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i was one of those ghetto kids that played on everybody else's


Bet u enjoyed luigi


i did lol....especially in Mario Kart




Lol, you dirty for that one.




Those were the kids I was always trying to impress with my N64.


Same. I had an NES while one set of neighbor kids had an SNES and another had a Sega. Then I got an N64 and flexed on them.


Same, I only got my Nintendo after SNES went on sale and I was like 13 or 14, so it had been out for a while at that point.


Played my friends N64. Was too poor.


The kid whose mom ran the daycare I went to had an SNES. It was a crap daycare and the kid acted like a little prince and would play for hours and I would get to play if he got bored. My step brother had a Sega and it was the same story. I played both but never much. It wasn't until N64 that I ever finished a game start to finish.


If I was lucky my parents would rent one or the other on a special occasion, but my dad would have to ā€˜barrowā€™ a TV from the fire station he worked at because we didnā€™t own one after our black and white one broke. I put barrow in quotes because while he would always bring it back he also didnā€™t have permission to take it.


My parents wouldn't allow video games in the house so our only opportunity was at friend's houses. All I ever wanted to play was Mario Kart anyway.


I was a weird wooden Montessori blocks kid. My parents didnā€™t believe in video games and thought they would make me stupid, which happened regardless.


Iā€™m framing this comment the next time my wife tries to order those blocks


Me 2. Hop u got unstupid wen u got oldr. Me not so much.


Probably for the best. Iā€™m 36 and I still play all the time. I could be learning a language or building a shed.


SEGAAAAAAAAAA!! *Sonic coins sounds*


Yep Genesis for me. Absolutely loved it but I did miss out on Super Mario World and a link to the past, among others. But man was sonic fun. Kid Chameleon, and many others. Good times.


SNES - best jrpgs of all time.


my parents waited til I was older so I wouldn't get bad grades so I started with Ps1


Did you get good grades?


I did until I got the Ps1 LOL


We were affluent, so yeah we had both.


But did you also have Sega CD and the 32X?


Ha, no. But we did get the N64 and Playstation and then Dreamcast. Dreamcast is an incredibly underrated system.


I loved Dreamcast!


We had bootlegs of all the dreamcast games, lol.


Love me some Dreamcast. If it has come out a year later and let PlayStation set the price first, it would be the 4th competitor platform for sure.


Dreamcast kids were a special breed


Yeah, not too many people had the Dreamcast.


I guess I get the privledge of being a video game snob. I was playing Shenmue and Skies of Arcadia before they ported them to systems people actually owned.


Whatā€™s your most nostalgic video game memories?


Perhaps not "nostalgic" but I have vivid memories of wasting a ton of time in Shenmue and Majora's Mask my first play throughs of them and getting killed for running out of time. Particularly Majora where I didn't figure out what I was supposed to do until Day 3 and couldn't make up the time in a single day and just got destroyed by the Moon.


Do you want to play lucky hit. Ps I played shenmue 1/2 on Dreamcast via burnt compressed disks good times. Same with power stones.


I still dream of learning to drive a forklift because of Shenmue on Dreamcast


The one time I was splurged on for Christmas, was for the Dreamcast.


My friend had the 32X because it was on sale at the end of its life.


I saved paper route money for the 32X. Hard lesson there. I also paid for a SEGA channel subscription, which was totally worth it. A wild time to be 10.


NES. Parents offered to buy me a sticker that said "super"


We had Nintendos up until the PS2 came out.


Same. The SNES and N64 were freaking fantastic.


SNES is in easy contention with PS2 for largest amount of stone cold classics. I was kind of best of both worlds. We had Nintendo at home, and I would visit my family who had PS1 on the weekends. A real win-win for an aspiring young dork in those days.




I thought this was the millennial group. I had the original NES and then later Sega Genesis.


I'm a millennial and I was too young for an NES


Yep I had the NES before I could remember and then got the Genesis/Sonic 2 bundle for Christmas.


SNES but I had a couple of Genesis friends so I got to play both!


Cousins and I figured out that I'd have SEGA and they'd have SNES so on holidays we'd play all day at grandma's house.


Did you just describe my life?? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ thatā€™s exactly how my life was set up. I had SEGA. Cousin had SNES. Then I had PS, and cousin had N64.


Atari, NES then SEGA. NHL was the deciding factor for SEGA over NES


Now you made me remember the sound of the SEGA logo. "SEGA!"


Back when EA made good sports games. ā€œEA Sport! Itā€™s in the gameā€


Parents weren't loaded, but they were gamers. so we had both lol


N64 and PS2 kid


A beauty and the beast tiger electronics handheld.


Tiger electronics! What a throwback. I hated all those things. Did you ever beat it? Those things seemed un-winnable for one reason or another


I only remember not understanding how to actually play, haha. It was reserved for long car rides mainly. I donā€™t think you COULD win.


As all Tiger games are designed. Theyā€™re horrible. They always said you could (win), but I never believed them. All lies!


You can win, it's just not worth it


I was a SEGA kid. I had a friend that had a Genesis, so that's how I ended up getting one.


We were a PC, IBM clone, house. Running MS-DOS 5.0 and Windows 3.1 for forever.


Parents were divorced as early as I can remember. Mom had the Nintendo and dad had the Sega.


386/486/pentium and a sega genesis when the PlayStation 1 came out.


I was a Sinclair Spectrum ZX kid


We had a used genesis that was gifted to us by a coworker of my parents.


SNES for sure


Sega Genesis and Sonic


My parents didnā€™t get me a system till the PS2 days but for some reason my grandma had a Sega Genesis, I loved that thing. I still miss Battle Toads


My parents were absolutely not loaded and we had both. Thus them not being loaded. They werenā€™t the responsible type.


Neither were mine. Mine were usually Christmas Presents. In fact all of them were but the Gameboy. That was a birthday present from my Dad. He was in the Air Force and just an Enlisted so definitely wasnā€™t loaded or anything of the sort.


SEGA Saturn kid


Loved the Saturn! Virtua Cop all day! šŸ˜‚


I bought a Sega, used it for a few days then returned it and got a SNES. Best thing I ever did back then. =P


My house had some version of an Atari, though I was too young to really remember playing it. The first system I got was the NES. I did later get a sega genesis, and my cousin got the SNES. I think our parents coordinated that so we could play at each others houses.


SNES, but I also had a Sega Game Gear for the road. In the midwest in the 90s, family trips were almost always taken by car or van, so the Game Gear was pretty clutch.


My parents were divorced. My brother and I had both because we had generous grandparents. Thank God


I was raised Mormon. Never had either. We werenā€™t even allowed sugar cereal in the morning. My sister and I would get so excited for a sleep over because we could have sugar cereal in the morning.


SNES all the way. I remember going to a Macy's department store back in the day when they were still selling electronics and seeing the demo version of Super Mario World on the SNES on display and it was like magic to me.


I got an SNES when it came out. Didn't get a Genesis until it had been out for a few years.


I got an NES in 1994 that I still have. Everything second hand, but it was still the most amazing thing I ever saw for years


Nintendo -> Sega -> N64


NES only. Never got another one until I moved out and got a PS2.


Sega. I had Sonic 2 and maybe 3-4 other games I canā€™t remember. Lots of renting games from Blockbuster. I remember playing SNES a lot at McDonaldā€™s


Sega because I didn't need no blood code šŸ¤£ SNES probably was better overall looking back but was more clean and family oriented.


SNES didn't have a blood code, sweat only. On Sega it was ABACABB, which is forever embedded in my brain.




I had both... eventually. Years after their releases. My folks weren't loaded in the slightest.


SNES kid here. Got it for Christmas one year and it was probably the best Christmas of my life.


SNES but my buddy was a SEGA kid. we would often switch for a weekend. I played the HECK out of some super mario and power stone


Regular NES. All my friends had SNES, Genesis, PlayStation, and N64. To be fair, my parents didn't have a lotta money, but we lived in a very rich county in Jersey.


Both plus Sega channel.


Lol I had both systems but only the game that came with each. So Super Mario and Sonic the Hedgehog. I rented games every now and then.


I was an NES kid, was always a console generation behind until I got a job when I was 12 and could buy games myself.


Sega. Between my entire friend group we had everything (eventually) but nooooooobody individually had more than 1 thing. I even had 1 friend that had the sega channel, that was rad.


Or had neither. Is that an option? We werenā€™t into video games. Never asked for one.


Nintendo, Game Boy, Genesis, Saturn, to name a few I had growing up. I wish I still the Saturn. Those things are worth some money now.


I my family wasnā€™t loaded at all but I had both. My dad got me the Super Nintendo to make up for being an absentee father and the Genesis was given to me by a friend who stole it lol I feel badly now but back then playing Streets of Rage was more important than doing the right thing lol


Had the genesis, cousin had snes. We were too young to really know about console wars and just enjoyed playing.


Genesis, but before that I played NES (Elder millennial/xennial). Genesis is still one of my all time favorite systems. After that, it was PS1 in my teenage years


I had the Sega and my next door neighbor had the SNES and my best friend 5 houses down had a PC in those early days. We lived like kings.


Genesis, but friends down the street had snes so I'm familiar with it. People that had both are weird. It's this huge decision that they never had to make.


My parents bought me the Genesis but I saved up my money and bought the SNES at the flea market.


I had a Sega game gear and a Super Nintendo so I guess we were middle class lol


I had my sister's SNES with some old games I largely didn't understand, for quite a while that was all I had until she gave me her playstation when she was an adult and probably when the ps2 was out. I was finally on generation when we got a ps2 some time well into its life cycle. On the SNES I had a game that contained multiple Mario games, I had a racing game, and some game where I flew around indiscriminately with a helicopter blowing stuff up and having no idea of the true objective or how to beat it lol. I think there was also Donkey Kong Country, that game was iconic. When I was like 3 and 4 years old my sister would give me a controller that wasn't plugged in in Donkey Kong lol


By the time I was gaming nintindo 64 was old


I was a ā€œwhatever they had available to rent at Bradley Video when they rented it for my step brotherā€ kid but only able to play when he went back to his momā€™s. My friends and neighbors were the ones with the coveted game machines.


We had everything. NES, SNES, sega genesis, turbo graphic 16, PC, PlayStation, Dreamcast, Nintendo 64, and so on. We had tons of games. Our house was where all the neighbor kids played. And it wasnā€™t for our personalities. I was a gamer girl before that was a thing. We also had board games galore. And I donā€™t mean monopoly and sorry. Euro games. Before they were main stream. They were in other languages. My dad would have to get the rules translated. D&D, magic, warhammer, other table top games. My dad was hardcore into all this stuff, made bank, and is a shop a holic. He still plays and he is about 75 now.


I got a Nintendo late in the game & then a sega way way late


Neither. My mother was very anti-videogame. I had a computer, and until I was about 11 or 12 all my computer games had to be educational. I bought myself a Gameboy color after saving for a year (the Costco pack that came with Pokemon Red version and the guide)


Aye yo there were some FIRE computer games that were educational though. You had to have a Mac, though! I would sneak off to the library in middle school and weā€™d play those games for hours during the summer when classes were all but done.


I was legitimately a fan of Where in the World is Carmen San Diego as a kid, so getting that and Where in the USA is Carmen San Diego were genuinely exciting moments for me. Just last month I bought myself a copy of the show's soundtrack on CD. Do it Rockapella!


Man, youā€™re bringing back some memories for me, fam! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­ We had that game in MG. Between that, and this game where you were a sleuth in a school looking for clues to which robot a mad doctor wasā€”it was all peak fun times


Had um both baby! play station the 1st year and n64 as well. My parents were fun they actually gamed together and with us as well. Dad went a bit hard into that boring career shit later, but mom stayed cool. I had to set up the family's entertainment systems, the elders were scared of the tech but wanted to have it. We all played duck hunt and shit before the snes too.


I mowed lawns and shit, I had both.


Sega, up until they went belly up. Begrudgingly got the Playstation...


I was one of those weird kids with a Tandy 1000, and did not get a Nintendo until high school. I spent more time watching nature documentaries than playing games


Had an NES and an N64 but skipped a generation. Made do with a Gameboy instead.


What about Texas Instrument? That Oregon Trail.


Sega CD is what I had. My parents weren't rich - it was a gift for all 3 of us one Christmas.


Dog, I get it. I felt that!






Sega, though the kid directly across the street had a SNES. His parents were weird creepy christians though so we mostly played at my house, until they found out we we were playing mk3. Thanks for the memories.


NES then SNES!!!


Neither. My parents wouldn't buy either, so I played at my friends house till I saved up enough to buy an n64




My parents were broke and I had neither. I was a kid who used my dads dial up internet occasionally on his computer and then gave up after a single page of an article wouldnā€™t load after 2 hours šŸ˜­ then I went to the TV and watched the single channel we got way out in the middle of nowhere, which was the news šŸ« 


My god. The sound that dial up made was maddeningly loud!


Middle class but we had both.Ā  We weren't loaded at all,Ā  just parents who were reasonably into technology and siblings of differing ages.Ā 


Garage sale sourced atari 2600. We got an SNES when they went on sale after the release of the n64.


Genesis because sweat instead of blood is lame.


SNES. Saved up all my nickels and dimes


Neither. Was only allowed to watch an hour of tv a week on weekends. Occasionally that was extended to allow us to watch a full video rental, but we weren't allowed to play video games. Of course this meant when I spent the night at a relative's house or a friend who had a console -I was plugged in for hours. In my first year of college I remember spending a couple of nights not sleeping when a group of classmates were taking turns playing a strategy video game.


SEGA for years. Then on my 15th bday, my aunt got me an SNES for my bday. A week later, my house was broken into and my SNES was stolen.


Genesis because it was SLIGHTLY cheaper and we were not wealthy


We had both, because my grandma loved new technology. Iā€™m so sad she missed the internet, she would have been all about it.


SNES. Neighbor girl had a Genesis.


sega kid, until we hit the Christmas jackpot and got an N64. I still say Diddy King Racing was a better game than Mario kart overall


Neither. My dad bought an NES for me when I was a baby (so he could play it) and my next console was an N64 when I was old enough to play. I looooved the N64!


Neither NES


Both. I had older brothers with jobs that were also gamers, so I had it almost all to choose from.


Both but I wasnā€™t rich, I was born white trash and my dad stole the genesis for me from his drug dealer.


Both, but I basically had all of them growing up.


NES, SNES, then N64. Good times all around.


My parents got divorced before I was born. I always had the best of both worlds growing up. Mom got Nintendo? Dad gets a Sega. And on and on


Not loaded But had both. Much preferred SNES though


My grandparents had a sega genesis lol does that count?


We were dirt poor but luckily got both. My aunt/uncle bought me sega & my sister snes for one Christmas. Was the most memorable one of my whole childhood lol


SEGA, with the SEGA channel. They got it for us in lieu of cable tv. I think it was a lot cheaper.


I was an [Intellivision ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intellivision)kid.


SEGA all day every day


SNES and SO jealous of genesis ppl getting blood graphics for mortal kombat.


Both! But less because we were loaded and more cause my dad was a gamer and a bargain hunter. We used to go to video game swap meets!


NES bought with my own money. And then a go cart so my life trajectory changed and I am a permanent broke car guy.




Sega genesis but my cousins had Nintendo so I got to play everything


Bold of you to assume we could afford either.


My parents weren't loaded, but I did have both consoles. I definitely preferred the SNES to the Genesis, both playing it more often and owning many more games for it.


My first system was Playstation.




My parents had money but wouldn't let us have one, in retrospect I am glad.


My parents didn't cave to getting us a gaming console until n64. When I was very young our only TV only had the knobs to change channels. Getting a TV with a remote was a big deal. We didn't even get cable until I was 16.


SNES. My parents got wind of Mortal Kombat blood mode on the Sega, so that was never gonna happen.


Youngest Millenial checking in. Grew up with a Playstation and Dreamcast in the house. Upgrade to GameCube when it came out.


Dreamcast ā€” Phantasy Star Online,ā€¦Marvel Vs. Capcom 2ā€¦ what a time.


Both but I gave one to the maids kids. Apparently they used it all the time and it was a big part of their life. That maid ended up growing the company so big she could buy any house in the block. She still never increased our prices which were dirt cheap.


Me and two of my bros saved up for sega genesis! and then I didn't really play any console games until 2023.


Original NES. Iā€™m an older millennial. Parents were very much not loaded, and when genesis and Super Nintendo came out, we got neither.


Pure Nintendo until I was in high school and got a used and cheap PS2 after the PS3 already came out. I had never really played anything besides Nintendo at my friend's houses either.


I was lucky enough to have both, and I had a lot of fun with both consoles. I enjoyed SNES for Mario games, Meg Man, etc. I enjoyed Sega Genesis for games like Sonic, plus Mortal Kombat was better on Sega Genesis.


SNES. But our parents gave my brother the tv while the snes was ā€œmine.ā€ Good way to make sure we were always fighting over it


My parents had no clue about video games and one year for Christmas got me and my brothers a Turbo Grafix 16. You know, the one that nobody knows about and has no games for it. That one.


Both but primarily played SNES especially Yoshis Island, and Super Mario All stars Sega Genesis I really only remember playing Sonic a few times. My older brother played Sega more than me




I played snes at my friendā€™s house


We didn't get a PS1 until probably 97. My brother had a Sega Game Gear in 93


I had SNES but grandparents had a Sega at their house for when grandkids visited


Went from Nintendo to N64. Never had the SNES.


Sega Genesis, but my best friend had SNES, and I always liked the SNES more because of Street Fighter 2. But mortal kombat was wayyyy better on genesis :)




We were a diehard SEGA household. First the Genesis and then the Dreamcast. My first console after the end of Sega was a PS2. Iā€™ve been a PlayStation person since they had the best couch co-op games and thatā€™s what I loved from SEGA.




SNES. I went from a Magnavox Odyssey to an Intellivision to a NES then the SNES.


Sega was a poor man's nintendo


We had my grandma's NES and exactly 3 games. Duck Hunt, Super Mario Bros. (Can't recall which one) and a third game that never got played.


Atari Commodore 64 Nintendo Sega Genesis Play Station 1-3/Wii as a gift Switch (kids now)


Both baybeee! Eternal Champions was rad.






I had Pong. Just Pong. I got to play NES at the orthodontist, which was awesome.


Yeah but did you have the 3DO


My mom had NES until my step dad bought us a Genesis, and at my dad was always ahead of the game with video games, had a Genesis way before that


Saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay guhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


I had a sega genesis weā€™d play sonic 3


I had both but definitely played snes more


SNES. Of course. And if you had a Genesis instead, I would judge you. And, I think, if Iā€™m being honest, Iā€™ve never been more overtly prejudice about anything in my whole life.