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Nope. Carlos Delgado didn’t even make it to his second year of eligibility, I’d be shocked if Stanton gets in.


And Stanton isn’t half the player Carlos was.


You would be shocked if Stanton hits 500 homers and gets in, or you would be shocked if Stanton fell short of 500 like Delgado and makes it in? Because I don’t see how you could be shocked for him getting in with 500 homers. He’s pretty close too, 417, and I think he can hit 83 more in the rest of his career.


You're assuming Stanton will hit 500. Given his injury history of the past several years and his age, I don't think that's a totally warranted assumption.


Delgado didn’t hit 500. If he hits 500 he’d be the only non steroid player to NOT make the hall with 500 homers.


No way … I watch him play every day.


Strikeout merchant


As if he gets 500 HRs that’s the magic number. He currently sits at 415 at the age of 34. As long as he plays about 4 more years he’ll likely hit 500. Once he does that, he’s in the HoF, no matter how many strikeouts he gets.


Not a chance … his overall contribution just isn’t HOF worthy and his cumulative WAR will be far below the typical HOF player … don’t see it. Soto on the other hand …


500 homers outside of the steroid era is an automatic ticket. If he gets there, he’s going to Cooperstown.


Took the Crime Dog too long to get in and he what ended at 494? And I don’t think anyone is accusing McGriff of roids… But could you imagine that helicopter swing on the juice? The ball would go into orbit


Nope Stanton is basically today's version of Dave Kingman he might become first non roider to hit 500 home runs and not make the hall just like Kingman was the first person to hit the "automatic HOF number" 400 home runs and not make the hall. Stanton right now has the same career WAR as Brett Gardner and less than Aaron Judge who has played 6 fewer seasons and has had his own injury problems that is how overrated and one dimensional Stanton has been. 58 players have hit 400 career home runs Stanton is 50th in career WAR among those players and it is really doubtful he is going to advance much he is currently on pace to record roughly 1 war this season and that will be his best season since 2021 he needs a minimum of 20 more career WAR to even be considered for the hof say he plays until he is 40 by some miracle he would need to average 3.3 war per season well he actually hasn't had a 3.3 war season since 2018 and in his 15 seasons has only had that much in 6 of them so saying he will have 6 more in his late 30s is well you can fill in the blank


Nope. You threw around a bunch of fancy numbers, but end of the day only 28 other players have hit 500 homers in the history of the game. Stanton will be in if he gets to 500.


A few years ago people debated if Nick Markakis and Starlin Castro could be the first guys to get 3000 hits and not make the hall. Stanton falls in that camp but with homers instead of hits. Numbers that used to be automatic aren't so anymore because of better analytics. Adam Dunn finished with 462 HR and received 1 HOF vote. *Not 1%, just 1.** Those extra 38 wouldn't have been enough to get him in there, and they won't be enough for Stanton. Stanton had the talent for it, but his body let him down.


Forget Dunn - look at Carlos Delgado. 470+ homers, higher OPS and OPS+ than Stanton, almost identical WAR, 3 time Silver Slugger, 4 top 10 finishes in MVP voting, and he was one ballot and out.


Same with Jim Edmonds.. 4 all stars, 8x GG. Top 3 CF for a decade of Jr's prime, and went out after one vote.


Edmonds got murdered by the ballot crunch. He was a victim of timing.


Adam Dunn was a 2x all star with a .237 career average. Stanton won MVP and was 2nd in 2014, a 5x all star with 2 SS. if he hits 500 HR he’s in. if he wins a WS with the yankees too, he’s def in imo


The question I was responding to was "is 500 HR automatic HOF" and that's what I was proving with that comment. 500 isn't automatic anymore. If 462 is 1 vote, there's no way an additional 38 makes up the difference - and that's the same HR range Stanton is in. In regards to all his other accomplishments: great, good for him. But he didn't have the longevity needed. Being really good for a short time or being meh for a long time usually don't result in the hall. Guys *need* a mix of ability and staying power.


Like it or not, pretty and round number milestones are heavily favored in baseball. 493 homers and 500 homers *DOES* make a difference to people even though it’s a negligible difference. It’s the “500 club” for a reason, and being even 1 short of that means you forever not be in that club. Delgado didn’t get in in a different voting environment and with a crowded ballot. Him, Lofton, and Edmonds all last much longer on todays ballot than they did 10-15 years ago. If Stanton gets to 500 homers, he’s in without a doubt. He’d have a WAR around 50-53. That’s beneath what you’d generally want from a HOF, but he has the accolades, he’ll have the 500 homers, and he was even arguably the best hitter in the league for a season or 2. Would go in as a Marlin too, which I’m sure some of these writers would give him brownie points for.


nah he needs 600+ to overcome how bad he is at everything else


Do you know any writers who vote? I’ve met a few … the guys who think like you are almost all gone. You need a resume, not a milestone.


Not the Reddit I know a guy poster.


Nope. The bar has moved.


The crazy part was he was on track till the injuries hit. Dodgers didn’t even play him and I was scared of the guy. I was so happy when he went to Yankees. Then injuries. Ugh.


For the 2 months of a season he's not injured


Hall of the Very Good…


"Hall of Very Good, Sometimes"


"Hall of the Very Good, Sometimes, Part Timers"


It’s far more possible than most of the comments here are suggesting, but I would require a healthy and solid back end to his career. He needs 83 HR to hit 500. If he’s healthy and doesn’t significantly decline in the next three years, that seems likely.


First, staying healthy and not having significant decline for ages 35-37 is an enormous feat in of its self. Then when you consider the players previous ability to stay healthy.  I think all the commenters realize the odds of that happening are incredibly small, that is all. It is not "far more possible than most comments here" Second, there has been discussion for about 2 decades now about the 500 HR line. The game has changed and a lot of people, writers especially see that as not being a guarantee anymore. It's a matter of when that happens not if.


The commentors aren't realizing that. If they did, the argument they'd be using is that he won't get to 500, yet they're all saying he'll be the first 500 guy not to get in. Show me a non PED 500 hr or 3k hit guy thats not in. I'll believe it when I see it.


pete rose (though your point is well taken)


Andruw Jones, who may be the best defensive CF of all time, has 434 career homeruns and is still fighting an uphill battle to get in. Maybe 500 homeruns is just that drastically different than 434, but I don't think so. Voters look at Jones and see a great talent that spent the back half of his career doing a whole lotta nothing, and I think Stanton will be looked at more or less the same (career trajectory wise, they're obviously not the same kind of player). Granted a hypothetical late surge that gets Stanton to 500 homeruns probably includes at least 2 good years to end his career so maybe in that case things would be different.


Mike Stanton for certain. Giancarlo Stanton certainly not.


I mean, Mike Stanton was pretty clutch for the Yankees and Braves in the 90s, but I don't think he's a hall of famers


Solid Lefty


Good pairing with Jeff Nelson


It’s gonna be one of those close ones where he either gets in on the third try or doesn’t


He is one of those guys a ring would really help. I know it shouldn’t really matter, but in cases like his I think it will, especially with a good performance or two.


I don’t think HOF voters give a shit about rings lol his best shot at the HOF is getting in the 500 HR club.


I think if he hits 500 Homeruns he's a lock to get in and if he doesn't hit 500 he won't get in.




There isn’t a single 500 HR hitter without steroid allegations that hasn’t made the HOF. If he gets there, he’ll get in. Probably not first ballot, but he’ll get in. If he flames out at 460, he won’t get in.


Only Ernie Banks has a lower OBP, who also has 1600 rbi and 2500 hits. My point is that there isn't a single 500 HR hitter without steroid allegations that hasn't made the HOF - yet. Edit: point being, there's nuance. Giancarlo will be such a trivia pull in 10 years.


Stanton has 417 home runs and counting. The only players with more home runs than him and no major steroid allegations who have been turned down by the Hall are Carlos Delgado (473), Adam Dunn (462), Dave Kingman (442) and Paul Konerko (439). If he has a few more years playing like he is this year, he could pass all of them. Could he still not make it? Maybe. It's not a sure thing, but I bet he does.


Notably none of them have #500. If he hits that mark he’ll get in. 90 HRs is very attainable for him still


Yeah I think he will get there. He will be 35 this year and is signed for another 3 years after this, and needs 83 more HR. Let’s assume he hits at least another 8 this year (and good chance he will hit more), would put him at 75 away meaning he would need 25 a year for the next 3 years which is very doable for him.


If he ends up with 500+ HR then yeah probably.


Even getting 500 HRs probably wouldn't be enough. He's offered nothing of value defensively or on the base paths his entire career. He will also most likely finish his career with a sub .250 BA. Reaching certain milestones doesn't guarantee your HoF chances like it used to. Voters look for a lot more now.


Who’s gotten 500 without steroids and isn’t in? Idk how you can say that voters are above milestones while also saying that voters are gonna care about career batting average for a power hitter


I mean, just because there isn't anyone now, doesn't mean there can't ever be anyone. Nelson Cruz has 464 HRs. If he got to 500, can you seriously say he should be in the hall? (If you ignored his own PED use, of course.) I don't know how you can. Adam Dunn got 462 and you'd be laughed out the room if you thought he was remotely close to a HoFer.


I don't know what people disagree with here. Dunn absolutely is not a HOFer if he would have slugged out 38 more dingers over a miserable couple seasons at the end of his career. We were lucky enough to avoid the discourse over Dunn, but I think Stanton has a better shot at 500 than the Hall, and I can't wait for the debates. Some folks are going to be hard pressed over 500 hr as an arbitrary plateau, and others will be able to see past it for what it is - an arbitrary plateau. It's only a matter of time that a homerun-or-bust player approached the famous 500 threshold.


No. Way too many injuries.


No way


No, a couple good seasons is not HOF.


His deal with Crowley expired.


If he didn’t have all of the injury problems, he’d probably be a lock. He’s much better than his career numbers suggest, but he wouldn’t be the first guy to miss the HOF because of injuries.


Dudes one the slowest, most strikeout non athletic dudes in the league. His bat speed is raw but everything outside that is mediocre besides his fielding which is ass hence why the Yankees DH him. Doubt he makes the HOF.


He has to get to 500 HR. At 500 HR, the only ones aren’t in are the steroid guys. To his advantage, he also has an MVP and a runner up. That gives him a little leverage if he’s short of 500 but has at least 475. That puts him above guys like Delgado and Adam Dunn


He has to get to 500 homeruns. No shot otherwise. He has the Andrew Jones career path without the amazing defense and look at where Jones is. He needs that 500+ to get there




Right now no, having a couple killer years then being injured a lot isn’t a hall of fame career. If he can get in that 500 homer club maybe


If he were to retire right now, no. If he gets to 500 home runs and 50 WAR, yes.


50 WAR seems pretty unobtainable at this point without another monster season that doesn’t seem to be coming.


He’s a little over 44 right now. If he’s even slightly productive over the rest of his contract (average of 1.5 WAR over the next four seasons), he could get there, but he definitely needs to improve his game to do so.


No way in hell. Too one dimensional. Even IF he somehow magically stays healthy for the rest of his career. He’s the second coming of Dave Kingman. Will probably get more votes for the hall than Kingman did, but same end result.


When did Dave Kingman win MVP


Dumbest shit I've ever read. Stanton has well over double kingmans WAR. Stanton has an MVP. An OPS+ 20 points higher. Not even comparable players.


Yea, it’s kind of revisionist history. Stanton might be one-dimensional now but he was a well rounded player in Miami and his first year in New York


Short answer No . Long answer Noooooo


He gets to 500hr and he’s a lock


Not yet. Check back end of his contract.


RemindMe! 10 years


Yes. If he wasn't made of glass.


More likely than not if he keeps up his HRs.


He’s not as old as he seems, should’ve had a better career, but he’s close to 500, if he gets 500 without steroid stank, he’ll be in…


I find his home runs to be the most impressive as they’re usually line drives only 2 ft off the ground the whole way becoming WMD’s in the stands


I would vote no. Career and peak WAR for Stanton is just above Darryl Strawberry. Both of those guy had HOF ability but, IMO, neither sustained it long enough. While WAR isn’t a perfect measure, Stanton trails Brian Giles by 6.8 and Jack Clark by 8.8. Both of those guys were good and memorable players but neither one is in the HOF. IMO, that is the tier where Stanton belongs.


i think if he gets 500 homers he should


If he hits 500 hrs


No, and I’d still like to chat with 2017 mvp voters


Marlins HOF, yes.




No. Although he is maybe a bit more than halfway through his career. Unless he returns to prior form, I don't think he's close.






No. I love him but no. Inconsistent


He was having a HOF career through 2018. But the last 6 seasons, he has only one year where he was a solid major leaguer. If the Yanks win this year or next year, and Stanton is a key figure in that championship, then yes. Otherwise he's on the outside looking in.


He doesn’t really seem like it. He may if he gets to 500 but he’ll need to continue producing into his late 30’s. Getting to 500 home runs would really carry quite a weight in consideration, but he also probably needs a minimum of 50 war. That number doesn’t seem very realistic at this point. Kinsler has 54 war and doesn’t feel like a hall of famer. I’m not sure just home runs gets a guy in, but we’ll see with him in 5-10 years, I guess.


Lol no he isn't close. He's in the hall of very good, but not HOF.


It's hard to predict the future. It all depends on what he does in the future, so we'll just have to wait and see.


Not unless he turns back the clock and has a couple of career years. Feels closer to Konerko and Adam Dunn than a HOFer.


Voters today care less about batting average and home runs than they used to. He has about 44 bWAR in his career. 4.4 since 2019 including 3.1 in 2021 so barely 1 in the other 4+ seasons. If he somehow gets up to 50ish bWAR that will be about/less than guys such as Ellis Burks, Fred Lynn, Ian Kinsler, Tony Phillips, Jack Clark etc. Some pretty good players with decent careers but not Hall of Famers. There’s only a handful of sub 50 WAR guys in the Hall and there are either special reasons (Koufax) or most people think they shouldn’t be in (Baines, Jack Morris).


not a chance he gets in




While he was with Miami, yes, he was on track for HOF. Since then the numbers don't give much support. A combined WAR of 9 for his time in NY is horrific - HOF players can have that in a year or year or two at most. A WAR of 44 is not at the usual 50-60 that is needed. Sure he could get his HR total up and WAR up, but I just don't see it. Shame.


He'd have to turn things around and keep going on high gear to make it. I don't see it happening


Absolutely not


Not even close






Right now? No. He has to finish his career with some major numbers


0 chance




Not at all


As of this moment I’d say no


If Scott Rolen can get in, I’m not sure we can ever rule anyone out, unfortunately.


Not yet but he has tons of different paths on his current team to make it. By the time he's up for consideration the goal posts to get in will have shifted and think he's kept his image clean enough helps (think future writers who get a vote will consider outside of baseball just as much as in baseball)




If he gets to 500 home runs, yes. Otherwise, it might be close.


No chance. Hasn’t done enough and running out of time






With his hits, RBI's, and strikeouts? He's gonna have to hit 650-700 homers.


He hits the ball hard but offers absolutely nothing else.Zero point Zero chance he gets in.Will struggle to get 25 votes total.


He needs 2-3 great years. No way he is now.


Depends where you set the bar. I’d rather it be high, so there is no question or argument whether someone belongs in the Hall of Fame at that level. Stanton is a no. Had a few great seasons, but not enough. If it wasn’t for his contract, I doubt he would have even been in the league the last few years.






Not even close. He could play for ten more years with his current output and still not even be close.


If he gets 500 HR he is yes, if not then probably not. I loaded up on his cards a few years ago cause I thought he was a lock for 600 plus HR, just too many injuries..


Let’s see how the rest of the contract goes - let’s see if he can contribute in October


Hall of the Harold Baines


No way.


Not without a huge resurgence in the next few years.  And even then, there's the "DH" discount on his stats.


no chance.


No chance.


We can argue numbers all we want, but the only one that matters is 500. If Stanton gets to 500 home runs wearing pinstripes, the BBWAA will vote him into the hall. He is the pre-eminent post-steroid era slugger and has never had any issues with the media. Can’t imagine a scenario where the writers don’t reward 500 HRs.


When he's healthy, he's a boss. We can clearly see it this year at his age (34). With this being said, if he stays healthy for a few more years, then he's in. At 415 hrs, he's 2 or 3 more full seasons away from the magic number of 500. In my opinion, I think he reaches this milestone.


Not even close. I like him but he’s not a HOFer.


Unrelated to the HOF discussion, how can you be athletic enough to have a handful of statcast exit velocity records and unathletic enough to run slower than a guy two weeks post-op from a double knee replacement? Edit to add: this is not a rhetorical question. I do not understand Stanton.


Stanton was on a HOF course after his MVP year. But then the Yankees took away RF, made him a DH, and changed his stance. His last five seasons should remove him from HOF status.


83 more home runs and he’s got a good chance. If he could add another 433 RBI to that, he’d be in some rarefied air and be a lock. If he retired today, I’d say that he would have a slim chance, if any. One MVP, two top 5 MVP, 5 all stars, 2 silver sluggers. He missed too much of his prime with injuries. But hit two of the three big milestones for batters without getting a steroid accusation, and try and keep him out. No one with 500 HR and 1500 RBI who doesn’t have a steroid taint has been left out.


Lol. Hell no. If he ever plays a full season, that’ll be his greatest accomplishment.


Fuck NO


depends on his longevity. if his decline is slow he’ll make it. if he has a sharp drop off before the contract is up it will be tough.


i’ll add that he has been nails in the postseason, if the yankees win a title or two and he’s a big part of it that will play a big factor also the HoF is a joke so who cares lol




Nope. Don’t think he gets in unless he reaches 600 homers or something


If he reaches 500 HR ge can go in, but that's more him playing a very long time at this rate


It's too early to tell, but so far, nope. Not even close.


Stanton was on pace but after the last few years and injuries i dont think so but there is an outside chance he gets to 500 but thats probably the only way


Here's a question, you need a great at bat in a big game. Do you want him coming to the plate?


He is the hardest hitter of all time, so he needs to be in baseball conversations, but injury and circumstances have held him from good/great to legendary


I think he'd need 500 HR but also a world series MVP




Absolutely not. Availability counts too.




Thought you were talking about Gus Fring for a quick minute.


He has 3 years on his contract after this year. If he can stay healthy he’s got a good shot at 500 HR. I think he gets in.


No. But is paid way better than most


I think he gets in. People are letting recency bias overshadow the great career he's already had. He's in his 15th year. He'll probably hit 500 HRs and may get to 2000 hits. The phrase "Stantonian" exists because only he can clobber a ball the way he does. If he wins a World Series and he retires with 500, all you keyboard warrior turn coats will change your tune.




No. No Yankee should go into the Hall until Don Mattingly gets in!! And that’s coming from a die hard Orioles fan!!!


I think he’ll be in the hall of very good. The only thing to his name is his power. He’s a DH, doesn’t have high career WAR, is injured a lot in the second half of his career. He’s a good hitter, but not a great hitter. The only DH to get in so far has been Edgar Martinez and he was way better than Stanton is now


Lol what. Hell nah


I think if he can get to 550 plus home runs for a career which is possible with him and the age he’s at I think he’s in regardless of the batting average and strikeouts. Especially with him being one of the most feared power hitters of his generation and how many majestic homers he hits and has hit in his past.












No, he’s known for 2 things, hitting and being a douche.


No. It’s that simple. Not even close.








Is your friend a Yank fan?


Totally a Yankee fan


If he hits 500 homers, yes. The only players who hit 500 and aren’t in the HOF are steroid users. Although i’m sure there are some who made it in who used steroids but that’s another topic. There are players who don’t hit 500 homers or 3,000 hits but they were so close to BOTH that they do make it in. But getting one of those would get you in guaranteed (barring steroids or gambling ban [Pete Rose]).


Not even close


Lol…. No


No, I don’t think so.


If he reaches 500 homers, possibly. Iirc, every eligible player who has hit 500+ homers and was not linked to steroids has made the hall of fame. So, if he reaches this milestone he’ll be in some damn good company.


Absolutely not


Not even close. Not enough of anything. Not closer in hits, BA, or HRs. Isn’t consistent enough since joining the Yanks. He is a bubble at best and won’t get the votes in the normal ballots


Stanton was on pace when he was with Miami and got that contract. Got an mvp, was hitting home runs at an amazing pace, and then the injuries. If he has a chance, and that’s a BIG IF, I feel like he needs to hit at least 550 career home runs, raise his batting average, double his current war and be a major key to a World Series win, and that’s just to be considered. I don’t think he will ever get in, but that’s not to shame his career. Dude had high highs, but it’s overshadowed by the low lows.


Not even close. The quality of guys not in the hall makes me feel like almost nobody should be in. Really wish it wasn't such a mess


I would be shocked. The media does love to hype him though and they are the ones who vote.


No way




Now I have to delete all the notifications on email and most say “no” “nope” lol


If Buster Posey, Don Mattingly, and Andrew McCutchen are “on the fringe” no way Giancarlo makes the ballot


Nope, way too many injuries. Phenomenal player WHEN HEALTHY ...... just rarely healthy


He probably does mostly because he plays for the Yankees lets face it his stats are great and he plays on the Yankees which means he gets more eyes ok his games




I don’t know what this Delgado comparison is about. Stanton already has the same bwar as Delgado, and there’s no reason to believe it won’t continue to increase. Stanton will likely hit 500 HR has an mvp and has a good shot at a World Series. His body probably held him back from being a 1st ballot - but he’s also probably getting in.




8 out of the 15 members of the 550HR club are HOF with Pujols a guaranteed 1st ballot 100%-er. The rest are alleged steroid guys. Stanton is 133 away from 550. Never been accused of steroid use. MVP with great postseason stats and a chance at a WS ring this year. Let’s say he stays healthy enough to hit 15 more HRs this year to bring his season total to 30(not unrealistic), he’d be left with 118 to that magical 550 number. He’s got 3 more guaranteed seasons on his contract before the Team option kicks in. 39 HR average a season on the guaranteed years isn’t out of the question but not probable. If you expand it just to the 500 club and the 19/28 HOF members with two pending(Pujols and Cabrera), he’s a shoe in for that. He’ll hit 500 within the terms of his contract and being that he’s never been accused of steroids, he’s in.


Lol no way


Can’t run at all. He’ll probably get in.