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lol I’ll be honest. I just need concurrent financial tracking. I don’t need to see / remember how broke I used to be 8 years ago.


check out Rocket Money. It has a free app and a website. I loved how it functions. I hear you on the broke.


Intuit owns them, and I'm trying my very best to avoid Intuit like the plague.


I googled and it says it's owned by a different company, not Intuit


Yes it's owned by rocket mortgage


Funny all the same company


Thanks for saving me some time. I'm never using another Intuit product again after the mint debacle.


If it is free, you are the product. RIP Mint.


Lol-love it!


Just being real man lol I don’t know why people been freaking out about losing their transactions from a Decade ago.


But I need to know EXACTLY what day and EXACTLY how much I spent on that medium sized smoothie Jamba Juice 5 years ago…


What?? you aren't building a basket of purchases to calculate your internal rate of inflation?? Amateur


I think it is more the fear of losing that data or information...it was with me. I don't know the last time I used it really....it was just nice to see the patterns over time.


Yeah credit karma works for me just fine as well. At end of each month I write down a few big picture notes so I can track a few things over time


Too late for me


Too late for me too. Damn!


Damn it….same Edit; I went to mint.com and was able to download my 13 years of transaction history from the splash page. Give it a shot if you haven’t already!


Use Monarch’s free csv Downloader


I wish I knew this awesome tool existed before I switched to Credit Karma. I just downloaded it and it doesn't work after the account is migrated.


It worked for me. Migrated a long time ago then found the monarch extension. It was able to pull the data from the 'one button splash page' users get after migration.


It works even after migrating, just go to the mint splash page! I got locked out of my data by credit karma too but was able to get it back thanks to the monarch chrome extension


OH MY GOODNESS! Seriously you have saved me a lifetime of agony. I just logged into Mint. I just redownloaded the Monarch extension. While I was on the same page as the Mint page I clicked their button and it actually downloaded ALL of my transactions back to 2011! You deserve all the goodness of this year. THANK YOU!!!!


I’m glad it worked for you! I was in the exact same boat, used Mint since around 2011 and the Monarch extension downloaded EVERYTHING! So far Monarch has been worth every penny!


amazing. 2011 is my first transaction on this full Mint history from the Monarch exporter. Love it! I've tried at least 5 different times with no luck. And today it just happened to work like magic after reading your post. love it.


The fact their own customer service didn’t know to tell you to do this lol


I think it’s because the Monarch Money Chrome exporter tool allows my data to be portable and I can leave CK. I was wondering why but it’s definitely a conflict of interest for them. But also, I have screenshots stating that ALL of my transaction history was moved to CK. But I also discovered this is not true either. Only a few yrs back got transferred.


Geez, whole thing seems like a hot mess


+1 for the monarch downloader. Just worked for me today and all I can see in mint is the redirect page to CK and the download my transactions button. That also worked for me to get +24,000 records dating back to 2010.


The Mint splash page downloaded all of my transactions. The complete history. If you export from within Mint you get the 10,000 transaction CSV. Once you’ve transferred to Credit Karma, logging into Mint again gives you only the option to export your transactions and nothing else, but it exports the entire history to CSV.


outstanding! It looks like I might have about 45K transactions. that's why I'm in a predicament. I am SOO glad you got all your data. I asked both apps via support and they cannot help me.


Who tf needs to know what they spent at Target in April of 2015? People are making way too big a deal out of the Credit Karma switch


I may need it in case some cold case detectives come accusing me of a crime. " Nah talk to my lawyer cause on April 15th, 2015 at 2pm EST I purchased gum, DVD, and some flaming hot Cheetos" at Target.


I don’t particularly need to know what I spent on a particular transaction but when looking at macro spending trends over time it helps to have the data. Having the data makes it easier to manipulate in excel.


When it comes time to sell your house, you will appreciate having records of every little and big improvement you made that qualifies as an addition to basis. Sure, you want to keep all the receipts and contracts for labor and materials, but it is a real time-saver to have all the data electronically. Of course, that's a small amount of data you could export before switching. You don't need that record of Flaming Cheetos at Target in 2015!


Well it helped me realize I need to not be walking into Bealls because it tend to lead me to spending $100 plus. I went into Bealls last year 2023 and realized I hadn’t been in the store since 2018. Now I see stay out if that store because my spending goes up.


Huh that’s good to know. I wonder how long they will keep that feature.


Use it by March 22nd.


Great, how did you do this?


All I did was just try to sign back into Mint again. It gave me a screen saying my data had been migrated to Credit Karma but also let me download my transaction history.


Thank you.


[Copilot Money](https://copilot.money) is an excellent platform that will import from Mint!!


Doesn't support multiple of my accounts (health equity, hsbc). UI looks nice. I'll try it for a month before I delete. No point in having a finance aggregator that can't... Aggregate.


Also doesn’t have Apple Card integration


They actually just added that today


I ended up with copilot. It was by far the best for me.


>excellent platform that will imp I miss the trends. I used the "net income" to track cashflow +/- each month


Download your info and then make Intuit delete it.


I literally don’t know what I’m going to do. Already transferred. Can’t do what I need to do. Researching alternatives. This is bullshit.


EXACTLY MY THOUGHTS. I wrote above that Monarch Money was created by the Mint founders. When I went on the website I was excited to recognize the interface. Granted that it is NOT Mint colored, but so far ALL of my accounts connect, the Mint CSV imported to the accounts I linked beautifully, I like how nice the reports and features are, and all the categories were easy to map over to Monarch. It is a paid account, which is not great. But at least we know this won't disappear. I wish I paid the .99 to get rid of Mint ads, had I known it would die in the Credit Karma flames. You can go back on [Mint.com](https://Mint.com) and download a CSV of the last 9,999 account transactions in Mint, signup here at this special Mint user page, link all your accounts first, then import the Mint CSV file. Here's more info: Use the code MINT50 to get 50% off your first year and a 30-day free trial. [https://www.monarchmoney.com/compare/mint-alternative](https://www.monarchmoney.com/compare/mint-alternative) Here's how to import your Mint transactions: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZuLz-CYmo5w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZuLz-CYmo5w) Basically, Monarch is Mint on steroids. It's really amazing and made the sting of Mint ending feel much better. I love it. I really like their dark mode interface too.


Can you export all of your transactions still? I’m anal and pull my transactions each month into excel so I can pivot and stress over my spending.


Did you ever try a spreadsheet-based financial aggregator like Tiller? I literally bought a year of Tiller and just cannot get into it. There’s just too many moving parts I don’t know. I need to give it a chance. Anyway, I’m curious to know what your process has been in downloading Mint, and then putting putting it in spreadsheets and using pivot tables.


Well I would just pull down everything each month and go thru line by line. I divided my spending into years. I added a month column and a sub category column and looked up any transactions I didn’t recognize. The pivot has (had☹️) months as column headers and the categories as rows. And I could drill down into the subcategories. That way I can easily see how my bills or food spend trended throughout the year. I’ll add tiller into the list of alternatives I need to look into thanks!


Too late as well. I downloaded everything and deleted the information. Never again for that company. They lost me forever. Good luck with getting a resolution.


So glad to read this!!! They have lost me as well.


Damn. Wish I had read sooner last year. Gotta join more relevant subreddits to my life


Thank you so much for informing everyone.


Unfortunately, I made the switch already. Does anyone have any tips on how to love forward? I just started using Mint around October, 2023. I don’t have much in terms of how much information they have


So I read something interesting in the iphone app reviews. Apparently Monarch Money was created by the Mint Founders? Someone was researching on LinkedIn and discovered this gem of knowledge. So I created an account using the Mint user link and have a free 30 day trial (extended from 7 days), but it is a paid account. For Mint users it is $49 the first year. I think it's $99 for everyone else. Here's the Mint page: https://www.monarchmoney.com/compare/mint-alternative


Yeah no thanks. If you can’t budget without paying someone, you don’t know how to budget.


After reading hundreds and hundreds of posts here over the past few months about not importing your data into Credit Karma (for at least the 2 reasons that CK sucks and you can not get your data out) why would you (or anyone in this world) import your data into CK?


>After reading hundreds and hundreds of posts here over the past few months I would assume that most Mint users do not do this and do not discover this until after they've run into the issue and attempt to search for a solution.


exactly my situation.


I never once thought to look on Reddit for any type of Mint info. There are some brilliant comments, insights and ideas. I loved one user plans to never migrate and just download all his transactions for each account on the last day. I've been so busy with work I never had free time to see what everyone was planning to do. It would have solved ALL of my problems with this.


I imported to CK and guess what, I’m still alive. Who the fuck cares??


Someone had a bad weekend


Nah it was pretty chill actually lol.


As a former Intuit employee, I warned y'all https://www.reddit.com/r/mintuit/s/FxgolrE512 People downvoted me to the lowest pits of hell saying I'm just a bitter former employee trying to make waves.


Linking to a 4 day old post also saying "I told you so" isn't an example of I told you so. [The other post OP says he doesn't have a link to the original episode](https://www.reddit.com/r/mintuit/comments/1b3apdr/hey_downvoters/ksr7h3o/) All I can do is shrug then. Edit: Oh, he blocked me. his response: > Your post history is MAGA, mens' liberation and Texas politics. You frighten me. And if he would look at my actual post history he would know I don't support Trump at all. Menslib is a Pro-feminist group and TexasPolitics is is 70% left wing.


Lmao yeah I had weird vibes from a guy who posted an I told you so linking to an I told you so post. Some people are so odd.


> Edit: Oh, he blocked me. his response: > Your post history is MAGA, mens' liberation and Texas politics. You frighten me. OP is an actual sex offender, so, as always, I think the whole “you frighten me” is entirely projection


>OP is an actual sex offender Long time and convicted pedophile, to be exact.


You are mentally ill. Stop upvoting and engaging with this pedophile.


Yes, thank you. Why are you engaging with literally every single one of my posts?


Again with this? Stop begging for validation and just move on. “The lowest pits of hell” …so dramatic.


I apologize. It's just that I've never lost everything in my life before and not really sure what I should be doing with my time. No friends/family, limited work options, etc. Can you help me?


Friend, there is only [one thing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1BWSOVNm4A) that can help you.


Which app u like recommend highly. Thats free.


I did go ahead and sign up for CK. Not happy with the way it works. Signed up for Empower. All set up, looks like exactly what I want that I used Mint for (daily transactions, quick overviews, categorization I can fix later) only to find out they stopped working with my bank 6 months ago and no indication of a fix. So... ¯\\__(ツ)__/¯


ugh! the worst. I tried Rocket Money and love it. But it didn't connect with one of my important accounts, so I had to give up. So far, Monarch Money has 3-4 ways to connect so all of my accounts download. But it's a paid app. I do love the website too.


Yes! That's the problem. So far all the good ones are paid. At this point an Excel budget spreadsheet made by someone on Etsy is looking better every minute LOL.


I moved over to simplifi. I know it gets a lot of hate for some reason but for $30 a year it beat all the others. I’ll try it for a year and then see what happens.


I moved over to simplifi. I know it gets a lot of hate for some reason but for $30 a year it beat all the others. I’ll try it for a year and then see what happens.


I have never used Mint for anything other than to check my credit score, same with Credit Karma. Since 2005, I use Microsoft Money for my financial stuff and checkbook. Microsoft ended support for it 10 years ago, but its still the best financial software available.


ya know what's so funny is I used Microsoft Money back in the day on my big clunky computer and loved it. Yesterday in a panic I thought I would just try and find it but I was unable to find it. I ran across Quicken Simplifi though but didn't download it. All it has is a sad Wiki page lol https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft\_Money


You can still download it from the web archive [https://web.archive.org/web/20140320163200/https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=20738](https://web.archive.org/web/20140320163200/https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=20738) Microsoft removed access from their own website in 2011 (which is when I last downloaded it)


I ultimately chose this option. You have to download your transactions manually, but I'm not paying for software to categorize my transactions.


I don't even download my transactions, most banks don't even support doing that.  I just manually add everything and check my bank daily. I also use Money for future financial predictions. (Up to 1 year)


I am trying to download it on my old Pc, Windows 7. It’s opening and then closing right away. Do you know what might be happening? I opened it so it is compatible with XP SP2…


Try doing a Google search on how to get it to work on Windows 7. BTW, it works perfectly fine on Windows 10 and 11. I'm using it on Windows 11 right now.


RIP I just assumed they did it correctly but I haven't had time to check.


They were the worst sell out. Skip Credit Karma migration. Download all your data to a .CSV file and import it into a nicer budget app that is actually useful.


I can't because it's too late. Just like you. I already hated Intuit but I made exception for mint. I already used Credit Karma but hated the ads. I used Credit Karma Tax before the Intuit acquisition and migrated to Cash App tax (because hell no I ain't using turbo tax) Saw CK would be migrating everything from Mint. It's Intuit, just a new platform for the same service. Never assumed any data loss. And here we are.


How do you download your history from mint? Specifically net worth data


Go to [Mint.com](https://Mint.com) and view your transactions list. Invert the date order to see the last date you have in your account. On the bottom there's a "Export Transactions" link. Clicking this will download 9,999 transactions at a time. If you have more than that, you need to filter your transactions into smaller amounts and keep doing that until all are downloaded. You should have a .CSV file which can be imported into other Budget apps. Just whatever you do - DO NOT migrate over to Credit Karma. You have choices. Just make sure you have all your transaction data and you can hop and skip over to many different budget apps. Credit Karma is useless. How to Download Mint Transactions on Desktop: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MAE-K0viyHs&pp=ygUhaG93IHRvIGRvd25sb2FkIG1pbnQgdHJhbnNhY3Rpb25z](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MAE-K0viyHs&pp=ygUhaG93IHRvIGRvd25sb2FkIG1pbnQgdHJhbnNhY3Rpb25z) ​ How to Export your Mint Data: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IekXbiNSWvM


Thanks! Thankfully, I had less than 9,999 transactions due to not having used mint for a stretch of years until quite recently. You’re a gem for helping others!


I decided to delete all my Mint data and move on from any alternatives. I miss watching my net worth or debt charts move along every month, and all those random nights spending hours re-categorizing transactions. I still have YNAB Classic on Steam and occasionally will update my accounts on there. Mint was great and its surely missed.


Oh my gosh I know what you mean! This was such a nostalgic post. <3 It was part of my week to fix miscategorized transactions and reauthorize accounts so they would download transactions again.


Have any of you heard of YNAB (You Need A Budget)? I've been using it for years, keeps me on the straight & narrow. Huge difference between YNAB & other financial apps as budgeting is the key to financial security & pulling yourself out of debt. It tracks just about any bank/credit card you have but it all feeds to your budget. I'm a Quicken refuge, have tried Mint and MS Money when it was around, NOTHING CAME CLOSE. Reviews on it talk about people pulling themselves out of incredible debt in record time. Worked for me, had tons of debt. Now, no debt, not even a car payment. Yes it costs, but worth every penny. Support & training are included & is very good. https://www.ynab.com/


this is fantastic. I have not heard of this at all but will open an account today for my kid to keep him on track with his budget. I had him use Mint and he liked the iphone widgets to see his last transactions. I ended up migrating to Monarch and it's amazing. It was created by the original founders of Mint.


My oldest turned me on to it about 10 years ago. My middle daughter started using it as well as my wife. Hands down the best I've ever used & I've used financial software for 40+ years. There is a learning curve, but their classes and instructional video are great & entertaining. It will take a few months to get the hang of it but totally worth the effort!


Which software are you using now?


Still using it, why wouldn’t I?


All my homies hate intuit. Turbotax, quickbooks, CK, they are peddlers of some of the worst electronic trash to ever grace cyberspace, and i spit in disgust when i hear their name uttered aloud


I hear this. I'm now getting spam email today from Credit Karma clogging up my Inbox. I look forward to removing all my data from Intuit soon.


I’ve found that the cab download is so full of duplicates as to be useless. And they’re not “true” duplicates in the technology sense since there is a symbol or character that is off between one and the other. I tried the monarch money browser extension and it had similar problems (though not as bad).


Thank you Cali girl. I was looking at that migrate to credit karma button last night. I thought I don’t have time to deal with this right now, so I hit maybe later, thank God.


To know I helped one person not migrate over is awesome. There's no reason to migrate to CreditKarma, and it instantly wipes out your Mint account so you can never access it again. They turn off the Mint site on March 23. I would recommend downloading all of your transactions now and make sure the total transaction count is equal to how many lines are on the CSV file. Or use the Monarch Mint exporter for Chrome browser to get all your transactions. Once you have all your Mint transactions saved and secure in a CSV file, you can bring your historical transaction data to budgeting apps. Someone was nice enough on here to post a spreadsheet of all the budget app features. If you choose not to import your Mint data, and start new by linking your accounts on a new budgeting app, it will probably show only a year back, and if you are lucky maybe 18 months back at most. I like being able to see all the charges I've made with a Merchant for work or when I last bought an item with them years ago.


I’m using Nerd Wallet. Deleted everything in Mint and Credit Karma then deleted the apps. Credit Karma is awful. Nerd Wallet is exactly what I need so far.


I still use the desktop version of Quicken. My data lives on my computer. Any cloud product I figure will have only a limited lifespan of a few years and this post is proof. (I actually debated between Quicken and Mint many years ago.... Glad I picked the former.)


I migrated to Monarch (paid) and am 100x happier than I ever was with Mint or Credit Karma.


Highly recommend folks check out Copilot when switching away from Mint. (No affiliation with them at all). Far more intuitive, easy to setup, view categories, by merchant….


This is where I landed too!


I deleted my account as soon as they announced it. I just don't trust them any more.


I changed to Rocket Money and all I did was set up the account, relink my banks, credit cards, investments. I got all my transactions again within a few days of setting up.


I love Rocket Money. It didn’t link all my accounts, so I couldn’t continue. But it’s great!


I tried it, and it was garbage. I went back and unlinked all my accounts. Killing Mint was monumentally stupid.


Yep, I made this mistake as well. Intuit really goes out of their way to try and provide the worst products and service!


Are these other apps secure though? Im hesitant to link my banks to some of these apps :(


Send itsy url when find excel spreadsheet or pm me. Tyvm


There are amazing Budget planner spreadsheets on Etsy! https://www.etsy.com/search?q=budget+planner+google+sheets


Its all pay which is best .? And free? Tyvm


Too late for me. I have my transactions, but need a new home for them. I tried Monarch and Credit Karma and both are trash in my opinion. Mint is easily the best app out there. I like Personal Capital/Empower Dashboard, but I can't seem to import all my data into it. I'll probably just use that going forward, though.


I've already migrated to simplifi and it's working acceptably well. However, I've been thinking I'll migrate to Credit Karma anyway just to keep my historical net worth data active.


Don't bother migrating. That's exactly why I did and I can't access anything historical. There's also zero way to extract my data atCK. I already submitted a support ticket with CK as well as did a live support chat with Intuit and they said sorry we can't help you with that.


Even the IRS does not require 15 years of data.


I apparently have a history of 9723 transactions with them 😂


Went to Quicken never looked back


Every dollar wont try to upsell you every ten seconds like the others


Why do we have so download each year?


Intuit is terrible.


Why download year by year? I downloaded all at once and seems to be fine?






The first red flag about Credit Karma is the fact its called "Credit Karma." There's no goodwill for me in the likeness of financial credit. It seems like a horribly calculated archaic score


Let me understand by rephrasing... You didn't verify that CreditKarma was operational on your only copy of 15 years of data before you deleted the original data you had copied to CK from Mint, is that correct? The process should be, 1. export copy of data from mint, leaving mint data and system intact 2) import data into Credit Karma, 3) verify that all data transferred correctly and is working for all features of CK on the transferred data, 4) verify the data in CK can be exported from CK and that it is the same data that was originally exported from Mint and no export/import anomalies have occurred; 5) verify the data can be reimported propetly into Mint. Backup the export file from mint, backup the CK exported file of the data imported from mint 6) compress both of the files along with the Mint application into a secure encrypted 7z archive format file for emergencies and 7) store the archive in the cloud and on a private permanent storage archive if you have the space. Only then should you 8) delete the Mint system and data; and really only if you are required to for some reason. What on earth got you to step 8 before steps 1-7 were followed and verified complete.


They shuffle you straight to step 8 without explaining that you will lose your archive. You don't actively delete your data - there is a CTA to shift over to CK, and then when you try to go back to Mint, your data is gone. :(


I did some research and chose Monarch Money. It was a pretty easy switch and I have all of my Mint history over in Monarch Money (about 17 years worth). I chose to set everything fresh with budget, rules, etc from Jan 1 2024 so it made it easier to manage. Overall I enjoy Monarch Money, but I look forward to them doing more with the investment side of things; it is a little lack luster in that respect. Only real downside is the cost of $99 a year...bleh. ​ Once I verified all transaction data was in Monarch I shut down my Mint account and had it deleted, along with the data.


Me too. Still pissed about it three months later.


Respond with your wallet. Don't use Intuit products.




I appreciate this warning. I have been working at getting everything fine tuned over and Monarch and wondered what the Mint experience is after migrating to Credit Karma. So glad I played it safe and did NOT migrate yet and really appreciate you sharing with the group.


Wish I knew this info before I did it! I am so pissed and sad!


I was too. But someone on this thread showed me that you can install a Chrome Browser extension to download your full Mint transaction history right now even after you migrated to Credit Karma. Here’s info about it: https://help.monarchmoney.com/hc/en-us/articles/20915621335444-Mint-Data-Exporter-Chrome-Extension-Beta Here’s the Chrome Extension. Download it and pin it to Chrome toolbar. Login to Mint, and then click the Extension logo and click to download all your transactions! It was amazing and I got all my accounts all the way back to 2011! https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/mint-data-exporter-by-mon/doknkjpaacjheilodaibfpimamfgfhap


Monarch did have a 50% off for switching over to them. I don’t remember the code and don’t know if it’s even valid but enjoy




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My export gave me 44,308 rows, or back to early 2009. Maybe something went wrong with your export? But CK does seem utterly useless. I can't even find my transactions. Other threads say to click on some Net Worth button but that isn't available for my account for some reason.


Why do you need your transaction history from more than like two years ago?


I switched to Empower Personal Capital and it has everything mint had and much more. Including investment tracking that actually works, income budgets and better connectivity to institutions. The kicker - it’s completely free! Downside you can’t import history (but you can export). I love it!


Has anyone tried NerdWallet?


I just went to download my data and got it all in one shot. No filters


Do people not realize their transaction data exists in their banking statements? That is the least important info I need from mint in terms of a backup.


Most banks limit how far back you can download statements. For example, Chase only lets me see up to 7 years. Also some people have multiple accounts and it’s a pain to export.


People really letting 7+ years of bank statements pass them by it's wild.


lol no it’s not. You’re lucky to get 2 years worth of data from most banks. I have 16 on mint. But I already transferred it all to simplifi so I’m good.