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They were in an era where the UFC actively avoided making champ-champ fights. Dana himself wasn't keen on it for a long time ([exhibit 1](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0qb5xo5LKhU) and [exhibit 2](https://www.mmamania.com/2009/08/28/dana-white-anderson-silva-is-too-big-for-georges-st-pierre)). When there were negotiations, GSP [stated](https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=634765114806708&vanity=mmafighting) he had two conditions for the fight - catchweight and VADA testing - and the UFC weren't keen on either. Jon was completely valid in asking for more money to fight Francis. The problem is that Jon, ever the hypocrite, called Francis chickenshit for not taking the 8mil deal when [he himself stated](https://www.mmafighting.com/2021/3/31/22360371/jon-jones-tells-ufc-8-to-10-million-way-too-low-for-francis-ngannou-fight-derrick-lewis-responds) that 8mil was too low when he was in the midst of a pay dispute. Jon also wants to fight a guy who hasn't won a fight in 4 years instead of unifying with the interim champ. GSP fought the lineal champ and when he didn't want to unify he vacated two weeks later so that the division could move on. Apples to oranges.


Silva lost his belt before GSP fought Johnny Hendricks then initially retired, and Anderson never got his belt back, but whatever don’t look a calendars or something


Doesn't that kind of prove the meme's point?


No it directly contradicts it


Gsp ducked silva for years, silva loses belt, GSP retired then comes back and goes up to mw for a cherry pick. Y'all are pretty much saying the same thing. Which I assume is why you failed to elaborate. No one said anything about belts, or Johny, so I assume.ypu threw those things in to fluff your non argument


Can’t duck someone you are not even in the same division with lol . It’s pretty different .




GSP fought all the juiceheads and beat them and he wasn’t chasing the middleweight title the opportunity just came up


Lol at the thought of everyone being on juice apart from him and lol at the oppurtunity coming up and Not GSP using his starpower to get what he wants. Whittaker was IC and had to sit out while GSP cherry-picked Bisping, Jones‘ title Shot was way more reasonable


1. "Whittaker had to sit out," no, not really. He tore his knee against Romero, he was out anyway in the timeline that GSP fought Bisping. But it is true that he should've got an undisputed shot instead of interim anyway. So, the essence of your point, that he was held back by the GSP fight, is partially true. - 2. "Jones' title shot was way more reasonable," what does this even mean? Literally nobody has ever said Jon didn't deserve an immediate title shot at heavyweight, the criticism is around everything else that has come after. He was right in asking for more money to fight Francis, but why then did he criticise Francis for not taking the 8mil deal when [he didn't want that deal himself](https://www.mmafighting.com/2021/3/31/22360371/jon-jones-tells-ufc-8-to-10-million-way-too-low-for-francis-ngannou-fight-derrick-lewis-responds)? Well, because we know he's a narcissistic hypocrite. GSP, knowing that he wasn't going to fight Whittaker, vacated the belt 2 weeks after winning it to not hold up the division. He didn't cling to the belt for a year and a half trying to get a fight with the washed ghost of someone who hadn't fought in 4 years.


☝🏼☝🏼☝🏼 Finally someone brings some facts and logic to the thread.


I mean yeah, but GSP didn’t also constantly call out Silva and go “actually YOU’RE the one running” once Silva retired.


True but everyone knew what it was, Bisping himself knew what it was, it wasn't just one big farce like it is now. GSP also didn't stick around after the Bisping win calling out Silva with a broken leg, claim he was too good for Whittaker and Yoel, trash whoever was p4p at the time in order to make himself look better and keep talking shit on twitter. He had the grace to get out and let the division keep moving


How to say that your parents are cousins without saying your parents are cousins:


Isn't every relationship incestuous if you look deep enough?


Bro… 🤯


I'm just saying.




They are both similar but that doesn't make it any better just because someone else also did it, like I can't punch someone in the face and get away with it "because that guy over there punched someone in the face"


... thats ... thats my point?


Personally I say they are both cowards and I could take them in a 2v1


If you’re seeing red my moneys on you


It's an easy win, first pay someone to knock on Jon's door the night before the fight and he will do something that will get him arrested and have to pull out, and then tell Dana that Jon doesn't want the fight to be a 1v1 and ofcourse he will do whatever jon wants, then ill call them both bitches online for pulling out


See that rouge dawg


Your "point" is idiotic. Jones sat on his ass for 2 years and jumped up the moment Ngannou left. GSP spent most of Anderson's title reign defending his own belt against competition that were, pound for pound, better fighters than the dudes Anderson fought. You are giving shit to a Champion for defending his belt. That's what they're supposed to do, fuckhead.


Oof. That first sentence of yours seems like a projection. If you had a legit point you could probably make it without getting tilted over nothing.


Ironic then, that you do not criticise the actual substance of my argument, but instead criticise its tone. Respond to the points made or fuck off.


Bc there are no relevant points. It's just you having a temper tantrum and coping. I'll do what I want, thanks. 🤡 Please, insult me more. I'm sure that'll "win" the argument for you, mighty keyboard warrior. <3


GSP was a champion of his weight class. A champion defends that belt against fighters of their weight class. That's what they're *supposed* to do. Jones wasn't defending his belt, he wasn't fighting. He was literally sitting there waiting for Ngannou to leave after announcing his return. That was my argument. Would you like to address it? Or are you going to continue ignoring its existence?


At least gsp i honest about it


The downvotes speak for themselves lol. GSP is in my top 5, but him coming back to beat Bisping and vacating before facing the interim champ Whittaker is the same as Jones fighting Gane, a decrepit Stipe, and ducking Aspinall.


Except he vacated the belt?


Because he didn't stick around to fight anyone else. And Jones was scheduled to fight Stipe before Aspinall became the interim champ, whereas GSP fought Bisping while Whittaker was already interim. Edit: yeah downvote away but don't reply, the usual


I mean spin it anyway you want, Jon not vacating is lame as fuck. If you’re the goat you should have no problem winning it right back.


What Jon is doing is lame as fuck, and so is what GSP did. I never said either was justifiable




Jones haters incoming. "But he cheated" like everyone in his time didn't. "But he is a pos" yeah we know that but we are here talking about fighting not who is the best ideal human to ever exist.


Jones fans when you ask him to not be a total POS when he’s one of the most heavily advertised people in the promotion:


Wow it’s almost like Jon Jones was injured