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"Breaker One-Nine, A few of us back here were wondering, are you guys double-parked or drag racing??"


Underrated comment!


Well, yours is now definitely under-rated




Yes, the under way


Nah too overrated


Gah, I just drove 3 hours to fail an exam, and on the way home had to deal with this. Shoulder is not an option here in Montana or you will plummet to your death. I was so angry with myself for bombing the exam and my anger was in full bloom.


Weird, I was just in Montana stuck behind slow ass RVs all day. Maybe it was something in the mountain air


Weird, me and my Brother Karl were in Montana today with our mobile homes and we couldn’t see anything of the sorts


Weird, me and my brother Chad were in semi-trucks driving 60 down the highway right next to each other for over 20 minutes, shooting the shit on our CB's


It's just summer in Montana




I was on my way to take a licensing exam. They asked for my passport. Never did before. That day I forgot it. I was in full panic mode cuz I lived an hour away and the exam was gonna start in 30 minutes . Called my mum crying and she rushed where I was. the front desk lady was nice enough to let me test. I was thanking god. I still failed. For a third time…. Anger and embarrassment on full bloom. Ride back home to an hour traffic


I was going to ask what leads to you having to drive 3 hours to an exam center but then realised if it weren't for the train it would have taken me 3 hours as well to get to mine


I sympathize with that. I have horrible testing anxiety and bombing a test ruins me for weeks. Hope things get better! 💕


Same, I’m still grousing about it. Thank you 🫶


I've been fortunate lately. Came up on a truck that pulled out to pass just before Cardwell, noticed me, went back into the right lane to let me get by. It's been cars that have been pulling the, "I'm going 73 which is faster than anyone should be driving in an 80 mph zone. I'll stay in the left lane."


Were the trucks going speed limit?




I have to drive on the interstate around 7 hours a week and this shit right here gives me an aneurysm every time


And a big visible throbbing forehead vein … wife asks if I’m okay.




Rolling roadblock


Elephant race


Real Life loading screen


Holding hands


This is happening all the time also in Germany on unlimited speed roads.


Nothing beats an elephant run.


Finally a real mild infuriating post!! Hate trucks staying in the wrong lane


Fuckin truck drivers are the worst. Now. Decades ago they were considered great drivers. But they’re all shit now. This happens to me daily. They cut me off to pass another truck at 0.001mph faster than the other truck is going.


And then as soon as they're done passing, they speed up 5-15 mph.


I swear they’re on the radio together coordinating how to fuck with other drivers and be as dangerous as humanly possible. Hiring meth heads to operate 18 wheelers sounds like a good idea right? RIGHT?!


I knew a meth head who drove trucks. Once, when he was back working a harvest crew for his dad, he needed to get stoned while driving, but he didn't have three hands, so he made the high school kid working for his dad for the summer push in the plunger while the meth head was driving. At one point, he was all fucked up with Dilaudids and heroin, but then he cleaned up his act and only stuck to the lighter drugs, like crystal meth. Everybody was so proud of him. Once, he rear ended a lady in his semi. Just shoved her out of the way. She was fine enough to call the cops, and they stopped his semi several miles down the road, but because there wasn't a shred of damage on his massive grill guard, they let him go. No proof. Thankfully, he's dead now. A half-life well lived.


Meth turns people into pure evil. What a crazy ass story, thanks for sharing.


Yeah, meth's a weird drug in that something about it transforms people into the exact same archetype. They all grow into the same personality, have the same tics, everything--it's bizarre. And at a certain point, even if they stop doing the drug, that's just who they are. People need to stay the fuck away from that drug. It's one of the few that won't let you turn your life around, and if someone goes hard, it doesn't even take very long. I worked with a guy who fried himself in six months.


Wait, stoned? Plunger? Never heard of anyone injecting weed before


People use stoned to mean high though it is most common to hear it in relation to weed.


Okay that’s understandable. I only knew it to refer to weed. Thank you for helping me understand


First time I've heard meth referred to as one of the "lighter drugs." 🤣


I’ve legit seen freshly hired OTR drivers that do not even know how to back their trailer into a door. They arrive for their appointment and need assistance immediately, pulling in the yard is about as far as it goes.


And then they will get online and say it was probably your fault without knowing what happened at all.


They aren’t passing. They think they are special enough to control flow of traffic in certain areas.


Working for USPS I see so many drivers that take 40 mins to back up the trailer to the dock, or straight up drive over a 3ft high wall and get stuck, needing to be lifted out by a tow truck, blocking all other trucks from coming in. But the normal drivers we have are solid, it's only the out of state, contractors that have no clue what they're doing.


That’s about 5 feet per hour. Yep that’s about right.


I can't wait for self driving trucks. I'll giggle when all those overpaid teamsters lose their jobs.


Anyone that says they are going to "giggle" deserves to be shipped off to some third world country


The highways are for everyone, and Texas is a keep right state. Driver on the left shouldn’t have gotten over, and driver on the right should have tapped his brakes to let left complete the pass. If the sheriff is trying to slow traffic, do it themselves. It’s dangerous to have others do that work for you. Also, fuck most truckers. Insane, unsafe drivers who speed through cities, pull this crap outside of them, and get offended when you say they should do things like “follow traffic laws” or “operate safe, well maintained vehicles”.


Texan here, the keep right rule is more aspirational than practical


Drivers’ inability to comprehend the rules doesn’t change em. And I hold CDL-holders to a higher standard since they’re the supposed professionals.


A real one right here


Now if we could just apply said logic above to all of those types of roles in society we would be golden...     Instead we have Trump's leading half of us around screaming we should absolutely not be held accountable, or have to lead by example... or be expected to be held to a higher standard according to the position we are In...    Or bad police officer's choking people out in the street because they are the police and we have to obey their lawful orders or face the wraith for not obeying whatever they say is a lawful order... However that would be absolutely amazing if people that should lead by example as many of us are taught we should do that would be a huge step in the right direction... That being said,  I'm not gonna hold my breath cause I'd hate to suffocate.


Last year my mom was stopped by a cop while she was going to San Antonio because she was in the left lane and he saw her. She got a warning because the cop was a rookie and was likely told off for stopping someone for being in the left lane.


You have guns, you could enforce that law a lot more effectively than you think.


Yes, but they have guns too, so we just politely seethe about being stuck behind 2 semis


Fair enough :)


Show me a state that actually enforces the stay to the right law aka left lanes for passing only on the highway or freeway.


I’m not talking about enforcement, I’m talking about truckers not being professional The enforcement sucks too, for all driving laws. We should be far stricter on all of them, and getting (and keeping) a license should be much harder.


>Texas is a keep right state Lol. More like a fuck off state. People go in whatever lane they shouldn't, if they can even stay in their lane.


Michigan law abandons the keep right laws anything that isn't a 2 lane freeway... even then our state officers don't enforce it... so infuriating.. We are taught in our drivers training courses what keep right laws are and why they are in place for safety reasons and to prevent unnecessary traffic backups... guess what Michigan suffers from 3 or more times on a daily basis...


My only complaint is that this is not MILDLY infuriating, more like murderous rage inducing. OTR drivers have to deal with a lot but after 5 minutes of not passing they should shit or get off the pot. I’m surprised this doesn’t cause more gun violence than it does.




They do it on purpose


Call highway patrol, I think the trucker on the left was throwing trash out of his window. Upon further review, the left truck also has a taillight out. That's a DOT inspection failure right there.


Use your horn. Lay on that thing until he does something. In my state it’s illegal for truckers to use the passing lane for driving


That's how you get both trucks to do 15 under the speed limit


Flick the brights a couple times while making yourself visible in his mirrors


Most trucks typically have their companies contact info on the truck too


I was gonna say look up the DOT number and company and email this picture to them while calling in


The left lane is for passing so infuriating


California DMV handbook says it, calling it the fast lane (which is the common vernacular here) but it’s aspirational and not reality. Every lane is for passing here because left lane isn’t used properly lol. The left lane is usually the fastest lane, but not always because people don’t move over. So yeah. It’s a guide and a dream but not enforced as a rule.


Typically on rural highways like this, it is a State Law to keep right except to pass. Very important on two lane highways that can go for hundreds of miles.


Yeah. I’ve been on these highways many times but people still hang out in the left lane. There’s no enforcement because cops don’t hang out there.


Got stuck behind a couple of them for at least half an hour on I-40 in Arkansas about 15 years ago. The state police finally showed up and pulled them both over.


Really?! Both? I would think the driver in the passing lane for sure. I guess that shows both drivers were intentionally blocking the passing lane.


When this happens, I usually drive on the white line behind them with my brights on.




“turtle race”🤣


They're going to be replaced by self driving trucks in a decade or two.


When the guy blocking the passing lane gets back over make sure you're in front of them. At the bottom of the next hill slow WAYYYYY down. Semis have a hell of a time accelerating on an incline. He'll have to crawl up the whole thing at 25MPH.


Honestly, it isn't worth your safety. Safety is everyone's responsibility. For yourself and others. Just let it be because once you pass over the drivers, you won't ever have to deal with them again.


My horn would be *screaming.*


There has to be a way to report this. To be fined later.


Typically these trucks have a “how’s my driving” sticker with phone number to report stuff like this.


The people on that end of the line don’t give a fuck and work for the company. Unless the truck is on fire turned over not shooting a gun out the window or not moving at all they won’t give a flying fuck what the driver is doing as long as he’s moving there shit .


What a coincidence because to me it looks like the truck is on fire turned over and shooting guns out the window.




If you feel so inclined, get on the phone with the highway patrol and they're usually spaced enough to catch them.


When this happens, 100% of the time one of the trucks is an MVT truck. Used to drive a lot between El Paso and San Antonio, and every damn time that happened, one truck was Mesilla Valley Transportation out of Las Cruces. Infuriating indeed.


Guess I'm just a bit more adventurous than some... weak


Really wish cops would enforce laws against being traffic tampons. Most states say the left lane is only for passing


That, or "Slow traffic keep right".


Sometimes truckers have a superiority complex and or hate cars (sometimes for valid reasons people are asshats around semi trucks). I'd be very curious to have a CB radio and hear what they're chatting about. I bet they're fucking around intentionally. 


Id lose my mind!!! This shit happens all the time on the 99 in california. And i go ape shit every fucking time


They’re on the CB and laughing Dinks


Whenever this happens I wait till he merges again and than go drive in front of him like 5-10 km/h slower, when he tries to pass again speed up, than repeat untill you get bored Give them a taste of their own medicine


I'm sorry you're stuck behind assholes. Been there.


What’s the speed limit on that road?


The asshole drivers will say something about governors when they are just assholes who love to RP as police officers.


They are exchanging recipes!!!! Don't bother them!!! LOL


God I could never. I’d just hold down my horn at them


Not going to lie, I would've taken the shoulder 10-15 minutes ago. Fuck that.


Totally done it a few times. You run the risk of them calling it in though.


That’s when I send in the video of my dash camera and the truck in the passing lane for prolonged periods of time not passing shit.


Left lane is for passing only. Besides, trucks are not allowed in the fast lane.


Idk where you live but that second half is not universal. Even within the same state. And it’s the passing lane, not the fast lane. Legally you aren’t allowed to speed in that lane. It doesn’t magically have a different speed *limit*.


Depending on the state, you're allowed to speed up past the speed limit so long as youre passing. Idaho, Wyoming, Minnesota, and Washington


Canada. Vehicles, especially trucks, cannot hangout in the passing lane. It’s an enforceable offense.


>Legally you aren’t allowed to speed in that lane Legally that truck can't occupy that lane unless actively passing so looks like he's committing a crime already.


Idk why you got down voted, but you right.


Thats not mildly infuriating, that is full-blown-Tony-Montana-Say-Hello-to-my-little-friend-mf-infuritaning


One is governed at 60 mph the other at 60.1 mph


Nope, they are just assholes. That’s a guarantee


You're probably right. I work for a large company that limits our trucks to 65mph. Every one is a little different though. Speedometers might be just a bit different or the tech that set it did 65.5 or 64.5 or whatever. Every company chooses their own limit too. That being said, when I find myself in the right lane with another truck trying to pass, or maybe they got over so I could merge, and we're effectively going the same speed. I turn my cruise off for 10 seconds and let them by. I hit resume and go about my day. I have no interest in being that close to any other vehicle. Some people just don't care though.


Texas! Gawd I miss Texas! Speed Limit 75 = run 90 or get flattened!


Maybe you should go back, Cletus 🤷‍♂️


They’re buddies


I don’t know if it still works but used to be able to dial *HP on a cell phone and get highway patrol. Report someone blocking traffic. Time we used it an officer pulled them over in a couple minutes. 




Dating. You pass me. No, you pass me. You pass me first. I don't want to pass you, can't we just drive together forever?


When on the road for countless hours, they gotta find a way to have a laugh now and then. :-)


engage photon torpedoes!


It's Texas, you can't expect common courtesy there.


Move over for faster vehicles should be federal law. I come from Europe and live in the US, this thing just never stops to amaze me. I tried honking and flashing high beams, just to be told by a friend not to do it if i don't want to get shot. Unrelated, but also mindblowing.


How do they respond to repeated honking?


They fking go to the "brrrrr" lines for a second or 2 and rocks start flying towards your car. For the sake of my vehicles paint I learned to flash or honk at them too much


Oh that pisses me off driving to California on I40.


I think there’s a German word that describes two trucks slowly passing one another but I have no idea what it is. Anyone know?


This happened once when I was six years old on a trip through Utah with my dad and brother. We were out in the middle of nowhere and two truckers pulled this move for a good 20 mins as well. Little did they know my dad had a CB and was on the same channel as them. We heard them talking crap and laughing. My dad slowly simmering more and more with each passing minute. Now, my dad was a chill and all-around great guy. So, imagine my shock when the two finally decided to give it a rest and my dad pulled up alongside the one in the rear, leaned over me in the passenger seat, and gave the most emphatic bird I’ve seen to this day; just a gorgeous, firm, lingering middle finger—eye contact and all. Obviously never forgot it and I’d bring it up to my dad over the next few decades here and there. We’d have the best laugh over it. Screw those guys, but thanks for the core memory, ya bastards.


This is what horns are for.


Giggling at people losing their jobs is so fucking weird bro.


This used to be my commute many years ago. Every. Single. Day.


There is a German word for this situation that has always stuck with me: elefantenrennen, which basically means “racing elephants.” 🐘 🐘


Whats the speed limit there?


and thats the part where i go around the dirt to pass these ass hats


I hate this. Why do they take 5 miles to pass the other truck. Similarly, I’ve been in Costco when a slightly faster, old person with a cart decides to move ahead the sightly slower, old person in front of them, and they end up taking the entire aisle and not letting anyone past.


This drives me insane! It's gotten so much worse now that most trucks are governed at like 65 - 70 so they just bounce back and forth a bit with no progress made by either. It's even more infuriating when it's a regular car just hanging out next to a semi holding up miles of traffic.


Where’s van damme


When this happens always call the police. Hoovering a crime because not only does it obstruct commerce, it increases the risk of accidents.


The ole on ramp pass on the right can work


Looks like Hwy 35


Pace cars to keep the assholes from speeding in a construction zone


Welcome to Portland! Just kidding, they would be going 45mph there.


This is actually illegal where I am, but highway patrol doesn't enforce it anyway.


Looks like texas


This is probably Oklahoma


You took a picture and posted it while you were driving a car at 60 mph!???


Its illegal...


Where I come from we call this 'the elephant race'. It can last for decades


This happened years ago to me in Kansas. I called the police and reported a drunk semi driver driving all over the road. In maybe 5 min a squad car pulled up behind me. About 30 seconds later the officer turned on his lights and the semi pulled over to let him pass and we all followed behind. Drivers like this should be thrown in jail and thei cdl revoked.


Pretty sure they could get ticketed


I honk my horn at people going slow the in passing lane.


If it really was 20 minutes, I am amazed that there weren't 2 dumbfucks that passed you from the right and got in that gap between you and a truck.


it's Called a rolling roadblock, the french use this tactic to effectively shut down motorways. 2 trucks blocking the road driving at stupid mph.


That's a "run the hard shoulder around them" then "slow down in front of them until they drop gears to 1st, then take off on them with the lesson learned." situation.


1st gear in a semi truck? Break checking isn’t the best option, that’d get you in the most trouble if they run into you. Just pass and drive on.


Slowing down isn’t the same thing as brake checking


He said down to 1st gear for semi trucks. They usually have more than 14. I’d call that break checking.




that tells me a lot about the way you drive lmfao, sorry i don’t wanna risk going to jail over a simple issue and escalating it for no reason


Jail? They're doing 60km an hour, incrementally slowing them to 20km sends the message. When did Canadians become so fearful? Covid changed a whole bunch of you...you're pussified.


I mean for break checking them.. you literally said to cut in front of them and make them go down to 1st gear. Could just be a fine, yes, but why risk that over nothing?


What's the speedlimit


85. People go 19mph over the limit. Just enough to not consider reckless driving and avoid jail time


60 at 85? Shoulder time!


Best bet is to go around them on the shoulder. Give them a thumbs up too when you pass. Thumbs up seems to get people more angry than the middle finger


Where are speed limits 85? Highest I have ever encountered is 75. So people are just cruising 100mph there normally?




Yup! I've done 90s and others legit fly by me


Sounds like a fun drive for sure but would hate to see the accidents scenes on that road.


Texas from Austin to San Antonio. Posted limit is 85 and people are going 95+. It’s a toll road.


In America it's just a speed suggestion. I'm not a lawyer and this is not legal advice.


I take the highway every day. The speed limit is 55 but the normal speed is around 80.


And law says you must move the speed of traffic because if everyone is going 80 and you are going 55 you are causing everyone else danger and are now the biggest hazard on the road.


The law in most states says you shouldn't drive so slowly to impede the normal and reasonable movement of traffic. In the eyes of the law, the speed limit would be the maximum "reasonable" speed. Claiming that you're just trying to keep up with everyone else breaking the law isn't a valid defense in court. Given the conditions on highways today, anyone that is travelling at more than a couple of MPH below the limit on a multi lane highway is, in my opinion, impeding traffic during times of moderate to heavy traffic.


And a huge cause of phantom waves


Let’s petition to make it illegal for trucks to attempt to pass each other on a highway that only has two lanes🤬


You’d have truckers shooting each other.


You say that like it’s a bad thing.


Would be ok


I hit the shoulder in these cases you guys are way too patient. I’ll also open my sun roof and and motion my hand like in masturbating a 18 inch cucumber in the air And I’m a nice guy just last week a truckers tire blew in the rear and dude kept driving so I wrote on a note pad in marker your tire blew the fuck out and drove infront of him with it out the sunroof honking and pointing at the notepad. Can’t get no good karma tho




What's the speed limit?


Uno Reverse: Call state troopers and jam up the truckers


Most highways have an easy way to contact the highway patrol, and there are laws against rolling roadblocks. But oftentimes, just dropping back to a safe distance (where you can see their mirrors) and politely flashing your lights will do the trick.


You have 4 lanes there. I don't see the issue


Have your eyes checked.....


the other two lanes are on the other side of the median /s


Sounds like it’s time to fill gas or grab a sandwich next exit. If they’re gonna block the road at 60 and you’d be going 70+ otherwise with at least an hour left in the drive, 10 min spent productively literally won’t make a difference :)


Sounds like you’re a truck driver or someone you love is


What can you do? Get in the right lane and go 60. You kind of have no option. Like yes it sucks I commute everyday, and sometimes you just have to give up. These guys live in their trucks so their whole world is fucking with people on the road. All truck drivers are pretty awful


Clacksons are there for a reason, use it.




Weird English.


What’s the speed limit?