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It’s probably copper wire, 0.1 or 0.2mm


So I have .2mm, which seems seriously thin? Thanks for the reply though, I’ll give it a try


It is, modeling with wires is a very flimsy affair but it does stay rigid as long as you don't touch it.


I have few varieties, anywhere between 0.1 to 1mm, you just need the right size; it’s usually non issue if you have two connection points, for something like in the picture you might need 0.4 or more, depending on the weight there


Same here and glad you asked this question as I also had exactly those doubts. I have a 1mm and 0,9mm wire - the latter from a paper clip just like in video from Vinve Venturella. Both look thick as the bends are too round. Now I also have a 0,2mm wire which seems so thin and fragile. But I decide to use the 0.2mm now. Cheers. Btw I try some light effects for Stormcast Eternals, what is your project? https://preview.redd.it/57aqprtr4c8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ecd18539742f12cd6e5fa1490ec2342079559078 .


Just started and I gonna use both 🤦‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️


Not sure of the exact type of wire, but floristry wire is extremely thin and would be suitable for this type of application.


Really? Because I did look at that before, but it just seems to be too thick?


Get a higher gauge. Go for something like 28g wire which is only .38mm thick, or .04" if you're that way inclined.


Haha the mm is what I’m used to. I’ve got some .2mm around, but that felt too thin, so your suggestion makes sense


Floristry wire is the way go go.


A budget way to do this is using a spring from a pen and bending it into shape - i found that they work pretty well for this job and other finicky wire things


I might just be speaking out of my bottom, but it looks kind of like a paperclip…


This, paperclip, plus some small/jewelry pliers, plus some things to shape it around, like small tools and/or wooden shafts of skewers, cotton swabs, etc.


I shall return at a later date!


Lol please do!


Could probably just ask him he'll likely tell you


I did ask him, but seeing how it’s a two day old post and he has a patreon, I’m not sure if he’ll give that info for free


His Patreon is more than worthy. Maybe you can subscribe, enjoy a month of almost infinite tutorial and follow the actual tutorial for this. And if the info is not on the pdf, ask him from on the Discord Chanel you will have access to ;)


I think he just uses whatever at hand. For a similar model effect he used the “inner aluminum of an ethernet cable”. His patreon is really good.


its a thin metal wire, dosnt matter what brand or type, as long as its atmost 1mm thin


Look for any old cable you know you won’t use anymore. Ex: phone, Ethernet, charger, anything. Strip off the insulation and you’re done. I stripped a couple of feet of Ethernet cable, there are so many wires in there, I’ll never need to do it again.


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Thought of using for a similar effect around a power sword.


You could always shoot elminiaturista a dm or comment on the video


Thin copper wire but I'd go for brass or steel


You can use any wire but that's probably either copper, or jewelry wire. Mind copper when very thin is flimsy, so you want something a bit thicker.


This one hobby YouTuber, I saw uses .5mm brass rods and 32 gauge galvanized steel wire


Paper clips and shaping with needle nose pliers. He's pretty good at shapin' em


Paper clips are made of wire that has the chosen characteristic of being springy. This also means that it breaks if you bend it too much. Paper clips, while servicable, are perhaps one of the worst choices if other types of wire is available.


good call/i stand corrected. i checked an old vid of his and remembered he actually uses copper wire/filament from old cables.


Painting effect looks great! Though you had wired an LED into the base.