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Hot. Damn hot. There is an ocean breeze, though.


New Orleans is an outlier because it's exceptionally crowded and below sea level.


That’s good to know. It gets nasty, I wasn’t sure if it would be the whole area or not.


It should be decent when the sun goes down.


Hot and humid.


Weather is pretty bipolar, so be prepared but 9/10 its always hot! So dress comfortably. Plenty of sightseeing seeing to do in downtown Ocean Springs too!




Hot. Skeeters. Thunderstorms. Other than that pretty nice


I’m a JazzFest veteran, it can’t be any worse than that, right?


it can be. it depends a lot on shade availability, your water intake, personal fitness and the weather. I kind of feel like if the heat concerns you, you are probably going to be too hot. I fainted at a July seafood fest a few years ago, but I'm old. I've done many many festivals in the heat. July hits different these days.


I’m not old, just a weenie. 😅


Yes. We’ve already hit the 90s in temps (over 100 heat index) so by July it will be absolutely miserable here. But if you live on the gulf coast and have for a time, you will already know about how hot/humid it will be (you didn’t mention a specific area on the coast that you live, but the temps and humidity are similar). But if you are lucky there will be a breeze, and that can make it bearable after the sun sets.


I’m Pensacola, FL. We’re ON the water, on the water here, so it stays a little cooler because of that, plus the breeze. I’ve been here about a decade, so I can usually hang, more or less, but I did move from CO, so the humidity still gets me sometimes. As long as you guys aren’t Nola-level thick in the air, I think it’ll be okay.


Ah okay got you! Very similar weather, but your water is waaaaayyyy cleaner. Edit: if you decide you want to get in the water while you are here, make sure you check the bacteria levels. Sadly it’s something we have to stay up on if we want to do beach type activities.


Live in New Orleans, from Ocean Springs. They have trees and a breeze there, so if you’re from the Gulf Coast already you’ll probably be fine.


Stolen faces? If so it's at the shed and you can easily escape into the shade.


Yeah, it’s them! I’ve never been to a live show at the Shed, only to eat, and even then, I think I’ve only been in Fall/Winter/Spring. Worried about cookin’ while I boogie. 😅 They’re in Mobile the night before, but I fuckin hate Mobile.


They gave lots of shade around the stage. Also they opened "saloon" right next to the stage and I believe it has ac or at least fans.


At 5:00 p.m. tonight in central MS, the real feel temp was 101. It's mid June. In July, it's very hot & humid. And with mosquitoes. Similar to Louisiana. But the MS Coast is typically a smidge cooler than the rest of the state in the summer time due to the Gulf breeze (and a tad warmer in the winter time for the same reason). Once the sunsets and with shade, the evenings can actually be pleasant...but I'm one who can handle the humidity and heat over cold & snow, so it wouldn't stop me. And Ocean Springs is a lovely town!