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"This is your house. And this is your house on drugs."


It’s even weirder in person. It’s all hard as if designed that way.


Put posters of fire in every window. Or make a ring of fire in front. Then stand in the middle with a melty wizard hat and your arms raised in incantation. Definitely get a picture.


Impressionist posters in the windows


Melting clocks lol


You should have your main service wire assessed by an electrician. If the conduit got hot enough it may have melted some insulation on the wires which could energize your equipment on the outside or even cause a fire on your own house.


This happened to a trailer my dad had on property that had a wildfire rip across it. Firefighters dumped water on the main site with everyone's stuff, but the fire was so hot even at a distance that it melted the exterior of our trailer, warped all the window frames, turned the plastic window blinds inside into literal puddles, and made all our stored food spoil. Absolutely insane heat.


Yes. Because manufacturers are interested in the bare minimum which is protecting your house against the basic elements. No one is manufacturing something affordable that has a specific melting point above 600 degrees (F), which is what wood burns at. On one hand it kind of makes sense, as fire ruins lots of things directly or indirectly.


Vinyl siding melts at 165 degrees (F). This siding got nowhere near 600 degrees (F) Fiber cement siding is more expensive but still affordable, and stands up to at least 350 degree (F) heat without damage.


[This house in the photo is probably from McKinney. They are over 100,000 degrees F there.](https://www.reddit.com/r/texas/comments/1561edl/everyone_in_mckinney_is_dead/) A bit too warm for siding.


This is ... glorious....


This never fails to crack me up, the way he just rolls right into it and doesn't skip a beat is just fantastic.


I think it's nice when they show the temp your brain & body feel like it is when in the full sun. Lol


Asbestos siding.... still best around. 


I want to disagree with you.... and then I look at the picture.


Dont get me wrong it's horrible on health, but its an AMAZING  building material.  So long as its not damaged. I do painting and I've painted houses from the 1920s with that stuff that Still just as good as new. 


I live in a 1940s farm house that has been renovated many times over the years and there is a lot of asbestos - mainly the ceilings/floors and it’s really amazing to see how well it’s held up compared to even the much more modern renovations and materials. I’m pretty sure the ceiling in my living room is from the 60s made from asbestos and looks still brand new while my kitchen has a drywall ceiling which has visible seams, sagging and the texture is not uniform


Same, 1945 farm house for me and I have it in my bathroom tiles and in the mudroom paneling. Still strong as ever. 


Not gonna lie, I’d kind of want to keep it that way. Hard as hell to match, though.


congrats your house is now a piece of modern art


Looks more like house on "The Persistence of Memory" by Salvador Dali


who are the gonna send the invoice to?


>invoice >> "I don't do invoices. I am invoices. ” Source: https://www.dalipaintings.com/salvador-dali-quotes.jsp /s




I learned it from watching you!


At a quick glance, it looked like AI with the “malformed” sidings.


how costly it is to replace a wall like this


Not terrible but depending on how old the vinyl siding is, you'll never be able to match the color as the sun and elements bleach it over time. You could argue that the neighbor's insurance owes you a whole new vinyl siding around the house. Forbes says the average cost per square foot is $4-5


Matching colours is less of a problem seeing it is one whole side of the building right? A slight difference in colour would not be extremely obvious or painfull as you rarely see both several sides at once under the same lighting.


They'll see two sides of the house every single time they get home from work or walk around the exterior for any reason.


It doesn’t matter because the light and light reflections never hit it the same way. Doing one side is a perfectly fine repair job. When you have an old piece and a new piece lying on top of each other then it’s noticeable.


Yeah but if their insurance will cover it, you might as well do the whole thing


Screw that. The insurance company is going to want to close this liability out and I'm not going to settle for anything less than a complete residing.


They'll see the sides but not the change in color. Look at the corner of your ceiling. Note how every flat surface is a different shade.


Since it's a whole side up to an edge your brain won't even register that they are two different shades unless you look very close. I literally did the same thing with paint in my kitchen. I had to patch some wall cracks and I couldnt get the paint I bought to perfectly match what was up in the wall, so when I painted the patch it stood out like a sour thumb. After a couple weeks I decided to just paint the whole wall. Now I can't even tell that one wall is a different color than the rest of my kitchen.


My grandma had someplace deny her service unless she got the whole house done for the very reason that the colors won't match. This was with the damage being less than half the total siding


OP's picture actually has a perfect example of the difference in color. The bottom left section is white while the main house is baby blue. You'll see the difference every time you look at the house.


I don't think they were try to match when they chose white, or baby blue (whichever came second).


"you rarely see both sides at once under the same lighting" While looking at a picture clearly showing two sides of the house.... It's more accurate that you would rarely ever ONLY see one side of a house.


The back half of the sentence is "under the same lighting" Even in the picture the sided have different lighting, as they are each facing a different direction in regards to the light source. The light waves are hitting the sides differently and making them appear different, even if slightly so. So while you can see 2 sides, it's very common for them to look different in colors slightly due to lighting. Happens inside too with walls.


Just tell your own insurance what happened. They'll decide whether they want neighbor's insurance to pay but either way your insurance company will see to it that it's repaired


Should be covered by insurance, no? I'd think they could go to their insurance, who would ask the insurance of the house that burnt down to pay.


I could get 2 of my labourers to do it for 30 euros an hour in 2-3 days. So 8hrs x 2 guys x 2 (or 3 days) x 30. about 950 - 1500 euros + Vinyl siding of approx 100 sq ft (about 500-1000 euros) = 1450 to 2500 euros. Not that bad honestly.


If I suddenly had an extra €2000 expense I'd be homeless, or at the very least not eating and the power would be out at my place for few months... Even at the low estimate for a lot of homes having to pay that suddenly would be devastating..


Yes it is 'expensive' but in terms of general house maintenance and costs it is not much. I am aware that for most people that's a lot of money, but if you own a home you probably bought it expecting to spend money on it as they require maintenance. Insurance will cover this anyway but if it didn't this is a small expense for a home owner. This shouldn't be devastating for the average home owner. If you own an average house in Helsinki for example, it is worth about 450,000 euros for a basic 150m2 / 1600sq ft home. You will pay yearly taxes of 2000 - 4500 euros. A house like this pictured is 2-3 times that size. You will also want to budget 1-3k a year on household maintenance. Every 5-10 years you probably want to paint the house for example. You will also get small leaks here and there which need fixing, might end up with burst pipes, silicon seals around toilets, shower stuff, sinks, taps etc needs to be redone occasionally. Your HVAC system probably needs cleaning. Might need a dangerous tree cut down. Bathrooms need to be redone or patched up every few years as the caulk can start letting water through, etc. So realistically this is a small cost in terms of home ownership.


You don't own a home if you can't afford $20k in sudden repairs. The problem now is not you being poor, then problem is you have no chance to escape the rent trap and save to buy.




Labor is going to vary that price. Last I saw for an average 2 story house to get all new siding was $20k. But with this just being one side, it’s not $5k as scaffolding, dumpster and other one time costs add up.


Few thousand us dollars


I vividly remember hearing my grandmother's neighbors bemoan the cost of having to replace their brand new siding while another neighbors house burned to the ground thirty feet away so I'm guessing it's not cheap


There was an apartment complex that burnt down a few years ago near Washington DC. It was in the process of being built when an oil rag combusted. The fire was so big that the windows on the adjacent buildings melted and warped.




Post clean YouTube links! Everything after the ?si= can be deleted!


Wow, I’m from Europe and I had no clue these things were vinyl. I thought it was wooden panelling.


A lot of them are wood. Vinyl can be easier to clean and doesn't need to be repainted, but it doesn't like intense heat.


Or when your neighbors have energy efficient windows!  https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/comments/udzh4z/the_reflection_from_one_of_our_windows_is_slowly/


Why do you have a 2 year post with like 20 upvotes ready to go


Because Google and searching are a really easy thing.  Do you…. not know how to search?


Based individual.


Aluminum is also used.


Cement fiber boards are also pretty common and especially in high wind areas.


Also it looks cheap as fuck.


Our house (northern US) has wooden siding, which is not uncommon. But we absolutely are considering replacing it with vinyl when the time comes. Wooden siding, as you probably know, requires a lot more maintenance, and the consequences of neglect are high. Vinyl doesn’t require painting and will never rot or leak or be consumed by insects. I prefer the look of wood and the environmental impact of wood. But as a homeowner, maintenance is a big deal. 


There’s also fiber cement siding and engineered wood siding if you don’t want to go for full vinyl. They should last longer than vinyl, be more durable and insulating. However they will be more expensive. Plus engineered wood does have a lot of plastic/resin


I like hardieboard it's one of the cement options. It's what I have on my sheds and the area that's siding on my house. It's the most expensive option by far but way lower maintenance. If I ever have a problem I can clean it with a power washer and it doesn't shrink warp or do anything else in the sun or heat.


Yeah we have vinyl now and there’s one spot that always melts because the evening sun hits a window in just the right way to focus the light and cause it to melt. Will probably go for a more permanent option next time our siding is due for replacement


My house is covered in fiber cement and it still looks good 70 years later. You can paint it with regular paint and it's pretty durable. It's also very fire resistant with it being cement reinforced with 10% asbestos


Mmmmm love me some asbestos in the morning lol. I’m assuming modern ones don’t use asbestos for obvious reasons?


They haven't made your lungs itchy for nearly 50 years but with most of the benefits


Vinyl siding is designed to leak, that’s why you use tyvek with it and seal your windows to the house itself


Sure, wood needs pretty high maintenance in order to work and look as intended. Where I’m from, they’ve started to put aluminium panels on the outside walls of buildings (with some kind of matte coating) so that the maintenance can be easier and they don’t have to get re-painted as often.


Even their homes are made out of plastic.


Heat radiation is real


Oh you’re one of those Heat Truthers. This is caused by mere waves through the phlogiston which encapsulates all.


Phlogiston. That’s a fun word!


That reminds me, I have to go balance my humors.


Wouldn’t want to be bilious or heaven forfend, *sanguine*.


Oh it is... My car was parked next to a dumpster that caught on fire. It stripped paint on half of the car, melted the lamps and broke the side window. It was not a fun day


Receo is a firefighting term. Rescue, exposures, contain, extinguish, overhaul. There's a reason exposures is #2 (or number 1 if nobody is in the building) on the list of tasks. Keep that shit from spreading to other buildings


Sounds like the s.p.c. Of firefighting.


That was my first thought. Maybe the IC didn’t account for exposures? I mean it’s tough to judge without knowing the full story.


Yeah its hard to say. That siding is crazy melted, and there appears to be a parking lot, so it must have been really hot and not a typical structure fire. Probably a commercial fire with atypical contents possibly. But like you said, hard to speculate without knowing the whole story. Regardless, this shows everyone why protecting exposures is important!


You’d never detect a skinny filter in front of this.


Like an AI rendering of vinyl siding.


One of the houses I lived in as a kid had vinyl coated wood siding. The house had a fire place and my not very safety conscious father had been using salvaged cedar flooring as kindling, thought the wood siding would work just as well. Let’s just say the fireplace because a blast furnace.


Does this happen to be at a restaurant in Lincoln NH? The Gypsy Cafe?


Indeed! I did t include the restaurants sign in case they didn’t want to be seen all melty. Haven’t eaten there yet but will this week. Menu looks fantastic.


It’s a great restaurant! One of my favorites in that area. Food is excellent, staff is friendly, and their decor is unique.


beautiful town either way. bought a car off craigslist in lincoln once! drove up from MA. didn't want to leave.


Best restaurant in town! I’m glad that the gypsy survived but it’s a shame udderly burned down. As soon as I saw this pic I knew EXACTLY where it was


I’d eat that cake 🎂


I was thinking it looked like icing too


Weird. I was wondering where this was, and turns out it’s only about 30 minutes away from me! Had to confirm I wasn’t in r/newhampshire.


But I am


lol this is, and I mean this, hands down no argument the best restaurant in the entire state


I want to peel it off sooooo badly.


Lincoln NH


Yep. Gypsy cafe.


Salvador Dali's house.


This in Lincoln?




Oh shit yeah I saw that a few weeks ago. Small reddit world


Now it's an Art Neuvo house


I think we have different definitions of "burned down."


The house next door (not pictured) burned down, and the intense heat melted the vinyl siding on this restaurant.


O~h! Well *that* makes this even *more* dramatic!! Wow! That is some *crazy* heat.


Lol yeah it confused me for a second too 😅


It wasn’t just a house. It was an ice cream store (with apartments in the back)


Wait until you see what water from the fire hose does to those engineered floor joints!


Looks like boat fenders incase your house bumps into another one.


Same thing happened to my parents' home when their neighbor's house caught fire. Yes, it just kind of melted and that was the only damage to the building, thank God. As for the neighbor, the poor dude didn't had any chance.


Looks like the frosting I'd put on my gingerbread houses as a kid...


Happened to my neighbor when our other neighbor across the street’s house burned down. I’ll never forget the heat coming off of it.


Looks like a gingerbread house all frosted


This happened to me! Get your house evaluated for smoke damage and toxicity. Insurance is going to suck ass so just mentally prepare yourself for that. For some reason it's easier to get insurance to pay for shit if your house actually burns down versus collateral damage from a neighbor...


It’s probably good it wasn’t wood in this case.


Just need a large flat knife to smooth out that butter cream


Hope the siding is still functional, it looks kind of cool, and definitely unique :)


That house had a meltdown


Gaudi loves it.


with the caveat that everyone was okay: neat.


Seems like a fire hazard.


Happened to my siding when my neighbors got a chimney fire. Glad y'all are safe!


Lol nice try but that's obviously cake


Is this the gypsy cafe in Lincoln NH? The worst part about it was the best ice cream place for like 50 miles burned down to cause this!


And yet insurance company will need some proof…


Should replace street sign with ; Burnt End Street


Looks like a cake


Napalm fettuccine




An under construction townhouse burnt down in my town probably almost 10 years ago now. Houses across the back alley BEHIND the homes across the street, had their siding melted. Multiple homes directly across the street had windows shatter from the heat.


Op are you liable for this or is insurance of burned downed property?


Salvador? Is that you?


Nozzle was too hot


I was going to say there's weird gcode going too slow on the Y during the pass. Should reslice and re-export.


Our neighbors had this but as a mobile home. It's sort of funny because some if it is curling like someone tried to give it curls


It looked like they dressed the house in curtains or icing.


That's hawt.


The heat domes are becoming unbearable?


It is made of cake


So do you submit a claim with the insurance of the owners of the house that burnt?


So, does the homeowners insurance of the dwelling that was on fire pay for this? Or does this fall on the owner of the melted siding?


Put up a sign that says, "A.I. generated house."


Your house looks depressed about its friend house who died in a fire recently.


I like it, Picasso.


looks like bad ai


Looks like it’s from beetle juice


Hous burns can get pretty hot, hot enough but this depends on geometry and materials, to burn through steel and massive wood A steel plank and a wood plank compared in a fire reveals that the steel will collapse faster due to its nature of getting bendy when warm, wood on the other hand keeps solid untill its kompletely burned through and thus keeping the structural integrity far more solid than steel


Definitely cake


Feels very surreal


At first I thought it was icing which I know is stupid but like... I've seen more questionable housing decor


I saw this on Ghost Busters.


This is what happens to vinyl siding when installed on a house in Phoenix too.


Turned into a Dali painting


I like the textural appearance


Looks like a cake decor now




The ice cream store next door burned down. Town talk is that someone in the connected apartment to the building left a grill on on their balcony.


The house is cake with frosting


100% would live there


bottom left, blue side. Is that... brick under it? You covering up brick with siding? You can't be serious.


Wood, this is the side of the building. It's a place in Lincoln, NH. Front of it still intact. I found picture on[ Google Maps from 2014, when it was less.....sunburned.](https://maps.app.goo.gl/uT11KbGx5oxMu7fJ6)


If you go inside, it’s a restaurant. The whole place has a charming “wonk” to it.


Thought it was an oil painting


Gypsy Cafe google maps picture, has it in[ 2014....less me](https://maps.app.goo.gl/uT11KbGx5oxMu7fJ6)lty.


It's like coating your house in gasoline.


I worked at a paint store and this was a problem with people who chose the wrong colors and paint for their vinyl siding


When I was covering breaking news, a fire chief told me that vinyl siding is essentially solid gasoline, so the house is lucky to be standing at all, imo


Can you make insurance claim on neighbors insurance for the damage to your house?


I'd keep it I think it looks sweet


That front door has some funky looking trim


What temperature range will do this ?


Tim Burton would approve.


No it’s just a senior citizen’s residence


So serious question…who’s liable for the repair of the damage? My home owners insurance or the people of the house who’s burned down that caused the damage?


In real life, you claim from yours and your insurer goes after theirs.




Looks great. And they got it for free as well!


When I worked for the forestry service, we arrived at a wildfire just in time to see a crowning head fire roll over a row of houses, catch the woods on the other side of the yard on fire, and keep going. Over the next few minutes , the smoke cleared, and the houses were still there, but all of them had siding melted like this.


AI house.


You PVC electrical service entrance conduit held surprisingly well.


It looks like a trippy art project.


Might have burned, definitely not down though


House next door to this one burned down. Can confirm, lot was empty.


have a neighbor that painted his vinyl siding dark grey. It ended up looking like this just from the sun. k..maybe not quite this bad, but pretty bad, and ruined.


I thought it was 3d printed


Looks like draped fabric


Vast improvement


quickly, eat your house before it melts!


That home got lucky. Thats an "easy" repair at least. Lengthy repair and lil bit expensive but not a super difficult job. Hardest part will be removing the old siding.




How far was the fire?


Across the street.