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Since you're up early, start making breakfast but be louder than you normally would. Not obnoxiously loud, but loud enough it might happen to wake up some sleeping girls...


A lot of the people at this site are FIFO workers who get up at crack of dawn to go down the nearby mines. Got my earplugs in and hopefully the miners will wake them when they roll out in the morning.


I'm sure they also kept those people awake and they are probably mildly infuriated too and hopefully at least one is a petty as I am šŸ¤­šŸ˜¤


Theyve just picked the guitar up again. As someone who is fkn exhausted and a guitarist, being kept awake by a beginner plucking at an out of tune cheap guitar is a special kind of mildlyinfuriating. Its after midnight on what planet is this behaviour acceptable???


Its time to be a dick and call the appropriate person to end your torture


Or, you know, OP could actually politely say something to them first. You know, like adults do.


Like the adults who dropped them off?


They probably didn't learn good campground etiquette from THOSE adults.


Absolutely not. And the drama you get from trying to talk to bunch of hyped up teens. Thereā€™s really no good way around it. But I think the parents need to be held accountable and made to come back and do something about it or leave.


Like adults did before everyone got guns.


Yeah. That bullshit of ā€œAn armed society is a polite societyā€ needs to be put to bed. If anything, assholes who are armed feel more empowered to be assholes because whoā€™s going to stop them?


This is from Trumpā€™s instagram account yesterday. Source, author Heather cox Richardson. **This evening, Trumpā€™s Instagram account posted a video of what a newspaper would look like after a 2024 MAGA win. Under the headline ā€œWHATā€™S NEXT FOR AMERICA?ā€ were the words ā€œINDUSTRIAL STRENGTH SIGNIFICANTLY INCREASED DRIVEN BY THE CREATION OF A UNIFIED REICH,ā€ a clear reference to fascism and German dictator Adolf Hitlerā€™s Third Reich.**


>Like adults did before everyone got guns. Everyone used to carry guns, at least where I grew up in the 80s... there weren't any (or at least prevalent) cases of mass shootings or just random strangers taking out their anger with a gun... the few criminals that did were recognized as criminals. It is after it became a rare thing for people to commonly carry that there became a real reason to fear being shot over some minor bs scuffle.


Where did you grow up that everyone carried guns?


Rural NC


10 or 15 years ago I would say sure youā€™re right. Today? With the disrespect we see young people treat their teachers and other people in authority? NFWā€¦call the manager and let them deal with it.


Despite the obvious problems, there are plenty of good kids out there despite what you see on social media. Anyway, I give everyone the benefit of the doubt until they prove they don't deserve it. Just my 2c.


Can't here too say exactly this. Talk to them.


Just start booing really loud every time the start up. It would be hilarious.


Omg I love this. Saving this idea for future use.


Add in a free bird request as well as the booing for that extra comedic value.


Go offer to play a song?


šŸŽ¶I gave my love a chicken, that had no bonesšŸŽ¶ Smash smash smash


Hmmmmm chicken.


Today is gonna be the day that they're gonna throw it back to you


And by now, you should've somehow realized what you gotta do...


Grow up and say something.


I'm gonna bet they aren't supposed to be there without an adult.


Probably not. I think thats why the brother? Is there? Dad cooked and left in the family car, mid 20s brother hung back with his fuckboi car.


did you not have a loving family growing up? Not allowed to go camping without supervision? Need a snickers?


No i had an abusive family with addicts for parents. Thanks for your concern.


Hey same, friend! But somehow....it deepens.


Blast some one-man Macc Lads at them. Thank you Reddit for enlightening me at this stage in my life.


As a fellow guitarist I get what you mean and I'm sorry that the guitar gods have dawned you to that hell


Let me guess...wonderwall? They ALWAYS play wonderwall


I would have been happy to hear wonderwall. There was no rhythm or melody, no chords, no more technique than a toddler grabbing its first guitar.


Mines?!? This is either Australia or Arkansas. If Australia, opal?


Mah man coal. Our aussie government lovvvesss coal.


I really don't think there is FIFO opal miners in Australia. More like, coal etc.


Are you kidding? Australia has a [massive opal mining industry](https://www.nationalopal.com/opals/australian-opal-fields.html).


They just might not be fifo workers, more like fossikers. Coal mining is absolutely huge there.


Sorry but what is a FIFO exactly?


Itā€™s an acronym for fly in fly out. Itā€™s a method of working in remote areas. People fly in for their job for 10 days on 7 days off (or whatever deal they get.) remote coal mining jobs work like this.


OIC, thanks.


"I ain't got no sleep 'cause of y'all, y'all ain't gonna sleep' cause of me"


Pretty much. One blood shot eye for another


No, obnoxiously loud sounds about right. Set your alarm for 5 am, thatā€™s when real campers eatā€¦.and listen to Mongolian throat singing at full volume.


There's a Mongolian throat singing metal band. Just putting that out there.


The Hu


I was thinking of Tenngar Cavalry, but The Hu are also good. Hurd, Atlan Urag, Nine Treasures, Ego Fall, and Hanggai round out that playlist for me.


RIP Nature G. That dude was awesome. Tengger Cavalry stays on heavy rotation for me.


That band was my introduction to the genre based on a podcast shout out when I was listening to some really old episodes. I was so sad to hear what happened, like I'd been a fan forever or something.


Today I learned. Thanks!


Sometimes to make oatmeal you need to bang the spoon on the pot a lot. I'd be dropping and banging stuff. Must not have slept enough last night.


And then when I told a father of a young boy to please lock his car by hand because the remote lock was honking at my tent (ALL NIGHT) he called me a bitch. I so look forward to a world where kids think thatā€™s okay


I cannot lock mine by hand. :( but, it doesn't make that noise unless a door is open, so it can't lock. I'm very careful to hip check all the doors at night. I also cannot stop it from turning on the headlights when I unlock it. It looks stupid, but dark towels held over the lights with magnets has been my solution. I still try not to get into my vehicle during quiet hours, though, because what if I missed a door or mistake the button on my fob and set off my alarm? It's happened in parking lots during the day a couple of times now. I cannot disable that, so.. yeah. I do my best to just stay away from my vehicle and keys. I'd be the bitch for making so much noise.


> he called me a bitch Two can play that game. Time to apply paint stripper to the hood in the shape of a dick.


Isn't there a not noisy option? My car just flashes the lights when I open or close with the remote


Exactly lol


This is so common. I dont understand why camping lots are located next to each other. The point of camping is to get away.


Yes, this is what I don't get! I went to the Grand Canyon recently and rented a campsite for 3 nights. The sites are soooo close together! The family in the site next to us (that arrived after us) set up their tent on the edge of their spot, so it was RIGHT NEXT to my tent. I could touch both tents standing outside. I think they even went into my spot, cause my tent was touching permanent table in my spot. Then they were really loud with their kids (their kid kept running thru my campsite) until about 10pm, where they proceeded to start blowing up their mattress. Then every few minutes ALL NIGHT LONG their automatic mattress starting auto refilling. Then the dad started snoring. I could also hear the old couple in the site behind us in a camper, they kept running some kind of generator even though they weren't supposed to, and the old man kept yelling "FUCK" for some reason and making loud banging noises on the outside of his camper. ​ I packed up my tent the first night and drove to a forest service road. It was much quieter. All I heard was some coyotes.


Yeah anytime I go camping now, I stay away from the campgrounds and just go out into the woods, nobody around for miles except a ranger. Bliss.


As a snorer, I apologize. I don't do the rest of this and hang a bag of single use ear plugs with a "Sorry!" note on a lantern hook at the front of my campsite. I do my best to get the side furthest from everyone else. But I'm still sorry. Please accept the free earplugs.


Youā€™re nice.


I stopped camping in those places years ago. Most people who camp there have no clue regarding campground etiquette.


I camp during the week now. Weekends are for large groups of drunks terrorizing their neighbors.


The hero we all need


>I could also hear the old couple in the site behind us in a camper, they kept running some kind of generator even though they weren't supposed to, and the old man kept yelling "FUCK" for some reason and making loud banging noises on the outside of his camper. Sports game on a tiny satellite TV. There's like, 10 in every campground I s2g. Some campers have hookups for an outdoor TV as well.


People who can't leave their shit at home (sports, loud music) when camping deserve to have the absolute shittiest experience involving those things. Like grow up and touch grass? Your sport cult and Kuntry Muzak will still be back in the suburbs, Dave. It's fuckin' shitty inbred behavior. This is why your wife won't fuck you now or ever again.


Greed!! The camping grounds arenā€™t there for you to enjoy, they are there for the owners to make money.


All you have to do is call in a noise complaint. That's literally what the camp hosts are for. Too many people wanna be nice. Fuck that. I deserve my nature time


Forest Service campgrounds with limited facilities are great - and keep out some idiots.


Ah, yes, but the point of running *some* campgrounds is to make as much money as possible by packing as many paying campers into the limited space as possible. I camped at places run by state or federal agencies with strict policies and camp managers. I also camped at private grounds. I prefer the former to the latter. One place was clear cut to make room for the campers. That was a one-night-and-done campground.


This is braindead. The point is to limit the impact on natural resources by the droves of idiots that car camp.


I don't disagree with you. I'm just saying that might be *your* goal (and mine) but many business owners don't care how they make money. Braindead? Sure.


Many are, some arenā€™t. I only camp on sites that require a canoe to reach and the boat ride can take anywhere from 1-3 hours. Sometimes these sites are relatively close to one another, but it is a whole different type of camper who occupies these spaces. I never have to deal with noise makers.


Yeah I much prefer the remote sites and am counting the seconds till I head off to one in a few days. Had to be near civilisation for an event before I hit the road again.


Makes sense, this recent annoying experience will make your next trip even more enjoyable. I am only a couple weeks away from my camping season beginning as well! Have a wonderful time out there!


Always avoid 'car camping' spots.


But tent-on-truck dispersed camping is totally legit, however.


I have a question, because I've been eyeing a roof top tent. How do you level?


leveling blocks, leveling ramps, or a shovel to dig a small hole. but I only have the truck and bed racks installed and am still researching a tent to buy. but I had the same question about how to level and those are the 3 best options for leveling. of course it helps to find ground that is mostly level already, and then fine-tune it from there.


Boundary Waters is the place to be!


If you're into camping off a grid, you're right. But I know a lot of people who consider camping to be a poor man's vacation. It is a way to get out of their house, but not necessarily away from all people. The kids want a campfire and s'mores, to swim in a lake, to fish in a lake, and be outside for a longer period of time. Especially those who live in a busy city, with little to no backyard... This is their chance to spend some time in nature. Camping can also be a cheaper alternative to hotels or trailer parks when traveling and also if you're looking for a cheaper large gathering. We have a big family reunion every couple years at a campground, where we have 60+ people coming from 10 different states. It's significantly cheaper to drive and rent a campsite for a week than it is to find a hotel that everybody can afford to stay and socialize in with enough open rooms to accommodate us all in the middle of summer. Now, we go out of our way to make sure we're still being respectful of others, unlike your neighbors were...but I'm just pointing out that there are a lot of people who aren't necessarily looking for isolation when they camp. I still want a bathroom and a shower when I camp, lol.


Grew up camping. This is it exactly. My family wasn't doing camping as an isolationist survival thing. It was our vacation. We'd pack up and head to our favorite local spots, or we'd do month-long road trips to various state parks. We'd go hiking and find whatever activity we could rent for a few days, then head into town if it was touristy (like Yosemite or parts of Yellowstone). Plane tickets for four, plus hotel rooms, plus renting a car, plus eating out most nights was way more expensive than food and gas and camping fees. Plus, we avoided my dad's plane anxiety and got to find hidden gems along the way. (Like the tiny ass town in Idaho we had to stop at after food got lodged in my brother's permanent retainer. Local dentist took care of him for free, and recommended us to a restaurant in town. Best mashed potatoes I've ever eaten in my life, and their ribs were up there, too, according to my brother.) We also do our family reunion as a camping thing. 20-26 of us show up every year, plus any SOs that are moving into the permanent realm and pseudo-adopted family members that show up. Getting enough sites is a yearly hassle, but it's way less annoying than trying to book a block in a hotel. And, again, food cost and gas cost way less than the hotel. My brother and I love camping both ways, but these foundational years of making camping a family tradition is why.


My family tried very hard when I was a kid to find campgrounds with playgrounds, because then I could go play with other kids and get out of their hair after a long car ride. I'd be crazy full of energy. The other kids and I could be so loud! But we were outside, so that was okay. Once dinner time hit, we were all back at our camp sites where we had to be quieter. That was the rule, you know? Sometimes, an adult by themselves would pick a site next to the playground and then get grumpy with us, and I never understood that. It's a playground. The sun is still up. Noise is going to happen. Go take one of the empty sites on the other end of the campground. While I absolutely loved camping, we really did it a lot because this was how we could afford those vacations and road trips. And now, camping is often mood dependent for me. If I want to get away from people, I own land in the mountains or I go off to a remote spot in a national forest. If I want to be around people, I go to a campground that I know is basically party all weekend with no quiet hours. Or I'm on a road trip. My dogs usually come with, and most hotels do NOT want me to stay with two huskies. *I* know my dogs are well behaved, but the breed has a reputation for a reason, and they don't know my dogs. Because I take the travel trailer for those, it honestly doesn't cost less than hotels, but it's nice to have my own space and kitchen. And a lot of KOAs have small dog parks now, so the boys can run off some energy after a long day on the road when I am tired and not up for taking them for a stupidly long walk.


Most people are adverse to primitive sites. National Parks are where it's at. But it's always funny, even when I'm driving through, I'll still see people packed into a tiny campground even though they're surrounded by miles and miles of isolated wilderness on all sides.


It's like parking lots. The lot can be completely empty but you, and the next person who comes will park right next to you. Humans are, by nature, gregarious for the most part. Some primitive part of our brain sees safety in the herd when statistically, that's when we're the least safe in modern society. We fear the unknown even when it's statistically safer than the known. The human brain is actually pretty bad at risk assessment.


I figured the next person parks next to me because I took the best spot so they settle for second best. Or they thought I knew something they didn't.


I like that perspective. :)


Thatā€™s why I donā€™t camp in camp sites like this. Keep going further up and in, and away from anyone.


The point of camping for campers is to get away. The point of camping for people who own the campsites is to cram as many campers into the space as the laws of physics will allow, so they can min-max profits.


That's why you go backpack camping to places that are not accessible by car and are at least 2+miles of hiking to reach the camp sites. You'll almost never have these problems. The longer the hike the better.


Camp at state or national parks, they don't screw around with noisy or disruptive people after hours.


If you car camp then uhh guess what they have to maintain and manage the sites. Primitive dispersed camping is another thing altogether.


I'm taking myself camping in July... I don't get the chance often at all and I'm going for 5 days, alone... I'm desperate for quiet and this situation would be beyond infuriating... so I looked around a lot and found a single solitary campsite on a 3 acre wooded lot with one oceanside cleared acre... at the end of a lane, on a small island only accessible by ferry, adjacent to a larger island only accessible by ferry... surely... that's going to be super quiet hahaha I feel for the OP


First time? It's been like that since I was a lad




I have backpacked 12 miles out on a trail in British Columbia to discover the designated camp site we had to reserve months in advance from the parks service was a tiny lot among a dozen others. So disappointing. Because it was a long hike people weren't drinking all night. But still we were surrounded by people and heard not nature but conversations, clanging, and even their bluetooth speaker - not obnoxiously loud but distracting enough. You got more privacy in a Motel 6.


To control where in nature humans stay because humans are fucking messy is why and it's easier to clean and not damage said nature sites.


I definitely see your point. People are the worst.


I absolutely ***loathe*** campgrounds. Dispersed camping is far more enjoyable. I can't stand being so close to other campers, because you're right! The point is to get away!


Don't ever feel bad about calling the manager during quiet time. They're ruining it for everyone else there, not just you. You're calling for the greater good, so it's an act of heroism really. They can celebrate during the day like everyone else.


If it werent obviously the girls birthday I would, but as annoying as this is, sheā€™s clearly so excited and while they didnt think about the people camping next to her, the parents have done a beautiful set up. I feel like this is gonna be one of those birthdays the girl always remembers and I donā€™t want to ruin a birthday over a sleepless Monday night.


You can give them a heads up first. "Hey, happy birthday. The quiet hours started at 10pm and people wake up for work here in a few hours. Have a good time, but quietly while people around you are sleeping. Thanks."


Props for being the bigger person here and putting the simple pleasure of others ahead of your own. They clearly won't thank you for your consideration and patience, so thank you from a fellow human who appreciates your generosity.


Dude, you're clearly the better person and you're awesome for your patience with this girls birthday. Hopefully, as she gets older she continues to love camping and learns her mistakes.


You are too kind OP. And I completely get your point of view, so long you drew the line if it got too put of hand and too late


>If it werent obviously the girls birthday I would, but as annoying as this is, sheā€™s clearly so excited and while they didnt think about the people camping next to her, the parents have done a beautiful set up So what? Seriously, just because it's your birthday doesn't mean you get to ruin the night of everyone in the vicinity. Teenagers aren't brain dead. They *know* they shouldn't be running around, screaming and being that loud that late at night


That is a noble sentiment, and I absolutely agree with you - up to a point. Perhaps a little more leeway is given, but there comes a point they have to understand they are in a public place. You are as entitled to quiet as they are to make a noise. If they knew that they were going to make g lot of noise then they should have probably purchased a few of the pitches surrounding their own.


Had a similar thing happen. It was a boy scouts group from way up north and they were so excited to be on this certain lake in Texas and it was one of the boys birthday. We camped from Friday- Monday and they were there for the same. No sleep was to be had all weekend for us but we had more fun listening to them being all giddy and celebrating a milestone birthday. At one point they brought us cake for putting up with their chaos. Sure I was a bit cranky when it came time for sleep but a week after the trip and much sleep later I was glad we just let it be for them and I hope it's a great memory for them.


You are a genuinely good person. Please don't change. We need more people like you in the world.


So, the adults dropped off these girls @ quiet time and left them? Unsupervised 13/14 yos? Those parents just offloaded teenagers onto a bunch of paying strangers lol. Yeah, I'd probably make a call.


Making the call is the obvious answer here.


Camping is to get away from noise and to be immersed in nature. If you want to ā€œparty campā€ do it in a random field or better yet, hire a cabin or something. Man some people are so inconsiderate.


A nice reminder about campground noise restrictions is not inappropriate. "Hey, I know yall want to celebrate, but please be aware that being extra loud after 10pm is against the rules. Have fun, but please don't disturb the neighbors" They just get excited and forget there's rules to follow too. A warning before sicing management on them is fair.


We are just now a few hours home from a 4 day no service, kayak/hiking/camping trip. Night 1 was fine until 2 am. Neighbors got there. Drunk af, yelling, laughing maniacally, slamming ice chest, etc. We get up around 6 to make breakfast. The guy and 2 girls were up around 7 because they put their tent..... 20 ft from our cooking ring. He has a German shep dog with him. No biggie, we love dogs. He proceeds to walk his dog right between our tents. My buddy said, "Hey sir, do you mind not walking the dog right between our tents, please?" The guy: "ohhhhh noooooo, I'm gonna make sure it's what I do every single fucking time I walk around now, I'm gonna walk right between your shit." He was not joking. Then he went on a passive-aggressive tirade for about 2 hours. "You're not even supposed to have that many tents up at this campsite." We had 5, limit was 6, we verified. They ended up getting kicked out by park rangers because they didn't have a reservation. They were also told not to come back because they stole the 12 reserved tags for the site they took over and wouldnt give them back to the ranger. Soft requests and polite reminders don't always work. Lol


Wow Iā€™m so sorry that happened but I bet it felt soo good that they got kicked out after the very first night. Assholes are gonna asshole, itā€™s rare they get whatā€™s coming to them while youā€™re around to witness it though. How ridiculous he was trying to police your # of tents when his party came in so loud and obnoxious at 2am, was shitty about walking his dog through your site, and in the end had zero right to actually be there at all. Hope the rest of your trip was amazing!


We actually weren't there when they got kicked out. Lmao. We were on a kayak trip. We left around 9. We had made buddy with the other camp neighbors though so when we got back that evening the wide ran to us to tell us what happened. Lol. It was a very quiet and peaceful night. The trip was phenomenal! We went to a waterfall inside of a cave, hell of a get to, but it was awesome. Thanks!


That is the old way, and I wish it still worked in most places. I'm not looking to have a gun pulled on me by trying to have a considerate talk with somebody that takes offense to being called out on their BS.


Well, teenagers will lower it 5 decibels, for 10 minutes.


I realize this is a few hours old but asking people to lower their volume isn't a dick move. The dick move is rolling into a campsite and making so much noise that you disturb other people, especially running into someone else's campsite. Something like, "I'm not asking you to be silent, but I am asking you to lower your volume. You also need to stay within the boundaries of your own campsite and not run into your neighbor's area. People are sleeping or relaxing and it's general, good camping etiquette to be respectful."


I was camping at a state park when I was in scouts and these jackasses next to us had a party and played ā€œAchy Breaky Heartā€ pretty much all night. Park ranger kicked them out


I have had camp hosts kick people out who couldn't have actually been annoying any other campers but me when I didn't even complain. Loved those camp hosts. And by not annoying anyone else, I mean we were the only two sites occupied in the camp ground. Tbh, in all but one case, I think they were just annoying the camp host. That one dude kept following me around and setting up next to me no matter where I moved and constantly trying to have a conversation with me about stuff like too casually asking me if I was camping alone, what my camp stove was worth, and stuff like that. I was about to call the camp host, but he was suddenly right there kicking the guy out while lecturing him on appropriate behavior and how this was not it at all. It turns out he'd been keeping an eye on me because I kept moving, and when he figured out why, he came running over. The gate sets off a buzzer briefly when opened, so he said he'd close it early and pay extra attention for it to make sure the guy didn't come back. He didn't seem to think it was a big deal, but he was my hero right then.




Thank you, Iā€™ll be adding this to my bitey boy meme collection!


Have you tried asking nicely? I remember when I had noisy neighbors at 4am playing music during my last camping trip I just asked them to turn down the music as I can hear it from my site a couple spots down. Wasn't a problem for the rest of the trip.




As a supervisor of mine once told me "ships are safest when they're in the harbor, but that's not what they're meant for"


I think this is your good deed for the year ā¤ That was *very* kind and gracious of you to let them enjoy their party. I can only imagine how annoyed I would feel in that situation.


I appreciate you for not spoiling the birthday even if they were in the wrong. Hopefully you get some better sleep tonight.


This happens way too often We camp on BLM land where there's no official campsites, but you'll still get dicks coming in at midnight just so they can setup next to you and shuffle through music on their shitty $12 walmart speakers


I camp dispersed way out in the forest when I don't want to deal with people. The rule here is that you need to use a previously established site, and I have explored and mapped where all the solo ones are far from others. This cut down on that sort of thing, but hasn't entirely stopped it. Seriously, if you have to block another vehicle in, park half on the very narrow road, and set up your tent literally touching someone else's, just don't. They're going to hate you. Do you really want someone who hates you that close to you all night? I wouldn't. We do have two (of several) really great DNR campgrounds. They don't have a ton of sites, but oddly are rarely busy. They have sites separated from one another that are quite large and trees and underbrush in between that cut a lot of noise. They also have potable water and vault toilets, and they are "free" with a $30 annual pass that also covers state park entry and a lot of trailhead parking. I don't understand why they've never been full when I've been there, but I love it. No one tries to set up in my site at those because they're clearly camp sites, and there are empty ones. Okay, not no one. Once, someone did, but she asked. She'd been ditched by friends on her first camping trip, didn't have enough equipment of her own, couldn't figure out how to set up her tent, and was quite obviously scared out of her mind but determined not to go home. I was the only other solo woman there, and the sites really are huge, so when she politely asked, I totally let her move in. That tent, though. Dude, it was ancient and needed three people with extra arms. We finally got it, but damn. She was fun, though, so I really didn't mind the company. Her friends finally showed up the next day, "oops, we forgot to text you" said all casually like that was no big deal. She did not move to their site because they refused to apologize. I wonder how that friendship turned out.


Our camping trips have been ruined more than once by people like that. I remember one evening when we were sitting outside, relaxing by the fire with our two boys and listening to the loons at Ricker Pond State Park in Vermont, when some people set up camp next to us and starting blasting the Eagles on their boombox.


Call Theyre likely bothering others, but no one else wants to call, or is hesitant to. A birthday doesnt give a person the right to bother others - it's called respect. And with the way people are these days, confronting someone about their behaviour can be a bad turn (moreso when their stupid parents arrive).


If you didn't tell them at night because you did want to ruin their birthday do tell them in the morning. Just like that yeah. And with the girls being there and hearing it. A lesson that needs to be taught s obviously if you don't tell them they will do it again.


Campgrounds really should have someone available overnight. I've worked in private campgrounds and volunteered as a campground host for the National Park Service. It's not just about enforcing quiet hours, though that is the biggest part of the job. Medical emergencies can occur overnight and vacationers don't always have cell service or know what address to give the dispatcher.


Most camp site 'operators' are utterly gutless when it comes to dealing with obnoxious campers.


Not where I live. They'll often be on top of it before anyone even complains. We do have several DNR ones without camp hosts, though, and I admit I haven't stayed at a private one here. It's all been county and state parks besides the DNR ones. Those vary, but you only expect two of them to be quiet, and you absolutely have to expect the one next to an ORV area to be a constant party all weekend.


What you can do is nicely, without a hint of grump or anger to your voice ask if they can be a little quieter with a smile. Itā€™ll probably last 10 minutes, but they wonā€™t be running around your tent anymore at least. Also why I always camp with ear plugs.


Call the campground host to deal with. Beyond the noise, what adult in their right mind allows young teenage girls to camp out without adult supervision. Especially at a campground filled with adult men!


So kid's birthday party started at 10pm? In a place that has a bunch of people sleeping close to each other? Yeah the parents are serious AHs for agreeing to this.


I like hitting those people with a bright light. Have one that lights up the school yard across the street, and will make things interesting close up. It certainly got the idiot to shut his car off 2 years ago when they pulled into site at 11pm and left their headlights on pointing at my tent. All of a sudden HE was the blind one.


Last camping trip our campsite ā€œneighborsā€ showed up at 1:36am. We had just bedded down ourselves since it was too hot to sleep before that. It was a couple that were being obnoxiously loud and calling back and forth to each other. We decided that since they didnā€™t care to keep the peace we wouldnā€™t either so we started some good old fashioned shaking the tent poles. They shut the fuck up after we were done.


Go to the manager. It's not wrong, it's why they're there, so that everyone has a chance to enjoy camping. Courtesy is not common these days and I find rarely exhibited. Add on top of that the break in the social structure after covid and a higher propensity for people to pull fire arms for minor issues that aren't worth it, it can be a dangerous position to put yourself in no matter how well intentioned you are. You're not ruining their party, they are by not being considerate of anyone that isn't in their group. That's not how things are supposed to work.


A couple things to tag onto my original comment. Certain language in OPs post just keyed me into them not being from the US, so what I wrote very well may not be applicable to their situation. In the US I would take this approach, elsewhere may not be a concern with "fire arms". The second thing is I should have written firearms, people are not more likely to waive their arms around at you while on fire to resolve a dispute, they probably want the fire put out if you find yourself in a situation where fire arms are present.


Yep Im in Australia. Guns arenā€™t much of an issue here unless youā€™re dealing with the cops, and while ACAB, ours arenā€™t nearly as trigger happy as the US cops.


Chris Hansen was waiting for you behind the trees on your left if you stepped out of your tent...


I went camping a couple years ago the first available weekend of the year. I didn't pay attention to the date, it was just a weekend to me. Night one, of three, 2 cars pull up about 11pm making a loud ruckus about getting set up and blasting music. It went all night long, and then about 11am the next morning they start talking about "everyone else" that will be showing up for the halloween party that night, and I just noped out of there. Packed up and left. They had 3 more cars and 10 more people coming for the ACTUAL party they had planned.


Move your car, if possible, between their site and yours. No adults are with them? That sounds as if parents booked it and one should be there, at least. What is balancing is knowing that early in the AM, they will be asleep and very deserving of a bit of their own behavior, just a bit, to equalize the experience for all.


They finally shut up at 2am. Then i was woken by them again at 6.30am :(There is a mid 20s looking guy with them - okder brother??


Ah yes. Camping. The great outdoors! Away from all the hustle and bustle of modern life!


If somebody is being rude it's okay to be agitated about it and confront them. It's actually better if you do that as likely they won't do it again out of embarrassment. You don't have to display courtesy at all costs lol


I mean, you donā€™t have to tell them to be silent, but you can ask them to be courteous.


I had a similar experience, no noise after 11pm was the rule of the woodland campsite. The car they had used to drive to the camp had its headlights on, directly on our camper and awning, music blaring, I was straight out and told them to turn the music and lights off, ā€œ do you mean down?ā€ was the reply,ā€No OFF!ā€ I said. A few minutes later a couple of them came back from the shower block asking why the music was off, ā€œBecause a big angry f**ker over there told us toā€ We woke up in the morning and they had moved to another part of the campsite. End of the day you want to have a party hire a hall or a private field , donā€™t have one in a campsite that stipulates no noise after 11pm.


I would just go and knock on their tent door, and politely ask then to quieten down. You don't need to be rude about it, just request that they let other campers sleep. They should honestly have an adult with them, if they're only 13-14 years old. If asking them doesn't work, I would call the camp manager. I know it really wouldn't be ideal to call them over at 10:00 pm, but it is also their job, and your sleep matters just as much as theirs. I hope you figure something out. Hang in there ā¤ļø


Why are you being an asshole complaining to the manager if the site has strict noise rules? That's what the rules are for, and why the manager is there. Not sure why so many people are applauding you for being nice - wouldn't it be a kinder act to more people to complain about the noise? I can't imagine you're the only person bothered by it. It's a campsite not a Chucky cheese.


Their inability to consider me does not cancel out my ability to consider them.


Props to you for not calling the authorities, I'm surprised no one did if they were also annoying other campers. some people just don't have an ounce of consideration for neighbors.


I wouldā€™ve been absolutely pissed. Idc if itā€™s her birthday. They can be more quiet and respectful


Hey Man, You are a good dude. I empathize with not wanting to be a Karen/Kyle... Just remember that you were once those 14 year olds and adults were pissed at you, but someone did the same thing for you to have awesome memories.


Iā€™d chat with them


I suggest playing the song "5 o'clock world" really loudly while you're making breakfast. Who doesn't like music set to the time of day!?!


Sorry this happened to you. Itā€™s happened to me a handful of times and on one occasion that I did call the camp manager, they never showed up. Unfortunately, lots of people dont understand camping etiquette or were never taught. It really is up to the community of campers to educate others around you. Not telling someone that they are being loud or disruptive means itā€™s ok for them to do that. Iā€™m actually surprised no one around you called either. Honestly itā€™s their fault for arriving so late to go camping. Canā€™t they celebrate during the day? Some of the very best state parks I have been to have an on site camp manager that drives around for the first 30 mins or so of quiet hours and just politely reminds people to turn off music etc. Itā€™s really nice and takes the burden off other guests.


Spoke to one of the other campers this morning : same boat - if it wasnt the girls birthday she would have said something


Yeah I agree it would be a dick move to go call the manager or whatever but I think I'd go out there and make a threat about it. Give em till midnight to have their fun maybe.


I fuckin hate when people that clearly arenā€™t getting a lot out of nature come into my zones and scream and litter and blast music. Trashy af tbh, and lowbrow at best. I just remind myself to be happy Iā€™m not a fat piece of lard throwing trash in the river every other weekend and be on my way when Iā€™m able to.


Omg the trash is awful! Came out of my swag this morning to a graveyard of dead balloons, streamers, fake petals, packaging for all the brand new camp gear they bought in, paper plates with the remnants of (I assume) Birthday cakeā€¦ Iā€™ve stopped at this site a few times and even after a storm Iā€™ve never seen so much trash just dumped on the ground. That part is more than mildly infuriating.


Just growl-yell, ā€œShut up!ā€ :D


I did - three times and they literally didnt hear me.


Ugh! That sucks! I prob would have gone over and asked them to keep it down. But I was a teacher for years and am pretty good at getting kids to comply.


not super related but after reading the post i painted this picture in my mind and started going through the comments, now thinking that a picture was attached, and imagine my confusion when i scroll back up to the top lol


Tool wings and 10000 days


Don't use camp grounds. That's not really camping anyway.


I agree, but needed to be near town for an event


Go somewhere else. Away from people to camp.


Thats the plan most of the time but I travel full time and occasionally stay near towns for events.


Oh man, with how I am.... this would have ended before midnight lmao. I'd be that weird person to go join them, make everything so awkward that they end up choosing to go to sleep vs staying up with my insane ass.


What's mildly infuriating is that you're an adult too intimidated by a group of young girls to speak up or call management.


Intimidated? More like I have empathy for the girls.


Is that a bear you see in the camp next to you? Hard to tell its dark. Better launch a stream of bear spray just to be safe! joking.


Only bears round these parts are drop bears.


The most vicious bears on Earth. Here's a baby one preparing to take down a grown man. ![gif](giphy|l0Exp5zQH1jP7Dcbe|downsized)


![gif](giphy|IWy60FY7KKOOc) Even the little fellas are quite vicious


Walk around in a banana hammock


I dont own one, nor do I possess the appropriate hardware to fully utilise its potential.


Your first mistake was using a campsite That just begs for annoying camping neighbors


Set fire to the fucking bastards tent.


it's your own fault if you do not say anything because unless you say something nothing will be done. šŸ¤·


Its giving victim blaming:


All you had to do was ask them to please be quiet. I'm not sure if it would have helped but you won't know unless you try. I have neighbors that I cannot stand with a passion because they're very rude & ignorant. what time I did ask them to be quiet and they quieted down for a while and then started back up again. Unfortunately it's a endless battle dealing with uneducated people.


4 girls : maybe 13/14 years old. Yea, you don't want to ruin their experience, and one bad night of sleep is fine. If you went crazy, you might even traumatize these kids. I'd be upset, try to sleep, forget about it later.... NOW if you happen to talk to the parents the next day, you can make some snarky remark to them like, "Raise your kids better and tell them to STFU after 10!!!!" lol. Lesson learned. Under 15 and I try to be compassionate. 16 and 17, depends. 18 and over, I'd go over and tell them to be quiet and call the manager and do it at 3 am.


I like your style