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Jesus Christ you put your hand in there raw dog


The forbidden glory hole


Just the tip


I like to live dangerously too.....just not that dangerously




If your standing pee in the toilet and if you are sitting turn around on the toilet. Then they only see your butt.


Crack for a crack.


Cracking a crack for the crack


I've gotten to the point where I'm happy if the lock works.


At my high school there is a stall where the lock is so fucked up that you have to fight it to unlock it, almost made me late to class once. Now I know to avoid the 2nd stall in public bathrooms


On 3 separate occasions I’ve gotten locked inside a bathroom stall at school, because the lock only managed to continue working for the action of locking the door, and finally broke whilst the door was locked. I had to awkwardly crawl under the door on the disgusting unwashed floor every time, leaving the door locked behind me and pissing everyone off. Quality maintenance in high schools.


I don't recall the exact name but basically it's discomfort by design. Since public(or restaurant, etc) bathroom are so uninviting, you're less likely to use them so - lesser maintenance cost - lesser volume (and ppl that use them usually go fast) so less stalls needed - also probably cheaper to build, although it's possible that crappy design ends up being more expensive Take with a grain of salt, I remind this from a similar post but can't be arsed to retrieve it (was a few weeks ago probably) Edit: and as pointed by others it's mostly USA that does this


See now I’ve heard, and think it *might* be a wives tale, that the code for gaps was increased in the 80s to prevent drug use.


I feel like that was a thing, too. That's the only reason I knew of that they are like that. Though, I have no idea where I learned it.


Defensive architecture


Offensive, more like


Hostile architecture.




How else you gonna know it's occupied? Knocking? Asking out loud? Psh!


Because the door is open? I've never seen one of those bathroom stalls where the door stays closed if it's not locked.


I've seen some that do. Where i used to work for one. My test was to lightly push the door.


Which could be embarrassing if it's one where the lock doesn't work.


It's also meant to be used as an anti-theft measure, as now you're "visible" when you bring things into the stall.


Also this is to prevent people from just hanging out in the stalls for privacy. Doin drugs n shit


Really? You think that gap has ever stopped someone from hanging out and doing drugs in a bathroom stall? Who's policing the public restrooms where you live? I also don't do shit when a car alarm goes off.


Can confirm people don’t give a shit when they’re getting high. I have looked someone directly in the eyes while plunging a shot of heroin into my arm through the crack in a public bathroom stall. Gave not one shit.


Lol. Can relate


Nightclubs and bars literally kick people out for this all the time. Get out more


My dude, I've run live sound in bars and clubs for a few decades, and I've never once heard of that happening. Exactly what bars and clubs do you think want word to get out that if you do drugs in the bathroom you'll get thrown out? Maybe you're hanging out at the bar in the bowling ally? You go to clubs where the nightstaff peer into the gap in the door? Go to cooler clubs I guess.


Not everywhere is the same. Would know that if you got out more.


I never even considered this. Makes so much sense


[hostile architecture](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hostile_architecture)


there was one rest stop in the us i stoped at that i could easily see over the top of the stalls, i.e. the stall doors maybe came up to my shoulders. im 5'6" (1.6 m)


Often clients want to spend their big bucks elsewhere on a project’s design, and not in the restrooms.


Here's my pro tip for these mindless gaps on shitter stalls. Take a long strip of the toilet paper. Wad up one end enough to stuff between the gap and let the rest of the strip drape over the gap. Shit and wipe in peace without the awkward peeping slot.


I've seen many posts about this, but what's supposed to be the logic behind it? I can't see the purpose of having those gaps.


it's so people can't dO dRuGs in there without being potentially snitched on, because we're a sick sick country with spite for everyone


Not wanting people to OD in your bathroom, is spiteful?


Not wanting people to OD in your bathroom is a white supremacist capitalist remnant of the Colonial system of the United States of AmeriKKKa.




Easier to clean I think?


Not sure how it'd be easier to clean? Maybe I'm missing something.


We have to be able to fit a gun barrel in the space. Blind firing through doors is inefficient and the replacement costs really add up.


MERICA 🇺🇸🦅💣💥


Never understood that one. But you guys still complain when urinals don’t have dividers it’s hilarious and bazaar lol


Bizarre* A bazaar is a middle eastern market.


Maybe it's a middle eastern market


Maybe it's Maybelline


I heard she was born with it, but that is unconfirmed.




What if it was slightly to the left?




I believe this might be a bot since it copied LemonGrape97's comment and used it out of context here.


That would make sense lol I was gonna reply with a smart-ass comment.


I knew it was one of the other 🙈


Because we're embarrassed by our pp size


Time to dook it up and assert dominance by staring at them as they try to catch a peek.


Think of the divider as a salad bar sneeze guard. Some dudes splash piss everywhere at urinals.


Urinal etiquette is pretty good here haha 😅


Jesus fuck, at college half the time the urinal was just a suggestion to some people.


I saw a man vigorously jerking it at a rest stop on my way home from visiting my parents house for thanksgiving through that crack, ruined the entire weekend for me. You may be on to something


Would you're weekend have been better if he were gently jerking off instead of vigorously jerking off.......asking for a friend


Yeah I think so, I turned a corner and the fast motions caught my eye through the line 3 inch gap these stalls had, if he was being a tad gentler I probably wouldn’t have noticed


OP missed the perfect opportunity to make an Arthur fist meme with that perfect sweater...


Tell this to men who piss at public urinals with no divider


In Australia it’s just one stainless steel wall with a gutter drain at the bottom, and everyone stands pissing in it at the same time.


Plenty of places in the US that have that exact set up. The Metrodome used to get 65000 people in it for Vikings games and that’s all they had for peeing


Some sort of interesting competition. I guess the one who wins, becomes kingurina.


It's like that some places. Like stadiums n stuff.


Dividers are preferred, but the Urinal Code makes them somewhat irrelevant.


Are you trying to imply that women aren't coordinated enough to come up with a version of the "urinal code" , for their public stalls? 🤯 s/


Based on your comment you don't know what they mean by urinal code. Basically it means you are supposed to have at least one empty urinal between you and the other person using the next urinal, unless they are all full except one.


Lmao... Dude everyone knows the urinal code. Based off your reply you didn't understand the sarcasm in my reply hence the (s/) after the statement. 😬😬 Just like males have the urinal code , why can't women have a "stall code" that states .. "don't glare or stare into the slot ⅔cm slot".. I'm guessing that would be too much 😂😂


I've never used a woman's restroom but the only time anyone's stared into the stall I was in it was someone's small child. I've never seen an adult male do that. Sorry I didn't notice the s/ at the end of the comment.


No worries.


no one is stopping you from sitting down to piss. yall still have stalls.


How dare you tell me how to piss! The nerve! s/


Go to a cubs game and piss in the communal trough. Nothing like having a conversation about the '84 cubs with the old guy pissing in the trough across from you


Time to dook it up and assert dominance by staring at them as they try to catch a peek.


I never close the door, I leave it open.


I see you when you're pooping, I know when you're in pain. I know if this bowel movement is bad or good so be good for goodness sake.




So ... You've never been locked up. Nothing more empowering than shitting in a room of 25 people.


Yes. I agree and can't stand it.


Why you think people want to look through the gap and watch you shit? They don’t.


You know you'd be surprised. Especially at schools.


I don't trust strangers


i totally understand. as european on vacation in mmerica i really had struggles taking a private shihiit


Y’all must be real shy shitters over there. I can take a dump while having a staring contest.


I absolutely hate it. More often than not I end up hanging my jacket (if there's a hook) in a way to cover gaps like this. The other thing I hate is when the stall walls are super high up to the point they are literally level with the toilet seat. Like, what's the point of having walls for semi privacy when everyone and their mother can just about see my ass while I'm using the bathroom?


Pretty much, I feel like if someone wants to look in and get an eye full of me doing my thing then it's their therapist bill.


In fairness, how many people do you think are looking into your stall?


i always look into OP's stall, wym


I stand corrected!... Well squat in this case.


Every fucker who walks by 😐 why just why. Overlap the door


You think every one who walks by wants to peek into your stall.. you think you have something they haven't seen before? Seriously, it's a bathroom. It's not a peep show... Only a certain type of person is excited for and eager to see someone on a toilet. To think that every person who walks by it into a bathroom is there for you "squat show" is a new level of arrogance 😅


Never said excited and eager, don’t add words. More an unintended glance. And if I was in there I’d be staring out making sure they ain’t glancing lmao. Just why tho? Why? Why not make a door that fits? It’s so easy. I just don’t understand 😐 never see this in the uk ever. Not once.


I think the design is bad and outdated. I'm not defending the design , I'm more amused at the shock and outrage 😂. I've been to pubs and stadiums in the UK where there is little to no divider between the urinals. Heck there are some older stadiums where the urinal is just a large tub with a drain and strangers line up nearly shoulder to shoulder to talked a piss.. I think the world needs universal washroom standards to avoid the ⅔ cm design flaw that have some up in arms!😅😂


Yea that was my point, we don’t always have dividers, but every single stall door overlaps without fail. That’s why I laugh when Americans mention dividers, it’s like you don’t care about a 2 inch gap whilst shitting 😂 And I’ve never been told why. There must be a reason it’s so common in America. What’s the actual reason 🙈🙈🙈🙈 Also why even bother with a door if people ain’t gonna look? 👀 (they would)


I don't think it's as common as you think 🤣 I've lived in NYC, Brazil, and routinely visit Germany and many western European countries. I don't think this is a "American epidemic", and I've never seen a 2in gap in any stall , even the one pictured is less than a inch. I think the fascination with stall architecture is weirder than any gap space that's less than an inch 🤣😂


It’s definitely common, seen so many posts on it. Only been America once and I remember it too. As I said you just won’t see doors like that in the uk. It really does make a door pretty pointless 😐


>It’s definitely common, 🤥 >Only been America once 😏 >As I said you just won’t see doors like that in the uk. Yet, you do and there are.... 🤔


That’s why if I enter “why do American to” into google, the 4th result is “why do American toilets have gaps.” So uncommon haha


So you’ve obviously never been a girl or a woman who had to live in a world with other women and girls who will seek every opportunity to viciously, loudly, and publicly toilet-shame other women and girls for shitting or having a period. They do look through the gap, every single time.


Take a skinny pointy stick in there with you. With a bit of good aim each will only ever look through the gap twice


>So you’ve obviously never been a girl or a woman No, I can't say I have been a woman *Checks pants* Nope, still a guy.


But(t) why bother with doors then at all?


So a less than a inch space is the same as "why bother with doors at all" ?... I see you believe in the "all or nothing" way of life 😂


I mean, your point was that people wouldn't be interested in the view anyway. And if that were the case, then it won't matter. Also, I think it matters little if a passerby saw me all at once, or slice by slice, if they still get the full picture. Having said that, having cats and kids, I am pretty used to crapping with the door wide open and bustling activity around me. So I guess I wouldn't mind those gaps (or missing doors) all too much.


My point is that natural human reaction is to look away from something unpleasant, something you aren't interested in seeing , etc.. Therefore theoretically we don't need doors on stalls, but that doesn't make sense from a privacy standpoint. Since every has different levels of privacy and expectations of privacy. My point over arching point is public stall architecture is not the privacy epidemic it's being made out to be 🤣


Oh, I totally agree that the whole discussion is kinda stupid. You're fine with whatever you're used to culturally. But your first point: I mean, rubberneckers are a real phenomenon. Many people cannot look *away* from shit they find unpleasant or even disturbing...


>Many people cannot look away from shit they find unpleasant or even disturbing I understand this completely but I don't think rubbernecking I'm a public restroom is about as much of a worry as falling into the bowl 💦🚽


Americans can't fall into the bowl. Our asses are too big.


A tinfoil hat wearer would only think that people are looking in at them through those gaps. Normal people don't.


The problem is that you think only normal people go out in public




The door of the stall presents the illusion we have privacy, but that gap shows us we don't, which makes it awkward because most people don't like being watched when they're on the toilet.






Wait, you taught your dog to do what? Bizarre.


Bro who is "we?'


We are not the same


Speak for yourself.


Never in my life have I ever heard of anyone doing this.


Still smaller panel gap than a Tesla.


I mean what else can you expect,American is mostly creepy old white men.


Just run by them. Our actual operating demographic is surprisingly skewed towards being diverse.


It's one of the many reasons i always have a roll of duck tape on me. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Hot take I know but, nobody is watching you shit


It's more so when people are checking if there is someone in the stall (at least for me). A lot of people don't just knock and instead either peek for feet under the stall walls or try to covertly peek through the stall gaps. I've had it happen a couple of times 😕


That’s my argument. How self-centered do you have to be to think that everyone who walks past your stall is checking you out?


By that logic, why not just make the stalls out of glass or saran wrap? Get the fuck outa here


I had a child staring at me through the gap before.


There are a host of other more severe problems than gaps in bathroom stalls my friend. Perspective is everything and this issue is a non-starter for me.


Some stalls still have no doors


Because America chose money over people’s privacy


Does this have anything to do with the famous inequality of wealth distribution?


Only a real problem when someone's a freak and takes a peek.


Drug use deterrent.


Cut your damn nails




Nope. Australia doesn't have gaps in doors. We have a "vacant/in use" symbol when you lock/unlock the door. No need to peep 🤣


I've never seen this in Spain or other European countries I've visited.


No, no it's not.


Definetly not.


It's not, I've travelled very extensively and I only see this in the US.


Saves our lardish azz from getting stuck in if the sides overlapped


From another point of view, this is the benefit of America


Nobody’s watching you poop


You're offended by that instead of the dude that stops and puts his eyeball up to it to see through?


Yes, definitely worse than the unrestricted proliferation of guns.




The handicap stalls at my works door gap perfectly lines up with the middle of the toilet with about the same sized gap as this


Must be a church


How many other people have that dream where you have to go to the bathroom but every single toilet you find is occupied, covered in nasty, clogged and literally overflowing, or, for some reason, in the middle of a crowded hallway?


This is the only life I've ever known


You sure it's not Americans?


I’ll never understand how we can’t figure this shit out. I understand the gap at the bottom but it’s so fucking easy to just make a door that closes with no gab


Thank goodness the heroin users in the 80’s-90’s for that. No more nodding off in the public restroom


You could take all the dividers out if it meant that women would stop pissing all over the seats and slinging bloody tampons around. I would happily piss in the open if that could stop.


In a men’s bathroom I went into, it was like that and the mirror at the sink was at a position where you could clearly see the person in the stall.


Put another hand beside yours abd do the sane on the other side then add a livk that didn't work abd you have the junior high school bathrooms that I had to deal with.


Ever see the stalls with out the locks? Or the locks are so bad someone can just open it like it was unlocked even tho you tried your best to cram the off set metal bar into the metal slot only to realise the slot is actually to fucking small for the metal bit?


I was in a stall a few days ago and the gap was wide enough that the lock wouldn't even function Like wtf


Wow, at this point you can just leave it open lol


It's the war the homeless in design. From public benches bus stops to bathrooms and probably more. Easy to see someone sleeping in there threw the gaps.


Sometimes I get lonely and crave eye contact


I always try to make eye contact in the half second I walk by. It's a game that I often win.


Better Ventilation!💩




I always hang my sweatshirt in the crack so it’s harder for someone to accidentally see.


you can always go dig a hole in the woods to shit in, crybaby


Right!! I’ve seen bigger! Amurica!


100% agree with you there.


Dude it gets worse the further north you go. I could stick my arm through the gap at multiple places


Makes masturbating at work more exciting


Conditioning - By removing privacy in bathrooms you learn to live with it at a young age so later on in life you are more accepting of loss of privacy. /s


Gotta be able to stick a gun barrel through it


Go to jail one time and you won't give a fuck any more. Like if someone is trying to watch me shit that's a sign that they got problems, doesn't mean I'm doing something wrong.


Yes, getting your hand stuck in a bathroom stall door is a real problem in America.


At least it has doors. Several bathrooms don’t even have that, our school used a troth until a few years ago


i always hated when i walked in a public stall and the door just that giant crack. i would just leave and wait until i got home.


How else are peeping toms going to peep??


It's stupid, but it belongs there in America. See, people bite the dust on toilets either from natural causes or because they're doing drugs and people need to see in to make sure if they're dead or just taking a long shit.


Yeah, this has always been a strange thing to me. Until I traveled to other countries I didn’t realize how uncomfortable it actually is. When I played city league softball we had a bar sponsor our team, with the understanding that we go there at least a couple of times during the season for our after-game gatherings. The men’s room had a stall with swinging saloon doors, like in a western, that weren’t even floor to near-ceiling—maybe the doors were three feet tall and were positioned “mid”. We talked to the owner of the bar why he would have such a thing, and he stated, “I don’t want anyone taking a shit here.”


If you wanna take a peek, your not gonna like what you see. That’s a problem for the guy outside, not me.


My job has good stalls. They covered the gap with rubber so no one can see you unless they go over or under. It’s great and I am very lucky


It is part....


Wait till you see public school stalls with no doors.


I know it man. Its all this division….so sad


Not a problem for me. If you want to watch me take a shit, by all means. There's nothing going in there I'm going to be embarrassed by.


I dont know, Ive use public restrooms all over the world. This feels luxurious compared to 90% of the countries I have visited in my lifetime. The US & Canada actually has stall and toilets as a standard.