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I wash my hands and face a lot which helps a little :/ second the suggestion for adding a nasal allergy spray to the pill cocktail. Also I did allergy shots for years, definitely helped but it’s a big hassle


I always thought that taking more than one decongestant would cancel each other out?? Is that true if you’re taking a nasal spray and a pill or do they work together?? I have been dying for weeks out here! The only thing that has helped has been being extremely regular with my normal decongestant pill and showers every night to get all the pollen off me!


I don’t think they cancel each other out (but that’s just fully anecdotal I am not an allergist, just someone with a loooooot of allergies lol) but I do know you don’t want to overdo it with nasal sprays in general. Honestly I’d recommend a consult with an allergist, I would fully recommend Carl Thornblade. He’s great and so is his staff. They take most insurance and also have some sliding fee scales


It’s been a brutal year. I started Flonase recently and it’s helped a lot.


Same. First year I've ever needed nasal spray.


This is the way


Glad I'm not the only one. My allergies have been destroying me the last couple weeks.


I take a cocktail of over-the-counter allergy medicines every day, hoping that one of them does something.  


and always shower before bed to get that pollen off..


A good air purifier. I ordered a Winix on Amazon before covid and now I have one on every floor of my house and change the filters once every three or four months. They're good year round white noise for sleeping too. I feel you. I used to have allergies so bad I wanted to die. Sometimes saline spray up the nose helped with congestion. Mine have eased up greatly since moving to a house with no carpet last year.


Yes to both air purifier and no carpets.


Xyzal OTC. Pataday drops as mentioned.


Mine too at times. Have you tried pataday eye drops which are now otc? Used to be $200/bottle Rx. There are also nasal sprays that might be worth trying if the pills aren’t cutting it.


I recently figured out that my pataday is over 50 cents a drop. Had to buy some generic drops to swap back and forth with cuz I can't be spending $2 a day on eye drops!


Wash/rinse hands in cold water and then your face. Then whisky …. 🤷‍♀️ it works Edit: drink the whisky don’t put it on your face


I’ve been drinking a lot of whiskey, and still not working. You sure I’m not supposed to put it in my face?


God maybe you’re right


Swapping between Allegra and zyrtec help me (Allegra when I wake up, zyrtec in the evening). And then using pataday drops. This is the worst I've ever had too. My eye completely swelled up on Sunday until I got home and was able to use a cold compress.


I'm about to cave and try a neti pot or something similar. I know you just gotta get used to it but...eww.


It is eww but they really work wonders! Happy potting lol


Super gross, but so satisfying. My sister bought me the nevage, and my god, it was a life changer.


It’s not as gross as I thought it would be. It takes a little work to figure it out. It’s been helping me.


Seconding all the recommendations for Zyrtec or Xyzal. Also, do saline nasal rinse/neti pot treatments, or a saline nasal spray if you can’t tolerate the former. Do another rinse/spray before bed, THEN use Flonase, making sure to have your head looking down “nose to toes”. Angle the nozzle towards the outer corner of the eye, sometimes using the right hand for left nostril, left hand for right nostril, helps you get that angle better. Helps so that you don’t just shoot the Flonase down the back of your throat, which happens if your head is straight or looking up. Best of luck tho, it sucks out there.


It’s super bad for me too this year for the first time in years. My eyes were literally burning all day two days ago when the cottonwood was blowing around Running an air purifier in my bedroom helps me a lot / putting it in whatever room I’m spending a lot of time in . Even with windows open it helps. If worse comes to worse I have heard that N95 masks also help but that’s annoying esp when it’s hot but just FYI , might help you catch a break for a while if you are really struggling


Fwiw, the cottonwood fluff is just cottonwood seeds, not pollen! Seeds don't have much/any pollen because they've already been pollinated. However, the seeds start floating around at peak grass pollen times and it's easy to see, so they often get blamed for allergies, but the white fluff doesn't aggravate allergies for most. It's been a particularly cottonwood fluffy year so hopefully that makes you hate that stuff less. Grass is probably your enemy though, sorry!


Local raw honey. Try to find it from as close to where you live as possible. It helps for allergies to pollen, and is really yummy.


Hindu Hillbilly honey is local straight from Alberton


Not a dent, been eating unfiltered local honey for 15 years.


Just drink whiskey until you feel better


Or forget about em


I've had severe allergies my whole life, and there's a long list of actions you can take, and they do help. Most people won't do them, because it's a big pain. Aside from drugs, your bedroom needs to stay pristine. Wash *everything* on your bed, use allergy covers on your pillows, keep your windows closed, keep your dirty clothes hamper outside the bedroom, shower every night before bed, don't wear the same clothes two days in a row during allergy season. Your spouse has to do all this too if they sleep in the same bedroom as you. Every day when you step outside during pollen season, your clothes and hair and sinuses get re-contaminated, and pollen is sticky. Zyrtec or whatever before bed. The idea is to quit exposing yourself to so much pollen 24/7, and to start each morning with low symptoms. This all really works, but again, most people won't go through with it. If that's not enough... People won't use it much any more, because it makes you feel drowsy and weird and possibly dangerous to drive, but Benadryl/diphenhydramine is stronger than any of the other OTC drugs. When I've had to take it, after about 3 days of constant use, you start to get used to it and feel less drowsy/weird.


Glyphosate on our food


There is a pretty good cocktail of respiratory viruses floating around as well. Spouse knew a bunch of folks who thought they were having allergies, it was the rona.


My allergy medicine wasn't cutting it. Saw a holistic nutritionist/acupuncturist who gave me a bit of an odd routine but it actually seems to be working. Might be worth looking into something similar.


Wanna say what they did?


Yes but it's tailored to the individual that's why I didn't bother. I did a session of some needling and he has me on supplements of kal acidophilus plus a certain amount of cod liver oil, and grass fed butter every day. Like I said it's strange but it seems to be helping.


My acupuncturist uses needles on my face/nose which is so relieving and gives me something called Dehist. It works pretty well- but need to stay on top of taking it. This year is the worst. I see Dr. Zoe at Sacred Roots or Mamaspace. She has clinics at both spaces.


My doctor (internal medicine) suggested acupuncture, said she has another patient for whom it works well. Haven’t tried it yet.


Mine seemed to get way worse this week! In addition to a daily OTC allergy pill (which it sounds like you're already taking), try also adding a daily nasal spray like Flonase and daily Pataday eye drops. The nasal sprays actually work best as prevention rather than treatment and reach peak effectiveness after around 2 weeks. Take a shower any time you've been outside and sadly make sure your windows stay closed if they're not already. Good luck and hopefully the cottonwoods will stop shedding soon!


Mine have been killing me this week, too. I take Xyzal in the morning and Benadryl before bed. I've been washing my hands constantly so I don't get pollen from something I've touched on my face.


This will change your life. Use a salt packets, one tab of mometasone in distilled water, 4 oz per nostril, (https://www.mayoclinic.org/drugs-supplements/mometasone-nasal-route/description/drg-20064895) morning and evening. The doctors at RMENT can prescribe it for you.


Use a neti pot morning and night. Remember to boil the water before use. Wash face before bed to rinse allergens away.


I use Zertec D and the brand name as well, when I tried Zertec or the generic version it did work the same.


Flonase and Astepro are my go to allergy meds but yes, allergies are bad🤧


Claritan, flonase, pataday.


Saline sinus rinses and saline sinus sprays- Costco has both, much cheaper than the regular stores


Flonase is the only thing that works for me, if I miss a day I can really tell. I also have a shark air purifier! Winix is a good brand as well, we had one during covid.


Local honey.


Nasal wash every morning and every night


I get a kenalog shot if it’s really bad.


Zyrtec usually works for me, but there are times where Benadryl is the only thing that helps. Just sucks that it makes you drowsy, especially if you take two. I feel you, though! Mine have been bad the last two weeks.


If you're dealing with facial congestion, you might consider upgrading to pseudophed or flonase. If you're on blood pressure or heart meds you shouldn't take pseudophed though. 


Try raw, unpasteurized honey … like a tablespoon full of it


Try royal jelly , & bee pollen


Xyzal or it's generic if you can get a script. It is the next gen on the allergy meds. You just have to take it consistently. That and a nasal spray like Flonase and flush out your sinus with one of those Nealmed bulbs. Get one of those HEPA filter things for your bedroom and don't leave your windows open at night if you can avoid it.


Flonase in the AM


Talk to your doctor, not Reddit


I usually don’t get bad allergies but they have been SO bad the last few weeks that I spend ~5 mins every morning hacking mucus so bad sometimes I start literally vomiting it


Thanks for the help y'all! Pataday to the rescue, helped a lot!!!!


generic zyrtec, generic flonase, and a netipot is my holy trinity


aller-aid at good food store. its $30 but holy fuck it made my allergies go away instantlyyy


I’ve had, what I would consider, horrible allergies for about 20 years here. About five years ago, I started using Claritin-D, which is a behind the counter drug and it worked phenomenally. However, last year Claritin-D just didn’t seem to work and the other brands that never used to work, so I didn’t try again. Talking with some older locals, everyone recommended eating spoonfuls of LOCAL raw honey. Skeptically I did that this year because I figured I didn’t want the symptoms that I had last year, under any circumstances. I started with local honey this year, one scoop every single morning. When I say one scoop, I mean, one heaping teaspoon! And swallow with a glass of water to help get it down. I have had almost 0 allergy symptoms this year! Call it magic, call it Hippie medicine, call it what you like but for me it worked. Keep in mind it’s not just honey. It needs to be raw honey and it needs to be local to your region. Get as local as you can find. I just get mine from the local health food store. The thought is, the same pollen that is giving you allergic reactions is with the bees that make that honey. So the story is, you build somewhat of an immunity to the pollen by eating the raw honey. I’m not sure if it’s too late in the year to begin, as I started mine at the beginning of this Spring but it sure couldn’t hurt to try! Good luck!


Have you tried local honey? For real does the trick for me, but I don't often get allergies. When I travel i do, though. If I can find some good smaller farm honey from somewhere in the area, it takes them right away.


Been eating lots of local honey for years, hasn't helped a bit.


I don't know what to tell ya, it really does work for me




No it's not. It exposes you to the specific allergens of the new location.it straight up works for me. Every time. My wife will take allergy meds, I do this. It works for me.




You think those hairs of theirs don't collect all sorts of pollen they fly by? And this whole comment section is full of of personal anecdotes. Doesn't mean you have to be a dick. It clears my shit up. If you don't like that, ignore it.






This is cool. Do you eat the honey ? Tea?


Just eat a couple spoonfuls.


Natural honey can get it at any Whole Foods or grocery store I put it in peanut butter and honey sandwiches does wonders but have to be consistent with eating it


Oh nice can you get it at either of the Whole Foods locations in Missoula or just the one?


Any one of them:)




says who? You? It’s worked for all the people I have recommended I haven’t had to take an allergy med in years cause of this trick right here




It does work the pollin from the bees is why it works I’m vary certain if you look it up there’s going to be articles about why and how it works but we already know that your not going todo that and your just going to try and argue with someone who has been using this trick sence 10 years old




Well are you the OP? and also your the one claiming it dosnt work so I’d say your already not taking it anyways


Well are you the OP? and also your the one claiming it dosnt work so I’d say your already not taking it anyways


Benadryl when you go to bed, Zyrtec when you wake up. Flonase if you’re feeling congested or too sneezy to function. If you can see the air moving around you, stay inside if you can. It’s so bad out there right now, and even with my regular regimen I had a rough few days.


Whenever medications don't work I go to urgent care and get a seasonal allergy shot. Works every time.


If you tie a plastic bag over your head really tightly for like five minutes, it might solve your allergy problem?


Special!! 😡


Increased allergy sensitivity is a side effect from the Covid vaccines


iTs tHe jAB