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This man is currently hearing colours


Shhhhhh.... You smell that?


I can't read this, the music is too loud


You'll have to speak up I'm wearing a towel.


Turn down the music, I can’t see where I’m driving.




No but seriously. I don't get these this bad but I still get blockages. The sound of my clothes on my skin is deafening after I get my ears cleared.


Yep I was once out of town for a weekend and had a blockage the entire time. When I finally got home and was able to clear it, it was like I had super human level hearing. It was insane


I had an orgasm like that once….oh memories.


Is that wax?


Yeah it’s all wax apparently! He was moaning afterward, said his brain feels like it got flossed


I want my brain to be flossed


Mental Floss


Lisa needs braces




Knock it off guys, I’m trying to think EDIT: I just rewatched the clip, and my memory of this quote was way off




Pangalactic gargleblaster


It’s probably wax mixed with dead skin. It’s called keratosis obdurans. When the dead skin in the ear canal can’t shed properly it sort of accordions up and creates a blockage.


Yeah looks like this one time after an ear infection my Dr ordered me not to clean my ears for a while and when I eventually did I pulled out a perfect cast of my ear canal in dried skin like an inside out lizard shed.


What the fuck


Happy ear cast day - I mean cake day.


\> my Dr ordered me not to clean my ears **for a while** For a while? You sure they didn't say never? I've had a few ear troubles in my time and every medical professional I have ever encountered have always said to never put anything smaller than my elbow anywhere near my ears.


Every doctor thinks the average person is an idiot and will puncture their ear drum with a queue tip… so they just tell people not use them because they think they’re reducing the risk of you hurting yourself


I am an idiot. A few years ago I punctured my eardrum with a Q-Tip. The pain was unbelievable. When the otologist asked how it happened, I was more than embarrassed to admit I had shoved a Q-Tip into my ear -- a 40+ year old should definitely know better. Doctor laughed and told me that he saw 15-20 patients a week for the exact same thing, all adults as he did not treat children.


They are often right.


I know a guy who doesn’t clean his ears and there’s literally gobs of wax oozing out, nasty af


I had a classmate like that. The wax, the blackheads. It still makes me nauseous. You can pry my qtips from my cold dead hands.


Well shit, my right ear canal is wiggly and makes it hard for wax and water to come out naturally, so it is lightly irritated a good portion of the time. I wonder if I have a brain worm too.


I can totally imagine the satisfaction of having all that removed.




You husband was moaning while he was waxing off.


Wax on. Wax off. The Moaner! Okay time for bed.


Can you describe the moaning?


UuuoggggooouuuOoooouuughh ![gif](giphy|klDXFObkC1kgU)


Take my goddamn upvote, you animal.


Wtf 🤣


It sure as fuck doesn’t look like wax, looks more like the skin of some worm that crawled inside and disintegrated


The spice must flow


The spice extends life.


Yeah… for some reason earwax removal videos started showing up in my facebook feed (?????) and ngl they have been, uh, entertaining? I watch em, okay. But based on that alone, I’d wager that sure af ain’t *just* earwax. (ETA: hopefully dead skin, as another user mentioned)


I can't believe this is wax. I need someone with medical experience to confirm this is normal or expected. Edit: looked it up on Amazon and saw similar results 🤢


It’s dead skin, accordioned up on top of itself! Source: I watch a loooot of earwax removal videos.


Well thank you for the info, and for your service to the community in consuming earwax videos 🫣


🫡 The real heroes here are people who watch zit popping videos. Couldn’t be me.


They sell this on Amazon?!


Every time I see things like this, it makes me really want to have my ears professionally cleaned out. I've never really had any wax or blockage issues... it's just something I kind of hyper focus on... just the fact that there COULD be something in there.


I tend to have my ears feel clogged after going swimming, which I almost never do. Usually it resolves itself and I just “finger vacuum” some gunk out, but last time I was deaf in one ear for a week. So I went to the doctor and they flushed my ear. Believe me you, I wouldn’t have believed you if you’d told me there could be so much… matter inside of a person’s ear. It was glorious. And disgusting.


Same thing happened to me after swimming about a week before I shipped off to Army basic. I couldn’t hear a thing out of either ear. I went to a quick care and they irrigated both of my ears. The wax that came out of each ear was about the size of a fresh, unused eraser from a #2 pencil.


Pretty much same for me after swimming if I smiled my ear would clog. One day it stayed clogged, went to urgent care and the doc pulled out something the size of a grape but looked like a raisin if that makes sense. It was huge I didn’t know the ear canal was that big. He told me not to used q tips inside my ear anymore I guess that’s a bad thing to do


It just compacts the wax deeper in the canal. What's on the qtip is pretty much just the surface of the compacted wax and the walls of the canal.


Get the wireless camera off Amazon, total game changer for cleaning your ears.


Woaw, that's a full candle


And it seems to me, you've lived your life, like a candle in the ear


Never knowing who to turn to, cause your ear can’t hear


I would have liked to have known you, but I was deaf as shit


My ear filled to the brim with wax I never cleaned it


Better a candle in the ear than a candle in the rear


Speak for yourself, guy.






Shrek be like 😂


I'm am both mildly revolted and intensely jealous at the same time. I once suffered minor hearing loss in one ear and went to the doctor to get it checked out. They shined a light in there, went, "huh," and started digging with a little plastic hook. They pulled out a dark orange chunk of wax about the size of a piece of driveway gravel. It felt about as good as when it first goes in after a months long dry spell. I may have actually moaned, but I refuse to either confirm or deny. Your husband's feedback checks out, because I swear I could feel a fresh breeze on my brain after.


My doctor once had me use debrox for a few days before an appointment, then he injected water with a syringe. He said there’s no real reason I couldn’t have done the water myself, but he really likes seeing patients be instantly cured as that’s not how most of the job works.


I had doctors irrigate my earwax a few times when I was younger. Now I just do it myself with a little bulb full of water. About once a year, each ear will become fully blocked with a massive plug of earwax


You just squirt it up in your ear? Is the water warm? Sorry it’s so weird to ask you this process but I swear I’m losing my hearing the past few years. I am hoping it’s just wax or I’m losing my mind. I’m only 38, but I find myself asking “what?” all the time. I did work in the concert industry for 7 years, but still hoping it’s wax.


I have to do this relatively often. I get one of those rubber bulbs and fill it with warm (not hot) water. The angle varies, but I’ll shoot it in my ear and after a few shots the wax in my ear will fall out. This never used to happen to me until about 3 years ago, sometimes it will get so bad that I’ll lose a lot of my hearing in my ear until I unclog it. I found a good way to figure out if it’s wax is to push the part of you ear that connects to the side of your face against the ear canal. You should be able to tell if it’s wax as you’ll be able to feel it in your ear. Lots of times it’ll move it around and you’ll either lose a bit more hearing or gain some depending on how the wax is moved when you push down.


You can also buy kits, by places like Debrox and the like, that include a bulb, and some type of peroxide type solution. I've used those with great success. Lie down or sit and tilt your head so the offending ear points up. Drip the drops in until you feel it fill the canal, and hear it begin foaming. Wait 5 minutes, tip the ear to empty. Flush with warm water using the bulb, tip the ear to empty. Usually after a couple of flushes whatever was tangled up in my ear hairs and causing the itch comes flowing out.


Yeah, like I said, once there he told me I could have done it myself, he just liked it. Pretty sure I had the appointment already for something else and he was like, “eh Fuck it, I’ll lose five minutes on this to see the smile to a man who can hear again and is no longer yelling constantly


As someone who does this a couple times a year, some tips: Boil your water and let it cool first before you use it in your ear, you don't want any bacteria up in there. For each ear, lay on your side and put about 1/2 cap-full of hydrogen peroxide in your ear and let it soak for about 20-30 minutes. It'll bubble and feel really weird but it's safe and helps soften things up. Then take your room-temp water, fill the rubber bulb and shoot it in your ear, not straight but at a little bit of an angle so you don't mess up your eardrum. If there's anything in there it'll come right out. Not a doctor so ymmv, but this is what works for me every time. *edit - one more addition, don't do this often because there's a good reason to have a little bit of wax in your ears. Just every once in a while.


Aw that’s kinda cute


Yeah til you see the bill


That comparison holy shit ROFL


Omg it’s been so long since I’ve seen a ROFL 🥹


Nostalgia ftw


Nostalgia pwned me right now




ROFL:ROFL:ROFL:ROFL _^___ L __/ [] \ LOL===__ \ L \________] I I --------/


Roflcopter goes soisoisoisoi


1337 360 noscope *air horn noises*




Wanna play tap tap revenge on my ipod touch?


this guy's old


I blew the biggest booger I ever have out of my nose earlier today and it felt similarly.


I had a sinus infection and one day blew my nose and felt my entire face empty. Like from all the way above my eyes out onto this tissue. That was bliss and I have never felt that clear. Sinus infection gone after that. I live in hope of that feeling again.


I was going though a rough breakup and was crying face down on the floor, when all of a sudden I felt and heard something crack in the middle of my face. A *ton* of old blood and gunk drained out of my face all at once. This was at least 15 years ago and I still think about how great it felt.


So you can compare your ex to the disgusting snotty blood-filled mass of gunk. From the depths of your despair you feel instant relief as you cast aside the crud making you miserable.


Holy shit, that sounds orgasmic.


Ooh reminds me of the story of the guy who felt a pop in his head while pooping, stuff came out of his nose, and he realized he could smell again.


I am so glad I'm not the only person who has thought that after a pile of snot finally dislodges during a bad sinus infection! It's like suddenly the sinuses decided to let go and half your brains come out. BLISS.


Neti pot. Weird at first but amazing what it flushes from your sinuses.


When I was a teenager I had a headache that lasted a few days, a cold and I couldn't breathe out of my right nostril. I started blowing my nose like a madman and managed to shoot out this giant gooey grey blob which also had blood in it. Seriously looked like part of my brain. As soon as that was gone the headaches went away. Felt so good getting that out.


My brother in christ you blew out an aneurysm




In Marine Corps boot camp they make recruits go through the gas chamber, think extreme pepper spray. Because it's boot camp and everyone is gross most people had a head cold including me, very stuffed up hard to breathe etc. After breathing pepper gas in an enclosed room for 5-10 min they let you out. Sooo much snot came out of my face that my whole head felt lighter. Legit one of the best feelings I experienced during those months. Completely got over the cold then and there


The biggest highlight of my cold last week were those super sticky and elastic boogers i'd have to actually grab and pull out of my nose because they were impossible to blow out Utterly gross, but felt amazing.


Earwax being the same? No it snot.


I got a septoplasty to straighten out my twisted septum from too many fist fights as a youth and the feeling of the doc pulling mucous plugs out of my nasal cavity a week or so later was wild


I've had a ear wax tootsie roll blasted out by a warm water syringe. It was liberating. The world was cranked up to 11


They definitely went “huh!” When looking in my ear. They gave me a flush and it was so weird, like a big water park wave pool but in my brain.


This is definitely not the weirdest way a doctor has made someone orgasm


got that too ! lost hearing strangely after some months after swimming in a pool. doctor used a h8gh pressure stuff to throw water on my ear and my eye almost popped from my skull. a big chunk of wax came of my ear and bro I could hear again


Sounds like you had an eargasm


When I was around 12 my friends dad who was a doctor pulled a chunk of earwax the size of a large blueberry out of my other friends ear after he complained about his ear hurting. I remember being part fascinated, part grossed out, and part jealous.


Oh dude I've felt this before. They put in the hydroxen peroxide and everything just swished out. Had hearing loss in one ear for like 3 days before I decided to go lol


my god i might need to do this with my doctor next time lol ive been having this ongoing tinnitus for years especially in my right ear and im hoping its just the pressure of the ear wax causing it


Nope, tinnitus is down in the Cochlea. I’ve suffered from it for years, I think mine is so loud that my should be able to hear it, she can’t. Interestingly enough getting fitted for hearing aids and the doc said that the hearing aids will help considerably with the tinnnitus, I’ll believe it when I hear it, or don’t hear it.


Audiologist here and impacted cerumen actually can cause tinnitus though it is pretty uncommon. It is nearly always cochlear in origin as you say. However, it can also be retrocochlear from an acoustic neuroma or some other growth. Hearing aids generally do attenuate the tinnitus but they generally don’t mask it completely.


Really? It could help the tinnitus? Hmmm.....


They find what frequency your tinnitus is at and then play that frequency through the hearing aids. Your brain hears it constantly and trains itself to not hear it anymore. Basically hearing loss-ing the hearing loss.


Did a little digging and imma be making an appointment tomorrow... Please let me be rid of this damn ringing. MAWP


I get random onsets of tinnitus occasionally. A quiet hum like a tuning fork that, instead of getting quieter, almost instantly turns into a high-pitched whine. For me, the solution is to stretch my neck to both sides. It goes away instantly. I'm assuming my neck muscles stiffen up against a nerve and need a good stretch.


Make sure to moan for the doc.


##uuuuuuuughhh YEESSSSS


It was probably more like the hoarsely whispered, "fuuuuuuuuck" that means you're going to last about eight seconds.


You can actually get a ear scope for your phone at Walmart for wax removal.


Last year I got out a giant piece of wax with a bobby pin. It changed my hearing so much that everything literally sounded too loud for 3 days.


You never wish pain or suffering on your worst enemies, but for them to never have exceptional relief.


During summer vacation I got water in ear. I guess water caused the wax buildup to expand and completely cover my eardrum. I was basically deaf in that ear for most of the vacation. When we got home, my mom took me to an ENT and he cleaned out my ear. I still remember the 'pop' when he lifted the wax of my eardrum and I could hear again.


Damn I can’t unsee that


We couldn’t be left alone with it, misery loves company and all that


Are you sure that’s your husband? The parasite must be done infecting his brain if it’s willing to leave.


It wasn't Edgar. It was like something was wearing an Edgar suit.


you're gonna go into town, go to Bloomingdales, find some nice dresses, you know, maybe find somewhere you can get, you know, a facial, and hire a decorator to come in here fast because... damn.


Oh, and he didn't leave you ... you left him.




Does he still say he can't hear you?


He said “I could hear a mouse fart”


Probably heard everyone in this thread type their replies 😅


Is it wax? Or a foreign object?




There are days when I wish I could do this.


So was there any visual indication in his ear that there was any wax? I’m just shocked at the amount in there and have to imagine it was visible to some extent?


I have impacted ears and usually it’s the opposite on the surface level. Wax stops coming through to the outer part of the ear because it is blocked. So from a typical distance, ears are very clean. However, if a doctor shines a light and looks inside they will definitely be able to tell that there is a build up. Side note, if you’re using this product or similar and it doesn’t work, you have to apply the acid multiple times a day which may cause burns and irritations. If the problem is bad, buy a water jet or hand activated hose similar to what doctors use to clear them out instantly. Using this liquid is a weeklong process for me and it gets very inconvenient.




He can now hear a rat piss on cotton!


I had a sinus infection that lasted a month. After two trips to the doc, my face still felt “full” and pressured. The X-rays supported that and steroids/antibiotics didn’t stop it. Then I went to the ENT, and he squirt a liquid up there that made it feel like my passages doubled in size. He, then, inserted a vacuum into my face through my nose and sucked out all of the mucus. The relief was incredible, but it felt like having my insides ripped out because that fluid was thick! I had that really good pain that lets you know you are better off for it.


Sounds pretty satisfying!


I have impacted ears and i hate ear drops so i mix a little bit of water with hydrogen peroxide and use that instead of q-tips! it melts everything pretty well! But if it’s too hot or too cold, or you take the liquid out too fast, i’ll cause temporary dizziness or vertigo Edit: Talk to your doctors (like i did) before putting things in your ears, people. I mix with water bc hydrogen peroxide is strong & used by itself can cause an earache.


Thanks for the tip! Doing the other ear now


what are you using to pull it all out? tweezers?


Just his fingers! He said after flushing with warm water the tip of it was hanging out. He grabbed and slowly pulled


Must have been orgasmic, like when you pull a booger and feel it unstick from your brain


Everyone knew about the nussy before COVID, we just didn't talk about it.


Fuck you for the word "nussy", and have a nice day.


man you have to relax 😭


Bruh the ones that are like 7 inches long and it feels like you've never been congested in your whole life when it's finally all out. Fuck.


I'm going to throw up




Really wish I hadn’t read that


I bought a camera meant to go in your ear with a little paddle tool on the end to gather ear wax. The first time I pulled out some nasty. Now I use about every two weeks and it is just a basic cleaning. Haven’t had an ear issue since.


I bought an ear flushing kit off Amazon, worked like a charm, basically just a spread bottle with a tube and nozzle on the end. Used it in the shower with warm water and two giant plugs of wax came out of my ears. I can actually hear again!


Can you link or give the name?


I went into the doctor for this and you know what they used? A little water and a laxative. Dripped in the ear, softened everything right up and out it came. Just another alternative in case someone needs it.


Probably docusate sodium, I’ve heard of it being used for this. It comes mostly in gelcaps that have to be punctured so you can drip it out. I figured I’d share so people don’t go trying random other laxatives.


You saved me from sticking chocolate laxative in my ear, thank you good sir


Instructions unclear; currently shitting from ears.


I get inner ear stability issues when I use carbamide peroxide (debrox), but it’s because I use a bulb ear syringe to flush my ear canals and my ear drums don’t care for it. I’ve always had some equilibrium issues, which is why I handle sailing and flying very poorly. As far as q tips: they were never meant to be used in the ear canal. Often what they do is further impact the wax.


I second a ball syringe.


That reminds me of this one time when I was in the shower using hot water and I decided to tilt my head to the side so the shower head was pointed directly toward my ear. Vertigo isn’t fun.


I swear that after I have my ears cleaned out, I can hear ants fuckin' in their nests and hear squirrel arguments from blocks away.


I am now convinced that that is inside my ear as well. What was the exact debrox routine you did? I usually put 10 drops, wait 10 mins, then rinse, twice in a row, and usually not much comes out.


it’s probably her husbands first time ever doing it lol


OP, don’t leave us in the dark here. Inquiring minds want to know how your husband went about getting this monster out of his ear


Good lord, that looks like a tapeworm. Let us know if he starts gaining weight now that it's been removed.


I was looking for this comment. That’s the first thought that came to mind


It’s gross…but everyone here is trying to imagine how it must have felt being pulled out…


And we're all jealous.


Congrats on a very successful cerumen disimpaction! Thanks for using Debrox. Q-tips are the enemy.


What is the method/process of using debrox?


It's basically diluted hydrogen peroxide. You put a few drops in your and let it loosen up the wax for a few minutes, then you use a little turkey baster type thing and spray water in your ear to wash it out


>a little turkey baster type thing Bulb aspirator, in case you ever need the trivia knowledge


This is such a nice way of informing someone of something.


Damn now he can hear you.


Put that in some hot water, and you've got yourself a stew.


Chop an onion, add a potato, and baby you got a stew goin


I think I want my money back . . .


“Whoa, whoa, whoa. There’s still plenty of meat on that bone. Now you take this home, throw it in a pot, add some broth, a potato. Baby, you’ve got a stew going”


Please let me unread this.


What a terrible day to know how to read.


I would’ve came in my pants if I were him that probably felt incredible to remove.


Bro's about to hear colors and his ancestors




You actually kiss this guy??


Actually no but I eat his ass Edit: My first gold… and it’s for this. Mom would be so proud!


Smart move, further from the ears.


This one is actually my favorite


Jesus fuck I've read you've written with accelerating levels of disgust and then I read this. You're a comedy genius.


I yam what I yam


You must feel guilty knowing had you givin' it one big breath you woulda' cleared his ears for him /s


I guess your husband isn't saying, "What'd you say honey?" anymore.


That’s absolutely disgusting. Where do I find this product?


This is the best ad for Debrox I’ve ever seen.


This is what happens when you don't feed your babelfish.


Wrong place to post this, cause it is r/super interesting my dude. What else you got?


I'll imagine that felt so good for him right now. Can I ask if his earwax is dry or wet type? Curious if wet type can have such occurence


For a second I thought I was on r/whatbugisthis


I literally thought this was a dead tapeworm at first… damn


Years ago, I was cleaning my ears with a little peroxide and a baby syringe. I got a chunk out, not enormous, but bigger than expected. I told my wife and she asked me to check hers. Holee crap! They were packed solid. She had long hair and I had never noticed it. I tried the peroxide and nothing happened. In fact, it gave her an earache. So the next day I drove her to the physician. He had some kind of a syringe/pump and a plastic cup. He pumped a warm,liquid into her ears, lavaging them and finally, a big black gob of wax about 3/4” long came out. And the same from the other ear. It was disgusting. Later she said it kind of bothered her hearing every little thing that didn’t bother her before.