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We have cameras in the break room where I work, they will and HAVE fired people for stealing food.


And they should.


It's a huge difference between making yourself a free meal at work vs stealing a customer's meal. They should absolutely be fired if this happened


I’m betting someone just made this story up after writing on their wrapper for internet points.




Of course not. Would I, Matt Damon, lie to you?


Loved you in Dogma


This is the most likely scenario


Tbh yeah it looks fake as hell. But in this hypothetical situation, I say fire that guy. Stealing someone's order as an employee of that restaurant is just putting in a bunch of extra effort for screwing a stranger over.


It was taken by a coworker of OP, not the Panera employee who made the order (assuming any of it real)


Plot twist: OP works at Panera.


None of it is real


>Tbh yeah it looks fake as hell. But in this hypothetical situation, I say fire that guy. If the OP faked it, fire HIM instead.


What customer? Am I missing something? The post makes it seem like OP’s work ordered sandwiches for the workers to eat on their break. But one of OP’s coworkers ate OP’s sandwich.


And I've known plenty of people who would be asshole enough to eat a lunch and then write exactly what is written on this box and think they're are the funniest person to ever grace this planet.


I assumed they all ordered food for each individual in a meeting and someone passing by took the sandwich and left the message behind. I doubt anyone in food service would do this, there’s much better ways of getting fired


I glazed over on the "work" part of the op. I didn't even consider this was an office lunch kinda situation. They should crucify the coworker that ate it and let the spurned employee get the first stab.


One of my old jobs used to have a huge problem with stealing. Everything had to be left in the break room with no camera. People had lunches, jackets, umbrellas, cigarettes, and phones. Even a social security card was stolen. People took to bring actual locks on their lunch boxes and people still tried to break the locks. The supervisor refused to do anything (too busy watching porn and perving on the barely 18 year girls) so people fights were common. The supervisor was forced into retirement and a new guy was in charge. One of the very first things he did was letting everyone know he was fixing the break room camera and punishment would be dealt out for stealing. He made sure to schedule the fixing during lunch so that everyone knew it was working. SUDDENLY, the amount to thefts plummeted into the floor.


Stupid thought, is it possible the retired supervisor was the thief and the camera had nothing to do with it? It stopped because he left. ![gif](giphy|BM1ilpvJbC3BCL6kQQ|downsized)


A supervisor continuing to force employees to leave their belongings unattended despite complaints about those belongings being stolen regularly? That supervisor was 100% in on it, either they were the thief or worked together with the thief/thieves.


It's either that or he knew who was doing it and was trying to get in their pants


I know it sounds harsh, but I'm totally on-board with that. It's egregious and it's not accidental. And while I hate the fact that there has to be cameras, and I know it's not the end of the world, it's theft and I'm glad they did it. EDIT: To clarify I'm glad that the office put the cameras up; not that someone stole the food.


It's also just a major red flag that indicates other potential problems. If someone is comfortable rummaging through the fridge to steal food from people they then smile at afterward, what else are they comfortable stealing?


And it greatly hurts work place morale. Are you going to have your food stolen, have to skip lunch, then work at 100%?


And are you going to get along with this group of colleagues where each member is a potential bitter enemy?


Honestly, it's crazy an adult is capable of doing this in an OFFICE. It sounds like something a 15yo kid would do to their siblings... Not something an adult would do in a professional context.


Have some stories about food thieves, and stealing a co-worker's food is a big ol' glaring "I'm sneaky, don't respect boundaries or consent, and will do what I know to be violating and wrong as often as I benefit and think I can get away with it" signal. Barring situations where extreme poverty (hidden or otherwise) meets up with the right combination of being desperate but too proud to ask for help... it's never *just* food theft.


Or, they don't lift a finger at home, or anywhere else, and these magical food cupboards somehow stay stocked. Oh well, best not ask questions. Just enjoy the free food.


So I have never and would never steal anyone’s food, but from time to time I have cleaned out the fridge in places I’ve worked, never threw away anything that wasn’t growing mold, if it happens to be in a Tupperware I will throw out the food and rinse the Tupperware in the sink and leave it on the counter. Well one shift a coworker helped me, again we did not throw away anything that wasn’t clearly growing mold, but there was other stuff we left that was somewhat questionable so we put a sign on the fridge to please put a date on any new food going in the fridge, clear out old food, the things growing mold had already been thrown away etc.. Next day come in to a sarcastic handwritten note on the fridge saying something along the lines of “thanks to whoever threw out my lunch yesterday I went hungry”. 🤢 That person must like eating moldy food, but I think in that situation it was a very honest mistake on the part of myself and my coworker that cleaned out the fridge…


You need to talk to your workplace about mandatory fridge cleanings. Where I work they put signs on the fridge that state the fridge is designated for cleaning on X date and that everything contained within will be thrown away.


At the center where I teach, the fridge is cleaned out every Friday. It's posted multiple places in the breakroom - if you don't want your lunch (and the lunch box) thrown away, get it out of the fridge by EOD Friday. It works well for us.


Thank you for being that person taking charge and doing a little cleaning. To meit sounds like it was respectful and well done.


You never know what someone is going through too. I was staying at a homeless shelter, working overnights at a water bottle factory. The shelter kindly provided me with a lunch for my shift, and even an insulated lunch box. Usually it was a lunch meat and cheese sandwich and a bag of chips, maybe a fruit cup or an apple, and a water bottle. One day, someone stole the whole lunch box. I was fortunate that a kind coworker took pity on me, so I didn't go hungry, but the place had no cameras so there was nothing to do. I just felt shitty that I had to tell the shelter I lost my borrowed lunch box, so to me that was the worst part. Felt very kicked-while-I'm-down.


That REALLY sucks. Sorry that you were victimized like that.


Stealing is a crime in every day life. Why not at work?


Can you imagine getting fired for stealing someone's lunch at work? So embarrassing.


Almost as embarrassing as the guy who left his personal email open on a company computer, which when I went to clock in, it was opened to pictures of his girlfriend’s daughter getting into and out of the shower and using the toilet as well. He got 15 years for CP as a repeat offender.


That ain’t embarrassing that’s just fucked


Yea that messed with my head for quite a while. Hopefully someone gave him some dental work with something solid.


Man that comment did not go where I thought it would. Fire that guy into the fucking sun


I'm kinda glad he was so dumb he left it open tbh...


That's horrifying, dude. I'm glad he got caught because wtf.


Operative word here is stealing. Id like to think they won't steal food again.. but their mentality makes me doubt myself.


I've never had food stolen at work. I work for an employer that delivers food to stores. There are always tea drinks, juice, Gatorade, bottled water, pastries, breads, buns, chips etc. that the company refuses to pitch in the dumpster. In each building there is a table where any cases etc are placed if they got damaged in shipment. Employees are free to take anything that's there.


This is amazing and honestly refreshing to hear. I used to work food service for chains that could absolutely afford to do this, and the amount of perfectly good food we’d throw away was saddening. Especially when I was dirt poor at the time and many of my coworkers weren’t much better off.


Yeah it is unusual. The company doesn't want to.pay to rent numerous dumpsters, open roll off containers or a compactor. We do have dumpsters, but all you will see are empty cases and broken down cardboard. Whatever food or drink that was in them has been put out for anyone to consume or take home. It's all dry pantry items. Nothing refrigerated.


I used to work at a country club. We actually were able to order off the menu. All free. Then we got a GM who put in a lunch room buffet. Not as good as being able to order but still good. (Technically I could still order as senior management but I thought that was embarrassing)


If I have to spend a half an hour extra driving to get food that costs 6 times more than a lunch I packed Id be pretty pissed. I would justifiably fire someone for that. I'd be taking that extra commute on company time.


The idea of stealing lunch at work is incredible to me... LMAO


my boss would play the recording in the morning meeting and fire them


Baffling how inconsiderate some humans are.


That’s truly insult to injury and a different level of disrespect. I couldn’t care less about Panera but to steal my food and mock me… by law I’m pretty sure that’s fighting words and liable for an ass whoopin.


Actually, technically, it’s “THEMS fighting words.” “that’s fighting words” is a totally different case and referencing such is likely to get your case thrown out.


Oh right, my bad.


Yeah, someone’s definitely going down! And talking about OP’s Mom? It’s middle school at the basketball courts @3:15pm time! EDIT: middle school fight*


Can we make it 4:15? I have a date with your mom.


LMAO, jackass


Thems the breaks.


To be fair, it's actually "them there is fighting words", and you may get called on a technicality


Oh man, you’re talking about the landmark Johnson Trailer Park Fight case of 1995… I always forget about that one! I really need to update my Hillbilly Law certification.


Yes, Alabama v. Johnson (1995). We spent an entire semester on this at the Apalacian School of Law Book Learnin'.


That case is referenced in Yeee-Haw v Hold Mah Beer (1997).


I recon if we're getting technical it's "Dems deres is fightins werds" but only if we're getting technical.


"Them there's fightin words" Source: hillbilly ass uncles


It may be autocorrect’s fault, but there is no G in “Fightin!”.


That's why I downloaded the New American Redneck keyboard.


if the person's mom works a the same place and is the person who ate it, that's top tier trolling. (so long as the mom then got the person replacement food) anyone else, dick move.


I remember working at the same company as my mom when I was 20ish, there was a sign in the kitchen that said "clean up your dishes, your mother doesn't work here" Always gave me a chuckle.


Legend has it those signs appear above the kitchen sink of every workplace featuring a post-menopausal woman.


Sounds like a hostile work environment


More truth in that then we admit.


One time we had a pizza party at work. Not knowing that, the next day my coworker brought pizza for lunch and put it in the fridge. Boss showed up, took his pizza out the fridge, and started eating it in front of him while he bitched at the guy. For a golden minute, it was the ultimate power move. After he was told what he did,the boss apologized sincerely and bought the guy lunch. But still one of the most hilarious moments I've ever experienced. My friend came up to me and said "that motherfucker ate my own damn lunch in front of me while chewing me out. What kind of sick power trip shit is that?!". I dunno that I have ever laughed harder in my life.


In the words of the great Roy D. Mercer, “How long's it been since you had a good ol' country ass whoopin?”


By US Law that can be brought to management and if they fail to do something… whoops toxic workplace suit.


I would explore HR, this is fucked


I'm skipping HR and going to security/IT, I don't want it handled the right way


Yup. That person certainly deserves a whoopin. Premeditated. Mocking.


Plot twist. His mom ate it


I'm entering Dwight Schrute investigation, emergency taskforce mode if this shit happened to me


Time to bring in the handwriting analyst


We have the schedule log for Panera on that day. Just come clean now and make this easier on everyone!


That’s why I always commit crimes with my left hand






I think it's cuz I'm older, but my first thought was "MYYYY SANDWICH!?!?!?!?" -Ross


Millions of workplaces suffer every year!




Okay, but don't listen to Future Dwight.


Question: won't that interfere with your other task forces?


“Exactly how much pot did you smoke?!”


“You said I’D be asking the questions!”






‘Good luck’




































Idk if I buy this


But how could he fake this? He'd need an empty box and a red pen! Impossible


Pretty sure that’s a pastry box but I still got a good laugh out of it


That’s the same box we use when catering box lunches. Makes sense cuz 90% of catering lunch orders are for offices.


yeah hasn’t replied to any comment


Idk why I had to scroll so far down to find a hint of skepticism lol thankyou


Why is the box so clean, my first thought


the writing is too clean for a real bullying moment. this some fake shit


Yeah, the mechanics don't really make any fucking sense. Ordered delivery and it was empty? How? Ordered at store and it was empty? How did you not notice? Ordered before work? OP specified 'at' work, and why would you order Panera's mid-ass food and let it languish for 5 hours? It's not like it's going to get any better.


Work ordered it for them so it was fresher around lunch time, presumably. That's how it's worked whenever my work has ordered us food, which is what I got from the title. Box is way too fuckin clean tho so I assume OP got a panera box, made the joke, and posted for karma


Work place ordered sandwiches for the workers to eat on their break in the breakroom. One of OP’s coworkers ate OP’s sandwich before OP got the chance to take a break. Isn’t that the most obvious interpetation? Coworkers eating other workers food from the breakroom is like one of the most common forms of theft right after wage theft.




I was going to say. Every time I've got a turkey sandwich is comes wrapped in wax paper.


yeah this is dumb as hell lol


OP is brain dead.


Why is the box completely clean


You work at a middle school?


Yeah this is teenager shit. The theft of food and the "your mom" joke and the level of cowardice is kinda scream hungry edgy gamer teen who was spoiled. Its so juvenile many people here are saying this is BS cos the lack of self awareness for this in a working adult is unfathomable. Then again someone else mentioned they have caught and fired people for stealing food with evidence from the CC TV so... I'm gonna throw it up in the air if this is true or not.


I would find out who did it and confront them directly. Literally, "Hey, you ate a sandwich that wasn't yours, and were pretty douchey about it. You need to rectify that" It's a professional environment, that shit is unacceptable.


Unless they work with their mom and she’s the one who took it. She even left a note.


“You know who ELSE steals sandwiches??”


Lmao they would laugh in your face and walk away. 


Then I would slash their tires in the parking lot


Keep escalating until scorched earth.


Then salt it afterwards.


Too obvious, drain their oil instead


Do a little prank and swap their engine oil and their coolant


Next time you see them eating, take their food and toss into the trash. Laugh in their face and walk away. No escalation required.


the entire situation you just described is what i would consider escalation


Cop logic: yeah I pulled my gun, how is that escalation!?! I was just asserting my authority like they did when they had the nerve to question mine! It’s the same!


This is real life, not the internet. Buddy is acting like a clown because he doesn't think he'll be caught. I don't think he would still be acting douchey like that if he was busted.


Then you laugh in their face as you walk to the HR office.


If that's the case, that's a pretty toxic coworker. I'm sorry that's your experience with people.
















OP ate his own sandwich, saw a red sharpie and decided to go for it for internet points


100% agree


I'm like 99.9%


Do you piss a lot of people off at work?


OP hasn't ever had a job in their life outside of posting to reddit


no way this is real. It is tailored for high schoolers "ur mom" "LOL" OP is larping having a job


So 1. Someone is really this big of an asshole to do something like this, not saying they don't exist but I think the numbers tend to be over exaggerated thanks to social media Or 2. Someone grabbed a marker and a box and said "hey, this is a good way to get up votes" I leave it up to you guys to decide which is true.


I'll actually go on the ground rolling if that happened to me




No, gotgr


Considering how expensive Panera is, that's probably grand theft.




I fired a man once for eating someone's lunch. Fired on the spot. I remember he said: " Are you serious, over a lunch?" I said "yes, I'm serious, you're done, collect your things and get out."


"Over a lunch"! That reaction tells everything about his character and morals. Good thing you got rid of him. But make sure to be guarded. People like that have no decency and might come at you.


"Yes, stealing other people's lunch is theft". It's gross misconduct for a lot of places.








Be honest you did this yourself to get attention on reddit.






You know who really loves stealing sandwiches? My mom!


Ain’t no way lol


Things that OP staged for 1000.


I mean, you did this though.


I had recently come back from a international trip and bought some really nice mint chocolate for my work-buddy. It was summer and since it was melting I had put it in the refrigerator WITH a sticky note with my name and desk number on it. Only to have some idiot steal the whole thing. My friend was so excited for the chocolate :( Sucks so hard cuz it's not even something I can replace or buy. Some ppl just suck.


I would be going to HR. Not to complain, but to tell them I just murdered the bitch that ate my sandwich.




So fucking fake lol


100% op wrote that himself to farm karma after eating his own sandwich


It's really easy to recognize hand writing go look through people papers and see if you can find the culprit


Definitely. Go see who is missing 26 inches of ink from their marker.


whats mildly infuriating is their sandwich portion. its fucking CRIMINAL to pay $12 bucks for a 2 inch sandwich.