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Talk to them about it. Maybe they don't care as much as you think, maybe they do care. Aside from what they feel, how do you feel about it?


You could try running a [10x10 capsule wardrobe challenge](https://stylebee.ca/10-x-10-challenge/) and you might be surprised by how much visual variety you can create when you have to try hard within constraints.


You’ll just have to try it and see. My partner and I tends toward less outfits and from my side I enjoy it because:  1. She only keeps clothes she really loves and that fit well.  That means she feels good and she looks good every day! Win-win. 2. She has a few sets of earrings, rings etc but they’re all “her”. When she wears something for the 50th time I don’t think “not that again” I think “she always looks good in those” and then after a while she switches it out again.  3. When she does try something new it has so much impact, it soon becomes obvious whether or not it’s gonna work for her. 


Less clothes, more sex. Not boring.


Absolutely second that.




I bet your first take was the right one. I'm confident the partner will find new ways to compliment.


Reddit loves to break couples up, but also half the people posting for that kind of advice on Reddit are like 19 and probably should break up.


I once attempted the 100 day dress challenge from Wool&, but I used a dress I already owned. I made it to day 88, and no one realized I was wearing the same dress every day. Not even my loving wife.


This got a huge lol from me until I scolded myself for my hugely hetro-normative leap


If i compliment someone's clothes, i do it to make them happy. I couldn't care in the slightest if they wore the same thing every day 


When I met this one girl, I had basically two wardrobes - 5 days of work clothes for a boilermaker's apprentice job (heavy drill cottons for welding and metal work), and a small wardrobe of all black clothes. We loved, we laughed, I fell asleep one time in a nightclub during an ear shattering live music event and I hadn't even had 2 drinks, I was just exhausted from the week at work, but she stuck by and looked after me while I napped for a couple of hours. As myself, a guy who only cared if she'd showered before we went out, I had no opinion on her outfits. If she was happy with what she was wearing, I was happy. And as far as she was concerned, I told her to tell me if anything I had she didn't like and made her feel uncomfortable, but I was a goth (sans makeup) and she said she liked the black because it was always "formal".


Are you sure he's not complimenting you because he knows you love hearing it? I doubt he would complain that you repeat outfits. You can always dress up or down with accessories. Or just rock the casual looks.


Minimal clothing would certainly keep your partner visually interested.


You can keep things spicy in other ways than clothes! Just remember he didn’t marry you for your clothes he married you for the person you are and communication is key. talk to him about this too he will have the best insight!


Are you a person who does hair and makeup "looks"?


Unfortunately no, I have tried but it is something I absolutely hate spending time on. I tatooed permanent makeup and get a professional haircut every month and that's it.


Less is still more. It´s not about your clothes but your insecurities. You are good enough. Your partner will be interested in your personality long term, appearance short term. Partner will like you for who you are. Don´t worry about it.


My husband is never bored when I'm naked.


I did all me and my last exes laundry. She’d hang out with me but I did it all and never minded. If she’d decided to halve her clothes I’d have been all for it. Lots of Jean shorts and those tights that are hard to fold nice lol. I personally would be fine either way. Ask him/her what their fav outfit of yours is maybe and stick with that kinda stuff? They love you, not the clothes. So don’t stress yourself out too hard.


Take care of yourself. Ensure your clothing is well fitted and that it pairs well with one another. Beyond that, be compatible with and communicate with your partner. I gutted and replaced my entire wardrobe with what could fit in a single suitcase and my wife couldn’t give less f***s. It’s been months of the same clothing and she still slaps my a** in public while saying she’s jumping me later. It’s not the clothes, it’s the compatibility and confidence in yourself.


So it may be helpful to know if you’re a man or woman? Or better yet if your significant other is male or female? I will say there’s nothing that my wife can wear (or preferably not wear) that I won’t be interested in. Night out dress or a moomoo it’s all the same. She’s still down right sexy. It doesn’t even matter. I’ll say that I’m on pretty good standing when I say we don’t care. Edit: I re-read. He doesn’t care, he’s being nice and knows you appreciate compliments. If he doesn’t like your small wardrobe ditch all the clothing you’re wearing at any given time and he’ll learn to appreciate it!


How about, He Cares.., about YOU..., Not your wardrobe!


That would be ideal if he cared about her as a person. Most men simply want constant validation by a sex partner.


I’m so sorry that’s been your experience!


r/minimalism For those who appreciate simplicity in any form. Yikes! Downvoted! I thought this was minimalism: it was a simple principle that people can follow that I offered. Apparently it was too simple for minimalism. Actually, knowing that helped me to understand how to get along better with men and to have realistic expectations. I have been married more than 20 years. Who would not want constant validation from a sex partner? Do you want someone to have sex with you and then tell you what is wrong with you or give you a list of demands??? Expecting too much from one person is the way to be unhappy in my view. Honesty matters but it needs to not be hurtful. How many reddit posts have you read from people whose partners said something true but hurtful - then they just can't get over it and can't forgive??


I don’t think people are concerned about the validation of your sexual partner, but the implication that men don’t care about you as a person. After almost 40 years, my dh and I still try to validate each other as sexual beings, but he 100% cares more about my well-being.


I used to have mountains of clothing options, because I liked variety. (And also because I hated laundry - but mostly the variety thing!) When I met my current partner & discovered the concept of a minimal wardrobe (soooo much easier to do laundry when you have a lot less!) I reduced my main day to day wardrobe to only the few favourite items. I was actually happier with this - so much less decision making needed in the morning. And always wearing my favourite things. These days I have 3 “immediately to hand” sets of outfits: - work (office) - non-work - bumbling around house & garden I introduced that third category, because I find it easier to have max 5 items in the “easily to hand” category. And they serve very different purposes - eg I want comfort or ok to get dirty while gardening in the “at home” set. I also have occasional use items (eg a couple of more “smart” dresses, beach stuff, out of season stuff in different storage areas. So I feel like I have a very minimal wardrobe, re how much it makes my day to day easier, but still have options for other things. **And that’s something I often recommend**: - Pack away all your outfits except your favourite 5 or 6 for the current season, and spend 2-3 weeks living “as if” you only have those clothes. - See how that feels. - Go from there.


My husband is like your partner. I wear the same like 3 outfits now all the time and nothing has changed. Now he simply compliments my hair when it’s down for a change. I do also have a very small bin of ‘date night clothes’ (about 3 dresses), though most of it is funeral/wedding attire appropriate as well. You’ll have more energy without the maintenance and decision fatigue to be in a better mood which he’ll enjoy and you’ll have the space of mind to return the favor. Compliment his clothes, his cooking, etc. I’m telling you, it’s not going to be a problem!


This is perplexing. If you're with the right person, they literally don't care how you look and think you're the most incredible thing imaginable


Never let someone else's preferences prevent you from growing as a person 


A wise man once said - Your wardrobe doesn't matter, it's what's underneath that counts!


Whenever I wear something nice, my husband tells me he likes it and it would look great on his floor. I don't think they care if we repeat outfits.


You don't have to be minimal in all aspects. It's not about punishment. If you do want to experiment with it then that's a different story. I will say that there are definitely men out there who care about clothes and presentation (for some reason all the ones I know are Christian MOC, and if their work wardrobe is anything to go by, their Sunday Best game must be *spectacular*) and there are men who don't really care- check which category your fella falls into and don't assume just from his comments. There are a couple fun and easy things to try (capsule wardrobe, Google project 333, taking one item as inspiration a la Vivienne Files) that won't break the bank. The easiest is probably putting half your wearable wardrobe away and swapping out for a fresh set of clothes to play with. Thrifting accessories is something my sister does. Everything else in her wardrobe is low key and the accessories pull the attention


i don’t think it’s the variety that matters, i think it’s how good it looks. most of us have had clothing items that get compliments almost every time we wear them, even if we wear them a lot. having a small wardrobe of absolute bangers is always a good thing imho.  also i think your partner probably thinks your best look doesn’t involve clothes at all. 


Is this really how women think? When people say men and women think the same.. I can’t think of a post that exemplifies the reality that we are nothing alike.


Haha please enlighten me! I am also from East Asia where women's looks and presentation matter a LOT a lot, so that may influence things. How do men think in this arena btw?


You can wear the same outfit for a year straight and we could care less, as long as it looks decent, as to not be ashamed of you. This whole ‘different outfit every day’ is what women care about. Men don’t care or notice. Similar for your hair, nails, etc.. We only mention it, because it makes you happy when we do. Do we care about it? No.


Colours that compliment you and silhouettes that fit your body type.


Maybe you can experiment with different hairstyles.


Seconding all the comments about this being a non-issue, but also adding my ideas. A couple of jewelry pieces really bring my outfits together, earrings especially. And more importantly, the key is makeup for me! It doesn’t require many tools and it doesn’t take up any space, and I can go from casual to glam with the same exact outfit and a few lines and colors on the face. If you ignore the classic makeup looks and trends, there’s a whole world of stuff you can do with so little.


Wear clothes that fit. My wife has like 3 shirts and they are the same style, just different colors. They look great on her because they fit.


Steal their clothes 😉 but you can probably wear a towel and he’ll still complement you. For shrinking closet, maybe just rotate them. My city has cold winters so I have to rotate stuff between seasons but my closet is relatively empty (with vacuum bags in storage)


Step One: Have a casual chat about how they see fashion v style. Find out if your concern actually is an issue. Step Two: Decide *how* you want to shrink the closet: rotate seasons, section off special occasion clothes, run capsules. How will you send the clothes that don’t make the cut onward? Step Three: Research how to build a wardrobe as compared to just having a bunch of clothes. The Vivienne Files (Web page) and Justine LeConte (YT) are good starting points. Find your personal style range. For me, that’s a couple silhouettes, specific draping of fabrics, a color and hue zone, and a general boho to conservative hippie (a term my ex coined) vibe. Plus work trousers and tops. For others it could be a projection outward, colors that make them happy, full fledged fashionista.


Different hairstyles. Hell notice when you come out with liberty spikes.


I've yet to get tired of seeing my girlfriend naked. I've seen her in her birthday suit thousands of times. Just saying...... I'm betting most men don't care half as much as most women if you wear the same thing a thousand times.


In general, if you are a woman I don't think men care about what you wear as long as it is flattering and not embarrassing in a social setting. I have never been with a man that cared about that sort of thing. If it looks bad on you - in any of the ways clothes can make us look unattractive - they may see or even comment on it - otherwise I think they just look at body parts. Sorry men, this is the conclusion I have come to. My women friends seem more tuned into accessories and new and old clothes. If you are in a relationship with a woman, maybe ask how much this matters to her. Some women - I don't know why it is a big deal to them.


Easy. Just wear as minimal clothing as possible.


The only person who can really answer this is your partner.


I can’t imagine changing my values/what’s important to me to “keep a man visually interested.” 


Men are not interested in outfits.. Just throwing that out there.. The best minimal clothes and accessories that you could wear to attract attention from your heterosexual partner is nothing at all.. Maybe socks, up to thigh highs.. for reasons I can't explain in words. There are a variety of grunts I could use to explain it but it would not explain much.


Lol that paints a very clear visual!


Yeah.. It is what it is..


I don’t think your partner cares about your clothing. I have been with my husband for 20+ years and I doubt he could name if I am wearing the same thing over and over again. Minimize your closet, you’ll love it. He will too because you’ll have less time spent cleaning and organizing etc.


Lol my partner would want to get busy if I were dressed head to toe in bandaids. He DOES NOT CARE about my look.


I don’t. I think I also don’t want someone so shallow. The 3 styles I wear are peak fashion for me so I think I look good in them. I don’t have to keep it interesting for another person. I don’t need to be admired or complimented for my ego. 


You could try wearing accessories in different ways.


...Ask them? Everyone's going to be different. Some partners won't even notice what you're wearing. People don't generally base relationships off what the other person wears.


My partners both have favorite outfits. In ten years he's never tired of the dresses and skirts that he thinks are cute on me. If your partner does like a change up, consider buying outfits to thrift for events and re donating them after, renting, or swapping out an outfit here and there.


Different hair styles and makeup


Change hairstyles instead?


I have three different types of mumus and spring dresses that I wear at home and about to walk the dogs and my partner goes wild for them… And I love it because it’s on piece of clothing that I always wear when I’m home - so it’s only one decision. Super easy to wash, flowy, and comfortable with different designs on each day. The western construct of all these different pieces of clothing to make us more appealing is a marketing trap


Use your accessories to add interest to your outfits


I have a friend who is similar in size to me , we swap clothes so still end up with the same amount of clothes it's just like a whole new wardrobe.


My husband and I have been married 6.5 years. According to him, I’m hot in everything. He doesn’t seem to mind that I have a capsule wardrobe. The only accessories I wear are a cheap silicone wedding ring (I swapped to that from my “real one” ages ago because I don’t worry about it getting dirty or scraping delicate baby skin) and my Apple Watch. I’ve been my highest and lowest weights in this time. I’ve had two babies. I make sure my clothes are in good condition and fit me well, and he doesn’t seem to mind whatever I wear. I have asked him what sort of things he likes to see me in - and that’s why I have found a couple skirts I really like after a lot of looking. But since his honest response is that he likes me naked - well, I don’t stress out too much about it.


Is he in love with you or your clothes? If he likes you less if you have a different wardrobe, maybe find other ways to strengthen your bond other than shopping. I used to worry about outfits when I was younger but the hit to the wallet and to the planet did not match my values. I realized that my partner should care more about the person in the clothes than the clothes themselves. I decided the best option for me was to put myself and the planet first and hoped he would not only support me but maybe even change his habits. He does really think twice before making purchases now. I loved learning about French capsule wardrobes when I changed how often and why I buy clothes. If I buy something, I buy it with the thought of keeping it 10-20 years. It has to stand the test of time. I no longer buy clothing for only one event. And I love having such an uncluttered closet.


Talk to your partner.


Minimize to zero and he'll never complain.


He probably loves you naked best of all.


Sorry that sounds creepy but I am a straight woman and I realised early on that my partner doesn't care about anything I put on my body. Naked woman is perfect for most straight men.


I could wear a trash bag and he would still find me to be the most interesting and beautiful woman he's ever met. So maybe the problem is he isn't that into you from the beginning of you think this would make a difference?


While there are people that actually care about what others wear (an ex of mine did) I think it's a control thing, and I wouldn't encurage letting anyone else affect how you choose to dress. That your partner compliments your new outfits is it because you point out it's new, or do they actually notice? Do you bekieve they like all of your outfits equally? I doubt anyone does, ourselves included. Don't let a partner stop you from having a smaller wardrobe. If they are dating you for your clothing and wardrobe (seeing you in it), is that the relationship you truly want? Or do you want someone that loves you no matter what you wear? I can tell you it's great to not have to care about how I look every single day. Have a talk with them and ask what their priorities are.


In the dark, people don't really notice. Also? Lingerie takes very little drawer space.


M/F? Gay/straight? I think I speak for nearly all straight guys when I say we aren't interested in your clothes. If you wear something that makes you look good, you could wear it every day and not only would we not mind, we probably wouldn't even notice. Accessories are completely unnecessary. Women's fashion is for other women, not for men.


If you use matching tops and bottoms, the amount of possible combinations is: S^p = C S = amount of matching sets p = amount of pieces per set C = possible combinations So: * 2 matching tops and bottoms give you 4 possibilities * 3 matching tops and bottoms give you 9 possibilities * 4 matching tops and bottoms give you 16 possibilities You can easily create a preppy wardrobe by choosing a few compatible palettes. For example: * Earth (brown to beige) * Sky (Navy blue to light blue) * Ash (dark gray to white)


Is your partner male? No clothes needed


So this is more advice for YOU, and if YOU want changes in outfits—You can always get cute outfits from thrift stores and then return them😌 🤪 you can also mix and match what you have, add belts, jackets, scarves, hats, etc. Also... your partner probably doesn't care and just likes to see you in clothing you like, and look cute in.


I think any type of clothing should work as long as you stay relatively fit, male or female.


Definitely no problem with that as I'm in East Asia, so myself and probably 98% of women are fit here - but it's more a prerequisite than anything so it won't help me stand out visually from the other women.


Stay in shape


Haha I'm a woman in East Asia, no concerns with that whatsoever! (It's a social pre-requisite for everything to be thin as bones here)