• By -


Sounds like you married into a really cool family. Condolences.


Right? 9pm at night, you either get 1 hour old burger or expect 10-12 min for fresh. Sheesh. Yeah, a warning would be nice. Still….


Omg I LOVE when they say to wait just for THAT. Went to McDonald's at 3 am or 4. Got some of the BEST crispiest spicy mcchickens ever. Got home woke my bf up, gave him one, and he just really enjoyed it before work. Unless service workers are rude to you, I dont think there is any valid reason to be rude to them. That's weird to me.


Wow first you work your bf up, then give him a crispy spicy mcchicken. Classy move. 😁


Right?! A show and then dinner! Noice 😏


She didn’t say she gave him a crispy spicy mcchicken. She said she work him up then gave him one, which he enjoyed before work.


Is that what the kids are calling it these days?


From now on I’m requiring I not be woken up unless it’s for a fresh hot chicken sandwich. Yes I know how that sounds, but I don’t care.


If you’re really a giraffe you can pretty much demand whatever you want. Giraffes are badass.


A veterinarian radiologist friend had to work on an infant giraffe, and I’ll never forget her saying “an adult can decapitate you with a kick, the babies can only break your neck!” Unfortunately my name comes from a [baby teething toy](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sophie_the_Giraffe) which is what I felt like 10 years ago when I joined Reddit lmao


I was *pretty* sure you weren’t a giraffe after the chicken sandwich comment—everyone knows giraffes prefer leaves! During university I loved it when my animal biology classes would visit the local zoo—pretty sure working with animals like that would be my dream job.


My youngest kid had that giraffe. I feel old now.


A fresh (out the grease) fish sandwich from MacDonald’s at 3am after drinking. Tastes like heaven.


In high school one of my friends worked overnight at McDonald’s and in the summer we’d always go loiter his entire shifts from like 11-7am, get stoned in the back of the building, skateboard the empty parking lot, and eat whenever we wanted with no line to wait in or anything. The food was always hot off the grill, it was the best lol


Just ask for it fresh and it'll be like that Everytime can even ask for it to be well done too.


How did you work him up? No doubt he'd be hungry after that


Omg that happened to us once got the single best McDouble I’ve ever had in my life my hubby had been chasing that high ever since


We had a family of 5 (with 3 teen boys) walk in 5 minutes before we closed asking if we had “extra” pizzas in the kitchen they could have and if not could we make them some. We’re a gas station. We do make pizzas but only to order and we NEVER have “extra” pizza, let alone more than one. Also it’s FIVE MINUTES TO CLOSE! And yes, they knew we were closing in 5 minutes. 💀


No shit. I'm always STOKED if it takes more than 5 minutes. "AWWWWWW YEAHHHHH SHIT BOUTTA BE BUSSINNNNN"


If I’m stopping at 2 am for some fries and chicken I’m good with waiting 7 minutes for the best damn 2 am meal ever.


I've been to late night drive throughs and had to wait for food, because they had already used up all the prepped stuff. There was only one time I had nasty stuff, the rest was freshly made. The nasty burger was obviously one they had premade hours ago, as the lettuce was completely wilted and the bun was almost as hard as a rock from sitting on the heat rack too long. What I was waiting on were the fries (which were fresh and hot).


According to OP, that's exactly how long the burgers took.


I almost always go in to pick up my food. I even let them know it's no rush. Usually get better, more accurate service.


My ex and her dad will cause a fuss over everything. It put a huge strain on the relationship, and as I'm referring to her as my ex - you can see that it became too much. It was something almost every day, and ways with food. She worked as a waitress in hs/college too, so you think she would know better.


Does the father in law have slicked back hair? And did he order 55 burgers 55 fries 55 tacos and 55 pies?


Idk, OP’s father in law sounds like’s still a huge piece of shit, not like he only *used* to be a piece of shit


A huge piece of shit like that probably orders a glass or water with his steak. Not for any specific reason - it's a perfectly normal order.


Well if he used to be a huge piece of shit his hair would be pushed back not slicked back


The good news is that the burger is probably the least of your problems, that you're married to a douchebag is an issue though..


His wife sucks, too. How people treat the people who they don't need to be kind to, like "the staff," shows you their real character. I'm sure she has a ton of excuses, but really, she's just not a good person. I doubt OP's all that great, either, or he wouldn't have married her. Notice how he didn't express condolences for anything except his burger, the thing that affected him. If my family just berated some innocent workers, "Oh no, my food!" wouldn’t be my reaction.


For real. I'd go in and apologize because it would embarrass the shit out of me, and then we'd be having A Talk that night.


Every single fast food joint (and corporate chain store) I go to in Florida is intentionally understaffing to boost profits. They also pay garbage wages compared to what the COL is now in Florida. Everyone with 17 brain cells and a smidgen of empathy noticed them start doing this a while ago. I've since realized that there are actually many people here who can't spend 3 seconds thinking about why customer service has tanked across the board in many industries and decide it's the employees who "don't want to work" or are braindead. Licking corporate boot all the while like a good American. That must be a nice and simple way to exist.


Dude...that's not mayo...


the 3 minute wait confirms that


I would have that order out in 32 seconds!


Found the humiliation kink aficionado 😂


I don't suffer from premature ejaculation, I enjoy it 


2 all beef patties, special sauce…..


...lettuce, fromunda cheese...


Boogers and cum the yelper special


I was actually looking for this comment


Oh, that's yuzu peppers...


“…it’s for a cop.”




It's Jack's sauce


Last time I went to a Mickey D’s was during Covid. There was literally one person in the whole building. We went at around 11pm. The employee was apologetic enough. Instead of getting pissed and giving them a hard time, I was empathetic and told them not to worry as I’m in no rush. Guess who got a little extra food for the normal price?


I don’t understand how more people just don’t understand, and then I realized I was raised decently and have patience and am pretty easy going. If I’m in a rush I’m not gonna stop at the drive through, at that point it’s my fault. I worked retail for almost 20 years, I can hold my own, but I also know that most of the time it’s not the workers fault that it’s taking a while, the order is wrong, etc. I’ll voice my concerns if it’s worth it, (if I paid for an extra and didn’t get it) but I’m not gonna throw a fit because I ordered extra onions and there aren’t enough extra.


I work food service at a family bakery my family owns and I swear to god, at least once every few months I need to explain to someone whose super belligerent that coming at me with such hostility out of the gate will get them nowhere. I'm not giving them a discount, or free stuff. It's people who grew up with people who would give in during bad and aggressive behaviour, I think. They see hostile confrontation as an easy way to get stuff because a lot of people in their life probably give in quickly and do what they want to avoid it. My dad and sister act like that, so it doesn't work on me as a tactic anymore and gotta be told quite directly that if they wanted anything from me at all, asking me nicely and humbly would have gotten it and to get the fuck out of my store. The crazy thing is we take money after we give you your stuff, so like... most of these people are screaming at me over something they don't even have yet and haven't even paid for, so they don't own it. These are my baked treats, bud. Until that 5 bucks is in my hand, I own this fucking cupcake.


That's the right attitude. I do the same thing. I also thank the staff, try to keep my use of the drink station clean, and generally be considerate. If it's the place near where I work/live, they recognize me and tend to treat me better. My Local McDonald's every now and then gives me a free milkshake because I'm friendly and clean up after myself. And I also tip at take outs (when they ask) and I can't tell you how often I've gotten extra portions, a free appetizer, or the like. IF they know you, know you appreciate them, and aren't a rude mean bastard, you'd be surprised how much extra they slip in. My Burritos and Tacos from the local place are always *stuffed* with meat and I often get a free grilled pepper too. And all I have to do is be nice and throw down a couple dollar tip when I go? Hells to the yes. Two bucks for me once a week is nothing, but double stuffed Tacos is a god send.


Never worked fast food but worked in kitchens for years. Never once seen anyone mess with someone’s food.


I worked as a barista at many coffee shops and as awful as some customers were I never tampered with food or drinks. I never saw anyone else do it either.


I was a barista for years and wouldn’t mess with rude customers’ food in a gross or unsanitary way, but I would give them decaf ☺️


I would put extra butter on the nasty regulars pancakes. That was back in the day when butter was thought to be the worst thing you could eat.


Extra butter would have made me happy 😂


I used to mix butter in my coffee lmao. Fuckin delicious.


Was this a trend called something like bullet coffee?? Or something similar?? This comment triggered a memory for me but I can’t place it, I just remember it was adding a fat (feels like it was butter??) to coffee? Maybe 10 years ish ago?


[Bulletproof](https://www.google.com/search?gs_ssp=eJzj4tbP1TcwNErKK67MMmB0YPASSirNyUktKSjKz09TSM5PS0tNBQDBEAud&q=bulletproof+coffee&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS639US639&oq=bulletproo&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqCggCEC4YsQMYgAQyCggAEAAYsQMYgAQyBggBEEUYOTIKCAIQLhixAxiABDIKCAMQLhixAxiABDIOCAQQuQEYsQMYgAQY7wQyCggFEC4YsQMYgAQyBwgGEAAYgAQyCggHEAAYsQMYgAQyDggIELkBGLEDGIAEGO8EMg0ICRAAGIMBGLEDGIAE0gEIMjM4MWowajeoAhqwAgHiAwQYASBf&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8) coffee. Such a silly name but it was soooo delicious.




So you made their pancakes even more delicious?


I owes a guy 10 bucks he wouldn’t stop badgering me so I gave him a hundo


I would never do anything gross but our one ice coffee regular gets so much ice and very little coffee when I’m on drinks.


I would sometimes give a rude customer the smallest cookie or pastry!


Same! And the ugliest bagels when I worked at panera lol. Whereas if you're nice & friendly to me, then I'll make it my mission to find you the BEST looking cookie/pastry/bagel 😂


I did the same thing! Don’t piss off the person in control of your caffeine addiction


When my bf delivered pizza and he got a known non tipper, and was delivering multiple pizzas. He'd put their order last, even if it was first. He wasn't getting a tip from them anyway, might as well increase his tip from the other houses by being so quick.


I guess it's a delight to see them going to the "now you can speak with me" After-Coffee stage. And you just sit there, and you know...


YES, I gave that bitch Pam at Starbucks always decaf. Fuck you Pam.


Managed a Starbucks location for almost a decade. Can confirm assholes will get decaf 😂


This is perfection.


When I worked in a bar I once gave an extremely rude woman a vodka and coke, no vodka. Charged her for the full price. She didn't notice.




I'd say the worst thing I personally ever did was spitefully give people the older pots of coffee instead of the fresh ones lmao


I did that too LOL


I definitely put decaf in a cup or too. Swear at me over coffee and call me nothing but a barista?! You bet you may get decaf. I'd never put bodily fluids in it or make it unsanitary though.


Same, was a server for years, truly cannot recall someone actually messing with a customers food. Did we talk hella shit on those assholes? Hell yeah. But never messed with their food 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yup, precisely. They just talk about how much you suck in the back 99% of the time. Ive never witnessed it and ive been around / in the industry for a decade. Never fast food though, ig.


Yeah I've been in Hospitality over 10 years now, never messed or witnessed it either. It's been joked about by people but never done- usually we just bitch after they leave or give them the side eye, a couple of times just refuse service but that's rare. I worked in a McDonald's for maybe a week when I was still in College until I was offered a better paying job, and didn't see it there either, but a week wouldn't really showcase much 😅


Especially somewhere like burger king full of cctv cameras, a shitty customer isn't worth the jail time. But no one wants them to know that for sure. I'm sure a lot of customers are nicer in food establishments because of the implication...


I mean maybe it's not as fast or as hat and maybe it sits out a little extra longer than it would normally sit out because they're not your priority and maybe their food's a little overcooked. Is there burgers just a little dry, they're too shift a little too hard to be comfortable. Petty s*** that won't hurt them but will absolutely impact


The closest I saw was my coworkers would take fries off of plates before sending them out and eat them themselves which I still felt was too far but idk, this was when I was a waitress at Cheesecake Factory


Bartender and server in restaurants for 17 years + Never have I ever seen anyone mess with anyone’s food. It’s considered to be super low and disrespectful, even to be done among workers. Feel a bit more secure OP. And if they did spit, it helped the immune system 😂 I’d be more embarrassed or upset my wife can’t chill for a few min. Generally we would have to cook all our meals, so to expect instant food imo is wildly entitled lol


Yeah it's "fast" food not "instant" food! It takes 10 minutes, depending on what you order, to have something cooked that they don't have on hand (which they wouldn't at 9pm)


I've worked fast food and I've unfortunately seen it happen... Reported the shit out of it and pulled the burger out of the order window, but that didn't stop it from happening in the first place.


Yep. Just bc a handful of people never seen it doesn't mean there's plenty of us that have lol


Former fast food worker here, it does happen.


I saw it happen exactly 1 time. Not fast for per se but a diner.


I've also seen it happen only one time. A customer called an employee a slur. Dude got his hamburger bun buttered with floor oil.


I've seen it happen a few times, the customer was horribly abusive and nasty every time.


I worked in two different restaurants when I was in college. Saw it multiple times.


Like your food won't get spit in but I bet it's made poorly and missing custom items if asked


Oh you wanted 10 ketchup? Here's 2 asshole and 1 napkin.


Def possible in fast food, most folks in kitchens are kinda last rung on complain poll. Usually they just trying to avoid any complaints so if they did a crap job for someone’s food who was already complaining they could expect more abuse from the person. It’s just easier to try and do a good job and forget bad customers.


One of my exes did. Just one of the reasons he’s my ex. Anyway, a customer was being a real jerk (according to my ex), so my ex went around the corner, put his hand deep in his butt crack and then made the guy’s order without gloves on and served it to him. He proudly told me this story a couple days afterwards when we met up to hang out and I was horrified to say the least. This happened over a decade ago and I have no clue if my ex is still working at that same place or not.


I worked as a barista for a little over 7 years. It was very common for ah customers to get decaf. It happened in every shop I worked at and in two different cities. Otherwise I never saw food tampering, but I never worked in the kitchen. Edit to add: I NEVER saw anyone give caffeine to someone who ordered decaf. Also I never did it. That is dangerous and something I never even considered!


Was thinking this as well. Did we bitch and moan about them to each other? Absolutely. Did we make it more difficult to get a table if they came back again? Possibly, if we could. Maybe held back on the alcohol in a drink if they were ordering cocktails or brought out someone else’s food first to mess with them a bit. But actually spit on or tamper with the food and drinks in nasty ways? Not that I ever did/saw/heard. Most dramatic I saw was a colleague give a crappy customer the extra hot chilli sauce when the customer asked for chilli flakes. Malicious compliance kinda thing and even the crappy customer’s date was smirking when he started sweating from the spice. Mind you this was in London, so ‘spicy’ was a low bar.


Unfortunately I have absolutely seen it happen in fast food restaurants. OP has a good reason to be concerned.


Intentionally messing with food? No. Not understanding, or ignoring, basic food safety practices? Everywhere.


I worked in casual dining restaurants, 3 different fast food chains and one cafeteria and that shit didn't fly in any place I worked no matter how rude the customers were. 


This is what I was going to say. Many years of experience across many restaurants. Even when the employee was an absolute piece of shit of a human being, and the customer was a raging prick who deserved a turd burger, never saw food get even slightly messed with.


My first job was at Wendy's. they used to keep a large bucket of lettuce and water in the walk-in cooler for the salad bar. Two of my co-workers that I also went to school with were excitedly telling me that they had spit huge lugies into the lettuce.


At my highschool job, I worked with a guy who would always, without fail, spit in the cop's food. Didn't matter if they were in plainclothes. He knew their faces. Sometimes his family would get loogied-by-association.


Your family needs to learn to calm the hell down and have some patience.


But their time is more important than everyone elses! How dare people not revere that.


Funny no where in this post did it say they harassed them. Op literally said all they did was ask how much longer and complain they had waited for a while. Op said they didn't yell or swear. Why are you acting like they were screaming?


OP was acting like they were screaming before his edit, with saying they "worked themselves up, lost their minds" before they "give the people a hard time about it".  Until the edit I was absolutely picturing the wife and FIL screaming. After the edit I'm picturing them politely going "hi, just wanted to make sure you guys aren't forgetting our order" and OP being overly anxious. The truth is probably somewhere in the middle, and OP is a bad storyteller.


“wHy iSNt MY FaSt FOOd mADe FAstEr???”


At 9pm they probably were making stuff fresh, or worse 9pm and still busy and 2 people. They might make less stuff to have less waste so they are cooking more to order... I know at my local Wendy's burgers cannot sit more than 30min or they go into the chili bucket.


It feels like such a punchdown to harass fast food workers.


Sounds like a punch-up for this lot


Worked at Mc Donalds as a teen, once saw a coworker drop a bun on the greasy floor and put it back on the burger. I let him wrap it, put it in the dispenser, put it a little aside and when it was time to toss old burgers, I gave all the guys one (I was a chill shift lead) and gave this kid his special burger. Everyone starts munching, at the end I told the entire group I saw someone deliver a sketchy burger to my dispenser, I kept it, and I fed it to said cook. My coworker hesitantly stopped eating and looking around while the rest of the crew was eating gratefully. 2 minutes later when everyone was back at work, he came by, apologized and said this was a very wise yet disgusting lesson.


A disgusting but honest lesson. He wouldn't want to eat it so why would he serve anyone else that? Unfortunately, not too many people think like you...


I love this kind of fitting lesson. Well done!


I worked at a burger king drive thru for years when I was a teen. All I ever did was put extra ice in drinks of people who were rude to me 🤷🏻‍♀️ Kitchen staff never messed with food


Haha that's a great method


Yeah, you’re probably right. I would just go hungry.


I’m not condoning what your wife and in-laws are doing, but I’ve never fucked with a rude customers food. I’ll throw shade back at them but messing with someone’s food is illegal, while being passive aggressive is not.




Don’t be mean to McDanks employees, they are just trying to make a wage. But yes you do probably have something disgusting wrong with your burger… also don’t be mean to people who have access to your mouth


Honestly I don’t blame the workers if they did our food dirty. You shouldn’t walk up to the window and you shouldn’t be rude until you have your food!


I work in fast food. It is not *ever* worth the risk to do something to somebody's food. That's called food tampering, and you can get in big trouble for shit like that


Isnt it a felony in most jurisdictions in the usa?


It's a federal crime.


What your wife and I laws did was wrong But it's always wrong to tamper with food People are putting a specific trust in you to not effectively poison them; if you can't respect that despite a little roudiness from the customers you don't belong in food service But I doubt the bk crew cares that much


Or just don’t be rude.


Only a Sith deals in absolutes.


Not just the Big Kings and Whoppers, Padme, but the Whopper Juniors, too!


Just take my upvote.


I will do what I must. (precedes to walk towards drive thru window)


They better watch out, those fast food windows have the high ground.




Next time your wife makes dinner and is a little late, you better belittle her and demand an apology.


I’ve worked in fast food and I’ve never seen anyone do anything gross to someone’s food. That’s really fucked up. It’s also fucked to be rude to fast food workers before or after you get your food


Bro why does your wife suck? She can’t choose her parents but you did


As a former fast food worker and line cook, I would strongly advise against eating your food and you should get a leash for your wife and in-laws before you're banned from eating at certain establishments. Don't ever get out of your car and go up to the window, you're right. Your family looks like a bunch of entitled, psychopathic assholes and guess who you're with, so guess who also looks like an asshole?


Yeah if two people walked up to the window from a car at 9pm I’m 100% assuming I’m about to get robbed or assaulted


Back when I worked fast food (now this is 20yrs ago), if someone walked up to the window after 9 pm, we'd have locked it and called the police to come ask them to leave. Lol


Just give all those workers a break, don’t ever do that, btw, I doubt very much they’d retaliate in any way.


OP, these people most likely want to keep their job. Either they have no choice or the money pays enough for just them, they can't afford to get caught tampering with food anyway. Still a dick move for your in-law and wife to berate the poor workers, saying this as a former McDonald's employee


8 years at KFC working 50 hours a week. Never saw anyone do anything to food even when customers were assholes.


Burgers probably got topped with the King's mystery sauce


Ahh dude, you married a child that has a child father. Good luck!


I don't understand being rude to service workers. They're probably overworked on a skeleton crew for minimal wage. There's a post that circulates every so often where they're like, "I'm not sure what it'd take for me to get upset at a waiter. Maybe if they brought me a rat salad? Even then, I'd be like, 'Excuse me, I believe you brought me someone else's rat salad'" I feel the same way. People blow stuff way out of proportion.


It's been a few decades since I worked fast food but I gotta be honest, we never cared what you said or did, we just laughed at you and made fun of you after you left. It literally just wasn't worth the effort to mess with your food cause we just wanted you gone. If we messed with your food most of the time you'd come back, and again we just wanted you to go the F away.


Yeah, plenty of responses saying "I've worked in kitchen X years and I've never seen anyone mess with food!" It's because the kinds of employees who would mess with food hid it from you because they knew you'd narc on them. I wouldn't trust it either, OP. I'd just go hungry.


Your sane response is rewarded.


Was thinking the exact same thing. People who do that will try to hide it, of course!! To say it doesn't happen is incredibly naive.


I never mess with people that prepare my food. I’d rather just never return there.


Where's that new "hack pewy" girl gif?


Spit on that thang




If she don’t hawk-tuah I don’t wanna tawk-tuha.




Literally the reason it was taking so long is they were making you a fresher burger than the ones sitting out on the rack since 3 hours before. Really sorry you married into this family never let them speak on your behalf about anything or advocate for you on anything. They literally just blew up at minimum wage workers who were doing you a favor and yeah probably you got spit (or worse) in those burgers and nobody would feel like the family wolfing them down got that kind of burger unfairly 😬


My wife isn't like this, fortunately, but my in-laws absolutely are. It's to the point that I actively try to avoid taking them to places I like/frequent when they visit, so I don't get associated with their nonsense.


I was taught early on not to fuck with people who touch my food. And more importantly also not to be an entitled asshole.


Your wife acts like that..?


Ursula! I love you, ursula! I'll have a liter of cola!


Wife and father in law sound like great role models and examples for your kids 👍🏼


I understand your fear and I read your edit. But I just want to add my two cents?, I have worked in seven different restaurants over the course of the last 16 years and I have never seen a single one of my coworkers do anything inappropriate to someone’s food because they were a pain in the rear. Have I seen someone sneeze and not change their gloves or wash their hands? Yes. And the majority of the time, I or someone else immediately corrected the behavior. if you are a pain in the ass customer, the last thing I want to deal with is you after I gave you food poisoning.


*Ohhh! Special Sauce! Yummmmm*


People who harass fast food workers are not good people.


I support this post 100% and firmly believe you don't talk shit until your food is in hand lol


You are only the 300th car with an asshole in it that day yelling at them for shit not under their control. They don’t give a fuck anymore and will just go home and get drunk and/or high after dealing with it all day. They can’t afford to get caught spitting in someone’s food.


Complain before you get your food and you get the special sauce, no charge.


A worker willing to do something like spit in your food is _extremely rare_. It's basically national news for the day any time it happens. That said, I'd have basically died of embarrassment if people in my car did that and would have 100% just drove off when they got back to the car so I didn't have to face the employee when the food was done.


![gif](giphy|xT5P0skKXefI3mrMre|downsized) 🎶Boogers n cum🎶


No way I’d ever be able to tamper with food, no matter the asshole. But you never know who the person is serving your food. Anyone seen the movie Road Trip 😅?


You should watch the movie "Waiting"


That’s a classic 😝


I don’t want a large Farva!


Worked in mcdos and when people were assholes like this we just put a lifelong curse on them, but never messed with their food. - UK


Usually if we got a rude customer, we did fuck with the food but never spit or gross shit. We'd make sure the fries were cold, or put excessive amounts of mustard on the burger so it gets all over you when you try to eat it. Stuff like that. That being said, you just dont know whos making your food. They could be a vile person and do awful things.


I am the same way! If whomever I’m with is rude to the staff, I don’t want the food anymore.


You are lucky if all you got was spit..... #dontplaywithfood


I know of many people who worked at restaurants and fast food joints, as well as food factories, there are places I will never eat from.


Funny, every time I ever complained about my food not being ready yet, they always immediately produced it, like it was just sitting there waiting for me. /s Seriously, I wonder what people like this think is going to happen when they do this. I guess they just assume that, since their food hasn’t come out yet everyone is just goofing off in the kitchen. It’s especially infuriating when the place is obviously packed with customers and understaffed. I didn’t work in food service as much as the other commenters here, but I also never saw anyone mess with the food, or even talk about, in the years when I did work in kitchens.


Boogers and cum.


We don't complain before the food comes out. Complain later or don't return.


Honestly form my time in Food Service, as long as they weren't rude or hostile, you're fine. We only got mad at the rude or hostile folks that threatened us, screamed and yelled, or made a mess. We knew when the food was taking too long and we honestly felt bad for it. It's supposed to be out in like 3-5 minutes or less, depending on the fryer and fresh fries, so when customers complained we understood. We'd give our best apology and do what we could to expedite. But it was also 9pm. That's late enough that everything needs to be made fresh or you're getting old food from an hour ago or so. I'd be honest and have said, "sorry ma'am, at this hour we have nothing ready and everything cooks fresh. It'll will take a few more minutes, but I assure you it will be hot, made to order, and we'll get it to you as soon as we can." And from your edits it sounds like they weren't rude or hostile, so there's no reason to spike the food (and we never did that anyway, we'd just drag our feet and maybe use the older fries or put less toppings on).


Nobody is doing that. There's cameras everywhere and the risk of someone seeing them do so. These kids get reamed for having too much post mix soda during shift. They're not about to spit in a burger if they get yelled at for half a cup of lemonade. And final point. Let's be honest. Kids are so apathetic nowdays they probably don't have the want to either. You just don't matter enough to them. Relax. This isn't a movie.


It can be frustrating when it takes a long time for your food to be ready, but I would rather be a patient person. No way in hell would I ever be an asshat to a person preparing my food regardless. They have to deal with assholes all day and are overworked. Plus I rather not have my food spat on.


I worked in fast food a long long time ago. You are correct to be wary.


Are there more folks here that find 10min wait unacceptable at a drive-thru? Just seems too soon to say anything besides maybe (maybe) a kind checkin how much longer. But Ok, different people so different views. Also curious if this differ per country.


And the microwave Goes: Ding!


Can’t blame you. “Don’t fuck with the people that handle your food”. And sometimes it doesn’t even matter. Nice restaurant by me had a worker urinating in sauces and dipping their balls in food. Was all over the news


I promise if it’s busy, and the staff are already behind on orders, they are not taking the time out to spit on your burger. They’re not even paying attention to who gets what. just filling bags.


Why would it happen more at BK? Just as likely anywhere else.


i know a lot of people say they never saw people tamper with food but i definitely know 2 people who said they have seen people do so to mean customers. Not anything gross like spitting or worse but like purposely burning something a little or wrapping it up terribly on purpose.


I'm not gonna sit here and say that no one would ever do that but it's very unlikely. The consequences of spitting in someone's food far outweigh the grief satisfaction of seeing someone eat a spit burger. Fact is, most restaurants are under video surveillance so they'll have proof if the customer decides to pursue the issue (which they should). You can be charged with food tampering. Not only will you lose your job, you can forget about working in the industry ever again 'cause no one will wanna hire you if they find out.


Sounds more like you’re just paranoid. Sure, I wouldn’t bother fast food employees unless the wait was obscenely long, but I’m 99.99% sure nobody fucked with your food and you’re creating something out of nothing.


I'd like to think the burgers were fine, unless FIL asked for a liter of cola, then all bets are off


My mom had a really bad habit or being a huge fucking Karen. Everywhere we went was a scene and her acting a fool, anytime she did my stepdad would just go sit in the car and get something for himself on the way home 😂 he himself told stories about working in fast food and at restaurants and the disgusting things he did to peoples food.


It's was me working that night . I remember you , and I actually got fired for spitting in those burgers.


There are always better options than Burger King…


Personally I’d rather have nothing than BK.


Florida McD drive through employees have pulled guns on complaining customers twice in the last week. One, in Tampa, even put some bullet holes in the car.


Has your wife never done this before or is she only like this around her family…?


My sister does this all the time at restaurants so I order last and apologise about her and then order my meal


I used to live w ppl who not only would bitch out the fast food workers DESPITE ALSO WORKING FOOD SERVICE but would also go out of their way to order fries w no salt JUST so they would have to drop a new batch, and then add salt himself. One said it was literally the only reason he did that and i was just like...dude if anything is gonna get your shit messed with its off menu stuff like this, at a busy downtown mcdonalds, after 11pm(he was basically nocturnal at the time). I could see doing that for a health reason, but like...everything else there also has a shitload of sodium so if thats an issue it may just not be the restaurant to eat at? But idk ive also known folks w celiac so ik its really hard to find restaurant options when u have specific dietary restrictions, and sometimes workers just give u a hard time even if you explain why youre asking. I dont think many ppl fuck up customers orders on purpose but when they do its almost always a dick move and just prolongs the interaction w unpleasant customers. Bc u know theyre gonna come back and ask for a refund or have it remade anyway. Then it becomes the whole team's problem.