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1. Always wash the mini. I don't care WHAT they prime the things with, the molding process involves spraying the molds with silicone mold release, which sticks to the plastic after it is extracted from the mold. 2. Silicone is hydrophobic as all hell, and causes paint to do exactly what I am seeing above. 3. Rinse the mini in tepid water. I then use a soft bristled toothbrush rubbed in soap to gently scrub the mini. Rinse. Do it again. Rinse. Rinse carefully, get all the soap off. Let it dry. THEN prime it. 4. u/SharkFine looks to be right. I'd say someone didn't wash the mini properly before it got factory primed, and you've got silicone chemical soup on him. Scrub him down with soap and water, reprime, and try again. 5. The model, I mean. Not u/SharkFine.




No proglem.


I could use a scrubing down with warm soapy water to be fair! But very well put u/Doc_Bedlam .


Not properly primed. Did you wash model before priming? (bit late now tbh) Add 2 layers of primer, leave first layer to dry fully before applying second. If that doesns't work it means your paint is too thin. But it looks more like a primer issue.


I've had the same issues with GW models and GW primer from time to time. Should I wash GW models aswell? I'm thinking the primer was the problem, but then it would happen all the time when I'm using the same can, no? It happens once every couple minis where I prime on a nice coat and then paint just won't stick.


Thanks. I got some other 'preprimed' minis that I will do this on


The preprimed mini, isnt. That's what paint on plastic with no promer looks like


WIZKID MINIS ARE TOTAL SHIT. Not your faut and kinda sorry you bought that, but we should spread the word so that everybody knows. If you just keep pushing paint on it, undiluated, it will finally work. Still won't adhere much and could scrap easily in the future, but work done!


Amen… I stupidly bought a crit role set a few years ago and they were absolute trash.


Had this problem myself. Pro acryl paint does not like certain primers, citadel and vallejo primers have not enough tooth. Try pro acryls own primers, then they go on great. Sucks i know, as using a can primer is nice and pro acryl only has primers for airbrushes! Alternatively, base coat in another brand of paint like vallejo, then highlight and so on with you pro acryl.


Thanks for this I think this is the issue I was having. The citadel yellowish contrast paint went over the model fine. And the pro acryl has only done this with the vallejo spray primer I use


Yeah, lots of people are saying it's the primer, but this is a Pro-Acryl problem. It's a known issue that crops up on their discord with some regularity. I don't use their paints for basecoats anymore, for this reason. 


Same here. They are great paints, when used over the really matt gritty pro acryl primer. But i find that primer is not great. It seems to wear off too easy. So back to vallejo/ak for my main paint for me, save the pro acryl for edge highlighting, eyes ect.


In your case now you have already started. I would paint the tongue with a yellow or skin tan base coat of another brand 'Vallejo' then paint over with that pro acryl hot pink. That should work. Good luck, looking good. 🤘


Yeah I did end up getting it base coated. I'll post a finished pic once its done


It’s heading up because any mini that says “pre primed” will always have a film of what resembles mold release


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Like the others said, mini wasn’t prepped before priming, I get this on a decent amount of the pre primed minis I buy


The ones you prime yourself, it might be because of overspray. I find that spraying too much primer too close to the mini can cause it to be too smooth, so there isn't enough tooth for the paint to stick to.


Others have covered the issue, but what I'd do to fix it at this stage would be to hit it with some matte varnish. Might also use less thin paint and wick off some of it as well if you're still having issues.


Looks like it has Syphilis!


Probably oils from either your fingers or not washing your minis prior to you priming them


Pro acryl? This just happens with that brand on the first layer, after the first layer they are great but don't post anything negative about it or else the fan boys will be out to get you