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The band wagon picks up many passengers along the way


So we’re in NYC (not for the game) and we’re walking down 5th avenue yesterday morning and ran into Miguel Rojas just walking around by himself. He was kind enough to take a picture with my son. He was even wearing a dodgers hat (the upside down LA one). 


Pantone 294 is an organized group that buys blocks of tickets and creates travel packages with hotel blocks for away games and Dodger fans can go and be around a group of like minded people. They go to away games all across the country every year, usually a Saturday away game. P294 had a group go to Korea in March. It is no different than an away tailgate party, tickets, and hotel block for away college football games organized through the university. More MLB teams should have fan groups like this.


Definitely! Mets have a traveling fan group too, the 7 Line Army. Usually a section or so of orange jerseys. Only org. that didn’t really like their presence was the Cubs, specifically the outfield bleacher crowd.


As a Phillies fan, I always hated the stadium filling up with NY fans when the Mets were in town.


Why do you hate other fans coming to your stadium? My most memorable interactions have generally neen being an opposing fan and BS'ing w local fans.


Ask Dodgers fans that question. Admittedly, they haven’t beaten anyone into a coma this year. Yet.


Lol Angel fans stab one another and that doesn’t get mentioned much… There’s gonna be gang members who are fans of STL, Detroit, NY & Houston too. Maybe fans of opposing teams in those areas know that you shouldn’t press dudes clearly banging a set.. LA has an active gang culture. Shit sucks and it sucks that gang bangers think it’s cool to act like the Dodgers are a gang but that’s got nothing to do w Dodger fans. It’s about gang culture.


7LA comes to mind.


When the Mets played my Twins at Target Field last year, my husband and I got tickets in a section just absolutely FULL of Mets fans. I can see how traveling MLB fan groups can be annoying, but the 7 Line Army folks were super fun and kind. It’s my goal in life to go to Citi Field when the Twins play the Mets in the future and do the same thing but in reverse.


I can see the bleacher crowd not liking it. For the longest time Cubs fans would at about 50/50 in Atlanta and they hated it. I don’t think it was as organized but I think those 2 groups doing it is awesome


So what does the Pantone 294 name mean? Also, where does the Mets 7 line army name come from? Braves fans should do this. We are everywhere due to TBS superstation. What’s a good name?


Pantone 294 is the actual color tone name of Dodger blue


Ok - thanks!


The 7 line subway has a stop on it fir citi field. So they are the 7 line army


Cool - thanks!!


I did not know this. Thx for the info, although I hate he Dodgers forever. Go Giants


Yankees fan experiencing what Yankees fans are like for every other fan base.


Yeah I hate how annoying away Yankees fans can be. There’s no organized parade tho. That’s what I’m curious about.


It’s not a parade. It’s a march into the stadium and why does it bother you?


It does not bother me at all. It would bother me to be a part of it. I would feel strange doing the march bit. Feels a bit over the top doing all that in someone else’s home. But that’s just me. So I’m curious how dodgers fans feel about it. Apparently some do find it weird. Do they do it at home games?


It’s fun and happens at every travel game whether you are with Pantone or not. All Dodgers fans are welcome and believe it or not, LA based Yankee fans were in the mix this weekend walking with us. That was the only weird part of it to me but hey we all had a great time! Let’s GO DODGERS!


No, it’s not that bad and really I don’t feel like Yankees fans have been as bad the past few years as they were before. I meant the comment as more so having an opposing parade come through your city and sit in your stadium en masse is kind of how it feels when the Yankees come to town. The Dodgers fans were trying to out Yankees fan the Yankees fans.


Yeah I hear you.


I'm an Os fan and I think it's cool as shit, people being brought together for a good time doesn't take place enough now a days Let em have their mini parades


Especially for a “good” cause. Rallying around baseball instead of politics or some other bullshit.


Exactly and the fans who hate it are probably just "too cool"


To be fair I think it comes from a soccer tradition and I see nothing wrong with that. So why should I let this bother me in baseball? Because it’s the Bums that’s why lol Actually it doesn’t bother me. I know our Niners fans do this too. I love sports traveling and I’ve been a part of several Giants buses in NYC. It’s just a fun way to go support your team surrounded with other fans. There’s nothing intrinsically evil about it.


People don’t realize how pro sports has become more and more far away from the fans the past few decades. There are numerous factors that go into it but if the fans of a team want to do something like this then it should be celebrated so long as there isn’t anything illegal or shitty about it


Agreed. Come together as a community even if just for a baseball game EMBRACE THE HUMAN INTERACTION


Don't stay quiet. I'm also a Yankees fan. Went to game 1 of the 99 WS in Atlanta decked out with my Yankee gear and face paint. We were <25% of the crowd but accounted for >75% of the noise talking smack on Braves fans left and right. The interaction I remember most was with a similarly enthusiastic Braves fan who came up to me, shook my hand congratulating us on bringing the spirit and noise while complaining that his fellow Braves fans were so passive/quiet to allow a home game to sound like a road/neutral site game. It felt good to take over an opposing stadium.


NYC brings people from all over the world who move there or visit. So naturally some Dodger fans are in The city There are probably generational fans who’s parents and grandparents were fans when the team was in Brooklyn Lastly NYC unlike most cities has transit. So if you hop of the 4 train and see fellow fans join in on the fun. Sports is meant to be enjoyed especially with other people. Hope those who took part enjoyed and made some friends. Definitely Cool.


The Dodgers are also just a really popular team with an international fan base in the second largest US market. You're not going to get the same away fan presence playing the Rockies or the Rays.


>There are probably generational fans who’s parents and grandparents were fans when the team was in Brooklyn Around 99% of those fans disowned the team after the move. It's largely the reason for the Mets' existence.


Oh no there is an actual organized parade of fans in each away city they go to. Thousands gather. It’s this page that organizes it. I forgot the name. It’s an established group. It’s not like….a random gathering. I think it’s called p294


Sounds like a version of the Barmy Army in Cricket.not a bad thing if it's done in a positive way 


Neutral observer that doesn't like either team... I think it's cool. The Mets' 7LA and Dodgers' P294 are two really fun fanbases. And the groups are quite respectful.


I travel to a lot of away games. I wear a Reds cap and cheer for them but I am not obnoxious at all and generally like discussing the game with opposing team fans. The Reds have not been a big draw for some time so generally speaking the stadiums are not full of either teams’ fans.


A team like the dodgers coming to town brings a higher attendance, both home fans and away. I can’t say I’m all that bothered by it when I would also choose to watch the dodgers @ jays game in person as compared to many other of the jays home games.


It's not the game attendance their talking about. Dodger fans do a parade outside the stadium with banners and flags. They have to do it during the regular season because they can't win in the playoffs


lol just like the padres, can’t win in the playoffs either. Speaking of parades, don’t you guys do one every time you guys beat the dodgers in April/May?


Atleast we make it out of the first round


At least we made it to the first round.


I find it comical. The Dodgers fans seem to think they are some "Dynasty." The dynasty Dodgers with that kind of championship during the Covid year. The Dodgers are paper champs. Usually one of the best 3 teams during the regular season, playoffs come and the *real* Dodgers come out. Chokers and losers. They can line up all these streets in opposing cities. It just makes them look even more pathetic. 1/2 Championship and they line streets in opposing cities. I think they are trying to do some mind trick on themselves and other Dodger fans and get em to believe the Dodgers are a dynasty and the baseball world should fear them. They're delusional.


And you seem to be overthinking this or taking it more seriously than it is. A pro team's success does not validate their fans nor does any amount of "choking" reflect the character of the fanbase.  The Giants could go 20-142 next season and I'll still be there in 2026 wearing orange/black clapping for whatever mediocre AAAA roster that they put on the field. Following pro sports should be fun...even silly at times. If you care are at all about baseball (and the fact that you are commenting here strongly suggests you do) you probably have a lot more in common with delusional Dodgers fans than you want to admit. In my experience, embracing and celebrating that common ground makes it more fun for everyone involved.


I get that it might be a little annoying, but when you get passed that, it's actually good for baseball to see away fans and teams that travel well. If you want baseball to just remain a regional sport without any truly nationwide fan bases, then I guess being reflexively annoyed by it because people are showing enthusiasm for an away team is ok for you. Btw, European soccer/football has consistent visiting side presence They do have designated away fan sections though.


I’m not against big away fan presences. It’s the organized parade I’m curious about.


Come. The Rays will always take your money. We’re used to other teams having more fans than us in the Trop. (Sadly)


I’m a Yankees fan in LA and I could never see myself going to one of these if it popped up. That being said, I don’t mind if fans want to do it, but maybe in a park and not a street take over? Either way it’s a fairly harmless thing, just glad to see interest in the game tbh


I've never seen it personally but if they aren't disrupting people's tailgates or fucking with traffic it seems kind of cool. Like a college football vibe at a baseball game. But I'm over here in the AL and maybe hit up 1-2 Cubs games a year so I'm rarely in a position to get annoyed by Dodger fans. I went to the Sunday Dodger game at Kauffman last year but did not notice the parade. We were tailgating right up to first pitch so maybe they went in another gate.


Just be glad it’s not the normal dodger gangbanger fans who make games in LA unbearable.


It's so fucking cringe for people to be excited about something and enjoy it. What fucking losers! How dare they! But for real, if they ain't hurting people who fucking cares?


That's the problem these days. Everyone worried about what's cringe what's cool and how they are viewed from he outside. I'm sure not one person in that group gave a fuck about the outside noise


Jorge Lopez didn’t hurt anyone, but people seemed to care


Well. I just know that the whole point of the marching part itself is to make the residents of the city (the home fans) uncomfortable and to flex on them. And Id feel embarrassed taking part in that. It’s not the same as a large gathering. It’s an organized march. So no there’s absolutely nothing wrong with it, but I wonder what kind of frame of mind you’d be in to want to participate in that aspect of it.


Okay, first, how do you know that's the intent? Is there an organized group that states that is their specific goal? It's just some sports fans walking down a street. And second, even if that is their super evil intent, if you are intimidated and scared of a non-violent sports march then there are some more important issues on your own life you probably need professional help with. Oh, no, a fan of another sports team is near where I live and walked down the street near me and maybe said something disparaging about my sports team. Noooooooooooooooo


I said there was nothing wrong with it. I don’t find it evil or scary. I find it strange. To want to impose like that. Idk why you are being so antagonistic. It doesn’t bother me. I just can’t imagine doing it myself so I’d like to hear from those who would do it. Professional help lol Jesus Christ dude relax. You sound really keyed up.


Why would this be considered negative at all? Let people enjoy their team. This kind of thing is common place in soccer around the world


Interesting. I didn’t know that


You know who doesn’t mind it? The home team whose gate receipts go up, bringing in that sweet, sweet cash.


Absolutely! The Rockies were not drawing fans until the Phillies showed up.


I say with people enjoy the Gane however they want to.


No, it makes the atmosphere better. I'm a jays fan and the dodger game felt different than the 5 other games I've been to this year


Inside the stadium or outside? Cus I’m talking about the parade outside


Dodger fan here. While I wouldn't participate in the parade, I have no problem with it. It reminds me of stories I heard about the Brooklyn Dodgers and their silly sym-phony marching band. All we need is an old lady with a cowbell leading the group


I think sitting in the away side for Home games is always fun and give you a taste of teams fans’ its usually a fixed bag but its more intriguing to me.


The March is weird for a random ass regular season baseball game, but the supporters groups are cool. I was there yesterday, thought the environment was great. Everyone was chill the whole game


I think it depends on where. If it’s in San Diego or SF? I can see that as annoying. But 3,000 miles away in the biggest city in the U.S. is a pretty big flex for a fan base.


I hate the dodgers. But I do like they travel and celebrate their team. Why would it be cringe to support your team en masse elsewhere? That’s silly. Europeans travel cross continent in droves to support their local soccer teams. More of this would be great in baseball.


Pretty fuckin' cool going into Yankee Stadium...


I mean I'd rather be surrounded by people like me and fellow fans of my team at an away game than be getting dirty looks and jabs from home fans around me every 5 seconds


Didn’t know that was a thing. I think it’s pretty cool. I think a lot of European soccer teams do this.


It doesn't bother me, but I do think they're pretty weird. I don't care if they do it, so long as they don't care about me laughing at them.


I dunno about cringe but it's stupid.


I’m a So CA native that lived in the Bay Area for a few years. I took a buddy (Giants fan) to see a Dodgers-Giants game in September during a pennant race. I was pretty quiet and composed; the only thing I did was wear my Dodgers cap. No parade. I had Giants fans sticking their middle fingers right in my face and saying “FUCK YOU!” and throwing shit at me during the game. My Giants fan buddy had to threaten to get physical with those assholes.


It's a word we're not supposed to say anymore honestly 


It’s baseball. It’s supposed to be fun. Anyone getting upset at fans having fun needs to rethink their priorities and take sports a little less seriously


I'm a yankees fan as well and see no problem with it


I don’t see anything wrong with it. I have no problem with opposing teams fans cheering either. Just don’t be an asshole. Fans are fans. The majority wanna have fun. You might even make some friends. I went to the Pirates Dodgers game this week. There was a strong contingent of Dodgers fans. There were 0 problems. Hell I almost cheered when Ohtani hit that bomb off Skenes cause there was so much cheering EDIT: Spilling airs


Cool. Why you mad.


Bring em to Texas. We love a good hassle. The most embarrassing thing I have seen was from Houston fans. Yankee base is huge. I feel like I M outnumbered at a Ranger game but haven’t really seen them to be annoying. I’m respectable when I visit other ballparks but I wear my team colors. I like to meet and talk to strangers more than anything and nothing beats baseball for that.


I'm ambivalent, it's not for me, but if it's fun for them let them do it.


The word cringe is cringe


Cringe is cringe is cringe is cringe is cringe. Either this is gonna be a cringe meme....or a cringe meme!


I can guarantee it’s gonna be a cringe meme.


Yup. Everything is so cringe, even the universe is cringe!


Tell me about it!


I think it was cool as hell. I went to the Bronx to cheer on the Dodgers as a CT Oriole fan. They packed the place. I would HATE it in the Inner Harbor, though. Like when Yanks and Sox fans travel to our beautiful park to shout us down and Yankee chant when they’re on defense or up by six in the ninth? That’s more cringe.


I just think it’s funny. I only ever see Dodgers and 49ers fans do this, and they just look like the most stereotypical / cartoonish versions of Californians you could imagine


im more annoyed with the dodgers antics on the basebaths than their fans. i thought it was great. It was like a niner or raider game at Sofi.


Cringe!! Can’t stand it


I don’t mind them. Saw them here in Houston the last time the Dodgers played here and I’m sure they’ll come again in July.


Yup Houston is next! We are going and marching there too!


You'd be embarrassed to support your team? You being present isn't intrinsically rude or annoying; it's expected.


Organized parade through an other city’s streets isn’t the same thing as being present at a game wearing my team’s jersey.


If the dodgers fans were gracious hosts of other teams’ fans at all, I’d be fine with this. What I really mean to say is, stop threatening me and trying to pick fights with me when I show up to dodgers games with my Padres hat on. The most surly, antagonistic assholes I’ve ever known.


As a non dodgers fan I think it is cool and I support it but only if they behave respectfully and with kindness and decency  I am sure it wouldn’t be too much to ask from people who live in a city named after angels 


They come to San Diego and do it too, but then again we’re only 2 hours away from Hell A


Dodger fans are professional asshats. They ARE from smelLA


Reason why I hate Dodgers fans: this.


It's cool but I suppose but it's a little weird hearing Dodger chants at home


From an outside perspective I think it's cool.


Chirped the shit out of them in Pittsburgh after Jones and Skenes won the series for the Buccos


Kept it respectful and so did they, no hate, go Buccos


super cringe. that group kind of sucks.


I like it! If the fan base travels with the team, good for them! Loyalty and support. My question is would they be doing that for a 4th or 5th place team?


People need to not be grumpy whenever people are having a good time. It's cool. Unless you personally were stuck in traffic behind it, I feel like you're just a grump if you don't like it.


Pantone 294 are definitely NOT bandwagon fans. Groups of fans buy the travel packages to attend games and those packages are not cheap. As a Dodger fan, we fully embrace Pantone 294! And a bit of trivia, Pantone 294 is the official shade of blue used by the Dodgers.


Ah thank you lol was wondering where the name came from


Dodger fan here...clearly. I can very much say a lot of Dodger fans don't embrace Pantone294, and that the Dodgers subreddit very much hates Patnone. Long story short there have been several incidents over the years that got Dodger fans in LA put off to them, most notably an incident where Pantone tried to make money off the death of Kobe Bryant and the way they handled that situation exposed how fake their fandom was. Unlike the Mets supporter group Pantone294 has no presence at Dodger Stadium because they can't make money at Dodger home games. They're a glorified travel agency larping as a supporter group.


https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://thinkbluela.com/2016/09/the-pantone-294-who-are-these-guys/&ved=2ahUKEwiRncvS78-GAxVBHkQIHcCMAWkQFnoECDkQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1_f5H-H7DHiEuxV-iMee-h The story of how Pantone 294 became the Dodgers traveling fan base.


Some people see fandom as supporting a team they like to watch. Some people see it as an opportunity to other and antagonize strangers.


I don’t have a problem with it. I enjoy interacting with fans of other teams provided they’re friendly. Do your cheers, carry on your traditions, have a ton of fun, and enjoy my city. Just be nice.


Honestly it seems kinda cringe even if it was at their home stadium.


They have nothing on the Phillies who are mostly locals traveling to the destination.


Kind of cringe. They did that parade in San Diego just to lose the series


Cringe 😬


Dodger fans are...just like this. Cringe in almost all aspects, and like to make their passion a problem. While I’m all for supporting the hell out of your team, Dodgers fans take everything to an extreme. It’s just the way they are 🤷🏻‍♀️


A lot of us consider them cringe.


Didnt the dodgers also start in nyc? Not cringe at all. Its what fans do.


They are the only fans that have an organized parade at away cities. Idk what you mean.


Many years ago, the Dodgers Booster Club made a trip up to Candlestick...well, some raucous Giants fans got a little carried away and urinated down onto them from the second deck.


That did not happen.


Wanna bet??


No. If you have something, go ahead and show it. The incident you claim happened, didn't; I can't prove a negative exists.


And you can't prove it didn't. I'll research when I have time. Considering I read about it in the Sporting Green I should be able to find something about it.


I can't prove a negative (as I've already said).


I'm doubting that you were even alive around the time that it occurred, roughly 45 years ago


lol. Yes I was. And it did not happen. Good luck with your research. lol.


So you do remember Garvey and Reggie Smith going into the stands right?


Smith, yes. Don't recall Garvey going though. Still has nothing to do with your lie about the Giants fans peeing on the Dodger fans.


Literally nobody besides Dodgers fans think its cool. It's actually super cringe. Don't look at my flair.


You show respect in someone else’s house. Lots of Dodgers fans don’t. Lots of people don’t. Go to the game and enjoy politely.


The pantones? Pretty cringe, lol


They did it at a Sacramento River Cats game I went to. It's really cringy.


Lakers suck now...they on to another bandwagon


Dodger fans are major cringe!! Awful, drunk, unruly, rude, arrogant, disrespectful, loud, aggressive & violent.


I hate anything the dodgers do If I was a fan outside of the nl west it'd be a different story


Big time cringe


it looks kinda cringe to me then again Dodgers were originally from New York 🤷🏻‍♂️


I didn't know you could concern troll about baseball


Before their recent road trip, I had never noticed so many Yankee fans in western stadiums (maybe because navy doesn’t stand out much, while white could be anything). There is supposedly an exodus of populous from NYC market. Also recently have noticed more Dodger fans in eastern cities. That could be an Ohtani bandwagon thing, or something else. All in all, IMO pretty rude to wear visiting team apparel to a game. I did so wearing Mets in Philadelphia. Caught absolute hell for it, but only blame myself.


How is it rude to rep your team? If you're being an asshole all game then yea, but simply wearing your teams merch being rude? That's ridiculous.


I get so much shit as a Braves fan living in DC. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had people try to start shit with me simply for existing as an away fan. I don’t even act rude or asshole-ish so I genuinely don’t get it. Last year I went to a game and merely cheered for Acuña and the guy in front of me gave me the half turn and shook his head. That’s a tame example but I’ve had people actually try to start fights with me 😭😭


Maybe can be disruptive in large enough numbers.  Pretty sure there was NHL team (does not matter if not MLB) that at least temporarily prohibited wearing of visiting apparel because of. Won’t bother me regardless now, as rather save 💰 and watch on TV.


Rude lol? Pretty sure you caught hell simply because Philly fans hate puppies and rainbows and, well, the Mets are trash.


I don’t think it’s rude to wear your teams stuff to an away game. Just don’t act like an asshole and it’s fine. I do find it kind of weird to wear your stuff to an away game if your team isn’t playing in it though.


I don't think its rude to wear apparel of the team you root for. Its obvious you're rooting for them unless you sit on your hands so wearing a jersey should be fine.


Rude? Lol jeez


Rude? That is the silliest take have ever heard of. I have worn Padre stuff to Dodger games sInce the 70's. The only shit I ever got was stInk eye from Lasorda. Why do you thnk it is rude? If you wear stuff from a team not playing, not even that is rude. Maybe dumb?


Hate the dodgers and their fans but I think it’s kinda cool