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Hi, u/9061yellowriver, thank you for your submission in r/mildlyinteresting! Unfortunately, your [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/comments/1cisa4g/-/) has been removed because it violates our rule on concise, descriptive titles. * Titles must not contain jokes, backstory, or other fluff. That information belongs in a follow-up comment. * Titles must exactly describe the content. It should act as a "spoiler" for the image. If your title leaves people surprised at the content within, it breaks the rule! * Titles must not contain emoticons, emojis, or special characters unless they are absolutely necessary in describing the image. (e.g. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°), ;P, 😜, ❤, ★, ✿ ) Still confused? For more elaboration and examples, see [here](http://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/comments/21p15y/rule_6_for_dummies/). Normally we do not allow reposts, but if it's been less than one hour after your post was submitted, or if it's received less than 100 upvotes, you may resubmit your content with a better title and try again. You can find more information about our rules on the [mildlyinteresting wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/wiki/index). *If you feel this was incorrectly removed, please [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fmildlyinteresting&message=My%20Post:%20https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/comments/1cisa4g/-/).*


“From my rotting body, flowers shall grow, and I am in them and that is eternity.”


Edvard Munch!


Edvard Mulch


He’s great on Lawn & Order


He's great on Law & Order


that joke is a scream




This joke kept me from crying.


Along similar if slightly less picturesque lines, the dying wish of evolutionary biologist W. D. Hamilton was to be laid out on the forest floor in the Amazon jungle so that burying beetles might use his corpse as food for their larvae: >Later, in their children, reared with care by the horned parents out of fist-sized balls moulded from my flesh, I will escape. No worm for me, or sordid fly: rearranged and multiple, I will at last buzz from the soil like bees out of a nest – indeed, buzz louder than bees, almost like a swarm of motor bikes. I shall be borne, beetle by flying beetle, out into the Brazilian wilderness beneath the stars. Edit to add the words of his partner's eulogy at his funeral: >Bill, now your body is lying in the Wytham woods, but from here you will reach again your beloved forests. You will live not only in a beetle, but in billions of spores of fungi and algae. Brought by the wind higher up into the troposphere, all of you will form the clouds, and wandering across the oceans, will fall down and fly up again and again, till eventually a drop of rain will join you to the water of the flooded forest of the Amazon.


And even less, I read that Jeffery Epstein wanted his body turned into plastic bags, so that even in death he could be a danger to children.


I miss the days where comments like yours, so far down in the thread would be covered in awards. Please accept this paper clip as a token of my appreciation of your comment. 📎


I can’t even give the person a golden upvote. This is bullshit. Thr comment should be adorned with awards and highlighted


> 📎 remember Clippy? he's back! in emoji form!


Goddamn, choice 🤌


idk if you wrote this joke but it is quality


That's dark. A masterful joke.


That's pretty fucking metal


*I don't want to be eaten by worms, that would be lame; I want to be eaten by awesome motor bike beetles that can fly!*




I… think I just went through a profound journey in the time it took to read that comment. Felt like an acid trip


real meta circle of life shit hey


Reminds me of that SCP story where the guy dies on an island but remains conscious. He can feel every living thing devouring him, and even when they've finished, everything that was a part of him is suffering no matter how far away it travels. Can't remember it all but he gets brought back to life and believes that consciousness begins at life and never ends but you're tethered to your body permanently so death is eternal pain. So he freaks out and tries to be immortal. Interesting but creepy story. Edit: [Found it! SCP-2718.](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-2718)


Let us know if you remember the SCP number! The SCP world has many gems but a lot of low effort dreck that hides the good stuff. The institute needs a mass escape breakout to clean things up.


[Hey I managed to find it! SCP- 2718!](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-2718) It's quite long and I didn't reread it (slightly disturbing) but I enjoyed it the first time I read it.


very cool, thanks!


"Simbelmynë, ever has it grown on the tombs of my forebears. Now it shall cover the grave of my dog."


He passed shortly after eating a 20 pound sack of purple flower seed. And before you ask, on the sack it literally just said ‘purple flower’ seed.


The plants evolved to turn their seed purple so it would look like a tasty snack and voila; life, uhh, finds a way.


This is why dog illiteracy is such a crisis. Support your local dog school.


That's where purple drink comes from.


If you're pitching a Futurama remake, don't bother.


"Flowers are only flowers because they fall, but thankfully, the wind"


I haven't got over shogun damn 


Not a single one of my pets have I forgotten. That's the bargain you enter, you give them a piece of your heart, and they take it with them when they leave you, but they never EVER truly leave. And I smile thinking about every last one.


I have a tattoo inspired by this quote ! one of my favs


Yeah I wanna see this that’s awesome


I'm not crying! You're crying!


It's the flowers. I'm allergic to pollen. 🤧


"When my time on earth is gone, and my activities here are passed, I want they bury me upside down, and my critics can kiss my ass!"


I miss biscuit every day


I miss my Daisy every day. 🩷


Reminds me of "Where the Red Fern Grows"....


That book WRECKED me when I was a kid.


Why the fuck did the dog have to be disemboweled and then the other have to die grieving 😭


Cause childhood is where every goddamn dog in a book ends HORRIBLY.


Sad dog ending in the book Stone Fox, too. Ugh. Definitely remember that from elementary school.


I think the person you replied to is right that it was just **every** dog in every book. Can you name an elementary school book with a dog that lives?




Shit, didn't see that one coming actually.


Not your fault. He can be pretty stealthy when the need arises.


Clifford the big red dog didn't die. Right?.....r..right?


His hip dysplasia was INTENSE.


_so he wanted to die_


Bunnicula and Howliday Inn. it's the *award winning* books that are like a PETA shelter.


Bunnicula, there we go. I knew there had to be one I'd read. I devoured books as a kid. At least one dog had to live in one of them.


I think there was a dog in Maniac Mcgee, and I think it didn't explicitly die.


There was no dog in Maniac McGee that I can remember. Grayson dies though 😢


I thought he made quick friends with one in just one short part. Like the Gordian knot section or something. Certainly not a main character, but a "there was a dog there. It was hairy and good. Then I left" sort of thing.


The family he ended up staying with had a dog that he went on runs with.




Yeah but that song "Snoopy come home" is heartbreaking and I kept hearing it when I thought my dog had escaped and ran away.. I searched my whole neighborhood and came home to her just hiding under the bed


It leads into a pretty great moment at least. With Stone Fox carrying the dog's body to the finish line and conceding the race. That book was read to us in like third grade and I still remember that ending almost twenty years later.


I wish I learned loss of a pet as a child. As an adult, I am regularly hit with the reminder when I'm standing in line at the store that my dog will pass and that I will need to take off time from work because I'm just going to be sitting at home crying. I don't know how to process that loss. I wish I had some experience as a kid.


I didn't have any experience as a kid either, when my own dog as an adult died it absolutely tore me apart. I really wish I actually went to counselling or grief therapy to learn to deal with it in a healthy way because I went into a deep depression for months. Please take care of yourself!


I used to feel like this but what I found comfort in is that I am giving my dogs a better life than they could have possibly imagine when they were dumped at the shelter. They eat homecooked food, run for hours a day and snuggle under blankets for the rest of it. They feel safe and loved. Your pets going before you is the curse of the pet owner, but I take solace in the fact that they will get the best decade and change that they could have gotten.


This is why John Wick did nothing wrong


Like I don't have enough going on and now this!


I read that in junior year and just threw it across my room at the end and said NO. I had a similar reaction with Of mice and men. Some endings are infuriating.


Would have rather been pissed at home than absolutely sobbing in front of all the other 5th graders. I was the only one crying in a room filled with sociopathic children my age and made my teacher feel genuinely bad.


Just think of the rabbits Lennie, you'll get to take care of the rabbits


I've seen so many movies and TV shows expertly written to elicit an emotional response through the death of important characters. None of them come anywhere close to "Where The Red Fern Grows". By the end of that book, it felt like my own dog had died. Twice.


I remember snot and tears running down my face trying to read that book as a kid.




My third grade teacher read this book aloud to my class and by the end pretty much every kid was sobbing their little eyes out (the teacher too). Despite the trauma I would say it's definitely one of my favorite books and I recommend it to anyone that hasn't read it.


Second grade for me and much like you, it's still one of my favourites. But why did they read it to kids that young?!


Trauma is good for the youths (Or so the traumatized say)


It's good to experience truma that doesn't really hurt you. It helps you see the world in a different way and process real trauma better when you're older


A good group cry is good for development, shows vulnerability


I read it that one time as a kid and never again. Couldn’t do it.


I've been a grown up for a long time and it still wrecks me, but I love it so much.




Lol. Try the book on tape.


That was the first book that made me ugly-cry. I had to read it for school. I never had so many emotions over homework.


I also had to read it. And then we had to watch the movie in class...


Was looking for this comment. It was the first novel I read by choice as a child, my dad suggested it. Never forgave him for that but it also spurred on a 30 year love of reading. Beautiful story. Beautiful post. Thanks reddit!


The feels you just brought up!


Beautiful book but we read it in the second grade AND watched the movie which understandably traumatized me. Great story nonetheless 10/10 would recommend


I'm sorry for your loss, and glad you have such a beautiful reminder of who I'm sure was a very good dog.


We lost our dog 3 years ago and it still hurts so much. My condolences.


I lost mine just over three years ago as well, and I can relate. My condolences to you and OP.


I lost mine during COVID. I have a 1y.o Labrador now and he's my world Get another! Your boy would want you to. My only regret is that they never met in this life. But we will all be together in the next 😁


My dog would absolutely NOT want me to get another dog, I’m sure of it 😂. I can’t even look at another animal without him getting insanely jealous.


We had to put our 16 year old dog down on Sunday. I am engulfed in sadness.


We lost one of ours in January, hero to zero in 48 hours. He was only 9. Sometimes I can’t stand it. Best wishes.


I can relate. Lost my girl exactly 7 months ago today, and it happened so fast, all within two days. She was also only 9, was going to turn 10 that month. So sorry for your loss.


I lost mine 9 months ago. It gets better. Hang in there. Write to your dog. Say your sorry for whatever you feel guilty about. Tell it about your week. Just always keep connecting. The pain lessens but it will always be a reminder. Wish you the best.


I lost mine on Saturday. She was only 10, but had complications after an adrenal gland removal op, that was supposed to prolong her life. My house is too quiet, we're heartbroken without her. We've bought a lovely rose bush where we'll put her ashes once we get them.


Coming up on 6 years for me. I still cry about him. They’re just such precious creatures.


6 for me as well. And yesterday would have been her 16th birthday. Me and my new dog will be honoring her with ice cream this weekend for sure


10 months ago for me. I saw “222” a whole bunch after she passed away so I keep an album in my phone of all the sequences I see. It makes me feel like she’s saying hi whenever I see it.


So my lucky number is 222. Even tattooed on my wrist 20 years ago. I started working out and taking care of myself and here I see my lucky number too!! ![gif](giphy|U7JMA9VSvruzNjZqtl|downsized)


My sister bought me a ring that says 222 after I told her how many times I noticed it following my pup passing! Glad you’re taking care of yourself, keep it up! All good vibes with that number.


Hugs to you. We lost our boy a few nights ago. It has been extremely hard. We are broke from ER visit so we went the went to Little Ceasars. Our number was 222 for the oven. I had never heard that before and it gave me a smile. Thank you for that. ❤️


I’m so sorry for your loss…I looked it up the first time I saw the number after her passing and it says seeing 222 when you’re sad is a comforting gesture indicating your angels are supporting you. It brought a lot of comfort to me, hopefully it can do the same for you!


I still think of my good boy every now and then after 22 years


If they had a place in your heart they never really leave as long as you are alive


Lost mine less than 2 years ago. Still hurts to this day, but I try to remember I got nearly 10 amazing years. You have my condolences as well


I just lost my buddy 1 month ago, and I never realized how hard it was going to be.


It was so much worse than I thought it could be. For me, month 3 and 4 were some of the worst. You start to forget things and it’s scary, the familiarity you have with them starts to disappear. When you think of them, memories rush back at you and hit you instead of being right there like they used to be. It’s a completely different feeling from the shock and grief you have closer to the loss because they don’t feel distant yet. Getting used to those feelings is also uncomfortable in itself, you dont want to get used to them. The sensation that thinking of them brings the most terrible feelings when those same thoughts used to bring the absolute best feelings is sad as well. Strangly, both of those are two sides of the same coin of love, the terrible sadness is still love. For me, around 8 months is when looking at a picture of him would immediately bring the same pure joy I had when I saw him in real life, if only for a couple seconds, it was nice to have that back. To look at them and have only the best feelings well up first rather than the sadness coming immediately first was really really nice. This only comes with time.


my sweet pea passed unexpectedly two days ago and stumbling on this post is just so bittersweet


Low key I’m happy I never had a dog to never pass by events like that


Lost our 16 year old cat 2 years ago. Still say to each other that he was such a good cat or laugh at his dumbass whenever his picture comes up on the nest display.


How wonderful that they left that for you to remember them


I need a science answer for why this is


They likely disturbed the grass by digging and either didn't match the species with fresh grass seed, used different plant seeds entirely, or didn't seed and wild plants moved in (ground ivy?)


Disturbed soil = seed bank gets a chance to sprout and thrive!


I work in protected natural areas and when we disturb soil to put in signs or whatever it will almost always turn up a species that hasn't been in that spot in quite awhile. Plants have evolved to slowly win and survive over time in many different ways. Some put out thousands of seed and grow multiple generations a year, others drop hardy seed with protective casings that lie dormant until wildfire moves through and post-burn conditions are perfect. It could be hundreds of years between those fires depending on where it is.


The rest of the yard appears to have small amounts of the purple flowers. I’d guess that at the time the dog was buried, they, or another plant which couldn’t survive the winter, was much faster at spreading seeds and sprouting than the grass. The flowers can’t beat the grass that’s already there and survives the winter, which is why they haven’t taken over the whole yard, but in a battle for successfully colonizing new soil, the flowers beat the grass by seeding or sprouting much earlier.


+ extreme fertilization to the point that it might as well be a different biome from the dead dog.


This makes the most sense to me


Licensed chemical applicator and landscaper here, you’re getting a lot of comments that are either halfway right or just people talking out of their ass. The lawn contains lots of weeds, dandelions, wild violets, deadnettle, nutsedge, etc. Once they dug the hole and buried the dog they likely didn’t reseed that area and were left with a dirt patch, which is a perfect environment for weeds to grow up. Given the yard already has a pretty significant presence of other weeds those purple flower weeds you see likely took a foothold on the new area. As far as the people talking about the decomposing dog providing nutrients to help plants grow, that is absolutely the case and at one point the plants in the surrounding area got a good boost. However given it’s been over 3 years, to say that it’s still helping to fertilize the area would be a stretch.


Spot on. Only thing I would add is that bones take 5-10 years to decompose in soil. So even after 3 years, they likely have a slow-release "bone meal" that's probably upping the calcium levels, which is perfect to promote growth for the flowers.


You can see them growing in the yard mixed with the grass and other flowers. The dog provided nutrients and the purple flowers grew the best in that spot.


After three years there's still nutrients for the plants? That's interesting. When my brothers 12 year old boxer died in 2021 we buried her in a bag and nothing has grown there to this day. But we did throw a pallet there so our other dogs had no way to dig her up (thankfully they haven't)


Yeah dead things can provide plants nutrients for a few years. However it also depends on the size of-course. Dead people also has a long cycle for plants. Its probably due to coffins and wrapping. Since we humans like burying humans in things. Edit: Spelling and grammar


Funny thing is that it is pretty tricky to turn meat into fertilizer from what i heard. I buried dog a few weeks ago. But the ground seems to be moist clay like. So I imagine he is going to mummified and not decompose.


I imagine so, when digging the hole I guess me and my brother dug a little too far to the right because I ended up finding a collar with golden hair on it that I knew was from my childhood shitzu that was buried around 10 years ago. I often wonder how in the hell his hair was still in existence, I thought it would break down? I'm wondering if he was mummified instead of decomposing like I thought, because I thought normally all animals just basically were absorbed into the dirt lol


The dirt you bury them in does matter. I think if it is mostly soil it will decompose. But wet ground like [bogs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bog_body) and marshes can cause mummification. So there is something to it, Not sure what kind of earth causes a animal to decompose rather than mummify.


>Not sure what kind of earth causes a animal to decompose rather than mummify. acidic soil. even the bones will decompose


Whale falls create micro-ecosystems that last decades. I think the longest found was 50 years.


that's kind of beautiful but i can't explain why. like even in death its sustaining new life, becoming a part of the earth


“Someday you will die, and somehow something’s gonna steal your carbon”


It's literally just the circle of life. Watch The Lion King.


'In Flanders Fields' is about poppies growing on graves. It's why we wear poppies for remembrance/Memorial.


Looks like Creeping Charlie. You can either spend years constantly ripping it out or just throw some clover seeds down with it and enjoy the flowers that come up.


Why do I have all these feelings????


My new fav hobby is crying for strangers on the internet.


My dog died and the last thing he told me was that he never really like the bacon bits.


How do you even recover from that


It gives me a nice break from crying about the price of groceries and existing.


It’s crazy. Literally can’t afford to eat anymore… they’re starving us out!! :(


the rich are looking plump and juicy


Because some idiot fish crawled out of the ocean 65,000,000 years ago.


It was only 65M years ago that an asteroid wiped out the latest crop of dinos, except chickens. (Roughly speaking. ;-) ) That fishy was a loooong time before that.


I saw we make a time machine and kick that fishes ass!


This gave me goosebumps. What a beautiful and precious picture.


I think I’m going to go hug my dogs now…


Your doggy says hello


The life of a dog is a sight to behold... From the heavens above, loaned us these hearts of pure gold... They hit the ground running, and barking with us.... For the joy we both share, builds an unbreakable trust... The love from a dog is like candy from a box... You're not sure what to pick, but there's never one wrong. A dogs life with us is such a short, joyous trip... But the life they share with us, is always our deepest friendship... It hurts when they leave, because we always want more time... Our dogs know their destiny...hence why they always play and pine... So don't be bothered...when they come boop your hand... They just know their hour glass, is running out of sand. Just look into those beautiful, sparkling eyes...you fell for before... And get up and reach for that leash, hanging by the door. They'll enjoy that walk with you, even though they're hurt and can't see... Because this time spent with you, is the place they long to be. So remember this when your dog asks for your time... Your dog is just doing what heaven asked them to do... And that's ...make your heart shine... Too!💛🐶🐾


I'm just going to curl up and cry now. 🥺 My pup passed a few years ago. We sat outside and watched his last sunset. His head on my lap. My hand on his back. Told him he's a good boy. Tried to smile. Wanted his last moments full of smiles and love. No matter how much time passes, he left a paw shaped hole in my heart and life.


That's the best way to say goodbye


I made my dog a little sick tonight. Gave him too much pumpkin in his dinner and I think it gave him a tummy ache. I feel so bad even though I know he’ll be ok in the morning. He’s only 3 and he still acts like a puppy, I feel so lucky. I work from home, it’s just the two of us 24/7, he even sleeps in bed with me. After losing my gf of 10 years, my business, and moving across the country this year I just can’t imagine life without him. This photo combined with this poem has made me burst into tears 😭


It's hard to tell from the picture quality but I wonder if that's lavender. Such a lovely plant. Or maybe purple violets.


Looks like gill-over-the-ground


We have wild violets that grow just like this in Pennsylvania


In CT, violets don’t grow quite that densely.. But I have spots that look exactly like this right now and they’re creeping charlie. 


I think it's creeping charlie.


Definitely not lavender. Honestly looks like deadnettle or a similar plant in the mint family.


Don't know what it is but it's definitely not lavender. Lavender are shrubs and can get quite tall. I'm not aware of any low growing types.


Aw man. If this happens to me there’s no way I wouldn’t be tattooing a small purple flower on me.


Reminds me tearfully of the old movie Where The Red Fern Grows.


I came to say this but the book is what I was thinking. I had no idea there was a movie. I'll have to see if it's streaming anywhere.


Nitrogen is great for the soil. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)




There's a saying in Chinese about death, 死狗上树开花, that describes this phenomenon. I think it's a beautiful phrase.


Well … what does it say?


Translated literally, the dead dog climbs the tree and blossoms into flowers


Is 死狗上树开花 a phrase you hear often? I've only ever heard/read 枯树开花, 枯木生花, and 枯木开花 before


Wild flowers love fresh dirt.


I knew the dog was eating those purple flowers


This happened over my mom's grave as well ❤️


Where the Red Fern Grows. And now I will go cry in a corner.


Beautiful :)


Looks like creeping Charlie. It will spread.


Looks like they could be forget-me-nots, which is poignant.


My cat passed this past winter, we stuck a lilac branch in the ground to mark her grave, last week it started budding ❤️


Dog aside, cool trees!




That’s pretty beautiful. I know I wouldn’t be mowing that spot


They are saying thanks for a great life. Okay, I know what I said b.s. but it sounds nice.


The microorganisms converted your dog's body into nutrients for the flowers to grow.


My new dog dug up my old dog.




If you ever sell your home, you’ll have to disclose there’s a pet cemetery in the backyard or the buyers can sue. Don’t ask me how I know this.


Corpses are rich in nutrients


My Great Aunt was a cloistered nun. Every year we’d visit and bring gifts and necessities and they would give us peaches. One year my grandpa asked how they got such nice peaches and he got told “ nothing special, every time a Sister dies we plant a peach tree on her grave. Their spirits must watch over them” my grandpa was less concerned with their spirits over them as the bodies underneath them.


Looks like creeping Ivy. It will spread alot but it is very prett just keep it away from your fence or house.


In the Netherlands we call these little flowers forget-me-not (vergeetmenietjes) so that makes it extra special imo.


Similar to what happened where we buried our cat, snowdrops started growing there.


Life everychanging. Nothing is truly gone forever. It just turns into another form.


Sorry for your loss. You have a beautiful lawn


Beautiful 🪻


“How fair are the bright eyes in the grass! Evermind they are called, simbelmynë in this land of Men, for they blossom in all the seasons of the year”


He’s still a good boy


That’s so beautiful honestly


Ever has it grown on the tombs of our forebears .


A day or so after we buried my cat, a storm blew in and dropped a branch right on the spot. It somehow took root and we had a nice little tree over his grave for about 15 years. It's gone now, but I haven't lived there for five years or so.