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Is that how tall that dog can stand? WTF?? That poor baby. I hope he finds a better home.


Stand? i assumed it had no legs to stand on.


I can't zoom in to the pic. Looked like there were paws on the front legs, but can't tell with the back ones


that is it standing on its legs


It’s legs are so short that it literally can’t stand. I’m assuming he probably drags himself around


Seeing this makes me want to build some sort of contraption so he can like. Scoot around or something. Give him little foot extensions and some skate board esque thing. :(


It’s a very kind thought but I’m not sure much could be done for him :( his legs are completely deformed


If he can move his front legs he could have something like a skateboard under him as a wheelchair. There was a little weenie dog at the vet I volunteered off who’d lost both of his back legs and had issues with a regular dog wheelchair after being hit by a car. He was able to use a little custom scooter thing his owner made for him that he’d lay on and push himself around.


Yeah, I really can't even tell what's up with the back legs..


I had a similar thought! Although mine was more "build some sort of contraption so the breeders *couldn't* walk. I believe shotguns would be involved, still in the drafting stages though.


I'd aim higher. 


The reality is many dogs of this breed should just be put out of their misery.


can’t you report them somewhere? :(


I dont know if this is illegal. This breed is growing in popularity and this is sadly becoming the outcome.


:/ that’s genuinely insane, no animal is meant to be like this :(


Purebred is Pure Evil and should be counted as animal cruelty


The problem is that we breed for appearances now. Dog breeders of old were primarily concerned with completing tasks so it would be relatively easy to mix in another breed every few generations with similar behaviors to add genetic diversity without compromising the dog. Now that we breed for appearances that's a lot harder. And also more dangerous because we aren't considering behavior as strongly leading to dogs with behavior issues exacerbated by their breed.


Form follows function. Not the other way around. Not all breeders breed for appearance. Ethical and conservation breeders breed first for health, temperament and function. Then Form (appearance) falls in place naturally.


I want to chime in and say that proper breeders who actually give a shit about responsible pedigree and keeping animals healthy don't practice animal cruelty. Not all purebred dogs are horribly inbred or sick, but bad practice is a lot more common these days because more people are breeding dogs— people who *shouldn't* be breeding dogs because all they care about are superficial looks and fads based on what sells, not health or function. More care used to be put into dog breeding because more dogs served practical functions beyond being companions (hunting, herding, and guard dogs were previously much more common). Just to be clear though, I'm not defending anything about the dog in the picture. That is not a pure-bred dog, that's a deformed abomination. Everyone involved in creating that should be fucking ashamed of themselves. This dog is going to either be put down or will live a life of suffering from musculoskeletal issues and motor impairments. I feel so awful for it. To deliberately cause a creature lifelong suffering for monetary gain is beyond evil.


All the pure breed squish-nosed dogs that can't breathe would like a word with their "ethical" breeders. Bulldogs, frenchies, pugs.. Or can we at least agree there's some breeds that can't be ethically pure bred, and NEED diversity mixed in to be healthy? To be clear I'm not attacking you, you seem kind and caring. I just want to clarify part of your stance


Thankfully for French bulldogs there is a bunch of breeders in France that are working on getting the snout back to normal, and apparently Pugs are also being helped in Germany. So there are breeders out there trying to correct the stupidity of the other breeders. Now if only the international shows would put rules in place on short snouts not being up to regulation this would go a lot quicker


There are similar for English bulldogs (olde English is one breed line I think) too and I totally agree that it’s disgustingthat crufts/akc etc would rather cling onto old breed standards that encourage unhealthy animals


> crufts/akc etc would rather cling onto old breed standards The AKC does not set or write breed standards. The parent club sets breed standards. AKC is just a record keeping agency in that aspect. The AKC does set guidelines and rules for competition events and judges. The problem is their rules are very vague and wide open to interpretation. In the case of things like pugs, judges have put up these dogs in conformation. This leads to breeders breeding more fucked up noses and judges keep putting them up. I run into this problem. I raised and bred labs for 30 years. My dogs were conformation correct and absolute beasts in the field. But then we started seeing bigger labs and judges were putting them up as winners. Today you can't hardly buy a well bred lab that weighs what it should. Today the breed standard for weight is * 65-80 for dogs * 55-70 for bitches. It used to be 60-75 for dogs and 50-65 for bitches. Now everyone and their brother breed whatever they have and the breed is suffering because of it. I now breed and compete with German Shorthaired Pointers. I'm seeing the same thing slowly starting to happen with them. Despite my top bitch being absolutely perfect conformation-wise, I had a judge last year tell me she didn't make winners bitch because she wasn't heavy enough. I pointed out to her that she was actually already on the heavy side at 63 pounds when the breed standard is 45-60. Her response? I don't like them that skinny. Fucking judges like them on the heavy side. The dog in question. https://imgur.com/HZAEoS2 https://imgur.com/MAanQWu


Germany made a big mistake by allowing idiots to legislate against basically everything that is the breed standard . Those idiots are peta based assholes who know zero about dogs or grooming their only concern is to attack breeders who are responsible and end dog shows because they are ignorant and have been trying it for years . Not concerned about the actual animals .


Many of those brachycephalic dogs didn't originally have faces like that, even 100 years ago there are pictures of a lot of dog breeds all looking healthier, standing taller, with longer noses, longer legs, more natural posture. I think standards have really begun to slip in modern day because dogs are simply seen as pets. I'm sure there's something to be said too about show dog culture, the evolution of it and its impact on healthy dog breeding, but I'm not the right person to analyze that. I think the concept of "purebred" dogs has changed. Dogs used to be bred for looks, yes, but health and especially temperament were more important. Now looks are more important, and health/temperament are just seen as "side effects of the breed". Anyways I do agree with you. I think not all dog breeding is bad— it's better than just letting random mongrel dogs interbreed at random because it's better to know what to expect from an animal, in order to provide it with proper training, grooming, medical care, enrichment, diet, ect. But there's definitely a divide between dogs that are purebred for the sake of being expensive, and dogs that are purebred for the sake of health and quality of life, and the "breeders" in the first category are doing a huge amount of damage to the health and legacy of a lot of breeds, and the public perception of what a healthy dog looks like and what dogs need to thrive. I have a lot of respect for legacy dog breeders though— the ones trying to restore dog breeds to their former shapes and levels of health, like breeding noses back onto pugs and such. I wish it was a more popular movement, but at the very least its good knowing there are people out there trying to do damage control and breed dogs that are healthy and happy.


This is a byproduct of backdoor breeding. Not all breeders blatantly disregard the health & integrity of their animals. Let’s not generalize all breeders as evil please.


Now hold on a second that is not purebred . Good breeders do not do this. That is the result of someone’s puppy farm . And it is sheer stupidity . A good breeder only breed from healthy animals and she well know its lines which take a good few years to research what is best for her breeding plan , they breed only once every two years ,which means 2 maximum 3 litters from a dam and a sire. Do not propagate false information about breeding. There are decent breeders out there who promote their breed , all puppies are tested and have papers and health certs , all people are vetted , those breeders show and do educational seminars for decades , if one is interested in a breed I suggest they read and get informed a lot before acquiring a dog . I have dogs they are beautiful and healthy all bred by fantastic breeders . I am not a breeder never aspired to be one . Is not about profit I don’t sell ,nor breed mine . But my breeders are fantastic and I would not change them for the world .


You mean pedigree. Purebred is just an animal of the same type being bred with one of the same type they’re not necessarily pedigree. All pedigree animals are bred with other pedigree animals and have to be to be considered pedigree. Which is why so many of them are inbred.


No they are not inbred they are bred to the same breed not the same family , I like a particular family . Hence I go to different countries to get dogs that belong to that family or are related to them. I do not breed .


No that’s purebred not pedigree. Pedigree animals don’t have to be bred with the same breed they just have to be bred with other pedigree animals.


Imagine your face when you find out what happens to chickens in factory farming. I assume by animal you mean pets


crazy how people claim to love animals and want to take care of one but at the same time take part in this kind of animal cruelty...


The people doing this don't give a shit about animals


And why did they say that this is a pet only…. Twice? What else would it be for??


Because they also said the animal is not fixed. So it could be bred, but you are supposed to pinky swear *wink* that you only want it as a pet.


Nah I don’t even think it’s that. They just don’t have papers. So he’s not a registered stud. Just a pet that can have more pets. I rescued an American bully that was from an unethical breeder , and someone once offered me 5k for him because he had papers. I got him fixed after that.


Backyard breeders are the scum of the earth, and I really don’t even trust or like “legit” breeders, especially of bully breeds. They’re only contributing to the shelter overcrowding and stray problem. There is NO ethical bully breeding, not when hundreds of thousands of them are put down every year across America because of shelter overcrowding.


There is no ethical standards of breeding at all. Any human can have a kid no matter how many are taken away prior. Any human can put two dogs together. My step brother made his 10 year old full bred German Rottweiler get pregnant with the young full bred German Rottweiler. Poor girl was trying to escape the pin while she's violated by a young dog. He just needed the money for his court fees and lawyer for an assault charge. Poor thing almost died giving birth. He claimed he felt so bad but I think he only cared about the puppies. There is no ethical standards in breeding.


100% agree, I just usually get mad hate for saying that so I hedge it a little


Saying there is "no ethical dog breeding" is like saying there is "no ethical dog ownership" or that "dog breeds don't exist." The reality is there are many ethical owners. Your step brother may be a piece of shit, but not everyone is.


Breeding as he is not fixed😠 perpetuating the genetic defects. Their idea of responsibility is to sternly say “ pet “ only.


Exactly. They say "Pet only" to cover their asses but they know damn well what they're doing. They breed these dogs then sell them to other breeders to continue the cycle, but if you confront them they'll point to their little disclaimer about them being a "pet only"


Either puppy mill or dog fighting




Bait dog for fighting maybe?


Not at 5 to 10k a pop. These dogs are bizarre status pets of the ignorant.


Unfortunately most people only love animals to the point that they bring pleasure. Not many people actually care about animals as sad as that is. 


Nobody that loves animals is breeding these trendy animals. They're just looking to make a buck


The only people I've seen in this post say that they love animals and are the ones that are saying this poor pup should be put down, and I agree. Maybe I'm just an idiot, but I promise I'm on your side. This is no way to live. It's a disgrace that some fuqwit human decided to try and breed dogs like they're making a new ball python morph. It's unnatural and/or forced in this case, or they have a birth defect, and the owner is trying to profit off it. Either way it's a no no. The person that bred this is either a monster or it was a total accident and we, as animal lovers, need to humanely end that breed before it catches on and creates the next bullweenpug causing nothing but suffering for the animal and entertainment for their dumb ass owner.


These ‘toad style’ pits are a new trend. They all look deformed and unable to support their own weight.


Ignorant monsters. This breeding was intentionally done for money. 5 to 10, even up to 20k for "show quality". These exotic bullies (crippled mutts) usually don't live to 5. It's atrocious. The poor dogs should be pts and these "breeders" need to be shot.


They actually like the feeling of “owning” the animals and not actually “loving”them, and they just don’t give two shits about the animals well-being


My in laws... really good, kind hearted people. Except they love shih tzus and always go to a breeder. I talked to them about it in my younger years, but they don't care enough to stop. Now they have a 3 year old dog that is fully blind bc there is no such thing as a responsible shih tzu breeder. I truly don't get it. Those dogs are disgusting. They're ugly as hell, they're sick as hell, and they're miserable as hell. Need constant expensive grooming and their faces are always stained with tears and their ears are always nasty af anyway bc they fall into the food/water (dont even get me started on their hideous protruding assholes -- its like nothing fits inside so everything bulges out of the frame). I don't understand why anyone would choose that for a dog. My FIL is an athlete and he has never in the 25 years I've known him gone for a run with his dogs bc they're incapable (he borrowed my real actual dog once for a run and said it was so much fun). The dog is too hot in the summer and too cold in the winter. They're literally capable of nothing other than laying down and panting and waiting for death.


Craigslist used to prohibit animal sales… if that’s still the case, report this post as a violation of their rules. It won’t provoke any legal action, but it makes it harder for these people to keep producing and selling these poor animals if their posts are constantly removed.


They don’t allow sales, but they allow rehoming which is kind of a gray area. Unless someone is actually a breeder or in a store it’s pretty hard to get them to take it down.


Report to the local ASPCA


They can be reported to the Humane Society of the United States. You can also report breeders to the USDA if they sell online or to pet stores


aspca as well.


Honest question but what is a private nonprofit going to do? 


You might be able to report directly to Craigslist to see if they’ll take it down? Worth a shot


I "flagged it" but apparently makes the post invisible to me only. It's still up.


Truth. I work in the vet industry and back yard breading of breeds like French Bulldogs and pocket Pit Bulls are really taking a toll on the health of these already unhealthy animals.


Genuinely, what the fuck is wrong with people? Who looks at this and thinks its cute or adorable?? That poor animal...


if it makes you feel better at all, the dog is slightly splooting/laying in the photo as its not using its back feet or standing up. but its still just obviously going to have issues and its sad. eta: I’m assuming based on the photos all being taken at once and no mention that his back legs are crippled, but realize that could be a stretch assumption for a poster like this


that is not a regular bully.... this is some kind of genetic disorder or birth defect.... bully dogs are like short boxy stafordshire terriers, or smaller boxy pit bulls.....


No, this has been done on purpose. It’s a new “designer” dog breed called Toad Bullies. They breed them with these squat wide legs because they think it looks cool or cute or something. It’s awful. 


Toad Bullies.... I feel absolutely sick upvoting you for this. But that's important info for anyone trying to take this on, animal wellfare league etc.


oh wow that's absolutely horrible !!! I didn't know


There's a whole subculture around this breed and it sucks. [https://youtu.be/GQjlaFq5gLc?si=M0dHf6s8naPqpmjO&t=217](https://youtu.be/GQjlaFq5gLc?si=M0dHf6s8naPqpmjO&t=217)


Watching this nauseated me. Fucking disgusting. Disfigured and brachycephalic, poor fucking dogs.


Honestly, as much as we Europeans can be frustrated by the regulations the EU gives out, I'm very glad that we have a regulation on the way (or at least being worked at) that is aiming to ban all dog breedings of breeds that suffer from it (so no more Pug or Frenchie Breeding if it gets approved and stuff like in the OP would be illegal as well.


This really is the way to go. Stop allowing these unethical, evil people to destroy animals lives by giving them awful genetic defects on purpose. Humans may have not known better a hundred years ago when the breed standards were set and everyone started breeding for specific exaggerated conformations, but we DO know better now.


Great to hear! Man the EU has really stepped up over the past few years.


Good, I wish the U.S. would follow suit. This is sick.


Omg no! Poor doggies. That's the worst breed I have ever seen


They call it a breed, but they are really just mutts. They don't breed true. You can breed 2 of these poor dogs and still don't know exactly what you will get.




No, this is an exotic bully (crippled mutt) and was absolutely bred on purpose to look this way. I say look because it sure as hell can't function.


The problem is pets are treated like property as far as the law is concerned. There are *some* extra protections, but overall they are treated as property. It’s pretty disgusting.


Who are they gonna report? The current owner trying to rehome the dog? There’s no indication that they were the breeder, and unfortunately, as far as I’m aware, breeding unhealthy dogs isn’t illegal. If it were, bully breeders would already be in prison for the absolute crimes against nature that they produce (don’t even look at instagram bully breeders, it’s legitimately horrifying the way that they emphasize how inbred their dogs are like it’s a point of pride that their dogs only have 2 great great grandparents).


There are plenty of people who breed these types of freaks because they think its cool. And they're not cheap either. These fucking cave dwellers never think about what they're doing aslong as they're getting paid. This should be illegal in any modern country. This dog is literally deformed. The bone structure is completely fucked. I feel so fucking bad for them. The breeders should be put down.


There’s no quality of life here. I am an animal lover, but I am guessing he will be put down. That poor dog. Do you really think he wants to live all those years just sitting there. Wrong wrong.


All those years? This “breed” only lives like 5 years max. 5 little painful years  :/ 


Yikes. What breed is this? Another comment made it sound like they're becoming more popular 🤦‍♂️


Micro-bully, I believe. 


They are called toad bullies. 🙁


Yikes somehow that makes it worse for me


It makes me sick 😔


I've also heard them called exotic bullies


This is animal abuse, plain and simple.


But maybe we're 10 years from a snakedog


If your selective breeding is taking years off of a dog’s potential lifespan, SURELY that’s punishable.


yes, well that’s a lot of time to just be sitting there. I mean he has to go to the bathroom and all of that and all can do is sit there. This is so abusive.


Honestly I might get downvoted, but I hope he does get euthanized. There's no quality of life for this dog.


I love animals but this breed needs to be euthanized. It never should have been created and it's pure misery for these dogs for life.


Agreed. They aren't experiments or toys, they're living beings. It's cruel and inhumane to purposely breed disabilities and disfigurements in animals.


I guarantee you it won't get put down. I dated someone for nearly two years who bred "bullies". There will be someone who just wants the novelty of having a bonsai dog. It's sad as fuck but unfortunately some people have no morals when it comes to pets.


“Don’t ask 100 questions please” lol if I’m spending possibly $1000+ on a dog I’m going to ask questions especially if it’s like this.


Honestly the only question he should be answering is when their right to a phonecall is after the police book him. Horrible owners who knows what they are doing need to be put down.


Backyard breeders of this breed in particular seem to be some of the trashiest inbred garbage in the country, and every fucking ad you see for them look like flashy fight cards.


Extremely infuriating. Will be put to sleep soon probably. No quality of life. Fucking jobless gimps should die.


I know nothing about these dogs. For the uninitiated, what is the problem with this dog?


These dogs are bred to have squat, alligator-like legs. This one's legs are so malformed that it can't lift itself off the ground, so it'd live it's whole life dragging itself around on its belly, which will certainly come with many health complications. I find it unlikely it could benefit from a mobility aid like a wheelchair to lift it off the ground, because its legs would be too short to propel itself forward.


I'm not even sure it has rear paws....


Legs are deformed. I don't know how this dog will be able to pee and poop on its own. Horrible existence.


Damn, that sux, poor little guy. Yeah quality of life will be awful for him/her. Weird that anyone would want a dog to look like this.


Just about everything, really. Firstly, their heads are so big and hips so narrow that they can't breed or give birth naturally. It's all artificial insemination and c sections. Second, they have wide "shoulders" on the front legs, putting stress on those joints just to hold up the head. They also have longer backs low to the ground and a heave head, which promotes back problems. In addition, they can be prone to breathing problems due to the brachicephalic face type, often requiring surgery to fix issues with the palates. That's just a quick overview, but basically, they have a whole host of issues due to inbreeding. Other dogs may have some of these issues (i.e. pugs with breathing issues, german shepherds with joint problems, dachshunds with back problems) but poor breeding practices has lead yo a bunch of these issues all beeing present.


from the looks of it it's bones in the legs are severely deformed to the point that it can't stand on its own :edit for spelling


Look at it.


Seriously? It can’t stand up


Bro I can’t tell what’s going on in this pic, my dog sits in really weird positions all the time, legs tucked in and shit - sometimes he looks like he doesn’t have any legs at all. No way for me to gauge this guys issues. So yes, seriously. Damn, asking for a bit of guidance gets fuckin slammed on Reddit.


I can see how it can be hard to tell from the pics but unfortunately this dog is fully standing up in the pictures. He’s been bred so that his legs are *so* short that he can’t stand up all the way. He probably drags himself around all day as a means to try to get around. All because some selfish person wanted to make a “toad bully”


look with your eyes


I would like to steal it to put it to sleep. Poor thing looks absolutely miserable. He looks like this https://preview.redd.it/oxmga7vhkl8d1.jpeg?width=460&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed34bf06abda276b757db3dd60a366e3c2c36c77


This isn't mildly infuriating. This is *hella* infuriating. I know there's plenty comments here saying this breed doesn't live long or has so many health issues, it is more likely to be put down, but I still feel so sorry for these dogs. They didn't choose this, they don't know why they suffer, they have a sadly short life... poor babies no matter how you look at it.


Agree ): this is so so sad. I feel so bad for this dog and all the others like him


“Serious inquiries only” and “dont ask 100 questions” are not really compatible lmao


I HATE people like that. I'm so sorry for this dog.


I desperately want to show that poor dog some kindness. You know they throw him in a corner until they need him for something. Uggh, fuck those “breeders”.


As harsh as it Sounds,. I feel like the biggest kindness would be to put it to sleep. A breed like that has to in pain 24/7.


Oh no, unfortunately that’s all you can do here but I’d show him hugs and kisses and lots of treats beforehand.


Yeah it's sad but if I lived in the area, Id take the dog and have him put down. Id show him all the love in the world first, get him a nice steak or something and love him, and make sure he isn't alone in the end.


Exactly. It’s what it deserves.


That poor pup


I fucking hate people


I don't know much about dog breeders, so apologies if this is a dumb question, but what does "pet only" mean? Pet only, as opposed to what?


As opposed to breeding this poor dog, many breeders (or in this case “breeder”) will sell dogs without papers for less money to be family pets and will charge more money if they include papers so the dog can be bred since it’s presumably worth more money. The whole micro pit idea is animal abuse but breeding this dog would be another level of insane abuse.


As opposed to going to for example dog shows or breeding.


Ah. I should hope that no dog show would accept an animal like that, given its disabilities (not the animal's fault obviously, but to discourage further breeding to select for those traits)


You, dear sir, have VERY, VERY optimistic and super naive view of dog shows.


Micro bullies aren't recognised as a breed variety... yet.


In the animal welfare world this is often seen in fighting dogs. Means this dog can’t be “worked” aka used to fight… If I saw this listing I’d make an anonymous complaint to animal control so an ACO would have to go out and see if there is dog fighting going on.


This seller is delusional and appears to think somebody might want this dog to breed it.


Hah, I figured out the delusional thing at "serious inquiries only, but don't ask questions".


They need to be in jail


In the veterinary industry these are known as “trailer pigs”.


And cut his fucking ears off on top of everything else.


My next door neighbor has one. Absolutely miserable to watch, although he's a pretty happy dog.


i’ll say it again FUCK backyard breeders, these guys ruin dogs for what? Shits n fuckin gigs? Like come one


this sub us for *mildly* infuriating stuff. this belongs on r/extremelyinfuriating


American bullies should be banned. Seriously. There's a lot of deformed dog breeds but bullies are something else, as to me. I don't understand how do people who allegedly love dogs think it's OK and dogs are fine. It's disgusting. Upd: it's not like all American bullies are crippled and have low quality of life. Some are definitely more like a normal dog. But breeders specifically strive for stupid aesthetics with low functionality.


These are their own thing called Micro Bullies (or Microbullies), and they're a proud offshoot from regular American Bullies. I hate them JUST as much as you and the fact that people continue to breed these breaks my heart, but it'd be wrong to call them American Bullies as they've been twisted and deformed into something else. I'm not trying to discount your point though, some of the "normal" ABs are horrendous too. Those skeletal structures can be genuinely awful.


Hey OP- please contact Road Dogs. They are a rescue in SoCal that specializes in caring for these kinds of dogs.


Also try NorCal Bully Breed Rescue and Pit Crew Sacramento


What breed even is this?


Micro bully.


Also looks like a shittily bred (as in maybe even the breeder would consider them deformed) toad pitbull. Them and micro bullies need to be banned. Poor pup looks like his only option is euthanasia.


This is sad. They are being bred into shitty medical problems and for what??


“How do we make pitbulls safe” “cross breed them with a caterpillar”


More "toadline" dogs, ugh. What a sickening race to the bottom dog breeding has become.


You are essentially purchasing a mutilated dog. It’s infuriating and inhumane that this is legal practice. Similar to the “munchkin” cats but the micro bully’s appear even far more disabled. These basement breeders should have their legs and arms cut off at the knees and elbows as punishment.


Right? I rescued/inherited a frenchie from a neighbor with dementia. He aspirated drinking water once. Got pneumonia and almost died. From drinking water. Idk why people support this.


Posh Frenchies are practically bred snoutless these days! That is so sad to hear. Wonderful are you for rescuing him! I hope he stays well. You’ve definitely given him better chance at a healthier quality of life.


Pocket bully. They look like dogs crossed with amphibians. It should be a crime to breed them they barely look like dogs at all.


Report them …. Take post to the reddit dogs and see what they say.


Report them to your local shelters and veterinarians, some places luckily don't take too kindly to animal cruelty. I'm saying those two options because I'm not the biggest fan of PETA and if this is Australia or New Zealand then I'd always recommend the RSPCA.


People need to go to jail for this. This is disgusting and any animal bred to have problems should 100% be prosecuted. Stop supporting breeders.


Torture breeding. This is an extreme case but many common breeds of dog also suffer life long pain and discomfort because their looks are desirable. It's an absolute outrage in this day and age. The breeders aren't going to tell you that one in 4 dashunds will require back surgery for instance. And that those funny bulldogs who are comically lazy and snore only do so because they literally cannot breathe. To move is to suffocate


Same type of people that breed munchkin kittens the internet loves so much.


Is that a dog or a skink? It legitimately has the same body structure as a skink niw


And they sliced off his ears too




These pieces of shit only ever see $€£ signs when it comes to the next “fashionable” dog to have 😤☹️


It’s giving puppy mill breeding. Breaks my heart


They breed them in my hometown and I see them post pics and I hate it


Take the add to the humane society or SPCA maybe they can do a sting


Wait a minute, ADULT?? He's moving around like he was born an hour ago 😭


Whoever posted the ad should be arrested for animal cruelty.


Pardon my French but what in the actual fuck is that thing?


“Don’t ask me 100 questions” LMAO you know something’s wrong then


I may shit on people, and I may wish ill on them, whatever, but I rarely wish them harm. It just doesn't feel like a healthy response. But I genuinely hope that dude catches the eye of the villain from "Tusk." Death is a godsend over a life spent in torture, and some people need extra help with some lessons.


More than mildly infuriating.


Lemme guess, when you reach out they ask for a “re-homing fee”, right? If so, report them as a suspected illegal puppy mill. Assuming you’re in the US, the national tip line for the Humane Society of the United States is 1-877-MILL-TIP.


"dont ask 100 questions because yes it has more than 100 health problems" Disgusting


Are we sure this isn't some medical condition or amputation though?


It's due to this insanely disgusting trend of breeding pitbulls to be more like small dogs and it's becoming more popular without any real regulation to stop it.


Someone on Craigslist was trying to sell a “weenie dog mix” a few years ago it was a pit bull mixed with a dachshund. It looked very sad and like its legs wouldn’t support its body as it aged


That's actually vile as fuck


Google "micro bully" or "pocket bully" this is intentional.


There’s a cat breed called munchkins that are going through the same thing. It’s terrible to look at.


Munchkin legs used to be like, half length. Not those short stubs of now. We had a colony of feral half-leg length cats around here (not purebred munchkins but probably the same leg thing) who did just as well as other feral cats but those stubby legged ones can't even walk right and I have never seen a video of them jumping anywhere near as far as a normal cat. Its kind of like all those smoosh faced dogs imo. They used to be sort of smooshed but still could do dog things, but now they are literally just completely flat and can't breathe at all.


Shouldn’t have googled, now I hate people even more.


Manifesting that these sick fucks get reincarnated as these dogs. How brain-dead do you have to be to breed something like this.


Who in their right mind even thinks a dog that looks like this is cute?? If you want a puppy, get a puppy and be prepared to take care of it once it grows up as well, instead of breeding dogs to look like puppies for forever, meanwhile their mere existence feels torturous for them.


You could have told me that dog was a quadruple amputee and I'd have believed you. Horrifying. The person who bred this dog should be in jail.




Also find a local biker gang and give them this person’s address. I bet they’re animal lovers.


Placental Mammals aren't supposed to have sprawling limbs. How did you manage to deevolve a dog back to before mammals even existed.


Sick breeders like this should be jailed.


What did they mean by "as pet only"? What are they implying that it could be beside a pet?


Of course they sliced his ears off.


smashed and squashed


He must have all these urges to walk, run, etc., and doesn't understand why he can't. How dumb and heartless do you have to be to live life at these subterranean levels?


Can confirm. I work in the vet field. I can’t tell you how many we’ve had to put down because of how deformed they are


Put the poor dog, and breeder, down.


I just googles micro bullies and Jesus. Just leave them normal sized will you? 3-8 years lifespan… we adopted a pug mix from the shelter, arguably also very much a breed that shouldn’t exist, and even he just turned 9 and is going strong. Imagine buying a dog that can barely walk (google says a thirty minute walk a day is absolutely enough to exhaust them) and also lives as long as a hamster


Put down the breeders with the poor doggo.


I don’t know shit about dogs, why is it like that wtf is wrong with it


His back feet are tucked under weirdly. That dog stands an inch above ground and I know his red rocket is being dragged on the ground.


Subreddit name does not apply. ***Mildly*** infuriating? ***MILDLY?***