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I find it more interesting than mildly that this is the first time you have seen these šŸ˜‚


This is what happens when everyone has a cell phone but has never traveled to the next state


OPā€™s username checks out


Or a city larger than 20,000 people.


Yeah, this is pretty common


Iā€™ve seen them in a few 10 yr or newer shopping complexes around the suburbs of DC


Tysons Corner


This was in South Africa 20 years ago. Not sure why this would count as mildly interesting :/


Well look at you Mr. Fancypants, living somewhere where they have shopping complexes that new... Never seen them locally, but then again there isn't a parking garage in my entire rural county.


Those have been around since the late 90s. I remember when they first appeared here in Malaysia. Thought they were awesome.


in usa?? never seen before


they are around but not super common in my experience.


Iā€™m a Canadian and have seen this in Montana, Oregon, Washington State, California, Hawaii, Wisconsin, Ohio, New York State, Texas, Lousiana, Florida, Nevada, Utah, Illinois and Maine. And thatā€™s just places Iā€™ve visited and can remember from business meetings and trade shows in the last year. Where do you live?


I mean, there were common in LA way over a decade ago so it just sounds like maybe you live somewhere more rural that only has parking lots over parking structures.


Every time I go to some west LA shopping center. I'm like aight I ain't got money to spend at that shopping center šŸ˜‚. My sgv blood too cheap for this.


Pretty common in the metro cities in Oklahoma


Checking in from Ohio: had 'em for years, but they break often.


Yeah, some of them have false greens, I bet those sensors are pretty cheap and fragile


They're in areas with big in/out traffic. I first saw them at the hospital, then the airport, and now occasionally a busy mall/ shopping center esp one with a movie theater attached. They're not *everywhere* and if you don't routinely visit the places I mentioned, it's easy to miss. But they've been around for several years.


I'm from India, and there isn't even one of these in the entire country of 1.5 billion people - due to hindu nazi regime (by both the parties)


t-mobile has these most airports have these literally any mall has these




I park at garages in NYC, Boston and Philly, Iā€™ve never seen these.


I've never seen it. But I don't use parking garages often.


Itā€™s relatively common in big cities I think. We have them in Houston


O mean, I'm in Europe, I'm more surprised if parking doesn't have these lights.


Indeed. In my city they opened a new car park, that not only has the light system like this one, but they also have a screen where you can type your reg and it tells you exactly where you parked. Pretty cool stuff and extremely useful for my goldfish memory


We even have them in New Zealand which is a country not massively known for being ahead of the curve in these kinds of things.


DFW intā€™l uses them as well.


I travel a lot for work (have so for the last seven years) and only just saw these for the first time this year. I was just as surprised as OP. EDIT: just saw OP's username and can probably guess where they saw these!


Guessing disney springs?


this. pretty common on bigger parking garages in germany too. btw: the lights or more the sensors often don't work, so you see a green light, drive there for a parking lot just to see it's already taken


In USA maybe. But here in Spain I've never seen those


I am in Spain and Iā€™ve seen these a million times.


In Madrid you can find these in every big shopping center and also in IKEA, Leroy MerlĆ­n and so on


I live in a small town in freakinā€™ Colombia, and we have them here. šŸ˜Ž


Iā€™ve never even heard of these


I've parked at a lot of garages at airports and tourist attractions, mostly in Florida, and a handful in NY and Europe. Never seen these before šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Nova Scotia here. Even on my trips to Ontario, I've never seen these. Must be an American thing...


They're pretty common, but they're great.


In the garages I have been that has them, they stink. I say around 20% of them are incorrect.


All of the parking garages I go to are linear going up (this one looks like SFO), so the lights are pointless.


A good parking garage will have signs that tell you how many open spaces are on each floor so you can pick one in advance.


I've found them slowly improving, but yes, I've found a lot of the space counter signs indicate open spaces in rows where there are none, and lights indicating spaces are open that are definitely not.


Yeah I always feel bad because my motorcycle never triggers it and it's small so people probably turn to go in the spot to see disappointment


Honestly this would be SO much better if they only lit up while available. I always struggle slightly to find the green light in a sea of red, don't see any benefit to the red lights


I was wondering about this too. As a benefit, not having all the red light going all the time makes it more green - both visually and environmentally.


Toronto has had this for quite awhile. So solid


Where at? Can't say I've seen em, though I don't drive much in the GTA (for good reason)


Most public parking garages now. One random example, the Green P across from St Mike's hospital


Yorkdale basement parking has this


Every parking garage I went to in Australia was like that.. and that was 10 years ago


Op never been in parking garage in the last 10 years


I haven't seen any garage that has those in NYC/LI. Saw them in Asia and thought it was a great idea. Would love to see this in LGA parking garage with a sign to tell you how many handicap, VIP, regular slots are available each level.


In Asia we also have cameras at every lot so you can enter your car plate number at a touchscreen panel and have the panel tell you where your car is located and how exactly to get to your car.


American Dream Mall (NJ) has them, and it's a 15 minute drive from nyc..


UBS Arena parking garage has them


Live in southwest Michigan. Regularly visit cities like South Bend, Grand Rapids, Detroit, Chicago, Indianapolis. Have been to some larger cities out west for work. Have never seen these before.


I was gonna say. Iā€™m from the Midwest US but I consider myself to be fairly well traveled. Iā€™ve never seen these before. I WISH these were more commonplace.


I've lived in 5 states, all medium or larger cities, and traveled to 23 more plus DC in the last 10 years. I have seen this type of thing exactly once. At a mall in Towson, north of Baltimore 2 years ago.


Everybody talking shit in the comments appears to be outside of the US, so my guess is that this is very common outside the United States and pretty rare here for god knows why.


Idk Iā€™m in the US and see them fairly often, probably just depends on where you are


Never seen them in the UK - even with car parks that say roughly where parking is available


Bro maybe he lives somewhere where they donā€™t have these. How bout you think about that before you say some stupid shit on Reddit lmao


Northeast USA is severely lacking in these because we are older cities. I'm in Philly, NYC, and Boston a ton and never saw it. Closest was at Philly Airport it would tell you how many open spots are In each row, but never labeled spots


Redditors when they realize that there are more countries than USA:


Kind of seems like the opposite in this post though.


It's always sort of neat to see local GR content in other subreddits. I spent way too much time coming and going from the children's hospital 10 years ago when my new born was in the NICU for a bit. Did you notice that the available disabled spaces have a blue light?


I was going to say, isnā€™t this the parking garage opposite of Butterworth?


It sure is. You can even see the blue for 35 Michigan.


I was hoping someone else would notice this! I'm at this hospital several times a year for my toddler to see a specialist. I wish the lights were more helpful... Other than the blue ones they just look like a sea of lights to me. In the afternoons trying to find a spot near the elevator for 35 Michigan can be near impossible.


What a bunch of smartasses in the comments- I live in San Diego and am surrounded by parking garages. Not a single one has these indicator lights.


Right?? I have literally never seen this in my life. I live in one of the biggest US cities too.


my 20k hometown in Slovakia has them for 10 years now lmao


Biggest US cities still behind in technology compared to developed nations.


A great indication of the human contidition, something so common yet so unknown. So ubiquituous yet so unusual. Everybody has seen so many yet so many have seen none. It's a good opportunity to step back and consider how our experiences can be rendered so different by the smallest of variations, even amongst people who live in the exact same city.


Now *that's* mildy interesting. I'm just up in OC, and they're incredibly common here. Even my local Target has them.


UTC mall has them


UCSD uses them as well


In Austin Texas. Seen these in multiple locations. Also saw them in sacremento when I was there. Itā€™s fairly common but also Iā€™m not surprised that itā€™s not everywhere.


Iā€™ve only seen them at Disney Springs in Orlando.


Yeah I've been to Downtown Atlanta GA and not one has these either


Umm Iā€™m from around there and I see them


These just seem like a maintenance nightmare.


I literally just got back from UTC Mall in La Jolla which has it. That's still San Diego, as much as they'd like to try and say otherwise


They're everywhere in Austria. It feels like the US isn't that technologically advanced after all.


People in the comments need to realize not everywhere has these things. I live in the Philadelphia metro area and have never seen a single parking garage with these


https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/jan/27/target-credit-card-breach-chip-pin-technology-europe Ten years behind on chip and pin. I visited back then and it was fucking crazy how you'd use your chip and staff on both coasts were confused and l even telling you that it wasn't accepted when it said paid


I live in Australia and there is often a stigma that we are behind in things but stuff like this we have had more than a decade. Wait till Americans start seeing parking where you don't need tickets, instead a camera just scans your number plate as you drive in and out....


I forgot about that coming in as it's so common now..


Don't worry, I'm from India and not one of the 1.5 billion has ever seen this (lol)


I've seen these all over Australia for a decade.. America really lives in the past It's like the credit cards with chips in them, I'd had one for nearly ten years.. went to America, and people got extremely confused when I used them, and they worked Edit** Fucking haters woth their heads up their asses Here you go wankers https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/jan/27/target-credit-card-breach-chip-pin-technology-europe


Omg one city has less parking space indicators = aMeRiCA StUcK In tHe PaST!!!1!1!1!1!1!


The whole country was ten years in the past man https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/jan/27/target-credit-card-breach-chip-pin-technology-europe


You say on a modern American website


You're right, I still go occasionally go to businesses that make me swipe and have a blank plate or tape over the slot.


lol what? Cards with chips are literally the standard. The one time I used a card (Visa gift card) without a chip the cashier had to double take.


They ate now. They weren't ten years ago.. but they were pretty universal here https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/jan/27/target-credit-card-breach-chip-pin-technology-europe


Iā€™ve been using Apple Pay for like a decade in Australia. When I went to the US a few years ago barely anywhere had payWave.


How long ago is ā€œa few yearsā€? Contactless payment has been around here for quite a long time. Unless you went to some random small business in a nowhere town that would have no reason to update their systems.


Like 2016. The difference is over here literally everyone has had contactless payments for over a decade, including the small businesses in nowhere towns.


This has nothing to do with America being in the past.. Also, no clue what you are smoking with the chip in the credit card bs. It's in almost every card these days. If you went somewhere in America where they had never seen them, it must have been some backwoods inbred town.


Ten tears ago it wasn't in America, I was auguring with people east coast, southen, and west coast avout them. The machines accepted them, but the staff had no fucking idea what was happening..


Yup, from DC to Boston doesn't seem to have these outside of super rare exceptions


KCIā€™s new airport in parking garage has these and itā€™s ingenious


Is this the parking garage for Corewell/Spectrum in Grand Rapids?


Grand Rapids by chance?


Has to be! I am thinking the movie theater on Ionia?


DeVos Childrenā€™s Hospital. I know it well.


The parking garage at SeaTac Airport has these and they have an annoyingly high (>50%) "false green" rate.


Why doesn't everyone have these


What a bunch of dicks in the commentsā€¦ I havenā€™t seen these either and think they should be standard in all parking garages.


Works great unless youā€™re colourblind




So not false? I'm red green colour deficient. Traffic lights are fine but i really struggle with these dimly lit lights. As another comment said, be better if it just lit up when available.


Bunch of confirmation bias andys up in this thread being confidently incorrect. These are not anywhere close to being the ubiquitous, commonplace standard that people are saying they are. Im from NY and have been all over New England for the past 2 decades and have never seen these even once until today.


Smart. Think the last time I was in a parking garage was in college, so not seen this before.


Doubleparked asshole on the left...


Been all over the states over the years and the first place I ever saw them was in Cape Town, South Africa nine months ago.


Wish we had these in the UK. (I believe IKEA is the only place I've seen them here.)


We have exactly one of these in Vancouver, so this is pretty rare to me lol


Saw these in Vegas for the first time recently and it blew my mind


The lot at City Hall in Ottawa, Ontario, has these and they're fantastic. Lights at the end of each aisle indicate if there are any open stalls and they're easily spotted when you look down the aisle.


The problem is they often do not work. I have driven across the garage because of green lights, only to see every spot is occupied.


Mall of America has these. Only place Iā€™ve seen in the state with them.


Great concept but this shit NEVER works. I ignore them 99% of the time. Theyā€™re always green with a car in them.


As a Canadian in a small town, this is cool to me. šŸ‘


six plate deliver gold touch person reach faulty foolish dolls *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hey there fellow grand rapidian. I'd recognize the parking garage at Corewell anywhere.


I was just going to say the same.


Hmm! Neat.


I swear the USA is living like 20 years in the past


Not something I'd normally chime in on, but people are being way too mean to OP here. I live in an area with well over a million people and a LOT of parking garages, so you'd think this kind of thing would be old news. But while I've known they existed elsewhere for a long time, I've only actually seen it in one parking garage in my life, and it's a new one! Maybe they're more common in areas where most parking garages are newer builds, but in a lot of places the lights weren't a thing when the garage was built, and they're too expensive or impossible to add after the fact. So, is this an absolutely fascinating new invention for the world? No, of course not. But is it mildly interesting to a lot of people who have never really seen it before? Yeah, I'd say so, which means it fits for this sub! Ignore the snarky "I'm better than you because my parking garages are newer" people, OP.


The mildly interesting fact is that someone would find them remarkable


Had these in Australia for at least 2 decades.


What's interesting to me is that in the US and UK people are saying they have only seen these in Westfield's. I wonder if the technology was adapted by Westfield's here and they have just been rolling it out to other countries.


Woah! Welcome to the year 2,000. Also we have interwebs and a cell phone!


Lol I'm not sure why you're being such a prick, I've never seen this but I'm only in a city of ~50k. I doubt I'm alone.


Pretty much standard in europe... its mildly infuriating if it doesnt have this system


Really? Are they common in the UK?


Dont know. At least they are here in switzerland


They are pretty common here in the uk, big city's will almost always have them in the car parks, especially near a stadium or arena


Not to be creepy but is this the parking Garage at Helen DeVos Childrenā€™s Hospital in Grand Rapids?


Those fuckers never work properly...


You don't get out much, do you?


FWIW, I live in SoCal and I have traveled quite a bit around the country (and western Europe) over the last few years, and I don't recall ever seeing this before. We do have some garages here with digital signs indicating, in real time, how many empty parking spots are available on each floor. But this is cool and I hope to see more of it.


First time outside in a while? lol


This isnā€™t new


Isnt this standard? Havent seen a garage without one in years


It may be a new thing in North America, but parking garages in South Korea (as an example) have had these for almost a decade.


Pretty sure the first time I saw it was like 20 years ago in the US.


..I thought this was normal to have in parking garages.


Bro this has been around for a long time


Letā€™s wait till he see a traffic lights with timer.


Lol I've seen it in Kazakhstan like ten years ago


Here in Singapore most shopping malls carparks have thatsince i think like before 2010?


Welcome to parking garages in Uruguay circa 2010.


The hospital parking decks at UAB in Birmingham, AL have these as well. My sister has lived there for 40 years and been there many times and didnā€™t know they had them. The first time I went there this year I noticed them lol


Welcome to the modern world. Nice of you to finally join us.


Say you aren't from Europe without saying you aren't from Europe. Wait till they see how little space the garages have between cars in Europe


looks like FLL or MIA airport


It also looks like the long-term parking garage at SFO.


More like YTT or GH. Possibly BG or the KhhT in my opinion. Everyone knows what the initials are for.


You been in a coma?


Itā€™s wild that thereā€™s people who claim to be from the US and havenā€™t seen them. Iā€™m not exactly using a ton of parking garages by any standard (sometimes skipping a year or two here and there) and even Iā€™ve run across them several times. Theyā€™re somewhat common.


This is the norm in most new shopping centers. Where you been hiding friend?


I got surprised about this in latinoamerica in year 2009 I think šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜… and Iā€™m in third world ,where do you live OP?


This has been commonplace in most of Europe for the last 30+ years... welcome to modernization USA.




I must say, sometimes people surprise me, maybe because you live in America, or under the rock?


literally every garage in my country has these haha


Never been out into the big smoke before, OP?


Saw these in Abu Dhabi 5 years ago, they definitely werenā€™t new.


2009 called, it wants its mildly interesting content back


This has been a round for over a decade where I live


Been living under a rock for 10 years, kinda interesting :-)


Welcome to... 2004?


I don't understand why they bother putting a light over each stall. Just put one at the entrance to the row if there's an empty space available...cause either way you have to drive down the whole thing and knowing the specific stall doesn't help.


They need a sensor at every stall either way. The light is trivial at that point.


These systems also have a light at the end of each row to signal if there's any open in the entire row. In some garages, they also have an open count for the rows, as well as the floor.


It helps to see if the spot in the next row is closer to the entrance. You want to get as close as possible.


No shit! Really?


Yorkdale mall?


Welcome to 1995


Who needs common sense and using their eyeballs? I find this completely unnecessary


There are a couple of things these systems really help out with. Usually, they are connected to a sign at the garage entrance that tells you how many open spots are on each level. For example Level 1: 0 spots, Level 2: 4 spots, Level 3: 63 spots, so if youā€™re following several cars going in, it makes sense to go directly to Level 3 to find a spot. Also, it helps when looking down an aisle to see if there are any open spots before even going down that aisle. With different sizes of cars, it can be difficult to tell if some spots are actually available or not. Anyone who has used these types of garages vs garages that donā€™t have the lights can tell you how much of a time & frustration saver it is.


Local airport does not have these, after the 7th floor, you get really tired of driving around


Maybe you dont live in large metro area or never run in a tight schedule going from one business meeting to another, the world are build around efficiencies, at a large parking garage sure you can drive around find a spot in like 15 minutes but this saves people time finding spot especially those in a rush going to catch a flight in a tight schedule in a multiple row of 40+ vehicles


For SEA airport, the largest parking garage in the US, it could take an hour to find a spot during the peak weeks. The automated guidance system thankfully fixes that issue for the most part. During spring break, you still want to drive a small car and make up your own spot at the end of a row or a long the wall.


Well, they're alot more useful when you're old enough to have a drivers license. So you'll probably see how useful they are in a few years.


Good luck with that shit rattling around in your head. I have 3.5 million+ documented miles driving haha. I've driven further than you will in 6 lifetimes. These lights are for the lazy and inept


Exactly what a 12 yr old would say. Next you're going to brag how many hours you have in Call of Duty. Good for you, buddy.


You're so sweet Tinkerbell. You talk a lot of shit for a guy that needs electronic assistance to park


Clearly never tried to find a spot in a packed parking lot in any of those 3.5 million miles.