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When I was in the Navy they would set up a table with boxes of condoms on them for us to take when when we would stop at ports. Some asshat would always label the boxes small, medium, large (they were all the same). The small box would always be untouched.


Were sailors actually lucky at ports?




Makes sense


I’m too naive


Or not exposed to it. Remember prostitution is legal in a lot of the world.


Yeah, I’m not exposed to prostitution so it’s not the first thing that comes to my mind


Bro got murdered for no reason


Thanks man


He clearly got better.


This isn't murder, it's suicide.


Your mom can give you the rundown.


If you’re as dumb as me, you’ve probably been propositioned and didn’t even know it, lol.


Navy naive


Fine. Were prostitutes lucky at ports?


Were sailors actually prostitutes at port?


"A sailor has a girl in every port" sounds so much more romantic.


Her names Gina & she doesn't have any teeth.


If they are at port they are called Porstitutes or doockers


I don’t think that’s any way to talk about our brave fighting men, but fine, were prostitutes actually lucky at ports?


Always dick check, always dick check. At least thats what I heard from my buddy who worked on an aircraft carrier in South East asia.


"Flies spread disease . . . so keep yours closed!"


Thanks Luz.


That makes sense, don’t want to waste time and find out they don’t have one.


Gotta check the dick for cleanliness, quality,


Former Navy: Prostitutes But also you’d be surprised. Go to the party or bar district of the city. You’re in your 20s, generally in shape, have 2-3 paychecks to spend, are guaranteed no strings attached And in the social situation that’s what any women there is generally looking for. Not a lot of guys had to pay for it (other than buying rounds) in say Australia, Korea or Dubai. Either with locals or expat Europeans. [You are considered “exotic” or something different in the same way some English or Australian guy hanging out in a US college town could probably do pretty well for himself.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Military/s/gRiY0AHMxA) (yes that’s a real advertisement when I believe the Ford was in Norway a year or two ago.) It used to be a thing if you were anchoring and went under I think the bridge at Sydney or Perth women would write their names on deflated tennis balls or wiffle balls and drop them off the bridge onto the US ships and you’d try to catch one. Seriously, everyone cranked up whatever regionalism in their voice up to 11 and had some fun. A lot of southern boys re-found a twang they never actually had. Our nerdy as hell black guy put on basically a bad “soul radio DJ” impression. Cali guys did their surfer thing whether or not they surfed. Fun was had by all.


That was the comment that I was expecting when writing about sailors being lucky. Thanks


Oh sure lemme just put on this super sexy midwest accent eh? The girls will love that, you betcha!


Yinz guys are doin' accents?


Nuh uh, Pittsburgh. Not you.


Yinz goin’ daahntaahn?


The "yinz" thing gets me every time


“ I waz hopin’ ta get ya numbah.”


My Chicago accent is a little too niche. I didn’t do too well lol.


From my understanding the Midwest farmer's daughters make you feel alright.


I was just reading this and thinking that the bridge and ball part sounded like fun and how I would have enjoyed it.🤣 Then I started picturing it and thought, "It's like Plinko for my pussy."


My brother was in Australia right after the US put the first space shuttle up. He said that they didn't have to buy a drink in Australia, and he said that they were treated like kings.


In my experience, Australians were very friendly to US servicemembers. I went to Brisbane on a Navy ship and had an absolute blast. Just hanging out with the locals was great. The very first night I went out in Brisbane, I was smoking outside a bar. This lady (maybe mid 30s) asked if I was from the ship and I said yes. She said "let's get drunk and sexual, because that's what we do in Australia" and I was like I found my people. She was just being friendly, but still. Australia was weirdly like the US, but the people were more friendly.


Australia was bizarrely nice to my brother too when he was in the navy.


Just being from out of town can be a good thing, even if you're not a sailor.


Yeah I dont remember any of my boys getting prostitutes at any point. But there were a lot of nights I don't remember, and some of those girls were a little too friendly so who knows haha




There's a reason the most stereotypically gay thing you could say was "hello, sailor" for like a hundred years.


Ah, the motto of the French navy, "A l'eau c'est l'heure".


Hon hon hon


If by lucky you mean paying a prostitute, then yes.


Nah, if you had an ounce of game and weren't some Quasimodo looking MFer, you could get laid in foreign countries. It's still a lot of prostitutes, but not exclusively.


I was stationed on a submarine that did not see foreign ports, or any other ports than home port really. I still had to do an annual training called "it burns when I pee" because of the prostitution issue overseas


I’d figure some were, just happens


Who needs luck when you have money? No but a lot of ports have prostitution that specifically caters to sailors/service members


While the whores is def true. Lost of ladies love a sailor in uniform. Thing is you are essentially a tool if you leave the ship in full uniform. However, my dumb friend and I did, and it was very successful (no whores involved). Also varied significantly on port you were at.


In 1997 Singapore, where prostitution is legal, high school girls would *love* it when ships came to port. You knew when it happened because all of a sudden girls would be dressed ultra slutty at the clubs and there's be a bunch of strange dudes dancing with them. Source: Girlfriend cheated on me with 5 sailors at the same time. She was a slut but is now a Middle East correspondent for CNN.


For all you know, she might still be a slut


Are you trying to out her, or do you just hugely overestimate how many Middle East correspondents CNN has?


[or perhaps](https://quoththeravenca.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/9nadfo9.png?w=702)


So we are looking for a CNN Middle East correspondent of Singaporean descent who is in her late 30s. Let’s go Reddit do your thing.


Yeah, I also thought that was too much information..!


2024 - 39 = 1985. So your guess is the woman was 12 or younger when she cheated on him with the 5 sailors?




Other people are saying prostitution is widespread so maybe that. Id like to add that we used to put out huge bowls with condoms at my university for the "exam parties" every quarter year. The bowls were always emptied but it was always more "just in case" and "hope". Like 3 000 nerds who just spent 5 weeks cramming cant get that much sex done. My guess is most condoms ended up in someones drawer for later use, thrown away or ended up on a statue on campus. The few percent that did get used for protection during sex was the entire point of the bowls. Not to maximise sex.


Don't forget the ones used for posh wanks


thanks for the advise




Fuck that. 50% off just to say I have a small penis? I know what I’m taking


"Excuse me, what would be the rate for a micropeen?"


“Uhhh I’m the devil, I have inverted penis. You pay me”


This is 100% why wider condoms are almost entirely unavailable in normal stores. Ego drives guys to buy like magnum xls, they are something like 1mm wider than normal, but 1-2 inches longer. Longer on a smaller guy really doesn't increase failure rates, they just roll down less of it. But a wider condom on a thinner guy has a good chance of coming off. Basically ego buying means they can't offer wider condoms in stores imo. If you are thicker, buy online with custom fit and in bulk/cheaper as well. A good fitting condom is safer and feels a lot better.


Magnum makes them in all sizes now, from what I’ve discovered personally


From what I can see they go from 53 to 58mm now, it used to be like 52-54mm, it's an increase, but it's a very small increase and pretty inadequate for people who are outside that range. It's a very large distance away from other brands that range from 50-70mm.


I saw a box of small condoms that were labeled "for men who prefer a tighter fit." As a guy with a small dick I appreciated the gesture, but they weren't fooling anyone.


I'm picturing a company selling "Vast for Guys Who Want to Avoid Crushing Their junk" (medium) and "For Enormous Guys who Like a Snug Fit" (small).


In Japan, there is a popular brand for which the regular size (big boy) shows a horse, the large size (mega big boy) shows an elephant... And then the small size is caused "smart" and shows an eagle...


Shrinkflation? Lol.


I just got out of the pool!






One way to stretch your dollar


Negative. Company propaganda. Just think it through logically. There is money in convincing guys they are bigger than they are. Step 1: confidence


but it's the opposite. Buying those condoms used to make you feel like you had a large penis, now they say your dick is just meh


The ones on the right aren't a "replacement" of the ones on the left, both are mutually existing products. The only difference is what market they are targeted at, people with regular size, or people with ""large"" size (or that want to believe they are, at least). Same in European countries, Regular/Large sizes are close to if not exactly the same size. For *actual* large sizes, you need to look at other brands specializing on that


I didn't bother reading the packaging, I'm just going off the title of the thread: The same size, same type condoms that were previously labeled as "large" are now labeled as "normal"


I have nothing to go on except movies and hearsay, but, from my understanding, the brand Magnum used to be the go-to if you were wielding a "babies arm holding an apple." After the open relationship I had 8 years ago, I learned many dudes think they need a Magnum


Yup, the Magnum brand *loves* their "made for big dicks" marketing. However, once you think about the fact that they're some of the best selling condoms, you start to see them for what they really are.


Magnum sucks. It's wide at the tip but normal width towards the back, constricts and hurts just the same and has similar risk of tearing as a completely too small one


Definitely, if you have a thick cock magnums will hurt just as much as the regular condoms. I originally though condoms where supposed to be tight af like if you where trying to strangle your penis.


Look at Mr Big shot over here with his thick cock. Why don't you brag about it some more so the rest of us small dick losers can hear some more about it. Your worried about it being too tight, I'm just trying to figure out what to do with the part that i can't get unrolled because I've ran out of room. Haha I'm just picking. I used to be worried i wasn't big enough until one day someone linked to a subreddit for small dick problems or something like that. Man some people have it rough.


They should change the names like Starbucks. Tall, grande and venti.


…or simply state the diameter.


Ya, I know how vanity sizes work. But that doesn't explain why the same company said the same measurements are suddenly different sizes. Maybe regional comparisons? My response was mostly a joke.


Okay but how good do they smell is what I want to know




I‘d love butter


I can't believe it's not butter!


Ribbed condoms don't taste like ribs!


They smell and taste like apricot jam to be honest


Oh wow. I actually love apricot jam. It’s my favorite. I also love sucking on a fat hog, so there you go.


Lol it seems like the country left considers this large, and the country right considers theirs normal size. 


This is just american companies catering to their audience, nothing more.


Are men in other countries not concerned with having large penises?


No, a large penis is too inconvenient to drive around town and has poor gas mileage


I read this in an over-the-top German accent


Definitely a new documentary narrated by Werner Herzog.


That got a hearty chuckle out of me, thank you random person.


You're welcome. Have a great day, friend!


You’re unbelievably wholesome, smegma yogurt. Just the way I like it


You too, my hairy friend. Have a great one!


“Oh American! Penis is sooooo big!”


I am honored to be in the presence of such huge, dinosauric penis


This reminds me of the story that the US army dropped extra large condoms labeled small over an enemy as psychological warfare lol


Companies also do the reverse. They take smaller sizes and rename them to encourage men to buy them. Some men don't want to be seen buying a smaller size. It was having a tangible impact on prophylactic use.


During the Apollo program to urinate they had a single use connection type deal that rolled on like a condom and was sized “Small medium large” and of course there was leakage from using the incorrect size so they were relabeled “medium large huge” and the problem was fixed


That's a myth, it was just a joke by one of the astronauts that people since have misconstrued as something that actually happened.


I’m as cynical as the next Redditor, especially when it comes to American corporate greed. But Durex is a British-owned brand, and the packaging on the right is in Romanian. So I think this particular instance might just come down to different packaging standards across different markets.


“Would you like huge, ludicrous, or literally-too-large-to-penetrate-anyone?” “LTLTPA, please. Wafer thin, of course” “Of course sir.” [We don’t even bother stocking the other two]


Do you have any in intergalactically vast?


The one on the right is subtitled in Romanian.


The missing piece here is the Romanian “Large”.


Love how all the comments here can't read and think the new ones are the ones that say large.


It's driving me nuts. It's right in the title FFS.


A pirate walks in to a bar with a ship's wheel attached to his belt buckle. Bartender says "Doesn't that bother you?" Pirate says "Yar, it's drivin' me nuts."


Also people thinking the language on the second box is French... It's Romanian.


I saw a comment the other day that said 21% of Americans are illiterate. No idea if it's true or not, but it definitely sounds plausible


Then there's probably 30%+ that are technically literate but if not actually paying full attention don't grasp what they read and then go comment


If those Redditors could read they'd be very upset.


I disagree. I'd say roughly 30% are kinda literate but comment without really reading. 


That doesn't seem right to me, but also I can't read so I don't know what you're talking about.


My dad was 68 years old when he died last year and I am convinced he was functionally illiterate. He could read money and signs, and could - if he tried - parse out text but that was it. I can't recall ever seeing my dad read a book or a newspaper, his internet browsing - that I saw - was mostly image sites or things with videos. He was dead set on using voice to text whenever possible even in the age when it wasn't feasible, but when he'd actually text me most of it was spelled poorly with no punctuation and dubious grammar.


I remember buying a box of condoms many years ago, then when I went to put it on, I was saddened that it felt slightly loose and baggy. Then I looked at the box and discovered I had mistakenly bought "large" size condoms. I was so relieved. I went back to the store, bought "normal" sized condoms then eagerly put it on, and was shocked to find that it was still big on me. I learned a long time ago that they just market different sizes, but that the reality is that I have a tiny penis.


Magnums are slightly larger diameter than normal Trojans but the wrapper is like twice the size.


I swear. Bought condoms when I was younger, and they were just basic condoms. And I'm average length and girth. But they still didn't seem tight enough. Condoms are intimidating. Thankfully, I'm married and snipped


You both realise you're supposed to be erect before putting them on right?


Smells better. Not when I'm done with it


Hey it might be 4 inches but it smells like a foot!


Depends on where you put it 😂


Oh no I don't like the term "teat ended" for the reservoir tip


Yes, that is a strange way to word it.


I read a story that during WW2 Stalin asked Roosevelt for condoms for the Russian troops because there was a huge problem in the ranks with VD. Roosevelt is said to have asked what sizes to ship. Stalin replied of course the biggest you have. Roosevelt had them made up and labeled “Texas small”. Apparently they were huge. Don’t know if this is true but it was a fun story.


“…And Russia has had a massive inferiority complex ever since…”




venereal disease. Older term for STD/STI


Maybe marketing them as large to make normal men feel good?


Makes me think of the NASA and the hookups for peeing in space. They changed them from small, medium, and large to something like huge, colossal, and gigantic to make the male astronauts use the correct size. Everyone just wanted to use large. 


"Choose size wisely. Wrong selection may lead to laceration of your penis"


Shit I’d be the opposite. Give me that tight fit.


Micro was never an option. You just have to pee in the air lock.


for micro you just get fully catheterized. the texas catheter is no longer an option.


You’re supposed to pee in it not fuck it haha


Por Que no los dos?


Woooooow so now I can’t fuck space anymore? These rules are out of control…


You ever wonder if the astronauts be fucking in those space stations? I bet they’re fucking.


I just imagined them awkwardly floating apart after he went for a big thrust without properly holding onto her. And now you probably imagined that too, you’re welcome.


Yeah, I'm a grower, not a shower. No need to be insecure about my bodies efficiency to not constantly store blood in my other head, that blood should be in my primary head instead.




Put me on a launch vehicle at T-10 and my business end is going to be playing turtle. I'll take the diaper please. I'll be needing it. Now is not a time for measuring.


That's the opposite of what happened here though.


Maybe they finally decided to stop doing that


They should check out Fenton's Horse Ranch: https://youtu.be/Hf-dCbGu0GA?si=zR4ls4XPqzpc3DYT


Bigger than a horse’s? I like the sound of that.


But they used to be large, they are now called normal


But they state they started large and are now labeled normal.


56mm is normal size though.


I mean from the brands ive seen Normal varies from 52mm to 58mm depending on brand (and from what i remember Durex normal size has been 56mm for a while? at least here in germany). I dont think theres an actual definition for the naming of sizes so the brands just call their "likely to fit most people" size Normal


https://www.parfumsclub.de/de/durex/natural-xl-preservativos/p_6000724/?pid=181255&origen=busqueda_sem_google_pfc&accion=17612519449&codigoorigen=pmax-shopping&origen=busqueda_sem_google_pfc&accion=17612519449&codigoorigen=pmax-shopping&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwupGyBhBBEiwA0UcqaCSZbIs6iJVwhncCi8MlpLB-KcgkjtLZG6Yq7R4DVfwP3Smi3VhvBhoCqnUQAvD_BwE They sell 56mm also as XL


I used Skyn and their large is also labelled as King size, I've only ever seen regular and large. I am above average girth so the bigger condoms are a better, more comfortable fit, but I most certainly do not qualify for king.


Name does not check out.


For length, yes. But this is girth! This guy is HUGE!


Are they from the same store? Different locations tend to have slightly different product packaging for items targeted towards the local demographic. I just moved cities, and basically, everything has Hebrew as the second language instead of Spanish. And kosher products are more clearly labeled than in other stores I've been to in the past.


Yes, same store.


The world is leaving me behind


Does that take into consideration the Yaw of the shaft? They really should follow Randy Marsh’s TMI calculation.


In case anyone doesn't understand the condom girth size like me: "Regular sized condoms usually range from around 52 – 54mm, meaning they'll fit those with a girth of around 110 – 120mm. Large condoms have a width of 55-60 mm. The average large condom will fit girths of 120 – 135mm. Extra Large is 64 – 72 mm and will fit a girth up to 165 mm."


Interesting. Dicks are definitely *not* getting bigger, so I wonder what this is about.


Isn't the whole point of dicks that they get bigger?


They shrink too, specially in the pool


They need to list household items in the house, not millimeters. TV Remote = Large Soda Can = Extra Large Paper towel Roll, etc This is how men do things.


Americans will really use anything but the metric system...


Bold words from an Mr. AA Battery >!I'm sorry, it was too *big* of an opportunity!<


Hey, still better than a AAA.


You got that right, 1x1 Lego Piece


There's even a AAAA, six of them are (often) inside a 9volt battery.


Average size varies by location.


True. The average dips wherever I am.


It was done in the past to make men buy the correct sizes. No one wanted to buy normal condoms, so they would buy the large condoms that didn't fit properly, so the size names were changed resulting in better fitting condoms.


They should've really named it like Coldstone so that guys didn't feel bad about not having a "large". Like It Love It GOTTA HAVE IT


Smells better?  Was this a common complaint?  I've used my share of condoms and I can't ever recall smelling them before, after, or during use.  


Probably trying to downplay the stinky latex smell.


Latex doesn’t have a pleasant odor…


The smell of condoms was always a big turn off to me (am a woman with sensory issues).


Shows how far we have cum.




Mamaliga si sarmale *


Are they from the same country?


Yes, same country, same store.


Sometimes i think they just lie on the packaging honestly, i can buy 4 different condoms in 4 different brands and each one fits differently


There is no way 56mm is anything but 'normal'. If 56mm is large, I'm the fucking Eiffel tower.


They also changed their views on thickness.