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“Look closely and you'll also see a cast bronze work glove on the ground below – a reminder, Catherine Donnelly says, ‘that this was built by working people, with their hands.’"


oh woah thank you for sharing this article!!! I tried searching for “metal glove in Milwaukee” and other alterations to the phrase and was coming up empty! Milwaukee has so many nuances that make it interesting!


Whenever I see a single glove it always reminds me of the movie Spinal Tap. ​ >[**Bobbi Flekman** ](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000376/?ref_=tt_ch)**:** You put a \*greased naked woman\* on all fours with a dog collar around her neck, and a leash, and a man's arm extended out up to here, holding onto the leash, and pushing a black glove in her face to sniff it. You don't find that offensive? You don't find that sexist? [**Ian Faith** ](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0376676/?ref_=tt_ch)**:** This is \*1982\*, Bobbi, c'mon! [**Bobbi Flekman** ](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000376/?ref_=tt_ch)**:** That's \*right\*, it's 1982! Get out of the '60s. We don't have this mentality anymore. [**Ian Faith** ](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0376676/?ref_=tt_ch)**:** Well, you should have seen the cover they \*wanted\* to do! It wasn't a glove, believe me.


“What’s wrong with being sexy?” “Ist,ist! Sexist!”


When I learned Shank Hall was named after the venue in that movie my kind was blown.


TIL Shank Hall's name origin.


Yeah this is the most interesting thing ever.


I have lived here my entire life and never noticed this


Bobby Tanzillo is on this subreddit, I do believe. He is an absolute Milwaukee treasure (along with John Gurda).


Labor built this country.


Largely immigrant labor, at that.


Hell our agricultural system only works because we import illegal immigrants that we can get to do it for us, and for pennies. And if they act out or call you out for abuse, well then you can always just report them to ICE and the problem is solved! (/s /s /s /s) Incredible how we as a country are still *literally* currently supported by not just immigration but *illegal* immigration and yet we still treat them like shit and people blame them for all of our problems. When people say this country was built by immigrants they *mean it very literally*. Yes, your grandpa may have built the family home, or whatever, but the *country* itself, it's infrastructure, the most laborious jobs, have always been done by the marginalized and migrants. I kind of wish it wasn't this way, as it is a consequence of capitalism and exploitation, but it's already been done so to see people ignore that role is infuriating. Really makes you wonder if people can change their minds if their so ignorant to the truth, but I suppose I did (albeit young and full of that yummy neuroplasticity) so I can only hope. Got me praying and I don't even believe in God.


**Slow clap/standing ovation* * (Best I can do since gold went away booooo) Fantastic point & beautifully stated!!




Dude illegal immigration is literally keeping the country afloat, a huge amount of capital in America was gained by exploiting and enslaving third world countries, and our agricultural industry only exists because we have an endless supply of cheap labor that cant complain. I'm aware that the American propaganda view that is pushed is that, "Immigrants are cool, as long as they're here LEGALLY!" even though a vast amount of labor in the US for a long time was sourced by illegitimately ripping people from their countries and forcing them into labor, and on top of that, *illegal* immigrants have contributed a shit load to this country, but you don't hear about them because that would be harmful to the American narrative. I know about your "history", but you don't seem to know anything about "mine", so who has the gap in their knowledge here? I used to believe what you currently believe, and I was proven embarrassingly wrong time and time again, until I had no choice but to change my mind, because to not do so would be insane. It seems the only logical deduction to be had, is that you *don't know things*. *You* have no clue what you are talking about about, lol


No youre not gonna convince me that im supposed to support some fucking illegal that doesnt speak english to be more effective at driving a truck than an American that went to school and learned how to properly drive one and obeys the law. And you can insert any job profession in place of truck driver and still will make sense. I dont care what happened in the past the past does not define us. I didnt enslave anyone or force them to work or do anything. If the illegals dont like being exploited why are they pouring into this country? Seems to me that being exploited here is much better than where ever the fuck they came from


1. Americans don't know how to properly drive anyway, lol, lmao even 2. Illegal immigrants make up a huge amount of the workforce in terms of "dumb labor" as it's typically classified, I don't think they're necessarily driving trucks, doofus. 3. It isn't *only* in the past, I literally just told you it's the current reality that our country exists on the backs of non-citizens, the *least* you can do is at least acknowledge the past and respect the people who are responsible for your existence today, if you absolutely aren't going to acknowledge the current reality. 4. America is a huge part of the reason that third world countries are destitute. Their wealth has been sucked into the American economy, so people come here because there isn't really anywhere else to go but to the Imperial Core. Their past exploitation never ended, it's just taking place in a different place.


IndependenceWarm5375’s comment has been removed: Rule #4: Practice civility Be civil, address the argument not the person, don't harass or attack other users, treat them with respect, don't threaten or encourage any kind of violence, don't post anyone's personal information and don't intentionally spread misinformation. This includes, but is not limited to, blatant name-calling, "redpilling", racist comments/slurs, dog-whistling, and personal attacks. Blatant racism, spamming, trolling and disinformation campaigning will not be tolerated. Further violations of this rule will result in a ban.


They still do. And they get paid shit wages for it.


Fucking A


I like how MKE has random ass art pieces throughout downtown


At least 1.33% of every building construction must have art and 10% of the entire city must contain art by ordinance.


1.33% by surface area? Volume? How are they measuring art?


The 1.33% of the buildings cost and design. The 10% I believe is by volume per the population.


That is excellent. I hope no one ever overturns that. If anything I am for increasing it.


https://preview.redd.it/2hu6tx8isloc1.png?width=1600&format=png&auto=webp&s=aff5579f7d2a4aabf483d7ba8c3d0ef708aaf683 More brass turds!


This thing is objectively awful. Though it was very fun to joke about the people "polishing the turd" when the brass is cleaned.


I think it looks pretty cool tbh definitely goofy though


Tax dollars hard at work in Milwaukee always.


I don't think it was tax dollars. I think it may have been from a grant or a donation.


Well that would make it a little better than Tommy's chochoo train 😂


This is not the 1st amendment hill I want to die on, but: Forced speech isn't freedom of expression. It would be a really interesting legal argument to hear. What if the ordinance mandated a 6% on art for each building? Is that still ok? 28%?


Random ass-art Bronze Fonz!


that right there is the number 1 piece of evidence against the bronze fonz in the mysterious killing of the golden girls


It's the Laverne and Shirley glove. ![gif](giphy|rx0v800kPPHlYE4LnB|downsized)


i like this much better than the tokens glued to the sidewalk in front of up down


I've done this many times in life. Always worked good in school. Or at the grocery in from of the quarter machines. I remember watching kids lose their mind when I worked at my pick n save.


definitely works on the drunk ppl leaving up down lmao


I remember being a house party across the street from an unnamed east side bar when we were teens. Some kids kept running down in from of the bar and doing the shitty dollar prank. As stupid as it was drunk me almost died from laughing so hard. Eventually they heard us laughing upstairs and it went sideways real quick.


Who glued these quarters down?


At up down not sure. At the Muskego pick n save I worked at me and other employees glued them.


Oh. I was referencing Empire Records... I feel old now.


hahha i forgot about that one


I glued a quarter to the floor at muskego pick n save when I worked there in the 1990s.


Like when... I worked there from 93-95ish


started in 1997. quarter gluing event was probably around 2000.


I don't have to explain my art to you, Warren.


Wow, who’s warren?


https://youtu.be/Nt7Cr6X2sDs?si=rxt3PORV54mBoRh5 I flubbed the line a bit, but close enough


Oh nice I’ve never seen that before but I did see that they recently added it to Hulu


Oh, I think you should watch it. It's very of the time, so assuming you're young, you may not appreciate it in the same way, but it's an iconic movie for gen x and millennials.


It's a god damn tripping hazard is what it is


I'm an old boomer so I haven't been tripping in soooo long. I guess I'm going to have to pay a visit and check this out.


If it doesn’t fit, you must acquit.


I was just there omg, i walk past it all the time but my dumbass just kept assuming it was a petrified glove


OJ was in town last weekend.


Always thought it was Han Solo’s glove when carbonited…




It's a reminder to get your colonoscopy soon.


To commemorate OJ Simpson’s visit to the city that one time


I've seen so many people trip or step on it, kind of funny


If the glove don’t fit you must acquit


Is there a statue of O.J. Simpson near by?


is that not a tripping hazard??


Love this.


It's a sith legend


Some say the person who can put on the glove and pull it from the ground will become the king of Wisconsin ave


It was OJs glove.


OJ dropped it after finding the fit wasn’t right. Kim’s dad said so.


I think that might be this guys glove https://www.wisn.com/article/man-s-leg-severed-in-holiday-lights-accident/6311753


Tin man lost his dick beater


Ok that one got me lmao


Yeah I know the story