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Embarrassing and disgusting.


Love your username


There’s a whole city that might disagree with you.


sounds like they a bunch a bitches


A Bitchener of Bitches you might say.


Frauderloo and Shamebridge agree


That plaza seems like a new Hotspot. Picked up dessert a few times late at night and the place was absolutely packed with the typical car people. If they're going to allow people to loiter in their parking lot all night they certainly need to be cleaning up after them, or moving them along. Edit: how in the world is this post so highly upvoted and shared? Defintely beyond the normal metrics.


Yeah it's insane how popular this place is every night. Biggest issue is not enough garbage cans outside. Also no stop signs in the parking lot, tiny parking spaces so people keep dooring cars next to them.


And nobody stops for pedestrians. It’s so dangerous to go in that plaza with a kid.


Same goes for right by the Eglinton/Winston Churchill area. My family's gone on quick walks around the area and talked about how cars just go full speed out of the TD/Beer Store/Loblaws parking lots over the sidewalk and how they 100% would've got run over each time if they didn't take initiative. The drivers can't be bothered to not be useless shits.


Yeah it’s terrible near Erin Mills TC as well.


Biggest issue is the trash human beings doing this. Disgusting people.


that seems like a property management/lack of security issue. If you let the stores open late, you gotta be responsible for the garbage your patrons generate. I see the mcdonalds staff go around picking up trash at the clayhill mcdonalds.


I wouldn't blame individual stores. It is a property management issue. Chances are all those businesses are already paying for those services, they're just receiving horrible service. Wonder if this is total neglect or genuine underestimation of how busy the place would get this summer. Crazy that it's not even on Google maps yet and packed.


yeah the plaza seems really new so I cannot see what actual stores are there. That garbage is overflowing so people are trying to put garbage away.


I think people should take responsibility, when they buy take away they should eat anywhere other than the parking lot, it is not a park, it is not made for people to take out their lawn chairs and have a picnic there. They misuse the parking and trash the whole place and the blame goes to property management… 👏bravo!!


This isn't a property management issue lol. It's the pigs that toss their trash on the ground and have no pride. Should be serious consequences for this level of filth.


Well, I only saw one garbage can and it was overfilled. Just add a few garbage cans around and people will throw their stuff in them naturally if they're conveniently placed. Now, I'm not saying it's fine, I'm just saying that's how it is.


This is the correct response and everything else is just misplaced anger. Humans suck, but not all humans suck this much. That trash was likely placed in/near that overfull bin and blew around the lot. You're gonna have some trash (like the bottle on the curb) but assholes gonna asshole. You can at least help the 90% who WANTED to use a bin properly but literally were not able to.


We can blame management for not keeping on top of this because they should and they should be called out on this. But we can also blame people for tossing their garbage on the ground and if the bins are full not just taking it with them til they get to their garbage/recycling bins at home. Gross behaviour that should also be called out.


Yeah, like I've never just thrown my garbage on the ground because a garbage can was full. I muster up the static of my 3 working neurons and take it with me and throw it out at home. Garbage take to explain away shit behavior by full cans. Dont be slobs. Cops need to just go hand out some of those sweet $1000 for littering citations like in BC and that'll fucking teach these twits.








I even saw bottles of beer. Why are people partying out in the parking lot plazas 🥴🤷🏽‍♀️


I was wondering why too. That plaza gives me anxiety. So crowded on a weekend, people just standing in the very busy parking lots, some people just chilling in the lane ways while cars are trying to pass. People also driving like maniacs revving their engines. The restaurants look good but I rather avoid the madness.


We used to do a Tuesday night meet at a local strip mall. People seem to have lost the attitude that you shouldn't be a dick about using spaces like that. We brought bag lined trash cans and had an arrangement with several of the businesses and property management to get access to the dumpsters when we were done. Part of getting ready to leave was to clean up the lot before we left. There wasn't even any of the usual litter when we drove out. It didn't take long with 30+ people to just walk the lot in a line, pick any loose trash up, and throw it in the trash bags, and dump the tied off bags in the dumpster or in the back of a members pickup truck. It wasn't just club members, everybody that was still there got in line when the pa announcement was made to pick stuff up so we could continue to be welcome to use the space on a weekly basis in the summer.


Who is just hanging out in parking lots eating all night..? That's a lot of garbage!


“Typical car people” 😭


Friggen lot lizards


At the very least add a few more garbage bins.


That's what happen when there is no consequences, nor social opprobrium - against bad behaviour.


Eh I found opprobrium in the wild! One of my fave words in my dictionary


Enough with your big book learnin words


You clearly need succouring to get you out of your parochialistic mindset. Your capriciousness is facile.


Suck on your what now?


Good post. Bring to light these issues.


People are gross


Things like this usually falls back on the property management. Overflowing garbage dumpsters or cans is usually why.


Some people are just garbage human beings. There is a local school to me and every few nights in the summer there are huge pickup soccer games using the field because it’s artificial turf. They leave it disgusting, water bottles, food wrappers etc. There are ample bins around the school to use. They are emptied each night. They’re just disrespectful slobs. I feel bad for the caretaking staff.


If the garbage can is full then you find a different place to dispose of your garbage, you don’t just throw it on the ground.


They don't put it on the ground... they add to the pile growing on top of the can and then the next person to add to it fails at garbage Jenga or eventually wind just knocks it down


Businessrs used to have garbage cans and city/ municipality used to have garbage cans around but they've stopped that due to saving money. There needs to be a requirement laid down by some levels of govt. And while I'm on this rant, the lack of washrooms is ridiculous.


311 and contact Matt Mahoney ( I think this ward 8 Eglington and Ridgeway?) https://mattmahoney.ca/ he seems responsive. This will bring Rats, Racoons and Coyotes. PropertyTaxes are ok and youre justified in Getting value for them. Also stop buying food there and the tentants will get the message and talk to their landlords. If the businesses are ok with this I kinda question their hand washing and sanitation practices. More importantly....How did you take a picture there without a Shwarma restaurant in it?


I believe the restaurant sumac sells shawarma which is in one of the pics


Please do call 311 and ask them to resolve this. Commenter above mentioned Matt Mahoney, hopefully he can help make a more permanent solution. Better to try and do something so it doesn't happen again


I will hopefully others will as well more people complaining might help


Lmao there are like 10 shawarma restaurants in that plaza


My point


That last question is the real one! 😂


I'm convinced they're all money laundering at this point


Even the fucking seagull has had enough of that shit


If the garbage is full, take ur trash home with u. Its not very hard. I cannot imagine how these people live.


Yup. If they could carry a container around when it was full of food or drink, then there’s no reason why they can’t continue to carry it around when it’s empty.


Because people are selfish and lazy


I am stupid and thought you said “if the garbage is full take it home with you” lmao




Sure, but if this is an ongoing concern, the plaza needs to increase frequency with garbage removal. The stores in there should be the ones complaining. The parking lot is disgusting, and if people are stacking the garbage it means it's not getting removed at a high enough frequency. Then it's going to blow around the parking lot with any sort of wind. People and the plaza are equally responsible.


Agree! Short sighted and selfish.


This plaza is a shit show, people bring lawn chairs and sit around all day and give no fucks about throwing their garbage out I've literally seen people sitting in their cars and throwing garbage out their window Can't do anything about it because it's private property




It looks like a tornado hit the place earlier


The problem with this plaza is its mostly takeout restaurants with very limited seating. The mall owners should have installed some outdoor seating options like picnic benches or something, and obviously added way more garbage cans. Friday and Saturday nights this mall is absolutely packed


What frustrates me the most is the fact that the restaurants have set up impromptu outdoor seating on the sidewalk, which was made wide (particularly) for people with wheelchairs. How are they supposed to go when theres 12 patio tables blocking their walkway? Who can I contact to complain about the fact that these stores are blocking access because they didn't plan their indoor seating properly?


I agree, not condoning the littering but this should def fall on the property owner or restaurantuers to provide enough trash cans.


I have noticed since Covid malls have been removing trash cans, likely due to the high amounts of household waste people are putting in them, due to the pay for extra bags policy we have here


I've noticed this all throughout Mississauga, the amount of outdoor trash cans has been diminishing, especially at parks and nature trails. Some of it is due to homeowners filling them with large trash items.


Agreed they are. But commercial plazas don't pay per bag. They pay per dump. It's all just cost savings for then and also not giving a f^^k about people or the community. Capitalism really. No different than what Tim Hortons did a few years ago, they took away the cans. It was cost savings for them


The pay for extra bag comment was for residential users, they don't want to pay for the tags so dump in public garbage instead, I see it all the time


Concrete jungle, with no dining-experience aesthetic factored in.


This plaza is terribly designed: parking, layout of all the building locations in plaza, and the size of each store. It has really become an annoyance to navigate the traffic in the Eglinton-Ridgeway corridor due to the fact that there are very few entry and exit points to the plaza. The worst is the red light at Eglinton-Churchill Meadows - GGs to everyone who lives here simply trying to turn left onto Eglinton - only 3-4 cars will make the light. Worst of all is the noise that is generated from this plaza late night with restaurants remaining open late and the auto spa, which attracts the car scene. You can literally hear honking and cars revving after 12am. all the way to Churchill Meadows-Erin Centre Blvd.


See, this is a good solution. That and more garbage cans


No. The problem is these people are fucking pigs




for sure, the fact that this enormous plaza popped up relatively quickly and people flocked to it speaks to the desert of entertainment in the city. hopefully the new insanely overpriced movie theater nearby helps alleviate it a bit but there's absolutely nothing to do within a 20 minute radius of this area


That's a good point. That area has a fuckton of houses but nothing resembling a traditional town centre


Is this a daily occurrence here or one offs, like every weekend? Normally, Property Management has custodians cleaning up early morning and all are cleaned up before 8am. But it's Sunday and a long weekend, so I reckon some of the custodians took holidays too and the remaining skeleton crew are so far behind in their cleaning.


It is a regular occurrence. This was just worst than usual


Looks disgusting…they definitely need to put way more garbage bins around.


You can have a garbage bin right there and people will still do this.


Thats the real problem. For some reason some groups of people are just lazy asshats. Like why would you just throw trash on the ground? Same people who take food to a city park snd leave trash all over. They just figure someone else will pick it up? Or too short sighted yo see that if they make messes the parks etc stop being nice? Just so weird and stupid


I don’t think it is laziness per se - but the zero consequence to this type of sociopathic action (it runs the gamut from running red lights, street racing, vandalism of public property, etc)


I have seen some teenagers/adults in this plaza just throw the garbage on the floor


I was picking up some food from here. 30-40 people all hanging out at night having essentially a street party don’t know why


This plaza is so shit. Too many shops, too little parking. And it's designed so poorly with random turns and intersections everywhere without stop signs and idiots are still driving so fast in there im scared of getting hit every time


One garbage can for the whole plaza, now that’s some superb urban planning


On another note, the Brittany Glen Plaza has improved significantly as a result of this plaza opening 😅


I was just gonna say that! This must be a new plaza as I’ve never heard of it until now (recently moved but lived in the Churchill Meadows area for 10+ years)


Yeah, it's been opening up slowly over the past 6-8 months.


Dirty riff raft found their new home. They’re like rats knowing the scene… they collaborate together and bring the city with them. Hard to get rid of vermin when the garbage piles up.


Ugly ass "*power centers"* with poorly functioning social services (in this case collections) This seems like Mississauga as it always is. punishment is not the answer, not on a personal level here. The garbage bins are overwhelmed, get more and clean them out more often.


Don't know where this is but nowhere I go in Mississauga looks like that. I am guessing there was a party here, or does it look like that every day?


Eglinton and Ninth line.


Is this where the new Beavertails place is? We went there because of the Beavertails. We had never been there before. It was insane. Beyond crowded. Horribly designed parking lot, crazy drivers. Garbage everywhere. We got the Beavertails (one was only half cooked, Ick) and vowed never to go to that plaza again. I hated it.


Yes, and also nobody knows how to drive in this plaza because there are barely any stop signs in the plaza, absolutely shambolic there


This is the huge new plaza at Eglinton and Ninth Line. It's a sprawling sea of take-out food places, and a popular hangout spot for young people. I'm sure it looks like that every weekend in the summer.


Seriously. This looks like a single garbage can worth of mostly bagged garbage, and a garbage can that is stacked up as high as it can go. The sky isn’t falling.


This place is like the Disney land of food. I was there around 11:30 last night and the crowds were everywhere. It took 25 minutes to go in and out with no success in finding any parking spots. It’s wild in there. And very poorly designed.


very very poorly designed. it’s impossible to cord sthe street between the plazas because there’s no crosswalk anywhere


This plaza is terribly designed: parking, layout of all the building locations in plaza, and the size of each store. It has really become an annoyance to navigate the traffic in the Eglinton-Ridgeway corridor due to the fact that there are very few entry and exit points to the plaza. The worst is the red light at Eglinton-Churchill Meadows - GGs to everyone who lives here simply trying to turn left onto Eglinton - only 3-4 cars will make the light. Worst of all is the noise that is generated from this plaza late night with restaurants remaining open late and the auto spa, which attracts the car scene. You can literally hear honking and cars revving after 12am. all the way to Churchill Meadows-Erin Centre Blvd.


Ew where exactly in Sauga?


I recognize this plaza, it's right down the street from me Eglinton Avenue West and Intrepid


Ninth line and Eglinton


Ninth Line and Eglington. New plaza full of restaurants


What a dump. Geez throw your garbage in a bin!!!


The one single garbage pail is overflowing badly. Here’s a wild idea that’s so crazy it just might work - - how about adding a few more garbage pails?


I had an incident 2 weeks back. I confronted a group of ladies who popped a confetti popper on the sidewalk for their kids birthday. I asked them if they planned to clean it up because I was on the opposite side of the plaza and found pieces of their plastic confetti there. They said they have a store here and they pay a maintenance guy to clean, and that its not garbage so why should they pick it up. (keep in mind, they were sitting in front of an empty unit... why not pop your confetti popper in front of your own store then?) They started getting aggressive and swearing so I took a pic of their license plate and the mess and left. I wish there was more I could do but but its not like I can call the police or anything on them.


Critisize them on social media with the shop name. At the risk of being called a racist of course.


Way too many units built in that plot of land. I’ve never seen anything like that in the GTA. You literally can’t drive through that parking lot during dinner time.


In a couple years it will thin out I think. Way too many restaurants to survive. A very saturated restaurant market in that area


I wonder if this picture is misleading people to think people just toss it on the ground. It could be entirely reasonable that the wind is taking the garbage off the top of the garbage can as it is over full and people continually stack the garbage as the top is blown off, creating the appearance that garbage is thrown in the ground. These stores definitely need to be monitoring and emptying the trash cans.




If there aren’t any garbage cans outside of these establishments, then this would make a little more sense (still not appropriate to leave your trash lying around though). How hard is it to throw things away properly when you’re finished?? gross


Ninth Line and Eglinton new fast-food super mall. Terrible design, I've got a bad feeling about that place. Concrete jungle of what appear to be small franchise owners competing against 100 others. I live right up the street and I've been twice and feel like my car is going to get damaged the whole time I'm there.


I wonder how often the landlord has someone clean out the supplied garbage bins I see in the photos? Obviously not enough


This isn’t a new phenomenon, and it’s pretty common across most urban areas in Canada. I travel the country for work and see this all over the entire country.


I avoid that area in general because of the traffic. Eglinton is a 2 lane road in that area and the traffic from this mega strip mall is ridiculous.


I always criticize the planning of this plaza. The 2 "main roads" to get into this place are very small (1 and 2 lane roads) for the amount of traffic that this place will bring. Extremely poor planning, too many businesses, tight parking spaces, no stop signs, pedestrian nightmare, and similar dining options (shawarma).


Look at that whoooole line of stores on photo 1/5 and count how many garbage bins there are. The truth is, no places have enough garbage bins anymore.


more trashcans please


Why don't they put tables outside so people can sit, eat and order more ? It would be better than eating in your car. View on the parking lot and the road but still


People are animals!


You mean new Canada?


Wind probably blew over the garbage from a garbage can, it’s not that big of a deal


Looks like the Mississauga of old too


Canada is a dump now.


All you filthy people …take-away container means you are supposed to them away with you and not leave them behind.


If there’s not enough room in a garbage can, your trash is still your responsibility. Find another place to put it.










Every closet racist is salivating right now.




There is absolutely no reason for this. These humans are just lazy fucks. There is nothing wrong with keeping your garbage and placing it in a bin when you get home. Or at a gas station or somewhere along the way. There is no excuse for this at all.


I've been picking up litter on my own time for years, this isn't the new anything.








Is that the new plaza near ridgeway and eglinton?


Yea all your trash bags came to Kitchener , thanks !!!!


This is such poor behaviour… expecting other people to pick up our trash… while that’s relatively true, we should all be responsible for picking up at least up after ourselves… it’d be nice if they started teaching kids in school to clean up and do chores, similar to schools in Japan


No doubt, those developers just left that dime a dozen strip mall in the parking lot, avoiding any potentially interesting architecture making it look the same as every bloody city in North America, the litter is a by product.


New? This has been like this for years now.


This place is a new area too. Its pathetic... the way the people drive and hang out in that plaza. This is why we can have nice things. That place in a few years is just going to look runned down. I passed by there one morning and i couldnt stand the smell in the air. All the trash and waste at the plaza was disgusting. I can not believe this is how people treat their own communities. Fucking digusting.


Danforth/Eglinton area where I live (Scarborough Junction) looks exactly the same. Gross


Why are some people such dicks?


Ironically enough, it's also the old Mississauga.


Is this Eglinton west of Churchill? The heartland of food outlets?


To be fair it looks like most people tried to throw out the garbage


That's pretty much Canada right now.


Those garbage bags are overfilled...


Fucking packed ass plaza 24/7. Takes around 20 minutes to even find a parking spot. I hate this city


Lol “new”


Your point is ?


So sad. My city (Hamilton) is getting that way too. People no matter where they live seem to have such trouble disposing of their trash.


Not giving this an excuse. But this city needs more trash cans or bigger ones.


They need more garbage cans, and they need to be emptied at least once a day.


The real problem is ‘people behaving badly’, often for the sake of personal convenience. Even if there were no garbage bins at all, there is no excuse for dropping your garbage wherever you feel like. Take it home and put it into your own trash or recycling bin. By the way, collecting personal trash in absence of garbage cans is a good use case for plastic bags…


Ok and so


Damn you guys made it to Reddit front page...and damn!


it looks like this is a favorite place for people without the desire to clean up the garbage behind them


I've said it before and I'll say it again...Mississauga has been going downhill for the last few years, it's literally a dump now.


Disgusting people.


Looks like either grounds people or the city need to do more frequent visits, those trash cans are full. Also if the fucking can is full, take your garbage with you.


That on tiny pail isn't enough for that size of a plaza. It's also badly overflowing. Maybe call the city and inquire about how often they are emptied and if others could be added.


Seems like they need workers on the sanitary side


Do you americans have anything else but multi-lane roads leading to parking lots surrounded by fast food and big W ending with petrol (gas) stations on the corners? I feel like thats all I see in america if its outside major cities.


Fines for littering should be insanely high. Like in the thousands. There is really no excuse for it.


Nice to see they kept all the traditional litter ..


*There's nothing in the street* *Looks any different to me* *And the slogans are effaced, by-the-bye* *And the parting on the left* *Is now parting on the right* *And the beards have all grown longer overnight*


Just like the old Mississauga!


It's not just Mississauga It's all over the city.


You posted the same picture 3 times


I only see two trash bins. They should add 10 more. That could help a bit


People usually disregard the birds, those guys pick through the trashcans, ah and the trashcans themselves. Too small, no lids is a bird buffet


Any pictures of old Mississauga? Yes the ppl that go there and are not considerate are definitely to blame. For Missi to be like 🇸🇬 we need more police to enforce littering laws and the plaza management. & store owners to ban folks caught be on camera or direct witness. Then trespass them if they violate the ban. Canada at one time was remarked as having clean cities. Terrible how this has changed between poor upbringing and mass immigration. To be clear areas with low immigration rates are indeed less polluted with litter.


What also frustrates me the most is the fact that the restaurants have set up impromptu outdoor seating on the sidewalk, which was made wide (particularly) for people with wheelchairs. How are they supposed to go when theres 12 patio tables blocking their walkway? Who can I contact to complain about the fact that these stores are blocking access because they didn't plan their indoor seating properly?


This has been mississauga for at least 4 fucking decades.....


Whoever has litter, either toss it in a garbage can (if available) or toss it into your personal home garbage bin. There's no excuse for throwing it on the ground. The person who created the waste needs to be responsible for it.


Everyone posting that the business or property mngt is to blame is nuts. It is 100 percent the fault of the customers who are too selfish to dispose of their garbage correctly, I am sure someone will say "but the garbage can is full!" Well, it's their f'n garbage, take it home and dispose if it correctly, just because the can is full doesn't mean you now have license to drop it anywhere, that is child logic. But why would I be surprised? The entire GTA is a worthless craphole, mainly because of the selfish idiocy of the people who live there. I've lived in Wasaga, Collingwood, Muskoka & Barrie over the last 20+ years and the only times parking lots look that bad is during long weekends after the parade of GTA locusts sweep through. I sat in a gas station parking lot in Barrie and watched a vehicle park in the same parking lot, 11 people got out of a mini van with a seating capacity of 7-8. The mother and grandmother walked the 3 female children into the store and went directly to the washroom while the male driver took the 3 male children behind the dumpster to urinate. The remaining 2 adults walked around to the back of the van and opened that hatchback door. The 5 females left the store without even looking at the store clerk, never mind actually buying anything. They all gathered around the back of the van and ate food that was obviously brought from home, as each (except one) finished their food they would just drop the food wrappers - baggies & tin foil, on the ground behind the van, despite there being FOUR garbage cans within a 10 second walk from them. The oldest girl child brought her empty juice box and baggie to the garbage can next to one of the gas pumps, the other 10, all dropped everything on the ground. Once finished they all got back in the van and and drove off, not one penny was spent at this store, not one drop of gas purchased. The rich store owner didn't have to pick up after those city slobs, nope, it was the foreign Indian Georgian College student who is struggling to survive on $8/hour cash who had to rush out between customers to sweep up the mess left by these self centered Toronto morons. How do I know they are from the city? Might have been the Mid-Town Honda license plate cover, we all see the same disgusting behavior up here every weekend during the summer and on long weekends it's 4 times as bad.


New Mississauga? My guy you living under a rock?




Come to montreal fir a few weeks and you wont complain about mississauga anymore.


This is a customer issue. Do better people and put your garbage in a can it's not that difficult. Y'all disgusting


Note the lack of available bins to toss your rubbish. Seems like property management should work on it, putting some in front of each store...


Very straightforward... Nobody was ready for the amount of demand which this plaza got... No need to be dramatic Social Justice Warriors. There are bigger problems facing Canadians over all, and that is The Liberals