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At least deliver unused drugs, like come on man, be decent.


If OP only paid for food these might be the fabled free drugs I heard about in DARE class.


I once heard from a guy who knew a kid from another school whose cousin's ex neighbor got one free drug in his Halloween candy.


I heard that same kid also got an apple full of razor blades. I wish I could get razor blades in apples, shaving is expensive!


Yo real talk, switch to an old school one blade safety razor, and buy big packs of blades for cheap on amazon. I bought a pack like 6 years ago for 11$ and I still haven’t run out. Gillette is a fucking scam


I agree about the scam! Alas, I'm a lady and I'm not sure if I trust myself to shave my legs with a safety razor...


I shaved my legs with a safety razor one. There's still a scar on my ankle lmao. I've gotten better at it, but I also got a cheap razor that wasn't one for my legs as I also shave my face


Years ago surgeons made us shave people’s leg from “toe to groin.” The disposable razors the hispitals used were ragged and cut the crap out of patients‘ legs. So we rubber a small bit of baby powder on the skin as a barrier. It worked great. Not one knick of the skin. Then patients took shower. Of course, the SOB surgeon heard about it and forbade it. But if you ever want to shave legs without getting cut, powder is a great skin barrier and still allows you to take the hair off.


Ooo, thank you! I'll keep that in mind :)


What was the SOB surgeon's reason for forbidding it?


I have several leg shaving scars :( Whose great idea was it to shave legs???? Grrr


You been kicking apples around?


Worth a try! My lady used mine with a fresh blade to do her legs one time and it work out well for her. You can get a razor for less than a pack of blades and they usually come with some to start so I would say worth the risk! It’s no different than shaving with a fancy new dangled one. Just don’t go sideways and you are good


Billie is so worth it for me and the customer service is amazing. I get mine monthly just to support because I really like the business but you can do bi monthly or skip. I’ve been subscribed for years and it’s much cheaper than having to buy the refills or a whole new razor every month


This comment brought to you by [Henson Shaving](https://hensonshaving.com/). No, I'm not affiliated, just a happy customer - their customer support is fantastic. The shipping address for my first order was for my old home, and the year of forwarding had just run out. I reached out, explained myself, and before I could sigh and place a new order my email dinged with a new tracking number for my new address. I haven't had to order a new set of blades (this was 2021 and I'm a seasonal shaver) but I know where I'm going to order them from when I do l.


That same kid totally had sex. With a girl. We wouldn't know her, though. She went to a different school.


Nah my friends dad works for Drugs and he said that's not true.


I once got three free drug in a care package.


Yeah but he took one look at the drug and died of a hysterectomy.


The deliverer was cruising on edibles and left the wrong white paper bag lol


The delivery guy is freaking out lol


Lost his weed and his job in one boneheaded move


Guy did not lose grub hub over this lol


Yeah basically the only way to lose grubhub is to get your license suspended and even then I doubt grub hub would care


It’s doubtful they were fired. A few years ago I was home sick during the pandemic and ordered food through UberEats or Postmates, not quite sure which. My directions are always leave the food by the front door. The driver kept texting and insisted on entering my house to drop off the food while kept calling me ma’am. I eventually lost patience and went outside, he was surprised I was a large man open carrying a 1911 on my hip. I didn’t threaten him, but I did firmly order him to his car. I made a complaint, got a chatbot or something and they never got back to me.


*peter griffin laugh* Bonehead


coming from a stoner, i can’t think of why he would give you those. i’m trying to think of his side of the story from a stoner point of view and i’m having a hard time thinking of a reason. the only thing i can think of is he put all the empty edible bags and doob tubes in a white bag to throw away and mistakenly gave you that bag.


Driver was probably stoned out of his gourd, grabbed the bag and drink, dropped it off, and left. Then he probably got to his place and went to throw out his garbage only to find it had magically turned into a burger. It's a Sunday Miracle!


there might be a post on a drugs sub, or maybe glitch in the matrix, that says"my drugs turned into chicken fingers and a burger"


The best part about that, is the pictures look like empty containers from a dispensary. It looks like the driver tossed the empty packaging into the bag to throw out later, and mixed up the bag. So it's more of "Whoa man, my trash turned into chicken!" Still funny to me either way.


"Happens every time I deliver to this one dude's house. He always gives me a bad review for some reason."






Yeah I feel like this isn’t a mystery. Bro unfortunately had 2 white bags close in his car and delivered the wrong one. They’ve made movies based on these type of stoners lol


New pineapple express premise just dropped.


Despise people who drive under the influence. Hope they get charged.


You gotta hope they get caught first for that to happen.


It's really bad in states where weed is legal from what I've noticed. I assume people think it's legal so it's okay to smoke and drive. But I've also seen some incredibly stupid people in my life who fit that bill perfectly. I used to do it because it helped with road rage quite a bit, but I'm glad I've stopped completely.


Username checks out


One person was happy.


had 2 bags, one with food one with drugs, picked the wrong one?


One with garbage* lol It was probably some other food bag.


One of them is open. The other three bags are clearly still sealed.


He got too high, and was hungry. He was so high he didn't care about the rest of his weed and the priority became sourcing munchies. In his cooked train of though, he figured half a pack of gummies and some doobs was a good trade for your meal


OP's mom caught them with drugs. Blames grubhub.


My guess is this was a Checkers employee’s takeout at the end of their shift. Someone sent out the wrong takeout bag


Medical Dispensaries only use plain white bags...the dude accidentally gave him his order for MM instead of his food 😢


I've been that guy who lost his weed, or even givin my stuff away but that was just me trying to quit. Im recovering now with almost one month of sobriety 👍


Probably got pulled over and quickly stashed all of that in the bag. Or more likely, saw a cop car, got paranoid, then stashed that shit in the delivery bag.


Username does NOT check out


Maybe the complaint is that they are "used" or just the wrappers and packaging with no product? Honestly looking at that packaging, i wouldn't trust any of it anyways.


I’m guessing since he called weed drugs I’m going to say he wasn’t complaining they were used


Right lol. Plus the carpet is giving drug user


That carpet looks like corkboard.


They didn’t even leave you one gummy? That’s ice cold bro. Smdh


Looks like he grabbed the wrong bag from his car 😂


Nope, correct bag. OP ordered through the Checkers Rewards Loyalty App. Those are the loyalty rewards.


Contrary to popular beliefs, no one wants to give you or your children free drugs. That shit costs money. Looks like someone mistook a bag full of trash for your order.


Sad. The driver went home, opened “his” bag and tried to get high on the crispy chicken bites. You can taste the disappointment.


What a dope


So, I guess you got a trashed bag? And driver?


You should contact the Secreter Service, OP. This is a very big **drug** bust. Can’t believe you came into contact with El Grubo and lived to tell the tale. You’re lucky.


El grubo sent me😭


OP has an ironic username for this post to be infuriating.


There’s no way your apartment smells because you have edibles.


They also said half smoked joints. That’ll smell for sure.


And not in a good kushie way.


Right lmfao???


Well, after smoking the doobs, he's still hungry. And now the house smells like weed.


so trashy, i hope you reported that to the company


“Used drugs” 😂😂. It looks like it came with the containers. Used drugs would be…used. Gone. You got the unused portion of the drugs lol.


I am having trouble believing this actually happened.


These restaurants are getting wild with their promotional offers. 😱


“Used drugs” Weed paraphernalia What are you, a cop?


This is like what alarmists think happens on Halloween 😂 hopefully you were able to dispose of it all safely


I know that driver was just so zooted and 10 minutes later he went to take a hit from a slice of pizza


Lord, I've seen what you can do for others...


... did u eat the gummies? That could be why ur still hungry.


“Drugs” lol.


My sherbert cravings are intense right now


? As an ex-stoner, weed is most definitely a drug lol. Is it the same as heroin/fent etc? No, not at all, but a drug nonetheless.


Weed is indeed a drug. But OP's use of the word here makes it sound like he found a meth pipe and some syringes lol. Also "my entire apartment smells like pure weed now" is so bs you just know he thinks the driver was trying to poison him or something.


I mean tobacco is a drug, alcohol is a drug, how is thc not a drug?


Sure but if you saw some cigarette butts and a beer can on the ground you wouldn’t call them “used drugs”.


No other drug has users so self righteous as weed does.


I used to smoke until my dad started and became utterly obsessed with it. He annoyed me to the point I just completely lost interest.


Annoying stoners are the most effective anti-drug campaign


Meh. I know a smoker in particular who judges the hell outta me smoking weed while smoking a pack of cigarettes a day.


London pound cake and FF x watermelon zkittles are my favorite strain, do you have some in your magical white bag ?


You know mans got home and was pissed!!!


That’s what it was. He put it next to the food and wasn’t thinking


Oh I know he mad at that bag mixup




Driver: the hell is my gummies


Holy fuck those are some fucking drugs you got delivered there!! I can imagine your whole apartment smells like drugs, and maybe the police are looking for them. YOU BETTER DO SOMETHING NOW!!! - *a couple of CBD + THC gummies*


Basically what went through OP’s head. Sometimes I forgot that not everyone came up like me. Someone gives you free drugs, you say thank you. You don’t try to get them fired.


So Amazon delivers you empty weed wrappers instead of what you ordered and you’d be happy? People are weird


Herbjames98: the gummies made my entire apartment smell like “pure weed” I call cap on this story 🧢


Your whole apartment smells like weed now because of a bunch of edibles *and two joints in smell proof containers? Dude dropped off his stashbag instead of the food and probably wasnt intentional... as a side note the reason I assume it was unintentional was because that shit costs more than your food (unless youre a med card holder). But imma go ahead an jump on the this is BS side...right....meow


This can not be real.


Unfortunately nothing good in there. Looks like gas station trash that a teenager would buy.


after driver used all the goods they needed to eat the food. no brainer.


See. And they said it only happened on Halloween. Freaking liars.


Serious question. Why tf are you GrubHubing Checkers?


That driver was pissed when he went for his preroll and grabbed some fries.


They accidentally gave you their bag of trash, or half bag of trash instead of your actual bag of food. If it’s half used, I guarantee it was a mistake. And it’s just weed no need to get your panties in a bunch calling it “drugs”. I can understand why you’re upset though.


He's probably trying to make it more of an issue by saying, "Oh, the criminal delivery guy left drugs instead of my food!!!!!" Like bro, the guy will probably get fired. Calm down. But yes, agreed, I'd be a little upset too.


Oh 100%. Poor grubhub driver lost his weed and now probably his job lmao. I’d be more upset about my food not arriving than anything else. However, I’d probably just report the wrong order arrived, get a refund, smoke some weed, re-order and enjoy. Win-win situation.


I mean poor… kinda, what makes you think doing drugs at work is a good idea? :/


It is drugs. Just because they're more mild than say heroin doesn't mean it's not drugs.


Bro, that's a win. How is this infuriating? ![gif](giphy|cEYFeDKVPTmRgIG9fmo)


I’m not touching weed if I don’t have food on hand. Makes for a disappointing high. On a serious note op is clearly not a stoner and might live somewhere where weed isn’t legal. In which case I’d be pretty peeved to receive weed instead of food as well.


My guess is that the Grub...hubber? Was stoned out of their mind. Hopefully they weren't the one driving


How to tell you're living a privileged life without telling you're living a privileged life. (In reaction to ops comments, not to the post itself)




Full spectrum and mixed, just how I like em


I’d be ok w this if they were untouched lol 🤣


I can hear the Grubhub customer service rep saying, are you sure they didn’t put your food at another door?


Dude was stoned and left the wrong bag. Dang


>My entire apartment seems like pure weed now and I'm still hungry. That's been known to happen


Ha homie just got back from the dispo and gave you the wrong bag. some of that stuff doesnt look opened


Full spectrum bb


What the frick, I ordered an Xbox controller!!


Damn prolly cost more than meal


Lol they so high they gave the wrong bag away lmao


That bag looked suspect from the front porch


I don't get how people are comfortable with some rando contractor handling and delivering the food they'll be ingesting.


Was expecting a used syringe or maybe a coke baggie. Nope…weed. I can’t believe in 2024 people refer marijuana to “drugs”


It is a drug.


So is asprin, but if someone left an empty bottle of asprin in your bag by mistake you wouldnt call it drugs Maybe im crazy, but when someone says drugs in this post's context im expecting to see some harcore shit, not weed.


Yes, you would. Drugs is common term used for medication. Also, OP would be equally unhappy, having gotten drugs instead of food. You're not crazy, but you are trying to make drama.


It *is* a drug, but like, nobody in their right mind that's not a cop hears words like "I found drugs" and immediately thinks about somebody smoking weed. I also don't know of a single person who's life was ruined over weed (aside from getting charged with it in illegal states, but breaking the law comes with risk, no matter how small or inconsequential the crime) like, say, meth, or crack. Alcohol is also a drug, but nobody thinks of alcoholics when somebody says "drug addict". They're talking more about implications (probably not the right word, but hopefully you get the gist) than technicalities. Sucrose is a drug, but once again, you don't correlate being drug addict with somebody who just eats really unhealthy. I think that's what this person, and the other comments, are trying to say/imply. They're not denying it is a drug, just that OP's wording made it sound so much worse than things you can buy at a gas station.


I would consider it "drugs" if I got it in a delivery instead of the food I ordered. And I'm not a cop, nor am I anti weed, I smoked it every day for 10 years. I get what you're saying though, I expected to see needles or something when I opened the post What I am against is dumbass stoners refusing to acknowledge that it is a drug and that it can have detrimental effects on your life. Every time somebody mentions anything negative about weed a bunch of people leap out of their basements to say "it isn't a real drug and hurr durr it's all natural and what about alcohol and nobody dies and I don't know anyone who gets addicted" and blah blah blah. Meanwhile they smoke 10 joints a day and barely leave their house. It's just putting off the recognition that it can have a negative impact on your life and imo it gives smokers a bad name


yeah when i hear used drugs i think like needles or something not edible bags


It’s only weed you fuckin square lol


“drugs” 😂


Where’s the drugs I just see weed/cbd


Those are strong gummies


Why does stuff like this never happen to me?


Usually you give unused drugs....😂


That’s a plug moonlighting as a grub hub driver. He’s trying to advertise


What’s the difference between me and you? This would have made my night lmao.


When you said drugs I was expecting some meth or coke 😂


Dude just got free drugs and decided to get online and complain about it. Just can't help some people


Lol how you could have just said weed… drugs had me thinking there was a heroin needle or something WAYYYY more nefarious in the bag.


That's cannabis not drugs


You ordered Checkers, man. That's what I'd expect


That’s just weed stuff dude…


Sucks they already used all the drugs wtf?


I absolutely would not eat or drink the food that was delivered with the drugs.


Looks like you got the driver's trash bag instead of your food.


I was wondering where I left those


Bad bad for your health, Ditch them all


Contact driver and make him pay to get it back. Free food.


Lucky ass


I am sorry are there drugs there? All I see is garbage; I feel like the driver used you as a trash can. But also this is my commentary on the insane waste of the plastic packaging, which is a consequence of legalization.


Are you at river’s edge apartments in Michigan by chance? We have the most ghetto doordash here I swear.


Driver is gonna be mad as hell when he looks in the bag. Then he’ll realize he’s actually pretty hungry. After he eats, he’ll be mad again.


You got the old swaparoo


How rude. Didn't save you any, just used your bag for trash.


and for the millionths time I ask myself where society went wrong. when did we decide that it was totally ok to let our food be handled and delivered by random ass people. people who work contract work for shitty gig companies that treat them like shit and do the absolute bare minimum (or no) vetting when hiring them. even if the guy were to lose his job, which he probably won't, he'd just sign up for one of the other companies and deliver your next food anyway. and well, if he remembers which address he accidentally dropped his drug bag at...


Now that's what I call a..... happy meal.


off topic but is your floor. carpet? why does it look like plasterboard




My bad bro. Wrong bag.


Ive only ever seen 1 Checkers and it’s in the sketchiest part of my town lol




Lit Labs gummies will do that to ya


Dude my doctor mother went to Rally’s (same as Checkers) and they thought she was asking to buy weed. All she wanted was a big Buford.


Guess you win.


Bro got free drugs and is infuriated about it


Anything left in them? 🤔


Those are prizes!


Those Lit Lab gummies ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|yummy)


ok nerd, then give them to me


for sure from someone at checkers not the driver, that place is wild. every time I've gone in person the workers are cooked


My guess is that he mixed up his weed bag and your food order bag


Absolutely. Drugs on delivery? That's a yes from me