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Med student here. That isn’t how being fat is documented in a note. They’re literally saying that you don’t look like you’re starving. It can be helpful information if someone is sick especially for a long period of time. Do they look like they’ve been eating okay or do they look like they haven’t eaten in a week? We can talk about the medical systems approach to obesity and all the problems therein in a different convo, but they’re not going to mince words about it. If they wanted to call you fat, they’d say “the patient is overweight/obese”


“Patient presents as clean, well-groomed, and well-nourished” is how I open most of my notes. I’m in home care, so it’s basically saying: this person is well cared for and not neglected.


Yeah, that is very common language and in a lot of templates. Usually "well-nourished" is not meant to mean fat but as in not malnourished or sickly appearing. Most doctors do not have to say fat because usually the BMI is there, but if they do usually will just say "obese" or "large body habitus". It is kind of like "well-groomed", as you mention, but if a random person reads their own chart might think is weird or give them an ego boost... ![gif](giphy|VbyXgohzJCIRw6uqiP|downsized)


lol! If I ever write “exceptionally well-groomed,” *then* you know you’ve got swag.


Particularly in cases of mental health presentations I say something similar. Or kids, where I've always got to have neglect and child abuse in the back of my mind. Or elderly patients where elder abuse or inadequate social support are always in the back of my mind


And overweight isn't the same as well nourished. Plenty of high calorie foods are low in nutrients. One can be fat and also suffer from long term nutritional deficiencies.




Hey man, I can hear you talking about me


I don't appreciate being called out like this.


Yup, my dr notes say I appear appropriately dressed for my age and visibly overweight 🫠


I know it can be jarring, as both a physician and someone who is obese, I’ve not always liked to read this in notes. But remember, your doc is trying to describe what they see objectively so as to help them demonstrate why they made the decisions they did.


Definitely! I had my gut reaction of mild insult, but 100% understand why it's written the way it is. Thank you for insight!


Appropriately dressed for your age? Why include that, do you know?


If you’re a child/teen and wearing more “mature” clothing, could be a red flag. If your clothes are much too large or much too small. If your clothes are ripped, distressed, etc. If you’re wearing clothing designs meant for children, but in your size, it’s noted - if it’s new behaviour, could be some sort of regression if it’s consistent etc. If you’re going through your scene kid phase at 9, also worth noting down, etc. Appearance is a big tell for many things.


Hmm.... I wonder if my son who liked to wear bow ties, suspenders and golf hats from the ages of 2-6 was a red flag? He dressed like he was 70.


At age two, that's on you.


You'd be surprised. He's been involved in picking out his clothes since he could crawl, and he's pretty opinionated! I try to let him be as independent as possible.


My daughter used to insist on wearing flannel shirts and jeans when she was two years old. I guess she wanted to dress like me.


Also a med student and agree with this. We always state whether a patient is well nourished to distinguish them from being dehydrated or cachectic.


I giggled the first time I saw well nourished and well groomed on my paperwork but I was also there as a check up for my disability. It wasn't until I saw it on my husbands that I realized it was standard language. I just thought they were documenting that I was still well enough and taking care of myself.


So when the note on me said, "well groomed", I bet that just meant she could tell I've bathed this week huh? Shoot. I was kinda hoping it meant that she liked my haircut.


Lol yes but I’m sure your haircut is great! And honestly most doctors use smart phrases so the physical exam is auto populated and we just change what needs to be changed. “Patient is well developed, groomed, and nourished in no acute distress” is a pretty common statement that just auto populates on templates


I am tall and normal weight, on the lean side. I was described in similar terms by my doctor. They were essentially saying that I looked healthy.


“Overweight” is a standard checkbox in the electronic record system I use. That picture is of an ordinary MSE or exam section.


Yeah literally put that down for 95% of the patients I’d seen in my life, basically the default answer for most people


Maybe OP thought the doctor called them fat because they're kinda chubby idk


OP is projecting their insecurities onto the doctor.


They will definitely just call the patient fat, I get a kick out of reading patient H&Ps because it’s always so blunt.


In my mid 20s before I knew that H&Ps were a thing I was amused by the note from my allergist about being “a polite young woman”


Exactly. Was going to say the same thing. I work in healthcare and I refer to most patients as “well nourished” in my notes unless they’re cachectic. I guess it is kind of a stupid term now that I think about it, but it definitely is not a cover for calling someone fat.


"Well nourished" is a general medical term for "obviously not starving to death". They weren't calling you fat.


And the alert and oriented x 3 is a scale of how alert you are. Both of those things are the findings you WANT to see.


For those wondering; Oriented x3: correctly aware of person, place, time. x4 would add situation.


So I can mess with a doctor's charts and my own medical history by saying Good Morning to the doctor/nurse in times outside of the morning?


Naaah, medical professional usually give a lot of leeway. If it's reasonable that you might not remember the right greeting (it's day time, but you say goodnight, but you typically work night shifts, ect), then they'll just ignore it and write it off. Now if you REALLY want to, you can say "wow, the stars are beautiful right now! Have you seen the moon?" Normally, I'd say a patient was oriented if they knew why they called me/ why someone else called me, if they could tell me the month, the year, and at least basically understood around what day of the week it was, and if they knew a popular figure. A coworker of mine got yelled at for asking who was the president but that's usually the best one to ask.


Ugh! I was an EMT when Obama was president. The racist shit I heard non-stop was infuriating.


Hahaha, my friend is/was at the time an EMT. Poor girl, has the sweetest southern drawl and she's super tiny and soft spoke. She's asking all the usual questions and she gets to "okay, who's the current presiden" and the patient gets up off the stretcher and screams in her face "Why you always gotta make this political?!" For the record, it was Obama at the time.


Honestly, depending on house of year, the issue is a lot of the time they will take a year Mo day. If somebody’s been whacked good on the head and you can tell me it’s Thursday. I’m pretty content with that.


So OP wasn't correctly aware of the situation??


Sometimes it feels like everyone is looking for a reason to be angry.


What is that supposed to mean?!


Are you seriously getting mad at that?? Wtf!!


I’m PISSED that I initially failed to properly interpret you and the above commenter’s sarcasm.


Happy cake day!


Nice. Thanks!


It means this a medical assessment. A doctor noting that a patient is well-nourished is not even close to when your bitchy aunt loudly whispers "My, she looks WELL-nourished, doesn't she?" If someone is choosing to see this as a doctor insulting someone's weight, it's because they want to be offended by something. Believe me, I was NOT amused when my doctor called me an "elderly maternity", but I assumed that is a medical term, and not his personal opinion of me.


A trainer at work once declared my talkative nature a 'willingness to share'.  I have a friend who is also an 'elderly maternity', it's a crass term but real. Anyway, my comment was a joke but thanks for being real on this, my cake day


Who's angry?


OP is not angry. the reddit is mildly interesting not jesus fuck i'm so pissed off about this. I get the idea she thought it was amusing. I also get the idea that you thinking everyone is looking for a reason to be angry is projecting. Deep breath innnnnn through the nose, outtttt through the mouth.


where does OP sound angry? nobody’s going to post something they’re legitimately *angry* about on a subreddit called “mildly interesting”


not like when the vet called MIL’s dog grossly obese which enraged her into causing a scene and ending the visit. It wasn’t even the obese part, she lost it over him calling her dog gross!


TBH "obviously not starving to death" also sounds like a pretty good euphemism for "fat".


Obviously not college educated. Obviously not a basketball player. Obviously doesn't use deodorant.


Okay but wouldn’t just saying they play magic the gathering be more efficient?


Just found the wording funny


My favorite doctor note was "unremarkable spleen." It's good when things are unremarkable medically, but it still seemed like I should feel insulted 😂


One you see a lot on urology reports is “unremarkable penis and testicles”, which always gives me a chuckle.


Mine is "gallbladder surgically absent"


My favorite doctor note wasn't meant to be seen by me. On my lab results, he handwrote "His lipids are TERRIBLE!"


I was called "fascinating" by a doctor once. Not a thing you want...


I think your spleen is beautiful ❤️


Better than them calling you “fatty fat fat fat” which I believe is the medical term.


That sounds legit


[Meanwhile, in Italy…](https://imgur.com/gallery/Z9qlz)


LMFAO damn


Gotdam that's harsh


Tough but fair


Oh my god I wonder if the boat ambulances in cities like Venezia also have something like this, I haven't seen this design where I am in Italy though lmfao


I had never thought about the need for boat ambulances, but duh, that makes sense in a city of waterways. Here's a link to one responding for the curious. [Loud](https://youtu.be/eCAiD6UMOzo?si=fh7Q77dq7E4V9Haa) warning.




Aww the siren has an accent






My wife's side of the family are from Italy..... Thay obsess over people's weight. Constantly talk about people's weight. Either you are too skinny or too fat. Drives my wife nuts.


Ma abbiamo anche dei difetti


It’s true. I was diagnosed with fatty fat fat fat several years ago.


Have you been able to get down to fatty fat?


Maybe? Lol


My medical report words it as "generous body habitus". Lol


Trust me the phrase "morbidly obese" is a medical term they use lol


Iirc BMI 30-39 is obese BMI >=40 is morbidly obese Of course, BMI is not a perfect indicator of health and should be taken with a grain of salt. Many high-performance bodybuilders are technically morbidly obese; and while yes, the increased weight from all that muscle (muscle is considerably denser than fat) does put some strain on their joints, those people are usually in ~~excellent~~ decent to sometimes bad cardiovascular shape and don’t have the usual risk factors that come with typical morbid obesity. Usually when we want to say a patient is fat we’ll say “increased body habitus”


Must be office dependent, I see hospital and physical rehab paperwork that states "morbidly obese" as an actual medical condition


I mean it is an actual medical condition. Some consider it to be a disease in its own right.


Well, yeah, sorta, but also no. Usually body builders aren't in a great cardiovascular shape since that requires a different type of training; which takes away from muscle mass. Most of the bodybuilders that have a morbid obese bmi likely have to juice to get to that size... Which affects the heart. And thus their cardiovascular health. And besides that, schlepping around 140 kg is going to strain your cardiovascular system regardless of your health; your heart isn't going to give three shits if it's 140kg of muscle or fat. Just a bit easier if you're 140kg of strength. I get what your saying though and I do agree that for a small subset of people the bmi is not very good. But for most people with a high bmi, it's a perfectly adequate indicator that you're potentially messing with your health and will get issues most normal people get when overweight.  Quote I heard on a podcast (paraphrasing); "How many huge bodybuilders and powerlifters do you see reach old age? Yeah. None."


health issues, yes, but extremely few bodybuilders are 140 kg / over 300 pounds


They gotta be careful. My father for example gets offended when the doc says he’s overweight. He’s changed doctors so many times because of it… I don’t get it. You want your doctor to lie to you?


Fatty fatty no parents




What’s wrong with being adopted?


What -what wrong with being adopted? Um. Well... lack of parents,


My friend went to China and said stores for larger people are given names like. FatGirls, Fatty fat Girls, Fatchicks etc. I thought he was pulling my leg. Then I looked it up on YouTube. It's real. Your comment reminded me.


I wonder if it's interpreted differently there. I mean, if you replaced "fat" with "plus-sized" in those names, it wouldn't sound as bad to us. "Fat" is viewed as an inherently negative/rude word by a lot of people in the West, but it often describes more or less the same thing as "plus-sized". It isn't considered a polite or tactful way of phrasing it, but maybe the same isn't true there?


Damn, never knew scout from tf2 became a practitioner…


Well nourished x3


Actually you add “super” to every 5 bmi points above 40. So super super…morbid obesity


Nah, they will call you fat if you are fat. Mine said “obese”


I’m 5’11” (180 cm) and 170-175 lbs (~78 kg) and a doctor wrote “Appearance: Obese” and the word obese was in red text in my chart.


If those are the metrics to earn an obese tag, I'd dread to think what your doctor would say about me. "Appeareance: I wish I was blind"


Most EMRs automatically turn anything out of normal range red. That said quick BMI calculators I’m using are putting you at the upper end of normal BMI based on those values.


Yeah I’m not obese. I’m a normal, healthy weight. Plus BMI goes underweight > normal > overweight > obese > extremely obese. So even if I exceeded normal I would be overweight before obese. Another doctor told me that the doctor who wrote that was wrong. Lol.


Did he take your weight or just go by looks? If you have very low muscle mass and high body fat %, you can appear overweight even being at a normal BMI. The opposite is also true.


Just in case you didn’t see it


Me at 5'11'' and 220 lbs ![gif](giphy|M28rUlcjueKUE|downsized)


The math is not mathing on this one. Unless you are all fat and bones and no muscle.


I used to do medical transcription for many years and one of the notes that sticks in my head is “Patient denies any tobacco use, but he smells like he is on fire.”


I mean pt may not be liar, they may live with a smoker or work with smoke.


My dad was (and continues to be) a bad smoker, and I remember being pulled aside by my band teacher when I was 12 and kindly asked if I was a smoker. I know he meant well and was trying to check in with me, but it was mortifying to know that I apparently REEKED of cigarette smoke. I could still smell it on my clothes and skin for *months* after I moved out as an adult.


(Me and) my primary school class used to bully a kid that in hindsight reeked of cigarettes. I vividly remember thinking she smelled real bad but didn't get at the time that it wasn't her fault or to be honest at that age didn't think to question why she smelled. Smoking harms you and everyone around you in more ways than you'd think.


My oncologist regularly notates well nourished and jovial. I like to imagine he sees me as a young Santa Claus


Sounds like the beginnings of a straight to streaming movie.


With a happy ending. Cause if we start off in the oncologists office I’m expecting both a miracle and a love story ♥ - I’ll take either/or but hoping for a BOGO. (For the hypothetical movie & the original commenter)


That’s the common wording, they call everyone that who isn’t obviously fucked. If it says “obviously fucked” in that slot on your records, well…


When I had a normal physical when I was in the middle of doing chemo, my doctor reported my mental health as "mood is fair, considering" lololol. I still laugh about that one.


Mine would probably say "General appearance of the patient shows the remnants of a chili cheese dog on their shirt"


Honestly, that sounds so good right now. Not the stains, the dog lol


A high calorie individual


I’m stealing this lol


My doc says “well marbled”


like a good brisket


They don’t have to sugar coat it. They’ll just write obese.


Very common phrase in the medical world and it's not calling you "fat"




On a sugar rush


We already know that from the General Appearance line above it...


That's why he noticed this in his report. At X2, he would have missed it.


It means alert to person, place, and time :)


I am sure people will roll their eyes at this question, but does that essentially mean the person knows who they are, where they are, and what year/day/time it is?




Yes if a person has a concussion and can’t tell you the time or day of the week you’d say they’re A&O x2. If they can tell you their name but not where they are, when it is or what happened they’re A&O x1.


Haha! if you want the real answer, it means you are orientated to person, time, and day. Occasionally, we document with "x4", which will include basically whatever their situation is. I use the x4 a lot in my documentation for mental health, idk how often that's used by medical staff.


Its just another way of saying his eyes are XXXL, like his well nourished body.


My thoracic surgeon noted me as an “exceedingly pleasant 38yo woman” and I’m still unsure how to take that 5 years after the initial consult. Was I a nice pleasant person or does “exceedingly” indicate that I wouldn’t shut the fuck up and tried way too hard to be nice?


It’s likely just that providers way of documenting that you aren’t a bag of dicks. I look at medical charts all day for work and see similar statements very often.


My favorite is the “pleasantly confused” on the little demented grannies


I recently found in my papers a copy of the letter from an out of hours doctor who saw me when I had some viral infection. She characterised me as “a pleasant young man” (it was many years ago, m’kay?). I vividly remember throwing up on her during the consultation, so I’ll excuse her for not using the word “exceedingly“.


If they said that about you, they probably say that about lots of people. I've seen doctors chart variations on "very pleasant" for the surliest patients that snap at everyone before. They usually aren't thinking too hard about it.


It just means he found you nice. What is with this paranoia? The medical system sucks, but the individual providers don't hate you and aren't out to get you.


That’s not what that means. It’s absolutely routine, bog-standard medical jargon for “not starving”. That’s it.


My doctor told me to open my mouth and say "Oink".


You need to get better insurance...


Insurance? He was calling me a fat pig


Well, that's much better than "I have 5 fat patients, this patient is 4 of them."


Better than morbidly satiated I guess


A doctor once told me, "you don't have to eat for a year, and you'll be fine. You have enough fat to sustain you."


Was he an older Iranian gentleman? And were you on a TLC show?


that seems like unsound medical advice


This is standard phraseology… “general appearance of the patient was well developed, well nourished, in no acute distress.” If we want to call you fat, we would write “morbid obese body habitus”


My vet once said about my dog at an appointment “I can see he doesn’t have issues with food intake…”


I went to the Dr, he said “don’t eat anything fatty” So I said “Ok, like no burgers or chips or whatever” His reply was “No Fatty, don’t eat anything!”


I wish my Wii Balance Board took this approach when I was a child. Screaming “OBESE” at me every other day was very discouraging.


I also had a doctors appointment today where I too was described as a "well developed well nourished woman" and it also made me chuckle!


I’ve had this too. Specifically said “WDWN” and I looked it up. Also thought I was being called obese (which I am), but apparently not. Though I should be so idk.


Slay you well developed queen! 🔥


Well-nourished is healthy and neutral. If the patient is obese, the word obese replaces well-nourished. If they are underweight, you would see poorly nourished, underweight, failing to thrive, or cachectic. This is for two reasons - 1) medical accuracy as some medications depend on whether the patient is under nourished, well nourished, or obese; and 2) because obesity allows for an upcharge in billing, especially if they counsel you on weight. If your general appearance is not described as obese, insurance may deny the upcharge.


i read my surgical reports/doctor notes from when i had my cancer surgery when i was 15. I was skinny af back then 6'0 145 pounds. They used same term. They aint calling you fat. If they wanted to call you fat they would say obese. Doctors aint scared of stating facts


"patient appears to get maximum nourishment"


Most notes like this we select from a list, the default is well nourished regardless of BMI. The only people who don’t get this on their chart are malnourished people. Not saying your doctor isn’t fat-phobic but this line is not a dig at your weight. Also so everyone knows, many electronic charting symptoms add a diagnosis of obesity based on BMI, without the provider doing anything


Well nourished is not being called fat. Pull your head in


my dermatologist said in my records 'well developed' and i have been riding that high ever since


“Well-developed” in medical shorthand just means within a normal weight range


Imagine if doctors talked to you in the same manner as a vet would upon encountering a "chonky boi"


The patient is a fatty boombalatty.


It just means that you don’t appear to be malnourished. There are plenty of other medical terms that can be used to indicate that a patient is overweight. Well nourished is not one of them.


One doctor wrote "unable to palpate acetabulofemoral joint (hip joint) due to the subcutaneous layer"


I'm going to refer to myself as "well nourished" from now on.


There are malnourished fat people who’s diet consists of nothing but french fries and Mountain Dew. “Well nourished” depends on the nutritional content of what you eat.


In the south they use “Lard Ass”


I’m going to start using this term on my Tinder profile.


"does my ass look big in this?" "No it looks well nourished"


After I was in the ED for a sewerslide attempt I went through the paperwork and notes and stuff and my weight was described as “Adequately nourished” my ex and I still joke about it


My doctor just straight up called me fat. I think that of anyone, your doctor is probably allowed to call you fat.


They didn't at all. They're literally just saying that you look healthy and sharp on your behavior


I had problems with pain in my feet, doc took a scan, while sitting with the x-rays of my foot, he looked me dead in the eyes and said, I got some bad news for ya, you are fat. Lost 30kg and no more foot pain. 10/10


Good on ya , being fat ain’t healthy for no body on this earth , it’s only normal in todays society


Pretty sure it just means you aren't malnourished.


Well nourished means you’re well fed


When I was pregnant the doctor wrote “this delightful, overweight, lady”


That is a standard medical comment they use for EVERYONE who is not sickly and underweight. It means they don't have a weight-related reason to have to check you for cancer or HIV.


Our doctors like to say “a very unfortunate looking patient” in their icu notes 😭


Well nourished 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀


My doctor wrote “patient is poor historian” and under appearance: “skin very pale”… I’m still salty about it. Also wtf this is my normal skin color.


Does "alert and oriented x3" mean "Caffeinated to the point of hyperactivity"?


Oriented to person, place, and time. It's the basic level of "this person knows who they are, where they are, and what's going on." Well nourished also just means healthy and no signs of deficiencies. This is the blandest status report doctors write. It just means "person was fine."  Edited to fix autocorrect 


“Who are you?” *I don’t know. Do any of us know who we are?* “Oh my god.”


Ngl I’ve had this response before from edgy people in the ER so I just ask for their name now.


Who are you? Where are you? When is it? the 3 type of alert they monito. Do you know who you are, where you are, and what time it is.


Yall always gotta complain. They’d write overweight or obese. Well nourished just means you look healthy. Stop looking for shit to be mad abt


Did you want them to straight up call you “fat”? Or would you prefer “eatin goood”


My doctor literally patted my belly and said “you need to lose this, you are technically obese” I’m M, 30, 220lbs


Gonna start putting “well nourished” in my dating app profile


Doctors must get so frustrated with fat people coming in complaining of health issues. So much of your health is within your control. A lot isn’t, of course, but docs must be frustrated when a big person complains of back pain, knee pain, blood pressure, all the metabolic diseases.




No, your doctor did not call you fat. We use “well developed/ well nourished female with NAD came in today with c/o coughing x10 days” its literally what we right for anybody that is not significantly overweight or with other obvious issues that would preclude that description.


No, if they mean fat they put “obese”. They aren’t nice about it.


If the shoe fits.... but doesn't fit anyone else. you're probably fat.


Or a dwarf

