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"For the majority of Americans who don't like this choice, this debate met their expectations."


That was the last thing said before the YouTube feed was cut. It summed up everything perfectly.


It was worse than I thought it would be.


Why is it getting hot and why are we all in a hand-basket?


I completely forgot about it. I’m not voting for Trump. So guess doesn’t really matter I did.


I'm tired boss.


Your name is Toby


I drank every time one of them did or said something that made me feel hopeless. I am hammered.


I drank a fifth every time a question was answered and I'm stone sober


Hopeless is my baseline.


Dead man walking lol


I only heard one saying things. The other I couldn't understand at all. It didn't even sound like English. He was drooling.


Yes, but the coherent one also lied and made outright fabrications over and over It was a pretty bad performance for both


I drank every time I couldn’t understand one of them. Biden had me basically chugging my drink every time his mic was on. Very very hard to watch. It makes me cringe to think that was the person representing our country to world leaders for the last 4 years.


How do you feel about a person who is incapable of being honest representing us? Also, tried to undermine the Democratic process with his dishonesty. Also a Felon. A criminal. There is no good choice here but there is a clear choice between the two.


Are you still alive?????


I am having a hard time today.


Be safe out there. That's an easy way to cause permanent liver damage.


I think it's fucking ridiculous that out of all of the brilliant, talented human beings in our country, it's down to one of these two to run it. What in the actual fuck.


Capable people don't want the job, nor would the parties want someone that acts as an independent leader. As a result, each party props up a flawed person (marginal intellect, narcissist, unstable. etc.) and the party faithful vote for that person while everyone else holds their nose and pulls a lever.


What brilliant, talented human being would really want the job…


I watched a few minutes. I couldn't stand listening to either. They just looked like they were going to die at any moment.


Its dangeours having them in the same building, what happens if the power goes out and it cuts the life support?


Wouldn't we call that divine intervention? Like, would that really be such a bad thing? Just sayin...


Disappointed in Bidens performance


Where was his shot in the ass? I’d rather he be drugged up and done well compared to whatever this was.


Trump lied but no one fact checked him. Biden *was* disappointing. What can I do? I can [write postcards](https://www.turnoutpac.org/postcards/) to voters in swing states. >Help write postcards to voters in 11 key states! We’ll mail you free postcards, voter lists and instructions with proven message options. You’ll provide the stamps and mail the postcards to voters in October.


Lmao they were both embarrassing “oh yeah we’ll have you thought about asking swing state voters to pick one of them!?”


Yup after seeing Biden last night I think Trump is going to win unless today they announced Gavin Newsom is running instead that is what feels like is Democrats only shot. I would be excited at least. Trump just lies but is confident and dominant, and none of them talked about any issues except a fake border crisis


Really? Newsom? Wow no way.


Fuck Gavin, he ruined California


Guy is so bad his shit is leaking out to other states.


Haha I was just as surprised as I typed it. I KNOW there are 100’s of better people but idk who has name recognition. Dan Hurley haha, or just a caring pediatrician. An honest farmer, a teacher. So tired of all Lawyers. If you look at the original signers of the Declaration of Independence it’s about half lawyers half regular people


We needed two different people running/debating. I’m surprised and makes me think they are both in on this ruse. It can’t be real.


Fake? Guy that's a massive issue


You'd be excited if Newson ran?? LOL


Shane Gillis for POTUS.


Unironically Michelle Obama would be their best bet


I’m more surprised at how many ppl were surprised by his performance.. has everyone been under a rock? I feel like trump being so distracting has made ppl blind to the fact Biden ain’t there mentally, the fact they string him along is elder abuse. More cringe is the “omg democracy gonna end of trump gets in” talk lmao. He was already in, and was incredibly moderate. Biden ain’t gonna live another 4yrs either way, so it’s trump or kamala basically. Wish Biden picked a better vp 🤦‍♂️ a circus for sure. Real issue is everyone still gives a shit about these theatrics of “sides”, despite the country going in the same direction for last half decade regardless of which “side” was in.


The only thing liberal that Trump did was spend recklessly. Can you help me unpack why you think Trump was moderate? He appointed extrme judges to the bench that overturned decades of legal precedent, he overturned Obamas LGBTQ protections, climate and industry regulations, he rescinded the Cole Memorandum which deprioritized the enforcement of weed laws.


You’re fucking joking, right? Trump was “incredibly moderate”? He was a fucking lunatic. Randomly slapped travel bans on countries because they were “Muslim.” Imposed the most tariffs on foreign products and raw materials since the 1930s, which then had our products and goods slapped with tariffs that formed the core inflationary basis for what we’re feeling now in our pocket books. He randomly sent the [USS Nimitz and two other Carrier Strike Groups to North Korea](https://www.cnn.com/2017/11/12/politics/us-navy-three-carrier-exercise-pacific/index.html), the Nimitz being famous as the carrier that usually launches combat operations. His domestic policies were garbage; he was a piece of shit; and the only reason his first term was even modestly tolerable was he had GOP handlers who refused to do his more extreme shit. They all left, and the clingers-on were too incompetent to actually run the government. Wow you have a horrible opinion about Trump - that he’s moderate. Jfc


Have you heard about Project 2025? Nothing about losing our right to health care is moderate and he will only get more extreme.


Yeah this is more or less how I see it. I do look forward to the day we have someone who won't be 80+ when their term ends...


Obama was only 55 at the end of his second term, Bush was only 61. These two fucking old folks are going to be 82 or 86 if they make it to the end of this term What the actual fuck. No one over 65 should be allowed to be president.


Like watching a demented sociopath hit a senior citizen with a car. And then run him over again for no apparent reason.


So you're entertained?


I mean, a little?


Me too


Pretty sad, to be honest.


Filled with dread honestly. My vote hasn't changed, I'm voting Biden. But I've never been more afraid of Trump winning again as I am right now.


Yep. Project 2025 is their plan to end Democracy in the US. Anyone who cares even the smallest amount about freedom, our constitution, social security, education, or our rights as citizens should be voting against every MAGA politician they can. Especially the Felonious orange one.


Under his eye.


Just saw an article yesterday citing their plan to sell off all public land to the highest bidder. This isn’t just some guy this is a former (and most likely future if Trump wins) appointee. It’s the plan.


You can tell Project 2025 is real, because anytime anyone mentions it, a bunch of MAGAs appear out of nowhere to mock you for being so gullible as to think it's real. P25 is keeping me motivated to support Dems up and down the ticket.


I worked at The heritage as support staff when i got laid off from my government contracting gig about 20 years ago. 100% believe it's real - they goddamn HATE democrats, it's all dressed up in seer sucker and derby hats but fucking believe it. They all sit around tables at The Monocle and scheme. Gold plated drinking fountains, bathrooms with partitions made of cherry. A Million dollars a year to have your name on the president's bathroom door. Very expensive real estate and land gifted to them so they can build housing for their little proto-republican interns. When Heritage action pretty much wrote the shut down the government playbook? oh my god they relished in it. They are agents of CHAOS and are fucking horrible people. That building is a disgusting display of outright wealth and is everything that's wrong with this country.


Never heard of Project 2025 until now. What's the best resource on this?


100% this I don't know why he agreed to do the debate there was no upside for him even if he did well. I mean Trump lied about literally everything but that's not going to be the story.


Trump really hurt his campaign in the 2020 debates, turned a lot of independents off basically playing his rally act. Trump’s team learned from this clearly. As bad as he was tonight, it pales in comparison. Biden’s team thought Trump couldn’t help himself but repeat the mistake. It backfired.


Trump barely answered a question and never talked about an actual policy. He had three talking points that were all lies. Biden actually did talk about policies and points. Biden actually answered questions.




I listened to about twenty minutes of the debate on my way to work. I was strongly considering driving my car off of a bridge.


It’s absolutely pathetic that these are our only options. But remember folks: you’re voting for their team, not just for the president himself. If you vote for Trump, you’re voting for a team of radical christian nationalists that will govern accordingly. If you vote for Biden, you’re voting for a team of capable political staffers.


I was (attempting) to put my daughter to sleep at the time but saw the opening. I've seen reactions since and I guess I don't have anywhere else to put this, so... sorry! It was a depressing and disappointing performance on Biden's part. I cannot believe a week of debate prep led to this. As soon as his voice wasn't forceful enough and didn't have fire to it, I knew it was just going to be an uphill battle. And it sucks because it could have been the moment that shows a vision of America rebuilding its democracy. Instead, I'm terrified that America is about to fall victim to the charismatic leader who doesn't actually have any policy answers, and if he does, ones that are horrifying. Despite all that, I have to vote for Biden on the basics. A vote for Biden means that I know American institutions such as the rule of law and the basics of the Democracy's institutions will get stronger. These are things that Trump has no regards for and will continue to erode in a similar fashion to Hungary, all for the sake of the strongman dictatorship. I get that people don't like the choices in front of them. This debate and the attitudes that went into it is yet another example. But even with these negative feelings... Go Vote. Get Involved. Don't let one night dissuade you. Research more than just the presidential ticket. Your vote matters, no matter where you are. Attempt to understand clearly what each candidate stances are, and understand what they want to accomplish. This debate for me just tells me that I need to keep working on my project to prepare voters for the challenges of a 21st century democracy, concise details on problems America is facing along with possible solutions and a list of how everyone can get involved, and a clear list of positions that each candidate is representing.


Sir/Madam, I have a fucking job and bills. Watching a debate is a luxury. Debates don't matter. Polls are pointless. I will vote. It's all I have energy for but I don't think it actually matters unless you live in a handful of very specific locations.


I get it. My daughter is demanding all my time, and politics is the last thing I want to be doing with what little free time I have left. But I'll say this, your vote DOES matter, when you expand past the win/loss of it all and when you expand beyond the presidential race. Its a big deal when candidates under/over perform. Locally and in less significant position, you can definitely end up swinging elections. At higher levels, the margin of victory or defeat can give and take away mandates for the coming years. Surprises send a message. And all of this information feeds into the recruitment, messaging and platform for the coming year.


a vote for biden gives us time. another 4 years without trump is what we need, and hope that some of the younger dems can step up, and under biden they will have to.


Was sort of hoping for Biden to step aside, but its what we have. It honestly needs to be more about the type of administration that will be coming in, rather than continuing a narrative that the President is somehow a god that can fix everything with a waive of the hand. But I think the real message we need to have is that a presidential election isn't going to fix anything. What its going to come down to is the realization that our golden age of Democracy is over, and we all need to quickly get experienced in how 21st century democracy can work effectively. Cause right now we are getting railed by authoritarians.


Fuck biden fuck trump. They are both useless cunts


yeah. except if people dont vote for biden he has a good chance at losing and if he loses we will not survive under project 2025. They both suck but we have to support biden until november. afterwards bully biden all we can.


Project 2025 also relies on republicans sweeping the elections. I’m not sure that’s going to happen, even if Trump wins. The most important part is voting blue down ticket. Dems have done pretty well outside of the presidential ticket in the last 4 years. Even if you don’t vote for Biden. Vote for officials that are going to be on the forefront fight against the republicans platform.


That's the problem to begin with. Neither of them should be on this damn poll. We need to stop this fucking bullshit where we pick the "lesser evil".


I mean yeah. But we should probably do that ***after*** we've bought ourselves more time and voted out the people who want to turn the US into a christofascist dictatorship by instituting Project 2025


you could have made your daughter watch the debates with you, she would have fallen asleep in 5 minutes!


She was in the room! But because she is a toddler and the candidates weren't animated, she quickly started demanding my attention to avoid bed time instead.


Humphrey, McGovern, Mondale, Dukakis, Dems just never learn.


Project 2025 is enough to make any sane person vote for Biden


I'm fucking drunk. It was like watching an alcoholic beat my grandpa and I'm 8 years old. Awful.


How's screwing Bernie and the movement in 2016 working out for you Neolibs? Lol


Right! It’s amazing to me how many people didn’t want to believe that the vote blue no matter who crowd would’ve voted for Bernie, but there was no convincing a significant portion of Bernie supporters to vote for Clinton. It’s literally against the very fabric of everything that made Bernie appealing in the first place. But, dems are so completely out of touch that they just assumed Trump was so bad they could put up whoever they wanted, instead of following the trail of who gave them the best chance to win.


No point in even watching. Would vote for a ham sandwich over trump.


This x100. I don’t need to watch the debate.


Like it’s all theater and not really real. They don’t actually ever talk about anything real or of substance. Obviously both are old and nobody really wants either option. The real enemy is the federal reserve and whoever is pulling the strings of the puppets running for president.


Honestly though Trump did not seem old tonight. Misinformed? Up his own ass? Yes - but he looked like a spring chicken tonight by comparison




We are doomed


Country's dead Jim


Seriously, why do we pay taxes when it perpetuates this farce?  This isn't our government anymore.


I feel like shit. Like, I’m gonna vote for Biden because obviously, but I’m not gonna feel good about it.


I hear you. I just say I'm voting against Trump and Project 2025, that makes me feel better


I’ve been voting against shit since after Obama. When do I get to be excited and vote FOR someone again.


I don't expect Biden to live to his second inauguration, but I'll vote for him anyway. I have more faith in his cabinet than the potential people Trump will pick.


I wish I didnt waste my time watching two people lie to me for 90 minutes


Biden has dementia. He has to be replaced otherwise Trump wins. Even then, who's his replacement? Some other 80 year old? Because apparently the people in power have that locked down as a qualifying factor.


Like basically anyone under 50 the Democrats could field would destroy Trump


Can we get a pinch hitter for debates? Like Pete Buttigeg or Elyssa Slotkin. Someone who we all can understand? We can let the republicans have MTG or the pillow guy.


Under 60 would work as well


My favorite part was watching two old rich white dudes have a pissing contest about golf. So relatable.


Can I jump off a building? I watched the US Men's Soccer Team lose to freaking Panama right before, then turned the debate on and came to the conclusion the only winners were people who didn't watch. Also reinforced my view that the best thing for the country would be for both Trump and Biden to croak on stage at the conventions because shit would then get crazy in a good way where we are likely to have better candidates because of lack of advance planning.


Yeah that sucked. Us definitely won’t win against Uruguay so likely won’t move on


Biden is old and it was painful to see that but still better than trump


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Designer_Emu_6518: *Biden is old and* *It was painful to see that* *But still better than trump* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Trump is the same old scammer and Biden is uninspiring and deflated as usual


Fuck them both. Why are we even putting up with these clowns


Trump was full of shit as always. Biden was maybe autistic and thinking faster than he could speak, as always. Folks, these real-time debates are pretty useless for getting any kind of valuable information. If they had scheduled weeks where they'd thoughtfully discuss real issues in writing with like hours/significant portions of days to really put together honest and logical responses to the other, then maybe it would be a beneficial debate. Obviously, that's not the kind of country we have. Being able to come up with quick, maybe snarky responses and give the opponent a "good dressing down" is in no way indicative of how good the policies of each will be. If anything, these debates give an advantage to the person more willing to blatantly lie. Having said that, I'd put the "score" at about even. Biden was honest but is an abysmal public speaker. Trump had a bunch of canned bullshit about like one issue (immigration) ready/memorized so no real thinking was necessary. It was kind of satisfying to see how thin Trump's skin is, and seeing him get extremely butthurt about the felon comments and the "losers and suckers" thing that he'd said being thrown back in his face :)


>Biden was maybe autistic and thinking faster than he could speak, as always. Yeah, that's the problem, he just thinks too fast. You figured it out.


Yup. Biden thinks too fast. And Trump doesn't think at all.


Some kind of slow back and forth would be interesting. I doubt the usual gish gallop strategy Republicans so love would be very useful then.


fuck them both 2024.


I'm so disheartened- not that I was thrilled with our choices before, but Biden did so much worse than even I thought he would. I've always comforted myself with the thought that at least he has good people around him influencing decisions, but how could those people send him out there in that state? There is no logical reason that he should be running for a second term. If he stepped down early, talked about the things he accomplished, said he recognizes he's ready to retire, and endorsed the next candidate, he would have come out the hero. Literally anyone who could put together a coherent sentence could have wiped the floor with Trump in that debate. I was watching CBS and ABC post-debate analysis, and both were discussing if Biden can continue his campaign, if he should forfeit his delegates, etc. The analysts were making it very clear that at this point that would have to come from him only- it would have to be his choice as there is no way for the party to make it happen at this point with most primaries finished. My tiktok fyp is full of conspiracy theories about the DNC purposefully setting him up to fail, so that they can pave the way to run a new candidate, like Newsom or Whitmer. For once, I hope the tin foil hat people are right. I'll take anyone who can speak in complete, coherent sentences and is also not morally bankrupt at this point. The bar is low. The way I see it, either Biden steps down or Trump wins in a landslide. Biden just does not have a path forward at this point- unfortunate that he didn't realize this before the primaries.


Biden ain't winning shit and needs replaced immediately.


Good people on both sides


Trump did better than I expected and Biden tanked. Either way we are all screwed.


Even more hopeless than I was before. That was painful (also the page says that there are 30 comments on this post but I can only see 4, wtf??)


These are our options lol Shitshow sums it up perfectly


Unfortunately I have passed away


Both are disasters. Biden was especially bad though


It was an absolute shitshow. If the dems play things right though, they could spin this to their advantage in one of two ways: 1) all this disappointment could potentially stir those who were hesitant to vote, to actually go vote. If dems publicly lean into the, oh shit, we're fucked rhetoric and making the fear of a trump win seem like a near guarantee, maybe it'll stir up enough people. 2) use this to get Biden to step aside. Even before the debate, anyone voting Biden wasn't thrilled to, while those who are pro Palestine might even abstain completely. Putting in a new candidate would possibly bring back those who have flipped R, are independet, or take issue with Biden over Palestine. I think most people would agree, literally any candidate is better than Biden.


Still voting Biden...but it doesn't feel great. On the plus side, I think democrats realized that the Biden ad campaign was trash. They brought back Obama to ask for money, the ads are way better now.


So fucking fucked


I honestly just feel bad for Grandpa Joe, it's kind of heartbreaking to watch.


Why do people pluralize everything? Were there more than one debate and I missed one?


Angry. I’m still voting for Biden for the administration/judicial nominees, etc but there’s just no hope left here. It’s a clown show and its a disgrace.


It went as expected. Biden was weak. Trump lied. It’s 2 hours that seems to have gone as expected and I didn’t need to watch to get that impression. The debate stage is for theatrics. Likely won’t swing many people one way or another. Unsure why we are even giving the debate platform to people except for the grandstanding and dog and pony show.


After seeing that debate I'm voting Biden


I have read a lot of the comments here. I want to say that for the majority of basically, most of the ppl here are both left and right it seems everyone is just voicing their thoughts on the debate without ridiculing each other on beliefs or whatever. I wish I could more of this less arguing and getting along. Seems most agree, left or right it's time for a change, and that is someone who isn't 1000 years old, lol


Biden’s best hope was and remains that he’s not Trump. Last night didn’t change much. And if you’re really undecided on voting for Trump again after 8+ years of listening to him, then you probably shouldn’t be voting.


One candidate is old, slow, and can barely speak, but has the policy. The other candidate is old, crazy, and corrupt, but seems mostly coherent. Is your dealbreaker corruption or coherency? Seriously though, neither are good, neither are desirable, but at least Biden isn’t corrupt. He’s reliable, he’s a known quantity. And if he were to die in office, we know what will happen. Trump is a lunatic, I don’t think he spoke a single truth the entire night. In conclusion, close your eyes, grit your teeth, and vote for Biden. He isn’t the candidate we want or need, but he’s the sitting president and they just flat out won’t try to replace him. We ride Biden for 4 more years and then the fun begins.


Eh, Biden clearly had a cold of some sort and it showed. Trump of course blatantly lied over and over again. I'm not sure he ever actually answered any question truthfully the entire night. Didn't make Biden look great but let's be honest, the vast majority of us weren't gonna be swayed one way or the other by these debates. Either you're already MAGA-pilled, or you were voting against Trump regardless and unfortunately that means Grandpa Joe this election (don't start with 3rd party bs, that's just Trump with deniability.)


We basically have to pick between walking dead and fascism. Biden did horribly. If that had been Nicky Haley up there instead of Trump, she'd have wiped the floor with him and taken everyone who isn't far left with her, lol. It's sad this is what the US has come to. I'd have much rather seen Ocasio and Bobert up there. We have to rid the government of all these old fucks. No one that far gone has any business running a business, much less the USA.


I couldn't watch it all. It's like Biden aged five years since the SotU.


Turned it off five minutes in. It was too painful to watch. I almost don't want to vote for Biden out of pity so he can relax, but I remind myself of what can happen if Trump is president. I'm hoping Biden will just have a team that can support him in the best way they can.


I was whelmed.


Trump did exactly what I expected: he lied constantly, had zero answers for actual policy rather than shouting out superlatives and attributing successes, real or imagined, to himself, and he evaded answering questions about Jan 6th and accepting defeat in 2024. For CNN's part, I'm incredibly ashamed that they stated that they would be fact-checking throughout the "debate". What that amounted to was zero fact checking on tv/streaming and only minimal fact-checking on their live feed online. As for Biden, he couldn't seem to get much control over his stuttering, which I could typically forgive, but then there were some times where he seemed to lose his train of thought mid-sentence and began mumbling. What I saw was someone who isn't in the best health to do the job despite his age. I'm ALL FOR limiting the ages of politicians so we don't have 90 year old politicians, but if Biden, at 81, had been able to speak with the fire and tenacity that he did at the State of the Union then I'd have had less heartburn about his age. I'd still feel he was too old, but I'd have been more willing to look past it in the circumstance. Biden didn't inspire much hope. What I did love about his times when he spoke was that he actually spoke to policy change and mostly actionable decisions about specific policy where as Trump didn't have a policy answer for *anything*. He just kept babbling about illegal immigrants flooding over the border and how great our military and economy were BUT at NO POINT did Biden point to the interest rates being at historical lows (or very near to it). Trump's lowering of the interest rates are why housing prices skyrocketed and Biden never even mentioned that. I'd give Trump's policies and administration 100% of the blame for why food, gas, housing, etc. are so high right now. But at the end of the day, Biden largely felt very meek and mild and he simply didn't inspire confidence. Trump was Trump. Biden needed to do so much more than he did.


Our country is facing serious decline in its political system. The pain from this has not even set in yet, but it will be sharp.


Yea, don't really care about the debates. My decision is made, I'm in support of my self-interests and what I feel is objectively for the better of the country and its democracy.


I'm more apathetic and fatalist than the average bear so I went into this debate with a clown cocktail and popcorn in tow. Was not disappointed.




As many others have mentioned, disappointed in Biden’s performance but will never vote for Trump. I would vote for a bucket or a mop, before Trump. I really wish the democrats would replace Biden for someone young who could run circles around the orange turd. I think Newsom could do it but other states see CA as a radical liberal land so Newsom would not do well with centrists and rural areas.


Biden: bad at talking, good at President Trump: lies every time he speaks, bad at President. It’s pretty easy


That was a debate?


Tired. Two old dudes argued over golf. I’d still prefer the mumbler over the bullshitter but neither should be running.


There's always third options. Good time to have a fun go at it like in 92'


It was like watching Skeleton Viserys Targaryen arguing with Otto Hightower


I'm voting abyssrealm 2024. They have vision


Trump constantly dodged questions and lied his ass off (sometimes so blatantly it caught me off guard even) and Biden was constantly getting lost trying to finish a sentence and seemingly just gave up some of the time. I think everyone lost this, including the American people. Probably gonna see a lot of people saying Trump won, but the fact that he bullshitted his way through it, I don't like the ape-brained thinking of judging a debate purely by aesthetics and not by what was actually said.




I think something is wrong with reddit bc I'm having the same issue. The issue is what country is going to take us? It's not that easy and it's expensive. I just started sobbing tonight bc I am terrified.


Stay and vote first, tho


Vindicated. Liberals have been telling me for years not to trust my eyes and ears. I don't care about a senile president but I do care about the lengths they went to lie about it.


I'm tired of being ruled by these 80 year olds that should be in fucking homes


I can't believe adults voted this guy in


Biden could have been on an ECMO machine; communicating only by taps on a clipboard and I would still vote for him over PROJECT 2025 and everything that comes with Trump. The fact that we have to be concerned with people even considering Trump is a sign of how hopelessly we have failed at becoming a society with morals or even the slightest whiff of education. The film Idiocracy is not the future we are headed for; WE ARE ALREADY THERE AND WRITING THE SEQUEL.


Trump owned him. It was awesome


I think I'm voting Trump.


Can some please ELI5 why Trump is still allowed to run for office? - A concerned Canadian


He hasn't served the term limit for President of 8 years, so he can still attempt a run. And, yes, he may be a convicted felon from the trial last month, but that doesn't actually bar him from running for or holding office since it wasn't Federal level.


I don’t blame the Face Eating Leopard for eating my face. I blame the Democrats for ALLOWING THEM to do so. It’s time to make sure your passport is up to date people. Especially if you are part of any minority group.


Idk where you think people are going to go ? Authoritarianism is on the rise globally. Many Americans are living paycheck to paycheck and can't afford to move states, much less to another country. Many countries don't want Americans to move there, and immigration is extremely difficult. Not trying to be a downer, but this is an unrealistic solution for the people who are in the greatest danger. No, I don't know the solution either :/ or if there is even a solution.


Good. Had a particularly good espresso and duck.


I had no clue there was a debate. Why is it so early? Regardless I wouldn’t have watched as it likely would have led to me throwing things.




The idiocracy begins.


It's like deciding between ice cream that looks and tastes like shit or actual shit that looks and states edible.


i'm glad our country finally beat medicare.


Was not surprised




I've been known to clear the back fence at my driving range. Does that mean I'm president now?


As a Russian (our political scene is cooked, i know, save your breath) i am literally roaring with laughter when fate of the good part of the world rests on 1)Dude in a clear mental decline. 2)Dude that entered the chat just for lolz. Life is hilarious sometimes! Ow an either way - we are probably fucked and i ain't even mad anymore.


Fucking bummed


There's a lot of cope going on in here.


I don't pay attention to old men arguing, why start now. I didn't watch as I don't want either TBH.


Wishing the media gave Marianne Williamson more support. She would have made actual positive changes with positive results. Anyone who hasn’t heard her speak please do .


After about 20 minutes, I went to bed. It was so bad.


The presidential debates between Joe Biden and Donald Trump were so confusing, even Google gave up trying to fact-check them!


I mean, that went exactly how I expected. Trump making wild innacurate claims and Biden making sounds with his mouth that sometimes formed a word. I can't believe the DNC chose to push this guy. Dean Phillips would have done better than that, and nobody has even heard of him


I got stoned; thankful for California having legal cannabis. I also have Covid so I’m still not in a good way. I can’t go comfort my BF who woke up an hour ago in a panic after last night and having a bit too much to drink.


The real debate with RFK Jr was much better. He actually answered the questions.


Welp, looks like that's a wrap, 'Murica. Onto greener pastures.


Watched RFKjrs because he at least has plans. I’m not voting for someone who can’t speak a full sentence, and someone who is while a good business guy but too soft on many issues and doesn’t fit my needs today.


Turned out the way I thought it would go.


It should have never happened. I’m still voting for Biden. Project 2025 is terrifying and we still need to look at the bigger picture.


I think I'm gonna try to see if I can make it in Germany.


My face the entire time




Biden is the best Democrats can do? Why are they not nominating someone else, and why is Biden running again. No way he can win Arizona and Georgia again. I told My husband, “It’s like a family reunion with your great grandpa and your angry uncle.”


Elder abuse


I know everyone is saying Trump is a danger to democracy, and I do believe it. However, Biden is coming off as weak and feeble, even before the debates, but this showing just sealed his fate. The electorate wants a strong leader, the United States hates weakness in their leaders. Biden needs to step down, but we all know he won’t. I now believe Trump will be our next president. The DNC has failed us.


How many of the millennials on here have been consistently politically active their whole lives? Bc we are getting to an age where we can’t blame anyone without blaming ourselves. Most millennials I know don’t do shit politically and then complain.


My parents told me it was my responsibility to vote, and I registered once 18, and have voted consistently and maintained an awareness of the issues since heading off to college.


Those were words. Mostly.


Biden’s uppers weren’t as effective for him last night.


I was voting for Trump anyway.


Honestly I did not watch it and it could not change my vote. I'm not voting for a convicted felon and despot who wants to end democracy.

