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Fixing the damn ballot initiative


The vast majority of the state doesn't even know we have lost our voice.


I didn’t know we had a voice to lose in the first place.


Yes, voters had the right to amend the state constitution. We need better voter education here.


This is it. It is the blocker for everything else pointed out below. It is exactly why they won't fix it.




Can you explain it? I just moved here three years ago so still learning the government ropes and all that!


Here is a good rundown… https://boltsmag.org/mississippi-keeps-door-shut-on-ballot-initiatives/


Thank you so much!


Sure thing! And welcome to Mississippi!


WOW that’s so fucked up! That’s not at all what I was expecting to be the issue. What an awful way of keeping voters’ wants and issues off the ballot.


Decreasing the tax on groceries.


You spelled removing wrong.


Recreational marijuana. There’s lots of other hot button issues that matter more, but this is one of the least controversial.


I disagree. I support recreational, but I think you’d be surprised at how many people don’t want it legal in MS. I mean just look at how many people voted against medical marijuana


It still passed by a decent amount. I think recreational would pass.


There are 1800 voting precincts in MS. On the original ballot initiative, you know how many voted “no” on it? 6.


It was still a 70%+ vote. The pushback was only from Congress people and police and the people gullible enough to believe them. Both of those knew they would lose money in some fashion. Heck, you’d be surprised how much could get done if you removed that damned R and D from everything. Not all R voters are maghats, but vote because of ingrained politics. A good chunk have more progressive values but have been raised to believe the democrat word is akin to the devil.


I've been saying this for years! Take the party affiliations off the ballot and people would actually have to do their research


Expanding Medicaid, for sure.




72% of Mississippians, 55% of Miss. Republicans favored Medicaid expansion (Siena College/Miss. Today poll). Maybe 72% isn't vast enough for you.




need to post a "i'm tate reeves and i approve this message" commercial to play with your comment.






Note that this determination is made purely at the whim of the moderator team. If you seem mean or contemptuous, we will remove your posts or ban you. The sub has a certain zeitgeist which you may pick up if you read for a while before posting. We don't allow personal attacks.


Why nope?




I don't know why I expected any other answer.




Abortion rights, no grocery taxes, term limits, Medicaid expansion, ballot initiative process, justice reform, Improving funding for *public* schools.


I agree with almost everything you listed. However, I don't think the "vast majority" of Mississippian supports expanding abortion Rights. I do think that it's a majority. And of course, abortion rights itself is on a spectrum.


Was in the deli section of a grocery store the other week, unwittingly overhearing a conversation held by a group of relatively old white guys. In less than a handful of sentences they went from "immigrants are flooding the country" to "the abortion ban is fucked up" so you're definitely right on there being a spectrum


Initiative and referendum. It's important. Medicare expansion.


Well, if we do that, how will Bret Favre get his cut from the federal government?


Abortion, funding education, legalization of marijuana, fixing the healthcare issues in the Delta, expanding Medicaid…the Mississippi Legislature makes laws for the few big white donors in our state. Many of them claim to be following their commitment to their church’s teachings.


Nail on the head here. The easiest way to get elected in this state is to make a commercial of yourself and your AR-15 in front of a church...have your wife and your kids there, holding their ARs with horrible trigger discipline. I still cannot get over how many people don't give a crap about anything else, which reminds me of this quote from To Kill a Mockingbird: "There are just some kind of men who—who're so busy worrying about the next world they've never learned to live in this one, and you can look down the street and see the results." We have to live in this mess we've created. Local and state elections affect our lives in ways that federal elections cannot. More people should be aware of this.


Very well said.


Why don’t the “vast majority of Mississippi voters” vote the assholes out of office and elect people who’ll do what’s wanted and good for the state?


Only about 20% of our registered voters leave the house on election days. Voter apathy is a bitch.


Well, voter turnout for ANY election only ever caps out at 33%. Any election local to federal. So the "vast majority of MS voters" is kind of a misnomer. Because the vast majority of people that can vote don't vote. The vast majority actually voting are the geriatric and are on the way out the door of life anyway. The "fuck you, got mine" is very strong with these folks. And they also want thing to stay the same while they go even more infirm. I use to work the elections in MS for 15 years.


That’s a good question.


Not worrying bout all that crap democrats!! Need to worry about trying to get rid of the state income tax!!! Holding MS back.


Yeah, the state coffers are overflowing as is and everywhere I travel, at home and abroad, all I hear people saying is how they’d love to move their families or businesses to Mississippi but for the state income tax.


You’d be surprised especially if you lived close to a state with no income tax. It could be replaced with something else.


Such as? Let's pull a Colorado and farm weed. We could tax out of state businesses. We could try anything except raising taxes for our folks here. We ain't got no tax base and cannot squeeze blood out of a turnip.


You know that "crap" is why we cannot have nice things here. No growth for a state that makes living here hard and restrictive. How do you suppose we just stop state income tax? There is a trade-off. What's the plan? We give HUGE tax breaks to large corporations who move a branch or two here.


Sales tax on mobile homes is currently 3%. Under the previous proposal it was going to increase to something like 7%


We were going to fund the state by taxing trailer houses? Whut?


Increasing the sales tax on them, yes. Some of these homes sell for 300k+. Other taxes were going to go up, too. Not just mobile homes.


That is a good point. I don't stay versed in mobile home sales, but you're right about some of them being as or more expensive than traditional housing.


It has been said that they would raise the grocery tax and make it unlawful for cities to charge a grocery tax.


So, we are going to tax food more? This is Mississippi. Large areas of the state are food deserts. Almost 30% of our kids go hungry at some point during the year. Maybe we need to do something other than what you suggested?


Not tax it more but the tax we pay goes to the state instead of municipalities. You should pay less food tax than state income tax and come out ahead. Also don’t misunderstand me thinking I am any kind of way smart enough to figure this out. But it can be done because other states do it.


Oh, friend - you and I are on the same page! I wish I were smart enough to figure this out, too.


Wouldn’t we be something if we could figure it out!! I’ll bet they’d find us a bunch of other stuff to figure out!!🤣🤣🤣


Honestly, we probably could...but you're right. We would get saddled with more work! Let's keep under the radar! 🤣


There are tons of issues. Most of us agree on and would love to see legislation on. However, we are not represented. We are ruled over in mississippi. P s we still don't have a working state constitution.


>We are ruled over in mississippi. P s we still don't have a working state constitution. This is the stuff right here.


Also the fact that our constitution is dogshit. I wouldn't legally be allowed to run for office cuz I'm an atheist, and simultaneously they can't enforce that because it would be against the federal constitution lmao


We also have profanity laws still on the books, so we're not much for the first amendment either.


Correct me if I’m mistaken, but according to second 117 of our state constitution the only requirements to be governor is to be a us citizen, a resident of the state for the last 5 years, and at least 30 years old


I was referring to section 265, which says, "No person who denies the existence of a Supreme Being shall hold any office in this state."


Oh my God! I knew we were stupid but I didn't know we were that bad off.


That's really fucking sad.


Medicade expansion


As an outsider looking in, reading most all of your comments, I feel for y’all. It’s like you’re all living in a different country than I’m living in. I live in the USA, but what you all are describing is NOT. You folks need some serious grassroots efforts to capture your full potential. Think of your kids’ futures. Oh, and screw the lonely incel who doesn’t believe in helping the poor, the handicapped or the elderly by not expanding Medicare. Y’all are better, and smarter than that fellow. Cheers, and good luck!


Mobile sports gambling like DraftKings.


This is a very good one


Marijuana legalization.


Allowing liquor sales on Sunday




Renaming the Ross Barnett Reservoir


Absolutely **NO ONE** cares about that. He’s the reason The Rez even exists. Not to mention the Democrats wouldn’t knowingly agree to lessen historical relevance of their few victories in the state.


Exactly, nobody really cares. It’s something that needs to happen that folks don’t really think about. It’s like peeling leftover crawfish after a boil. It should be fairly easy to get through the legislator. Sure the old flag had valid arguments on both sides but surely a majority of us can agree that we shouldn’t honor Ross Barnett at all.


It’s not something that “needs to happen. The governor who was a major part in commissioning the reservoir gets to have his name on it. If we retroactively wanted to change names in order to whitewash the realities of history, then there are a few states, major cities, schools and highways that will need to be addressed first.


Our legislature has no say once they get to the state line.


Like Forrest County??? Wtf?


I'd say this question should ask what an individual supports behind closed doors, rather than what they say in public as a collective mob mentality.


Yes. You do get some different answers. This reminds me of the Personhood Amendment vote: https://www.npr.org/sections/itsallpolitics/2011/11/08/142159280/mississippi-voters-reject-personhood-amendment But, that topic has gotten weird in this political landscape we are currently in.


Pretty much anything that gets the popular vote on the ballot which then gets vetoed by Tate.


I feel like most of the responses don't understand what "vast majority" means...


Name checks out…finding consensus is illusive


Elusive, but illusive works when you realize that the *voting* consensus of 30ish percent of state voters isn’t really a state consensus.


Dang. I feel dumb


Please don’t, homophones can be a pain in the ass :)


Don't! The name was chosen to be deliberately misleading.


Don't get me wrong. I'm ALL for abortion rights. That being said - I don't think most of Mississippi is for them. BUT, most people I know favor limited abortions. Not *no* abortions, unlike what a certain party is trying to convey. There are more moderates than not. They just don't go out and vote like they should.


Medicare/Medicaid Expansion


70% of mississipians don't know what the word legislature means without google . I would suggest we probably push some informative learning seminars about how everything works first


Ballot initiative. Blue law removal. I’d like to see wild game processors to be able to legally process livestock. Remove income tax. Remove some of the asinine gov regulations.


Medicaid expansion


Second half of this post is on topic. Moved to ms a little over a year ago. The little rural town I'm in is run by such a dictator that I have yet to meet any of her staff that lives in the city limits. Keeps a bible on her desk. Opens commission meetings with prayer. Concerned about everything except the 20% poverty rate in her city. Yet, she keeps getting reelected. Nicest people here, but wtf. Privilege licenses. Fancy name for a business license. Takes ten minutes online in state I moved from yet can take over a month here including a required appearance before the city commission for a q and a that felt like an inquisition. Can't even get power and water before getting a privilege license. Huge loss of tax revenue for the state. So dumb.


Medicare for all. Education. Abortion rights. Women’s rights. Rights for the LGBTQ community. Common sense gun laws. Recreational marijuana. Etc. Etc. Etc.


What rights are the LGBTQIA+ community missing? Can you also define common sense gun laws for me?


They should be able to be married. They should be able to add their spouse to their health insurance. They should be able to have their marriage recognized so they can leave their life insurance policy to them. Tax breaks. Etc. ‘Some’ people keep spreading misinformation that they want more rights than others. No. They want and deserve the SAME and EQUAL rights as other married couples. Thank you for asking for an elaboration. And i hope others read this comment. A lot of people have been brainwashed to think that they want MORE rights than others. No. They want to live in marriage bliss, be productive members of society and be treated the same as any other married couple. No more. No less.


Last I checked, gay marriage is legal in all 50 US states. I don't think gays have any fewer rights anywhere now... What about common sense gun laws?


But if same-ses marriage had not been protected by the Supreme Court, that loud, self-righteous minority of busybodies would have kept it illegal. As an example, interracial marriage was illegal in the state of Mississippi until 1969, and the only reason it was legal then was because the Supreme Court ruled that a law banning it was unconstitutional. And if you listen, there's a slight majority of voters who still have that same mindset.






Note that this determination is made purely at the whim of the moderator team. If you seem mean or contemptuous, we will remove your posts or ban you. The sub has a certain zeitgeist which you may pick up if you read for a while before posting. You did well reporting - But, you don't get to attack back.


Note that this determination is made purely at the whim of the moderator team. If you seem mean or contemptuous, we will remove your posts or ban you. The sub has a certain zeitgeist which you may pick up if you read for a while before posting. Don't make discussions personal. No ad hominems.


When was the last time you had a beer with a few ole rednecks on a sandbar lol


I can think of a few I didn’t see posted yet. Fixing all that crap in the public defender’s offices like that link shared here a few weeks ago said fell through. Giving teachers state employee benefits as a form of social security. Allocating more money to important departments like MDAH, the Arts Commission, MPB, etc once we get our screwed-up economy back right. Anti-corruption reform.


Parents Rights


Medicaid expansion.


Treating all people with respect


Poverty. You been the poorest state for decades . You must love it.


Funding education, restoring initiative, granting adopted adults the right to obtain their original, unaltered birth certificate...


I’m all for anyone having the opportunity to make their life better. Keep the government out of my way! I proudly go to the polls, educated and aware of my vote. I talk to my legislators and stay plugged into what is happening locally and statewide. I want more tax cuts and less government spending. Give me and my family more opportunities to be successful and I’ll be happy. I pay way too many taxes while many others just want to work the system for freebies. Everyone should get off their asses and find your worth. I have. Quit looking to others to bail you out. Life is tough. You know this.


Sounds good! What state level government service would you suggest reducing or eliminating to align spending with revenue?


I don’t have enough visibility to suggest specific cuts to reoccurring expenses but it’s easy to see that enrollment in education is trending down, we’ve made substantive changes to criminal sentencing and don’t get me started on managed care in Medicaid. In addition to reoccurring cost, you can’t ignore Capital Expense/bond projects that are nothing more that Christmas tree bills that have been in excess of $140m in each of the resent years. The General Fund is over what? $7B+. Let’s discuss Revenues. The state has a history of underestimated revenues, on purpose, which has resulted in a significant surplus ($100s of millions of dollars). The reality is Tax Revenues have continued to increase even as past tax cuts are phased in. What would I do? Take 75% of any future surplus and apply it to accelerating past income tax cuts. Challenge the legislature to find the money for their much loved projects bills within the existing General Fund, as adjusted annually by JLBC. I’m certain appropriators will find at least $150m to be spent on capital expenditures. After a few years of making changes in the budgeting process and we get closer to implementing income tax cuts, I would expect by 2026 another cut to personal income tax will be warranted.