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Oh Cori, no.




I wonder if there were ever any other indications that she's an insane zealot...


I feel like being from Missouri means there's a 60% chance of that minimum.


It's less, it just seems like that bc of the gerrymandering 


Other than her entire career?




She and her friends were just going around, meeting with people and praying with them as teenagers do, and she demonstrated that she POSSESSES THE POWER TO HEAL AKIN TO JESUS CHRIST?!?!


lol what did you really expect? we’ve all known she’s batshit crazy for a while now




Dr. Steve Bruehle everyone!


This is disconcerting. When I moved to MO years ago I was unaware that the Pentecostal religion was practiced in the present day. That was a wild new reality for me. Seeing this stuff crossover into progressive urban politics is next level wild. I'm gonna take a nap.


From wiki: “Early Pentecostals have considered the movement a latter-day restoration of the church's apostolic power, and historians such as Cecil M. Robeck Jr. and Edith Blumhofer write that the movement emerged from late 19th-century radical evangelical revival movements in America and in Great Britain.[23][24]” Pentecostalism is a present day phenomenon.


It gets better- All of the white famiilies that have run state politics in the past 50 years, probably longer, are members of the Assembly of God. They speak in tongues. I know, I grew up there and dated one of the daughters of a MO supreme court justice. The family invited me to church and I saw it with my own eyes.


The AG USA is headquartered in Springfield. Their seminary is part of Evangel University, prominent along the arterial Glenstone Avenue on the east side, and to show my age the campus is across the street from what was the Sweetheart paper cup factory many years ago. John Ashcroft's dad was the university president.


I went to college with state Senator/treasurer candidate Andrew Koenig and went to a couple church events with him, and he and his church speak in "tongues." The pastor also suddenly changed to a southern accent only when preaching and they gradually turn down the temperature in the church as the "meeting" goes on (they don't call it a church service) so that people get colder and are more likely to jump around as time goes on.


So, science.


Yeah, I married a Missourian from Jeff City. Stories of the Ashcroft's for sure. Blunt's too, but different vibe.


I grew up in Jefferson City which churches were the “weird ones”? I grew up not religious so I didn’t go to any of them.


I went to a church with my friends in high school. I didn't believe, but went because my friends did. I tried to be respectful, but I laughed so hard accidentally when someone started speaking in tongues, flopping on the ground and everyone around him had their hands in the air. Later, the youth group leader commented that SOME people just haven't felt the spirit of God in them like that. Religion really brings out a specific kind of crazy.


That must have been spooky.


I worked with a guy who claimed to know of a person who regrew a missing limb. I'm serious.


I moved back to MO last year, goddamn did I miss the weirdness. Passed by a sign coming down from Iowa that said "NOW LEAVING SODOM AND GOMORRHA" ahhh... it's good to be home.


I'm just so disappointed. Obviously our representative in Congress cannot be somebody who thinks that she can heal people with her hands. This is like that old senator on the Senate technology committee who didn't even own a computer. Except this is the common sense committee.


While I do not disagree, I would like to point out that most if not all Evangelicals if they were honest have some sort of "faith healing" story they can tell you. I certainly know my family does. Otherwise rational people say and believe wild shit when it comes to religion, but even if they don't believe it, they accept it as true, because it is sort of what faith is. The hard part is, you probably cannot, no matter how long or hard you tried, convince her that that situation didn't take place.


Then she is unfit to represent me.


Fair enough.


People love crazy for some reason.


Are the people who voted her into office, gonna love this though? Omg...maybe they will? I have no confidence in my perception of political reality in MO.


She is going to lose her primary. The guy running against her is very well liked and is up like 30 points in the polls. However polls have been wayyy off as of late. So who knows. But I think he will win and be on the ballot in November. Not her.


Maybe she's prepping to run for senate instead with this new appeal to the rural base.


lol, nothing surprises me. When I lived in Springfield I remember KY3 covering the snake churches. So who knows!


Watch her switch parties after the primary. ✅


MO has its pros and cons. Religion invading politics is a major con (in my opinion). I choose to focus on the positives. Easy access to fishing, camping, and general outdoor activities. Two fantastic mid-sized cities with lots to offer (I live in StL, but KC is great too). Great food, affordable cost of living, outstanding parks (StL has many). The seasons are nice, although spring and fall are sometimes comically short. In general, I like it here. But then I see things like this…and it reminds me about all the stupid things that I dislike about our state. So yeah, it isn’t as bad as people make it seem, but there are some epic dipshits here and unfortunately some of them got into politics.


I think it’s more of a “white liberals can’t comprehend that a lot of black people are socially conservative” thing. Which is also very disconcerting.


I get it. I'm connected to her personally, but can't divulge. I'd say she's definitely not socially conservative. But sure, some of her voters may be. Most of them are not though.


Fair. There’s just a very troubling strain of homophobia in the black community, and it’s mostly from a religious angle.


Laying on of Hands is an RLDS deal too. Religious republicans should be flocking to this.


It's an LDS thing too... not just RLDS.


Female pastors/religious leaders aren't popular with republicans. More of a black community thing.


Good point.


Should be flocking to this…….?


My daughter’s HS science teacher is a Pentecostal. Let that one sink in.


Are they the ones who do snakes and speaking in tongues?


Speaking in tongues is a common part of evangelical Christianity. Snake handling is much, much less common and is mostly found is small churches in Appalachia.


I like playing with snakes, I just don't understand how it could be considered a religious experience.


Tests your faith I think. It's based on a verse from the Bible about picking up snakes and them not hurting you. I grew up hearing that this verse isn't meant to be taken literally like that and the act tries to test God, but I feel like their interpretation is a logical extension of Christian fundamentalism.


It grew out of the Revival movement, there is a scripture about almost anything, if you do a little "interpretation", but you are right it looks a lot like a test of faith, and in essence probably is in some way. But revivals had to draw a crowd, give people a show, or they wouldn't come out, and essentially that is what this is, it is showmanship.


Evangelical Christianity would be too wide, Charismatic would be the better. I live in the toe-regeneration area of Missouri and even here "speaking in tongues" would be uncommon.


Interesting!  Hallelujah 


I'm sure I can cure your nap by putting my hands all over you........ okay, I'm seeing where health warnings on social media could be helpful. I SORRY MAN. I didn't know, I just didn't know until now.


It wasn't until I was an adult and dropped religion that I learned that pentecostal was weird to people. I thought speaking in tongues, laying hands, etc. was normal everywhere. Especially here in MO. Now, as someone who has changed everything I believe in, sees the crazy. I'm just glad I got out. I call it a cult because they have a grip on people, and there is no questioning them. Their beliefs are the only right way, and anyone who doubts is surely from Satan. That's why they can get into politics so easy here. There are so many who believe in this here, they will vote for others who do the same. As warriors for God.


Isn't she a nurse? I'm confused.😵




Last? Don’t you mean first?


the only religion that should be allowed in healthcare is Medicine.


No push back. No body gonna say "stop lying," or "you're making this up you didn't perform a miracle." This is how stupid modern day American media is. She just sits there and stares at Cory Bush...? speechless? That has to be the end of the interview right? I mean all credibility is just out the window at this point. Does anyone else here know what they are trying to pull?




You win this thread.


[I'm sure she would be welcomed at James River church where they can regrow toes with prayer.](https://showmethetoes.com/)




Religion fucks people up.


Oof. I thought she was normal.


I had the displeasure of attending a Pentecostal “rehab” program for 9 months. No exaggeration at all, they taught that a person could heal another person’s blindness, or disease, or any form of disability by laying hands on them and “believing” in the power of miracles. Dude preaching this even claimed they caught it all on Facebook live. I wish I was kidding lmao, Pentecostals are a delusional bunch.


Haha! And how much did that program cost you?


I was sponsored but the people who paid for it spent 15,000$. Lmao learned nothing of value


Jesus....$15,000 per participant...all tax free.


Nah, that didn’t happen baby.


She’s going to lose her primary, thank goodness. But one difference between Dems and Republicans is that Dems call out the bull crap and Republicans defend it. From hanging out with Nick Fuentes at his own f’n home, to miss MTG “Q is a Patriot” and the “Jewish Space lasers.” Dems booted Al Franken quickly to Katy Hill and her nudes. Republicans defend their bad behavior. Hell they still have their Hassler law in Congress after he molested two boys. Let alone their problems at Musicals in Denver to their so called conservative President that has had four wives, and at least two affairs while his wife was prego. We can go on and on here actually. Anyways Cori Bush will not be on the Ballot in November.


Not a STL resident so I haven't seen much of a pulse check on her race. I didn't realize it was going to be that competitive? Do you really think she will lose? I'm super curious!


Bell has some large financial backers and there is clearly a big push to unseat Bush from a few directions. There's a concerted effort from national organizations pushing for moderate Democrats to unseat progressives. Conservatives in particular (see user above) are the most vocal anti-Bush commenters. I don't think she is without criticism, and this is definitely an alarming development (despite it being from 2022) but I don't think she's nearly as disliked in her district, at least from folks I've talked to, as many comments on here would imply. I think it'll be a tight race regardless.


Most of the people really deciding between Bush and Bell are much more concerned about Bell just tossing his credibility to become the pawn of rich conservatives and AIPAC types. We see Bush for what she is — a reliable progressive Dem. She is who she is and I’d rather have someone who prays for healing rather than praying for the rise of fascism.


The SUV scandal was what really sold me on the narrative of him being ripe for being a think-tank neolib pawn. Just a flagrant disregard for tax payers. You can armchair justify his actions but it's different when you know people who work there. Can't say I'm terribly excited about Corey either but it's not my district anyway.


Exactly. I never said all of us are totally satisfied with Bush but again I’d rather have SOME progressive voices talking back to the moderates and ultimately caucusing together in the end. Blue dog style Dems have stymied the most basic policies. I know it’s not the Senate but I don’t see the point in electing more Manchin dems when it’s a very safe dem seat. That’s just political surrender.


So conservatives pray for the rise of fascism? Uhhhh what?


Project 2025. Look it up. Familiarize yourself with it. If it comes to fruition, it will be very bad for just about everybody in this country.


Yes there is a movement doing just that. Please try to keep up.


Her opponent (Wesley Bell) is taking all of the AIPAC money he can. They are spending $100 million on Democratic primaries this cycle, and have made Cori Bush and Jamaal Bowman their top targets. For those not aware, AIPAC is a hard-right pro-Israel lobbying group that is funded almost entirely by Republican millionaires and billionaires: [https://www.politico.com/news/2024/06/09/aipac-republican-donors-democratic-primaries-00162404](https://www.politico.com/news/2024/06/09/aipac-republican-donors-democratic-primaries-00162404) Wesley Bell is a complete piece of shit for enthusiastically taking their money.


Ugh. I hate that. I remember hearing about Bell positively previously but sounds like he sold out.


Bell had been running against Kunce in the Senate primary. But he was probably approached by AIPAC or DMFI (which is AIPAC's sister "Democratic" PAC) and was told that if he ran against Cori Bush they would completely finance his campaign. As the saying goes "when people show you who they are, believe them."




Nah, I'm conservative and I hate MTG and so does pretty much every conservative I know.


Well that’s good. Her, Trump, Gatez, the whole MAGA lot needs to go. Hopefully the Republicans can get back to normal. We were surprised how many Republicans volunteered for Mayor Pete and then Biden.


You suck for supporting Trump. And that's a massive understatement


Not a fan of his either, he's slightly better than Biden. I'm more than likely voting for Kennedy tbh.


>he's slightly better than Biden Yikes the mental gymnastics is insane. >more than likely voting for Kennedy tbh I rest my case. You suck so much


Why? Because I don't care for Biden or much of the democratic party? See you're part of the problem with society today. You can't fathom a difference in opinion.


It's legit the easiest election ever. Either you vote for democracy or you are supporting a Russian-backed piece of shit moron dictator wannabe. Voting for RFK Jr. is the same shit, too.


Lol no, There wasn't any wars under Trump. Biden couldn't wait a few months before being at the verge of WW3. Everything you just accused Trump of doing, the Biden administration has done 🤦‍♂️. Hypocrisy at its finest. Kennedy has been consistent for years. Im a conservative but I lean left on healthcare and probably align more with independents. I've voted Democrat before, and would do so again depending on who it is. Im not a "vote blue no matter who" type like you bud. I prefer to actually vote based off of policies that I believe in.


Same she’s an embarrassment


Yup exactly


Except there are Dems commenting on your post how they don’t care because “at least she’s…” St. Louis and MO politics are insane.


Ah, a Dem will win there no matter what. Republicans don’t even run in a lot of races around there. Especially in the city. The county is very Dem, but it’s gerrymandered for Ann Wagner unfortunately. She may have a chance of losing this time, but she’s better the MAGA morons. At least she’s normalish.


So you seriously think it's a good thing to have one of the few pro-Palestinian voices in Congress kicked out by some AIPAC-funded hack? In all honesty, who gives a shit about some dumb healing hands when literally thousands of lives are at stake?


That’s dumb, only Israel can control Israel.


That's factually untrue. Congress has been allocating money and weapons to Israel since the beginning of the war; money and weapons which have been used to slaughter civilians ruthlessly. If Congress had some balls and put a stop to this, then Israel would be left with nothing to destroy Gaza with.


No it’s not. They would do it on their own. Bebe already said that. Hopefully the Israeli people will keep protesting.


Netanyahu will say anything. That doesn't mean he can actually do it. He claimed they would "[fight with their fingernails](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israeli-defence-minister-tells-friends-enemies-israel-will-achieve-war-aims-2024-05-09/)" or some shit when Biden announced he would be withholding weapons shipments if Netanyahu went into Rafah. Literally [69%](https://www.timesofisrael.com/amid-arms-embargo-calls-data-shows-99-of-israeli-weapon-imports-are-from-us-germany) of Israel's weapons come from us; almost all comes from us or Germany; [Reagan](https://responsiblestatecraft.org/2021/05/24/ronald-reagan-wasnt-afraid-to-use-leverage-to-hold-israel-to-task/) was able to stop Israel from bombing Beirut with a phone call. The leverage we have is profound. Zionist stooges like Wesley Bell will let these shipments go through without blinking an eye. Please understand this; yes Cori Bush's "healing hands" statements here are dumb but the stakes are real.


Well that was a long time ago and has nothing to do with today. No, they will not listen to us. Bebe is a horrible person and is another Trump. We sell our weapons everywhere and give them to our allies. We also pay for Israel’s health care. Bebe is taking advantage of us while Iran, and Hamas is working with Russia. Unfortunately Palestine citizens are caught in the middle. UK never should have setup Israel in the first place. Anyways Israel will turn the West Bank in to a golf course. Cori Bush is another religious wack job. So f her too. Religious people are dumb.


My friend, I'm sorry but this is simply factually wrong. The US provides a great majority of Israel's weapons shipments; if we cut them off they would be crippled. There's a reason Netanyahu relies on/leans on Biden. And even if you're right, who cares? It's **still** no reason to continue funding them the way we are. And yeah Cori Bush is religious but what effect does that have at the end of the day? At least she believes in the right things. Wesley Bell and Lacy Clay are tools of the establishment who wouldn't lift a finger to help Palestinians. You can't deny there's no doubt about that.


What's next? Burning witches at the stake. This world is going crazy


What the actual fuck... Damnit Cori, I thought you were better than this.


Why in the world did you think that?


What would ever make you think she's better than self-aggrandizing nonsense like this?


annnnnnd unfit for office. Take that fantasy somewhere else.


So why doesn't she visit a hospital and cure some people. Maybe a children's hospital. Like St. Jude. This way she could do two things that would be wonderful. The first cure innocent children of these horrible afflictions ( and I really mean this), the second would be the effect on the family, the peace and relief.


A fucking disappointment. GTFO crazy Cori




Fucking religious zealots. Faith is not a virtue and it has no fucking place in government.


Jesus f me Christ. she went so liberal that she came back around to evangelical Christian republican…. I won’t be voting for her next time round.


Just because someone's a believer in faith healing doesn't mean they support tax breaks for corporations and guns in every classroom. Lots of Christians out there support progressive causes. Hell there's a lot that would argue any hardcore Christian should probably be a socialist.


I’m sorry but this is just cray cray. has no place in public service. I also don’t believe her 2 billion dollars for Missouri BS either. hiring her husband for security I was okay with because I would feel safer with someone I trusted by my side to protect me. What I said was more of a joke than anything though. the part about being a Republican Christian evangelical. The part I am not joking about is not voting for her this time round.


Religion is a social disease


It’s our greatest mental health and educational crisis rolled in to one.


Really Cori?


Wow, sounds like she's called to healing ministry! We'd better vote her out of Congress so she has more time to do this important work.


Literally a religious predator we are seeing right here.


Holy moly Oh. My!!


so Cori has gone insane...


she made the democratic party look bad tbh…


This is very odd but also only notable in the slightest because she’s a democrat. Guarantee there are 50+ GOP congresspeople whose churches speak in tongues and wrestle snakes and lay on hands and shit and no one cares.


Holy shit. What a freaking whack job.


Well that’s disappointing…


This is what the cult does in my town. They call themselves treasure hunters and go out to find people that need healing through prayer. They even tried to resurrect a dead 4 year old. Prayed over her for three days just like Jesus, asking God to bring her back to life. Wild stuff.


I honestly haven't followed Cori Bush for a while, so I'm surprised to see all the backlash in the comments. Has she done other stuff in her tenure to lose progressive voters, or are people mostly just reacting to her religiousness here?


This sub is full of centrist lib types. They are pro-Ukraine and pro-Israel dead enders, and any criticism of Democratic establishment types is met with full on apoplectic shock. This time last year, the same people that are now going all in for AIPAC-funded Wesley Bell were saying that Spencer Toder was the best choice in the Senate primary.








Cori Bush IS. A. GRIFTER. She doesn't need to be in anyone's public office. I hate that we elected her, I never wanted her elected. I don't elect public servants to sit on the ground and eat snacks and sound illiterate in interviews and get nothing done. Howww this woman still has people on her side boggles my mind. Y'all (because I didn't vote for her) never should have gotten rid of Lacy Clay.


At least she's a real person, who's passionate about things. Lacy Clay was just a mold of the establishment. No passion, no energy, nothing. Just a product of the political petri dish. Do you think he would be pushing back against a single one of Israel's atrocities in Gaza?


passion is useless without actions. She's a blowhard. But if that's all you want, good for you. Lacy Clay put his votes where is mouth is. If you needed something his office was there for you. He wasn't misusing money for security, talking about how he could heal people, and eating snacks on the Capitol steps. I see how people are easily hoodwinked. The bar is SO LOW.


>eating snacks on the Capitol steps Wtf is with your obsession over this? She was protesting homelessness, and people being evicted from their homes during a crisis. And guess what? **It worked**. Biden caved and put a moratorium on evictions in part thanks to her efforts. I'm sorry if her methods weren't civil enough for you. I think it's important to push the country in a progressive direction, which as I said, Lacy Clay did absolutely nothing for. Look at the issue of Israel alone. I think it's absolutely necessary to have members of Congress actively speak out against an ongoing genocide **that we are supporting**. Do you think Lacy Clay ever would have given two shits about Biden's actions here? Of course not, he would have voted along party lines to increase funding and aid every time it were up for a vote, because he's an empty suit. So she said some stupid shit about healing with her hands, at least Cori Bush showed some action on this issue. If you oppose genocide then who's the one being hoodwinked there?


No it didn't work. While she was snacking and keeping Lincoln company like a child, the grown ups inside worked through the negotiations that **SHE WAS NOT A PART OF**....because she stayed outside "protesting" and courting the cameras, all the while her peers were negotiating with Biden. She admitted that and it was reported. All her little stunt did was garner her attention for Newstalk shows. She also paid a fine, which is why that stunt wasn't pulled again. You are not an activist anymore, you are a Rep. vote, negotiate, don't pout and eat like a little toddler. That crap was embarrassing and now it's all she's known for. Oh and being all 'woo-woo'. She heals people now. Speaking of voting she's missed 142 votes which is higher than her peers. **Let's see what Cori Bush has voted NO on (these no votes of hers also went against her own Party**: **Law Enforcement De-Escalation Training Act of 2022** (this one...this one she has yelled about then when it came time to vote she votes no. such a joke) **Invest to Protect Act of 2022** - this would help local and tribal governments. H.R. 4118 - This bill would authorize Sec. of Health and Human Services to build safer thriving communities and save lives voted against expanding Title 41 to include computer related infrastructure projects, concerning semiconductors, AI and machine learning **Restoring Hope for Mental Health and Well Being Act of 2022** - expands modifies programs, grants and activities that focus on mental health. **Ending Importation of Russian Oil Act** to see full list: [Votes Against Party Majority by Cori Bush (D-Mo.) | Represent | ProPublica](https://projects.propublica.org/represent/members/B001224-cori-bush/votes-against-party/117) She is so unserious. You like her. That is swell. Idc, she's horrid.


>She admitted that and it was reported I have not seen this and doubt it, though if it's true then I will cede your point. Do you have a source for this? Besides which I'm not so concerned about her "woo" healing when we're talking about an active, ongoing genocide of which she is one of only a few congresspeople to call out. You know what Wesley Bell will do if he make it to Congress? Vote in favor of every dollar and weapon proposed to go to Israel. AIPAC is funding his campaign in the millions, they have bought him lock, stock, and barrel. Do you really find that acceptable? >H.R. 4118 - This bill would authorize Sec. of Health and Human Services to build safer thriving communities and save lives **Restoring Hope for Mental Health and Well Being Act of 2022** - expands modifies programs, grants and activities that focus on mental health. She literally [voted yea](https://clerk.house.gov/Votes/2022453) on [both of these](https://clerk.house.gov/Votes/2022281) bills. My friend, I'm sorry but it appears you have become so unhinged in your hatred that your own version of reality is being warped to suit your own narrative. >voted against expanding Title 41 to include computer related infrastructure projects, concerning semiconductors, AI and machine learning Yes, along with [just about half](https://clerk.house.gov/Votes/2022417) of the Democratic party, probably because AI and machine learning sucks. Though this vote is so obscure even I have no idea what it's about. Several of those bills you list also included "no" votes from other progressives, like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ayanna Presley, Rashida Tlaib, let alone half the party at times. Perhaps this is for similar reasons as to why many progressives voted no on the bipartisan infrastructure deal; because it stripped out many of the core features of Build Back Better which made the original bill so good. Obviously she did not just vote "no" on all these bills for the sake of it; there are reasons behind it.


That’s the “squad” they always vote stupid


If a republican said this they would be praised and it would reassure the “believers” that god is on their side. Yet since she is a black democrat woman it’s a BS story in their minds.


It's a BS story in my mind too and I'm not a Republican.


And the interviewer just lets her go on.


This is a red flag. I'm gonna be pretty consistent on my disdain for religious freaks, regardless of politics.


LMAO bat shit crazy is what she is.


Still not a raging Zionist like her opponent or really elected official in this god forsaken state of MiSSouri




She needs to get herself down to James River Assembly in Ozark and get more toes growing. https://www.news-leader.com/story/news/local/ozarks/2023/03/22/james-river-church-leader-says-woman-regrew-toes-during-a-service/70028744007/


She lost me years ago with the whole “Birthing People’s Day” instead of Mothers Day. What a quack.


"I know what's best for my constituents vote for me".......... jFc


Get this woman a job at James River Church STAT.


Ugh, why.


Oh my






Well we have her a chance now it's time to find someone else.




It's MO Bible thumpers run this state with their child brides LMFAO


I love that for her.


Couldn’t have cured her homelessness too while you were at it?


I live in Missouri, and I apologize for this representative of our state telling the bullshit story backed by a make believe religion. We don’t live in the real world anymore. It has been a movie sense 2008.


More importantly who is the Gorgeous Blonde. Asking for a friend


Margaret Hoover


We let too many people get away with too much bullshit. What a shame the government we live with


I live in Missouri and also think my touch and words can heal diseases and illnesses. Must just be a Missouri thing.


She couldn't cure a booger with a kleenex.


It was clear from day one this is who she was. By that I mean kind of crazy.


Definitely not a mental illness


Lazy reporting


Yet she still can't fix that Grand Canyon gap in her teeth.


Oddly, the AOG people where I lived, in small town Oklahoma, were the most fun. I even got out of a ticket once for rocketing around an intersection left turn on one wheel. right in front of a deputy. Got pulled over. I said I was late for Revival. He went wide-eyed and said, "what are you waiting for???? Get out of here!".


You think it can't get worse, and Cori Bush is like https://preview.redd.it/2xfw67w4ul7d1.jpeg?width=836&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4dae42f238e9beae006fd91d7c570fdacbeaa1a


…and the tumor lady just walked away and went about her day, never to be seen again… See, the Barracuda's the one I have triples of. Oh, no, actually, I also have triples of the Road Runner, too. But just those two. And your dad and I are the same age, and I'm rich and I have triples of the Barracuda and the Road Runner.


BULLSHIT!! If this had been real, they would’ve videotaped the whole process and sent the “ proof “ to Fox News. Lying sacks of shit.


There are few people on Earth less worthy of my vote than Cori Bush. However, I have no issues with her comments about prayer and healing. Is she lying? I don’t know. But I do know that God can heal people. People, try some love for a change.






It’s crazy here and we all just ignore it and act like it’s normal


Hey, feel my tumors!!!


How the fuck does anyone get behind someone that says some absolutely insane shit like this?


Lacy Clay was just a racist old crank. He was never this nuts.


Please stop voting for these religious kooks.


We have the opportunity to vote her out. Join us in our support of Wesley Bell.


She gonna need that $$$ to keep healing!! Donate!!


Even Josh Hawley doesn’t say shit like this 😂


Pastors along with irs and Vegas are nothing but scams.


Before you completely write her off, let’s test out her powers. Are there no scientists left among you?


she’s the second coming


God bless my fat ass


I like how the person she healed "just walked off never to be seen again". This way there is no verification that can happen. She already created her out when she told this story..


Gross. Tumors are gross.


“Unhoused” 🙄


Separation of church and state. Please separate this person from this state!


I dont necessarily affiliate myself with red or blue folks. they both have their value. they both have their issues and they both have some insanely radical lunatics with that said, how can anyone, as a blue voter, look at this lady and say "yep, this woman is ,politically, the answer to our problems" especially when many blue voters rail tje red folks for being overly religious or even religious at all? this is blatant pandering and if I had to wager, didn't happen at all she's shown herself to be a liar (show me a high level government official thats not) , a racist and a self righteous clown.


Welcome to Missouri