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Don’t open them, see if your housemate has the nerve to do it themself


People like that have no shame. They usually will open new containers and take the last serving as well.


He must’ve had about 90% of those tea bags (and yes, I fished the old box out the cardboard bin for the comparison pic)


Stealing Yorkshire tea is no joke mate. You need a lock box for that shit.


One of those exploding ink packs they put in the money when banks get robbed should do it.


Nah, easier to just kick their ass.


dye packs


Yessss. The kitchen will likely take some damage, but that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make.


That is after all what the tea caddy was invented for back in the 17th century & why tea cups back then we're teeny tiny.


Fucking nescafe on the other hand...


The Spiffing Brit would most definitely have the head of whoever dared to steal Yorkshire Tea




Yes but we aren't damn cavemen anymore.


Is it good?


I don't drink tea/coffee so I had to come here to see which was the OG and which was the replacement. I got it wrong. I thought they replaced the two on the left with the two on the right, or vice-versa. He got same (or similar) just WAAYY smaller replacements?? What a dick. He probably felt like just "replacing what I took" but that's not how it works if you take most of it and plan to keep using them.


either that or the replacement was the 2 bent outta shape containers that are in the back


I think that would be even worse than just new/smaller versions.


exactly why i thought that


As a fellow ween fan, I think the only appropriate course of action is to blast "you fucked up" as loud as possible while eating all their food


MFer can go piss up a rope


Make that mfer taste the waste


Is it really 1.59 for 40 tea bags? That seems insanely cheap?


Really? Idk where you live but that’s a lot in the uk


The pound isn't that far of from the dollar, and twinnings is $10 for only 100 bags https://www.amazon.com/Twinings-London-English-Breakfast-Black/dp/B001GM60LE/ 4 pence a bag seems essentially free.


I guess you missed the part where I said that it’s a lot *in the UK*


It's rare for the US to be the place with the higher consumer goods price. That really does seem so insanely cheap that it's almost like it has to be subsidized or something. How much would be a normal or even low price for a box of tea bags? Literally 1?


£1.59 is around $1.90


That's less than $2 for a box of 40 tea bags. That seems ludicrously cheap, and I say that as someone who drinks a lot of tea. Granted, I most often buy loose tea, but even when I buy tea bags, and even if I went with a standard brand like Lipton or what have you, I'd still expect to pay at least twice that.


True, but then again the economy is different everywhere despite everything going on, so inflation and shit like that might not be too much of an issue so its a reasonable price


Did he scream when you kicked him in the balls?


Well time to start keeping that in your room too.


Yup 😒


Hope you have a nice lock on the door to your room.


Take this as an important lesson in life on how to recognise shitty housemates. There should have been plenty of red flags prior to this which u would have ignored as just happen stance. I too had to learn this in a similar fashion. The first indication was when he wouldn't even try to get a bus but walk over 2 hrs in pouring rain with luggage and at night to save money.


Oh no, warning signs were there from the start, and far too great in number to ignore. Not the first time he’s pinched my shit without asking (I already keep any alcohol I have in my room for this reason…), and it won’t be the last. Just, doesn’t seem worth the fuss to kick off about, and there’s little I can do about it besides. When he agreed to replace them, though, I thought it could be the start of a redemption arc, but here we are…


Leave the empty containers in the cabinet and take the others to your room.


Try to move out at the first chance possible. Living with people like them makes the house atmosphere toxic and stressful. I didn't know it then but mot having somebody like that in my life made by days far better as I could de-stress at home.


Yeah, I’ve been wanting to but I’m paying a really good rate for my rent/bills for where I live and the cost of living is about to skyrocket here in the UK, so I’m not sure I can afford it.


I would get a mini fridge and lock your food stuff in your room. Your roommate is taking advantage of you.


R u renting with him/her. Or r they the person who signed the contract. If its first one, be prepared to delay rent as from personal experience they have a tendency to delay their payment. So it would be better to find another renter.to tag along. If its the second am sorry and also confirm with landlord if you're paying the right amount.


We all signed our own contracts. Landlord rents the rooms out with an open-ended rental agreement so people can move in/out when they like. I have very little say in who I share the house with.


Understandable, sorry to hear about that.


It’s ok, there are people in domestic situations much worse than mine (I’m only *mildly* infuriated right now), and apart from this life is pretty good, but thanks.


In college my dad's dorm had floors that were seperate dorms but anyone could enter the kitchen area/comon rooms from the elevator. So the people from the dorm a floor above his kept stealing everyone's food so they made laxative brownies and there food was never stolen again


You tolerating to a fault is a problem, mate. You need to buck up.


Domestic diplomacy can be a tightrope walk and I try to pick my battles wisely.


Picking battles wisely and complacency is also a tightrope.


I don’t need you to tell me how to live my life, but ta


To each their own, but you did understand the potential commentary when posting this. I’m not trying to dictate your life lol


Buy new coffee. Hide it. Buy laxatives. Grind up and put in old coffee. Sooooolved


Replace coffee with gravy granules.


My nan made the gardener a cup of gravy once, by accident, she was elderly :,)


"Not only have you managed to sink every battleship and aircraft carrier that you've ever sailed on, but now you've gone and knackered a gravy boat!"


You forgot the part where OP then gets arrested for poisoning their roommate. Setting traps for people is very much illegal. You can argue about how it *should* be legal all you want, but it is well established that it is not. It’s the same principle as setting a bear trap on your property.


I much prefer the approach to trap-setting that I heard about a church using. See, for some reason, there are churches that store their holy water in water coolers. Some priests noticed that the level of holy water was decreasing for some reason, so they salted the water. The next day? A woman complained that the coffee she'd been making with the holy water tasted weird. Harmless but revelatory. Also... a holy cup o' Joe!


Lmao “but it’s illegal🤓🤓🤓” homie who cares?


Hey man, do whatever you want. Not my place to judge. I’m just saying that this idea gets thrown around all the time like there are no potential consequences for it. Just want people to be informed that if they do it to someone who *does* make a big deal out of it, it can cause unnecessary problems for them that they could’ve avoided it they just locked their shit up instead.




When you need to start thinking about potential loopholes and technicalities to get away with the thing that you are doing, it’s a pretty good indication that you should stop doing that thing. OP’s housemate has been using this coffee (with OP’s knowledge) for a while. If OP suddenly started putting laxatives in it without telling the housemate, legitimately no one is going to buy the idea that he did it without malicious intent.


You’d care whenever you got arrested and sued for it


I can’t be arrested


Bro has cheat codes


"Dont get sued🤓🤓🤓"


😐 Well, at least he got the brand right.


spiffing brit would be proud


Off Topic but fuck Nestlé




A visual representation of what he feels is your due




Yorkshire tea.. cream of the gods. Nescafe instant coffee .... Wtf are you thinking ffs!


For God's sake, those are the good teabags aswell




Define 'housemate'. Clearly, he's not thought as a mate.


“Person with whom I cohabitate” just doesn’t have the same ring to it


Is it like a hostel for people on probation or rehab? If to let them in your home, must have been some trust than just a contract between business arrangements. He might turn up with a takeaway one night and let you have a chip or two? Should balance it.


Just a house share. We both rent but I’ve no control over who lives here besides myself.


Ah. Well then, you have every right to borrow his deodorant or aftershave. In fairness, no matter the size in return, he did give back his fair share he had?!


He must’ve had about 90% of those tea bags so not even!


House person


To be fair, he did get some replacements, better than some house mates I’ve had


Let him keep that one, then you go buy your own set again


Plus OP can find coffee from literally anyone but Nestle next time!


If there's one rule in this life we must all abide by.. it is that thou shall not fucketh with a man's Yorkshire tea.


Time for a lockbox.


Can someone explain it to me?


Housemate has been helping himself to my tea/coffee without asking. I asked him to replace said tea/coffee when it finished. The replacement items are considerably smaller/cheaper than the items they were replacing. I am therefore mildly infuriated.


Is it not equivalent or more than what they consumed?


Less than what he took, I barely had any of those teabags. Moot point anyway because he didn’t get them for me, he got them for us to share lol


He just got them for himself cuz he ran out lmao


Pretty much. He only went and got them after I held out on replacing them for a few days


If he starts buying all the tea and coffee from now on, would you be satisfied?




Maybe there will be a good outcome after all. Im rooting for you


I think it's the size difference. OP bought the larger ones.


used to be a time when you could assault someone for stealing your stuff, and then they would stop stealing your stuff.


Pretty sure they used to send petty thieves to Australia for stealing food.


i thought that punishment was for non-petty crimes? ​ either way, im ok with it. whatever it takes for people to stop stealing shit from others.


They did, and now I live and work with their descendants 😒


Well he replaced what he used... Keep the coffee and tea in your room from now. Only take it ou twhen you use it. It is not ideal but so far the best way to stop him from using your stuff.


He definitely used more than he replaced haha, I barely had any of those tea bags


Urgh... What a mooch. Sorry you have to deal with a prick like that... Yeah, keeping both tea and coffee wth you might be you best chance until he learns his lesson


Sift some dirt into the jar and old teabags and leave them around for the next time they want to steal your stuff.


Well the ones he bought are his now, keep yours in your room. Just teaching him how to buy shit for himself.


r/fucknestle don't drink nescafe also fuck your roommate not literally though


2 things: Your roommate sucks That coffee is shite too


Do people really call this thing "Coffee"... No my friend, this is shit crumbs. Do yourself a favor and get whole grain coffee from a good quality company. Coffee loses flavour the second you grind it. Anyway shitty roommate. I had a guest for a few weeks who kept eating from my stuff and he invited someone else with him to stay, on my couch... Anyway he only lasted 1 week before I kicked them out. I had a huge brick of cheese he kept eating. Fuck that. Kicked him out on the streets after several warning.


Not to be all “check your privilege” or whatever, but not everyone can afford the good shit my friend


Are you destitute? If not, just share that cheap-ass tea and crappy coffee crystals.


More than happy to share the tea and coffee if the costs are also shared. Also, Yorkshire Tea is neither cheap nor ass so you take that back.


If the cost is shared, then you're not sharing the tea. You're each getting what you paid for. Any tea that comes in bags in a box is cheap. These are like the cheap supplies that a small shop buys to give away to customers while they wait.


Ok, I guess? In which case I want the tea and coffee I paid for.


You’re so stuck on the principle —“Give me what I paid for!” — that you won’t lighten up and be generous. This is too small a thing to worry about. They DID replace at least most of the tea bags and coffee powder. The difference if any is PENNIES. If you were just being kind to a housemate, you might offer to pay for their coffee/tea at a cafe. It’s normal, in my culture, to go to the cafe and I’ll say “Hey, I’ll get yours.” Maybe that person will get mine “next time,” maybe there is no next time, but I don’t care. I’m a man, I’m socialized, and I can handle buying a coffee for someone with no expectation of return.


Also the coffee is the sorta shit workplace buy for minimum wage employees, shit costs like a penny per cup.


Do they make coffee but with laxatives in them? Just curious...


You used some too did u not? This seems fair to me


It'd be fair(ish) if he'd gotten it just for me and got some more for himself, but this is for the two of us.


So OP's British and his housemate's American. Fits.


Why did you conclude that my housemate’s American?


The coffee. They drink a lot more coffee than tea.


Hello? Brits still drink a lot of coffee yknow?


I'm Indian and I drink a lot of coffee. But when you consider the consumption of the whole country, tea edges out coffee by a long shot. That holds true for the UK, whose major consumption is tea and who also incidentally introduced us to tea. America and coffee are a marriage made in heaven. Besides, I find it weird and hilarious that OP's housemate, who's a fellow Brit couldn't get him the tea he was drinking, what?


He was doing you a favour, nescafe is pure ass


Not to add fuel to the fire, but he did you a favor by finishing up that coffee!


Put laxative in em just make sure you’re not the one drinking it.


I think its *something*, and you might consider being grateful for that


Shit in his bed


That whole box is only 1 59?


Not an excuse at all, but he could be hard up on money. Would explain why he was stealing your stuff to begin with. Just have a talk with him and see what’s up


Yeah, he’s broke, but so am I. I’d be more understanding if it was essentials like bread or shampoo, but he takes “luxury” items like booze and tea that I can only afford in a small quantities myself. So I’m of the mindset that one shouldn’t pinch what they can’t replace.


Just talk to him mate. It’ll be awkward but you’ll be glad you did. Lots of things can be solved by just talking it out




If you say so


Let’s be honest, the original coffee was not the best in the first place


Ew Yorkshire


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He replaced it. Dont see the issue.


Yeah but he still wants to share. I’d be otherwise happy to share so long as the costs are shared too


Yeah, that's probably more than he took. Don't be an asshole, OP.


He's said in other comments he's barely gone through the box


Remember kids. Words speak louder than bitching about it on reddit.


He tried ok mate. Its like a fiver for one of those bigger boxes of tea and the coffee ain't cheap.


Which is why I’m annoyed lol don’t take what you can’t replace


Your housemate sounds a awful and exhausting


Your housemate is a passive aggressive ass😉


Now if the tea wasn't Yorkshire tea, this would have been a post for another sub. Abrupt chaos maybe? Still, what a jerk.


What a cheap you-know-what...


The spiffing Brit would be proud of you


Ugh, I used to live with someone like this. Hubs and me let him move into our spare room to get on his feet after a divorce. He paid 40% of the total rent of his own volition, and thought that meant he was an equal household member because he paid more than 'his share' of the rent since there were two adults and a child on 'our share'. Zero towards utilities, almost zero towards groceries. Once in a while I could get him to pick up a carton of eggs or something. The worst was him blasting through all my coffee and making it improperly so I had to clean grounds out of the coffee maker every time I used it. It's different circumstances for you based on your comments, if I were you I'd get a mini fridge and a small cabinet in my room and just keep my stuff seperate. Sorry your housemate is a turd.


I don’t condone violence, but sometimes. Juuuust sometimes. A hot one right across the mouth is justified.


Now it’s time to see which Americans have Yorkshire tea in their “British section” of the supermarket?


My ex's best friend and housemate was this person too. Got to a point where I started taking all non-refrigerated items up to our bedroom.


Buy rock salt and mix it to that coffee jar and keep it there in the kitchen for them to have. Safe prank, but amusing. Keep the tea in your room since you can count the tea bags. lol. Also, can't believe this is for Nescafe of all things. I do not miss those days.


Ah he's a socialist with other people's things and a conservative with his own. Atta boy!


What a nit


Time to hide yours a spike the “replacements” with laxatives. 🤷🏼‍♀️


god I have these cheap ass ppl, I mean you can choose to save money when it only affects you, but doing it to others is shitty.




Achievement unlocked: EX housemate


I had this issue once too and I jizzed on all my tea bags. They still robbed them but I felt good about it.


I had a house mate that would drink all of my Coca-Cola, and replace it with diet coke since he says he's diabetic. He got the hint when I started to duct tape the bottles shut.


hail boognish


He's replacing the pinch...


Hell is other people.


Is it common to have instant coffee in the UK?




You take my Yorkshire Tea… we gonna fight


So they've been nabbing teas and coffee but unless they had most of them I'd say they probably replaced what they took. I get the coffee being a different brand but all in all seems fine to me. Unless of course they used more than what they bought.


Which would be fine, were he to get them for me. But he didn’t, he got them for *us*, ie he planned to continue to use them as he had before.


Ahh I see yes that is an issue. What's yours is yours, if they wanted some get some for themselves.


Edit: nabbing* ( not manning)


You know there’s an edit button, right?


Actually no, this is like my third comment or so ha


You learn something everyday :) also, get out while you still can…


r/shrinkflation anyone?


Tell him that you are glad he finally bought his own materials and that you expect him to drink all of that instead of nicking your drinks.


That's not fucking coffee. Do yourself a favour and stop drinking instant shit.




Cheap mofo


It's time to sit down, talk and draw boundaries before it escalates to other things.


Allocate an equal amount every month that you all pay for tea and coffee, milk and sugar. Buy it out of the joint fund.


Cheap bastard!


Classic house mate "memory"


keepp supporting imgodfatheryt guys u/itsmeajeet https://www.youtube.com/c/IMGodFatherYT


I can see the difference in coffee but the tea just appears to be in a smaller box to me. :/ is it a different flavor? I am not a tea drinker so completely clueless on that


Trying to be cheap and save money by buying smaller containers that inevitably cost more per unit. Your housemate must be a cheap dumbass


We sell that tea where I work (US) is it good?


The best!

