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I will give OP the benefit of the doubt that all the pens were used. I use a lot of ink and pads doing math, physics, and engineering calculations. But the real question is what kind of psychopathy drove OP to keep 4 years worth of empty pens? It begs so many more questions that I am forced to conclude OP must be a very interesting individual, at least to me. Congratulations on your bachelors, OP.


now that i think about it, one thing clicks to my mind, i read somewhere about incentives while working where a guy used to have a jar full of marbles and transferred one marble to an empty jar everytime he finished something. i had a cup where i put my finished pens and refills, and low-key felt happy whenever i finished one, my goal was to write as much as possible since writing helps me understand and remember more than just reading (and derivations and calculations need to be written anyway) after the first year, i just kept doing since it was working


starting college soon, going to use the marble/pen idea!


i got a jar of marbles but didn't work for me, use the concept and find what works for you, all the best :)


Gen Alpha after reading this: Throws away their Apple Pencil Pro Max Ultra+


Do not, I repeat, DO NOT, insert the marbles into you/store them in your foreskin.


Yeah, well you know, that's just like, your opinion, man.


Op said use the method that best works for me, and DAMNIT, IM GONNA


I’m actually gonna do this for my degree. I am about to finish 3 or 4 since I buy packs at a time and never use just one.


The marbles in a bowl really helped me visualize how much uranium and plutonium I was enriching. 


The thing is… I used a TWSBI Demonstrator Fountain Pen 🖋️ so I find the joy in writing.


I’m guessing you mean this story after figuring the average number of Saturdays we get. He threw one out every week until they were gone. https://mygoodtimestories.com/2013/02/27/a-jar-of-1000-marbles/




lol ok dude, just vent it out, really, it's okay


I have a degree in business and I don't believe this was a case of using pens but a case of him forgetting to take a pen to the lecture and ended up purchasing more pens in a shop on the way.


Attention. Validation. Call it what you please




This dude doesn't know what that is.


An average pen can write 300 pages before running out of ink, call me a pessimist but I can’t believe this


Honestly same, maybe each one was smashed with a hammer after each day


So I’ve counted atleast 200+ pens (quickly) that would mean on average that would be 60,000 pages, that would then take 2.74 years of writing no stop to fill. The math ain’t mathing on this one


from experience gel pens empty much faster than ball points, I can go through like 2 or 3 in a week


I’m happy to be wrong and probably am haha. I’ve quit weed for the first time in ten or so years so the mix of boredom and brain working in overdrive I’m creating some conspiracy theories lol


yea idk tho those don't look like gel I think many of those are ink? I remember using those long ago but I don't remember how fast they drain lol


I cant tell but im just annoyed bro hasnt found his favorite pen brand in 4 years. Pilot G2 For Lyfe


I'm a pencil person but when I use pens Zebra sarasa is my go to. Pilot always smudge.


As someone who loves gel pens, I will go through 2 or so a week and all of those cartridges on the top, the thicker ones are gel pens and the thinner ones are your normal ink pens. I can also spot a few gel pens on the bottom as well so I could believe this


Welcome back! It will take time to readjust. Just remember to breathe and ignore the voices.


Sounds like physics.


I am amazed that he didn't lose them fuckers before they ended. I think I don't have memory of me running out of ink in a pen. I would have lost it before that ever happened


Nah i dont believe any pen would last 300 pages. I run through pens pretty quickly and none of em last me 300 pages of writing


from my experience an average pen can write about 46 (notebook) pages before running out so i believe this


You’d be wrong, these pens go much faster that that.


The ball point pens I use for my exams last for 2.5 exams at most and maybe (the most I have written is 49 unruled pages but my handwriting is huge). So, I believe this to an extent because if he was taking notes, solving to problems and taking exams regularly, it might not be possible to run through all of those pens but maybe OP added a few more pens to exaggerate.


Then why do I go through three pads of sticky notes before I run out of ink


Lot of those ink cartridges look full still…?


Yeah they're at 75-80% full.


Our guy loves to doodle don't be so harsh


I think the word is cynic?


Also: in technical degrees, ink isn't used much. It's more common to see a worn out Pentel mechanical pencil.


I also did my bachelors on physics and can agree. I was doing +30 pages a day on notes, drafts, problems, or just thinking out loud. I ended up using +100 pens. Perhaps this person was even more extreme than me, but I can definitely say I was not too different from the average. I could use up a bic pen every week. I saved most of them and hung them in a tree of "effort". 4 years later it is still hanging around to remind me how much effort it took.


who cares genuinely


Comment = care You’ve proved you’re point


Meanwhile me who is constantly running out of pens due to writing with both hands at once.....


Yeah every time I see these I’m like.. how? I did a chemistry BS with 2 years (full time summers) of research, tutored organic chem and E+M, and hand wrote all of my notes and work. I’d lose pens before running them out of ink, but I think I went through maybe 2000 pages or so of notebooks. Let’s call it 7 pens worth of ink if I wasn’t losing them.


I always doubt just because that's a level of perseverance in saving trash that I want to dismiss as not real.


Can't believe anyone writes math equations with a pen. Maybe physics notes, but not anything more unless it's required. Pencil for me.


A basic Google search shows that this is way off, and the actual number is around 50-100 pages. I don't get why people believe this, and then assume OP is lying.


https://endlesspens.com/blogs/ramona-writes-whats-whys-and-hows/how-long-does-ballpoint-pen-ink-last#:~:text=But%20on%20average%2C%20a%20typical,or%20two%20of%20regular%20use. I already did. It’s Literally the top search


This was the top search for me: https://www.pens.com/blog/national-ballpoint-pen-day-is-write-around-the-corner/ From my experience, I also write around 60 pages with one pen, but I guess it varies a lot. I do think that it's a bad argument to claim OP is lying.


It’s fine bro I don’t think my opinion is going to throw this person into a depression. These forums aren’t that serious


I'm not taking it that serious lol, I just find it weird to think that OP is lying for some reason


Fair enough


you're way off wth the pages, roughly on average they write about 60-70 pages (most of the ones i use anyway), these pages are a full A4, on my best day i used to finish one pen a day during my exam times which are about 2 months long, counting covid my 4year degree almost got to 5, i saved these from my first year


>on my best day i used to finish one pen a day during my exam times I'm calling phoney baloney on this


it is difficult to realise that people read and write so much if one has not been through the same


What are you even trying to say? I have no idea. Pretty sure you're just lying though


I did a bachelor's in physics and did not write that much. This subject doesn't really warrant that much writing. Maybe you will take one or two pages of notes per lecture. And another two to three pages from reading the book per lecture. And most of the time you're just writing a few sparse formulas and maybe some written explanations, not paragraphs upon paragraphs of writing. I can only imagine that you might use up that much ink if you're copying an several textbook or novel word for word, or coloring. And to be honest if you're using a pen, you are kind of screwing yourself because pencils a lot better for maths because you can erase mistakes more easily.


Yes i agree it shouldn't have been that much. i'm glad you got to go to an university that doesn't test how many derivations you remember from a 500 page textbook. a physics degree shouldn't test that, but the educational system is not the same around the globe. its a big world, i dont come from developed western country, here they test how much you can remember, i liked physics so i could bear it, a lot of my friends haven't written so much, they just wanted to pass, i wanted to do well. and pluspoint, i know how to derive almost all of the things i've read


You’re supposed to know derivation conceptually though, not just exhaustively listing it and memorizing. Listing and memorizing would mean you understand less, right?


Depends on the context and person. It's not difficult to remember a lot details if those details are just variants of similar frameworks. I can't speak for physics, but in engineering there's basically a dozen different equations, each of which has a sibling in different fields. F=ma is just V=IR in disguise. KE=½mv² is just E=½CV². You'd be surprised just how isomorphic our world is, even in business processes, finance, medicine, and music. The rest is just coefficients, a few clauses, and so on.


Yeah but I personally remember concepts if I read and understand and then write it down. So writing is the one that makes the knowledge stick in my mind - write while learning first time then again atleast once during revision. That doesn't mean I am rote learning. Maybe OP is similar.


if someone just copies and regurgitates through rote learning, i agree with you, but once you understand concepts and then do it all by yourself 4-5 times it's different, you understand it conceptually and you understand the mathematical tricks used to get to the conclusion


I think most people will learn algebra before physics that requires algebra.


i've saved each and every copy i wrote in as well, you'll know instantly if you see the stack


Did you ever think of getting a refillable pen?


haha i did, but ink fountain pens are such a mess, i ultimately ended up on using a specific brand of changeable refills


Why is this getting downvoted? From my experience as a math major, I also write ~60 pages with one pen before they're empty. The 300 pages figure is clearly way off, so it's really weird to assume that OP is lying (also, if they were lying, why would they buy that many pens to flex about how many pens they used? It's a ridiculous thing to lie about).


You must have real good hand writing after all that


With an avg. of 12+ full pens a semester, I'd start wondering If I were using pens wrong. Edit: I only counted by pen tips - counting from what we can see from the other end, seems close to 200ish? 25 full pens a semester is wild.


That's almost one per week, without breaks. That's not only wild, that's insanely unbelievable looking at how OP would've developed carpal tunnel after the first week probably.


Better show us the actual notes


Everyone destroys/throws away/burns any unnecessary notes about a class that was hard af after they passed.


I kept all my notebooks from college in case I needed to reference/remember how to do something. 16 years later I still have them.


There's no way you used that many pens in 4 years. I didn't use that many pens in 18 years of school


things written in school years and university years are non fungible, still pretty sure if you could've virtually kept all the pens and pencils used, it would be more than that


I never wrote down shit in school or university lol I did doodle a lot though


Well that’s absolutely stupid of you. That isn’t anything to brag about unless you’re claiming in university you typed.


Well I have a masters degree with first class honours so I guess it worked out


You’re just a liar get out of here. Dropout lying on reddit smh


Haha if you say so


You did type though right?


Type notes? No I didn't carry a laptop. But I did rewatch lectures at home. Just couldnt be arsed making notes bc I found I never read them again and theyre often nonsensical. I was always amazed at other peoples notes coz they seemed so organised and made sense. Never really learned that skill i guess.


Wtf is wrong with this guy..


Crying on Reddit smh 🤦‍♂️


Been working a professional job for a decade after completing a PhD. Also never took notes at uni. In fact, never even attended lectures after the first year (whereafter my grades went way up). People learn differently.


lmao?? I've taken maybe one lectures worth of notes and just finished a bachelor's of computer science, doubt I'm going to take more notes during the masters. Why the fuck would I shittily write down what's already written on the slides?


Biology here and our workload is equivalent but I’ve used 2 packs of pens for 4 years. This is nigh impossible unless you’re drawing pictures and coloring them in…


I wrote ~30 pages of notes in-class over 4 years. Were teachers not using PowerPoint slides?


I always lost my pen before making it halfway used.


I was going to say what about all the lost pens and pencils.


No worries, I'll delete my main comment


What lol nah leave it dude, I was just adding to yours




Sure it wasn’t a bachelors in stealing pens?


I find it impressive when I see someone keep a single pen until ink-less. This sir is considerably more impressive than the PHD


haha thanks


Is that... ichigo??


It’s ichigoat


Or Ichadgo


Uhm.. why are you hoarding pens though? 🗑️


just so i could post here, duhhh


Why don’t you use a computer?


Turn it into a frame for your degree


[https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/comments/1dr5n2r/complementary\_to\_the\_pens\_here\_are\_the\_stacks\_of/](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/comments/1dr5n2r/complementary_to_the_pens_here_are_the_stacks_of/) the stack of copies


As a Masters in Physics myself, I see very childlike ignorance of redditors here.


It took me 6 years to get my physics degree because I took extra classes - I went through a few pens a semester. I respectfully don’t believe that these are all empty. Like how could you have done more than twice as much writing as me - do you take a crazy amount of notes or something?


Literally third year of the same degree. I bought a nice parker pen when I started and I replaced the cartridge once. I call bs unless my final year has a massive surprise for me.


Half of the upper pena are full.


Holly guacamole


So you just got a bunch of pens together and took a pic?


I can understand the refills, but why would you need 50 pens?


my mom and dad go to a lot of conferences about one fourth accounts for that, first year i was writing with whatever pens i can find so i used to buy a lot of different kinds, pens as gifts and so on


Now to consume the empty cartridges to complete the ritual!


Looks like OP is using Gel-pens,back in high school gel would last about 4 days of writing for me. Ballpoint last longer though, never actually emptied a ballpoint one either lost it or dropped the nib.


Didn’t go through a 250 page notebook in 4 years. You’re going to be alright lil bro.


How can you have a bachelor - which means you are not stupid - and just buy a single high quality one? This is just a waste of plastic.


It's an interesting choice to think that having a bachelor's degree means you're not stupid.


They're a physics major, validation seeking is the price Also not far into their post history they're asking how to learn Real Analysis(notoriously difficult math course) because they've skipped class hahaha.


I call this bullshit.


lucky you, that you didn't had to submit your assignments in tex


Reminds me of the time I played pen wrestling. Each pen was a wrestler and they had a name and a finishing move.


Congrats on graduating OP. Maybe use something like Trimax or Pilot or Uniball which are refillable, I understand ink pen is not made for fast writing but these pens write pretty ok in a fast pace too.


I had no Ink-ling it would be so Pen-sive for them...


Writing in pen is a ballsy move. On tests and essays yes, but i'd never write notes with a pen. Especially with Covid nearing the end of the lockdown graduates.


I thought you guys mostly used (mechanical) pencils.


You need longer pens.


So you're the guy who's stealing all those pens at uni...


Bro. Save some pussy for the rest of us!


What does a 4 year bachelors in physics provide? Besides the pens…


You’re a fucking sociopath


Wtf?? I used maybe 10% of what you used


Why on earth would you use pens majoring in physics lol. Sounds like a lot of white-out


This looked like sports cards in top loaders and the packs beneath is. Couldn’t see a pen for like 15 seconds.


Did you buy all these pens new? Some look like “free pens”. They could have been 1/2 gone when you got them? This would be better of it was all the same brand that you bought new.


how are your pen twirling skills though


I just graduated with a 4 year and I only needed a single metal body mechanical pencil and a separate eraser, OP plz discover reusable pencils.


I went the entire first year with like 5 pens


As a comp sci student who kinda always passed without having to practice math sums, I have yet to finish one of these.


Where did you nick all these ?


Get you a good refillable, bolt-action pen OP haha


Writing all your notes in ink is crazy. A lead pen is both erasable and refillable. Like, yeah, they aren't always allowed like when writing lab notes but during lectures and while doing calculations in class, being able to erase is great


Why dont buy 1 quality pen u really like and just get the refills. So much plastic waste....... I use the same "Lamy" Pen since at least 15 years


Yep - just like law school.


I used literally 5 pens in 4 years of law bachelor


yep looks about right...I must have drawn miles worth of arrows going through calculations lol


W = F * s * cos(α)


Curious, what did you focus in on in physics? I’m an engineering student and thinking of picking up a minor in physics My estimate for how many pages per class is to expect about 150-250 pages of notes/work per class, I’m still not sure how you got through this many pens in 4 years lol. I have probably written like 1500+ pages of notes, and still on my first three pencils lol


Who actually keeps a completely used up pen? Not anyone except for people that post these things... Odd.


Yep that’s really how it is, did mechanical engineering bachelors and i had about a million pens that ran out of ink.


Ooof, I’m on my first semester of business school and my wrist already hurts from all the note taking. I send you good vibes to help aid your healing with your carpel tunnel


I've graduated from business school just last week and did very little note taking in all three years because we received pdf/ptt files ahead of every lecture from the professor so we didn't have to write much.


Damn, I wish!


Have you considered getting a fountain pen and a gallon of ink? That way you get to keep using your favorite pens forever. Hit us up at r/fountainpens.


This is what I did, mine got me through my entire undergrad, still haven't had to buy any more ink (bonus points for annoying professors with colored ink)


I love using fountain pens (very basic layperson ones) but I found that mine don't write very well when I'm writing fast. But yes my concerns about the environment are the same. I am trying to shift to mechanical pencils, their leads last longer than normal pencils and one mechanical pencil lasts quite a long time (been using the same one since 6 or so years). I am also guilty of using single using ball pens rn because of my fibromyalgia, most refillable pens are a bit heavier whereas single use ones are lighter on the hand. So that's something I'd like to fix. It's been a while since I wrote with my Parker ink pen so thank you for reminding. Nothing like seeing that fresh Royal Blue ink on paper.


If or a computer?


You don't come in this comment section to argue when half the commentors have degrees


Seems wasteful and inefficient. 


What a dumb waste of time


I had 4 pens.. you know you can refill right? I bet all of them are stolen except for 1


The top row are all empty refills smh.


What a huge ass waste of plastic OP christ. You know tablets exist. And at minimum pens with refillable ink??? Pencils and mechanical pencils??


The top row are all refills. And getting a bachelors degree in physics is definitely not a huge ass waste of plastic.


Nah you know that’s not what I said. You just wanna argue lol


It's literally exactly what you said.


My thoughts exactly…Would be reasonable if it's 1 pen with that much of refillable ink 😅


God forbid lol


I want to see the actual notes. I was a scholar myself back in the day, and I wouldn’t have used remotely close to that amount of pens, even if I used nothing but pens.


...and no highlighters? Weird set up and too much ink. Took me 6 years to finish my degree and I didn't use half as many pens, but definitely highlighters


All my notes are digital copies on my iPad, civil engineering major, makes shit so much easier