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Come on now. You know millennials are too lazy to read all that right?


lol it would be a pretty good discussion if people from any generation read it. I posted in this sub because well it is and because more eyes I suppose. I copied the article in case people didn't want to click the link. A redditor posted the TLDR below. If you do read, i'd love to hear what you think!


I'm not reading all that but I'm happy for you or you have my condolences.


I'm not sure what is going on here, but I'm here for quick short attention span mild-infuriation. Can you TL;DR this down to one short to mid-sized paragraph?


I think she is saying that the people who were living in a particular time and place are responsible for things that happened in that particular time and place. Makes sense to me!




Someone will have to finish reading it first.


I’ll check back tomorrow then.


LOL i'll sticky a tldr


"Something, Something, Something, Dark Side"


TLDR Boomer boo, snowflake blablabla


For a Star Wars opening crawl this was a hard read.


My husband's grandparents are 97. They have stories of the second world war. She is from Belgium and they met when he was a soldier over there. When she moved to England and had a baby with an English man she had one day a week when she had to eat sugar for the day because they couldn't afford food. They were working in factories at that time after the war. She spoke no English but they fell in love and she learnt English. My nan lost her first husband in the war. She would go to the club with American soldiers and they would give her silk stockings and chocolates and she would pretend to drink and then take the stockings and chocolates and say she was going to the toilet but slip out the back. When my mum was born my nan was ahead of her time because she left her husband as he beat her up. Eventually when my mum was grown up she got a council flat with no carpets. My nan bought her carpet.


TLDR At the end of World War II, Hitler's death and Japan's defeat led to significant changes. Europe was in ruins, requiring the Marshall Plan for reconstruction and the Nuremberg Trials to bring Nazi leaders to justice. The late 1940s saw the formation of NATO and the onset of the Iron Curtain. The oldest Baby Boomers were toddlers, marked by the post-war optimism and prosperity, especially in the United States, where manufacturing and infrastructure remained intact. The GI Generation's achievements included NASA, the UN, and the Great Society, transforming the world. However, their decision to give their children everything they lacked led to the Boomers growing up in a well-functioning system, leading to a cultural shift in the 1960s. The Boomers' material prosperity did not translate into civic responsibility, leading to a focus on individualism. The 1980s saw the rise of deregulation, corporate dominance, and a shift in political dynamics that neglected the maintenance of institutions, resulting in today's challenges. The Millennial generation faces systemic and existential political problems, inheriting a world where institutions have crumbled from neglect. The hope is that future generations can learn from these mistakes and build a better legacy.




I read it all. I can't form any arguments to the contrary. A little rambling at times but otherwise a well thought out summary. I can appreciate the way your brain works Edit: it's so long I forgot that you mentioned it was a copied article haha. Otherwise I stand by my statement


I WISH I was this good at remembering history lol, it wasn't me tho, just a random question on quora and she answered. Thanks for reading! Especially on easy mode lol


Dog idk what weed your smoking but pass me the dealers number because it must be some good shit to right that for reddit lmao


I think it's crack


It was a copy and paste...........


Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too long.


That seems like an awfully big block of text for something that's meant to only be mildly infuriating. 


I'm glad you got all that off your chest.


I didn't write it so, was never quite on my chest to begin with.


What happened to 3000 character limit mods?


lol my bad I posted just in case someone didn't want to click the link


Omg. Stop it with the boomer blaming. You can blame Reagan for trickle down that doesn’t work and republicans for a minimum wage that hasn’t increased in about 30 years and tax cuts for billionaires that exacerbates income inequality.


It'd be interesting to read your thoughts if you had actually read the post.


Someone call a waaaaaaambulance for op


Waaaaay TL/DR.


I'm a Boomer by two days. I read the whole thing. Been saying this for years, but no one is listening.


Been saying what exactly? Can you like tell us in a couple of sentences?  Cause nobody read that shit, I'm hoping some other poor bugger will


In the military everyone from E-1 to O-10 has all basic covered. Food, shelter, medical and training to support their roll in the organization. An O-10 has greater privileges (bigger housing ect...). With that privilege comes great responsibility to those under their command. This is were the Boomers failed. They had the privileges but did not understand/take the responsibility they owed to the next-generation .


This was a great short analogy! Do you think that understanding this history can help change the future? Or will the younger generations after millennials be subject to repeat the Boomer's ways because of the similarities of them being giving everything today or have it easily accessible/technology?


I really appreciate you reading and commenting. When I first saw that posted, I didn't know it was gonna be that long, but it was such a good read! My parents are like you and I think they agree also