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Are gender reveals held separate from a regular baby shower??? My friends and family typically just say at the baby shower. You do the regular stuff and gifts then eat then cut a cake or reveal a decorated name board.


I've seen them mostly as separate. Never have seen a gender review party include bringing gifts though, that's for the baby shower!


I know it's a typo, but I love the concept of a gender review party. Quick festive check-in every few years to celebrate however the kid is choosing to perform gender and discuss what kind of toys and clothes they'll actually enjoy for gifts.


It’s like people are trying to get the most attention and gifts out of others as possible. Just invite people over to celebrate and hang out instead of multiple extravagant parties you can post aesthetic photos of


This makes far more sense. I love this.


a decorated name board sounds like such a nice idea, i wish more people did that instead of like fireworks or mini explosives


And then what? You just blow up the board. I'm confused, how does one start the traditional forest fire with just a name board?


is it really a happy occasion if you don't start a forest fire or pollute the drinking water?


Or a cute picture of an older sibling wearing a shirt or something. Simple, private, cute, and doesn’t start massive fires.


I did have a friend who did this. They wore a pink shirt that said Payton’s big sister, Payton’s Dad, Payton’s mom etc. People saw the shirt when they walked in and congratulated on the baby girl as the party began. They stood at the entrance to welcome people, so you saw the shirt as you entered. Then you saw the decorations that said it’s a girl when you went to sit down.


Just yell 'Jesus christ Martha get it over with and just tell them it's a boy '


50% chance of making everybody else think you're telepathic




Yeah these big extravagant reveals are so annoying. Do something simple, like bake a cake blue or pink, if you must do it.


Yup. My sister had one because her 12 year old really wanted to host it for the whole family. We each got a tiny cupcake and took a bite out of it, they had messed with one and a bit of extra icing inside it. Was super simple and fun. (She’s having a girl.)


That’s cute, because 12


I have sixteen niblings including this one and this is the first gender reveal we have had. Lol.


I would absolutely let a 12 year old do this. And I’m not a fan of gender reveals


No don’t even bake a cake. These reveals are totally annoying


"Think of baby genitals while you eat cupcakes! Don't worry about sweeping up all this confetti; I know *we* won't."


What’s very annoying is when they use confetti/colored powder for the reveal at a public outdoor location and don’t clean up after themselves.


like the idiots who literally dyed a creek...


Or the couple who started a [wildfire](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/jul/21/couple-gender-reveal-party-wildfire-charged)


[A pilot died during an extravagant reveal.](https://m.youtube.com/shorts/JRixLr5-ex4)


It wasn't until I read about the left wing that I went back and watched the video frame by frame. You can clearly see it detach in the video. That's crazy.


Holy shit, how did they not notice that?


It's simply not as important as the baby's gender, duh.


It's definitely more than one. Off the top of my head I can think of three instances where gender reveals caused a wildfire, including one where a firefighter was killed.


Those people should have gone to fucking jail


Yeah, every once in awhile someone gets killed by a gender reveal stunt gone wrong. It's crazy that anyone would risk their guest's lives over something that silly. Nobody cares about the child's gender except the parents. It is not earth-shaking news to anyone else.


Bastards, they are…


“Congratulations…you will be the parents of a beautiful environmental crime”


Big public garden near where I live regularly has to post notices asking people not to hold gender reveals on the grounds. People will fill the flower beds with plastic confetti and just leave it there.


I hate those videos of gender reveals and when it's revealed, one of the people gets all pouty because it wasn't the sex they wanted. 


That's embarrassing. But they could be doing it for clout, who knows at this point


You don’t know the whole back story in those videos. I have a friend that has 5 kids, all girls. He’s allowed to get pouty. Even his wife was rooting for a boy.


I don't agree. What kind of message is that sending to his daughters? I'd feel really shitty if I was one of them and saw my dad pouting because they're getting another daughter.  If you're going to be pissy over not getting your "desired" sex you shouldn't have kids. It's a coin flip and you need to be prepared to love that kid no matter what junk they have. 


I feel that they're so self-indulgent. Thank goodness I've never been invited to one.


In today's "look at me/any excuse to post on social media" environment these demands for attention aren't going anywhere.


How dare someone invite you to a part and feed you???


Is this comment supposed to make me feel like I should go to a gender reveal because I might get fed some snacks? No thanks, lol


That's a normal thing people want.






They are, to put it mildly, common as mud.


It’s an excuse to get free stuff


Wait - you bring gifts to a gender reveal? I've only been to a few and no one brought gifts.


Same here, never have brought gifts to a gender reveal.


Then have a shower for more free stuff


All the environmentally unfriendly confetti of blue or red too or whatever that commercial companies can think of to sell


as long as nobody burns down a forest im fine with it


Fetus genitalia reveal


Oh my God I completely agree with you! I think gender reveal parties are hands down the stupidest freaking thing ever! I also think baby showers are just ridiculous in the stupid games you have to play! I actually had to do a virtual baby shower the other day and it took everything I could not to just sign off and go get a drink!


I attended a virtual bridal shower during Covid and it hands down the most painfully awkward thing I’ve ever been to. Thankfully it only lasted 30 minutes but it was just the sister of the bride asking everyone how they were doing and people barely responding then the bride (who was late and missed the awkward small talk) tried to recall and locate what gifts that had been shipped to their house already and thank the person for it. Then a “well thanks for coming, I didn’t plan games or anything else because it’s on zoom”. Just awful.


That is seriously an incredibly painful 30 minutes!!! The virtual baby shower was about an hour and a half and it was planned well but oh my God it was so painful!






Thankfully the baby showers I've been to haven't been that crazy with games. There were a couple, then some bingo to win some little door prize gifts. But it was mainly socializing and eating, capped off with the couple opening the presents.


on the bright side something might explode and catch fire which is always entertaining


Which would be a funnier if a wildfire hadn't actually been caused by one & a firefighter died.


Gender reveal parties isn't really a thing in my country Malaysia. It's more common to celebrate the actual birth of the baby or the day baby becomes one month old (this is something most Chinese families do).


Gender reveal wasn't even a thing until a few years ago and shouldn't be a thing. Just say what you're having. I'm not coming to a party, or cutting into a cake, or any other dumbass trend. If you want to tell me, great, if not, I'll find out eventually anyway.


Just saw a video today of a gender reveal where there's this giant mount of frosting or whipped cream. The couple pulls out this long paper trail that keeps teasing the answer, but then they have to "put out a fire" in some oven thing and the fire extinguishers spray out pink. I'm surprised I lasted long enough to get to the last part bc the first part where they keep pulling this long roll out was pissing me off.


People far overestimate how much people they know care about the gender of their unborn child


I think they’re fun if they’re not done in some ridiculous grandiose way. Have your family over for pizza, cut the damn cake, and be happy. Not everything needs to be done for social media.


But but.. Sharon and Mark had fireworks that were designed not only to be blue but they also spelled out “BOY” in the sky! We can’t lose to that or we will be losers!


I think one with maybe immediate family and something like a cake is fine but much more than that is excessive


You forgot about those gender reveal parties that destroy the environment


proud to say i have never been invited to one or these soires good lord i hope i never am


My niece just did it as part of a normal family gathering (I think it was July 4). She brought cup cakes and when we bit into them they had blue frosting and she just said "Surprise! We're having a boy!". Cute way to do it, and no silly over the top reveal.


This is kinda similar to what my parents did with my sister. Mom was pregnant when they got married and they announced that my sister was a girl during their reception.


I just hate how it shows that these parents will most certain treat a boy and a girl vastly differently, despite just being a baby.


We had a gender reveal for my 1st (5yo). Where we just invited friend and family with a buffet, then we took pictures, poped the balloon, it's a boy, then we just kept talking and having fun. For my 2nd we simply dyed my son's birthday cake pink. Stupid and simple.


Yeah that's what I am saying. I saw it as a way of getting together with the family and was happy to be included. But was annoyed when the charade went on forever


Happy birthday


Dyed. The word you're looking for there is dyed!


It's just a happy accident. (English not my first language, thanks for the correction)


I wouldn't call that a happy one 😂


People who do these are usually self-absorbed narcissists.


That’s very untrue and unkind. One of my close friends had a gender reveal. Everyone got together for a BBQ and some snacks, we all chatted and had fun and found out she was having a boy. No one got grumpy about the result, no one moaned about it being “self absorbed”, everyone just had fun and enjoyed each other’s company with a little bit of fun guessing games. You sound pathetic, nasty and unlikeable. I doubt you get invited to many get togethers.


I said USUALLY, not always.




But it's true


It doesn't make a person bitter to call a spade a spade. Most of the people who have these are the exact same type that post every other micro element of their life online.


This is such a nonissue that it’s not even funny. Leave people be. If they want to post their lives or have fun parties, let them. They don’t need your nasty judgement. Block and be quiet.


Use the damn cake! Stop setting fires and ending up in the hospital bc you popped the reveal confetti the wrong way!


I've never been to a gender reveal patty and I doubt I ever would but I'm surprised to hear they found a way to add more attention grabbing stunts to a party that is one giant attention grabbing stunt.


One woman had hers in the hospital. She actually gave birth and had an actual obstetrician announce the gender to everybody there.


I hate them. I especially hate the ones where they announce the baby is a girl and the dad does a poor job of pretending he’s not disappointed. Sometimes they don’t even try. Pregnancy photo shoots are lame af too.


I get annoyed when people make this overly complicated. Just say if it's a boy or a girl or whatever you want to call it.


Yet an other stuff for milking money out of people pockets. And also a weird « gender is so important I will make a party out of it » feeling, I have never seen a video where the dad is pissed at having a boy but plenty for girls, especially in front of his older ones. Disgusting.


We didn’t want to know the gender of either of our children before the birth . It was a magic moment to find out there and then


Can you explain what specifically about it upsets you?


People being happy and social if i had to guess.


My BIL let out a sigh and looked *really* disappointed when the pink balloons popped out of a box for their gender reveal. Really sucked to publicly display his disappointment like that, and of course it was recorded on video.


my gender was revealed to be male but my birth revealed me to be a female lol. I was one big fuck as a child


The idea is nice. The execution is unpleasant. This should be something for the parents, an intimate sneak peek into the life in store for them. To turn it into a production is gauche.


I wouldn’t attend a gender reveal if I was invited. They aren’t really a thing here luckily. I’ve seen one held my a friend of a friend and she posted a video after of her reaction at having a second boy. She cried and sobbed. Just why?


I always think about the poor kids who will grow up and see those videos where one of their parents is crushed that they weren’t a boy/girl.


I’m pregnant, and I agree wholeheartedly. My family keeps pressuring me to do one. I told them if they really want one, they can do it themselves and invite me to cut the cake or whatever.


Lol, i just imagine them forgetting to invite you despite it being for you. "so where's so and so at"


This is so American. I don’t know anyone who has done this irl. I’ve seen it online and I don’t understand. I’ve had two kids and we just told people. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


It's pointless to you. It's not pointless to her.




She sounds like a very social person that will use any excuse to throw a party, and she wants to celebrate knowing the sex of her baby, as well as see a giant pink or blue explosion. You don't have to go.


"it's pointless to most of the guests" Then do go! It's that simple, if you think it's pointless don't go! Nobody is pointing a gun to your head forcing you to go! More often than not, it's just another reason to have a social gathering, because if this is their 1st kid, they'll learn that once that kid comes out, social gathers are going to start becoming fewer and fewer as they have kid's shit to do.


We all won't go. It will still remain an attention seeking act. Be mad.




Holy shit, I didn't get the memo that there can only be 1 party for having a baby! Thanks for letting me know. I just personally think that you're the narcissistic one who thinks that it's pointless to most of the guest! Lol.




Probably as many times as we're going to go back and force and bitch about this! lol


You know, this is one of those things that’s “to each their own”. I don’t understand why somebody would want to begrudge another person of a little joy.


Reddit is so insufferable about anyone having fun. Just let people have a cute get together, majority of them don't harm anyone


Reddit is full of people that were invited to this party, couldn’t say no and are releasing pressure here.


I think reddit is full of people who no one invites to anything so they make up scenarios to complain about to recieve attention on reddit that they do not get in real life. It's usually obese, socially awkward, unhygienic, loners, who probably smell like the unattended litter boxes and old pizza boxes that line their basement or apartment


Dude, you, you are on Reddit as well ! How did you solve the pizza box problem on your side ?


I'm on reddit however I'm not terminally online or the average redditor.


You are not average ? Dude did you left the basement ? How is it outside ?


😆 not the average redditor. I'm not obese and I have a healthy family life so I guess not the average American either


I think you underestimate also social pressure that can force people into this mess that they walk through without no joy. What is the joy of a little girl seeing her dad obviously disappointed at having an other girl ?


Well, look at all the thousands that go off without a hitch. You’ll always going to have some that’s fucked up, but the rest of them were good to go. So put your stupid in and let people do what the fuck they wanna do.


Whatever is said on Reddit does not empeach anyone to do what they want. We talk, share ideas and thoughts and that’s all there is to it. I am always intrigued by people saying « don’t stop them to do this or that, they do what they want. » - Sure ! I am not a extremely powerful dude that can stop anything. Everybody is free but so are the people who want to say something about that because even private behavior, especially those publicly shared on social media, have an impact on the whole group. And therefore we can comment and debate.


Blah blah, blah, blah blah blah blah. Go Joe! Vote Blue!


I should have made 2 bullets points I know. It is hard to concentrate above that on highly complex stuff like this. Sorry. I made 3 paragraph !! What a jerk. I must a be entitled phd student


I don’t really think this is unpopular, it’s just that people who think these things are a cornball move don’t have something equivalent to spam on social media to balance it out. I don’t even really get the appeal of baby showers other than an opportunity to score some sweet free baby supplies, but to each their own I guess.


Agree gender reveal parties are super creepy to me. Unless you are involved in the diaper changing, why would people care or need to know? And how would it affect them? It’s so bizarre on every level


My husband and I had a gender reveal party because we weren't having a baby shower. We are both men and our child was being born via surrogate. Neither of us, for obvious reasons, felt too comfortable with a traditional baby shower, which are generally geared towards women. So we combined them into one and made it for everyone. It was October, so we did a grill out with the final couple weeks of fall we had left. We only did cupcakes with colored frosting as the filling. Nothing dangerous lol I think having a baby shower *and* a gender reveal is a bit much if you're expecting gifts at both, or if you're expecting people to travel more than a usual Saturday morning drive.


Any excuse for a party and to see family.


I mean it has just as much point as any other party. So it's your birthday? You made another year without dying congrats. You graduated from school? Great go get a job. Stop being a downer and just let people try to have fun however they can without hurting anyone. Most of life is pointless if you look at it from a shitting point of veiw.


For you they are yes. Have a good night chief


Just do the gender reveal as a game at the baby shower....probably cause less wildfires that way.


It is now a whole industry with it's own marketing and stuff. Also, this. https://youtu.be/LbTB3ASkdOo


American problems. It's another way for the parents to get more presents. Gender reveal, baby shower and more. No thanks.


I've never really heard of this type of things in my country. It feels pretty America exclusive


"My SIL is having a party and I hate parties, wah!" I dont understand why people hate gender reveal parties. It might be dumb reasoning, but any excuse for BBQ and cake is good fine by me. Sure, some are reckless and take it to the extreme, but those people likely do the same for Halloween and 4th of July, and that doesn't ruin those holidays for me either. If you don't like parties then don't go to parties. Why ruin other people's fun? I'll accept your downvotes now


I actually agree with you. 


You want to know why I hate gender reveal parties because they get taken too far sometimes, like the one that burned down half a mountain out in San Bernardino County. Nobody gives a fuck what the private parts of your kid has, get the fuck over it.


Then we should get rid of 4th of July fireworks too? How many forest fires and deaths have those caused for ceremonial fun


Yes, we fucking should! They start fucking fires too…


I just think they’re kinda pointless. Like, you wanna know if I’m having a girl or a boy? Just ask and I’ll tell you. No need to make an elaborate showing of it, y’know?


So next time your friends throw a party for no reason then they shouldn't invite you? You only like parties with good reason


No, no. That’s not what I meant. I just don’t think having a party for the sole reason of saying what a baby’s gender is is weird, y’know? Like, I can just tell you, so why not just do that instead? That’s what I mean. You could do what my parents did at their wedding when they announced my sister’s gender during a toast at their reception. You wanna still have one? Great. You do you. I just don’t see the point in them, personally. Parties can be fun if I’m in the mood for them, but if I don’t feel like socializing, then it’s kinda like torture. Yes, I’m hella introverted and awkward, thank you for noticing. Does that clear it up? I’m not the best at explaining things, so let me know if you’re still confused.


How does it concern you, if it makes her happy why not?


should be called 'sex reveal.'


but that would make it too easy for people to see how weird it is! when you're pretending that you're finding out whether the child will like ballet or football, you can pass it off as normal and fun. if they made it clear that they're just telling people what genitalia their baby has, everyone would be weirded out... as they should be. (for the record, I agree with you, and I think the whole idea is v strange!)


It’s like how telling your inlaws at a family dinner that you’re trying for a baby and everyone cheers and grandma passes out into her plate of potato salad. But, if you tell them you’re raw dogging their daughter everyone starts yelling and grandma passes out into her plate of potato salad.


Yeah, like that 😂


Quit being a party pooper, some people like to have a little fun. it's exciting for those close to the family.


And it’s all for social media.


Indulgent trash is what they are


Here’s one where a pilot died after a gender reveal plane crash https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/09/04/americas/mexico-gender-reveal-plane-crash-scli-intl


To be frank, if this wasn’t happening do you think the same people would latch onto another trend just to get some attention on themselves?


It's a very narcissist event. I'm glad this toxic culture doesn't exist in my country.


Here's how a 'gender reveal' should happen: 'hey, congratulations on your pregnancy!' 'thanks! We just found out it's a (x or y).' 'that's awesome. I'm so happy for you.' The End.


Extravagant gender reveals and weddings are both signs of couples who don't have their heads screwed on straight.




Because everyone doesn't. It's mainly the socially awkward, terminally online. I love get togethers with friends and family especially to celebrate a new life.


Should be called external genitalia reveal party and we put you in a binary gender box you didnt consent to.


Biology much like every natural occurrence doesn't require consent. Isn't that special


Gender is not biology genius.


Doesn't the baby get to decide when it's older what gender it wants to be


Wait I thought specifying a gender was forbidden and we are support to wait and let the child pick. I’m confused.


Condition your children before tik tok does


I guess people don’t get sarcasm. Sorry to the downvoting dolts.


Add to the loooong list of reasons I will never have children. (Annoying Elon Musk and all the other idiots who think the world needs even MORE people on it is also high on the list)


You won’t have kids because *other people* have gender reveal parties?


No, it's just another stupid thing that goes along with it


And I don't think anyone disagrees with you never having children or thinks the world will be worse for it


Just have a baby shower ffs. No one cares about what bits your babies got.


Gender reveal parties are stupid. Nobody cares what your fetus has in its crotch and the baby shower is more than enough in regards to gifts and socialization.


It’s a sex reveal, not a gender reveal but if you tell people that they get pissy. Oooh, let’s have a party to talk about our unborn child’s genitalia! Yay!! 🙄


It’s just people compensating for low self esteem


I want to have an adoption reveal party. Like a gender reveal/baby shower for an adopted kid :)


Yeah it’s bullshit. When a baby has a gender reveal it’s a big party but when I do it I get kicked off the train? Goddamned double standards


You are correct. They are awful and pointless. They are also stupid and narcissistic.


How about you don't get a ultra sound and the day your baby is born is the gender reveal , much more exciting


I refuse to attend one of these ridiculous gift grab events.


I was under the impression that kids choose their own gender now


Not the ones with a healthy family life and sane parents


Yup. I hate them all. Even when we had to do one.


I didn't do a gender reveal party. I just casually posted on my social media that she didn't feel like cooperating for the ultrasound that day. Let people figure that out themselves.


I just feel bad for the trans kids that have these crazy parents going crazy over a baby's genitalia. :/


I just feel bad for your parents


What's even the point of it. Like, congratulations, your baby has a definable gender? That's what happens to most fetuses, it's not really extraordinary, they tend to have a gender most of the time. Or what's the importance of it society wise? Men and women are equal mostly, so it shouldn't also be that important. Might make sense in those cultures with arranged marriages where you gotta advertise that you have a daughter available for marriage soon, but other than that I don't see the point either.


it's a celebration of a new member of the family. You need a therapist.


I'm just saying that it's to be expected for them to have a gender either way, it's not really that exciting about which one it is, either one will work out in the long term.


If you need to go through an overly elaborate party to reveal a gender than you need to see a therapist.


In my day, we would get drunk until someone exposed themselves. This fecal matter is a waste of your valuable chronological units.


I'm so mad at people being happy


Gender reveal parties are really stupid. Hopefully in several more lifetimes we embrace human gender flexibility right from childhood




Sure and let's take that to the logical endpoint of not naming them and only using neutral pronouns for children from infancy. Then while we're at it, we'll have to stop using gendered pronouns for animals, lest we confuse the children by endorsing the idea that things without gender identities could be gendered. /s