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the denser the structure, the more radiation is needed to penetrate. the different size options will adjust the kilovoltage and milliamperage of the machine. (:


This is at a dentist though, they're x-raying your teeth. A larger body size doesn't add density around your teeth.


Jaw bone density, etc.


Not for your teeth but for everything in between the machine and your teeth


I'm sorry, what? The only thing between the machine and your teeth are your lips and gums, and maybe a bit of plastic they have you bite on to line the machine up in the right spot for the xray. What are you talking about?


They don’t put the x-ray machine in your mouth, the only thing that’s going in your mouth is a small little chip that captures the x-rays. The x-rays come out of the machine that is outside that normally looks like a box with the tube on the end of it. So if you have an extra 2+ inches of fat or other tissue between that the reading you’ll get will be completely different.


Body size, age, etc tend to correlate with cheek, jaw bone density.


I actually looked this up before and was fascinated to learn that people who have dentures, if they lose a significant amount of weight their dentures will fall out. They’ll need to be refitted because even your mouth loses weight when you lose weight. It makes sense but I had never even thought about it before. 


Not all bodies are created equal. Radiation must be adjusted based on body habitus.


Here's a technique chart from the manufacturer. Are you arguing that the people who make the equipment to give you ionizing radiation are wrong? http://patterson.eaglesoft.net/smilegood/digital_site/general/nomad_dental_technique_chart.pdf


I'm actually not trying to argue with anyone. I'll admit I'm not any kind of expert in this field and am just working from a laymans perspective. My first comment was just saying that the explanation that having the body size options there is because they need to up the power so that the machine can get a proper reading through a denser body doesn't make sense when the thing being xrayed is the face. My second response was because I was confused by the "everything between your teeth and machine" aspect when the only things between your teeth and the machine are you lips, gums, and face muscles (which I rolled into the gums in my other comment admittedly). And, to me, it doesn't seem like those areas would gain enough density to make a significant difference in this kind of situation. Additionally, the chart you just linked only gives different specs if your setting up for a child vs an adult, not if you're setting up for person of x weight class/body size vs y weight class/body size. I can understand needing different powers for children vs adults. Its the thin vs thick body size part that threw me off, it makes sense if you're trying to xray my guts, but for my teeth, the density change doesn't seem significant enough.


I teach x ray physics and appreciate your honest reply. Generally speaking dental machines have fixed kilovolt and milliamp settings. Typically the only thing you are adjusting is how long the exposure goes on for (mAs). The differences between adults for thicknesses is marginal on the average population. But in kids or other circumstances, techniques must be adjusted to ensure proper dose is delivered to the patient.


>The differences between adults for thicknesses is marginal on the average population. Thank you! That's really the heart of what I was trying to get at. Yes larger bodies have larger faces, but not to the degree where it seemed like something that would have enough impact to require completely different settings options, so the original commenters explanation didn't seem to fit this situation to me. That is all I was trying to say.


You sound like you don’t know what you are talking about, but are doing it anyways.


Fat people’s faces aren’t larger? Quit being a fucking idiot, being fat is a medical condition whether you like to admit it or not.


so everything has its own density when visualized via x-ray. enamel, bone, soft tissue structures, etc. depending on which areas you’re trying to visualize, you may need more/less penetrating power of the x-ray beam! kVp and mA settings on a machine (the different setting options indicated by general size of patient on this particular machine) can control how dark/light an image is and how much contrast an image has (i.e., how easy it is to differentiate between different structures in an image). these differences in contrast greatly aid in better visualization, and therefore, how diagnostic an image can be. hope this helps! (:


How come only the leftmost one has its hand raised?


That’s the child setting. They haven’t yet had their spirits completely crushed by the outlook of the future, thus more likely to give a friendly wave to the x-ray tech.


🙋‍♀️ Maybe current selection? Seems a bit too subtle, but it’s a cute idea.


My guess it’s the current setting. I’m sure if a heavier guy was the patient for this machine then the right-most guy would be waving


I’ve used the same machine. When the one on the right is the active setting, he raises his hand, but he’s holding a slice of pizza.


It’s asking a question


It clearly has a question


Child Adult American


Makes sense. We all know Brits don’t go to the dentist.


Vault Tec Guy


Probably more like child, teen adult. I dont get the down votes, we each have different teeth in our gums at each "stage" in our lives as we move from "milk" teeth to a full set of adult although there is a "standard" guide for what a person should have. Personally, Im 45 and still have 6 baby teeth but I also had 7 sets of extra incisors on my bottom jaw that had to be removed between the ages of 6 and 14 and the molars next to where my wisdom teeth would grow in had to be removed because my jaw is so small (because of this an adult sized xray plate doesnt fit in my mouth) my wisdom teeth wouldnt fit, even then 3 of the 4 are impacted, 2 were so horizontal they had to be removed.


7 sets of extra teeth? Mate... you a shark, or what?


>I dont get the down votes Because the joke clearly went over your head.


I did get the joke Americans = larger more obese people (not to mention the whole host of absolute 💩 they put in their food). I chose to ignore that part because America isnt the only country with a large scale obesity problem.


To reflect the standing medical practice of having Pediatricians, Teeniatrician, and regular Physician.


His made me laugh!


This is on all x-ray machines.


Can confirm


It isn't. In my experience, it isn't even a common option to have preset techniques based on body habitus.


The only machines that wouldn't use anatomical models for these settings to alter technique are probably old school GE stand up machines that have a drop down for selecting "small adult, medium, large" etc and pre-DR machines. All portables and anything made within the last 2 decades will likely use figures to help aid in proper selection of mAs and kVp for hyposthenic, sthenic, and hypersthenic.


I'm not sure what your experience is, but as an x-ray tech in the field that is just not the case.  The one manufacturer I have seen it on - Samsung - even eliminated the option with their latest OS update to the portables I currently use.  Interesting you went from "This is on all x-ray machines" to "likely use".


I mean keep posting your takes and see how the votes swing I guess. Seems like those in the field around these machines on the frequent seem to think otherwise. As a traveler, the only time I didn't see these options was on a machine that looked like it belonged in a museum.


"My cousin is an imaging tech" - Direct quote from your comment history just 15 days ago commenting about x-ray. But now you're a travel tech? I'm guessing you have a habit of posting with authority that you don't actually have. I don't care about votes. I care when I see bullshit passed off as fact. 


Lol I share an account with my autistic cousin that I care for because of previous issues with online degens like you. Go off though, vet tech.


What machines are you using that have this as an option? I've seen this only on a Samsung and have personally used several other x-ray machine brands that don't have it. 


It’s for child, woman, man. It’s based on tissue and bone density.


#3rd option crew checking in!!!


One on the right looks like Roy’s child-molesting robot.


proof I'm big boned


Omg it’s so offensive how dare you judge me! /s


Careful, they might offend someone.