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Peanut, little bit, nounoune (Québécois),sweetheart, puppy, and many more!


I love Peanut as a nickname! 😃


My little girl, the boss, and when she does something she knows is wrong and her ears drop down, she has this look of shame and I haven’t even told her off yet, this look I nickname ‘The Dobby Pose’, and I’ll ask her for the dobby pose, and she will give me the dobby pose, and she is the dobby pose


I call mine mouseman too!


I think this is one of the first I gave him lol. I love it. It is both a tribute to his small stature and his origins as a mouse hunter.


Lola Cake, Sweet Pie, Baby Girl, Scoopy...


Muppets. Love those Henson creations


The Muppets are a really fitting description for minpins!


I call her Ham (she likes to eat/beg) and Trottingham because she kinda does this hop when its time to go outside, she gets so happy lol 🥰 also Boogirl lol


There are so many.. Dracula/ Drac, Frank Frank, Hoo-Me Salami, Salami Relleno, Hoo-me Hom-me, Lil’ Brown, Sweet boy


Haha I love the nickname Salami! 😄


Scrapy - from Scooby doo


Haha love it. Mine has the nickname Scooby from time to time. Especially when he’s nosy or curious.


Baby dog Pin vicious Rodent Ratter Rat dog Her name is Bailey but I’ve called her pin doggie for so long she answers to that. She’s 2 years and 3 months.


Ahhh I call mine a rodent all the time 😂 And sometimes she turns into a kangaroo Face and tail of a rodent Body of a kangaroo My friend said that my miniature pincher looks like a bad drawing that a kindergartener drew because her proportions are so off and odd 😂


Iroh's nicknames are Lil Whiny, Lil Bitey, Lil Scaredy, Drippy Warbler, and Shiver Me Tremors. The "Lil" names were from when he was a puppy where he either whined, bit us a lot, or hid under things all afraid. Drippy Warbler comes from the fact that he'll keep trying to mark when he's got nothing in the tank and so only a drop will come out. Shiver Me Tremors comes from the fact he gets scared or anxious easily and will just start shivering and shaking.


Pepita is my favorite. I know it’s a seed lol


Name is Kat, variations include KitKat, Crusher, Crusher Melvin, Kathryn when she’s misbehaving.


Buggy because of our little ones big eyes.


My little hippo


Little bear. Puppers. Little boy. Bubba. Bear bear. Pipsy boy (name is Pippin). Pippers. Baby boy. Any thing you can think of basically


William’s nicknames are: Williams (said in Yolanda from 90 Day’s voice which sounds like “Wee-yums”), Lil’ Bit, Cootie Bootie, Coo Boo, Stink ums, Stinkapootamus, Stinkasaurus Rex


Sweet girl, lil girl, sweetie, sweetpea.


Schatje. Dat is de naam van mijn eerste min pin. En mijn tweede min pin heet smooch


Her name is Ziggie but I call her little girl and punky, she is also called lookout cause she’s always underfoot!


I'm an obsessive nick-namer. I don't know if its Philly thing but everybody had to have a nickname growing up. Some self chosen, some given by friends. You could have different nicknames from different people, even while together in a group. These are just the active ones for my littles, one-offs are not included. Anna May - female 4 yrs * Annie * Big Girl * Baby Girl * Girl-Girl * Head * Little Head * Head Little * Head-Head * Love-Love * You * You-You * Master Shredder - she can take say, clothing label and somehow pull all the horizontal individual threads out leaving all the vertical threads in place. Or rip a napkin apart but leave the pieces almost perfectly lined up, like when they put the pieces together like during an airline crash investigation * the detangler -she can fr undo knots in string, rope, whatever. She wont do it with me watching tho. :) Issac - male 1 yr * I-Man * I-I * Ike * Monster Man * Man-Man * Monster Mash * Head Monster * Big Boy * Big Head * Buster * You!, no not your sister, ..You Buster! * Chew Master


Bum bum or tigerbousky




My mini pins name is Winnie. She has the nicknames: Winnie the Pooh, Winnie Boo, Winnie Boo Bear, Barkerella, Boo Boo, Winners, Winnie Woo Woo.


Grumble sausage. She's a dachshund/min-pin mix. Sometimes, when I pet her, she makes grumbling noises.


Menace dog (said with love), goof, good boy, crazy boy, cutie :)


Ferdinand is his name. Handsome, Ferdie, Ferd, Ferdbutt


Schmar her name is Arya so we call her Argh schmar


The main one is Boo Boo. Or Little man. Or little old man. Or just simply Boo


Monkey, Sweetpea, Porkchop, Junebug. (Her real name is Juno)


Monkey bear


Little Guy, Mr. MinPin, the Guy, W-Dog.


Luna, aka Loonie Tunes, Loonie Bin, the Lu, Lil Lulu, Loony Soprano, baby bean and Friendy.


Official name: Axel Unofficial name(s): Batfink, anubis, buddy, big ears, mon petit saucisson.


Mr. Goofy-goof. he was such a goofball


Fred (his name) Bubba Bubs Taco


My min pin is a boy. I call him brassie (his name is brasco from the movie donnie brasco) king tut, sweet boy, fartboy, pooper pup, there's several. But those are some of my min pins names. Lol


I dog sit for her but I call her scuttle bug because she’s always scuttling around and also the Minister


Tina. As in Tina turner with those great legs!


Landoroni as his name is Lando, shrimpy, shorty, squirt. He answeres to all!


Scullybutt, Scrub, Scrub a Dub, Scrubbly Dubbly, Bigs, Littles


This is a family sub so i can’t comment mine 🙄


Our’s is a Min pin mixed with a few other breeds. One of those is Chihuahua and she has an underbite. So Chihuahua face is one. We also call her Monkey Dog because she’s always jumping around on everything like a monkey or a cat. She is Moto Dog because she likes to ride with my on my motorcycle. Snuggle Bug for obvious reasons. Tantrum because she legit throws tantrums. Tazzy girl (like Taz the Tasmanian Devil) l because she spins around in a million circles if she wants something. Panic attack because she has a ton of anxiety when she is around people she doesn’t know well. Popcorn because she would murder us for some popcorn. And Licky McGee because she’s always licking everyone.


Mr. Puppy, Skitter Critter, Tiny Hound, Captain Mischief, Stinks McGee, Butterbean (There are like a thousand of them)


bubbaccino, bubba toothpick, bubbawubba, bambino…..