inevitably ended up backing into the hitch, causing a giant dent in my back bumper. Now I assume all people who keep their hitches on their trucks every day are just assholes with no self awareness. Bonus points if their truck is huge.


The neighbour will probably say you backed into him.


I was in a parking lot and someone backed into me, had the audacity to claim I hit them. I very firmly stated I was not moving and they backed down. I still don’t know what the plan was 🙄 There was no damage so we both just moved on with life. Some people!


Usually I expect a meal before anyone gets that close to my rear.


No your neighbor hit your car with their car.. there is no space let alone daylight between the bumpers


Someone parked behind me like that but they hit me. There was a perfect indent of my hitch on their license plate as well as dent from my spare tire on their hood. I know my jeep wasn't harmed, but I still put one of those "you park like an asshole" cards in their window because they didn't even bother to move.


The french will literally stare at it and fail to see the problem. Now I understand why people buy those bumper guard rubbers.


Any more of a gap than that and a Parisian will wonder why you’re wasting so much space.


Idk why everyone is tripping … it’s what bumpers are for. Neither of these cars are nice enough to warrant caring about this


This might be in NYC with limited parking. Could be a driveway in front of white truck and a driveway behind red car. This is all too common on alternate side parking days.


(Posts same picture) neighbor (white) parked in front of me (red)


Luckily you don’t live in Paris.


Exchange insurance info. They have hit your car. Doesn’t matter how slowly or carefully they did it.


Life in the city


“Can you not park on my car, please”


Did you park poorly, like far from the car in front and leaving a small gap behind?


Take a rear passenger lug nut. They get 4 more tries.


Typical European parking


Would want to know what has been broken behind the bumper. The plastic usually jumps back… leaving behind broken parking sensors, bent number holders and in the front damaged radiators. And the bumper has not even a visible scratch …


Oof, good way to get a hole punched in your bumper from the license plate mount


Can you slide a piece of paper in between?


Such an asshole move.


That person won the “I’m not touching you” game as a kid. Guaranteed.


This made my eye twitch


Let's see the whole picture here. OP can be parking like an asshole and this is the karma.


It's Okey, you are on the other side of the street.




If they wanted to kiss your ass they should have asked politely. Maybe taken you to dinner first? I dunno.




That’s not behind you, that’s in you. lol


How do we know it wasn't the other way around?


That’s some mad parallel parking skills though


This looks like my neighborhood. I fuc$ing hate when people do this. It irks my soul. Especially bc I got a new to me car recently. When I had my old Nissan with 195k miles on it, id just bump back. I just ❤️NY


I think you neighbour might be french ![gif](giphy|SvLoYNAk7i9qWFCH8J|downsized)


Send it to your insurance company and subrogate it to theirs. Hurt them where it matters most - the pocketbook. And get yourself a front and rear dash cam asap. So when they rear end you again there is proof.


Chicago bump when you leave!


Where do you live? Honestly, I have done this after driving around looking for parking for over an hour near my home in Brooklyn. Granted, I wasn’t touching the cars on either side of me, but it was as tight of a spot as imaginable. I recognize it was a jerk (but necessary) move.


This looks like LA where it’s almost necessary in some places. I’ve seen this before lol.


"I'm not touching you, I'm not touching you"


Reasons to have a hitch with the ball attached.


If the driver often does this. Have fun at his experience. Buy a window decal that looks like broken glass. Watch him freak out!


So you took to Reddit, instead of takin it to the man


My car likes to be wined and dined before getting fucked


Whoah dude, save some room for the holy spirit


Brooklyn. 20 bucks says there’s a driveway in front of your car.


My neighbor “red” would have a flat tire


Where are you parked in relation to the property line between the two of you? If you're past that line (into their area), that may be why. Not that it makes it okay to crash your car, but that may be the motivation. The person parking should always make sure there's enough room for the vehicles (ahead and behind) to be able to get out of their spots without much trouble. Meaning that if there's no space in front of you, then your neighbor just trapped you in your spot. Here in the US, many localities have a law against that. That's just for non-contact parking, not for what your neighbor is doing.


He’s just trying to kiss your a**


Can we see the whole parking space? Sometimes people park like a dick so no one else can get a spot. If it was you that did that I’d park close to you and take a pic in case


Good thing you specified color


If they went hit it enough they prolly spiderwebbed your bumper which would make it damaged. I would def pull the car up and check before taking other steps and then address it with them


Ah yes. I had a neighbor like this but we had a shared driveway and this is how she’d park behind us, in the driveway. And yes, there was an entire other side she was just a bitch. If getting a hitch is an option, do so, it would likely prevent this issue in the future. Or it wouldn’t but they’d hopefully only make that mistake once. Worked for us at least. Rear dash cam would be a great idea as well.


$2 at AutoZone will get you a tool to remove the valve cores. https://www.autozone.com/tire-repair-and-tire-wheel/tire-valve-stem-core-remover-tool/p/slime-4-way-tire-valve-stem-core-remover-tool/487510_0_0?searchText=Valve+core+tool


That’s a hit and run. Call the cops


I dont get why people do this .




Wow! That's a bumper humper fs 🤣


Bro’s got beef 💀💀💀


Fit a tow bar.


Is your neigbour for Paris?


I once had someone do this to me at one end, and inches from the other end. It was astonishing that they did this because A. My car was a big old solid shit, and B. i was young. So.....I rammed back and forth, back and forth, pushing and shoving with my car till I got out. Don't really care what damage happened to both of theirs but honestly brainless folks gotta learn to start thinking smart and not parking like morons.


Does the yellow line on the footpath mean anything, looks amateurish ! Also I remember many years ago I had the first parking sensor in town, he was amazed until I told him it was called a toe hitch 😉


“Rubbin is racing”


Leave them a note "at least buy me dinner before you touch my ass"


It’s nearly always a Subaru too. I guess the car makes the driver.


Is the neighbor European? French or Italian?


Now they kith each other


File and an insurance claim against his insurance. Hell figure it out


I saw cars parked like this all over Paris. Maybe it's a cultural thing?


Text them a picture


Chicago ?


I'd be beating their a$$




whoa whoa whoa no need to involve races into this!!??


Are they French or from Paris or something?


Parking by braille.


Get a trailer hitch installed and leave the ball sticking out a few inches. It won't reach into their radiator, but it'll tear up the plastic bumper cover if they pull too close.


Do you have another neighbour with a car that can park behind them?


Were you still able to pull out without backing up? That is the real question here!


If only they were trucks


That's how cars say hello.




Sure that's just parking? Looks to me like he hit you, maybe not resulting in "real" damage, but there's definitely touching going on here. If you wanna reply in a passive aggressive way instead of talking to him and giving it to him straight, you may find another neighbor to park exactly like that behind the red car and he'll learn the lesson of how important leaving some space is, when he can't move at all.


That’s violating as fuck to ur property. File something fr someone said that’s not parking behind ur car, it’s hitting ur car and then stopping. I totally agree. That’s so disrespectful to have that front license plate scratching the back of ur car.


You've got a Parisian neighbour, cool


I would be knocking on their door


Son of a biscuit.


I would be mad if someone did that to me if I had a car or a drive license.


He called 'No Homo' it's all good.


This has major Brooklyn energy. I had neighbors like this too.


Didn't need to say the colors


I know this will effect you too but maybe claim a new bumper through their insurance. It might actually stop them doing this again


This would piss me off. No touching.


So I street park and there is a spot where 3 cars can fit... sometimes someone fucks up and parks in a way that it's really hard to fit 3 cars.. Ill do this sometimes, but leaving some actual air between the two cars... As long as the close side is with a car that can't have a vehicle on its other side.


They do that in Europe! So just use bumpers to move out!


Install a hitch and leave the ball installed.


Surely a French.


Car gay sex


Back into it


Ask them if they know where their keys are. Someone must have taken their car for a spin and parked it all screwed up, you are just concerned.


I’d be reversing into that shit


(For the men) : Car's version of wrong urinal selection method


I think you should leave him a note whenever anyone annoys me with thier car my neighbor used to park in front of my garage exit when there was clearly plenty of space, I sent him a note, multiple time, last one was a little bit of a threat and I never saw his car again. Invest in some sticky notes.


I use to have a neighbor that would do this crap too. It pissed me off and I was considering calling the police since it was reoccurring.


Put on some gloves, go to the red car, break the window, take the hand break off. Problem solved.