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Your book got a skippable ad in it.


Boy am I happy that didn't take


It kinda came back as the kindle with ads


True true, ebook and audiobooks are riddled with them. Luckily I still prefer printed books


I have ~640 hrs of listening time on Audible and have never heard an ad. What service are you using?


Not me, but I'll hear my mom listening and she gets them. Might be apple's equivalent? Also she's likely using an unpaid version


Where are you getting your ebooks? The only ads on Kindles are on the lockscreen.


Turn the wifi off while you read?


When people give advice in the form of a question, they really sound like assholes.


Sorry you feel that way. It was just a suggestion.


You need to work on your delivery.


Implying someone is an assshole while giving unsolicited advice and then saying THEY need to work on their delivery. The irony.


Does she though?


The condescending question/suggestion, and then the "I'm sorry you feel that way." Yah, I think they do.




Thats a good suggestion that should be obvious to all. Nothing to label it as being assholey - unless the accuser is the one who's not only a big asshole but also very stupid. Its just a polite way of saying things


Not really, doesn't affect the reading experience. It's just on the lock screen.


Actually I saw a few of these in the nineties - though obviously not for cigarettes. It was mostly in non-fiction books with coupons or normal ads for products and services related to the book's topic.


Those were so common in the ‘70s. It was very annoying.


I remember these. Used to just tear them out.


Only 12mg tar!


I'm not a smoker, but that's so little tar I'd be stupid not to put it in my lungs!


Got a genuine laugh out of me


“Think about it.”


For anyone who watches blacktail studio on youtube this is extra funny. Him and his buddies used "think about it" as a funny catch all slogan for any time they were just making up bullshit. Fits perfect here.


I have not seen them but I am now going to use that to patronize the dudes I work with who spout conspiracies.


I read that line in his voice but couldn’t place where/why lol.


Well now that I'm using my brain because I'm reading a book, what has the lowest tar and nicotine? Not fricking smoking.


Anything under 20mg is for children smh


No one paid attention to that and no one knew what it meant.


No other companies’ cigarettes have TAR!, ours has “tar”






1.2mg tar.


1.2mg? Pfft.. for pussies


Children’s smokes.


Well that unlocked a memory. My mom used to smoke those. She'd ask for them at the store by saying, "True Blue, please." Wow, hadn't thought of that in *years*.




"True Menthol", me.


Wow, I had totally forgotten these were my aunt’s brand. She died of lung cancer at 57.


True 100's were my mom's. I still occasionally find the little plastic filter pieces in the yard when I'm gardening.


My mom would send me or my brothers to the corner store with a note: pop, milk, cigarettes. True Blue 100’s and a soft pack of Kools for my dad. They finally quit in their 50’s. Thank fuck.


Dad smoked camel non-filtered soft pack. None of that sissy low-tar stuff.


Camel rewards tho


As was the style at the time.


Yup, that was my grandfather's brand. Haven't seen or thought of them in 25+ years.


Memory unlocked for me also but my mom's was "Benson & Hedges menthol light 100s"


My mom smoked Trues, too. My dad smoked Tareytons.


It could be worse - in the early German editions of Terry Pratchett's Sourcery, the publisher had actually inserted an advertisement for a soup into the text of the story itself. After Terry Pratchett found out about this, and the publisher didn't agree to stop it, the Discworld novels were published by a different company in Germany.


Like, the book literally said something like "the sorcerer cast fireball to heat up his delicious Campbell's™ Chicken Noodle Soup"?


Yes, it was something along the lines of our heroes getting pretty hungry, so it was time for a nourishing bowl of soup. The example I found online was about two pages long and also addressed the reader directly, explaining how quick and easy this kind of instant soup could be made. I also did a bit more googling and apparently the German publisher did this with a lot of their fantasy/science fiction novels in the 80s and 90s. For example, there was a Star Trek novel where they included a page about Sulu craving soup.


What in the fuck


This is the influence that Big Soup has always had over our modern society


Makes me want to buy clothes at the soup store


The soup store? Don’t you mean the stock market?




F*** big soup - for dominanting our lives


It would probably work on me tbh


That's better than [CERVEZA CRYSTAL ](https://youtu.be/2j82YmTSe9U?si=YgQ1jUqJNOkTihhh)


i mean if i was to read this in a discworld book i would probably think it was made on purpose.


That's so funny, just before this post I learned how weird some of the German Discworld covers are. Germany did Sir PTerry dirty...


I Duno what’s worse, this of the fact they abridged them for audiobook.


Ugh the old US based Tony Robinson audiobooks made me irate. ALL abridged! The new ones are full length thankfully...but I DO have all the original Nigel Planer and Stephen Briggs recordings... Unfortunately the quality is less than great.


Yeah I went through this a few weeks ago. I loved Tony’s reading but was gutted when I realised they were abridged and there were no full length readings with him as the narrator. I’ve settled for the new one with bill nighy as the foot notes and Peter serafinowicz as death. They have a different narrator depending on which disc world series it is.


Oh I saw that they had different narrators based on the series! I'm probably going to start them up next Month. (I have most of the physical collectors library editions, but had an eye trauma accident and now live off audio books most of the time due to eye fatigue)


They’re really good. Richard Coyle voices all the moist books which if you’re a fan of the going postal film is a good choice.


I mean moist is probably my second favorite character in the Discworld, with Carrot beating him out by a dwarvan beard hair.


He’s lucky he did use bread. Otherwise moist wood definitely be in trouble.


Why would you want to smoke a cigarette with LESS nicotine?


They were marketed as being a healthier option for smokers, like a diet cigarette. My brother smokes Silk Cut, which have little holes in the filter to let some of the smoke escape in addition to having low nicotine content. It's obviously no healthier but nicotine can be pretty nauseating for some folk so they prefer weaker smokes.


The little holes in the filter don’t let the smoke out. They allow air in to mix with the smoke when it is pulled on. This tricks the government testing equipment into thinking there are lower levels of tar, nicotine etc… because it’s become less concentrated due to the introduction of air. They’re strategically placed so that when you hold the cigarette your fingers cover most of those holes so you still get full concentration when you smoke it.


If I bummed a smoke back in the day and got a True I just covered the holes. This was such a dumb implementation of, what I am glad I learned over time, a dumb product.


>little holes in the filter So did True. They were located right where most people grip the cigarette, so if you squeeze a little, you get more "flavor."


Can probably also be used when quitting. I’m told it’s very hard to just stop outright, so a lower content could help in the transition


They said it would be easy to quit after your first heart attack. They were right.


My father had a heart attack but never quit, I'm not in touch with him but my brother says nothing has changed. He never was a bright one.


I'd say it's evolution in action, but he had at least 2 kids so that horse has left the barn.


I mean, he certainly gave me evolutionary pressure to not be like him & never reproduce because fuck this bloodline.


My dad had 3, plus some very minor ones (he thought were something else) leading up to his first major heart attack that resulted in a quintuple bypass. Yes, a 5-way bypass for your heart with 4 valves. He ended up having another heart attack that resulted in needing a pacemaker/defibrilator which ended up going off on him several years later when he had another one. He never stopped smoking until the last time he was put in the hospital and never came out. But he was asking for cigarettes while he was laying there dying. Some people just can't quit. Some people, like my dad, self-medicate with those things. My dad was also an alcoholic but that's a different thread.


Nah 💀 a lot of people in my country still smoke even their lungs already have installed tub in it. Also, my uncle never stop smoking even he got stroke, till he died, he never quit.


As an ex smoker myself all the people I know who quit successfully, including me did it cold turkey. Lowering nicotine content, especially while still smoking cigarettes is bs and you will raise it again in no time even by just having two cigs back to back. Nicotine replacement options are way more viable than continuing smoking, but lowering the nicotine content.


My fiance and I quit cigarettes years ago. Both got a vape, she tossed the vape after 3 months been smoke free for 7 or 8 years not quite sure. Me?? Still on the vape I rotate between using 6mg to 0 mg. It's shown me one thing I don't even get cranky smoking the 0mg I just can't kick the fucking hand to mouth addiction I work by myself as a stablehand so I can hit my vape whenever I want, it's just me and the horses 12 hrs a day. That doesn't help I need to quit


I did the same thing, i chewed gum to help transition off the vape. It was about a year of solid gum chewing but I made it.


i’m a handyman and it’s mostly just me and the houses for 8rs a day, i know what you mean. i used to just rip cigs whenever i wanted to. the zyns helped a lot


I'm a cold turkey guy myself. Tried quitting multiple times using the patch, the gum, and moving down to "lighter" cigarettes. Cold turkey was the only effective way for me to quit.


Agreed, yet to meet the “taper down quitter”.


I tried that theory once. Didn't work for me. Shockingly what did work was a reframing comment from a friend. I had to quit drinking coffee for awhile because of a medical issue. I was a big coffee drinker, but it was whatever no problem. Just stopped coffee cold turkey and was fine with it. Friend looked at me a couple weeks later and asked me why it's so hard for me to quick smoking when I quit coffee so easy. Made me realise how much of not being able to quit was just me building it up in my head to be a bigger deal than it really was. That actually gave me to will to quit and that was my last pack.


Same here. My therapist pointed out I was addicted to the breaks and deep breaths. She was right. 1 year smoke free this week. Zero cravings and so easy. Because I kept the breaks and deep breaths.


Thats like having a hole in your pants so if you shit your self some shit can escape, but at the end of the day you still shit your self.


It doesn’t let the smoke escape, it creates a Venturi effect that draws in air with the smoke. In the FTC smoking machine, this dramatically reduces tar and nicotine levels in the official test. However, human smokers tend to either cover the holes or otherwise render them useless.


tarreyton's (sp) were the same.


I don’t smoke now (49), but did on and off in my bar hopping days (17-23). For me I think it was more of a habit. Sitting, listening to live music with a draft beer in one hand, and a Marlboro or Camel light in the other. I’d often quit, then pour that draft beer. I’d soon give in and bum one from a friend. What do they say, 21 days to break a habit? Or something like that. I remember after an early 2000’s UGA GSU football game we went bar hopping. I mistakenly bummed a Marlboro red. After two pulls, I was seeing double. I thought I was gonna hurl. Man that was a mistake. lol Edit: spelling


Ugh commercials


Reminds me of Parliaments which were popular during highschool in the very late 90s.


God I loved parliaments. Apparently they were great to do a quick snort of coke, though I never attempted that maneuver.


I never really understood that rumor of Parliaments being used for bumps of coke. You can do a bump of coke off practically anything so putting it in a recessed void where I can't be sure I could ever get all the coke out seems like a waste of coke. But then, I had something of a cocaine problem and really wanted to make sure I got all the cocaine.


See, the people I saw doing this back in the day, would light the smoke, dip the filter into some coke, and inhale it along with the smoke from the cig. I tried it once, and I'm pretty sure I got shitty cut coke straight into my lungs. It burned for like 2 days everytime I coughed. Probably had baby formula pneumonia lol.


Haha yeah, I think everyone tried it once and realized it didn't work very well at all.


Early 90s was all camel and marlboro. I got so much stuff with camel cash and marlboro miles because all my friends would hang out at my place so i collected all the points from their packs.


My parents had a lot of friends who smoked so we collected theirs


Parliaments are still around, one of my first cigs. They’re only surpassed by AS blues in my eyes


Those ads really cut down on the printing costs.


Common in "men's adventure" series of the 70s (The Destroyer, The Executioner etc). Curious as to what book is in OP's picture. What I can see seems to be a description of a scene, as if from a movie.


Most Dick Edit: Meant to say Moby* Dick, but I’m leaving the autocorrect


I'm dying. Good recognition. Can't believe I had to scroll this far to see anyone asking. My first thought was "Name. The. Book."


You can credit google for the recognition lol


Less nicotine? I thought that was the point of cigarettes. Wouldn't you want MORE nicotine in your smoke?


Wouldn't you want *more* caffeine in your coffee? Isn't that the whole point of coffee? And yet decaf


Depends on who you are. It’s easy to overdose nicotine and make yourself sick


Got that PML deluxe filter


Haha yes, same thing I thought of.


mildly nauseating


Ahhh the 80s…. You could still push a button on a cigarette machine and get a free pack of matches.


this ad looks strangely modern 


"We sell the least poisonous poison out of all of our competitors"


This was the healthy option in '72? Back when I used to smoke, thought I was some hot shit smoking up a pack of Reds, now that I look it up it contains "only" 10mg of tar and 0.8 mg nicotine. No wonder I almost puked rolling one from some loose (supposedly premium) tobacco.


Hey, those are the ones my mom smoked . . In the car . . . With the windows up . . . While I was in there . . . 


They still make these. I know because my dad smokes them. He’s down to just a couple a day. But that’s because he has stage 4 lung cancer.


My aunt smoked Trues for decades.


Hey, my mom smoked those. Before she died of lung cancer 30 years ago that is.


Such a clever advert. They wanted people to misread and think the cigarette had 99% less than others.


That takeaway from the given text would display a clear lack of English reading comprehension.


Welcome to marketing psychology


Only if you have trouble understanding what you read.


Terry Pratchett changed his German language publisher because the first one printed an extra page were the characters of his story prepared and ate a ready made meal by a sponsor.


Free bookmark.


I have a copy of The Word for World Is Forest with a cigarette ad. They can't cleanly be removed as they're bound into the book and printed on thicker, glossier stock than the surrounding pages.


What book is it? Just found the same ad in a book at my cousin's house so I'm curious.


Smokers don't want less nicotine though. We know it's gonna kill us, so we are not that concerned with safety as these guys seem to think.


Things were very different in the 70s. Y'all (broadly) did *not* know it was gonna kill you back then. I would've expected this ad to be from the late 80s and early 90s, right around the cusp of it becoming popular knowledge that they're lethal when there was still hope for denial around the thing.


Yeah. Considering they are talking about health, I think the cat was out of the bag here.


Maybe. We did know after all, it was just still being suppressed. I assume it was more broad, though. Tobacco has never been seen as *healthy*; even King George III wrote you shouldn't do it cause it's bad for you, and he didn't know what cancer was. There could've been a market for a "healthy" cigarette in the same way that there's a market for "healthy" soda, regardless of all the rest.


Id buy them just for the filters. Id cut them off and use them in my joints.


[Catchy song too!](https://youtu.be/8zaKUufjc28?si=Jy-7K18GvldpqxPh)


Wow that’s a flashback. Dad used to smoke True menthols.


Christ, am I glad this is a trend thst didn't catch on. I'm surprised they haven't started doing thst shit to auduobooks.


Is it a children’s book? 🤦‍♂️




If your that concerned about tar in your lungs, might as well start smoking cigars.


My dad used to smoke those.


I love the data craftsmanship here. Getting 99% less onto there makes it seem like it has 99% less tar and nicotine. Truth is probably it’s just a small bit lower than the average.


Bro now I wanna try this cigarette


Oh wow. Those were my grandfather's cigarettes. Weird random flashback.


As an ex smoker, why would I want a cigarette that is lower in nicotine?


I remember ads in books. Yes, I'm old.


Ahhhh my grandpas old cigarettes. I thought they looked so cool with that filter.


OP what book are you reading?


‘Barefoot in the Head’ by Brian W. Aldiss Out of print for many years, but I found it from a used book collector. It’s like Naked Lunch, but if it was written by David Foster Wallace on a whoooooole lot of 60’s Grateful Dead acid. Bit of a challenging read even for someone who reads a lot of challenging stuff, but it’s heady beyond belief so I’m enjoying the “poetry” of it. Although it also does include actual poetry.


I remember those cigarettes. I used to sneak them from my uncle when I was a kid . Delicious memories 🤤


that is a fascinating filter!


I got a book like this from books pulled from the class many years ago in a box of old unused classic books. I think it was some book about football and women's sport. I only took it and kept it for this reason. So wrong.


I used to pick these from the ashtray by the gas station when I was 11, Marlboro lights were my favorite tho.


Was that published by "Popular Library"?


Why was the word "tar" always in quotation marks?


I posted something exactly like this but i wasn’t descriptive enough in the title so it got deleted and then i deleted it haha. Is there a menthol ad on the other side??


Those filters are cool


I remember those. Lol…




an ad in a paperback was not uncommon back in the day.


As a teenager that was the first cigarette I ever smoked- I babysat for a kid who’s dad smoked them- thought he was so cool, wanted to be just like him and I ended up stealing a pack out of his carton.


There was a cigarette invented that was tar free and seemingly safe to smoke but it was suppressed


I don’t buy it. It’d be easier to get rid of the nicotine.


I believe it was in the 1960s. [found an article about it](https://www.nytimes.com/1994/05/13/us/method-to-produce-safer-cigarette-was-found-in-60-s-but-company-shelved-idea.html) It seems it was similar to the Iqos we have nowadays. It heated the tobacco without burning it giving you the flavor and nicotine of a cigarette without the smoke